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Phone: 01 mal; pagequantumd Delhi Office teense rcuacy, however nether the Published here shal ing out of uso of hs “Antonna & Wave Propagation (E 1 Edition 2 Baition 8 Easton 4 Eaition 5° Paition 6° Edition 7 Baition 8 Baition 9 Bastion 10° Edition 11 Baition ani th curacy or compl van weer de publisher nor he thors os, omissions, oF damages ‘Apram Singh Quantum Unit of @ Shibabad, Ghaziabad 20- 4160479 com Website: 116590, Bast Robtas Nagar, © Au Races Ristewro ie pan vay Be wr pained i th abe Every be response for any #10 2010-11 Bont 2 2012-18 21s. 14 201415 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018.19 2019-20 202 Price: Rs. 110!- only 7 Publications” ntum Page Pvt. Ltd.) 4, Industrial Area, (-201 010 revnquantumpage-cin hahdara, Delhi 10092 ‘work ws derived irom sources | ret his ben made ensure Piblisher nor the authors | tenes of ony information iC + Sem-6) (Phoroualy Revised Baition) = CONTENTS "=m ‘UNIT: COORDINATE SySTEM & TRANSI Satssan, Cyr spnene ‘el pear Gnd Degen wl of «weir Sava heater ‘r IRMATION (1-1 Ate 1-27 4) mal lng ava and vane he sree ed ake ace vam tg, take acon suits ty Raton Sh el te 0d Sn G Deceit and seat Amare ee "Asters apes Etec es rom act dipole pear, Antena infers ge terato cotta ay Sogliorase ts ta UNIT-4 : ANTENNA DESIGN ‘tena, Folded ple taceeas UNIT'S : WAVE PROPAGATION. stuf de foropere Hate popepca meses sea vpn mechre, Reoco rd bo fay rey enna Ray a Coa {LUE-OF Visual hgh nd sip teen emcees skp dain Mal Hop propgatin, Wine seta SHORT QUESTIONS ($Q.1A%059:19.4) ‘SOLVED PAPERS (2015-1670 2019.20) (SPLAtesPA6a) Part-1 + Cartesian, Cylindrical, Spherical Tracaformalion 1-1A(ECSem-6) Antenna & Wave Propagation 1-SAUCSem-4) 2 The range of variables p, ands are DepemOsgeaeand mcr <® mn colindrica)co-ardinate ix written 98 (Ay Ay A,) OF Jy and Gare uit wetors in the pp 8. Vector Aa Aa +A, Se where and = dietions respectively 1B. Relation between x, 5,2) and (62) [Fay oatart gle, 222 aay 1, Bac, 218 wed for transforming pont rom nresinn bo einai forordnate ial weapons, y=psind 2=4 mn pint rom clindriealto cartesian, (1.2. wed for ean sion of vostor A from ‘3 tn matrix form, we write the transforma Uh AyA) +A Ay A i obtained as “yam O17 RSet, ‘|4) arp? Stall eam yy) Aaa cea TET] Write short note on spherical coordinate system. anawor | 1. lo a spherical coordinate aystom, a point P ean be represented as Pere 2. Hero, represents radius of sphere, 0s the angla between z-axis and the pion vector of Pan is ame ain ylndrel co-ordinate yste. 8 The ranges of variablon, 8,4 aFe given hy Osr-ordinat system, ve dae ao 4 Inciindricaleo ordinate sytem, LIGA WEC-Sem-6) Coordinate Systens &Trasxorinaton Rietka 5 Inepherical oaedinate stom, cotta yeaa are ran rind RUETAR] Faplain the gradiont of a seal field. Also explain it Dhysical interpretation. on. Describe the gradient of scalar etd, [ATOR MASTS] newer A. Gradieat ofa scalar fold: 1. The gradiont ofa salar eld Mie a vector that represents both the maiden the den ofthe mani eect ate of erat 2. Thooperatonafthe Vide opertar ana scalar funtion ced gradient eeaa= vata ( 2. m= 5, 3. Incylndicalcoardinatensten, ota, Bo 5a 1B, Physleal interpretation of gradient Let salar funconMrepresenis temperature, ten UM or grad i) wil represent temperature pradent trate of ehange of tesperatare wih dance THETA] Explain the divergence of a vector physleal significance. Also write ts A. Divergence ofa vector: 1 Thodlivergeace of # ab agin pot Pi the autilow of ox per unit “ue =the rf rinks boot ‘The dvergnge of Fie defined 2 VP a te Divergence in pintieatco-ardinaeis given. v F< Ofer P tobe stent 1H, Physica significance of divergence: “Divers of veetarfunctian FF at each point gives the rate per unit volume at which the physical ty rang rm tpt Que] State and explain tho divergence theorem. Taewer AL Statemen 1 Gained gence theorem sats hat The wom integra of the divergence of @veetor field, A. taken over any volume is equal tothe surface ntegralof A taken over th closed surface $ surroundingthe Solame 2. Mathemateully, Gauss dlvergenee theorem for any vector ld A can bewrtten as, {hiv Ardee fd a8 aap 1ABA EC Sem) wher, aS 8 An cement of ron onsuraee 1 Taking otey «1372, Wi Ado ih +B aedvte = me + I axey as) 2 Tak Definite prtoten t.172, ta, I (% ceaya) aan) 3 Crater ay engiioa, amma 1 LIT. in whieh strip af rss cdtion which extends ! vg tana: 2 ae dearae «ff [fae] ay ae = Sia. Aly ds oi A aearae «ff, a5, uns) Sits, ff Pasay ae = ff as, ane = MBecdnde=, aun Antenna & Wave Propagation 119A (EC-Sem-6) nding (1.159 Te CAT x iu cape off Medea de «fia a5, +A, 04,05) = flat iedyae Mf a ara {Ife Arsen Aas re)shows thatthe total outward uxofa vector ld A through 6 Baty nevot A te closed surface Sis same a volume integral ofthe diver lone, divergence theorem x proved. c State and prove divergence over the closed surface of eyinder Ocz a40+ey as Fw Pais + pti; - rte S.Thisthoorem sony appablewben A and Vx A are continous on the srince 5. Mathematically it iwexpressed sn, $d -fw.dnad 2, roa te a ts $whih i ied ita mate fren ‘surfaces 3 as shown in Fig. 1.24.2, = a wah « &,10-¥1- 6 ‘ f om rs vad xi, otea ta, = Now, 8h @V (983,088, Pa,) {is [2 abn ie eon ey wved « LA) hene de = (ele) = Pig. 1248, vv RAO 2 From the definition of curl, | RTA] ep ott theorem | oir aa — N-+Meral as ; i gr Prote 1 Thinner oa utr A ard ded pth Linea ‘ttn ii hand re, ec or rere corte Rly 6+hé, Put this valueineg (124., 195A ECSem6) Antenna & Ware Propagtion fai, « wadraas fal, = wadrad 1242) theca ine atop foreach From etc incremental oes a ald intr legend Tein barn avon eget edn ee emo boundary ved that there ig 1248, Hence, summation fl ele ine integral french and very AS ens in clgle dese ine integral to be oxtined for the outer boundary Of the total urn 8, Beg 242 becomes, Gaal « fox Aras TeTBET] What do you mean by “Laplacian of scalar”? on Write the Laplace equation in all three co-ordinate system. ‘Answer | The componite operator of aivergence of vector and gradient of seal {scalled Laplacian ofa scalar 2 Aina scalar fel, then Laplacian of wala Ais denoted as VA. Ttisdeined asthe divergence ofthe gradient ofA Vis called Laplacian operator. 