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Code: CIFMS Workshop Solutions

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Fundamental of Engineering Exam Review
Workshop Notes

Fluid Mechanics for

Civil Engineering Discipline

Dr. Raghava R. Kommalapati, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, F. ASCE

Topics Covered
– Fluid Properties
– Fluid Statics
– Energy, Impulse and Momentum Equations
– Fluid Measurements

Note: All the problems provided in this notes cannot be covered in the
workshop. We will solve good number of these problems in the class and the
rest you can practice at your own time.

1. FE Civil Review Manual, Lindeburg, Professional Publications Inc., 2014.
2. FE Civil Practice Problems, Lindeburg, Professional Publications Inc., 2014.
3. Fundamentals of Engineering Review Manual (FERM), 3rd ed., Lindeburg,
Professional Publications Inc., 2011.
4. FE/EIT Sample Examinations, 2nd ed., Lindeburg, Professional Publications
Inc., 2006.
5. 1001 Solved Engineering Fundamentals Problems, 3rd ed., Lindeburg,
Professional Publications Inc., 2005.
6. Fundamentals of Engineering General Engineering Sample Questions and
Solutions, NCEES, 2005.
7. Fundamentals of Engineering Review, 11th ed, Potter, Blue Moose Press,
8. Fundamentals of Engineering: FE/EIT Exam Preparation, 18th ed., Kaplan
AEC Education, 2008.
9. FE Reference Handbook, 9.4 Version for Computer Based Testing, 2016.

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Fluid Mechanics

1. Which of the following statements is true of viscosity?

(A) it is the ratio of inertial to viscous force
(B) It always has a large effect on the value of the friction factor
(C) It is the ratio of the shear stress to the rate of shear deformation
(D) It is usually low when turbulent forces predominate

Solution: Answer is C
From Handbook (page 103), we know τt = μ (dv/dy)
Where dv/dy is shear deformation and τt is shear stress and μ is viscosity
which is the ratio of shear stress to the rate of shear deformation.

2. What is most nearly the height of a column of carbon tetrachloride (SG =1.56)
that supports a pressure of 3 kPa.
(A) 6 cm (B) 10 cm (C) 15 cm (D) 20 cm

Solution: Answer is D
From Page 103, P = ρgh
p (3000 Pa = N/m2) = ρgh
h = p/ ρg = p/(SG ρwater g) = 3000 N/m2 / (1.56*1000 kg/m3*9.81 m/s2)
= 0.196 m (19.6 cm = ~20 cm)

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3. The fluid in a manometer tube is 70% water and 30% alcohol (SG =0.8).
What is the manometer fluid height difference (cm) if a 14.6 kPa pressure
difference is applied across the two ends of the manometer
(A) 124 (B) 158 (C) 176 (D) 87

Solution: Answer is B
P = ρfluidgh but (ρfluid = SGfluid*ρwater)
h = P/ρfluidg

SGfluid = % water *SGwater +% alcohol* SGalcohol =0.7*1.0 +0.3*0.8 = 0.94

h = P/ρfluidg = 14600 Pa/[0.94*1000 kg/m3*9.81 m/s2] = 1.58m =158 cm

4. When a thin bore, hollow glass tube is inserted into a container of mercury,
the surface of the mercury in the tube
(A) is level with the surface of the mercury in the container
(B) is below the container surface due to cohesion
(C) is below the container surface due to adhesion
(D) is above the container surface due to cohesion

Solution: Answer is B
For liquids like water the adhesive forces between water and the surface are
larger than cohesive forces between water molecules themselves and thus
adhesive forces cause the water to climb a solid vertical surface and rise above
the general water surface level. However, for few liquids like mercury, the
molecules have strong affinity for each other or in other words cohesive forces
dominate and thus avoid contact with the tube surface. The level will be
below the general surface level.

