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Month April-22

Name: Sarwansa Sahabuddin

Date Day Remarks
Meeting by zoom, Preparation of : Workhop Implementation USAID ERAT Program South
7-Apr-22 Thursday 3.00 Sulawesi, which will conduction on April 11-12 in Four Point Hotel Makassar. Meeting with Pak
Saeful Muluk and Ibu Rosniaty Azis From Yasmib
Meeting Coordination with Ibu Rosniaty Azis from Yasmib as a committee, updating of
8-Apr-22 Friday 5.00
participants which will attending in Kick-off Workshop Province South Sulawesi on April 11-12
Meeting by zoom, preparation of Kick-Off Workshop Province for PC and PGA, meeting with
9-Apr-22 Saturday 3.00
Pak Ihsan Haerudin, Pak Erman Rahman and all of PC's and PGA's
Internal meeting in Hotel Four Point Makassar, preparation of Kick-Off Workshop Province
10-Apr-22 Sunday 3.00
South Sulawesi, meeting with Pak Erman, and all team's
11-Apr-22 Monday 10.00 Kick-Off Workshop Province South Sulawesi, in Four Point Hotel Makassar
12-Apr-22 Tuesday 8.00 Kick-Off Workshop Province South Sulawesi, in Four Point Hotel Makassar
13-Apr-22 Wednesday 8.00 Joint by zoom Kick-Off Workshop Province Banten-Horison Ultima Ratu Serang Banten
Coordination with Biro Ortala Province : Request of Office Space in Pemprov South Sulawesi
Coordination with Ibu Kepala Bid Litbang Province : Check location of office space
14-Apr-22 Thursday 8.00 Joint by zoom Kick-Off Workshop Province Banten-Horison Ultima Ratu Serang Banten
coordination with Pak Ketua Bappeda Makassar, Gowa, Barru related with : Audience planning
(drafting of workplan 2022), and office space
coordination with Pak Sekda Barru and Ketua Bapelitbangda Selayar, Bappelitbangda Province
15-Apr-22 Friday 8.00
related with : Audience planning (drafting of workplan 2022), and office space
Coordination with Ortala Province and Kasubid Inovation and Technology Bapelitbanda
Province, Ibu Dermayana Arsal : alternative of office space in Bapelitbangda
coordination with Pak Ketua Bappeda Makassar, Gowa, Barru related with : Audience planning
17-Apr-22 Sunday 3.00
on Monday April 18 2022
Check location of alternative office space in Kasubid Sosial and Pemerintahan Bapelitbangda
18-Apr-22 Monday 8.00
Province, Ibu Ristati Rahayu
Meeting Coordination with Kepala Bappeda Gowa Bp. Taufik in Gowa. Office space available,
focus of wplan 2022 : preventive of stunting, which optimalization of coordination with all
stakeholders related with the strengthening of stunting, one data of stunting
Meeting Coordination with Kepala Bappeda Makassar, Bp.Helmi in Makassar. Office space
available, the workplan will be detailing with Bappeda team members and conducting of
workshop of one perseption of the workplan 2022
Meeting Coordination with Secretary of Bappelitbangda Pemprov South Sulawesi : agenda of
19-Apr-22 Tuesday 8.00 detailing of workplan province will conducting after lebaran, office space need officially letter
from the ERAT
Preparation of offical letter about office space secretary of USAID ERAT ini Bappelitbangda
Coordination with Kepala Bappeda Barru, Bapak Umar : meeting with Pak Bupati and Sekda
will be conducting after Lebaran
Joint with Bapelitbangda Province South Sulawesi by zoom meeting, with Agenda : Meeting
20-Apr-22 Wednesday 8.00 Coordination Monitoring and Evaluation with Program USAID in South Sulawesi (19
Coordination meeting with USAID-MADANI : cooperation workplan agendas, dealing of routine
internal meeting with ERAT and MADANI
Coordination with Bapelitbangda Selayar : agenda of zoom meeting with Pemkab Selayar
which will be conducting on Thursday April 21
Meeting coordination by Zoom with Pemkab Selayar : general information of workplan 2022,
21-Apr-22 Thursday 8.00 office space for the secratry of DF in Selayar available, field trip for detailing of Workplan will
be conducting on Mei after lebaran
Coordination with Ortala and Bapelitbangda Lutra : agenda of meeting with Pemkab Lutra
which will conducting after Lebaran
Coordination with Biro umum, Secretary of Bapelitbangda Province, asisten I and Asisten III,
22-Apr-22 Friday 7.50 related with officially letter from team leader: office space USAID ERAT ini kantor
Bapelitbanda Province
Coordination with Ortala Province : prepare of visiting Deputy Ambassador (Deputy Chief of
Mission, DMC) and USAID Mission Director (MD), on Mei 17 2022
Coordination with Kasubid Inovation and Technology Bapelitbanda Province, Ibu Dermayana
23-Apr-22 Saturday 1.50 Arsal : Invitation from Bapelitbangda Province to meeting on April 26 related : Planning of
Bappelitbangda "Research and Development Agenda's 2023 - Planning and Budgeting"
Coordination with Bappeda Makassar, Bp.Zainal Mile : Agenda internal meeting in Bappeda
will be conducting on 25 April on in Bappeda Makassar

