RZ Africa Catalogue 2020-1

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Rijk Zwaan in Africa | Product Catalogue

Rijk Zwaan’s descriptions, illustrations, growing advice and any other information in whatever form for example on expiry,
sowing, planting and harvesting dates are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However,
Rijk Zwaan does not accept in any case liability for damages resulting from the use of such descriptions, illustrations, growing
advice and information. The buyer/user itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine
whether the products and growing advice are suitable to be used for the intended cultivations and under the local conditions.
The pictures in this catalogue show the types to which the varieties as mentioned belong and not all varieties as such.
These pictures do not constitute any warranty, express or implied, of crop performance.

Rijk Zwaan | Burg. Crezéelaan 40 | De Lier The Netherlands | www.rijkzwaan.com

Product Catalogue

Rijk Zwaan in Africa

Welcome to
Rijk Zwaan in Africa
Dear customer, now developing so rapidly. product development specialists. They
Those African countries with a growing are right at the heart of the market and
We are proud to present to you our middle class and those countries that are can give you expert advice, tailored to
new dedicated catalogue for Africa. already in an export position are showing local circumstances. We always refine
This catalogue provides an overview of growth figures higher than in many other and improve our assortment and services,
Rijk Zwaan varieties that are suitable for regions. At the same time farmers in based on wishes of our customers. That’s
the wide range of growing circumstances many areas are working to master the why we are eager to hear your individual
and market needs in this continent. basics of growing vegetables in the most wishes. With that aim in mind we would
Africa is the centre of attention right productive way for their local markets. also be very happy to meet you personally
now. More and more, companies Each country in Africa has its own story to at one of our demo fields.
and governments are discovering the tell and Rijk Zwaan wants to share in all
possibilities of this enormous and diverse of them. I wish you lots of success in choosing your
continent. Rijk Zwaan has been active in Rijk Zwaan realises that to suit all the varieties, and look forward to meeting you!
Africa since 2002 and we are pleased to different African markets, good varieties
see that more than fifteen years ago we alone are not enough. We work with a Edwin van der Klugt
established ourselves in a region that is team of experienced crop advisors and Business Manager Africa

2 Rijk Zwaan in Africa


Fruit crops
Fruit crops Leaf crops Information
Cucumber 14 Endive 39 Welcome to Rijk Zwaan in Africa 2
Eggplant 16 Lettuce 40 General Terms and Conditions and

Root crops
Hot Pepper 20 Marketing Statement 3
Melon 22 Others Our identity 4
Watermelon 25 Blanched Celery 49 Our mission 5
Sweet Pepper 26 Leek 49 Partner in every production region 6
Tomato 28 Radish 49 Rijk Zwaan Afrisem 8
Kohlrabi 49 Seeds for organic vegetable production 10
Rootstock Spinach 49 Safe use of treated sead 50

Solanaceae 32 Swiss Chard 49 Planting guide and Plant spacing 51
Cucurbitaceae 32 Corn Salad 49 ESA product specifications
Capsicum 32 for vegetable precision seeds 52
ISF resistance definitions 54
Root crops Resistance codes 56
Beetroot 33 Contact 58
Carrot 34

Leaf crops
Brassica Legend Rijk Zwaan icons
Broccoli 35 = High Resistance
Cabbage 36 = Intermediate Resistance
Cauliflower 38 = BlueLeaf
The BlueLeaf varieties offer the
grower a more healthy and green

crop in unheated cultivation.

General Terms and Conditions, and Marketing & Sales Statement

General terms and conditions are applicable to each order and sale of Rijk Zwaan and its affiliated companies. You can find these terms and conditions, as well as our
Marketing & Sales Statement via www.rijkzwaan.com and we will send our terms and conditions and our Marketing & Sales statement to you upon your request.

Product Catalogue 3
Our identity

Rijk Zwaan is a family owned company, established by

our founder Mr Rijk Zwaan, in 1924. The last decades
have been characterised by a fast international
expansion and an increasing role for research. The
current board of directors consists of Ben Tax, Kees
Reinink and Marco van Leeuwen.

Rijk Zwaan has a unique company culture, based on

our primary goal: to offer every employee an enjoyable,
long-term job with good working conditions. Part of this
culture is a careful selection when hiring new employees,
focusing on a good cooperation between each other and
involved employees. A key element of the Rijk Zwaan
company culture is an entrepreneurial spirit, with plenty
of room for creativity and innovation. We also stand for
friendly, open and clear contact with each other, and
with our partners.

4 Rijk Zwaan in Africa

Our mission

Especially for the last 25 years Rijk Zwaan

showed an increasing growth. This is
Together with our partners
not a goal in itself, it serves the wish of
management and owners to stay an
independent family company, for the very
we want to actively contribute
long term.
Rijk Zwaan grows because we see
chances. The world’s population is
to the world’s food supply
growing rapidly and the resources are
limited. These developments are reflected
to a greater extent in the African markets.
and stimulate
This presents both opportunities and
challenges. With our highly motivated
employees’ extensive experience and our vegetable consumption
numerous long-term collaborative
partnerships as the basis, we are keen to
make our contribution to a healthy future by laying the foundations
in Africa.

for healthy and

appealing vegetables.
Product Catalogue 5
Partner in every production region
‘Focus on the long term’

Rijk Zwaan is active over the The latest Rijk Zwaan subsidiary on the Trials and partners
African continent was established in In West Africa, growing conditions are
whole African continent, either
South Africa in 2015. The vegetable sector on the whole excellent, but the quality
directly or indirectly. Because the in this country is developing strongly. of cultivation varies considerably. The
That enables us to really work on chain potential of this part of Africa is huge,
differences between countries are
management now, which we already do since the greater part is still waiting to be
vast, Rijk Zwaan uses a segmented in many other parts of Africa and the rest cultivated.
of the world. Furthermore, Rijk Zwaan Rijk Zwaan is building up a strong
approach. Professional breeding,
South Africa will also be the base from distribution network in Africa. We have
product development and a which we can cover other countries in partners conducting trials with our newest
Southern Africa, supported by dedicated material, and we try to offer local services
commercial strategy is the base
distributors in several countries. and events supporting the customers. In
in every segment , supported by this way we are developing a tailormade
Specific varieties assortment suited for each country. The
professional advise, training, demos
In North Africa countries like Algeria varieties are partly bred in East Africa, but
and digital services. and Egypt have enormous potential. also in other parts of the world.
The Northern countries face challenges Of course, this also needs the right
. such as having to grow crops in saline varieties and those are partly already
soils, a situation for which Rijk Zwaan is being developed in East Africa.
developing specific varieties.