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5. An open chamber rests on the salty lake floor in 25 m of lake water (SG
=1.02). The air pressure in kPa that must be maintained inside to exclude
water is nearest to
(A) 500 (B) 250 (C) 310 (D) 145

Solution: Answer is B
The internal pressure inside the chamber must equal the local external
pressure. External pressure is due to the water column above the chamber

p = ρgh = (SG)lake water ρwatergh = 1.02*1000 kg/m3 * 9.81 m/s2 *25 m

= 250155 N/m2
= 250.16 kN/m2 = 250 kPa

6. An open topped cylindrical water tank has a horizontal circular base 5 meters
in diameter. What will be force (kN) exerted on its base when it is filled to a
height of 5 meters.
(A) 762 (B) 243 (C) 963 (D) 1012

Solution: Answer is C
Pressure at the tank base is ρgh = 1000 kg/m3*9.81 m/s2* 5 m = 49050 N/m2
Force on the tank base = pressure at the tank base *area of base
= 49050 N/m2 * π/4*52
= 963094.5 N = 963kN

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7. Calculate the pressure (kPa) at point A
for the manometer show in in Figure

A 0 B 90
C 140 D 220

Solution: Answer is B

Start from open end (where the gage

pressure is zero)

Water column is 90 cm (0.9 m) plus 60

cm (0.6 m) mercury column both positive
(increasing) and a negative oil layer (decreasing) of 180 cm (1.80 m) and increases
by 150 cm (1.5 m) of water column.

PA = 0 + ℽw*0.9 m + ℽm*0.6m - ℽoil*1.8m + ℽw*1.50 m

ℽw = 9.81 kN/m3 ℽm = SGm* ℽw ℽ0il = SGoil* ℽw

PA = 0 + 9.81*0.9 + 13.6*9.81 *0.6 - 0.8*9.81 *1.80 +9.81*1.5

= 0 + 9.81*0.9 + 13.6*9.81 *0.6 - 0.8*9.81 *1.80 +9.81*1.5
= 89.5 kN/m2 ~ 90 kPa

8. A tank is filled with water to a depth of 10 m.

The total force on the gate is most nearly

(A) 90 kN (B) 440 kN

(C) 880 kN (D) 980 kN

Solution: Answer is C

F = average pressure (pavg) *Area = ρg ½ ((h1 +h2) A =

= 1000 kg/m3 * 9.81 m/s2 * ½ * (8+10) m * (2*5) m2
= 882900 N = 883 kN (~880 kN)

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9. What is most nearly the total force (kN) acting
on a 1 m wide section of the curved surface?
(A) 140
(B) 250
(C) 320
(D) 480

Solution: Answer is B
The force can be estimated by first estimating the horizontal and vertical
components and then obtaining the resultant.

Horizontal Component (Fx)

Average depth of water above the curved surface is havg = ½ (7 + 4) = 5.5 m
pavg = ρwghavg = 998.2 kg/m3 * 9.81 m/s2 * 5.5 m = 53,858 N/m2 (ρ at 20 C)
Fx = pavg A = 53,858 N/m2 *3m * 1m = 161574 N (A is the projected area)

Vertical Component (Fy)

= Weight of Fluid in the portion above the curved surface
= Weight of fluid above the curved surface (over the 4 m depth) +
weight of fluid inside the curved surface)

Weight of fluid above curved surface = (4 *3*1 )m3*998.2 kg/m3*9.81 m/s2

= 117508 N

Weight of water inside the curved surface

= area of ¼ of a circle of 3 m radius * 1m *998.2 kg/m3* 9.81 m/s2
= (π*32)/4 *1*998.2*9.81 = 69,183 N

Fy = 117,508+69,183 N = 186,691 N

Fy is in the Y (vertical down) direction and Fx is in the horizontal direction

The resultant force, R = √(Fx2 + Fy2)

= √(1615742 + 1866912)
= 246900 N (247 kN)

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10. A pump is used to deliver water from reservoir to an overhead tank. Given
the following elevations, what is most nearly the static head for this pumping
Reservoir surface – 42. 1 ft Pump centerline - 51.2 ft
Water surface in overhead tank -76.8 ft
(A) 34.7 ft (B) 24.8 ft (C) 9.1 ft (D) 26.5 ft

Solution: Answer is A
Please note that the water is pumped from surface of reservoir through the
pump to the overhead tank. Since problem is referring to static pressure, then
it is the elevation difference between top of overhead tank and the top of
reservoir which is 76.8 ft -42.1 ft = 34.7 ft.