Total Hours
Worked 100.00

Total days 12.50


Prepared by : Sarwansa Sahabuddin Date: 24-Apr-22

Approved by : Date:
Sarwansa Sahabuddin
Month July-22
Name: Sarwansa Sahabuddin

Date Day Remarks
Zoom Meeting : Finalization of workplan 2022 Makassar : SIKOLAHKI (program of Pemkot
Makassar about Pendidikan-school dropout), prevention of child marriage, transparancy and
1-Jul-22 Friday 6.00
accountability of planning and budgeting. Sulsel : SAKIP, RPD, Peer learning innovation,
Stunting, improving of expences quality, prevention of child marriage
Facilitating letter from Bappeda about : Office Space officially. Coordinating with Bappeda
4-Jul-22 Monday 7.50 Makassar : Cost sharing of Workhop SIKOLAKI and enggage SIKOLAKI in competition of IGA -
Innovation Government Award
Meeting with TGUPP Province about SAKIP, drafting of cost sharing of implementation
5-Jul-22 Tuesday 8.00 workhop strengthening of SAKIP in provincial and Kabupaten/ Kota level. Attendaces : Ibu
Andi Mirna, TGUPP's, ORTALA staff (6 Male, 4 Femalle)
Zoom meeting with national office : Workplan 2022, attendances : Ibu Shinta, Pak Ihsan, Pak
11-Jul-22 Monday 7.50
Ipung, all DF's, PGA. Finalization of workplan Makassar and South Sulawesi
Zoom meeting with all df's, action of planning July 11. finalization of TOR and Draft of W.plan
12-Jul-22 Tuesday 7.00
Coordination meeting with ibu Ulfa about TOR of SIKOLAKI, and coordination with key
13-Jul-22 Wednesday 7.50
stakeholder SIKOLAKI - Lemina (unicef)
as resource persons : Socialization of Good Governance for Public Services, conducting by
14-Jul-22 Thursday 7.50 Bappelitbangda Kota Makassar. Participants all of SKPD in Pemkot Makassar. Finalization of
TOR Sikolaki, meeting with Bappeda, LEMINA and Bapelitbangda Kota Makassar
Zoom meeting with YASMIB, related with RFP Prevention of Child Marriage. Which is Makassar
15-Jul-22 Friday 4.00
as a part of strengthening of that activities, participants : National Office, PC, Yasmib, PGA
Meeting coordination with all df's, lead by PC, about TOR implementation, notes all TOR's :
18-Jul-22 Monday 7.00 GESI, Private sector, participant from stakeholders, value added and what the contribution to
teory of change (what will be changes)
Meeting coordination with Bapelitbangda related with drafting of RPD (Rencana Pembangunan
Daeraha) 2023-2026. The team of RPD consists : Technical staff Governor, TGUPP, Bappeda
19-Jul-22 Tuesday 6.00 Staff, academics, donors). Concept of RPD related with RPJP Province and strategic issues
from stakeholders, include with USAID's Donor issues which will reflection to RPD 2023-2026.
Contact Persons : Bp.Andi Ichsan - Bappeda Sulsel
Meeting coordination with Kota Makassar and Province related with Workshop of Workplan
2023, which will conducting on July 25-28 in Surabaya. Coordination about : Participants,
20-Jul-22 Wednesday 7.50 material of presentation, workplan 2023. Meeting with Ortala Province: related of
implementation Sakip. Participants : Ka.Biro Ortala, TGUPP's, Gov expert staff, PC,
Facilitating letter from Bappeda about : Office Space officially. Coordinating with Bappeda
Makassar : Cost sharing of Workhop SIKOLAKI and enggage SIKOLAKI in competition of IGA -
21-Jul-22 Thursday 8.00 Innovation Government Award. Meeting with Asisten III Province, Bp.Tautoto T.R, related
with invitation workshop Workplan 2023 USAID-ERAT in Surabaya, which will conducting on
July 26-27
Meeting coordination with Kepala Bappeda Makassar related with Worplan 2023 USAID -
ERAT. Meeting coordination with Bappeda Province about RPD 2023-2026 and Workplan
22-Jul-22 Friday 8.00
Province 2023 USAID-ERAT. Coaching of reporting and draft presentation with Bappeda
Makassar and Province: progress of USAID-ERAT and planning of 2023
Preparation of Presentation progress of Makassar and Province. Internal coordination for
25-Jul-22 Monday 8.00
workplan 2023 USAID - ERAT, in Surabaya
Meeting with Bappeda Makassar and Pak Asisten III Province about the progress of Workplan
26-Jul-22 Tuesday 9.00
2022 and 2023. Internal coordination for workplan 2023 USAID - ERAT, in Surabaya
Worksop review of implementation USAID ERAT (March-Sept 2022) and workplan 2023 (Sept
27-Jul-22 Wednesday 9.00
2022 - Oct 2023), in Surabaya
Meeting with Province and all of District's in Sulsel for preparation of workplan 2023 (Sept
28-Jul-22 Thursday 7.00 2022 - Oct 2023), result of meeting : South Sulawesi will be conduction of meeting finalization
of Workplan 2023
Total Hours
Worked 124.50

