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Sandip Sunar

Monika Niraula
Research Methods RDS 422
Research Proposal

Overall idea & Objective

A disability is any condition of the body or mind that makes it more difficult for the
person with the condition to do certain activities and interact with the world around
them. (CDC, 2020). They are also a part of our society. According to the 2011 census,
the number of people with disability in Nepal was found to be highest in Kathmandu
district with 17,122 people, although in terms of percentage of the total population it
was the lowest at 0.98 percent. (NFD-N, 2022). 50 million rupees was allocated for
the disable friendly pavement for the city by the department of roads. (Anup Ojha,
2021). Though huge amount has been allocated for the pavement work, the work has
not been seen yet. Except in few places, the pavements are still the same. Also these
are taken out and messed up in many places for various purposes like drainage, pipe
line, electricity line, etc. Despite being the capital of the country, Kathmandu city still
fails to provide a different vehicle for the disable people according to their need. Due
to this many of these people are facing a lot of problems and are getting injured. The
news also shows that the authorities are using the budget irresponsibly. As a result,
my research goal is to establish what developments have been done in the city for the
convenience of those people, how the authorities are using the funds, and what
techniques would work for disabled persons.

Literature Review
Nepal's official census statistics from 2011 shows a disability rate of 1.94 percent,
although a number of organizations believe the true figure is much higher. For
example, the present global impaired population is estimated to be 10% (World Bank,
2000). Furthermore, due to cultural traditions, a lack of awareness of how to identify
disability, and other socioeconomic issues, obtaining accurate data on the prevalence
of disability in Nepal is difficult. Representatives of organizations working with
persons with disabilities claim that the number of people with disabilities in the
country is higher than the official records of the government (Lamsal, 2017). Highest
number of the disable people are in Kathmandu valley, and 60 % of disable people
face the transportation difficulties. (Tuladhar, 2018). The constitution of Nepal, 2015
guarantees the infrastructural development to all the citizens including persons with
disabilities. Also Nepal has signed the Sustainable Development Goals treaty with its
overarching objective of “leaving no one behind.” The research shows that more than
70% of Kathmandu’s roads are not disable friendly and more than 40% of
respondents reported multiple injuries and incidents. Different NGOs and INGOs has
been working for these people in different aspects.

The main source of the notion, such as what kind of development activities have been
done, what budget has been given for it, and so on, would be extracted from journals,
newspapers, and government sources. Various documents will also be examined for
the work that has been completed. This will assist in the collection of accurate data,
which will lead to a more fluid research concept.

Because I want the study to be conducted equally among male and female impaired
people, I would use the stratified sample strategy for the study. Since males and
females have distinct concerns, there will be different strategies to persuade them.
Following that, the snowball sampling method will be employed to identify and locate
those people who are disabled for the survey. In addition, an expert sampling method
would be used to determine the various supports required for various persons in order
to collect a diverse variety of data on their experiences. I will make the survey as
accessible and brief as possible to reduce bias. In addition, I will make an effort to
establish a specific population group for the survey. The specific population group
would be the people who are engaged with these people indirectly or directly. They
could be disabled or normal individuals. Because this study will only be conducted in
the capital, these specific population groups will be of various region of the city and
will cover a specific area. These people will basically dedicate their small amount
of time to doing so, and they will be people with a desire to help. Throughout the
week, an informal meeting would be held with each of them at different locations to
discuss the progress of the research.
The research is wholly dependent on the inductive technique since the research issue
is entirely based on discovering the actual facts about what is going on or what has
been done thus far. We can observe from our personal experience that there are
relatively few infrastructures that are designed to be accessible to disabled people.
And only a few people are aware of the services. As a result, philosophical
worldviews are applied. Because this research is also permeated with politics and
political parties, we will apply a transformative viewpoint within this worldview. That
being said, it is identified using both quantitative and qualitative research approaches,
which is referred to as mixed-method research. It is critical to keep track of both the
numerical values of budgets and how they are implemented, as well as the number of
disabled people who are exercising their rights, which is a quantitative research
technique. The purpose of using this quantitative research technique is to determine
how authorities actually spend their budget. Also, there could be a large number of
disabled persons who are not exposed to the community, therefore I'll use the
snowball sampling method to discover them and include them in my research.
Experiences, wishes, sentiments, complaints, and other aspects are combined in a
qualitative research approach. Qualitative research adds value to the data gathered
through quantitative research. It is necessary to engage with those groups of people
personally and listen to their views in order to understand their current situation and

I will examine the projects and how they were carried out in various regions. I will
learn about the project's accomplishments and how it benefited disabled individuals.
Because there have been certain ventures that have failed, I am going to look into why
they failed. I will look at how the project's success has made disabled people feel, as
well as what could be done to make them feel more at ease. I will also check into the
backlogs created for those who have been rendered incapacitated as a result of the
authorities' failure to complete the project for any reason. I will also look at disabled
people's perspectives on infrastructure development and what improvements could aid
Hence, this study will provide insight into how government authorities are trying to
improve disabled-friendly infrastructure. This will also assist in determining the
actual needs of disabled persons. It will make a clear distinction between the
viewpoints of normal people and those of those with disabilities.

Work Cited

Ojha, A. (2021, April 1). Road Office Starts Disabled-friendly Pavement Project In
Kathmandu. Road office starts disabled-friendly pavement project in Kathmandu.

Thapaliya, M. P. (n.d.). (rep.). A Report on Disability in Nepal 2016 (pp. 4–8).


IN NEPAL. Access To Transport Services for People With Disabilities In Kathmandu.
(pg 22-32).

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