6 Rijk Zwaan in Africa

Quickly growing create a market for themselves, and are Development Specialists travel from
In East Africa Rijk Zwaan’s research and able to do so - growers who appreciate grower to grower, organise demos and
production facilities have been growing our professional approach and who communicate by SMS or other digital
very quickly over the last decade. In 2008 demand the same high standards for seed services to spread crop tips and to
Rijk Zwaan Afrisem was founded (see quality as anywhere else in the world. share successful approaches of fellow
page 8), as a breeding company. growers. In the long term, a widespread
Knowledge transfer network of well skilled growers, large and
Only hybrid varieties Choosing to offer hybrids does not mean small, will develop the huge potential of
Although we have opted for a segmented that Rijk Zwaan only pays attention to the continent. That’s what Rijk Zwaan
approach, in all regions we have very larger growers. Many smaller farmers see believes, is committed to and is working
consciously chosen to develop only the advantages of hybrid varieties and on.
hybrid varieties. Although the market for growing vegetables of a higher standard.
open pollinated varieties (OPV’s) is still Rijk Zwaan pays a lot of attention to
enormous, we choose to focus on the knowledge transfer to support farmers
long term. who want to grow vegetables in a
Growers who use hybrid seeds dare professional way. We do that through
to choose for serious investments. the activities of our own Product
Their choice also means that they have Development Specialists as well as
prospects of higher yields and better within collaborative projects like the
quality. We focus on growers who want to public-private project SEVIA. Our Product

Product Catalogue 7
Rijk Zwaan Afrisem
‘Active in Africa, for Africa

Rijk Zwaan Afrisem in Tanzania has Rijk Zwaan has been active in the African Tailored to local needs
horticultural sector for several years. In Like all of Rijk Zwaan’s subsidiaries,
been developing varieties specifically
Tanzania it started in 2002 with hybrid Rijk Zwaan Afrisem is located at the
for the African market since 2008 In vegetable seed production. Together heart of the target market. This enables
with the company East West Seeds, the development of varieties which are
doing so, we aim to provide the local
experienced in tropical regions of Asia, perfectly tailored to local needs, both
African horticultural sector in the key we took the first exploratory steps in the in terms of the climatic conditions and
market by testing a lot of vegetables for market requirements.
regions with many hybrid varieties.
suitability for Africa.
This initiative evolved and resulted in the
foundation of Rijk Zwaan Afrisem in 2008,
with the primary aim being to provide the
local African horticultural sector in the key
regions with as many hybrid
varieties as possible in the long term.

8 Rijk Zwaan in Africa


In addition to factors such as production

and shelf life, resistances to pests and Four crops, hundred people
diseases are especially important.
Resistances mean that fewer pesticides In only ten years the work of Rijk Zwaan Afrisem in Tanzania has resulted in
are used which not only results in cost four crops especially bred for growing conditions and market demands in
savings but also enables crops to be East Africa.
grown sustainably and the available Initially, Rijk Zwaan Afrisem’s breeding programme is focused on developing
farmland to be utilised more effectively. African eggplant, tomato, kale and hot pepper. In addition, varieties from
Rijk Zwaan’s regular assortment are being evaluated in terms of their
suitability for cultivation in the key regions.
Currently, RZ Afrisem employs around hundred people, including Product
Development Specialists, Sales Support Specialists, a Trials and Demo
coordinator a Chain Development Specialist and a Market Linkage Specialist.

Product Catalogue 9
Seeds for organic
vegetable production
Consumer interest in organic This increasing consumer awareness Enormous potential
At Rijk Zwaan, we regard the organic is a key reason for growers to choose In Africa there is enormous potential for
sector as a growing and profitable market to produce organic vegetables – in organic production. The acreage is still
over the next decade. In every part of the combination with their own intrinsic small (accounting for just three percent
world, including in Africa, consumers are motivation, of course. The two sides of the worldwide acreage of organic
more and more conscious of where their are closely interlinked; as ever-more agriculture, according to the FiBL Survey
food comes from and how it is produced. professional growers turn to organic 2016) but it is expanding steadily. At the
People are taking a rising interest cultivation practices, consumers continue same time, the demand for organic food
in healthy food, food safety and the to drive demand for organic produce. is increasing rapidly (with tremendous
environmental impact of their food. double-digit growth in recent years).

This presents an ideal opportunity for

growers to act now and secure themselves
a share of this fast-growing market by
switching to a more sustainable approach
to vegetable production. Growers often
obtain increased revenue as organic
vegetables fetch higher prices.

10 Rijk Zwaan in Africa

Rijk Zwaan - Experienced partner
Trying something relatively new can
be a risk, but not when you have such
an experienced partner as Rijk Zwaan
by your side. When you decide to start What do we offer organic growers?
organic production, you will be in safe
hands with us. Here are just some of the • Wide assortment of excellent varieties for organic cultivation
reasons why: • High level of natural resistances
• Organic seeds and non-chemically treated seeds
25 years of experience • Technical production advice and guidance
We have been working towards • Matching today’s markets
developing organically produced
vegetable seeds since 1992.

Product Catalogue 11
Seeds for organic
vegetable production
Wide range Strong crops Special attention
We have a wide range of vegetable We offer special varieties that have We breed seeds for the total vegetable
seeds which fully meet the organic strong vigour, are productive and, above market, but we believe it is important
seed requirements as recognized by all all, are resistant against many diseases to pay special attention to organic
European certification bodies and the and pests. All our vegetables for organic production. After all, the organic approach
NOP/USDA certification for the USA. Those production are characterized by a good demands specific varieties with good
seeds are organically produced. We also flavour, high quality and long shelf life, resistances plus alignment with other
have a broad range of non-chemically ensuring a successful growing season. consumer preferences. That’s why our
treated (NCT) seeds. We constantly invest We develop these based on our many breeders always take into account the
significant effort into further extending decades of experience and up-to-date specific wishes of this customer group
our range. knowledge of organic production in their selection work. For example, the
methods, the organic market and relevant Blueleaf cucumber varieties – which are
legislation. recognizable by their dark-green leaves –
have a naturally strong resistance. Details
of all the seeds that can be used in
organic cultivation can be found in our
dedicated organic catalogue which you
can download on our website. Go to the
following link: https://www.rijkzwaan.

12 Rijk Zwaan in Africa

Broad knowledge
Over the past decades, our company
has built up extensive knowledge about
vegetable seeds for African markets and Regulation
climates. At Rijk Zwaan we don’t just sell
seeds, but we also support our clients Rijk Zwaan is registered by SKAL and USDA/NOP, for products
with advice. Our crop advisors and (seeds) and the process (seed cleaning, sorting and packing).
product development specialists know all
about growing vegetables in Africa, about
switching to organic production methods
and about the special requirements when
growing for the organic market.

Product Catalogue 13

Cucumber Long

Bologna RZ F1
Cca/Ccu/Px (ex Sf)
• Long cucumber
• Average fruit length: 34 – 38 cm
• Heavy fruit
• Good plant vigour
• Strong against burnt heads
• Powdery Mildew resistant

Cucumber Long Cucumber Slicer

Boreal RZ F1 Massa RZ F1
Ccu Cca/Ccu
CVYV/Px (ex Sf) CMV
• Long cucumber • Slicer cucumber
• Average fruit length: 32 – 35 cm • Average fruit length : 19-24 cm
• Strong plant vigour • Strong growing variety
• Dark green leaf • Dark green leaves
• Very healthy plant • Good length/thickness ratio
• Small leaf type • Parthenocarpic variety
• Powdery Mildew resistant • Uniform fruit setting
• Highly productive variety • Bitter free

14 Rijk Zwaan in Africa

Fruit crops

Cucumber Slicer

Mydas RZ F1
Ccu/Px (ex Sf)
• Slicer cucumber
• Average fruit length: 22 cm
• Very productive
• For indoor and open field cultivation
• Dark green fruit
• Parthenocarpic variety
• Good vigour of the plant
• High quality fruit