Total days 15.56 31,125,000.00


Prepared by : Sarwansa Date: 1-Aug-22

Approved by : Date:
Month June-22
Name: Sarwansa Sahabuddin

Date Day Remarks
Focus Group Discussion drafting of Workplan 2022 in Barru, attendance : Head of
Bappelitbangda and Staff, Dinsos, DPMDPPKBP3A, Dinkes, BPJS. Result of wplan 2022 :
25-May-22 Wednesday 9.00
Strengthening of UHC (universal Health Coverage) until 2024 are 100%. Activities : Workshop
mapping of solution target 100% UHC. Increasing target SAKIP from CC to B
Meeting with Kepala Biro Ortala Province Sulsel : Ibu Andi Mirna and TGUPP (Tim Gubernur
Untuk Percepatan Pembangunan) : Prof.Sangkala in Hotel Swiss Bell Panakukang Makassar
27-May-22 Friday 2.00 about : Workplan Province related with Ortala (organisasi tata laksana)-acceleration of SAKIP
Province from B to A - Replication of Innovation to Local Government (relating with stunting
and child marriage) - strategic of strengthening good governance to Province OPD's
Workshop of Public Economic Analysis (PEA) in Hotel Mercure, attendance : all DF's,
30-May-22 Monday 10.00 researcher's. mapping of issues in 5 local governments related with good governance base on
result kick off meeting, which have conducted on April 11-12
Workshop of Public Economic Analysis in Hotel Mercure, explanation of data needed for PEA in
5 LG's; dealing of questions which will asking to participants; dealing of date of field trip. The
issues of dealing to 5 LG's divided into 3 issues : - specific of public services from Kab/Kota -
public services intervention by provinces scope - governance Kab/ Kota
a part of PEA activities interview in the field-Gowa, meeting with follows : Kepala Bappeda-
policy of stunting; Kepala Dinas Pendidikan-school droput; Dukcapil-single identity number
31-May-22 Tuesday 8.50
target; CSO-TELAPAK-Kabupaten Sehat-strengthening stunting in villages, YASMIB-
transparace, good governance in Makassar and Gowa
a part of PEA activities interview in the field-Makassar, meeting with follows : CSO-ICJ
Institute of Community Justice-child marrige; CSO-FIK ORNOP, Prof.Arlin Adam, Andi Arman,
1-Jun-22 Wednesday 9.00
Samsang Samsi : good governance, child marriage-stunting, the role of CSO in overseeing
educational, health issues
a part of PEA activities interview in the field-Kab.BARRU, meeting with follows : Bappeda-UHC
2-Jun-22 Thursday 8.50 (universal of Health Coverage) target 100%; representative of BPJS-UHC; Dinsos-UHC;
Dinkes-UHC and Stunting; Ketua Bappeda-target SAKIP from CC to B
a part of PEA activities interview in the field-Kab.BARRU, meeting with follows : USAID
3-Jun-22 Friday 9.00 MADANI-the role of CSO in overseeing UHC, good governance, stunting; Ortala-SAKIP; Dinas
Kesehatan-UHC and Stunting, CSO-DAUN HIJAU-good governance-stunting-SAKIP
a part of PEA activities interview in the field-Kab.BARRU, meeting with follows : Sekda Barru
and Ketua Bappeda Barru: Police from LG about UHC, stunting and SAKIP report. Supporting
and commitment from Sekda to strethening USAID - ERAT. Zoom Meeting with Pak Erman
and National team about Coordination Implementation Program
a part of PEA activities interview in the field-North Luwu, coordination with follows : Secretary