11. floating object is stable when the center of

(A) gravity is above the center of buoyancy
(B) buoyancy is above the center of gravity
(C) buoyancy is at the center of gravity
(D) gravity is above the metacenter

Solution: Answer is B
For the object to be stable when applied a tilt or other disturbance the center
of buoyancy must be above CG for the resultant moment to correct the
disturbance. If CG is CB then the disturbance will cause more tilt.

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12. A 30 cm long rod floats vertically in water. It has a 1
cm2 cross section and a specific gravity of 0.75. What
length (L) of the rod is submerged.

(A) 9. 5 cm (B) 22.5 cm

(C) 11.5 cm (D) 26.5 cm 30 cm

Solution: Answer is B (page 104)

A floating body displaces a weight of fluid equal to its own weight
ρwater*L*Area of rod = ρrod*30 cm*Area of rod

L = (ρrod /ρwater) *30 = SG*30 = 0.75*30 =22.5 cm

13. The transition between laminar and turbulent flow occurs at what Reynolds
(A) 700 (B) 1100 (C) 1500 (D) 2100

Solution: Answer is D - Page 105 of the reference book

14. A pipe has a diameter of 125 mm at section AA and a diameter of 70 mm at

section BB. The velocity of an incompressible fluid is 1.6 m/s at section BB.
What is the flow velocity (m/s) at section AA?
(A) 1.6 (B) 0.3 (C) 0.5 (D) 1.2

Solution: Answer is C
Use the continuity equation, ρ1A1v1 = ρ2A2v2 Page 104
Since the flow is incompressible, ρ1 = ρ2 and subscript 1 refers to section A
and 2 to section B
A1v1 = A2v2
v1 = A2v2/A1 = [(π/4*0.072)*1.6 ] / (π/4*0.1252)
= 0.502 m/s
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15. What is the closest friction factor for a 6-in dia meter cast iron pipe with an
absolute roughness of 0.0003 ft and a Reynolds number of 106?
(A) 0.018 (B) 0.032 (C) 0.012 (D) can’t find

Solution: Answer is B (Moody chart on page 115)

Since absolute roughness is given calculate relative roughness
€ = 0.003 ft/(6 in/12) = 0.006

Look up moody chart for Relative roughness of 0.006 and Reynolds number
of 1*106 and it is very close to 0.032

16. The elevation to which water will rise in a piezometer tube is termed the
(A) stagnation pressure (B) the energy grade line
(C) the hydraulic grade line (D) friction head

Solution: Answer is C (page 105)

Piezometer tube indicates static (not stagnant) pressure at the point of
connection and is equivalent to a static pressure which is represented by a
hydraulic grade line.

17. What are the units for Reynolds number for pipe flow?
(A) N/m2 (B) m2/s (C) kg/m-s2 (D) No units

Solution: Answer is D
Reynolds number is dimensionless Page 105 and 112).

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18. What is most nearly the hydraulic radius (m) of an equilateral triangle (vortex
down) open channel flowing at full capacity with a maximum depth of 5m?

(A) 0.9 (B) 1.25 (C) 1.70 (D) 0.75

b = s=h/sin 60

Solution: Answer is B
s 30 h =5 m
s = h/ sin 60 = 5.77 m
b = 5.77 = s (equilateral triangle)

wetted area when the flow is at full capacity (5

m height) = ½ bh = ½ *5.77*5 = 14.4 m2
Wetted perimeter = 2*s = 2*5.77 = 11.54 m

Hydraulic radius (Page 106) = A/P =wetted area/wetted perimeter

= 14.4 /11.54 = 1.25

19. Entrance losses between tank and pipe, or losses through elbows, fittings and
valves are generally expressed as functions of
(A) kinetic energy (B) pipe diameter
(C) friction factor (D) volume flow rate

Solution: Answer is A (page 106)

Losses are expressed as a constant times kinetic energy (K (v2/2g))

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20. When a liquid flows under pressure through a pipe, the head loss due to
surface friction with the pipe is hL = f (L/D) (v2/2g). Which of the following
statements is false?
(A) The equation is valid for laminar as well as turbulent flow.
(B) The variable D is the depth of flow in the pipe.
(C) The friction factor, f, is a function of a Reynolds number.
(D) The head loss, hL, is expressed in units of distance.

