满分bar24年1 4月口语新题&保留题题库含高分答案【第一版】

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Part 1

1. Geography 地理

1. How do you like geography?

(参考答案):I quite enjoy learning geography. It’s a subject that’s

connected to our daily lives. Whether it’s about weather patterns or

understanding global cultures, it all reveals the world to me in a more

intriguing manner. However, I do struggle a bit when it comes to

memorizing all those names and facts, but overall, I find it fascinating.

2. Do you think geography is useful?

(参考答案):Absolutely. It gives us the chance to have a look at the

places we have never been to. Absorbing a wide range of geographical

knowledge of different countries can widen people’s horizon and

enrich people’s life.

3. Have you ever studied geography at school?

(参考答案):Well, since I entered junior high school, I have been

taking geography lessons. We had to take geography classes twice a

week. Also, the teachers became demanding of our geography grades

since it’s one of the required courses for both art and science

4. Do you want to be a geography teacher?

(参考答案):To be honest, I’ve never really thought about being a

geography teacher before. I mean, I do find the subject interesting,

especially when it comes to learning about different cultures and

places around the world. But it is also very complicated and I don’t

think I have the talent to teach others well.

2. Noise 噪音

1. Do you like to stay in a place with a lot of noise?

(参考答案):It can be a real struggle for me to stay in a noisy place.

Noises, especially from construction, cars, or people talking are very

annoying and overwhelming. In these cases, I prefer to use earplugs

so I can block out the noise and stay focused.

2. What kinds of noises are there in the area where you live?

(参考答案):There are many noises around my home. One of the

loudest sources of noise is traffic. You know, you can hear cars honking

at each other all the time. Plus, there are usually lots of sirens because

of all the emergencies that happen around.

3. Do you want to move to a quieter place?

(参考答案):Actually, yes. There are many noises around my home,

traffic noise, people talking, and music from square dancing, to name

a few. The noise makes me very upset and disrupts my study and sleep.

I would even say that I’m eager to move to a quieter place.

4. Do you think there is too much noise in today’s world?

(参考答案):Yes, I believe there’s a significant increase in noise

pollution in today’s world. Urban areas especially are filled with

various sources of noise, such as traffic noise and sirens from

emergencies, which can impact people’s well-being and quality of


5. Is making noise one of people’s rights?

(参考答案):While people have the freedom to express themselves,

excessive noise can infringe upon others’ rights to a peaceful

environment. People should be considerate of others’ feelings and

balance personal expression with respect for others.

4. Do you want to be a geography teacher

(参考答案):I think people will drive less in the future. Since the

scale and speed of development of public transportation is crazy

fast, and the traffic congestion is more and more serious in cities,

people in the future will prefer going around by the metro or buses

rather than driving. And governments now are taking actions to

improve public transport services, including efficiency, affordability,

and scope.

6. Musical Instruments 乐器

1. Which musical instrument do you like listening to most? Why?

(参考答案):I enjoy listening to a variety of musical instruments, but

what really get me the most is the piano. There’s something

absolutely breathtaking about the way a skilled pianist an create a

harmonious blend of melodies and rhythms, taking you on an

emotional journey through their music. It’s a musical experience that

I truly cherish.

2. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

(参考答案):Yes, I’ve been learning piano since I was three years old.

I also participated in many piano competitions and music

performances. Learning to play the piano was the happiest thing in

my childhood and I guess it opened the door to my love of music.

3. Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school

( 参 考 答 案 ): I believe schools should have the facility for the

interested students who want to learn to sing and play a musical

instrument, but it should not be forced to all. If a child at school feels

passionate about learning it, he/she should be given the choice to do


4. Do you think music education is important to children?

(参考答案):Yes, I think music education plays a very important role

in children’s development. Learning music can help children grow in

all aspects, not only limited to the textbook knowledge. What's more,

music education can help children develop their aesthetic ability. After

all, music is an important product of human cultural development.

5. How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument without a teacher?

(参考答案):I think it was quite impossible in the pre-internet era.

However, the online courses and the interactive video tutorials make

it a bit easier to learn to play a musical instrument like a guitar or a

drum without the direct supervision of a mentor these days.