Cucumber Mini Cucumber Mini

Larino RZ F1 Multistar RZ F1
Ccu/Px (ex Sf) Ccu/Px (ex Sf)
• Snack cucumber CMV/CVYV/PRSV/WMV/ZYMV
• Open plant type with short side shoots • Mini cucumber
• Small leaf size • Fruit length: 15 – 17 cm
• No side shoots development, less pruning required • 2 – 3 fruits per nodes
• Early variety with a good setting • Powdery Mildew resistant
• Small, uniform, shiny fruits with middle green fruit • Strong plant with medium size leaves
colour • Good fruit shape
• To pick in stage of 35-50 gr
• Tasty, crispy and good shelf life
• Average fruit length : 8-10 cm

Product Catalogue 15

Eggplant Round Eggplant Oval

Fantastic RZ F1 Sharapova RZ F1
• Round eggplant • Oval eggplant
• For outdoor production • For indoor and outdoor production
• Easy fruit setting variety • Easy setting variety
• Well balanced plant type • Well balanced plant type
• Uniform dark fruit colour • Good firmness of the fruit
• Very firm fruits • Nice fruit colour
• High production

Eggplant Long

Brigitte RZ F1
• Long eggplant
• For outdoor and indoor cultivation
• Well balanced plant type
• Good dark fruit colour
• Very productive
• Firm fruits
• Spineless calyx

16 Rijk Zwaan in Africa

Fruit crops

African Eggplant Round African Eggplant Round

Kerio RZ F1 (90-103 RZ F1) Limpopo RZ F1 (90-101 RZ F1)

• Bitter African eggplant • Bitter African eggplant
• Ribbed round shape • Round shape
• White cream colour • White cream colour
• Early and productive • Early and productive
• Good shelf life • Good shelf life
• High yield • Dark green leaves
• Good resistance level to insects and spider mites

African Eggplant Oval

Kazinga RZ F1 (90-205 RZ F1)

• Sweet African eggplant
• Oval shape
• Attractive white cream colour
• Early and high yield potential
• Good shelf life

Product Catalogue 17
Hot Pepper

Hot Pepper Habanero peppers Red Hot Pepper Habanero peppers Red

Lengai RZ F1 Afadja RZ F1
Tm:0 Tm:0
• Habanero pepper • Habanero pepper
• For outdoor and indoor production • For outdoor and indoor production
• Good uniformity and vigour • Upright growth habit
• Nice red colour when mature • Good uniformity and vigour
• Fruit shape slightly blocky • Attractive shiny red colour when mature
• Average length of fruits : 4.5 cm • Fruit shape oval
• Average weight of fruits : 13 gr • Average length of fruits : 5.5 cm
• Aromatic, high pungency • Average weight of fruits : 15 gr
• Maturity in days after transplanting : 50 - 55 • Aromatic, high pungency
• Adapted for long cycles • Maturity in days after transplanting : 50 - 55
• Good continuation • Early variety with high yield
• Early variety with high yield • Adapted for long cycles
• Good continuation

18 Rijk Zwaan in Africa

Fruit crops
Hot Pepper

Rijk Zwaan Habanero peppers – hot and aromatic - bred in Africa

Hot Pepper Habanero peppers Yellow

Loleza RZ F1
• For outdoor and indoor production
• Upright growth habit
• High uniformity and vigour
• Attractive yellow colour when mature
• Light green colour when immature
• Fruit shape blocky
• Average length of fruits: 5cm
• Average weight of fruits: 9 gr
• Aromatic, high pungency
• Maturity in days after transplanting : 60 - 65
• Good continuation
• Adapted for long cycles
• * For trial purposes only, not for commercial use

Product Catalogue 19
Hot Pepper

Hot Pepper Bull Horn

Boomer RZ F1
• Bull Horn type
• Light green colour
• Good fruit setting
• Medium hot
• Average fruit length: 20 – 24 cm
• Average fruit weight: 80 – 120 gr

20 Rijk Zwaan in Africa

Fruit crops
Hot Pepper

Hot Pepper Mediterranean

Habib RZ F1
• Mediterranean type
• Conical shape
• Medium green colour
• Good plant vigour
• Medium hot
• Good fruit setting
• Average fruit length: 15 cm

Hot Pepper Serrano

Mextizo RZ F1
• Serrano pepper
• For outdoor production
• Very uniform fruit shape
• Well balanced plant type
• Good production
• Thick flesh
• Good continuation in production
• Average fruit length: 10 – 12 cm

Product Catalogue 21

Melon Charentais

Grappelli RZ F1 (34-410)
Gc (ex Ec):1/Px (ex Sf):2,3, 3.5 ,5/Ag
• Charentais type
• Good fruit setting
• Open plant habit
• Concentrated and early production
• Uniform round fruit with good netting
• Good resistance pattern

Melon Charentais

Ellington RZ F1
Gc (ex Ec):1/Px (ex Sf):2,3,5/Ag
• Charentais type
• Orange flesh
• Good plant vigour
• Good fruit setting in various climate conditions
• Semi-concentrated harvest
• Uniform fruits size
• Nice netting
• Good brix content

22 Rijk Zwaan in Africa

Fruit crops

Melon Piel de Sapo

Mabel RZ F1
Gc (ex Ec):1/Px (ex Sf):2,5
• Piel de Sapo type
• Balanced plant
• Medium vigour
• Adaptable, easy setting
• Clear white flesh
• Excellent fruit quality

Melon Yellow

Ducral RZ F1
Gc (ex Ec):1/Px (ex Sf):2,5
• Yellow canary type
• White flesh
• Oval fruit shape
• Strong plant
• Good leaf coverage
• Average fruit weigh: 1.6 kg

Product Catalogue 23

Melon Galia

Alpes RZ F1
Gc (ex Ec):1/Px (ex Sf):2,5
• Average fruit weight: 1.1 kg

Melon Harper Melon Harper

Caribbean Heart RZ F1 (34-748) Caribbean Gold RZ F1

Fom:0,1 Fom:0,1,2
Gc (ex Ec):1/Px (ex Sf):2,3,5 Px (ex Sf):2/Ag
• Western shipper type • Western shipper type
• Crispy orange flesh • Orange flesh
• Strong plant type • Strong plant type
• Good fruit setting • Concentrated fruit setting
• Small seed cavity • Very homogenous fruit size
• Stable netting • Average fruit weight: 1.8 kg
• Average fruit weight: 2,4 kg
• High sugar content Melon Harper

Caribbean King RZ F1
Px (ex Sf):2,3,5
• Western shipper type
• Orange flesh
• Strong plant type
• Concentrated fruit setting
• Very homogenous fruit size
• Average fruit weight: 2.2 kg
24 • High sugar content Rijk Zwaan in Africa

Fruit crops

Watermelon Sugar Baby

Baronesa RZ F1
• Sugar baby type
• Round shape with dark green skin
• Strong plant type
• Very good leaf coverage and setting
• Good sugar content
• Average fruit weight: 4 – 9 kg

Watermelon Crimson Sweet Watermelon Crimson Sweet

Columbia RZ F1 Morgan RZ F1
• Crimson sweet type • Vigorous and early variety
• Round shape with stripes • Elongated fruit shape
• Good vigour • Dark skin and nice red flesh colour
• Good fruit setting • Very high yield and powerful plant
• Nice red flesh colour • Average fruit weight: 10-12 kg
• Good sugar content
• Average fruit weight: 4 – 7 kg

