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Before you read

1) What historical places have you ever travelled to?
2) List the most attractive destinations for tourists in your regions.
2. Read and translate

Historical Tour around Carpathians

Ukrainian Carpathians is the land of blue mountains covered with thick forests swift
mountain streams and waterfall, heady fresh air and healing mineral waters. There tourist will
be impressed by valuable architectural monuments: the stone fortresses, ancient castles,
masterpieces of wooden architecture. As a part of the tour guests will visit picturesque mountain
villages and unusual museums and see the unique products of craftsmen, taste the traditional
dishes of Hutsul cuisine, hear fascinating melodies. The trip will start in one of the most
beautiful cities in Europe and the cultural capital of Ukraine Lviv.

Day 1: Lviv City Tour

Walking city tour makes every visitor of Lviv acquainted with the historical center of the
city. Market square is the heart of ancient city; City Hall, Opera House is one of the most
beautiful opera houses in Europe; old Drugstore Museum where one can purchase unique “iron
wine”; Boim Chapel, royal Italian court yard and many others interesting places. In the narrow
medieval streets one can admire the ensemble of the Assumption Cathedral – architectural
masterpiece of Renaissance, Baroque ensemble of Saint Peter and Paul's Cathedral by Jesuit
Order and Dominican Church with wonderful organ, the Latin Cathedral with elements of Gothic
architecture, the Roman Catholic Church and Bernardine Monastery, the old Armenian Cathedral
and many other sights. In the afternoon there is a possibility to visit one of the numerous
museums: National Museum with its unique collection of ancient icons, Museum of Folk
Architecture and Rural Life "Shevchenkiv Gaj," Museum of Medieval Weapons "Arsenal",
Brewery museum.
Day 2: A Tour to the Carpathian Region.
(Departure to Kolomya through Rohatyn, Halych and Ivano-Frankivsk)
Rohatyn is the homeland of Nastia Lisovska, known in history as Roksolana, the girl
who was sold to Harem during the Tatar attack, and soon became the favorite wife of the Turkish
Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. Here you will also find the museum-monument of the wooden
architecture and painting of XVI-XVIII centuries – The Church of the Holy Spirit (1598).
Halych is the ancient capital of the Halych-Volyn Principality (XII-XIV), the successor
of the Ukrainian lands after the collapse of the powerful Kyiv Rus. The following monuments
preserved after royal Halych: the Uspenskyj Cathedral in Krylos village, the church of St.
Panteleimon in Shevchenko’s village, the remains of fortifications and foundations of 10 ancient
Ivano-Frankivsk is the ancient city where the past has been preserved inside the
architectural monuments: The Market Square, The Town Hall, the Armenian Church, the
Cathedral of the Holy Resurrection (XVIII c.), Jesuit’s Collegium (XVIII c.), Church of the
Virgin Mary (XVII c.), Brewery, a rare example of the industrial architecture of Ukraine of the
second half of the 18th century.
Day 3: Day trip to the Carpathian mountains
A day trip to the Carpathian mountain highlands introduces the pearls of the Carpathian
Yaremche is the most famous tourist center of the Carpathian region. Here the guests
will see waterfall and mountain river the Prut, visit the market-fair of Hutsul handicrafts; in the
village of Vorokhta tourists will see the largest in the Carpathians stone arch bridge (1894-
1895). Certainly worth seeing
is the Carpathian village
Kryvorivnia which
picturesquely spreads over the
river Black Cheremosh. Here
one will see Wooden Church of
the Nativity of the Virgin
(1818) with interesting
paintings of XIX century,
Museum "Hutsul Grazhda" i.e.
the traditional Hutsul house, as
well as the Literary-memorial museum named after Ivan Franko. It is in Kryvorivnia the famous
film director Sergei Paradjanov made his masterpiece, "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" based
on the homonymous novel of the distinctive Ukrainian writer Mychailo Kotsiubynskii.
Day 4: Kolomyia City Tour
Sightseeing tour in Kolomyia acquaints the guests with the history of this ancient town,
its unique museums. The first one is "The Easter Egg Museum" with a unique collection of
12.000 painted Easter eggs from different regions of Ukraine and the world; another one is The
National Museum of Hutsul and Pokuttia Folk Art – this museum is listed in the Royal
Encyclopedia of Great Britain as a museum of the world masterpieces.
Day 5: Maniava cell
Maniava cell - is the ascetic man's monastery of east ceremony, admitted cell of
spirituality and culture of Ukraine. It is still named as the "Ukrainian Athos". The sacred place
with curative, spring water is in picturesque Carpathian Mountains with the recovering
microclimate, the initial wild nature, near village Manyaya (distance from the regional centre -
45 km). The founder and the first abbot (prior) of the monastery was Iov (Ivan) Kniagynytsky
(1550-1621), who came from Tysmenytsia - one of outstanding representatives of church which
was actively engaged in divine service and cultural-educational activity. Together with Ivan
Vyshensky and Zakhary Kopystensky in 1606 the monastic community was created.
The architectural monastic complex of buildings poses an ensemble of stone and wooden
constructions fenced with a high stone wall with towers and loopholes - successful synthesis of
the mountain relief and fortification buildings.

