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parr A UmesH HA URBAN TRANSPORT SuRvey dististad Professor 7 SLT, Pavoun se Sub coder I6CV75) a Claes .a 4 a | Twontpasfed Sean Suayeye t= we Fink Hage te the fasmuledion of a sronspastakien plan | $3 4 tolleck Doda en all facts thed are ubeby do trflucnce | trovel patlean. “The week ievelver a. umber Of Seavey €o 0% to have (Dan tnvenday of extatine Fravel pattern: cust i) au tmvedory Of Existing trnepesl faulsties 4 se ackwiltes. | | | wi) an twendesy Of fring Laud tse § ecemenn' Defition Of the Ghidy arent Tene] gers 2-€ (HMaKs Definition Of the facly Soc L The study axea fox which -hanspostadiens facililies ate belong ee ts Suva of all defuad. i TTeanspesdation ploiiag Cou be et the vatiouad level, the veiewal tevel @ ob 4 Usbaratevel Fea planuing ab the Usher lewd, the study ae shed i embyate. Whe whale Codribedion Codciving the cating of the caly. ond poesia Coudinoutly buill op oreo | the tromgiaary ine reprewcling the bawdasy oF re | ehudy asta, th towed a the “estore 2 the ana inside the gyterral conden ene deterred } “the chavs patton to a lege glen aud as such, tk ie surveyed iw detail. The laud-vse ; ee erie aud the econente actwites ed tmlensively and detailed Saveys - Csuch am the Heme —Tudesmiewd) are Cenckacled tm this -atect | ty deleamine the Asoavel Charactertsties. op the other haud, the coca oubside the Cosden lime 34 rot Gudied in such detatls. | election of Exdeere! Coco Hine Fy ss | The Selection of the Extowal Condon Mine fo% eevanrannatiatia | Vabon Trarnpestediony pleocing Should. be dene Cashes | with due Consideration tp the. fallewing factor a? I —— a —— | ghould Cisturgerike. all axes, aud those aged, which ase plavstang puried: (1) The Gdewel Coadon bre which are already butt op. Convidered tielay to deuleped during the nn all ateas oF 32) The Butenal Condon line glenld Cental systematic daily Ke of the preple esiaded fenwels the city Cee & svedd in effect be. the Comonster Sheds Tue edtenall Condon. line chad be Continues 9 Ovilesm wen ee Course. $0 thed movements Cros it erby ence. fine gheuld resect goods whese His Sate % . The ed tyoffic Surey- Comverviesrt fon Coraying the Eatleua)d Coden kne ghould be Cemmpadsble wih the ; previous ‘ludies of the eee & Gludies plaued es, the. ' Adure- w Exvlenal Cordon line. oot 20: Go mess? Zohing?- the defined shaty osea fa Sab-dided in te Smaller aseas Called: Zenes 68) +raffte Zones The purpose of Such a Sub division ne fo focilitede the. Special quadificedion of land te @ ctenemic facto, wecich intlvence chav) paltern, Sub division into Zencé further helps in eT" carly eopociding the origina 4 desitnations pf travel. J ah Shudy asea oe caued woleenal zones called Zones within the aud ‘Those adside the Shily veo oe Eatemal Zeres, Tn large Study paect* ibis ComBnient to divide the study een foto cectoss, WIC ose divided in 4o Zones, Zo mes Cam be tHeoteles be sub divided tu +o Sub-zoes, cepenchiong tpen the type of land Use. Convenient Syslenn of Coding Of the Jenes Wil be Useful fou the Study ome Surlr System 14 to divide the chidy or we Sav cuted Zoo spe Covi) teclen (CHB) to charge 0, 9 th remaining _ ight axe cksiquoted fom \4o tn @ Clechwise momner+ Into 9 Sectoss, wecwed for te saree) Bees “The pete Ae Bath ecto 1% cubdsided ile to _zerets _beoaing i numbers Fyern OL te gh vecemmry, cach ZETE Cam be divided tte 10— gub- Zenen, bowing sambes hewn ° 7 Tt __would. be helptu Hf the Felleccwy port one. Kept te view E when dividi the asta tuto Zones t Sure] Thy 20s) lomerks wa tule Zones! when dividing (Tune D tome WY Te Zoue shedd have a b wwuy tard Use So ada to veflect acevredeby the associated +yip ronckiong behaviour - ii 3) Auticipated changers 1 lad use Sheuld be Considered when | eb —dividiong fine. Shady 24% ldo Zines. By tt weuld be pdvandageous, Sf the Sub-cwicion follors Closely fic