Watermelon Crimson Sweet

Yukon RZ F1
• Crimson Sweet type
• Oval blocky fruit shape
• Green fruit with dark green stripes
• Deep dark red flesh
• High and uniform production
• Good internal quality with high sugar content
• Average fruit weight : 9 -10 kg

Product Catalogue 25

Sweet Pepper Red Indoor Sweet Pepper Red Indoor

Pasarella RZ F1 Massilia RZ F1
PVY:0,1/Tm:0-2 Tm:0-2
• Red semi blocky pepper • Red blocky pepper
• For indoor production • Vigorous compact plant
• Easy fruit setting variety • Strong against cracking
• Strong against cracking • Average fruit weight : 200-220 gr.
• Good continuation • Broad resistance pattern
• Attractive shiny red colour • High yield of uniform fruits
• Fruit weight: 220 gr • High quality of colour and shape

Sweet Pepper Red Indoor Sweet Pepper

Starlet RZ F1 Red Jet RZ F1

PVY:0,1/Tm:0/Xcv:1-3 PVY:0,1,1.2/Tm 0-2/Xcv:1-3
• Red blocky pepper • Red blocky pepper suitable for green harvest
• For indoor production • Excellent resistance pattern
• Easy setting variety • Easy fruit setting variety
• Well balanced plant type • Very good plant coverage in open field cultivation
• Fruit weight: 240 gr • Good production
• Nice red colour • Short plant habit

26 Rijk Zwaan in Africa


Fruit crops

Sweet Pepper Yellow Indoor Sweet Pepper Yellow Indoor

Ilanga RZ F1 Sven RZ F1
PVY:0/Tm 0-3 Tm:0-2
• Yellow blocky pepper • Yellow blocky pepper
• For indoor production • Compact plant habit
• Easy fruit setting variety • Good vigour
• Fruit weight: 220 – 250 gr • Excellent and uniform fruit shape
• Nice fruit shape and colour • Average fruit weight : 190 gr.
• Medium long plant

Sweet Pepper Blocky Orange

Boogie RZ F1
• Orange blocky pepper
• For indoor production
• Easy fruit setting variety
• Average fruit weight: 185 gr
• Open crop type
• Extremely good quality fruit

Product Catalogue 27

Tomato Beef

Valouro RZ F1
• Beef tomato
• Indeterminate
• For greenhouse and open field cultivation on stakes
• Good continuation
• Strong plant
• Firm fruit
• Fruit weight: 180 – 200 gr

Tomato Intermediate

Leon RZ F1
• Intermediate tomato
• Indeterminate habit
• For open field or greenhouse cultivation
• Strong plant with good leaf cover
• Retains fruit size through the crop
• Good fruit uniformity
• Fruit weight: 150 – 180 g

28 Rijk Zwaan in Africa

Fruit crops

Tomato Plum Tomato Plum

Uwezo RZ F1 Monteazul RZ F1
ToMV:0-2/Fol:0-2/Lt/Va:0/Vd:0 ToMV:0-2/Ff:A-E/Fol:0-2/Va:0/Vd:0
• Oval plum tomato • Plum tomato
• Indeterminate • Indeterminate habit
• Good compact plant habit • For open field or greenhouse cultivation
• Good continuation • Vigorous plant with good balance
• Very productive • Firm fruit
• Attractive fruit colour • Good fruit uniformity
• Fruit weight: 110 – 140 g

Product Catalogue 29

Tomato Plum Tomato Plum

Jarrah RZ F1 Gamhar RZ F1
ToMV:0-2/Fol:0,1/Va:0/Vd:0 ToMV:0-2/Fol:0,1/For/Va:0/Vd:0
TYLCV/For Ma/Mi/Mj
• Semi-determinate plum tomato • Elongated plum tomato
• Good vigour and canopy cover • Short determinate plant Open plant habit
• Unicolour, firm fruit • Very productive
• Elongated plum fruit shape • Elongated, jointless fruit
• Fruit weight: 80-100 gr • Average fruit weight : 100-120 gr

Tomato Mini Plum

• Mini plum tomato
• Average fruit weight : 11 gr
• Deep red shiny fruit
• High brix level and sweet taste
• Strong against cracking

30 Rijk Zwaan in Africa

Fruit crops

Tomato Cherry Tomato Cherry

Fortesa RZ F1 Nancy RZ F1
ToMV:0-2/Ff:A-E/Fol:0,1/Va:0/Vd:0/Si ToMV:0-2
• Cherry tomato • Cherry tomato
• Indeterminate tomato • Indeterminate plant habit
• For indoor cultivation • For loose harvest
• For loose or cluster harvest • Balanced plant with good vigour
• Compact plant type • Good continuity in fruit setting
• High brix level and very good taste • Strong against fruit cracking
• Easy fruit set • Nice uniform red fruit colour
• Good continuation in production • High brix level
• Fruit weight: 15 gr • Good yield potential
• Average fruit weight: 15 gr

Tomato Cherry

Moscatel RZ F1
• Cherry tomato
• Indeterminate
• Good plant vigour
• Compact plant type
• Wide range of resistances
• Intense red fruit colour
• Well organised truss shape
• High brix level and sweet taste
• Average fruit weight: 15 gr

Product Catalogue 31

Rootstock Solanaceae Rootstock Capsicum

Shelter RZ F1 Foundation RZ F1
ToMV:0-2/Fol:0-2/For/Va:0/Vd:0 PVY:0,1/Tm:0
Ma/Mi/Mj Pc/Ma/Mi/Mj
• Not an interspecific hybrid • Strong root system
• Resistant to bacterial wilt • Compact, generative plant
• Resistant to Fol:0-2 (ex F3) • Nematode and pc resistant
• Medium vigour • Days from sowing to grafting: around 20 days

Rootstock Cucurbitaceae Rootstock Cucurbitaceae

Ferro RZ F1 Affyne RZ F1
Fom:0,1,2,1.2/For/Va For/Va
Fon:0-2 • Cucumis sativus rootstock suitable for cucumber
• Cucurbita maxima x C. moschata interspecific hybrid • Medium vigour with good generative effect and plant
rootsrock balance
• Suitable for cucumber and watermelon • Excellent affinity with cucumber varieties
• Very high vigour • Good grafting success rate
• High production with uniform fruits • Recommanded for substrate and soil cultivation

Rootstock Cucurbitaceae

Sphinx RZ F1
Fom:1.2/Px (ex Sf):2,3,5
• Cucumis melo rootstock, suitable for melon
• Medium vigour with good balance
• Good fruit setting in cold conditions
• Recommended for early crops

32 Rijk Zwaan in Africa



Libero RZ

Root crops
• Very smooth, round red beet
• Very nice external quality
• Small leaf attachment
• Adapted for fresh market


Larka RZ
• Reliable quality
• Red and round, good internal quality, dark colour
• Medium early
• Summer and autumn, fresh/industry
• Strong against bolting
• Very adaptable


Zeppo RZ F1
• Early, with quality
• Smooth, red and round, for early production
• Late spring and summer, does well in the heat
• Fresh and bunching
• Strong against leaf diseases
• Strong against bolting

Product Catalogue 33


Morelia RZ F1
• Nantes type
• Cylindrical shape
• Strong and healthy foliage
• Good uniformity
• Strong against green shoulders
• Around 110 days after sowing