Nevertheless, having a teacher is tremendously beneficial as he or she

inspires to learn and can be a role model for mastering the skills of

playing a musical instrument.

7. Fishing 钓鱼

1. Do you like fishing?

(参考答案):Not really, I think it’s a rather dull activity. I know some

people say fishing can cultivate your patience and allow you to get

closer to nature, but I find no fun in doing it.

2. Is fishing popular in your country?

(参考答案):Yeah, fishing is quite popular in China, especially among

middle-aged and the elderly. It’s a way for them to unwind and relax.

They enjoy spending time by the water, casting their lines, and just

enjoying the peacefulness of the activity. It’s like a little escape from

the hustle and bustle of daily life for them.

3. Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you?

(参考答案):Yes, I’ve visited a few places, particularly traditional

gardens in China, where they have these ponds teeming with koi fish.

It’s quite a sight to see so many fish gracefully gliding through the


4. Have you seen any movies with lots of fish?

(参考答案):Yes, I have seen several movies featuring a lot of fish. One

that comes to mind is “Finding Nemo.” It’s an animated film that

tells the story of a clownfish named Nemo and his adventurous

journey in the ocean. I’ve also seen “Barbie In A Mermaid Tale”,

although mermaid is not strictly a kind of fish, the movie characters

have many fish friends.

8. Gifts 礼物

1. Have you ever sent handmade gifts to others?

(参考答案):Of course. Handmade gifts contain sincere blessings,

which takes time and effort to make. Last year, I made a lamp in the

shape of a cloud for my friend. The gift was made of a wad of cotton

a string of lights and some thin thread. The process of making it was

a little difficult but also very interesting. My friend was deeply touched

since it took me a week to finish it.

2. Have you ever received a great gift?

(参考答案):Yes. I once received a Gucci bag from my mother as my

high school graduation gift. I was deeply touched since I had wanted

to buy it for a long time. It is very expensive and I’m truly grateful

for everything my mom did for me.

3. What do you consider when choosing a gift?

(参考答案):When selecting a gift, I take into account the recipient’s

interests, hobbies, and preferences. I also consider the occasion and

the relationship I share with the person. It’s important to choose

something meaningful and appropriate. Additionally, I think about the

budget to ensure that it’s within my means.

4. Do you think you are good at choosing gifts?

(参考答案):I believe I’m quite skilled at selecting gifts. I make an

effort to pay attention to the details and sentiments that matter to the

recipient. While there may be occasional misses, I generally strive to

choose gifts that reflect thoughtfulness and consideration for the

person’s tastes and interests.

9. Helping others 帮助他人

1. Do you usually help people around you?

(参考答案):Yes, I do. It sounds like I’m bragging about myself, but

I am a helpful person by nature. I always want to lend others a hand.

That’s why I usually do small donations to the non-profit

organizations and do volunteer jobs.

2. How do you help people around you, such as neighbors, family and


(参考答案):Well, I think there are several ways that I can get the

chance to help others. Like I often help my parents do chores or help

my friends with their study. When my family or friends need to talk, I

always provide a listening ear or give a shoulder to cry on.

3. Do your parents teach you how to help others?

(参考答案):Yes, when I was younger, my parents always taught me

to give others my helping hands, especially the elderly. Helping others

really gives me a sense of accomplishment and in turn, it boosts my

confidence and benefits my overall well-being.

4. Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?

(参考答案):Absolutely. When I was a child, my parents were my

guiding light. They always had my back and were there to bail me out

whenever I faced challenges or got into tricky situations. Whether it

was as small as helping me with my homework or as big as helping

me make decisions that affect my life, my parents have helped me a

5. What have you done to help the elderly?

(参考答案):I’ve always believed in giving back to the community,

especially when it comes to helping the elderly. One thing I’ve been

doing for a while till now is lending a hand to my elderly neighbors

with their daily chores, such as grocery shopping, gardening, and even

fixing stuff around their homes. It’s my way of giving back to the

community and paying it forward.

