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Assessment 1 – Coversheet

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a
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BSBINS603 Initiate and Lead Applied Research
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I declare that
a. this assessment is my own work.
b. None of this work has been completed by any other person.
c. I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
d. I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these
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e. I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be
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Short Answer Questions
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Assessment 1 – Short Answer

🗹 Assessment summary

☐ You are required to answer all the written questions in this assessment.

🗹 Resources and equipment required to complete this assessment

o Access to textbooks and other learning materials.

o Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email software (if required).

🗹 When and where should the assessment be completed?

o This assessment may be done in your own time as homework or you

may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable).
o Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.

🗹 What needs to be submitted?

o Your answers to each question in this assessment along with references.

🗹 Instructions

o This is an open book test – you can use your learning materials as reference.
o You must answer all questions in this assessment correctly.
o You must answer the questions by typing your answers in
Microsoft Word and converting it into a pdf.
o Please include the following details in the header section of
each page of your assessment document:

● Student Name and ID
● Course Code and title
● Unit Code and title
● Trainer and assessor name
● Page numbers

o You are required to submit your assessment on the LMS
(Moodle). No submissions will be accepted via emails.
Short Answer Questions
Question 1
Bounce Fitness is a premiere fitness centre with its head office located in Cairns. Like
all other businesses, it values clear and quick communication. It defines a number
of communications processes to help employees reach this goal.
Access and review Bounce Fitness’s communications processes through the link
Communications Process
Answer the following questions about Bounce Fitness’ communications processes.

a. Outline the steps to set daily reminders for meetings at Bounce.

The process for creating daily meeting reminders at Bounce Fitness


1) sending the initial reminder to the relevant staff members via the official
Gmail account.
2) If there's no response within 2 hours, a follow-up message will be sent
using Skype or Slack.
(Albright Learners Guide, 2023 - BSBHRM613)

b. Based on your answer, identify the most appropriate organisational

communication method for sending a meeting reminder at Bounce.

The most suitable method for organizational communication to send

meeting reminders at Bounce Fitness is through Gmail. (Albright Learners
Guide, 2023 - BSBHRM613)

c. Outline the steps to contact staff members at Bounce in the event of a delivery.

The steps to contact staff members in the event of a delivery are:

1) When a package is delivered requiring payment or proof of identity, the

reception staff must promptly inform the recipient staff member through
their team channel on Slack. If there's no response, the reception staff
should make an announcement using the PA
2) In cases where no payment or proof of identity is needed for the
delivery, the reception staff will accept the package and leave a tagged
message via Slack to inform the recipient.
(Albright Learners Guide, 2023 - BSBHRM613)
d. Based on your answer, identify the most appropriate organisational
communication method to contact Bounce staff in the event of a delivery where
no payment or proof of identity is required.

Sending a tagged message through their Team Channel on Slack is the

most appropriate communication method used when delivery does not
require payment or proof of identity. (Albright Learners Guide, 2023 -

e. Outline the steps to contact staff members at Bounce in the event of missed phone

In the event of a missed phone call, the reception staff should notify the
staff member and send a private message via Skype. The message format
should include the name of the caller, the phone number where the caller
can be reached, and the message if applicable. (Albright Learners Guide,
2023 - BSBHRM613)

f. Based on your answer, identify the most appropriate organisational

communication method to contact Bounce staff in the event of missed phone

In the event of missed phone calls, Bounce staff should send private
messages via Skype to uphold information confidentiality. (Albright
Learners Guide, 2023 - BSBHRM613)
Question 2
Complete the table below about data collection methods used during applied
a. Identify at least three data collection methods used during applied research.
b. In 50 words or more, explain how each identified data collection method is used.

Data Collection Methods How Each Method is Used During Applied

i. Observation Observations allow you to collect data by
seeing how people behave in a certain
setting at a specific point in time.