4-Jun-22 Saturday 4.50
of Bappeda-Education; Ortala-Kejar Stunting, Pendidikan-school dropout
a part of PEA activities interview in the field-North Luwu, meeting with follows : CSO related
5-Jun-22 Sunday 8.00 with education-school dropout; Kepala Bappeda policy about school droput, child marriage
and SPBE (government system electronic base)
FGD for workplan 2022 with the issue school dropout, participant: Sekda Lutra, Kepala
Bappeda, Pendidikan, Kominfo, Dinas Sosial, DPMD. A part of PEA activities interview in the
6-Jun-22 Monday 9.00
field-North Luwu, meeting with follows : Dinas Pendidikan-school droput; Kominfo-SPBE;
Dinas Permberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak, Ortala-Kejar Stunting and SPBE
2.00 Zoom meeting : Diskusi Tematik terkait Isu Intervensi ERAT - Diskusi Strategi Penanggu-
langan Kemiskinan Ekstrim Daerah, participants from TNP2K, Pak Erman, National Team etc
A part of PEA activities interview in the field-North Luwu, meeting with follows : Secretary of
7-Jun-22 Tuesday 8.00 Bappeda-policy about school dropout, Dinas Pendidikan-school droput; Dinas Permberdayaan
Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak-child marriage, Ortala-Kejar Stunting and SPBE
coordination with Asisten Province South Sulawesi : Bp.DR.Tautoto TR, Ibu Andi Mirna, Prof
Sangkala related with will conduction of Workshop: peer learning stunting handeling which
8-Jun-22 Wednesday 7.00
will conduction on June 2022. a part of PEA activities interview in Selayar : coordination with
Secretary of Bappeda Selayar Pak Taufik
coordination with Asisten Province South Sulawesi : Bp.DR.Tautoto TR, Ibu Andi Mirna, Prof
Sangkala related with will conduction on June of Workshop:peer learning stunting handeling.
9-Jun-22 Thursday 8.00 a part of PEA activities interview in Selayar, meeting follows : Kabid Pemerintahan
Bapelitbangda Selayar-Integration of planning with One Data Indonesia (SDI); Kominfo-Satu
Data Indonesia; Pendidikan:school dropout; Kadis Kesehatan : Stunting
a part of PEA activities interview in Selayar, meeting follows : Dinas Kesehatan-stunting;
10-Jun-22 Friday 10.00 collecting data about progress report of stunting; Secretary of Bappeda:stunting; one data
and school droput. Zoom meeting with pak Ipung : activity report of South Sulawesi
a part of PEA activities interview in Selayar, meeting follows : CSO - Peduli Selayar: stunting,
11-Jun-22 Saturday 6.00
school dropout, Kabid Pemerintahan Bapelitbangda-Stunting, Kominfo
a part of PEA activities interview in Selayar, meeting follows:CSO-LEPM3 rachmat
12-Jun-22 Sunday 6.00 zainal :transparancy, school dropout, good governance. Meeting with Wakil Bupati Selayar
Saiful Arif in Rujab, policy from LG about stunting, one data indonesia and school droput
FGD for workplan 2022 with the issue integration of one data with planning and budgeting,
participant:Bapelitbangda, kominfo, dpmd, dinsos, dinkes, bpjs, DP3A. FGD opened by Pak
13-Jun-22 Monday 9.00
Wakil Bupati Selayar. a part of PEA activities interview in Selayar, meeting follows: Dinas
Kominfo and Secretary of Bappeda Selayar
Month June-22
Name: Sarwansa Sahabuddin