10. Tea and coffee 茶和咖啡

1. Do people like tea and coffee nowadays?

(参考答案):Yes, sure. Tea and coffee are probably the two most

popular drinks nowadays. You could see people chill out in a café or

queue up in front of a tea beverage store all the time. Some coffee or

tea lovers have even bought their own coffee machine or tea set.

2. Do you prefer to use tea or coffee to serve your guests?

(参考答案):Well, if my guests love drinking coffee or tea, I would like

to offer them what they want. In fact, I’m a coffee buff and I’ve got

my own coffee machine. Whenever my friends come over to my house,

I’d make coffee for them. The aroma of coffee beans is so refreshing

and I think it’s a good idea to spend quality time with my guests

while drinking some coffee.

3. When was the last time you drank coffee or tea?

(参考答案):Actually, I had coffee this morning. Drinking coffee is a

part of my daily life. Whether I’m drowsy or not, I will take a cup of

coffee to start my day. I really enjoy the time making coffee by myself

since I have a coffee machine.

4. Do you usually buy your coffee in a coffee shop?

(参考答案):Well, I usually buy coffee in a café with the right ambiance

and photogenic interior design. Drinking coffee and chatting with

friends in a coffee shop is the best way for me to unwind. Sometimes

if I’m tied up with my schoolwork, I would order takeout and have it

delivered to my address.

11. Robots 机器人

1. Are robots important?

(参考答案):Absolutely! Robots play a crucial role in our modern

society. They are used in various industries and sectors, such as

manufacturing, healthcare, and even space exploration. Robots have

made our lives easier and more convenient, for example, through the

use of robotic vacuum cleaners or automated customer service

systems. Overall, robots have become an important part of our lives

and will continue to shape our future.

2. Would robots affect people’s lives?

(参考答案):Definitely. Robots are significant in our modern society

and will change our life and society. They’re starting to take over

some jobs, which means folks might need to learn new skills for work.

On the bright side, they can make life easier by handling stuff like

cleaning and healthcare. In China, we’re seeing robots change how

industries work and even how we go about our daily routines, It has

got its ups and downs for sure.

3. Have you ever watched a movie about robots?

(参考答案):Yes, I have watched movies about robots. Films like

“Transformers” and “I, Robot” are popular examples of movies

featuring robots. They often explore the relationship between humans

and machines, which can be quite fascinating.

4. Should we let a robot drive for us for long journeys?

(参考答案):In my opinion, allowing robots to drive for us on long

journeys could be beneficial. Robots can maintain focus and don’t

feel tired, potentially making long-distance travel safer and more

efficient. However, it’s crucial to ensure that the technology is reliable

and has robust safety measures in place before fully adopting it.
5. What can robots do for you at home?

(参考答案):I’ve got robot vacuums that keep the house tidy, and

there are robots can even help out in the kitchen, cooking and

washing dishes. Plus, there are cool gadgets like robotic pets and

smart speakers for entertainment and companionship.

12. Running 跑步

1. Do you go running a lot?

(参考答案):Yes, I do run quite regularly. I find it to be an excellent

way to stay in shape and relieve stress. I usually go for a run at least

three times a week, if not more, depending on my schedule.

2. Where do you usually go running?

(参考答案):I typically go running in a nearby park. It’s a peaceful

and green environment, which makes the experience more enjoyable.

There are well-maintained jogging paths and lots of trees, so it’s a

great place to run and connect with nature.

3. When was the last time you went running?

(参考答案):I went for a run just yesterday morning. The weather was

perfect, not too hot, and not too cold. It’s such a refreshing way to

start the day, and it helps me clear my mind and prepare for the day


4. What do you think of running as a sport?

(参考答案):I believe running is an excellent sport. It’s accessible to

people of all fitness levels, and you don’t need any special

equipment other than a good pair of running shoes. It’s a great way

to improve cardiovascular fitness, build endurance, and burn calories.

13. Chatting 聊天

1. Do you like chatting with friends?

( 参 考 答 案 ): Absolutely. I engage in conversations with friends

regularly, using both online messaging platforms and face-to-face

interactions. I’m a pretty social person so I enjoy chatting about life

and exchanging ideas with friends and also listening to their problems

when they feel down.