ddepled by other bodies Cogs Census depaxtrert fos clot Collection. wT will facitiicle Covvelation of data. WW) The Zones Should _uol_be too lasge enoaé tn dela, at the Same time, they citlun to Cause aiffalty tm hardlling and to cause Considerable | theuld vo! be | foo Small analysing the deca. tit optimum hs « oral auras § 0 Sate ppm Aaa qroel guide , a poprletion of tere -2ero May be | pf stro trond may be the ophinasr> tne tes laage | 7 i -Usbass orcas. i Tin weatdentia) orcas, the Zener may acebmmodade wagiby 100_hyuseholds, oreferalby have rs ban geomet he © The zoe ghadd i fori fox easily defeamining the Cechotd, which, powers on of travel. ghentd pepered the catcher of ded Dr & primes wide. the ofigin & cleati nahi © -the Sectess tape ae Zoned Sheudd be Cogeppet ble: With eosees> Hoes 4 Codon lines ©® zene burdaries sheuld pretorobly be wolersads ef -bip making. D Nedural @) prysical basis Such o> Canals, rivers, aa Can team Convenient Zone bnsrlaries. Tn addilion to the External Coeden linesy there may be a umber of tolancl Cofclon Unes asnuged am Coutevdic. wage te check the accuxeoy of Suavey deta. Cepeenn Hes suwning Hough the Study Vee ME alse asablished to check the accusmey ofdata Collected clota from heme etoile Suavery~ Coen Ines Cau be Conveniently Located abeng pryaical Oh nahicd basrieas fraveng & few Crossing pools. Examples oF Such posatens ane veers, vailiay | “ S SINTERNAL a =o caf N INTERNAL Basic Moments in o tronspostadions Suavey aes, Caualls, ete soo SCREEN LING — EXTERNAL CORDON | “tT TYRES OF SURVEYS — Juno] ruby delb Bb lomarms | pas leceoas The basic Movemesrts fem which suavey dala ore sequined, axe t {) INTERNAL To INTERNOL @ anternAat to ExTERNAL WD exteRNAL Te aN TERNAL (MY) external TO ExTeRNAL Fer lage Usbaxn creas, the intemal to imteinal travel 3 heavy Whuca® 64 senll areas having a Small pepubdion (say les than Ber) the dermal to udesval traved 14 insiquificaud. The. idanal fo tdemal hovel i beet sladied by the heme. ietewview! Technique with check by Sivenline Susy. The. tuternal— Ertanad, Gtomal-intanal @ SGuianal-eatanal trarele Gan | be Shidied by toxdenr Wath, Siovey.s, the ieanal fo Geral | travel tow also be susveyed by heme Iterlew technique, The Sisney Can Collect the Deda © at the heme, 6) during the tip oud (i) at the. Destinedian end ef the ip. t when Collected at the bore, the Data Cam be wide- raging aud Cav Cover all the tips made. dusting a gees posed. mc Dada Collected cuatng the hip te nececsarthy of limited Serpe Stace the procecdire Yiuld dato. aby en the poericulas trip intercepted. Pt the Desdinedioss ends, the Direct twheaview types of suey provide dada an Demesd faa parking dacitheus oud on majos traffic attmctohs Such as factossess, offices and Commercial estabh-shmerts. The follercinng ese Sone of dhe Sunveys tHheob ane wmrarblsy i cated ad + | ty Home Sarteavie wd Suiveys 32> Commercial vehiclea cuaveys i 3 Text Surveys ( trtamedk ale public Tranapest suavey’) | uy Road Side fulewiew Surveys : Sy faut Card questionnaire swnreys & Regitdsaction umber Suaveys DP Tag Seavey (lag-on- vehicle. Sunvesgt) 8 Public traviepost Suey, | a. Home Interview Suavey, 7 Home —Ttewien Suavey fa one ef the raat velfable type oF suwvye foA Collection of ovine $§ destimedion deta - \ The Suvey is extedially tudeuded te yldd data ou the toavel pettea cuthe Resided ef the Heutlold § the gerexal cheracteridilé ofthe heusehold saflnen cing fecatnd: j athe iwfotmedion. or travel pore taclude4s number of ips made, tiets pstgin and Deatinelion, pepese ef tip, travel medes ime ef Deparhae from oxigin aud time of assival ad ! ckativedion § soon, THe Tufamedion on havehold Characteristics tmceludes type of ne: Units umber pf yeasidertts, age. Sex, vace, velicle eromeaship.s, rambea et divert, family treme G Se Of. Based on these Data His possible te velete the amount ef travel do | lewteheld