Solution: Answer is B
D is diameter of pipe (hydraulic diameter) not depth of flow (though in this
case they both are same (pipe flowing full). Page 106.

21. What is most nearly the friction factor for flow in a circular pipe where the
Reynolds number is 1200?
(A) 0.05 (B) 0.02 (C) 0.09 (D) 1.4

Solution: Answer is A
From Page 115 of the reference book (Moody’s diagram)
For laminar flow, f = 64/NRe = 64/1200 = 0.053

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Next two Problems : The level in a
retention basin is normally controlled
with a pipe as shown in the figure below.
The pipe has an internal diameter of 30
cm. The equivalent length of the pipe
(including elbows, entrance effect and
discharge) is 6.0 m. Relative roughness
is 0.0005. The density of fluid is 998
kg/m3 and the viscosity is 0.001 kg/m.s

22. Assuming a flow of 40 m3/min, the velocity (m/s) through the pipe is most
(A) 9.4 (B) 2.4 (C) 240 (D) 565

Solution: Answer is A (pay attention to units)

Flow rate (Q) = Area of pipe (A)*velocity (v) or

v = Q/A = 40 m3/min / (πD2/4) m2 = 40/(π*0.32/4) = 565.88 m/min
= 565.88 m/min * min/60 s = 9.43 m/s (~9.4 m/s)

23. Assuming a Reynolds number of 200,000, the Moody friction factor, f is most
(A) 0.015 (B) 0.019 (C) 0.022 (D) 0.032

Solution: Answer is B

We need to use Moody diagram in the Fluids section of the reference

handbook (page 115).

For a relative roughness, e/D = 0.0005 and a Re = 200,000 (2x105), friction

factor f is obtained from the graph it is very close to 0.019 (definitely more
than 0.015)

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24. The theoretical fluid velocity (m/s) through a nozzle generated by a 6 m
hydraulic head is most nearly
(A) 11 (B) 62 (C) 19 (D) 24

Solution: Answer is A (page 108) or even from Orifice discharging freely

formula (page 107)
v = √(2gh) = √(2*9.81*6) = 10.8 m/s (~11 m/s)

25. The thrust on the tank created by the Cylinder

water discharging through the nozzle is
most nearly
(A) 0 kN (B) 193 N
7m 5m
(C) 12.7 kN (D) 177 N
Solution: Answer is B
The thrust (force of water) on the tank, F
is obtained using the jet propulsion case in Reference handbook page 108)

F= ρwQ(V2-V1) since V1 = zero in the tank)

= ρwQV2 = ρwAV22 (Q=AV2 where A area of the nozzle & V2=√(2gh))

= ρwA (√(2gh))2 = ρwA 2gh = 2Ah(ρwg) = 2Ah(γ)

= 2*π/4*0.052 m2*5m*9.81 kN/m3 = 0.1926 kN (193 kN)

26. The hydraulic formula CA√(2gh) is used to find the

(A) discharge through an orifice (B) friction factor of a pipe
(C) length of pipe in closed network (D) velocity of flow in closed conduit

Solution: Answer is A
For an orifice discharging freely into the atmosphere (page 107),
Q = CA√(2gh)
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27. Which of the following flow meters measure(s) the average fluid velocity
rather than a point or local velocity in a pipe?
I. Venturimeter II Pitot tube III. Impact tube
IV Orifice meter V. Hot-wire anemometer
(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and IV (D) II and V

Solution: Answer is C
Venturimeter and orifice meter measure the average fluid velocity.
Anemometer measures velocity at a point

28. Which of the following is the basis for Bernoulli’s law for the fluid flow?
(A) the principle of conservation of mass
(B) the principle of conservation of energy
(C) the continuity equation
(D) the principle of conservation of momentum

Solution: Answer is B
Bernoulli’s equation is derived from the principle of conservation of energy
(page 105).