1-204 C86-Sem.) —_ Ce ordinate Systems & Transformation = Fal") arg &(sn0%), 1 oA BHOTB] ina ne 2) a ae acca te Lanta of the cle ee: HU seca Tasver 2(ieranascasy) *2(Sieranacon y) eee 2 BOF ete) +2 sn asdahy) . +2 in 2x mt 9 enn 2 cay sn cab ries: by +n Zeon ML Gin, Ue Yun 12/00), Penh” 2 1a pan (ottscn2e) 3 sat coordinate and al possible surterein 3, Bp eplindrical co-ordinate rvatemt: ax Heier vector Apa, o(e#22,into spherteal aoe ayrem, Alm evahuae ts vate at P26. ou Ber? ‘Da Transform tne A © roy tae ertedea es cine Zoordiate sem same Refer Q 18. imspherical co-ordinate. Find the 4. Given thatD = 6M) &, and r=2- volume enclosed between! same Refer Q. 113 ctermine ot A= poor ba, + sin Qs. close path lineintegral int ftround acirele which is placed in plane with Oi amu Refer Q, 1.18. Q6, Explain the gradient of a sealar field. Also explain terpretation. 7, Find the divergence ofa vector A = 8 i+ 5359, ‘and delV of» aclar fonction s4=- ame, Ree. 119. Q.8. What do you mean by “Laplacian of scalar” ? ‘aw Refer @.1 25 @00 ‘unrr | Electrostatic Fields and agnetostatic Fields , ake crosses & Moportosatc Ply (ranr1] Fivid Due to Charge Distribution, BaAawcsems) tari Pad Intent, Be 7 BNGERT GUTLINE | acerieincensity arto fre per nit char fe 8g = OH (gia hares eat | Beqew ot ee «The elmetie field due to continuous charge distribution is ee el de nt charge replacing Qh in eee sand toga over the Beene WaeER | State and explain the Coulomb's law. hme | ela sates that efor batween thee point charzes 1 Cason is rely proportianal to he pret oft ears and (iy ppertunal athe quae fe distance Feber ther, #298 Permit ote wpace a a5010 = 1 108m ‘antenna & Wave Propagation 22A@cSom9) F- 9%. Pai ‘Change Q; exerts fre on Q while @ exerts om Q,. "Me free aete Sito se tone arpa” ae 4 Th force exerted beeen theme rpulive te charces are of same polarsy wile isatrecdvesfthe chaegen sve oifercat plant i year ilaete @, wile Gieate G-then iy = f= Hand Feet The vector orm af Covlns ie ay tee oe vwher, Fere2on Q, vet @, shown in Fi 21.1) Waesz | explain Coulomb's taw and el Tnawer awor | ‘A. Coulomb's law : Refer @-2.1, Page 2-24, Unit B. Electr fel intensity: 1. Thoolectrie field intensity # is the fore per unit charge when placed in an letrie el The or @ > 0, the electric (once Fand sme QuSBE | Find the clectrie field intensity due to infinitely oog | changed wire ine charge). Knewer | fel intensity is the direction of thy in nowtons por coulomb or volts per eter du topointcharvoocated nt 7 ‘Tho elecrifesuntonsy at it 7 or N pint charges Qy Qp--- Qaeda tans nas ‘he tectre intensity a pit? i Qa-ay OG), @ulPamy angli-nh deal?ah Axel? AS 1 fara tin charge with uniform charge density xtedig ee ar er is The charge clement dQascosstel With lems See j lB.) ettalshan, @ fred rome 231 ronte23 4 We |B PastayteG2P ap ¢en2} Prting the vata of #8 ant atin # = font Jeet ie wean wows es ; Feelgtece ape (283) i Br GOA pce = F=0?-tane a= —psetada Putting values and din .(259) hen we Ba SB fone olen, sina he Ba, ante Ba EP Tien fina 23, Frepliomininwtve 34) ‘Thos fora fatto cs, Feat . . Ba Pt Hsincs dap slenny-raa)e 238 or infinite line charge, point Be at (0, 0, and A a, a= 0 2,99 0% the eompanent vanishes and (2.35) boner Pooh (236) Brave a (A FOTSOTEG, Maree 79] ‘Antenna & Wave Propagat ‘Thiscan be shown by elacag 2 7A (BC wih coe bd, $98, tategration Fafas ee] (0,0,8)m dueto unit, Slee of adton Sera 2A ECSem6) iferentil free 3 Bach ferential charge rents in 130" ig iodo. (=Pa 288, ano Fa6chg? +25) ( det oa8 component willeanel and hed, constant. 1G e10"*) (5919 10") 5p ence F = (I, asco Ya6e) 25 4. The radial db «= as00f Soa j= 8:708«10"4.N Ls - | e-aa} TaRTR] cata # at 1 1m space caused hy Ce sentea 3 nC point charge loeated at = 30 y= 1,=1, 0 and p= Cs 10 0 fewer] Given :@ = 5 26, p 2,10) a, 1,0),—y #4 10), 4,4) 0) ToRind: B 1 Blectrefield tansy inven % [aap=1.0 | L010) i [aes jny-canoy” 10) | a.4--10)) oe 40% *a,,0-c,-108 s.10*fogn, aon, aan, (O20) dey [OP ast rari last so (O80 as (23) = 6.8104, +6614, «32,7618, ‘Antonna & Wave Propagation BeRT Point charges Goan ta are pe ett 2-2 0, @,= 8 at Scudigin seater oe Jr lesa at re RaRIn ahiemettege seen crore a positioned. (Aer TT; area 7] =a (RSRO aor Marks 07] Given #9) = 156 9, n= Pega "To Find: Encery ee ____ P9A Cems) B= 126, 9, 1. When Qs placed, the work dane When Q,inpleced the ineliet@, peer, pees, Wee Vga Q x Wien Qy i placed there Gl duns, and Mae Vi, + WV Wye ot, een ek, em| haan = 2101207 9x10), feel tr ear, 4. When Qis place, thee is filddue to @,, @gand Q, Me Qa t Olin QNes earotatic Fede & Magnesite Ply | D0Agcme SSS — an ‘Antenna ; ie tates | ao 211A C-Sem-6) cas a 1 Prem snatcened and Ryn VB Ram? Po Fe oe as10%) 2, 3x10" i orc ata, OD ae a? [2230 9250") «cosa 3 ForsvonCaweicae aa » | 2 , i= ee Fz G0) 6.304) 5 earner Bc reas placed at(a-1, f . *. Mamlttnt boris ae pin, FET repro tno easncarid at | ae va larspetey tin te pti (10D, ning rH a OD Panty, Right angle triangle. Find electric fore WaT] thew .. econo CEEEBUTANEEH] | 9a eA 8 ed =a . a oa eat Panett | antes erie AKAN i terran Qh aK +aKy é @ a ; Pan. A 10, D-@-1,91=16L 1-2] = alam Rea) Tats dos 5 1,0, 1 (0, 4,-2)] = 10,49) = Jag 2 i weg, amy fa8a- aS] os irl wis ge FreT@e-2Q+9) 1. Caetaton sete al