2. What do you usually chat about with friends?

(参考答案):I’ve got a lot of catching up to do with my friends. We

have everything to talk about such as gossip, news about our school

and our families, or a good movie. I’m really enjoying it.

3. Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one friend?

(参考答案):Personally, I prefer chatting with just one person. It allows

for deeper and more focused conversations, and I find it easier to

connect on a personal level.

4. Do you prefer to communicate face-to-face or via social media?

(参考答案):I enjoy both online chatting and in-person conversations.

Online chatting offers convenience, but nothing beats the warmth and

connection of a face-to-face conversation where you can read body

language and engage more deeply.

5. Do you argue with friends?

( 参 考 答 案 ): Hardly ever. When my friends and I have different

opinions, I try to listen carefully to their perspective and express my

viewpoint respectfully. It’s a great opportunity for a constructive

discussion and understanding diverse viewpoints.

14. Map 地图

1. Do you often use maps?

(参考答案):Yes, I use maps a lot, especially when I’m going to a

place I’ve never been before. It helps me navigate and find my way

around unfamiliar locations. And maps are incredibly useful tools for

ensuring I don’t get lost and can reach my destination accurately.

2. Do you use paper maps?

(参考答案):I hardly ever use paper maps anymore. You know, the

mobile navigation software is so convenient. It can directly provide

the route plan instead of requiring me to think about it myself.

3. How often do you use maps on your phone?

(参考答案):I use navigation apps almost every day. Not only to

search for the routes and places, but also to check arrival times for

buses and subway trains. Mobile maps do make life a breeze.

4. Do you have maps at home?

(参考答案):I have two paper maps hanging on my wall at home. One

is a map of the world, the other is a map of China. I think this is the

habit of my grandparents' generation, paper maps were necessary for

their time before the Internet.

15. Films 电影

1. What films do you like?

( 参 考 答 案 ): I enjoy a wide range of films, from action-packed

blockbusters to heartfelt dramas. Some of my favorites include sci-fi

movies like “Inception” and classic comedies like “Mr. Bean’s


2. Did you often watch films when you were a child?

(参考答案):Yes, I was quite the movie enthusiast even as a child. I

used to watch a lot of animated films and family-friendly movies with

my siblings. It was a cherished pastime for me.

3. Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?

(参考答案):Actually, I haven’t go to the cinema by myself. I was

rather strictly controlled by my parents to go anywhere independently

due to the security reason, and if it’s not with them then they would

call my cousins as companions.

4. Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?

(参考答案):Absolutely, I enjoy watching films both with my friends

and family. It’s a great way to bond and share experiences. With

friends, we often watch the latest releases, and with family, we revisit

beloved classics for a nostalgic movie night.

5. Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with


(参考答案):Sure. Being an outdoor person, I still reckon that would

be a very nice catch-up with friends every now and then in the cinema
as long as it’s a movie that we enjoy watching. On top of that, we

can have some discussions afterwards in terms of the plots and


16. Clothing 衣服

1. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

(参考答案):I’d like to dress in a trendy and fun way. For example,

my favorite outfit is ripped jeans with oversized hoodies. T-shirts with

funny pictures and colorful dresses are also my choices.

2. Do you prefer to wear comfortable and casual clothes or smart clothes?

(参考答案):I prefer to wear comfortable and casual clothes in my

daily life. Appropriate clothes can make my day easier and more

effective. However, for special occasions or work-related events, I do

opt for smart and formal attire.

3. Do you spend a lot of time choosing clothes?

(参考答案):I wouldn’t say I spend a lot of time on it, but I do like

to take some time to select the right outfit, especially when I want to

look my best. It’s important to me to feel confident in what I’m


4. Do you like wearing T-shirts?

(参考答案):I wear T-shirts almost every day. Some people might

think they’re a boring clothing choice. But they go well with most
things because they’re so basic. Plus, you can always dress them up

a little by adding a nice sweater or cardigan. I think they’re an

essential item to have.

17. Travelling 旅行

1. Do you like travelling?

(参考答案):Absolutely! I’m a big fan of travelling. Exploring new

places, experiencing different cultures, and trying delicious food from

around the world is such a thrill. It’s like a never-ending adventure!