Date Day Remarks
coordination with Asisten Province South Sulawesi : Asisten III, Dinas P3A, TGUPP related
14-Jun-22 Tuesday 5.00 with will conduction on june of Workshop: peer learning stunting handeling. Coordination with
dinas Pendidikan Makassar related with mapping data school dropout
a part of PEA activities interview in Gowa-Makassar, meeting follows: Dinas Kesehatan Gowa-
stunting, going to Forum Peduli Kesehatan Gowa meeting with CSR from indofood
15-Jun-22 Wednesday 8.00
strengthening of KIA, Dinas Pendidikan Makassar-school dropout and Ortala Province : peer
learning stunting handeling
a part of PEA activities interview in Makassar, meeting follows: Kepala Dinas Pengendalian
Penduduk dan KB: inovation of LORONG STUNTING-LOPIS, Dinas Pendidikan Makassar about
16-Jun-22 Thursday 8.50
SIKOLAHKI (program of Pemkot Makassar about Pendidikan-school dropout).
Coordination with Ortala Province: agendas of Peer learning stunting handeling
Total Hours
Worked 158.50

Total days 19.81


Prepared by : Sarwansa Sahabuddin Date: 24-Jun-22

Approved by : Date:
Month May-22
Name: Sarwansa Sahabuddin

Date Day Remarks
Meeting with Bappeda Makassar in Mayor's office, attendace's : Kabid Sosbud Pak Amri, staff's
Bappeda : discussion of updating progress of kick-off meeting which have conducting on April
25-Apr-22 Monday 8.00
11-12. Result : will be discussion of focusing workplan will be conducting on 2022, agenda of
FGD on May 2022
discussion with pak Zaenal related with office space for DF Makassar in Bappeda office
Zoom meeting with Bappeda, Dinkes, etc Luwu Utara:updating of progress kick-off meeting.
26-Apr-22 Tuesday 9.00 Result:will be conducting of FGD on May, office space for DF in Bappeda available, data's
(RPJMD, RKPD, APBD, Renstra and Renja Pendidikan) will be collecting by DF's later
Zoom meeting with Pak Saeful Muluk, Ibu Shinta: Preparation of visiting to Barru: 1.Walter
l.Deuschsaat Director of Democratic Resilience and Governance USAID Indonesia, 2 Ahmad
Qisai and Mispan. Madani-USAID, ERAT-USAID.
zoom meeting related with PEA (Political Economic Analisys) team: consolidation of
preparation Rapid District PEA, which will conducting May 30 in all districts USAID-ERAT
27-Apr-22 Wednesday 8.00 zoom meeting with Pak Saeful Muluk, Ibu Shint : Preparation of FGD meeting in 5 LG's and
coordination with USAID-MADANI: preparation of USAID visiting
28-Apr-22 Thursday 8.00 meeting coordination with bapak Sekda Barru : additional agenda's for USAID-ERAT, including
in main visiting USAID agenda's in Barru
coordination with USAID-MADANI: additional agenda for USAID ERAT
coordination with Asisten III Province South Sulawesi Bp.DR.Tautoto TR, preparation of
29-Apr-22 Friday 5.00
audience USAID TEAM to: Asisten III province and Ortala (related with inovation)
9-May-22 Monday 8.00 meeting coordination by zoom with all DF's: introducing of all team members.
meeting coordination with Asisten III Province, Ortala Province, Bappeda : visiting of USAID
Team and audience USAID-ERAT related with the on-going progress program