Preeopeteeresc ene ec: oa yet 80.4.3) S00 Tae _—~ i} lets sero gett Pel ee E. hin the concept of electric GET] win ites oT PY fi dens sei an seul electric felis call ott tna Revco tts otTm Berets Wier Bice la deoal noth wnt curface ea . cin eos) prs ™m 1 Teepe seca dee ‘ aqme is denotes B eg cries enstie nica ernment onneaieet eo erly ee Coie wars aro Te toa um ie aly erowed Sites i y= tal F ‘5 = Total surface aren of sphere span cet deny wine Fee Ltt iar Oa Seca aaa Aree Pao ce date sg erosing normal through the dierent eead vcvoctr inthe divetion normal ote difrontaleurice ares [TERT] 4 pont charge @ = 10 ant the ovine eve sees Find the eletre fled at PUI 0,1) Also find electri fx density, ‘Given: Q= 1026, pain PC 0,1) Res ‘$eiina etre fel, nce Duden. ie 00,5) a Ee 4Q= pp dp oh mgm Antenna & Wave Propasation 219A (HC-Sem-6) 1. We know, rome = 2, lected Bleesic xdensity spot? @ 4 102! Seow” Beaks B 0.28130", 40°) acim? ueBIal] Stato Gause's aw. Deduce Maxwell's equation from Gavan’ La. — 1 Gaus nw states that dhe atl eerie é loci Sox passing through any ‘Gone eurfeceinequnli thetotal charge cneloed by that surfeee Thum = Qe 2 Total Mx passing through the enti closed surface we fees § Bad em Such acloeed surface over which te tntgration in thee (212.1) a v= pias 4. Forvolune chan distribution ¥ =O q:= Bal = fr ae otal charg enclosed. 5 Byopplying divergence theorem in oq (2.122) fad = fda a2) Comparing the volume integral in eq (212.2) and ea, (2.12.),.e get ectosatc Fels & Mornetostatior ae, DMA ECSem-) 5 ———_—=J pe ._Thisethe frat Maxell equation aeRIS|] Write « short note on the following aPPlicationy op juss In 2 Point charge Line charge = For point charge: cated at the origin. To determine B ata, ee aoe Te area ee 1. Lets point charge Qi x spherical rata cntsiing ‘rege contred atthe origins the 2S ig. 2.18: Gauss ours att BEETS) Since B is everywhere normel tothe Gausiansurfnee,cn, B= Da ‘Appling Causal gives @=§ bad = 1 aS Dar wore, fas f frtsinoandy=' et {athe suroce area ofthe HL or infinite ine charge’ Let the infiiteline of uiform charge p, Clim lies lng the zx Ty Aetereion Bat pin P, a cylindses surface contnining pont Pis himen 2 As,thodlectre Mux density B tsconstant and normal tothe epindal ‘tee, B- 08, 4 ra 1 Apts & Wave Propapati 215A@C Sem) lat sonia trees pind odie alousana ‘et us assume a charge datibution aff, onthe outer surface ofthe {nner conor, Hero ever rosie o wheroa' Bans rie conductors heving 3 the nr oun Oring Pie er total charge on length ofthe ee f Tovoaner «btn Q (a343) = (2.142) ram 2860.Be* Bo syeeem Ping the val of @ fom e924 je 22 For uniformly charged sphere an Wy) ‘Let we consider sphere of adi’ with waiform char Ca ‘Todetermine B everywhere Gasnn sufes is costracted Tir any Cases Furr a the hangs enclosed bythe surface isthe eat charge a this ase, Ae ace Goo [rom Jav-oof | fr amoer cosy ante Y= $8.08 >, tae be Satire ‘Que BAB:] Decve continuity current equation | 1. Tis equtin of curt is asd on the principle of conservation of hare Th prinpiof emuervatin sarge sat tat “Tn sree ‘can nether becreated ore eae 1 638 215) 2 Now, et Q.= Charge within the done eurfce ~ ie dco ofa rie ad mre, 8. Acontng Lo principe of onservatin of charge, thin rate of decease it ‘ame 9 Eae af outward Sow of charge, Flaw of char ls currest. Ec aD 80, = pid, fia 4a (2152) inthe integral traf the xt equation of current ow wing th dverpnc therm, $348 «fea esa) 2180) IBA ECSem6) = sletrostti Fie & Magnetostatie Fld ve «form or trent frm of the contin ea ee squation. Also, define 2.28, Page 2-178, Unit current equation Rete @ saiwhichis incr ond bomogencosa, fetuscnie condi mes he + The corres density for his type Jeok Scand ms be doa? Fe oP 2d “ott uation states ha, 2161) a (2161s the ferential equation in p, whose solution given by, hers, y= Change density at r= 0 nore peereratr imate nea pe Relation ine = © ge et ti a oe a Beta aalca eed Falcom § aig, 3 The loctre fel intensity componestsce, Sf mo diferent medi, the wlnteface separating either £ canbe decomposed into two orthogonal Arete tangential andnormalcomponentaot & tot pees, angel and norma 1B othe ‘Some boundary conditions tan interface are 4 Dicletriste, anddlctite,y Conductors ditt (Conductor ad fee space ‘QueBAR] Espiindeeetroditectric boundary convo on Ecslain the tangential and nore Boundary conlitons betwee rotten forsale hci eld, [ARTUROIGTT Maris 10] P| 1 Gone ts 2 fel xan in argon tat cst of ne dtern ele chartered be onan comet dive a % Tefal ann di Lan cane decomp ae Redd. ann Bok. eke 2200 ec.Sem4 snsins a ee —— oneasnetsanet ddi--0 wo the lane pat oe ne opatilveriation of We ob reget epi vrai +8, ian 7 sa and aaroming thatthe 2 Amine GE ee Te : as wld and = 12nd ver 3 expen where B= #1 dB, 2 WE meters inter ant, iy | 1 FromPig 282, Foss By By Bin, iq (2383) becomes by -Egie 4 Aaah» 0,09, (218. eset re Byes Runeemane 5 muthetnputish npn arethesmeontbetwoient | 1 Sint iene ens, eeu) ance eH, unegpes ve change oats tomdary analg | 1 Divlingea 218 hy (Z1810) weet asain soi ealinoou crows the bundy one 6 Since, Back -d+ be ese e218. Torley 2.184 canbe writen 4 oA 6, 4p 21D becomes aa « 2185) Here D, undengoos same change across pe lscetinunas berms Uh interes, Qu: to the cylindrical Gaussian surface of the interface, Thani esas Wee] Diccuns the concept of conductor dices ic boundary sod conductor frce space boundary condition. "2. ae] 5 Applying § B.aS) Dante 4218, | A. Conductor-dieletric boundary condition : Mo fee charges exes atte interface eR 1 Inorder to determine the boundary colton for conductor dilectnic then Dy= Dy 28 Sie 5 carter. oka & Magnetstatie Pek AWE Sex 6) lett af Fig 218. gion wn oh ey Pera te anh : (292) fe Fig. 218. 