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OOPs IMP Questions

Unit I
1. C vs C++
2. Pillars of Oops
(Inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction & polymorphism)
3. Call by value & Call by reference
4. Inline Function - definition, syntax & example
5. Friend function - definition, syntax & example
6. Function Overloading

Unit ii
7. Class & Object
definition & syntax
8. Abstract Data Types [ADTs]
9. Constructor & Destructor
definition, syntax & rules
Also types of constructor
10. New & Delete Operator
use & syntax
11. Operator Overloading
which operators can be overloaded & how to add two complex nos. using + operator
12. Dynamic & Static Memory Allocation

Unit iii
13. Inheritance - definition, features & types
Also syntax & how we access it in private, protected & public
14. Containership
definition, how we create an object of another class inside one class & Also syntax
15. Function Overriding
16. Run time vs Compile time polymorphism
17. Virtual Function
definition & syntax
18. Pure virtual function
19. Template function
definition & syntax

Unit iv
20. Standard Template Library [STL]
21. Streams & Files
their functions & types
22. Exceptional Handling
working of catch block & it's syntax
23. Components of STL
24. Strings & it's operations
25. Vectors & storing elements in it

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