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vn – Website học trực tuyến số 1 tại Việt Nam

Khóa học Luyện thi THPT quốc gia PEN C –N3 Môn Tiếng Anh cô Hương Fiona


Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thanh Hương
Các bài tập trong tài liệu này được biên soạn kèm theo bài giảng “Women rights” thuộc Khóa học Luyện thi THPT quốc gia PEN -
C: Môn Tiếng Anh (cô Hương Fiona )” tại website để giúp các Bạn kiểm tra, củng cố lại các kiến thức được giáo viên
truyền đạt trong bài giảng tương ứng. Để sử dụng hiệu quả, Bạn cần học trước bài giảng, sau đó làm đầy đủ các bài tập trong tài liệu


advocate (v) tán thành

Age of enlightenment thời đại ánh sáng
child-bearing (n) việc sinh con
discriminate (v) phân biệt đối xử
home-making (n) công việc nội trợ
intellectual (a) (thuộc) trí tuệ
involvement (n) sự tham gia
look down upon coi thường,khinh rẻ
lose one's temper nổi giận,cáu
lose contact with mất liên lạc với
lose touch with mất liên lạc với
neglect (v) sao lãng,bỏ bê
philosopher (n) nhà triết học
pioneer (n) người tiên phong
rear (v) nuôi dưỡng
struggle (v) đấu tranh
civilization (n) nền văn minh
vote (v) bầu,bỏ phiếu,biểu quyết
prohibit (v) ngăn cấm

II. Structure and Phrases:

1. Play a part/ role in society: đóng vai trò trong xã hội
2. Consider N as N: coi ai/ cái gì như..
Consider her as the heroine: coi cô ấy như nữ anh hùng.
Consider N to V
Be Considered to V: bị coi như làm gì
3.Struggle for (peace) : đấu tranh cho cái gì (hòa bình)

Hocmai – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn: 1900 69 33 - Trang | 1 - – Website học trực tuyến số 1 tại Việt Nam
Khóa học Luyện thi THPT quốc gia PEN C –N3 Môn Tiếng Anh cô Hương Fiona

Struggle against (war): đấu tranh chống lại chiến tranh

4. Age of Enlightenment: thời kỳ khai sáng
5. Be discriminated against on the basis of their sex: phân biệt đối xử vì giới tính
6. Gain (significant legal) right: có được quyền lợi (hợp pháp to lớn)

The act of treating a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way from the
way in which you treat other people, because of their skin color, religion, sex, etc:
She felt she had been discriminated against.
In order to increase the number of female representatives, the selection committee decided to discriminate
in favor of women for three years.
Equal opportunities:
The principle of treating all people the same, and not being influenced by a person's sex, race, religion, etc:
The advert says: "We are an equal opportunities employer."
Equal rights:
Having the same rights, treatment, etc:
Girls and boys must have equal rights in education.
Equal status:
Having the same position in society
Women are fighting to have equal status as their brothers
Female headed households:
Female headed households are families taken care of by a woman.
Women in female headed households often bear the burden of ensuring household survival.
The belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power and opportunities as men and be treated
in the same way, or the set of activities intended to achieve this state:
She had a lifelong commitment to feminism.
Gender discrimination:
Refers to the belief or attitude that one gender or sex is inferior to or less valuable than the other.
It is unacceptable that gender discrimination is widely in use even in developed countries
Actions based on the belief that the members of one sex are less intelligent, able, skillful, etc. than the
members of the other sex, especially that women are less able than men:
The university has been accused of sexism because it has so few women professors.
Sexual harassment
Sexual behavior that annoys or upsets someone

Hocmai – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn: 1900 69 33 - Trang | 2 - – Website học trực tuyến số 1 tại Việt Nam
Khóa học Luyện thi THPT quốc gia PEN C –N3 Môn Tiếng Anh cô Hương Fiona

The act of keeping one group of people apart from another and treat them differently, especially because of
race or sex:
a segregated school/society
Blacks were segregated from whites in every area of life.
The right to vote in an election, especially for representatives in a parliament or similar organization:
universal suffrage (= the right of all adults to vote)
Women leaders:
Women leaders contribute to the development of their home country.
Many nations are governed by women leaders
Women empowerment:
Women empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social or economic strength of woemn. It
often involves the empowered developing confidence in their own capacities. Successful efforts must
target women empowerment.
Empowered women bring extra income to the family, manage the family resources and contribute to the
progress of a country.
The most important element in the empowerment of women is education
Women's rights:
The term women's rights refers to freedoms and entitlements of women and girls of all ages. These rights
may or may not be institutionalized, ignored or suppressed by law, local custom, and behavior in a
particular society.
Women's rights are seen as an imperative
Violation of rights:
The act of breaking or acting against rights that normally should be treated with respect:
She claimed that the way she'd been treated was a gross violation of her rights.
Women's participation:
The participation of women in the the development of a country.
Nothing can be more central in a development of a country than women's participation at all levels.
Women's exclusion:
The act of excluding women from something
Women's exclusion from political, educational and economic opportunities is a hindrance to women

Nguồn :

Giáo viên : Hương Fiona

Hocmai – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn: 1900 69 33 - Trang | 3 -

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