4, tothe eylndrcal Gaussian surface oe ea D,AS-0.88 (2193) tecause 3 =e =0 inside the condctor. ae \ Le eu Di« “@ bs a D, . 1 Condotti pee boundary comaons; conductorfre apace boundary conditions Fe 2183 Aswelkmm, — D,= €96,E,=0aniD, "By replacing ¢, by 1 the boundary conditions atthe interface Betwees itor and re apace cab obtained 048-0 1219) Antena & Wore Moraga i 2:23.A (EC-Sem-6) BREERTOT] state and explain the Biot Savart's lew, Taawer 1 Blot Sarat law states tha the diferent magnetic eld intensity FE produced at pint Pea sha magnet 7 men in Fig. 22) by thedferential current onal tothe produ. dl and vine of ene (a) 08h ine oiing point Pta the cemeat and it ‘versely proportional tothe quart the dstace lt tetmeca Pan the clement a0) ‘b= Ms, othe constant of proportionality. 220) 224A (EC-Sem6) etrostatic Fields & Maynotostatic Fig, ana én =H nt diesen Pe, 2201 pia PS ig. 2.20.1. Magnetic old di a Pave to surrent element La Nae is termaof dxiibuted current puree is even as 8. Bit (Line curren dS xin (Surface caren ae ee ” Ji (Volume current a. pees ” chore, dit a unit vector pointing from the diflerential clement srreat tothe point of interest, i isaurfacecursent donsty and J iy volume current density GaeBai_| State and explain BiotSavart’s law, Derive magnetic Field intensity due to infinitely long wire carrying current OR’ Prove that the magnet field due to an infinite conductor earrying Current [at a distance ri f= 13 A/a. A. Blot Savart’s law: Refer Q, 2.20, Page 2-254, Unit B. Derivation: 1, To determine the fel due to a stenght current carrying Slamentarr ‘nvdctor of fit length ABis shown in Fig. 2:2L.1 2, Let the conductor i long the zaxia with its upper and lower end stoning ano ant? ahi Hist determine 21 Here the erent lows Sm point A, where a= af pint B whee one stenna & Wate Propagat 225A eC Sem.) 9 atthe ase) (FIG 221-1 Feld a plot Pai gh istry eater 4 Thevalue of dif at Pave toon element diet 00,2) ait - Idixk re but al dois and 8 =i, a ate efit Jeger pee th 622.2 bee Hi. fete ada rere ean ena) cot ad Fa Thai feinada 221s) 4. Mfcondctar is infinite in eng, Chen point Ai a (0, 0,~=) while Bie 5¢(0, 0,0}, = 1B" and =O thus (2.213 reesto ee ; Fo Ete crad iy BSBRE] comnctingiringsae opin Fg 2221 caries 0 current of 10 A.Find Hf at 0,0, 5) due to side 1 ofthe loop. - trate ikl & Magneto scto side Lote lop conser Fig. 2222, whey straight conduct. ig. 2222 Side Lathe op! Here we join the point (, 0, 6 tothe beginning and end ofthe line 2° ee ° cons, = 80"=0, 008» Band p= 5 ‘To determine dy, consider 6, = 4, and @y = de A Bene rom cg 228 i, = 2 eecomagly (2 ea : = 22 ( 2-0} a) =-004 4, ma woes 9) cireuit law and derive ‘Gue8SE,] State and prove Ampere's Maxwell's equation for it. Antonna Wave Propagation 4 The Anpere cial lain, fii oie, shor, it Magne intenty $f esa eal tertile viee {= Garon caceed 3 Aopbing oko harem ne rt et oes fel [ve fa asp tage fed 4 Comparing tho mcm ingralinog (228.2) a2, lay ineates 2234) 5, Bq(2.28.0i0the third Maxey eqation. ‘REHRAT] Wete «short note on the following applications of Ampere'sInw for infinite: {Line current Sheet of current Taewor Infinite tine current 1, Consider an infately long Slamentaryesrrnt along the saxis ox shown nthe Fig 224.1 2 To determine Ht at point P onsder x closed path pasing through pint. Thisisthe thon which Ampere’ aw api andi own ‘sAmperian path, ‘8 Since this path encososthe whol curentJ then acrdingto Ampere’s = 1= [thse pth Joab, 20 eit Fee Map Met 2A ECSem-6) vig. 2288, fh Infinite sheet of current inthe==0 plane 1 Consider am nite curent hee in th 2 tTthesheethas a viformcarent density =X, 8; Wm os showniny Taw tothe rectangular elod path pers la Teal giee PS. fi di = hag KP , ig. 2282, [has 20 0,nhere ne 25g SS Oe ‘A. Bomdary eonltona: : A Boundary sondione tbe 20 tpt Tine ott ssn ols cared yf.) = ‘voetor normal to plane is given by. pelea ss See 2 Tim igl,2,-0ii, (5-01-26, +68, +48) a Pee ee ee LL am, wd Bani, atl, 90164, + 10.58) WH 20, ‘GerTaE] eaplain the boundary condition for current denaty, faower | etree current siiquly creas as interface betes to media wh ccna aucune, the eurveat density vector changes beth ‘treet and magnate ‘Toe equation for tendy current density J are Dives oem Ing oom eis jias-0 any +(4}-0 fiid-0 ane 4. ‘The divergence equation is same and the curl equation is obtained oy cmbining Onais law td = 0 with Vx ote a ad $BdB = forte dauertrn 2HOACECSem6) lection Fels & Magnetic Peg vb=o, oiecential re). (2.382y ‘The derivation insane anor the sai el Masweit second canton a uaa 1 eis derived from Bara’ am Acc fi oi = 52 a8 taertorm> 223) 2. Applying Stoke theorem 0 og (2383 et fad [ov~B-aS = [SP 08 2834) 2.4 eves 3. Comparing the iro surface integrals ine oud = -Bonmerentisl orpint frm) 2585) sg 283) ith eter mado 23) dierent rm Mavwells equation il, Maxell third equation : Tr Itiederved from Ampere cist fii [5-08 22a) oot 2 vee taw Aeconing tle aw 2 Onadding daplacemsenteurret to righ i cam net $itat «| (3.