29. Where does vena contracta caused by a sharp edged hydraulic orifice usually
(A) at the centerline of the orifice
(B) at a distance of about 10% of the orifice diameter upstream from the
plane of the orifice
(C) at a distance within 10% of the orifice diameter downstream from the
plane of the orifice
(D) at a distance equal to about one-half the orifice diameter downstream
from the plane of the orifice.

Solution: Answer is D
From any Fluid book, it is clearly reported that vena contract occurs at a
distance of one half the diameter of orifice.
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30. The tank contains oil with a
specific gravity of 0.88 and a
dynamic viscosity of
2.76x10-2 N-s/m2. The
commercial steel pipe has an Pump
internal diameter of 80 mm
and a length of 25 m.
25 m
For a flow rate of 0.01 m3/s the
Reynolds number in the pipe is
most nearly
(A) 5.0 × 103 (B) 1.2 × 104 (C) 2.9 × 103 (D) 4.9 × 10-3

Solution: Answer is A
NRe = ρVD/µ (page 105)

Q = AV = 0.01 m3/s (Estimate V from here knowing the pipe diameter)

V = 0.01 m3/s/( π/4*0.082)m2 = 1.98 m/s

ρ = SG(1000 kg/m3 ) = 0.88*1000 = 880 kg/m3

NRe = ρVD/µ = 880 kg/m3 *1.98 m/s * 0.08 m/2.76*10-2 (N-s/m2)

= 5050 (~5.0x103)

31. A fluid with a kinematic viscosity of 2.5x10-6 m2/s is flowing at 0.05 m/s from
an orifice 60 mm in diameter. How do you describe the fluid flow?
(A) the fluid flow is completely turbulent
(B) the fluid flow is in the transition
(C) the fluid flow is laminar
(D) can not be calculated based on the information

Solution: Answer is C
Estimate the Reynolds number (page 105)
Re = vD/ν = (0.05 m/s * 0.06 m)/2.5x10-6 m2/s = 1200
Reynolds No. of 1200 clearly indicates that the flow is laminar (Re < 2100 is
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32. Water flows at a velocity of 0.8 m/s in a hydraulically smooth, 60 cm
diameter, 700 m long pipe. Using the water’s kinematic viscosity of 1. × 10-6
m2/s, the frictional head loss (m) is most nearly
(A) 0.1 (B) 1.2 (C) 0.5 (D) 0.9

Solution: Answer is C
NRe = ρVD/µ = VD/ν = (0.8 m/s * 0.6 m)/ 1x10-6 m2/s = 4.8x105
Reynolds number is much larger than 2100 (not laminar) and more than
10,000 thus the flow is fully turbulent flow (Page 105)

We need to find friction factor “f” from Moody diagram, we need to know
e/D, it is given that the pipe is hydraulically smooth thus we use the lower
most confining curve on page 115 (Moody diagram). For smooth pipe with
NRe = 4.5x105 we obtain that f = ~0.013

Darcy’s Equation, hf = fLV2/2gD (page 106)

= 0.013*700*0.82/(2*9.81*0.6)
= 0.495 m (~0.5 m)

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33. Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas has a molecular weight of 44. The density of STP
air is 1.29 kg/m3. The specific gravity of carbon dioxide gas at 30°C and 150
kPa, using the STP air as reference is most nearly
(A) 1.7 (B) 2.0 (C) 0.72 (D) 2.2

Solution: Answer is B
Density of carbon dioxide is estimated using ρ = P/RT (from PV = mRT
page 87), R* value from Page 1=0.08206L-atm/mol.K
P= 150kPa = 150 kPa*atm/101.3 kPa =1.481 atm (from page 2)
Where R = specific gas constant = R*/MW = (0.08206 L-atm /mol-K)/ 44
R = 0.001865 L=atm/g.K