aud Zonal Charactertsies £ Devdop equations | fer hip gqenetion, redes. Becamseef the wide Variety of dada that Cou be Collected by the hemeiedeview technique the vig Goet tnwolveds His mecessaay to etandasctise the proceune fos Such Susneys. Oe such — Wel- Knovory prcedore $6 Codatned wm the Bucan of Public Roads Manuel which preci desexibes | B what ifosmedion tb do be wllected. cacellent guidance 14 also available non Edbseation. | tothe US Depathoert of Framaportal ahi impractical & Unnecessary te Ivdewiew all the sf = Hens Residents of the Study Orca gnie travel Patter. poricalas Zenrey 454 hao the bteviewn 16 to be Goaducted dend 4p be vrifosmn PO SuffotRerrt FF a Semmplivgy porcedune 1 erapleyed. “The Size ef the Sample i usually delersimed ex the knit of the poplation of the Study aA 4 the Cteudads given tr TableSoi of the Burcan of Ribee Poly (BRD are offen vad. BRR. stardards for Sampling Siz for Heme coleview F sSusvey Galle 20-1) [pepwlation of Shady axece ~ Sareple size Wuden Soee tin & households i Botco — 150)toe Ain & bhease holds ; 186,600 - Bov,DED 111m hexchelds B00,0eD ~ 56D, teo dinis huxholds Boo,t00 ~ J,0eO DED diy 20 besehols “ever deco, B80 dtu 3 hee holds The above thaudaids CTable 30.1) ase pobeps too +” | Comtly to prectice. Ta ony Case, the Sample size fl Should net be less than que tu Table 20.2 Mimicourn Sampling size fox hoon artewiew Susy | population of Study oea Minimun Sarople size Under 50,0c0 tin lo heuseholds | seco to 180,00 din 30 beucholds | | woObeD tO 3eo,60b tin 3s heveheld« Bepcce th S00, 600 - ttn 5 havebolde Boo ceo to 4,t00,000 din qo beuwcholds | Bver 1,000,000 Alin Ico hewrholds, Feable 2.9 F commercial Velicle Susveys are Corducted 10 cltain infetmadion on foumcys -prade by all Commeacsal velicles based within the chy atea. The addvensed of the vebicle eperateds wre obtained & they Codacled. Faims ane issued to dwiweas with a veyuest that they wecoed nerdos& of all the dere they whould. make, A typscal questionmalse which OBR formation) 0 the ial & Destical ion of cach, SP Text Sameys’ st | Large Uber asenss usually have a stable ament of travel | by 40x56. Tn such Caress a Ceparcde task sumey fe vecersary, i The Suey Consisls of satulog qprectiermatied of lea sheet to the task dvivers & slong then 40 Complete the same- i wequestiny P | i We Read side Frtewbers Snowy | cone Of the methods of Casying Road cide SotervieW Suey i stpe your! Side Srtteaviewo eda Sonenlime 05 Coder Suavey- Suey Con be dene esther by disectly tootenwlenobo9 9 abe Velicles at selected Sunvey priests 65 by tealng prepaid post cards Containing the quediomatve to all Go sample of the. ' Svers of the | dsivers. The suey pov ane Selected along the juncttes) Of the. seod.s. The tosden | may be fo the foro of Circular stg veda) nee of | vecdomgula ae Fos cqnall Teens, cassia population) less than stds Sergio the periphory of the tou cheuld suffece, the gokonel conden Sunvey \ cextinedtion deda. Cosdon—lerre. 06 Stream TEE wath the creole Cotden at athe ideal havel bdng togid tw thed case will give the ovighn~ ; Tathe (ose of median bized cithees Say with a populedsem Inthe vouge 000-40 ASeco $00 Comer Vos ohee eles the external Coden at the edge of the Usha dovelepmewt B the retemal Conder al the Itmile of the Control buninect dhadaect. Read side trtenierns atthe Mnbasection of seades with i dwo Cpt Mares chould beable to Falily assess the patlersws Of trove) im such Utes, Fou lenge Cittes, the Cosdou- lt u- lives & Comen lines Meu be mo. 1 devs : se Couptitaleds 2 the bemen iuteiviewt fecbunique Comet ‘be Mpensed with. Cordon tine & Coreen lime Suseys by the wad side Ureaview techutque aerve to theck the accwauy Br the Lyme Wdeaviewd Cure doda- Road Side wdeAvien tt an ecouemte method of suey aud yields accurate § yeliable data. ~the - dis ochewta ge whith the metted 1% thet vehicles ate delayed when