2. How often do you go travelling?

(参考答案):Well, I try to go on a trip at least once or twice a year. It

really depends on my schedule and budget. Sometimes I go on

shorter weekend getaways to nearby cities or towns, and other times

I plan longer vacations to far-off destinations. It’s all about finding

that balance between work, life, and wanderlust.

3. Where do you usually travel?

(参考答案):I’m quite the wanderer. I love exploring both urban and

natural landscapes. I’ve been fortunate enough to visit some

incredible places like the bustling streets of Shanghai, the serene

beaches of Xiamen, the historic wonders of Beijing, and the

picturesque mountains of Xinjiang. Each place has its own unique

charm and beauty.

4. How do you feel when you are travelling?

(参考答案):When I’m traveling, I feel like a kid in a candy store!

Excitement bubbles up inside me, and I can’t help but have a big

smile plastered on my face. There’s this sense of freedom and

adventure that fills the air. I love the feeling of stepping into the

unknown, immersing myself in different cultures, and discovering new

sights, sounds, and flavors. It’s like a breath of fresh air for the soul.
Part 2 & Part 3

1. P2: 让你开心的照片

Describe a photo that makes you feel happy.

You should say:

When and where you took the photo

What the photo is like

How often you watch the photo

And explain why it makes you feel happy


There was this one photo that instantly came to my mind when I read

this question. It’s a group photo of me and my close friends, all huddled

together, taken in Hongkong Disneyland. You can see the beautiful castle

behind us and we are all dressed nicely, as princes and princesses in the

fairy world.

I took this photo during the summer break after our freshman year

in university. We had gone on a week trip to Hongkong and we spent two

days in the Disneyland. The castle in the park was indeed breathtaking

cause we felt like we were really in a fairy land. Naturally, we took tons of

photos to capture memorable moments and this one was the best.

I probably look at this photo every time when I use my phone for its

set as my WeChat background picture with my friends. So, every time I

talk with my friends online, it’s right there, reminding me of that day
and those wonderful people.

The reason why it makes me so happy is multi-fold. Firstly, it was one

of those perfect, carefree summer days where everything just seemed

right. And then there is the fact that it captures a moment with my college

friends who mean the world to me. You know, life in university can get

super busy and we don’t always get the time to hang out as much as

we’d like, but every time I look at the photo, I feel a strong sense of

connection and love. That picture is like a piece of home I carry with me.

P3: 让你开心的照片

1. Do you think people are taking too many photos these days?

(参考答案):Yes, with the popularity of electronic devices, everyone

now take pictures with mobile phones moment by moment. People

need to post photos when they chat online and update their social

media feeds, so now people are taking pictures all the time. Food,

selfies, scenery and so on, many people even have too many photos

of the phone memory is not enough problems. Taking pictures has

become part of the modern addiction. Though it might also lead to

our ignorance of enjoying the actual current moment. So we probably

need to be aware of that fact.

2. What kinds of photos do people like to take?

(参考答案):In general, people now take all kinds of photos. But there
are slight differences in the types of photos people take depending

on their age. Young people prefer to take pictures of food, attractions

and selfies as they need them to update their social media feeds.

Older people prefer to take photos of nature because they have more

leisure time to travel and they prefer the feeling of relaxation brought

by natural scenery rather than following the trend.

3. Do you think people take more photos now than in the past?

(参考答案):Yes, absolutely. With smartphones and digital cameras

being so accessible, it’s become incredibly convenient to record

moments in our daily lives. People now are basically taking photos of

everything, from food, selfies to scenery and architecture. What’s

more, under the influence of social media and platforms, the most

popular way for people to update their daily lives is posting their

pictures on the internet.

4. Do you think equipment is important for photography?

( 参 考 答 案 ): Yes, equipment does play a significant role in

photography, but it’s not the only factor. Having a good camera can

certainly enhance the quality of photos, but it’s equally important to

understand the fundamentals of composition, lighting and

storytelling in photography. So, while equipment matters, the skills

and creativity of the photographer are just as crucial.