ρCarbon dioxide = P/RT = 1.481 atm/(0.001865L-atm/g-K* (30+273)K) = 2.62 g/L

ρCarbon dioxide = 2.62 g/l = 2.62 kg/m3

Specific gravity = ρCarbon dioxide/ ρair at STP = 2.62 /1.29 = 2.03 (~2.0)

34. A vacuum pump is used to drain a basement of 20°C water. The vapor
pressure of water at this temperature is 3.3 kPa. The pump is incapable of
lifting water higher than 8.75 m. the atmospheric pressure is most nearly
(A) 78 kPa (B) 152 kPa (C) 89 kPa (D) 127 kPa

Solution: Answer is C
Density of water ρ at 20°C is 998.2 kg/m3(page 114 of reference book)
Patm = pv + ρgh

ρgh = 998.2 kg/m3 *9.81m/s2* 8.75 m = 85683 kg/m-s2 *[N/kg.m/s2]

= 85683 N/m2 = 85,683 Pa = 85.7 kPa
(Since N = kg.m/s2 & Pa= N/m2)
Patm = pv+ ρgh
= 3.3 kPa+85.7 kPa = 89 kPa

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35. In which fluid will a pressure of
600 kPa occur?

(A) Ethyl alcohol

(B) Oil
(C) Water
(D) Glycerin

Solution: Answer is B
Estimate the pressure at the bottom of each fluid starting from the top
whenever you cross 600 kPa. The 600 kPa pressure will occur in that fluid

po = 90 kPa

p1 = po + ρgh (at the bottom of ethyl alcohol)

= 90 kPa + (773.3 kg/m3* 9.81 m/s2*60 m) * kPa/1000 N/m2
= 545.1 kPa (<600 kPa)

p2 = p1 + ρgh (at the bottom of oil)

= 545.1 + (899.6 kg/m3 *9.81 m/s2* 10m)*kPa/1000N/m2
= 633.3 kPa (>600 kPa)

Pressure of 600 kPa occurs below the ethyl alcohol layer water and
somewhere in the oil layer. No need to estimate the rest.

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36. For a flow rate at 0.02 m3/s, the head loss form friction in the 25 m length of
pipe with 80 mm diameter and a roughness of 0.06 mm is most nearly
(A) 7.2 m (B) 8.1 m (C) 9.8 m (D) 4.2 m

Solution: Answer is B
e = 0.06 mm then e/D = 0.06 mm/80 mm = 7.5x10-4 = 0.00075
Q = 0.02 m3/s, V =Q/A = 0.02 m3/s/ ( π/4*0.082) = 3.98 m/s

NRe = ρVD/µ = 880 kg/m3 *3.98 m/s * 0.08 m/2.76*10-2 (N-s/m2)

= 10152 (~1.0x104)

Look in the Moody’s diagram (page 115) for e/D = 0.00075 and NRe = 1x104
f = ~0.032
Darcy’s Equation, hf = fLV2/2gD
= 0.032*25m*3.982/(2*9.81*0.08) = 8.07 m (~8.1 m)

37. The figure below represents

a water flow system in
which water is pumped from
the lake to the storage tank
and also flows from the lake
through the turbine. Darcy
friction factors are given for
the pipe flows:
f = hL (D/L) (2g / V2)

specific weight of water = 9,800 N/m3

atmospheric pressure = 1.01x105 N/m2

With Tank A and pipe BC filled with water to the level shown, but with no
flow, the gage pressure (kPa) at point C is most nearly:
(A) 9 (B) 29 (C) 88 (D) 190

Solution: Answer is C
P = γh and since the height of water (h) above point C is 9.0 m.
Gage pressure, P = 9,800 N/m3 *9.0 m = 88,200 N/m2 = 88.2 kPa
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38. For the cylinder to float upright with
half its volume submerged, the tension Cylinder
in the cable (N) is most nearly.
The tank contains water with a γ =
9.81 kN/m3 7m 5m
The solid cylinder is wood, γ = 3.93 Cable
Cylinder dimensions: diameter = 0.25
m; height = 0.7m Nozzle diameter: 50