1. Observing people's behavior in their

natural environment, without
intervention from the researcher.
2. Allows for studying behavior in its
natural context, but less control over
3. Can be disguised or undisguised .
ii. Survey Survey research is a key component of
applied research, which focuses on
finding practical solutions to specific
problems. The search results highlight
several ways that survey research is
utilized in applied research such as; data
collection, evaluation research,
hypothesis testing, informing product,
solving practical problems.

Survey research is a flexible and

widely-used method within the broader
field of applied research, helping
researchers gather empirical evidence to
address real-world issues and inform
practical solutions.
iii. Interview Interviews are a common qualitative
research method used in applied
research settings. It allows researchers
to gather in-depth, qualitative data and
gain insights into the thoughts,
behaviors, and experiences of research
participants. Common interview
approaches in applied research include
semi-structured interviews using a topic
guide, as well as more open-ended,
exploratory interviews.
Question 3
Complete the table below about data analysis methods used during applied
a. Identify at least three data analysis methods used during applied research.
b. In 50 words or more, explain how each identified data analysis method is used.

Data Analysis Methods How Each Method is Used During Applied

i. Quantitative Analysis Quantitative analysis is an important tool
in applied research across various fields.
It involves the use of mathematical and
statistical techniques to analyze data
and understand behavior, trends, and

Quantitative analysis can be used also to

measure and compare differences
between groups, such as the popularity
of different products or the impact of
policies on different demographics.
ii. Qualitative analysis Qualitative research is valuable for
gaining insights into people's feelings,
thoughts, and behaviors, which can
inform applied research and help
improve products, services, and
experiences. The goal of qualitative
analysis in applied research is to identify
key patterns, themes, and interpretations
within the data to answer research
questions and guide real-world
iii. Discourse Analysis Discourse analysis is a valuable research
method that can provide deep insights
into how language is used to construct
meaning and achieve specific
communicative goals. It is commonly
employed across various disciplines,
including linguistics, sociology,
anthropology, education, and social
psychology. There are many aspects
using discourse analysis such as; define
research questions, choosing analytical
approaches, collecting and analyzing
data, interpreting findings.
Question 4
Read the scenarios below and answer the questions that follow about common
presentation techniques.

Scenario 1
David is presenting the results of his applied research to a large group of peers. While
he started with a crisp introduction, he spent a lot of time discussing his
recommendations. As a result, the presentation stretched 30 minutes beyond
All this time, David has been the only person speaking. He has not taken any
questions or feedback from the participants.
A large number of participants have excused themselves on account of other
pre-planned meetings. The remaining participants seem bored and are not
responding to David’s questions enthusiastically.
David is feeling disappointed at not being able to share his work properly.

a. Identify at least one technique that David should have used to ensure that he
communicates ALL of his points during a presentation.

time management - Presentation Techniques

b. Identify the most appropriate presentation technique that David must use to hold
the attention of his audience during a presentation.

asking questions, ice breakers for you to know that they are on the same

Scenario 2
Sarah tends to speak very fast when she is talking about something that she is
passionate about.
Today, she is presenting the findings of her applied research to a group of peers. The
topic “How to Improve Employee Productivity” is very close to her heart. During
the presentation, many of her peers ask her to repeat what she just said.
On the third such request, Sarah realises her mistake and starts speaking slowly. She
notices how her peers seem to understand her points much better and are not
asking her to repeat herself anymore.

a. Identify the mistake that Sarah was making initially.

Sarah is talking faster that her peers ask her to repeat what she said.

b. Identify at least one presentation technique that Sarah used to correct her mistake.

Speaks clearly and slowly

Scenario 3
Kevin is presenting his applied research to a very important group of people. This
presentation will determine if he gets promoted this year.
During the presentation, Kevin does not make eye contact with any member of his
audience. Instead, he focusses all his attention on the data on his slides.
When he finally looks at his audience at the end of the presentation, he is surprised to
see that they are bored.

Identify one presentation technique that Kevin should have used to make his
audience feel included.

Making eye contact, group activity, slideshows which the audience


Question 5
Complete the table below about reporting methods used for applied research:
a. Identify at least three reporting methods used to report the results of applied
b. In 50 words or more, describe the advantage of using each identified method for
reporting the results of applied research.