Nantes Monanta RZ
• Nantes type
• Cylindrical shape
• Uniform
• About 115 days after sowing

34 Rijk Zwaan in Africa



Tahoe RZ F1

Root crops
• Nice curd shape
• Good in warm conditions
• Good uniformity


Product Catalogue 35


Toughma RZ F1
• White cabbage
• Medium vigour
• Round head shape
• Compact head
• Fast growing variety
• Good field standability
• Head weight: 1 to 2 kg
• 60 to 70 days after transplanting


Cilema RZ F1
• White cabbage
• Vigorous variety
• Light green leaf colour
Cabbage • High round head
• Compact head
Boleroma RZ F1 • Sweet taste
• Large outer leaf
• Plant vigour medium • Head weight: 1.5 to 3.5 kg
• Head shape round • 70 to 80 days after transplanting
• Colour waxy green
• Weight range: 1,5 – 3,0 kg
• internal quality: medium dense

36 Rijk Zwaan in Africa



Tacoma RZ F1
• White cabbage
• Flat round head shape
• Blue-green leaf colour
• Strong against thrips and fusarium
• Strong vigour

• Thin leaf layering
• Sweet taste
• Head weight: 1.5 to 3.5 kg
• 70 to 80 days after transplanting


Redma RZ F1
• Red cabbage
• Compact head
• Good field standability
• Intense red colour
• Head weight: 1 to 3 kg
• 75 to 85 days after transplanting

Product Catalogue 37


Moneera RZ F1
• Cauliflower
• Fast growing variety
• Upright leaf
• Good curd quality
• 55 to 70 days after transplanting


Casper RZ F1
• Cauliflower
• Mid late variety
• Very good leaf coverage
• Compact curd
• 70 to 90 days after transplanting

38 Rijk Zwaan in Africa



Avral RZ
• Endive curly
• Strong against bolting
• Strong against tip burn
• Good contrast of green and white
• High leaf density

Leaf crops

Korbi RZ
• Endive très fine maraîchère
• Finely incised leaves
• Good vigour
• Upright plant habit
• Strong against bolting
• Strong against tip burn

Product Catalogue 39

Lettuce Batavia Lettuce Batavia

Tourbillon RZ Invicta RZ
Bl:16-28,30-32/Nr:0/Pb Pb
LMV:1 • Batavia type
• Batavia type • Green colour
• Open head habit • For indoor and outdoor cultivation
• Good filling of the head • Suitable for hydroponics
• Strong against bolting and warm conditions
• Strong against yellowing
• Good for transportation

Lettuce Batavia

Impulsion RZ
• Batavia type
• Open head habit
• Good filling of the head
• Strong against bolting and warm conditions
• Flat bottom
• Good for transportation

40 Rijk Zwaan in Africa


Lettuce Batavia Red Lettuce Batavia Red

Novelski RZ Cherokee RZ
Bl:16-28,30-32/Nr:0 Bl:16,21,23,32EU
• Red Batavia type • Triple red Batavia type
• Strong against bolting • Strong against bolting
• Semi closed type • Thick leaves for increased shelf life
• For year round production • Bright red colour

Leaf crops

Product Catalogue 41

Lettuce Butterhead Lettuce Butterhead

Ballerina RZ Rex RZ
Bl:16,17,21,23,32 Bl:17,18,22,24,25,29,30,33-35EU
LMV:1 • Butterhead type
• Butterhead type • Green colour
• Shiny green colour • Strong against bolting
• Strong against bolting • Strong against tip burn
• Strong against tip burn • Large head
• Semi closed head
• Slow heading

Lettuce Butterhead Lettuce Butterhead Red

Faustina RZ Skyphos RZ
Bl:16,17,21,23,32EU/Nr:0 Bl:16-26,28,32/Nr:0
• Butterhead type • Red butterhead type
• Shiny green colour • Strong against bolting
• Strong against bolting • Strong against tip burn
• Medium-sized head • Attractive red leaf colour

42 Rijk Zwaan in Africa


Lettuce Cos Lettuce Cos

Ralph RZ Rincon RZ
Bl:16-27,29,30,32/Nr:0 Bl:16-27,30-32EU/Fol:1/Nr:0
LMV:1/Ss (Rs) • Small Cos type
• Mini Cos type • Very good early filling
• Intense green leaf colour • Attractive bright green
• Strong against tip burn
• Slow bolting

Leaf crops
Lettuce Cos

Maximus RZ
Ss (Rs)
• Cos type
• Nice green colour
• Good head filling, closed on top
• Robust variety
• Broad mildew resistance
• Strong against bolting

Product Catalogue 43

Lettuce Gem Green Lettuce Gem Green

Olite RZ Bambi RZ
Bl:16-27,30-32EU/Nr:0 • Compact growth
LMV:1 • Dark green colour
• Baby Cos • Sweet taste
• Dark green colour • Suitable for open field and hydroponics
• Very strong against bolting
• Strong against tip burn

Lettuce Gem Red Lettuce Gem Red

Rosaine RZ Alaine RZ
Bl:16-26,31,32EU/Nr:0/Pb Bl:16-32,34-36EU/Fol:1/Nr:0
• Red gem type • Red gem type
• Shiny red colour • Attractive dark red color
• Very strong against bolting • Well closed head
• Crunchy leaves • Strong against bolting
• uitable for open field and hydroponics

44 Rijk Zwaan in Africa


Lettuce Iceberg

Nomugi RZ
• Iceberg type
• Flat round head shape
• Slow head filling
• Strong against bolting
• Strong against tip burn
• Uniform shape

Leaf crops

Product Catalogue 45

Lettuce Iceberg

Cartagenas RZ
• Iceberg type
• Round head shape
• Good head filling
• Big head size
• Good against bolting in cold season
• Strong against tip burn
• Uniform shape

Lettuce Iceberg

Bruma RZ
• Iceberg type
• Round head shape
• Slow head filling
• Strong against bolting
• Good in hydroponic cultivation
• Strong against tip burn
• Uniform shape

46 Rijk Zwaan in Africa


Lettuce Lollo Bionda Lettuce Lollo Bionda

Levistro RZ Langero RZ
Bl:16-23,25,31,32/Pb Bl:16-32,34EU/Nr:0/Pb
• Lollo Bionda type • Lollo Bionda type
• Light green colour • Strong against bolting
• Flat bottom • Vigorous variety
• Strong against tip burn

Leaf crops
Lettuce Lollo Rosso Lettuce Lollo Rosso

Nation RZ Concorde RZ
Bl:16-20,22-24,27,30-32EU/Nr:0/Pb Bl:16,21,23,32
• Lollo Rossa type • Lollo Rossa type
• Deep red colour • Dark red colour
• Strong against bolting • Strong plant habit
• Strong against tip burn

Product Catalogue 47

Lettuce Oak Leaf Green Lettuce Oak Leaf Green

Kristine RZ Kirinia RZ
Bl:16,17,21,23,32 Bl:16-35EU/Nr:0
• Green Oak leaf type • Green Oak leaf type
• Light green leaf colour • Very strong against tip burn
• Good in various climate conditions • Relatively thick leaves
• Strong against bolting
• Strong against tip burn

