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Choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence.

21. Although it would be a great way to avoid traffic___in busy city center, there are still too
many problems which need to be overcome before drones can be used.
A. distribution
B. area
C. block
D. congestion: sự tắc nghẽn
22. The successful businesses will be the ones who can tackle any problems they meet and—
plans to deal with the fast-changing face of global supply and demand in today's global
A. come on to
B. come up with: nảy ra
C. come up against
D. come out in
23. Surviving in today's international market is a challenge for companies of all sizes as they
develop strategies to compete with the major _____ and to produce innovate products.
A. players
B. representatives
C. participants
D. contestants
24. I worked on my CV over the weekend and I think that it will stand out from those of
other___ when I send it to potential employers.
A. characters
B. employees
C. jobseekers: người tìm việc
D. presenters
25. Customers do not seem to have the same___to a brand that they once had. Price is more
important to them than the brand these days.
A. trust
B. loyalty
C. confidence
D. belief
26. If you want to achieve career success, it is important to____relationships and also to keep an
open mind and seize all opportunities that present themselves.
A. challenge
B. grasp
C. build
D. take
27. Excellent overall sales___make it possible for Amazon to experiment with physical stores in
new areas such as groceries.
A. charts
B. outlines
C. numbers
D. figures
28. We plan to develop new software that will enable our customer to—their order in real time
A. track
B. pursue
C. chase
D. search
29. The marketing department decided that product____was the best way to strengthen the brand
so you may see our products on TV sometimes.
A. engagement
B. placement
C. knowledge
D. information
30. Their___business is designing and producing fashion accessories, but now they have moved
into the clothing sector.
A. center
B. essence
C. focus
D. core

IV. READING (40 points)

Part 1: Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete the following passage. (20 points)
Business organizations are usually (31)--- into different departments where people are
responsible for specific (32)--- of the business. I'm the Human Resources Manager and I report
directly to the CEO. I'm in charge of finding and (33)---staff for the company. I also ensure that
we (34)--- with all the legal obligations concerning employees. I work closely with the heads of
departments to (35)---sure that they have all the right staff at the right time. In addition, I
coordinate with them to (36)---how people are performing and plan ways to improve system. My
job also involves planning and arranging training programs for the staff as well as taking care of
annual (37)---. I lead a team of three colleagues who have the majority of contact with
employees on a day-to-day (38)---. I believe it's important for employees to have (39)--- contact
with us during working hours. The company (40)--- itself on looking after its staff.
31. A. split
B. parted
C. broke
D. divided
32. A. spheres
B. themes
C. areas
D. beginning
33. A. engaging
B. recruiting
C. signing
D. region
34. A. comply
B. observe
C. fulfil
D. submit
35. A. be
B. make
C. take
D. look
36. A. calculate
B rate
C. measure
D. determine
37. A. appraisals
B. matters
C. factors
D regards
38. A. point
B. root
C. source
D. basis
39. A. absolute
B. exact
C. precise
D. direct
40. A. delights
B. amuses
C. prides
D. honors

Part 2:
The right business name is important. If you choose the wrong one, you might end up with
something that sends all the wrong messages. To be successful, your business name needs to
define your identity and say what’s special about what you are offering.
Think about the market you want to sell into, and why your customer will prefer to buy
YOUR product or service rather than someone else’s. A good business name is one that tells
customer what to expect. For example, Early Learning Centre appeals to parents because it
tells them that the toys it sells are educational.

Illiterate names have caught on everywhere, that is names that involve deliberately misspelled
words. Kwik-Fit, the company that promises to fit car parts speedily, was one of the first in the
UK. The name was the brainchild of Kwik-Fit’s chief executive, who, as a schoolboy, earned
extra pocket money cleaning ovens. He advertised himself as Kookers Kleaned! Some people
grumble about these misspellings, arguing, for example, that children will copy them, but even
these purists don’t hesitate to buy an ice cream from Phun Phlavours! These misspellings work
because they catch the eye. The trouble is, as more and more are invented, they lose more

But unusual names are not always the most effective. Names like Tie Rack or Body Shop which
just say what your company is about can work just as well. They are short, and they have an
honest no-nonsense ring to them. Sometimes using a personal name can achieve the same effect:
Laura Ashley projects a gentle and elegant image that makes the customer feel comfortable
about buying that company’s products.
If you are providing a service, decide whether your company name should describe your
customer’s problem or your unique solution to the problem. For example, a vehicle breakdown
service could call itself Panic Breakdowns, which only serves to emphasize the negative state of
mind of the customer; or Instant Rescue, which sends out a reassuring message that help is at
hand. Which name would you select if you had a burst water pipe: Flood Warning or Peace of
Consider too the impact your name will have when people hear it or read it. What effect does it
have when spoken over the telephone? Snappy Happy Snaps may describe your photographic
agency, but it sounds ridiculous over the phone. When your name appears in Yellow Pages or
similar directories, usually amongst a hundred others offering a similar service, you want yours
to be the one that catches the eye. One trick is to ensure that the first letter of your name appears
early in the alphabet. A business in Finland called itself by the meaningless name Quello,
simply because there is no letter Q in Finnish, so Quello was the only entry in the directory
under that letter!

If you deal with overseas customers, check that your name won’t cause you problems. A good
translation agency will help you avoid the trap of choosing a name that means something
offensive in another language. There is a famous case of a stick deodorant manufactured by an
Asian company who had selected a name which meant something really bad in English. The
matter was made worse by the instruction printed on it in English, which read ‘Push up bottom’.

41. What is the writer’s attitude to the use of illiterate names?

A They have been used so much that people no longer notice them

B They are bad because children will learn wrong spellings.

C They are good because people find them amusing.
D They fail to describe the service or product accurately.
42. According to the writer, a business name is a good one if it
A identifies your market needs.
B avoids confusion with other companies.
C creates a different kind of image.
D persuades people to use your company.

Choose the most appropriate response (A, B, C, or D) to each question/ statement.

51. Man: This report is really complicated.
A. Thanks for offering.
B. I really appreciated.
C. Of course. They've changed a lot. (this là số ít nên k dùng they nhă)
D. Would you like me to go through it with you? bạn có muốn tôi đi thảo luận cùng k?
52. Man: I think everyone should get a good bonus this year. They all hit their targets.
A. I know they are right.
B. Good thinking. People need to spend time with their family and friends.
C. I completely agree with you.
D. That might work. Everyone wants the projects to be a success.
53. Man: Have you ever had to ask a customer to leave?
A. Yes, of course. I will introduce you shortly.
B. Thank you for short notice.
C. I haven't had that exact experience.
D.I look forward to hearing from you.
54. Man: Could we meet sometime next week to discuss the new project?
A. What a pity.
B. Take care!
C. How many do you need?
D. Of course. When do you have in mind?
55. Man: I'm afraid we have a complaint about our last delivery.
A. I'm sorry to hear that. What's the problem?
B. I'd appreciate that. Thank you.
C. That sounds interesting.
D. Yes, of course. How can I help you today?

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