5. Do you think being a professional photographer is a good job? Why?

(参考答案):Being a professional photographer can be a great job for

those who are passionate about it. It offers the opportunity to express

creativity, capture meaningful moments, and even make a living from

it. However, it can also be a challenging career with irregular hours

and competitive markets.

6. Why do some people like to post their photos on social media?

(参考答案):I think there are various reasons for posting photos on

social media. First, photos can express a person's life more intuitively

and vividly, especially compared with words. Secondly, people now

like to use retouching software to beautify the photos they take, so as

to present the beautiful appearance they want. And it is a great

pleasure to share breathtaking photos with friends.

2. P2: 喜欢烹饪的人

Describe a person who likes to cook for others.

You should say:

Who this person is

What he/she likes to cook

Why he/she likes to cook

And explain how do you feel about the cooking


Well, I’d like to talk about my mom’s close friend. The auntie and
my mom have been friends for decades. What’s quite special about her

is her passion for cooking. She especially loves to cook traditional

Chinese dishes.

Actually, the auntie is also a huge gardening enthusiast. There is a

huge front yard in her house where she built a pretty gorgeous garden.

She plants all kinds of vegetables in it. There are radish, tomatoes,

cucumbers and many others I don’t even know the names of. Every time

she cooks, she picks the vegetables directly from the garden. All the

dishes can make my mouth water. I remember I tasted tomato salads, stir-

fried eggplants and so on. They were simple dishes but tasted way better

than anything I’d eaten before. The tomatoes were the cherry on top. I

haven’t had a tomato that sweet since I graduated from elementary

school. Those home-grown tomatoes gave me the taste of “real”


The auntie doesn’t just cook for herself. She often invites a bunch

of us, her friends, over to her place for dinner. She says she enjoys cooking

more when she knows she’s feeding a group. As for why she enjoys

cooking, I believe it’s her way of expressing love and care. For her,

cooking is not just about the food, but about the joy, laughter, and

conversations that happen around the dining table. It’s her way of

bringing people together, and I truly admire her for that.

P3: 喜欢烹饪的人
1. What do we need to prepare when we need to cook?

(参考答案):Practically, we should prepare for clean ingredients for

sure, like fresh vegetables and meat, as well as any kinds of sauce we

may need during the process. More importantly, we should always

keep safety in mind. There are always many knives and fire in the

kitchen, so everyone needs to understand the importance of safety.

2. Do you agree that food is an important part of Chinese festivals?

(参考答案):Of course! You know, Chinese food history is as long as

Chinese history. And food has always been an important part of daily

life for Chinese people in our thousands of years of history. Chinese

people always celebrate a festival, any kind you can name, by having

a feast with family and friends.

3. Which dishes are a must at festivals?

(参考答案):Well, there are tons of traditional Chinese foods for

festivals. For example. Dumplings are the most famous Chinese food.

They’re a festival food for Chinese New Year. The fillings and flavors

are varied based on people’s preferences. Mooncakes are a kind of

dessert people love to eat for the Mid-Autumn Festival. For different

festivals, there are different foods, like buns, wontons, and Zongzi, to

name a few.

4. Should students learn to cook at school?

(参考答案):Yes, students should learn to cook in school. Cooking is

a basic skill that everyone should learn. For students, learning cooking

fosters hand-on skills, independence and food safety awareness. It is

essential for a student’s all-round development. Schools should offer

cooking classes for students to practice.

5. Do you think cooking should be a compulsory or an elective course?


(参考答案):From my perspective, cooking should be a compulsory

class. The current student curriculum system rarely has practical

courses, and most of them are textbook knowledge. The inclusion of

cooking courses in compulsory courses is conducive to enriching

students' curriculum system and cultivating students with all-round

development. At the same time, it can reduce students' homework

burden to a certain extent and improve students' learning

achievement and learning interest.

6. Are there any differences between cooking today and in the past?

(参考答案):Modern people cook more easily and with more variety.

The popularity of the Internet and electronic devices has made it

possible for people to learn more cooking skills and cuisines through

videos, while buying ingredients has become more convenient, and

people can get clean raw materials through takeaways without leaving

3. P2:城市里的公园或花园

Describe a park or a garden in your city.

