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No Plastic Policy: A Progressive Legacy

The wheel is still rolling as the campaign against plastic pollution gains continuous
momentum. In accordance with this, the Supreme Secondary Learner Government (SSLG),
Youth for Environment in School Organization (YES-O), and Solid Waste Management(SWM)
kept the ongoing No Plastic Policy running to address plastic pollution. Indeed, it further aided in
straightening the movement against environmental problems and promoting clean and safe
conditions for everyone.
Precisely, plastic pollution is a severe case that destroys the surroundings. It is estimated
that it takes 20–500 years to decompose plastic. With this, it will linger for a longer time, which
poses great risks to animals such as fish being choked in the ocean. In fact, nearly every
synthetic material is composed of chemical substances that can damage the soil, air, and water.
As such, pollution happens, which causes environmental issues and health impacts on living
To solve this problem, the No Plastic Policy was implemented during the administration
of former Supreme Student Government (SSG) President Sophia Bocagacia. The policy includes
the suggested use of personal containers and alternative packs instead of plastic bottles. Now,
penalties are enforced on vendors, which further strengthens the policy. It can be said that the
policy became a great enactment in Sto. Niño National High School (SNNHS) to prevent plastic
Furthermore, according to Jannette Mendiola, one of the canteen vendors at SNNHS, the
policy is acceptable as it reduces the littering of garbage around the school’s premises. She also
added that instead of using plastic, the use of alternative packs like paper bags and banana
leaves is preferable, as it decreases the costs for the vendors to package their foods and
beverages. Through this, the vendors will not only help to lessen waste but will also profit from
Furthermore, with the plastic-free surroundings brought by the policy, it likewise
improves the mental health conditions of the students. According to Zell Joy, on February 23,
2023, sustainable actions that address plastic pollution can have a positive impact on the mental
health of a person. By knowing that we make a difference by taking part in the protection of the
environment, we can have a sense of satisfaction and pride in ourselves.
However, the No Plastic Policy has its downsides. The vendors need to think of other
measures when packing their foods and beverages. Even Jannette Mendiola admitted that
creating packs for her goods is meandering. Also, some vendors are annoyed and distressed when
the students who borrow their cups, bowls, and utensils do not return them.
Still, the No Plastic Policy brought a great change to SNNHS. Even Mark JB Prandas,
SNNHS student, revealed that the policy brought discipline to him as well as his classmates as he
learned to segregate waste from plastic. This only shows that the benefits of it reached the
students and gave significance to the environment.

Meanwhile, the No Plastic Policy can be further elevated if all of us follow the rules.
With how the said policy is going, what is needed is the united participation of everyone. It is for
this reason that progressive development must not be stopped. The legacy must be pervasive.

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