°2) 48 dnicqattom) 12887 2 Applying Stoke's there: 1 0: (28.7 gies reeomay ime fiat [oot aBaj[4.22)-45 casa) 4 Compan two surface integrals nog (28 8) gives efi = 5 2B (teeta ori frm) (2889) 2.8.7) the intogral form and oq (28. is the diferent oe eit form of Bw equation. jv. Maxwells fourth equation : Ji-48 =0 (otegel tor) v-B ~0 (Differeatator point form) ‘Thederivationinaume asfor the static elds. 1B, Maxwell's equations for time harmonic Mlelds : Assuming time factor othe Maxwells equation i ven by esau sho that tube-raying magnate a oe ‘This Maxwell equation 3 hanging let al GedaA | Write down} 9B Sit.di afi?) 4: Maxwells curl equation for time-varying el, otelatentbe magnetic and lest elds nd (ee reduces a magnetic ek the expretson/tatement ofthe Differential form of Azsperc'sinw. aa Perea ate ene 1 Masten onto ores ben vn i yak 5.28, 5 +22 campere'screit tow) & 1 2 paraiays ton) ies that conduction current os well as eanpreduceaneletic fad ean 2042) 242A (EC Sem-6) B = Boctrc uxdonity(C conivetion current dont (Am), 5 = Ment a est a aac The fet evel oh num flee apliecment and conde Ste Fey wtb te PE ear stig te leeoradv re aun dod) Fa sea tine derivate of he magnetic fx ewugh ay sure bind by tpt owing Secretion of Ampere eu lw even by veined were * Candston cure’ density (A?) 2 Aswe know i-di= tue asa) a Aovving Stoker's there the side eq (2049) we pt $ edia{ xtra mr, sas) VERY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS: Following questions are very important, These a as beck in gour SESMIONALS aswell as UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION. Q.1. Find an expression for electric field intensity for an infin sheet of charge. same Refer @. 24 Q2, Calculate E at PUA, 1, 1) in free space caused by the jentical 2 aC point charges located at p, = (1p 1s y= 1, 1,0),Py= 1-140) and py=U,~ 1,0) Antenna & We Py en Baerga asec 8 Twos Beene tera potent eM gta MC are paced at 2,-1.9 an Sereeianaa lengli tnt soe este ey Mega te 0). ind energy inthe syatem. = @5. Beplaln the apy line charge, count 9 Gauss sans Refer Q 214, eben law for point charge, ited sphere @.6. Derive continuity time, ET eeon Al, sams alee. 26 7 Explain the tangential ang define relaxation ama Refer Q. 2.18, afer vale elds. 6, alan the opting ccurent sheet of ument ge 0 ite) tne ame Hofer) 235, Monge anemic, a9. 8t and prove boundary condition at intorto mogoctevtatle Helds/Givemiae Buc8d 463.444, Am Imemg.-tsoimencay ey a Mi, and B Hi, und 8, te region y—2~250, where u, =: nm Refer. 231, ag for 10 en a el ae a ae contuons wis epegteicens ==" ine ey 600 Antenna Fundamental unit and Definitions Parts + CONTENTS — 2A to 0 Tntredustion, Base Antenna 104 Parareter, Pater, Beam ae (or Beam Sst Angle) 08 ftom, Diecity D Disetvity and Resto, 8-404 to 3-104 teove Hedeit ‘The Radio Gomnmuaictin «.~ ar 1 Asiana bam a dficed ax enfilarwid a dgrey tf [posses ‘najr lobes between the two direction at which radiated power e_| B: ‘eosved powers orale the maximum power __* 2 Therelation between directivity and beamwidth i given by, dyin a [isin aol sina Antenna & Wave Propagation Gaeta | A source has a co U2 U,,c08 6, The radiation inter hhemlsfihere: Bind tho total power # Given: = 0c ‘To ind otal pret rated and. he cosine source, we aly alegre, sity bas a value only in radiated and is direedvige For thetotalpowor radiate by fly over the pper hemisphere Juscosoemoundy=20, ay eine sourcels sam aie the unico 2. Ihe powareadint iy the wai ogi to At yd nn olrop sures, thn (0.1 may bet ny 40, where {f= radation intent istic source, Wark y, 3.5 Dinetivity, Da Yaad oe te GaeBAOT] Derine dvective gan and ower gain in etal and ais explain the diterence between tem Kowwor A Directive gain: 1 Theesten a which pastie antensa concentrates is radia ‘hint to that ofeomostandard antennas termed as directive ja 12 Thustho directive gain (G,)in a given deection is defined as ther ‘tthe radiation iatenstyin that direction to the average rail ivective gain « Hodtion intensity ina particular diretion ei ‘Avera radiated power £ Indeciel, total power radiated ig ualttive m Hated iceccetetat ans ‘4 The directive gain slay dgsengg 8% rection, Seec it eaeenccactae a 2 en recat ees an ‘isotropic antenna in tho same degen tot PORT detaity radiated Pivneeteaeamemenrarsna sone 2, The power gun indenoted yg Pore density 7 eae canoe ae 8 The power gain in the given direc ib ae 6._Difference between dirctve pin wne ee ten to which the 28th ai [Se] overtime area. 1 [Rh power gla isthe | Diner defined atte ot power | the mien Gece ens radataby detent | inant atc Intenstyinhat dieton se fantonna in a particular | reapevsdiet eee ivection tothe powers ensiy radon wero elton, Aton Apertures Ete Height. teetion, a Pe ee Se lO LL sg | SULA RCEemg) aaa “pprosinatel awit ssevumwrain te sworn loea eum ne "wy (XE te oe ee aemitr ofp ores tet tment ete canoe Wave Propagation potween directivity and resolution, | ofthe beamwidth between Ppetween first null BW (th (HEBW) or sitobal anh ea ‘ar, Hal the sven thal am 2 Thos the produc ft 4 Thus N numberof radio ‘eile nifrmly Oe & BAL) a hor, = beam ae 4. Since drcetvity fr arm rea p~ a CTE % ingivenby 5. ‘Then fom oq (9412) and eg (102) De se, numberof point sure cal to directv ofthe antenna 1 antenna can resolve ls numerically GICTTE] pedace the rtaton twee fective apereeand in on Eaplain the antenna aperture in detail and also derive ax enna showing the Felation between effective aperture and [ARCTU 2017-16, Maris ‘ofan antenna. directivity of an antenna, Tawwer 1. Consider two antenna as antenn 1nd antenna? Lette directs Siese antennas be denoted yD, and D, Asume that their maxi cfetive areas are denoted by (Ay ma a Aya. 4 Let ut asaume that antean y Astenen Panama: Dla he maximum ffi Let tenna beth aye. Dy ene te tte rec alt eich he ae 2 ae 2a Dm Hens ae wo Asda = Sans ai (122) dipole, Aa weknow fr the short pene Wch abort. plea, opertareis (2) eae beans eects i) stig 8 as Aaa » i) 3) » 4 Putin value of Ay Jue nth expen fo D, wep, . pe oae ’ ey Sa aia ts Heme in gareiwe neta, % De Saw san tester oxy we = Bary fer 10, fom ey (3.12.5) and (3128), 0-0 =a Finale antenna etisency ABA CEC Eeme, dwith aoe "Govune ancenas power Tons, i thy ‘ARTO BOTT, Ma waa i doo ntenna ate teal inp ebro fT en pore retin Teal iapat power Pq © RW, Po : “a. WR, = 74 Toge = 088 oe 1.098) x74 = 81.59 Aon owe a 180 ya, Cia « 7 J omesine dees | usinvanae an [a fnew PHAEC Sem) —Ae'ennaPandamenta & Defintloe “1, ie aoe =e soiree ing, eg =) In daetes O(8 - 20g on THEI, TEBE] State and ex a