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A nation is a social, cultural, and often Nationalism is an ideology or belief system

political group of individuals who share a that emphasizes the importance of a shared
common identity and are frequently national identity, often promoting the
distinguished by elements like language, interests, rights, and autonomy of a
culture, history, and occasionally a clearly Nation Nationalism particular nation or group of people. It can
defined geographical territory. It is a take many different forms, from ethnic or
collective of people who consider exclusionary nationalism, which may
themselves to be a part of a bigger whole. highlight shared racial or ethnic features, to
cultural and civic nationalism, which
emphasizes shared ideals and citizenship.

Nation and Nationalism

The connection between a nation and nationalism lies in the way nationalism
seeks to promote and protect the interests and identity of a specific nation.
Nationalism is born out of the shared sense of identity and belonging that
defines a nation. Nationalists advocate for the sovereignty, independence, or
autonomy of their nation, often asserting that their nation's interests should be
prioritized over those of others.

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