Lettuce Oak Leaf Red Lettuce Oak Leaf Red

Vitraï RZ Mondaï RZ
Bl:16-33EU/Nr:0 Bl:16,21,23,32/Pb
• Triple red Oak leaf type • Red Oak leaf type
• Very strong against bolting • Intense red leaf colour
• Good in various climate conditions
• Strong against bolting
• Strong against tip burn

48 Rijk Zwaan in Africa


Blanched Celery Blanched Celery

Kylian RZ Stetham RZ
• Blanched Celery • Very upright plant habit
• Upright growth habit • Apple green stem colour
• Green stem colour • Long stems

Leek Radish

Matejko RZ Mondial RZ
• Medium long • Round red radish
• Early variety • For outdoor cultivation
• High yield • Uniform shape
• High uniformity of shaft length • Fine taproot
• Even transition from white to green • Good leaf size for bunching

Leaf crops
• Strong against rust and thrips

Kohlrabi Spinach

Eder RZ Antelope RZ
• Good plant vigour • Smooth green spinach

• Excellent inner quality • Babyleaf variety

• Upright growth habit • Dark green leaves
• Easy to harvest
• For fresh market, processing and convenience

Swiss Chard Corn Salad

Charsano RZ Cirilla RZ
• White stemmed • Corn salad
• Green leaves • Leaves are dark green and smooth
• Resistant against Peronospora and Cercospora • Round leaf shape
• Semi-savoyed • Strong against spooning
• For babyleaf and mature chard market • Good productivity

Product Catalogue 49
Safe use of treated seed
Advice: safe use of treated seed Before sowing Precaution icons
With the use of treated seed you must When opening seed bags and during,
observe precautions for your own safety filling or emptying of the drilling machine, Do not use for human
and the protection of the environment. avoid dust exposure. Avoid transfer of or animal consumption
On this page you find more information dust from the seed bag into the sowing
about these precautions. machine. Do not treat the previously Wash hands
treated seed with additional products.
In general
Do not use treated seed for human or At sowing outdoors Keep out of reach of children,
animal consumption or for processing. When using a pneumatic drilling machine, livestock and wildlife
Keep out of reach of children, livestock dust from treated seed should be directed
and wildlife. Handle seed packages to the soil surface or into the soil through Do not contaminate
carefully. Avoid contact with skin and deflectors. Sow at the recommended surface water or ditches
respiratory tract and wear suitable seeding rate. To protect birds and
protective equipment during seed mammals, treated seed must be covered Wear suitable protective
handling and equipment cleaning. Wash by soil, also at row ends. equipment
hands and exposed skin before meals and
after work. Remove any seed spillages. After sowing Minimize dust generated
Keep treated seed away from surface Do not leave empty bags or left-over at drilling
water. treated seed in the environment. Dispose
of them according to local legislation.
Ensure that left over treated seed is These precautions are prepared by
returned to their original bags and do not the European Seed Associationn,
use empty seed bags for other purposes. www.euroseeds.org

50 Rijk Zwaan in Africa

Planting guide
Species Seeds per gram Plants per ha (x 1000) Species Seeds per gram Plants per ha (x 1000)
Broccoli 250 40-60 Lettuce 850 - 1,200 60 - 120
Cabbage 200-300 35 - 50 Melon 20 - 45 8 - 15
Carrots 700 - 1,300 1.000 - 1.600 Mini cucumber 30 - 50 15 - 25
Cauliflower 250 - 300 35 - 60 Parsley 600-800 5 kg seed/ha
Celeriac 2,200 - 2,600 50-65 Parsnip 250-300 600-700
Celery 2,300 - 3000 100 Radish 120 3.500 - 6.000
Chicory 600 300 - 340 Beet root 90 - 100 500 - 600
Chives 700 100-120 Rootstock cucurbitaceae 7 - 15 2,5 - 10
Climbing beans 2-3 90 - 100 Rootstock solanaceae 300 15 - 35
Corn salad 280 - 350 2.800 - 3.500 Spinach 80 - 100 2.500 - 3.000
Cucumber 30 - 50 15 - 20 Spinach babyleaf 80 - 100 4.000 - 4.000
Eggplant 200 15 - 25 Sweet pepper 100 - 150 18 - 45
Endive 600 60 - 90 Swiss chard 100 80 - 100
Fennel 200 - 250 100-120 Tomato 250-400 15 - 30
Gherkins 30 - 50 9 - 25 Watermelon 10 - 40 2,5 - 8
Hot pepper 100 - 120 20 - 27
The number of seeds per gram is an estimate only and depends on the harvest and on the
Kohlrabi 200 - 250 80 - 120
grading of the seed. Plant density depends on the crop, the growing system used and the
Leek 340 - 440 160 - 200 growing season and may vary under different local conditions.

Plant Spacing per hectare (x 1000)

Between In row / Between plants (cm)

rows (cm) 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 100 125 150 200
5 4000 2000 1330 1000 800 666 500 400 333 285 200 160 133 100
10 2000 1000 666 500 400 333 250 200 166 142 100 80 66,6 50
20 1000 500 333 250 200 166 125 100 83,3 71,4 50 40 33,3 25
25 800 400 266 200 160 133 100 80 66,6 57,1 40 32 26,6 20
30 666 333 222 166 133 111 83,3 66,6 55,5 47,6 33,3 26,6 22,2 16,6
40 500 250 166 125 100 83,3 62,5 50 41,6 35,7 25 20 16,6 12,5
50 400 200 133 100 80 66,6 50 40 33,3 28,5 20 16 13,3 10
75 266 133 88,8 66,6 53,3 44,4 33,3 26,6 22,2 19 13,3 10,6 8,88 6,66
100 200 100 66,6 50 40 33,3 25 20 16,6 14,2 10 8 6,66 5
150 133 66,6 44,4 33,3 26,6 22,2 16,6 13,3 11,1 9,52 6,66 5,33 4,44 3,33
200 100 50 33,3 25 20 16,6 12,5 10 8,33 7,14 5 4 3,33 2,5

Product Catalogue 51
ESA product specifications for vegetable
These product specifications for The germination percentages mentioned Glue coating
are Rijk Zwaan minimum required figures Glue coating is a process which fixes the
germination of precision seeds,
and made up according to ISTA methods applied crop protection products in an
varietal purity of precision seeds and and tolerances. almost dust free manner to the seed. A
pigment may be added.
seed health requirements are based