3. In the text find the words that mean the following:

a) a pharmacy that also sells toiletries and other articles;
b) a group of items viewed as a whole rather than individually;
c) a small gap or hole in a wall, esp one in a fortified wall;
d) moving or able to move quickly; fast;
e) a place where beer, ale, etc., is brewed;
f) a style or method of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country, region;
g) activity involving the making of decorative domestic or other objects by hand;
h) characterized by severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence,
typically for religious reasons;
i) able to cure something, typically disease;
j) a man who is the head of an abbey of monks.

4. Answer the questions

1) What style does the Assumption Cathedral in Lviv belong to?
2) What museums can be visited in Lviv?
3) Who is Nastia Lisovska?
4) Are there any fortifications left in Halych?
5) What historical buildings is Ivano-Frankivsk famous for?
6) What places would you like to see most in the Carpathians?
7) What museum is listed in the Royal Encyclopedia of Great Britain as a museum of the
world masterpieces?
8) Where is Maniava Cell located?

5. Think of remarkable places in Ukraine whose history and cultural heritage are worth
discussing. Describe them in the table below.

Ukraine’s most popular sites

Place Short historical background Things to see

A sightseeing holiday
Tourist may do a bit of sightseeing on holiday, or may do a lot of sightseeing, but they
will probably go to a museum or art gallery, and see or visit temple, castle, cathedral, market,
fountain, statue, palace.
Many tourists go on a sightseeing tour of a town (usually on a bus); they can also go on
a tour of a castle / the cathedral / the art gallery, etc. When you are sightseeing, it helps to
buy a guidebook (= a book of information for tourists) and a map of the town you are in.
Things that tourists often do on holiday
Look around the shops / have a look round the shops
Take photographs
Spend money
Buy souvenirs (= typical products from the country)
Get lost (= loose their way)
Go out most evenings (= go to different places for social reasons, e.g. restaurant or disco)
Have a good/great time (=enjoy themselves)
Describing “places”
The word place is very common and can describe a building, an area, a town, or a country:
Yaremche is a lovely place (=town) and we found a really nice place (=hotel) to stay.
The town is full of interesting places (areas/buildings)

These words are often used when we describe places:

Lviv is beautiful but it’s always packed (=very crowded/full) with tourists in summer.
Odesa is very cosmopolitan. (=full of people from different countries and cultures0
Ivano-Frankivsk has lots of historical monuments. (places, e.g. castles build a long time ago)
Many beautiful cities have become very touristy. (= a negative word: ‘too much tourism’)
Kyiv is a really lively place (=full of life and activity) and the night-life is fantastic.

Note: If you want to ask if it is ‘a good idea’ to visit a place, you can use worth + -ing:
A: If I go to Ukraine, is it worth spending a few day in the Carpathians?
B: yes definitely. And if you want to travel round a bit, it’s worth renting a car.

6. Translate into English

1) Манявський Скит є священним місцем у українських Карпатах яке обов’язково
варто побачити. Його ще називають українським Афоном.
2) Мальовничі карпатські гори приваблюють багатьох туристів швидкоплинними
потічками і водопадами, п’янким гірським повітрям, лікувальним мінеральними
3) Одним з найвідоміших віадуків світу є кам’яний міст у селі Ворохта
побудований ще часів Австро-Угорської Імперії у 1895 році полоненими
4) В коломийському музеї писанки налічується близько 12000 писанок з усіх
куточків України.
5) В основному туристи витрачають гроші купуючи різноманітні сувеніри. В
Україні можна придбати багато виробів ручної роботи, це і вишиванки, і
керамічні глечики, і писанки.

7. On the basis of a historical tour from ex. 2, make out your own tour with places worth
visiting in Ukraine.

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