02 Activity 1

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Name: COMIA, ADRIANNE JOSE L. Section: B S C p E - 2 2 1

Date: Score:

Case Study: The Gaming Console

Edward, a professional e-sports gamer, is one of the lucky content creators chosen by Sony Philippines to
review the newly launched PlayStation 5 console in the country. He was informed that the product would
be delivered via XpressMovers, a well-known logistics company. In the past 10 years, XpressMovers has
had its fair share of complaints, though nothing scandalous like theft or the loss of products sold.

Before shipping Edward’s game console, an agent from XpressMovers had already sent an e-mail about
the company’s policy regarding refund, return, and other package-related concerns.

Edward was eager to open the package because he noticed that it was relatively light in weight when it
arrived. He also found a few men’s clothes inside to support his suspicion that the game console was

XpressMovers received a report ticket from Edward detailing his experience with fraud. Accordingly, the
organization reaffirmed that it intently screens and dispatches specialists to examine its merchandise and
added that as this was a remarkable event, a thorough investigation would be done.

Edward vented his rage by posting photos and receipts to social media. Weeks passed before the business
responded with the investigation’s findings. It was discovered that the delivery service employees were
unmistakably engaging in theft by switching out the items that customers had purchased.

XpressMovers also told Edward to remove his post because it tarnished the company’s reputation. Still,
Edward replied that he would only do so if the company gave him the gaming system, which was rightfully
his. Edward requested that the business comply.

Questions (3 Questions x 10 points)

1. If you own XpressMovers, what could you have done or said during the initial phase of the complaint
to stop the incident from spreading and getting bad press?
- If I were the owner of XpressMovers, during the initial phase of Edward's complaint, I would
assure Edward that his complaint is being taken seriously and a thorough investigation is
underway. I would like to convey my understanding of Edward's situation and extend my
sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused by the missing items. By ensuring that his
complaint is taken seriously by:
 I will provide regular updates to Edward regarding the progress of the investigation,
demonstrating transparency and accountability.
- Lastly, I will encourage Edward that if there’s a complaint, directly contact first the company
rather than expressing it to social media.

2. Do you believe that XpressMover is still liable under the law, given that the delivery service’s
employees are primarily to blame?
- XpressMovers might still be considered legally responsible even though the concerned
employees carry the primary liability. XpressMovers are obligated by law to protect entrusted
products as Edward's employer. This includes:
 Effective recruiting practices: Putting in place comprehensive processes to choose
reliable staff members.
 Resolving past complaints: Taking the necessary steps in response to prior
complaints in order to stop reoccurring occurrences.
 Training and monitoring: In order to prevent employee misconduct, proper training
and supervision must be given.
 Putting in place enough security measures to prevent theft and protect the property
of customers.

3. What law did XpressMovers violate based on the technology and entrepreneurship laws discussed in
this module?
- XpressMovers violated the DTI-DOH-DA Joint Department Administrative Order (JDAO) No.
1, “Rules and Regulations for Consumer Protection in a Transaction Covered by the
Consumer Act of the Philippines” it focuses on the protection of consumers who are
engaged in online transactions, especially the purchase of products listed on the Consumer
Act of the Philippines based on the laws discussed in module.

Rubrics for grading:


Content Provided specifically related answers with related 8
Organization of Ideas Expressed the points in a clear and logical arrangement 2
of ideas in the paragraph.

02 Activity 1 *Property of STI

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