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Activity on Resilience

Q1. Who did you speak with? Why did you choose this person?

Answer: spoke with Wilson James, I chose him because I feel he is calm and friendly.

Q2. Did you feel secure and comfortable sharing your thoughts and emotions with this
person? How did this impact your level of openness and vulnerability?
Answer: I felt secure and comfortable with Wilson, it was not easy to open up at first
but I was able to open up after I discovered he was willing to open up as well.

Q3. What did you learn about yourself and your needs for social connection through this
conversation? How will you incorporate these insights into future efforts to build

Answer: I learned that I have built up a well to prevent my feelings from getting hurt, and
I also discovered that I need a stable friend. To incorporate this into building resilience, I
have to look within me to remind myself of the reason I started the journey.

Q4. Did you share any vulnerabilities or engage in deeper conversations than usual?
How did this impact your sense of trust and overall resilience?

Answer: I tried to share what I feel is not too personal, and mostly around my ALX
journey, this exercise showed me that there are people I can talk to and will listen. I
believe it has helped my sense of trust and resilience.

Q5. What resilience-building strategy will you implement this year?

Answer: I will keep reminding myself of the reason why I started an endeavor in the first

Activity: Work/Life Balance

Q1. On a scale of 1 - 10, rate your present work-life balance. (1 being the not great at all
and 10 being outstanding)
Answer: 4

Q2. Share one challenge you have faced while creating a good work-life balance. (You
can share a story about the last time your work affected your personal life)

Answer: I work on weekends because some of my tasks must be carried out everyday,
so I find it difficult to forfeit those tasks so I could enjoy my weekends without looking
like I am not serious with my job.

Q3. Creating a simple strategy that fits your lifestyle. This strategy should highlight the
● How many hours do you want to work/learn per week?
● Working time & Personal time.
● How will you create boundaries and avoid working in your personal time?
● Fun activities you will do during your personal time.

Answer: I want to work for 40 hours in a week, my working time are during weekdays
from 8am to 4pm and my personal time will be from 5pm to the following day and also
the weekends will be my personal time. I need to make my managers understand that I
will not work during non-office hours, I will use my personal time to hangout with friends
and play games.

ALX Sleep Hygiene Checklist

ALX 3-Day Meal Plan

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