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Yvonne Inguito

1. How have you come to better know your Father in Heaven?

- It gives me confidence in trusting him with his divine glory. That he can
provide everything that we need. That we will never be alone and we will always be
guided. He knows us more than ourselves.

2. What has helped you to more fully understand and rely on Jesus Christ and His
- Attending Institute and reading the scriptures and attending Sunday school
classes as well as following the teachings of the leaders and prophets.

3. How has your testimony of the Restoration of the gospel increased?

- To always remember the importance of the restoration in our lives and how
will it help us in ou salvation.

4. What has helped you to more fully qualify for the blessings of the temple?
- By always striving to keep my covenants and the commandments and ensure
that my TR is updated.

5. Which truths from this course have blessed your life?

That the translation of the Book of Mormon was a commandment from God.
That it was not merely a fiction and a book that will replace the bible but instead the
Book f Mormon is the another testament of Jesus christ in Old America.

6. How have you strengthened your testimony of ________? (The teacher will
provide the principle or doctrine for this question.)
- by always remembering that Jesus Christ loves me and he will always help
me understand his gospel. By Faith everything is possible.

7. How has your life improved because you have deepened your understanding of
________? (Choose ONE of the following doctrinal topics.)
- The Atonement of Jesus Christ helps me to strive harde to become humble
and acquire christ like attribute.

1. Identify a doctrine that has become more meaningful to you as you have
participated in this course

2. Explain the doctrine using your words, scripture passages, or words of the living
- as thoughts in the Articcles of Faith. Faith is the first principle that everyone must
have and everything that is impossible for us humans will follow because of his

3. Share an experience in which you have recently felt the power of the doctrine in
your life.
- Family History, It is not merely a records of forefathers but it tells us a story and
importance of remembering our family.

4. Share how your experience has deepened your conversion to the gospel of Christ.
- it helps me understand that there is more to learn and that we must refresh our selves
daily with his gospel to be in the right path of life.

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