Reporting Methods for Applied Advantage of Using Each Method

i. Long Format Reports A long format report requires preliminary
details like cover page, title page,
acknowledgment, table of contents and
executive summary. The report body
consists of elements like research
methodology, findings, conclusions and
recommendations. It also includes
supplementary information such as
bibliography or appendices. (Albright
Learners Guide, 2023 - BSBHRM613)

ii. Presentations A presentation is a series of slides that

captures the main points of your
research. You may present it in person or
virtually over the Internet. These slides
may be used as a tool to guide the
discussion in both cases. These may also
be shared with relevant stakeholders
after the initial presentation. (Albright
Learners Guide, 2023 - BSBHRM613)
iii. Emails Emails are short messages that you send
over the Internet using email service
providers like Gmail or Microsoft Outlook.
These are typically used when only a
brief report is needed or when you need
to plug gaps by answering follow-up
questions from stakeholders. You will
usually use emails for communicating
research findings within your team.
(Albright Learners Guide, 2023 -

Question 6
Complete the table below about applied research tools:
a. Identify at least three applied research tools.
b. In 50 words or more, explain how each identified tool is used in applied research.

Applied Research Tools How Each Tool is Used

i. Data analysis tools Data analysis tools are essential for

researchers to make sense of the data
they collect and derive meaningful
insights. Data analysis tools can be used
for both quantitative and qualitative data
Quantitative analysis uses numerical data
to identify statistical relationships
between variables while Qualitative
analysis uses descriptive data to
understand processes and develop
ii. Data modeling tools Data modeling tools are widely used in
applied research to help researchers and
analysts better understand and manage
complex data structures. Data modeling
tools can be used in applied research
such as; improving data architecture and
management, enhancing communication
and collaboration, optimizing database
design and performance, enabling
advanced analytics.
Data modeling tools are essential for
applied research, as they improve data
management, collaboration, database
design, and analytics capabilities - all of
which are critical for deriving meaningful
insights from complex data.
iii. Statistical tools Statistical tools play a crucial role in
applied research by enabling
researchers to analyze data
effectively and draw meaningful
conclusions. In applied research,
statistical methods are essential for
analyzing trends, patterns, and
relationships within the data.
Common statistical tools used in
applied research such as;
Descriptive statistics, Inferential
statistics, T-test, Regression
Analysis, Correlation Analysis,
Factor Analysis, Time Series
Analysis, Cluster Analysis.

Question 7
Complete the table below about applied research methods:
a. Identify the three applied research methods.
b. In 50 words or more, explain how each identified method is used in applied

Applied Research Methods How Each Method is Used

i. Evaluation research Can be conducted online, by phone,

on paper or face-to-face, and
questions don't necessarily have to
be administered with a researcher
present. Questionnaires feature
either open or closed questions and
sometimes employ a mixture of both.
(Albright Learners Guide, 2023 -

ii. Research and To collect primary data by asking one

development or more people about their opinions,
experiences or perspectives on a
particular topic or subject matter.
Three main types of interviews are
structured, unstructured, and
semi-structured. (Albright Learners
Guide, 2023 - BSBHRM613)
iii. Action research To gather empirical data and thus, it
is the starting point for the
formulation of a hypothesis. There
are different techniques for
observation including complete
observer, complete participant,
participant as observer and observer
as participant. (Albright Learners
Guide, 2023 - BSBHRM613)


● Albright Learners Guide, 2023 - BSBINS603

● CRAMbridge. (2019, November 19). ALCOA+ - An easy abbreviation for data
integrity. [Video]. YouTube.
● Lighthouse Communications. (2017, January 23). How to start your
presentation: 4 Step formula for a killer intro. [Video]. YouTube.
● PHILO-notes. (2020, November 10). Ethics in research. [Video]. YouTube.
● Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
● Spam Act 2003 (Cth).
● Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011 (NT).
● Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (ACT).

What to submit:

● Answers to all questions

● References

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