tective beg of Soe Dateien a 4, a 2 + yatuseeatah eee plier ets 5 peak current, lay the ratio the average eurrent tothe i Uptogeten, on eae yee 2 eaetee aae peerdie ‘GaeSAB] Derive the relation between the etective height end ffectve aperture ares. An antenna has & radiation resistance of 300 ohm, a loss resistance of 16 ohm and'a power sin Cr 104s. ‘antenna efficiency and itsdiretviye (are ares 19] = A. Relation between effective height and effective aperture Area 1 Consider an antenna ofraation resistance R, matched ts oad 2 Thepower delivered oload, ve = ain aR Antenna & Wave Propagation SSA hes, — = HIGAECSeme) Yo etetve boi E But met Usingen. (315.2), P= SE ee, Power in terms of efective aperture given as P=5A, “a shor A, = Effective aperture ie = EPoynting vector But, s- FP and ‘y= latrines impedance of space(317.0) pe 3.154) tt lose 0 Ca soho power gain is 16, tivity ofan antenna, if ea Beal 3 eels lees 8)=156, Ren Given 8, = 1000, 15.0 Given F750. Ro= 0, 6,16 ere i Antenna offseny, 1 Power gain (Gp) = 104B= 10log(G,) = G, = 10 pe + ity = 01880 = 85.9% 2 Antenna ctiiney n= Bg = saa 0582- a2 a Diectinty.D= = . Deus Fase: (ig = 10 og 115)=1061.48 ae 2 ‘GeeTIE] A tranemitting antenna having effective height of Dig = Wien t8.16)=125848 1.4m takes acurront of, ata wavelength of 625 m. Find radition resistance, power radiated by an antenna and antenna efficiency PAR Ps Gert nt fon Ontang Temperature, Aten Impotence for R,=500. Antenna & W ve Propaation BATACCSemg) AEC Sem) + transmission formula. (RTO SORE Maa ‘Write short notes onthe following: TDinectivity and rexalution Derive the Frits formula for radio commun [ARTU 2019-20, Maier) Tawwer LL Directvity and resolution :Rofr Q 2.11, Page 8-234, Unit li, The radio communication lnk (Fris's Formula) 1 Pig.d8: howe a radio comunicatin ink Let the ransmte fed power P toa tranamiting antenna of efetiveapertre A, 2 Ataditane ,areceivinganenns of fective aperture A, intereep tonne ft power railed ty he transmitting antenna dali forthereeciver 4 Asauming that the transmiting antenn Cit area available a the roan antenna tropl, the prec Ft 3.7 Zam 9181 44 I¢tho antonna has gain G, the power per unit aren available at the ‘roeiving antennt wl be iaereased in proprtion ax given by 3,- Ban ous 15 Now the powerealestedy the losers, matched receiving mntennac cote aperture A, 3s PxSsAye Bide ow, (18s 6 The gainaf he taming antenna can Boxee a = te we * SABA(ECSem.5) ee es 7. Sthtogtiineyg gy ee eine & Dene A ears PTs ofrssinsig antenna, rat Perret ecivig anton, ee AeMewenegeretos Pies, TReeSERT] Weise a note on td rena on ‘What i mean by radlation pattern ofan antenna» taxm fields from ovcillating dipole indore” Doser the (ART BOGR,Aarks 7] Taswer [A Mediation pattern: Refer 22,Pese38, tes 1, Field from oseilating dipole 1. Lets consider that the dice awa in ig. 2.8 aha hacge ofoppeit om ncllating up and doen akioreatr ken, Wwithinsantaneuseeperstan/ wie fearay te sen 2 Ai ime ¢= Othe charges at t minum epurtcn snl ude ‘aximum acecerationm bey rere the dren 8 Atthisinstant the curreat intr went bcos Utne he Charges re moving rds wachother sions afi 8c and Aka period of 14 they pss be midpait shawna p19 pote. $194 ECSem) 1. ee pee tener Antenna Wave Propagation (Skdoin te el nes ewer oe “ << ‘Wave fronts mex Sven 1-0 Fig. 8.19 Oscillating eacteidipola asain ‘hs thin occur the field ine detach and new anes of opposite sign are s itis a maximums and theme‘ thi tine ein cored aa uence 6. Arthotimepoyrenee 12 pero th ll atin to mew ou Senin Fig 818 at 810.1), na temperature and antenna jain, directivity, beam efficiency, and antenna 2 20AECSem6) — aa et ene ‘An antenna does mot have anintrge eee ‘ermal enirotmen that igi pte a te $ faee NE he ay, Paine shee, 4 = Beltane ent ‘a203) cera (1380-2 9 Be Besser 0 6 Letthe antenna baa oie hig from the source ngienty MA, Tenth pve rina meee ‘a20% vere, $= Powe density yr nit bandit Acs Bice sperarnnt 1. Prom o9.(320. and (320.2, ne a Sapo Ure ee se 4% a 3B. Antenna impedance: 1A anfeana impianee is the ipetans a he pis where the ransninien lin caring RE. ove ne ranaosee 2 Sine at this point input obs otnon supe herent ere asantenna input impedanes sine his impeach foe from he transmitter sfidsoths alo known fed bc operon {1A at this impedance the trainin pratense hare Asriing ott impedaneortrminl impede 4 Now, antenna sos sd ltd te tests termi! Anspedance (2) ame asthe elimpeance (2, of te stcrsa. Mathematical - SHIA EC Seng, weston 242 Bao p= Sele int Soa is abeaps postive The value of self enpedante of anton Ter as transiting antenagap Sea mn ei The se cea ans of ma een wa ol otc ee oe tonanm ep Sinopopnre of aes a dente caren Downgin tee ance orton etme ‘otc a= Tt sk tmater wri, actual impedance of anantenn lemeat the am ace ord leans when leer nfennsreniredag te pede al etonns preeot a the neat C.inectvity Refer @ dy Page 8-68, aie Antenna gain: Rafer @.34, Page 3-64, Unit er 8.5, Page $A, Unit etwork The signal onl ra ne power. [taste fxpeaah B_ Beam effisiency Bal SN; fan lcs ia ena [stn anata! power te eto measur the detection capably of he syste, (G._ronttoback ratios This ihe ratio of ower radiated in the esd rane i rarer raiaedn se oppose direction Thioraiag ae en enennas ae tobe toeated to Tomine ate anions Ne and are now roi asincase of neo isa ‘TOTETT] explain tm detail induction eld (near-field) and radiation fold (far-field) (magnotic fleld only) applicable to slernating euerent element Taawor ‘tore ie only on component for thn mngnstis field in ciaeon W213) snscoam eer se 2 nae peed oo Coaeoeae te a one OF represent Bo ged Win cS represen een EO eR aeelert erernare centr eee Fe Whoa ditanc senate [balctes th nergy tre clement Tower] Given D8, /=12GH P= marae 1 “To