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Introduction to World

Religions and Belief

Presentation by Jayson S. Reyes
Discipline and Ideas in the
Social Sciences

Presentation by Jayson S. Reyes

The three type of trends
megatrend macrotrend microtrend

Megatrend Macrotrend Microtrend

• They originated a long time These are focused only one
ago but continue to exist a specific component or
and influence people in the part of a prevailing Its scope is only limiited to
present time specific poeple, location, or
Creative Writing

Presentation by Jayson S. Reyes

What is Intertextuality?
The use of intertextuallity in literature is an effective tool used by
writers to craft meaning with multiple layers into their poems, short
stories, songs, novels,
and dramas. With this, it is safe to say that intertextuality is
a powerful and effective technique to convey something in a packa
seemingly familiar to the readers.

Presentation by Jayson S. Reyes

Creative Nonfiction Characteristics
•True stories
•Prose (usually, though sometime poetry
•Use literary devices/is more creative and
artistically-oriented than “regular” nonfiction
•Often told in first person
•The narrator is often the author or a persona of
the author, but not always
Four Types of Essay
A narrative essay recounts a sequence of related events.
Narrative essays are usually autobiographical. Events
are chosen because they suggest or illustrate some
universal truth or insight about life. In other words, the
author has discovered in his/her own experiences
evidence for generalizations about themselves or
An argumentative essay strives to persuade readers. It
usually deals with controversial ideas, creating
arguments and gathering evidence to support a
particular point of view. The author anticipates and
answers opposing arguments in order to persuade the
reader to adopt the author’s perspective
A descriptive essay depicts sensory observations in
words. They evoke reader’s imagination and address
complex issues by appealing to the senses instead of the
intellect. While a narrative essay will certainly employ
description, the primary difference between the two is
that a descriptive essay focuses only on appealing to the
senses, whereas a narrative essay uses description to tell
a story.
An expository essay attempt to explain a topic, making it clear to readers. In an expository essa
the author organizes and provides information. Examples of this type of essay include the
definition essay and the process analysis (how-to).
In this videos, the instructor gives an overview of the descriptive and expository essays from th
writer’s perspective. Looking at the essay from the author’s perspective can provide an
interesting insight into reading an essay.
Discipline and Ideas
in Social Sciences

Presentation by Jayson S. Reyes

Important characteristic of science
Empirical - a phenomenon should be observable using the different senses
Propositional- things are explained in the form of statements of generalization
Logical - employs the rules of logic in order to validate inferences
Public - ideas are communicated from one scientist to another
Problem solving - present rational explanations about unexplained
Continuous - knowledge is built upon by previous and future research on the
What is the importance of discipline and Ideas in
social sciences in our daily life?
1. Discipline:
Self-discipline: Helps individuals stay focused, manage time effectively, and
achieve goals.
Social discipline: Guides interactions within communities, promoting
cooperation, order, and harmony.
2. Ideas in the Social Sciences:
Understanding Society: Social science ideas help us comprehend human
behavior, societal structures, and cultural norms.
Problem-Solving: They provide frameworks for addressing social issues like
inequality, poverty, and discrimination.
Critical Thinking: Encourages questioning, analysis, and evaluation of social
phenomena, leading to informed decisions.
Philippine politics and

Presentation by Jayson S. Reyes

What are the three branches of Philippine politics and

1. Executive Branch: This branch is headed by the President of the Philippines, who is
both the head of state and government. The executive branch implements and
enforces laws, manages the government, and conducts foreign affairs.
2. Legislative Branch: The Philippine Congress comprises two houses: the Senate and
the House of Representatives. The legislative branch is responsible for making and
passing laws, approving the national budget, and performing oversight functions.
3. Judicial Branch: The judicial branch is headed by the Supreme Court of the
Philippines. It interprets and applies the laws, resolves legal disputes, and ensures
the constitutionality of government actions.
What words can describe governance
1. Leadership
2. Management
3. Oversight
4. Administration
5. Regulation
6. Control
7. Direction
8. Stewardship
9. Authority
10. Decision-making
Trends Network,
and Critical Thinking in
the 21st Century

Presentation by Jayson S. Reyes

is one of the most important principles for a better world. In itstruest sense, a democracy is a
community in which all members have an equalsay in the running of that community.
Unfortunately in reality, democraticsocieties have fallen short of this ideal.
Democratic Participation
is the empowerment of people to effectively involve themselves in
creatingstructures,designing polices and programs that serves that interest of all. itrequires
association with other people.
concentrates on laws enacted by a regime concerning politicalactivity
stress on the quality of life that a regime tries to promote whichinclude individual
freedom,human welfare,security, social quality and goodgovernance.
a thin scope of administrative practices to figure out if anadministrationqualifies as
democratic mainly focusing on how it conducts its election
Process oriented-
differ significantly from constitutional,substativeandprocedural accounts.
Solidarity and
Presentation by Jayson S. Reyes
What are the three types of community


Informative participation
Preparatory participation
Decision-making participation

• With an informative participation process, you inform the

public about the upcoming changes, procedures, and decisions
related to urban planning in their area.



•During preparatory and planning participation, the public

contributes with their ideas and feedback to ongoing development

• In this participation model, the community holds the decision-

making power about the city, its future, and the use of resources.

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