(A) 34 (B) 63 (C) 252 (D) 0 (no tension)

Solution: Answer is A (page 104)

The buoyant force (FB) which pushes the cylinder up should equal the weight
of cylinder (W) and the tension (T) in the cable that pulls the cylinder down.
W + T = FB or T = FB –W

FB = buoyant force = γwVD (VD is volume displaced by cylinder which is

half the total volume of cylinder, Vc)
= γwVC/2 = 9.81 kN/m3 * ½ *(π/4*0.252*0.7) = 0.1685 kN

W = weight of cylinder = γcVc (subscript c indicates cylinder)

= 3.93 kN/m3 * (π/4*0.252*0.7) =0.135 kN

T = FB –W
= 0.1685 kN – 0.135 kN = 0.0335 kN = 33.5 N (~34 N)

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This copy is given to the following student as part of School of PE course. Not allowed to distribute to others.
Backtash Saleh (
39. A horizontal jet of water (density =1,000
kg/m3) is deflected perpendicularly to the
original jet stream by a plate as shown
The magnitude of force F (kN) required to
hold the plate in place is most nearly

(A) 4.5 (B) 9.0 (C) 45.0 (D) 90.0

Solution: Answer is B
From the application of impulse momentum principle to deflectors and blades
(Page 107 and 108)

-Fx = ρQ (v2 cos α –v1) (substitute for various variables)

Flow rate through the jet (Q) is AV = 0.01 m2 * 30 m/s = 0.3 m3/s
Since the jet is deflected perpendicularly, the force F must deflect the total
horizontal momentum of the water (α =90 thus horizontal component of v2 is
zero) thus the equation becomes

F = ρQv = 1,000 kg/m3 * 0.3 m3/s * 30 m/s = 9000 N = 9.0 kN

40. A trapezoidal channel with a depth of 6 m, a bottom width of 4m, and 2:1
(horizontal: vertical) slopes, carries a water flow of 12 m3/s. The flow velocity
(m/s) is most nearly
(A) 0.05 (B) 0.125 (C) 0.16 (D) 0.25

Solution: Answer is B

Formula for area of trapezoid (page 69) with bases a and b and depth(or
height) h is
A = ½ h(a+b)
b = 4 m and a = 2*6+4+2*6 = 28 m, h = 6m
A = 96 m2
Also remember the formula for area of trapezoid with b as the base and d as
depth with an angle of θ is
A = d*(b + d/tan (θ)) (where tan θ = ½ (slope of 2:1))
= 6*(4+6/ (½) ) = 96 m2
Q = A v or v = Q/A = 12 m3/s / 96 m2 = 0.125 m/s
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Backtash Saleh (
41. The tank contains oil with a
specific gravity of 0.88 and a
dynamic viscosity of
2.76x10-2 N-s/m2. The
commercial steel pipe has an Pump
internal diameter of 80 mm
and a length of 25 m.
25 m

For a flow rate at 0.02 m3/s, the head loss form friction in the 25 m length of
pipe with a roughness of 0.06 mm is most nearly
(A) 7.2 m (B) 8.1 m (C) 9.8 m (D) 4.2 m

Solution: Answer is B
e = 0.06 mm then e/D = 0.06 mm/80 mm = 7.5x10-4 = 0.00075
Q = 0.02 m3/s, V =Q/A = 0.02 m3/s/ ( π/4*0.082) = 3.98 m/s

NRe = ρVD/µ = 880 kg/m3 *3.98 m/s * 0.08 m/2.76*10-2 (N-s/m2)

= 10152 (~1.0x104)

Look in the Moody’s diagram (page 115) for e/D = 0.00075 and NRe = 1x104
f = ~0.032
Darcy’s Equation, hf = fLV2/2gD
= 0.032*25m*3.982/(2*9.81*0.08) = 8.07 m (~8.1 m)

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This copy is given to the following student as part of School of PE course. Not allowed to distribute to others.
Backtash Saleh (

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