upon ESA recommended standards. General definitions Germination

Germination figures relate to ISTA
These product specifications are Normal Seed procedures and are valid at the time of
not meant to be absolute minimum In general, normal seed has not been despatch.
standards for delivery. If the quality tests subjected to special processes. It is sold
of Rijk Zwaan indicate a lower quality- by weight and/or by count, depending on Varietal purity
level than given in these specifications, the product. Normal seed complies with Varietal purity rate is defined as: the
Rijk Zwaan will inform prospective seed EC standards. percentage of plants from a seed lot that
users. This communication is aimed at meets the variety description.
informing professional seed users about Precision Seed
the quality they can expect, so they can Precision seed has been subjected to
make their own assessment and decide if additional processes. It has a uniform size ESA recommendation on
these seeds meet their requirements. and high germination. Precision seed is seed health requirements
sold by count.
In order to supply sufficiently healthy
ESA vegetable seed Priming vegetable seeds and in order to meet
product specifications Priming is defined as an activation of the the requirements of EU Council Directive
germination process with the purpose to 2002/55/EC, Rijk Zwaan uses various
Vegetable growing has become a highly obtain faster or more uniform emergence disease risk management strategies to
specialized and intensive activity. As a after sowing. Primed seed is sold by prevent and control seed transmitted
result of the ever increasing demand for count. diseases. These may include and are not
better quality, vegetable growers and limited to seed health testing programs,
plant raisers require an improved quality Pelleting protected seed production, field
of the basic material. Pelleting is defined as the process of inspections, seed treatments and other
The demand for specific seed forms and changing the seed form by covering it effective seed disinfection methods.
more information about seed quality has with a material, the main purpose being
strongly increased to better influence to improve uniformity of size and shape ISHI-VEG has developed the Manual of
emergence and required number of resulting in improved sowing ability. Also Seed Health Testing Methods, which
plants. additional ingredients may be added. includes state of the art seed health
Pelleted seed is sold by count. testing protocols. Rijk Zwaan follows the
Seed is a natural product. The often ISHI-VEG recommended minimum sizes
varying environmental conditions thus Film coating of a representative sample for seed health
influence final results. It is therefore often Film coating is a full covering, usually testing.
not possible to give detailed information pigmented layer, around the seed.
about emergence and other physical The original seed form remains intact. Information regarding the ISHI-VEG seed
seed characteristics. To meet the wishes Additional ingredients may be added. health test protocols and recommended
of clients as much as possible Rijk Zwaan Film coating treatments that contain minimum sample sizes can be found at:
has made up quality standards for the insecticides are normally identifiable by http://www.worldseed.org/isf/ishi_
various seed categories. colour coding. Film coated seed is sold by vegetable.html

52 Rijk Zwaan in Africa

precision seeds
ESA product specifications for varietal purity
of precision seeds
Minimum % varietal purity for
precision seeds
Brassica 93
Cucumber indoor 99
Cucumber outdoor (excluding pollinators) 98
Cucumber indoor pickling (excluding pollinators) 98
Cucumber outdoor pickling (excluding pollinators) 98
Eggplant 98
Lettuce (Butter head, Batavia, Iceberg, Cos) 98
Lettuce (other types) 95
Melon 98
Watermelon 98
Pepper 97
Squash 97
Tomato fresh 98

ESA product specifications of precision seed and pellets

Crop Precision seed Pellets Crop Precision seed Pellets
Brassica Leek
germination 90% OP germination 90% 90%
seed size gradation 0,20/0,25 mm F1 germination 85% 85%
seed size gradation 0,20/0,25 mm
Climbing Bean
germination 95% Lettuce
Butter head, Batavia, Iceberg, Cos
Beetroot (monogerm)
germination 93% 95%
germination 80%
other types
Beetroot (multigerm) germination 93% 95%
germination 90%
seed size gradation 0,50 mm
Charentais type
Carrot germination 95%
germination 85% Other types
seed size gradation 0,20/0,25 mm germination 90%
Celery/Celeriac Parsley
germination 90% 90% germination 87%
Chicory Witloof seed size gradation 0,20/0,25 mm
germination 85% 85% Radish
seed size gradation 0,20/0,25 mm germination 92%
Corn Salad seed size gradation 0,20/0,25 mm
germination 85% Spinach
seed size gradation 0,20/0,25 mm germination 85%
Cucumber seed size gradation 0,75 mm
indoor, germination 92% Sweet/Hot pepper
outdoor, germination 92% germination 90%
indoor pickling, germination 92%
outdoor pickling, germination 88%
germination 92%
germination 90%
germination 92%
germination 90% 92%
normal type
Fennel germination 90%
germination 90% 90% seedless type
seed size gradation 0,20/0,50 mm germination 85%

Product Catalogue 53
ISF resistance definitions
Definition of the Terms Describing 1. Introduction Pests are known to develop and form
The relationship between a plant and new biotypes, pathotypes, races or
the Reaction of Plants to Pests1 for
a pest is very complex. The terms that strains that can cause disease in or
the Vegetable Seed Industry describe the reaction of a plant variety damage to plants that remain unaffected
to a pest are determined by tests with by the original form of the pest.
(Adopted by the ISF Vegetable and
known and characterized biotypes,
Ornamental Crops Section in May 2017) pathotypes, races or strains of the pest To promote consistency in the terms
in question. used to describe the reaction of a plant
to a pest, ISF Vegetable and
In practice however, the ability of a pest Ornamental Crops Section has defined
to cause disease in or damage to a plant the following terms.
depends on environmental conditions,
the properties of the organism itself and
the capacity of the plant to defend itself.
Plant varieties within a species can differ
in their ability to defend themselves.
Under different conditions, such as age
of the plant, pest pressure and degree
of virulence or adverse environmental
conditions, the interaction between the
same plant variety and pest may have
different outcomes.

54 Rijk Zwaan in Africa

2. Definitions • Intermediate Resistance (IR): plant If no biotypes, pathotypes, races or
Susceptibility is the inability of a plant varieties that restrict the growth and/ strains are specified in the resistance
variety to restrict the growth and/or or development of the specified pest claim for the variety, it is because no
development of a specified pest. and/or the damage it causes but may generally accepted classification of the
Resistance is the ability of a plant exhibit a greater range of symptoms cited pest by biotype, pathotype, race
variety to restrict the growth and/or or damage compared to high resistant or strain exists. In this case resistance is
development of a specified pest varieties. Intermediate resistant plant only claimed against certain not further
and/or the damage it causes when varieties will still show less severe specified isolates of that pathogen. New
compared to susceptible plant varieties symptoms or damage than susceptible biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains
under similar environmental plant varieties when grown under that may emerge are not covered by the
conditions and pest pressure. similar environmental conditions and/ original resistance claim.
or pest pressure.
Resistant varieties may exhibit some Immunity: is when a plant is not subject
disease symptoms or damage under Varieties claiming the same level of to attack or infection by a specified pest.
heavy pest pressure. Two levels of resistance against a specific pest may
resistance are defined. exhibit a different resistance response
due to a different genetic makeup of a FAO defines a pest as: Any species, strain

or biotype of plant, animal or pathogenic

• High Resistance (HR): plant varieties variety.
agent injurious to plants or plant products.
that highly restrict the growth and/or http://www.fao.org/docrep/W3587E/w3587e01.htm
development of the specified pest and/or It is to be noted that if a resistance is Pathogens (microorganisms such as bacteria,
the damage it causes under normal pest claimed in a plant variety it is limited to viruses and fungi that cause a disease) are,
therefore, included in the term “pest”.
pressure when compared to susceptible the specified biotypes, pathotypes, races
varieties. These plant varieties may, or strains of the pest.
however, exhibit some symptoms or
damage under heavy pest pressure.

