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Assignment-Immediate Settlement

Q-1: Fig-1 shows soil profile of cohesive soil along with SPT-N value and undrained shear strength of
different layers. Estimate elastic settlement using Janbu’s Method. Use principle of superposition for
calculating over-all settlement for different soil layers. The elastic modulus for each layer may be
estimated by using correlation as: E=300 x Su

Q-2: A 10 m square foundation is founded at 1 m depth and is loaded with gross bearing pressure of 100
kPa. The soil profile below the footing is shown in Fig-2 with average SPT-N value for each layer. The
elastic modulus of saturated sand may be estimated by using empirical correlation: E=250(N+15).
Estimate the immediate settlement for the foundation using:
1. Schmertmaan’s method 2. Timoshinko & Goodier’s method.

qg=120 kPa


Fig-1: Soil profile for Q-1 5 x 10 m

silty clay with 4m
Su=50 kPa Nave=10

lean clay with Nave=15 4m

Su= 70 kPa

fat clay with

Su= 100 kPa Nave=22 8m

Hard stratum

Fig-2: Soil profile for Q-2 qg=100 kPa

saturated sand 1m

10 x 10 m
silty Sand 5m

silty Sand Nave=25 5m

10 m
poorly graded Sand Nave=33
with silt
Assignment-Immediate Settlement

Q-3: A concrete water tank 10m x 10m in plan is to be constructed partially underground and partially
above the ground level. The footing of the tank is proposed to be founded at 3 m depth below the ground
surface. The subsoil below and above the footing level is medium plastic silty clay that has an undrained
shear strength of 30 kPa and a unit weight of 18.0 kN/m3. Assume the total empty weight of the tank to
be 3000 kN. For a factor of safety of 3 against shear failure.
(i) Determine the maximum depth of water that can be stored in the tank. You may use Terzaghi’s BC
(ii) Using Janbu’s approach, estimate the average settlement of the tank filled with water as in the above
case. The elastic modulus (Es) of the underlying soil within the influence zone of the foundation (2B) is
estimated to be 250 times the undrained shear strength of the subsoil.

Q-4: At a site, the soil profile is shown in Fgure-1 below. One this site, a three storied commercial plaza
is to be constructed. The foundation system for this facility will comprise isolated footings connected
with tie beams. The building will also have one basement with clear height of 3 m. The footings will be
founded at 1 m below the finished floor level of the basement. Calculate immediate settlement of a
square footing with size of footing as 3m x 3m. The footing is loaded with gross bearing pressure of 150
kPa. Assume typical soil parameters for any missing data.
(a) Use Schmertmaan Method (b) Use Timoshinko and Goodier Method

BH-1 BH-3 BH-3 NSL

1m 6 3 6
sandy Silt
2 =16 kN/m )
5 5 11

3 11 9 15

4 14 12 14

5 18 13 16

6 23 16 15
silty Sand
7 24 20 18

8 22 20 20

9 23 25 26

29 20 23





15m 36

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