Find: Woke, Ae | Power ressved(,) - 2 Rifectve Apetine, Ns ewer deity Following questions are very important ‘may be asked in your VALS as well 08 UNIVERSITY BXAMINATION. «tow the directivity ofan anna defined nod what i Ut ericlation between directivity and gain of a8 antemme ? rg 2. Define directive gain and power gin tn detail and also eesitin te aiffenence between em aww flr. 310, (3, Explain the antenna aportureim deta and also derive an Ee ne eres tne relation betwoen effective aperture Reter@ 312. ‘4 Raplain the antenna ffconey-A directional antennas Oo ee eifectiveradiated power of lol kW, when it ixfed with a aan rb0W, Radiation resistance 74 ‘erminal input poy eared antenna current 1.088 ae eeremat yaa tncantnnaeficency. the tenn seers ae Ti) the directive gan in decibels over an, Rotrople radiator. ‘anu Refer QS 5. Derive the retin between the effective height and effective aoe ee irea, An antenna has @ radiation resistance of 185 him, a oss resistance of 15 ohm and a power galn of 10d, Calculate antenna efficency and its directivity. same, Refer Q 515. 46. Derive the Piss formula for radio communication link. ‘Ane Refer Q. $18 out antenna temperature and antenna Q7. Disews impedance. ‘ame RelerQ. 82. e0e (___ contra —— Bice ie i Se ge Ts ake | atten ea | Blt Dip a fae ay G0 122 Actonnas stages i fe | tee, ea | eee Ereic Ca A ay | rat ews | Fie Gua “ Aecinee ee ge HUA ta tn purtS + Yasde Antenne [eas bee Deseo Folled igi hann J putt Pertt = {2A CSem) Annan Anteee Dai oan uc Dre, The Sart si Dl Pa _— si aca < aces att eta, GeeABT] Derive the erPreesons of pot magnet Rel ofa shor, Tower] Sd ORR WaT] 1, Let weonsider acon reenact eg a vg FETT | sro explain shot leer dipoles ete TSE Pl ofl cure seg AAS Teed *Uisedining tem crayon Aerie awe] pee nce endteri oho that curent maybe sand ae Abert nae on or omer seeder © *teSnmomentstnca nt gen, (ld short dipole 2 piel eppronimatin i ahown in Fig, 4.1-Ta wich tween ‘Ania ppronresnted by two spheres where charge, eile J tpl tht dos have ior en iy where, {Sow os ama pole yeh longs of th short dple ie waning mall he Ins dpl se Autor dipole ayn entra condition andthe moment aeamg If aa seri ene halt the dipole ase nex pos ad ned are oem hor ndefi iver acurrent ea flow o eta contin ars rater atltage between two haves of ioe erratic mn {Wn th current changes its dection this charge unbalasead rot be nesralied and then changed End plate al 4@ eh be wig ats. ‘Antena Design 44ABCSem0) Astana Deson em be roduced 4 Bee, aes delim aay wer, phase ent: se eS nat seaarptnial Vfacarg tition is 4 bla 0a mals wes p= Retarded barge oy <2 Lintatesinal emo element 2 Permit fees. «esimethareginofcrsin ese iaeunder oreo sco aa eret teal Thenex (23) bones panione azo wales] oe = flden fie a = ae as Suen tar of (4.2.8) ino 2D, we et al aed a on ul. 26 ‘serfe| Sa] 8 When r>>!, the ines conneting te ond of dipole and point Pea’ consdered as parallel eush that. t 2 Antenna &e Wave Propagat Be “% 1 aan arr we get Ne ofs,andsyineg (4.2.6) and solving the equation, | wa20 ore first aad fourth train. (4.28 zero acon act ‘two terms contributed so that Vx A al Vic andere heey compment Hx tatsinoe jo 2) ‘Thus, ie rom dipole have only three component, and H, fies PART-2 | Radiation Resistance of Short Blotrie Dipole, Thin Linear B Antenna, Radiation Resistance of M2 Antenna. +5AGCSem9) FGETS wat tnearanteana*Derive the radiation resistance fa short electric dipole. (RT a0, Mae oe calet only ane A. Linear antenna Aay entenna with asinge oot ‘eat parznione from an lectromarnetie wa" 1B. Derivation 1 The ratition rositance of the eho integrating Paystng vector ofthe far Ee x dipole ean be determined by dover slage sphere obtain uated to where lis 2 Thnmarag Poyatingecorn = daaear) aan 2. Metra canpumni 5n tttheeacomna Benes sate asa wir yan aoe 4 Testers olay eninge he ‘Heo none chan ‘Thun (8 tevmen spo dreziaeodinnez= Lint fE as. 5 Meta pmerPrdiaedaian So Poff. as~1 f(a tinea 435 eee ee Hise Fete rerio ee Binnees tree snaetinn eT fmt estes Paine eterno a Bis ae cea ete rata aatat JR a. Free =. 439) eee esses eyes 2089009439 beams e0e'(2) sno ii a) = 2 = T9013 9, eee © Shncenter by abalanced pee win tees ee cen beara eet asd esi evs fret dotunsssgreaty reel fe at length bt ieee tht the curent ade value ocean at any Fae) aan where, sin [FG] = Pore ater carat ne a 48AECSem-6) Fig. 4.1. Relator petal, i ae entered antans fle 4. When,2.<0,the expression (£2) igused and whene> 0, (1 ve ted, Comidering the antensn in mde up of ref initunng wacag 4 Thorefre,ifir enireatena ane obec by tert {fields from all of the dipoles which is givon by oe nen 0) 21cm 29) ‘snd 1 es 2/2een 9 ay ee a ae) Pads bees, ule toe 6 (42) anda, (44:2) gives farelde Hand By ofa symm enter fed thin linear antenna efleagth Quod] vatuate the radiation resistance of a 3/2 antemms lement operating at a frequency of 20 MEI, ‘on, plain the thin linear antenna and also derive the radiation resistance of /2antenna. ART 20T7 Mari Taswer ‘A. Thin linear antenna: Refer Q. 44, Page (7A, Unit 1B, Radiation resistance of antenn: 1 The elemental surface area ofa spheriea shell is given by de=2ersin Bd5 fas Peon & Sine, Pa Pan, Comparing 04 458 aoa 85 Ratan (glee. (aes eo le=tw (eSp)—n-wrs ae = ona oem et 9a “2 7a ead nae ae ce Saeed ete mapcope sos rms ow vie siren ta 7 pam prem <7 aounpsp 2) Ssgoas: YoERSECD = ¥ = oe. ‘a-«is (oq uaa 5 sed oro some Sum © 38 pur 4 como» Se TEI SSE Pe Fai wy (ig AoaaIE Py ap UeaL Tako ZO 20 = ‘sevqd ur penbo qt pay aue syusmsp om 2 256 =D TIP. ‘gu opis Aa ope padueize pur pay 37089 ze TET SITS? 7 sopE2e) 7 | el -syuomaye gx weap ous Jo S077 ‘pwpeong 205 usas7ed prey 205 noxssaadss om oarec | reed 4 exaeceet — a anon (Sane |, nthe ) Pa ela ae nae tere a Fe i