meeting coordination by zoom with all DF's:explation of USAID-ERAT, and action plan on May,
10-May-22 Tuesday 8.00
progess of USAID-ERAT
11-May-22 Wednesday 8.00 Visiting to Gowa and Makassar : progress workplan 2022 and office space for DF
visiting to Bappeda and Ortala Province : Progress of USAID-ERAT, Focal point USAID-ERAT in
12-May-22 Thursday 8.00
Province, preparation of visiting USAID team to Barru on May 13
coordination with USAID-MADANI: finalization and updating traveling to Barru for visiting
USAID team
13-May-22 Friday 11.00 audience with Asisten III Province : delivering of letter from Kemendagri about focal point for
Traveling to Barru joint with mission USAID Team, meeting with Bupati, Sekda, stakeholders :
progress of USAID program's in Barru. USAID : 1.Walter l.Deuschsaat Director of Democratic
Resilience and Governance USAID Indonesia, 2 Ahmad Qisai and Mispan. Madani-USAID,
Internal meeting with Bapak Sekda Barru and all stakeholders related with : focal point
USAID-ERAT in Barru, introduction of DF Barru, FGD agenda for focusing 2022 will be
conducting on May 25
Coordination with Bappeda Secretary : Preparatoin of drafting RPD Province 2024-2026,
16-May-22 Monday 3.00
USAID-ERAT involved as a team
meeting coordination by zoom with USAID-MADANI: planning of joint program workpan 2022
17-May-22 Tuesday 8.00
coordination with Lutra and Selayar:Preparation of collecting data for supporting focusing
workplan 2022. (RPJMD, RKPD, APBD and Rensta and Renja Dinas Kesehatan and
18-May-22 Wednesday 8.00 meeting by zoom with USAID-MADANI team:discussion of collaborationn workplan
audience with ibu Bupati Lutra in Four Point hotel:Focal Point USAID-ERAT in Lutra,
instruction from Bupati related with strengthening USAID-ERAT : focusing to education Index,
mapping of education progress in Lutra, HDI
Coordination with Bapak Sekda Barru and Kepala Bappeda Barru related with FGD focusing
19-May-22 Thursday 8.00
workplan 2022, which will conducting on May 25
Joint zoom meeting : Induction with all DF's team member
meeting coordination by zoom with Selayar : Progress of USAID-ERAT, focal point,
introduction of DF Selayar, planning of FGD meeting. Participants : Asisten I Pak Yunan,
20-May-22 Friday 8.00
Asisten III Pak Ince Rahim, Ketua Bappeda Pak Baso Lewa, Staf Kominfo, staf BPKPD, PC, DF,
23-May-22 Monday 8.00 meeting coordination with Kabid P2M Bappeda Gowa : planing of FGD focus workplan 2022
meeting coordination with Barru Preparation of FGD Workplan 2022, which will conducting on
May 25 2022
Meeting coordination with Sekda Gowa: Focal Point are Sekda and supporting from Kabid P2M
24-May-22 Tuesday 8.00 Bappeda Gowa. With Sekda Makassar : Focal Point are Sekda supporting from Kabid
Pemerintahan and operational are Pak Zainal from Kabid Sosbud Bappeda Makassar
meeting coordination by zoom with all DF'S staf : progress and action plan on May 2022
Total Hours
Worked 132.00

Total days 16.50


Prepared by : Sarwansa Sahabuddin Date: 24-May-22

Approved by : Date:

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