Product Catalogue 55
Resistance codes
Cucumber Hot Pepper Sweet Pepper
Cca = Corynespora cassiicola Tm:0 = TMV/ToMV = Tobacco mosaic virus PVY = Potato Y potyvirus
Corynespora blight and target spot Tomato mosaic virus Potato Y
Ccu = Cladosporium cucumerinum Tm:0-2 = TMV/ToMV/PMMoV:2 = Tobacco Tm:0 = TMV/ToMV = Tobacco mosaic virus
Scab and gummosis mosaic virus Tomato mosaic virus
Px (ex Sf) = Podosphaera xanthii (ex Tomato mosaic virus / Pepper mild Tm:0-2 = TMV/ToMV/PMMoV:2 = Tobacco mosaic
Sphaerotheca fuliginea) mosaic virus:2 virus
Powdery mildew Pc = Phytophthora capsici Tomato mosaic virus / Pepper mild mosaic virus:2
CVYV = Cucumber vein yellowing virus Buckeye fruit and root rot Tm:0-3 = TMV/ToMV/PMMoV:2,3 = Tobacco mosaic
Cucumber vein yellowing virus
CMV = Cucumber mosaic virus Melon Tomato mosaic virus / Pepper mild mosaic
Cucumber mosaic Fom = Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis virus:2,3
PRSV = Papaya ringspot virus Fusarium wilt TSWV = Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus
Papaya ringspot Gc (ex Ec) = Golovinomyces cichoracearum Tomato spotted wilt
WMV = Watermelon mosaic virus (ex Erysiphe cichoracearum ) Ma = Meloidogyne arenaria
Watermelon mosaic Powdery mildew Root-knot
ZYMV = Zucchini yellow mosaic virus Px (ex Sf) = Podosphaera xanthii (ex Mi = Meloidogyne incognita
Zucchini yellows Sphaerotheca fuliginea) Root-knot
Powdery mildew Mj = Meloidogyne javanica
Ag = Aphis gossypii Root-knot
Cotton aphid Lt = Leveillula taurica (anamorph: Oidiopsis sicula)
MNSV = Melon necrotic spot virus Powdery mildew
Melon necrotic spot Xcv = Xanthomonas campestris pv. Vesicatoria
Bacterial spot

56 Rijk Zwaan in Africa

Tomato Rootstock Cabbage
TSWV = Tomato spotted wilt virus ToMV = Tomato mosaic virus Foc = Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.
Tomato spotted wilt Tomato mosaic conglutinans Fusarium yellows
ToMV = Tomato mosaic virus Fol = Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici
Tomato mosaic Fusarium wilt Lettuce
TYLCV = Tomato yellow leaf curl virus For = Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. LMV = Lettuce Mosaic Virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl radicis-lycopersici Lettuce mosaic
Ff (ex Cf) = Fulvia fulva (ex Cladosporium Fusarium crown and root rot Bl = Bremia lactucae
fulvum) Va = Verticillium albo-atrum Downy mildew
Leaf mold Verticillium wilt Fol = Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lactucae
Fol = Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici Vd = Verticillium dahliae Fusarium wilt
Fusarium wilt Verticillium wilt Ss (Rs) = Sphingomonas suberifaciens (ex
For = Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Ma = Meloidogyne arenaria Rhizomonas suberfaciens)
radicis-lycopersici Root-knot Corky root
Fusarium crown and root rot Mi = Meloidogyne incognita Nr = Nasonovia ribisnigri
Sbl = Stemphylium botryosum f.sp. Root-knot Lettuce leaf aphid
lycopersici Mj = Meloidogyne javanica Pb = Pemphigus bursarius
Gray leaf spot Root-knot Lettuce Root Aphid
Vd = Verticillium dahlia Fom = Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Melonis
Verticillium wilt Fusarium wilt
Va = Verticillium albo-atrum For = Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.
Verticillium wilt radicis-lycopersici
Mi = Meloidogyne incognita Fusarium crown and root rot
Root-knot Va = Verticillium albo-atrum
Mj = Meloidogyne javanica Verticillium wilt
Root-knot Fon = Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Niveum
Ma = Meloidogyne arenaria Fusarium wilt
Root-knot PVY = Potato Y potyvirus
Si = Silvering Potato Y
Lt = Leveillula taurica (anamorph: Tm:0 = TMV/ToMV = Tobacco mosaic virus
Oidiopsis sicula) Tomato mosaic virus
Powdery mildew Pc = Phytophthora capsici
Buckeye fruit and root rot
Px (ex Sf) = Podosphaera xanthii (ex
Sphaerotheca fuliginea)
Powdery mildew

Product Catalogue 57
Senegal Burkina Faso Sudan
enya Nigeria Ethiopia
Ivory Coast Uganda
zania Ghana Cameroon
Gabon Kenya
Mauritius Tanzania

Namibia Botswana Mauritius

Headquarters For Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Mauritius,
Sales subsidiairy
Breeding station Botswana, Mozambique, Malawi:
South Africa
Distributor Marcus Burnett
See International Catalogue
In project Area Manager
T +27 33 386 7610
M +27 83 631 4298
Sales subsidiairy

For Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Ghana, Nigeria:
Breeding station
DistributorPeter van der Zanden
Area Manager
See International Catalogue
In project M +31 6 10 17 14 66

Rijk Zwaan

For Ghana:
Helen Gyasi
Product Development Specialist
M +233 50 420 94 46

For general information For Burkina Faso, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Senegal,
on Rijk Zwaan: Cameroon:
Rijk Zwaan Export Christophe Guiet
Burgemeester Crezéelaan 40 Area Manager
PO Box 40 T +31174532300
2678 ZG De Lier M +33 6 25 43 05 42
The Netherlands cguiet@rijkzwaan.fr 
T +31 (0)174 532 300 / F +31 (0)174 515 334
E export@rijkzwaan.nl For West Africa:
www.rijkzwaan.com Eugene Agbicodo
Product Development Specialist
For Tanzania: T +255 78 555 6372
Rijk Zwaan Afrisem M +255 788 034438
Dolly Estate, Usa River e.agbicodo@rijkzwaan.com 
PO Box 12345
Arusha | Tanzania For Ethiopia:
www.afrisem.com Amare Gebeyehu Geremew
Product Development Specialist
T +251 911 490457

58 Rijk Zwaan in Africa

Organic & Projects
Heleen Bos Harald Peeters
Specialist Organics & Projects Specialist Projects
h.bos@rijkzwaan.nl h.peeters@rijkzwaan.nl

Kenya Benin Mauritius
Holland Greentech Eugene Agbicodo Agrex
Teresa Wambugu T +255 785 556372 Jerome Denis
M +254 726 247994 M +255 788 034438 T +230 54 99 66 45
T +254 797 673230 / +254 716 714300 e.agbicodo@rijkzwaan.com agrosup@agrex.mu
www.hollandgreentech.com Ivory Coast Zimbabwe
Agrifer National Tested Seeds
Rwanda Fer Weerheijm John Wilde
Holland Greentech T +225 59 68 54 04 T +263 77 22 34 996
Jacques Tuyishime info@agrifer.nl jwilde@natseeds.co.zw
M +25 788 561 242 www.agrifer.nl
jacques@hollandgreentech.com Namibia
www.hollandgreentech.com Nigeria Agri-gro Nambibia Ltd.
Seedforth Agro Elize Koekemoer
Uganda Clement Udeh Onoja T + 264 61 25 33 22
Holland Greentech T +234 70 38 92 72 73 elize@agrigronamibia.com
Victoria Nakyagaba sales@seedforthagro.com
T +256 706 230892 www.seedforthagro.com
www.hollandgreentech.com Senegal
Zambia Moctar Fall
Holland Greentech T +221 33 820 32 07
Bram de Vries contact@agroseed.sn
M +260 97 851 3396 www.agroseed.sn

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