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Lesson 9: Proton Number and Nucleon Number

Name : _____________________________________
Class : _____________________________________
Date : _____________________________________

Activity 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

Level 1
Element Proton Number Nucleon Number Neutron

Hydrogen 1 0

Beryllium 9 5

Nitrogen 7 14

Neon 10 10

Level 2

Helium 4 2

Fluorine 9 19

Sulphur 32 16

Magnesium 12 12

Boron 5 11
Phosphorus 15 16

Level 3

Lithium 3 4

Carbon 6 6

Oxygen 16 8

Sodium 11 23

Aluminium 13 14

Silicone 28 14

Chlorine 17 18

Argon 18 40

Potassium 19 20

Calcium 20 20
Activity 2

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

+ +

+ = 38

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