oe tin ot a e372 BO= tisacecsems) 4 miaputern Bf tintin nal a era pane orto totrope cas ae re trates ae puting =H) i ey Be ty Bri gan te ‘anewer ari. 8 showing acemter Fo ‘are ar. thence 2, 4, ayn stabil tame ; fe nea eran A ; aod a Sree en f ‘This in the absolut, ae ‘iene di orion : : = tern ine plane wl te reosve tore, «poping th lela ieolepstet ei aches DE suwerese (S524 ) 4 ramon ir sp ment esd | acenseeen ne eat ride pl Pe oat fa a ay = Fn singh hn ee ot re eh us al I eer er a a tnaee Fics) 4 Boebeiaw thd of sages foie 7 ch erone replaced by an mage ote alata own in Fig $92. ‘istanee below the rowed pane 4. Thonbyennioring the current a dhe sage eal ‘eersedin phe by 180 t espet to anti Pere tangential lect fled is met at ‘antenna — (oe sisacecsem®) jp Thinis the plane gown which th age vplce. thi 2 fof rnolantacna aber EhuvetateabGespacte cote. of antenna re ttemna ltatd at about 62 length above the ground mas be 2 ae eel in re ace However, ia practice, tino a7" ‘Sans teace the radon patterned ee ch ete Py eect trom groond 42 Tafownce of erund depen the fs, whether de antenns Tae uid or merely eitated nen the ground. So, ther® a Frogpesofantonnss 4. Ungrownded antennas (ro comctor) 4 Traeource of radiation pot nara refetng “tne pitt tho vector sum of assumed to be a perfect fice, tho radiation fil wna indiect That of actus ancenn. The overall: btn cause by an array oftwo nearby antenn=y “4. These ats dontiea! in lengbavingeqoalcorrenisiamagnituges cra seat bpewice th ees tn ontone ainve round, er ae oii ome adr stot LISA C-Sem6) Reon Pere sn cite, See sce en Ss et ee nono wre Soe ‘ows meg ne dna peaiesnactiaa, || Neodienan 5 prudent in ont of ive lemons ogg g Aa otal iene one riea tee Spas ee aimee pen Length ofthe electors pangs ing, 4. Toelngu elite sreapesteeae ate t rotor teen Dect ga raat Rag hen tg ARM renting eee a Langth feath othe degng Se" O8=03r0 ‘i Oi 3044 x68 030, Driven coment th <5 feat Sree heros tnt ee ‘aM = 02m Stas 4 < Sputngbeventin denon a ier cancon amt i Shacing btwn omsecutirediea ‘ = 030.3031 ‘sgeneally fe ogeney ott Misatenninngnay |g 1-8, soative and the bandwidth af 8% ean be eaallyablaaes Si) pessoa = MLN ear bandwith saufient fr television reeption WEAR] obtain tneroushness at waeensth on, Tho bandwidth of2 % to 8 % ean bo easily achieved ithe pag fora ca between the ements iabetween 0.1% 191.6), msg o = 0.5 with 0 = 60 degree, 3 Tomine Yaga nto abut 7 eSB SN ree mistote é ‘The Yagi-Uda antenna i light weight, low costand simplein elas WGiven 2860s) e=0.5 oan" Es | TeFind Roe th ir] Haplain Vag antonnn and design smo Ve know Yagi-Uda array for operation at 500 Mz, . (aero ore re ere) Re écasinan, on Astona, a pic antenna ? Deseribe i, Tevpadenca tm odie that ve f om on, impedence ella that coving waves are set upin he four oe that 4, Themaximim gin rom th hembicantonna alone the dice sain ars which pases threw fod pin otro are sac ‘ho rhombic antenna generates ule lovatonin he upward din aa van and its construction + a en ranaal peared waves with 2 hambie ante yey eranamission Sd reepyen ion dac athe prarence afearth. * BF chighe? be ye i.e, near Sette ‘The radiation pattern of the rh. aa rane comes 8 se Rtoaicware to ne Pe a0) Terai neaal cea eS tests eaten ores eormia | edie lertameganansuri ras ownia Pe 141 1. Theather lobes formed o each af the . ane lon equal and may range fom eee leg got eaceled, an they have ‘Toe leuthol he ao 1 = Tok ie idireetional radi 5 na red a none Mean teiot caine ars ae made retin! by Te Se sence ee eR ic. ri rot ig Fooeeieal {ee highly direction brodend atennas with greatest edited oF received power long the main ats rlongee npr Rnombie anions ne tuned andrew) adeband antenna feo fora api ocing ote werng acs watt Tae. BGI Wt ort not om Viena mee ‘Terminating estan (iyisaiton pater, wees 2 Basically, there are two types of V-antennas one is resanant and the (6 When the chombiesntcnma i deed for transmission, itis other is non-resonant. SAR ee rome nee Aten aecsen 3 28 Dy = a = meson eon ad MESA 1. torent 18 A ctr ofthe apex ange” MD gy ae Tieng apes ar "am aby retain 4. Thetwo wires are Non reson vnennas are the antenDis in which 4 fed 380° out of phase with eachother, he noo esa a they don't have open trex ss antennas ike a properly terminated team 2 Apuntene nding Ves ag Tne produce rend ty th Se of rect termination rex, 8s ected ensuring that only forward travel 1 peri elete,ensring hat only ing waves fies yrecty matched tranamnsoa line all he transmitted, Gacpted inthe trainating resistance ait Derive the impedance ofa folded dipole a on ai ‘What is folded dipole antenna ? Describe Yagi-tida =, Sout es opea [RRFO ROE Power Refer 4.11, Page 4-17, Unit 1 Folded dipole antenna conte of two eloeely spaced V2 elemegy connected togeter athe exter ends, 2. Info dipaletwo half wave dipoles are folded and joined togeterts paral at the end ‘Wis edt the centre bya balanced transmission line ‘Terr th to dipoles ave same vltage at thet ends. The radi ter of coovntcnal half wave dips ad folded dipole i same at ‘apt impedance fled dipole i higher [ut usassume in flded dipole tth the conductors have same diame MVisemfeppbedo the antenna terminal that are divided betwentls ‘wo dipoles at ahown ia Fig 416 1, |} sonar fle de wa, ‘aro on a v Then, 2 uth soe 1, Caneel attemiea tdi Ty> terminal ot aiieg Z,.= Selfmpedane of dipole ‘Mutual impedance fps and 2 bt (ae +, 21e : te Gee fipde a VHD Fi. Ata. ad ta) Sine, neh », Vath 262) Since the two dipoles are clove together ie. disorder of 1/10, thorefore, 24, *2; Thus the terminal spadane Z ofthe satenca sivenby or 1/2 dipote, consider 2), = 70 +400, then terminal pian of 2swiceflded dipole becomes Z 280.0

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