being tuheawiewed + S Reet- cond queatiommatye j eripnbhoniBioa Tu #1 method, reply paid geestiouniaines ase hended Over to gach of the dyes 94 a Sample of them of the. Susvey pets b requesting them 0 Complede the Sutamoedion — vetuur by poate cine vetted avoids delay Ceud tothe duives by the direct ‘eadeide tudervien mnedred butt Cufher frosn the. disedvardoge Hot the rebperte maa not be qed. For this. sCabor Hd Use 16 not qemu necoramended fA developing Countries. Tb i pombe te gt @ geed omount of imfesmedion Goo ths method. sre Netuod 14 simpler aud cheaper thar mamy ott | pe rvgosde the selection of Susey ports & questions, aeved, the method te cmillar to the divect read Side iwtewien teelwigueé, & good amourt ef 1A needed befese the actual Suavey wy publi city Tt i veposted pecler to get fayousable sponse. thet well plansed aud pabkicized post land questionmaize Susveys have yidded vetuanse of Sov. DA MaGE- Quay Consist of soli the pegietoad vehicles enpbena99 &) ' leavinng Om Ore% at Susvey pews lecetecd en the i By Modeling the at the pole of acy & eas} trem the mea, one erabled to idevdify tie pods em the peths of the vehicles. wes the oF she Mettiod nett he’ 5 of the -bip wor yd avy other psefir cul as HIP puspose. Coder Were. bf velicles 1 @ the deatinedion I baformedion { TH ochedor ge ef f0 petiod {& thed the LoL K does wet wderfese arth the baftfic mM avy woof. Howevesy lasge ene Hg onrolpsis of fhe yerwlts Car be Lempliceded. i bey of Dbserverta are needed aud Reet ofall, the aun to be sumeytd be defined, $ eu wads Uckisectag the tedden Une are Adedifted. eenrveAsy CAE ~ et each Cumy pod, ove a hwo 6b etodicred to reco wiper. i she tags fom different Curty stedion< have different shapes and/or colour to jdertify the cuavey telson. cae Stopped agoln at the eatt points | yernoved. “the tirnes of enteting g the rehicle. whee the. tagé ane leaving the awa may be sparked om the tages co pader to erable the journey Himes ds be dedemimed, Te 4 ps not baurdle all the velitles» Sarepling may be wesotted ‘ou Bpsbas LB Regula sarpltng Cguch asa every Second, third, Beth. rebicle) will Make of easiel to detewine the Expansion facdoh, otheruise, an addtional ebscves ! ony be Sledjoned at each suey powd to take ; a clowified Count of the drotfsc. The Suavey Can be Comreniewtly sided torte porod « of cay tc & 20 eainndes totewals. The analysis imple © evwhs are wet very laage. | ste method Can alec be extended to Cover vehicles trod eta the orca bt ate parked tu the cree casing the net of the Study paiod. Tes thls pupotes the Mi areas are suseyed ad the endef the i Study peted aud the tag’ co) pared velitless i Collected. 8 Fablic Tranapost Cuney/e ta order to axter® the spimber of bub parwngers pusng through an éatumal Corder» the Survey Gas esther be by divect imlewiew vith the paxtemngers | oo by tmutog postcard qureatonmaivesss rect Lateawteww $% lidaelsy fo yesult wm targe de loys aud. yequrines a large vumiber of Beswes drtenteuds, tu seeder do atwimize the delays, the wchervierses, roy eater the sehicle 6 Carty aut The ndeviews | when the velicle 6 inn motion. Postcaid qucatiersmalsey| Cliroinecte celays, Exd are heb te evoke Poon verprnise oh EewtedD ax clement of bias An trlernal Cosdosy soll Suivey can be Castied oct by et the porsengeses on tyains. altemedively, pre-paid queriionmaires may be dishilarted 4D personnes seaidiong ot stations ordside the Suivey asca, These questionatres may also be collected at the Stations inside the susmy area. { \ T T an H 1S Tmnlesy of ‘Benapeed fcsiitens — Epelliby 20 | 2b. Cbmaskee § Bb, (lonabs)) The lmvendtesy of caithing shana pont facilities Shoubd be Coder taien, 40 Hdewrify the deficiernncie’ fn the. present System & the. Extent Je which they need to be Improved. The fnvertasy eb Consicly of > Emerntosy of treet fotraing the bamapest Netoask o> refhic Volume, Compoxitions peak & off-peak 3 Studies on -havel Hime by Aiffererst Modes ) Tenertasy of pubic trenapest buces 5) Tnvendary of a5) rarnpast facililicas by poring jnvertosyy ay accident Data. i ) — Tmrentoay of Streets i An Vaderstarn ding of the Exdert & quality of the read nefesk | sas Vey Immpostarst te fesrnulade plans fon the fedure- ‘ The invendosy should Cor detail Such ae classificatior of the. Sheet Sysrterns length. Cross-Sectional dirrensiens, type & Gerecehin: Condition pp ine Surface, Capacity, twderscctions, Conbrel devscexs, | structed, Shect future, ete. 2D Beffice Volume j- Cala pudatning te traffic Velunne & 1 Compasition ! Will be weedeat to Check en the Sumey deda collected by the heme- deen 6 Carden Sumeyso. The Veuedion of the -haffic Volume over different hours of the chy. differerst ayes of the week 4 differand Months Of the yeas alo needed, Toe Hecht onBtinkie Se Aattio sds Riad die Beg, S Trare! Re Studiews © Pe edtterate of havel Himes kelscen ditfrerd Donec by Vortous meded to netensaty fos trans post plawning- Trowel Himes ore. Vauat ly weasured fos the peak—hour Conditions & men-peak hear Coudtioms, | t 0 Anwendesy of public reamipost bused “he Fverntosy ef public toanpost buress fncludes ofesmedion ey the otal number of buses, theix Capactty, Schedules, routes, speed &, deaminass, number of Cansied, econemstc picture of the pubhie transpett Systens & the fare Stueture, s) Teventosy of Bail Transpoat factldset The Jnventacy of rasl trans post facilities Shedd include the. length, Capacity, Schedule, pperadi Lpeedis, Statens, umber of eid Cossied, cCounpric Picture OF the wot! hronsposd Beerenacg & the fore Structure, mtoAy t- The puking Imerdtony Should Collect whosmection 3 Exitding on-street & off-street pos 3 Ip hese z * . 5, the Porting demand Aboud the DElizeation caiading facilities, Deda om parking charges aud Fhe Syaters Used fos Charging Shad also be Collectect, 4 ects eck Accident doa over the part years will help to Understand the neduse @ tuted of the hazards inhetent iw the prcont Sypoher avd the need to improve the. Situcchen, envetony of Lendvss and. econoni& ethnics by elated to the Sine travel Charordettabcs ax Clone that an Lond Use palin, Hie Limeat Seopostone = atuwede Inventesy Of land-use be prepacd. The zorede We classified wtp Joud vse achvsty wobidedsal, tadeatsals Commmercsall _woreadional sper Space 8B So on Fon ts pspese, the town & Wvabyy plowing aupheavice need to be Conaulted. TF ome Master plan awe beer? pero foe, the SUV anca, the Same shotd be giver due Covsiderahen. Rail pholegraphyy been ed aro dourle of Loud Use data. fuck of Wax also Tiryeadony of gcpnenis peivibes of fone Data pn economic activitice Shed. be collected 40 wMelide the folloongs | 4. populodion ofthe Suwvey aaa & the yorTous zones, | a ao gen aud Composition of the fansily | { 3 Excpaleyment Stebesnce He ord Shot edo ge Imeome 6 Vehsele pronershtp, The population dada helps tothe edimadion of the | fudwe pip making behaviewk « pepoledtion rape iechcadiong i the. Demiitys School emiolmert; Indihdienal pepubatien a Secological factoss will facilitate presentation ef yesvlle and a better Uaderddaneliong of the j travel pater: i Stemsien of Data foom Seerpless “In otdea to desive the -ravel Clhausattertstis of the. Whole population. fron the pala derived fre Sarmphing, Cadain Exponcion Facies have to be Used, Fos the home-intewiew Surveids, the sxpamaion facto 4 tolerdeted om a Zoval basis av follows: cs Jon = Ae C Expension faclon a 4 (e+ xv) B-c-D Where. Nye “Total no. of addyexses fn the otginal lat. B= Total no. of addwemer elected ax orginal) Sample. c=: Ne.of Sample add-vethes, that anc tnelsg thle, D= No-of Sample addrester Where 10 seeponme 4s obtained. Similar Sxpanteion factots Cam be Used fr the Commerctal Vehicle Suiveyle, bub en an arcanwiwe bari,

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