You should say:

How often you go there

Where it is

Who you often go there with

What it is like

And explain why you like to visit it


The public park I’d like to say is called Renmin park, its name is quite

common and almost every city in China has a Renmin park. What makes

it special is that there is a matchmaking corner in it.

Due to its convenient location near the metro station, a lot of mid-

aged or aged people would come here every day to seek for company

for their children or grandchildren. There are many ropes in one corner

of the park so that they can print out the dating information on paper

and hang on the ropes. At the same time, there will be a lot of people

here to search for those dating information, if there is someone they are

interested in, they can contact the person through the telephone number

on the paper.

Interestingly, the people who used to come to the dating corner were

all old people. They seek mates for their offspring, not for themselves.
But now, increasing number of young people are also hanging out at the

matchmaking corner, but they are more just looking for fun than seriously

looking for a partner. I often go to People's Park with my friends now. We

love going for a walk to the dating corner after dinner and gossiping with

others. Sometimes, we would go to the teahouse in the park and chat

over tea.

Overall, I think People's Park is a perfect place for both old and young

people and suitable for people of all ages come here to relax.


1. Do young people like to go to parks?

(参考答案):Young people seldom go to parks nowadays. I admit that

some youngsters like to go to the park to run or do other sports, but

for most of them, the park is a boring place. They prefer to go to

shopping malls or amusement parks to relax. The majority who go to

the park are old people who like peace and quiet.

2. What do old people like to do in parks?

(参考答案):Parks tend to be very quiet and full virescence. Old

people like to do some soothing exercises in the park, such as tai chi

and yoga. At the same time, the park is also a good place to play chess,

because there are often many tables and chairs and plants, which is

suitable for the elderly to unwind and kill time.

3. What benefits can parks bring to a city?

(参考答案):Parks can bring tons of advantages to a city. First, plants

in the park can effectively improve the environment of the city. It is

known to all that plants play a significant role in controlling

environmental pollution, both air pollution and noise pollution.

Secondly, parks can provide exercise and recreation places that cater

to multiple age groups. Both old and young people can walk, exercise

and chat in the park, which can bring a lot of benefits to citizen’s

physical and mental health.

4. What are the benefits of going to the park for young people and old


(参考答案):Whether for the old or the young, the park is a good

place to relax and exercise. The greenery in the park is fully improved,

and the air is really fresh, making it the best place for people to relax.

Parks also tend to be quiet enough for people to unwind or meditate.

At the same time, the wide roads in the park are suitable for a variety

of sports.

5. Why do some people like planting flowers?

(参考答案):I think it's probably because planting helps people relax.

Growing beautiful flowers will give people a sense of achievement and

pleasing to the eye. In addition, waiting for flowers to grow can also

help people think about the meaning of life and help people

appreciate their lives and time.

6. Would you say people should help maintain public parks and gardens?

(参考答案):I think people should actively help maintain public parks

and gardens. On the one hand, it is everyone’s duty to maintain the

public facilities in the city, just like maintaining roads, libraries, and

gymnasiums. On the other hand, helping protect parks and gardens

can ultimately benefit citizens themselves. One would be only too glad

to protect their own entertainment and leisure places.

4. P2:一幅画

Describe a painting.

You should say:

When you first saw this painting

What the painting is about

Who drew/painted it

And explain how you feel about this painting


To be honest, I don’t know much about those world-famous

paintings, so I’m going to describe one that my friend created last week.

I came across a painting on my friend’s social media that I really

enjoyed looking at. The whole painting captured the beauty of landscape.

To be specific, it depicted a stunning lake view with a small boat floating

on a sparkling lake with a paddle on it, surrounded by beautiful willow

trees. I really enjoyed looking at this painting because it gave me a sense

of peace that could help me reduce stress. It made me feel like I was

immersed in a picturesque view, which really boosted my mood.

Overall, I was truly impressed by my friend’s artistic skills, which left

a deep impression on me. I had no idea that she had such a talent for

painting. After seeing this painting, I have been inspired to try it myself,

especially since my friend mentioned that it was not very difficult to

create such paintings.


1. What are the differences between painting and drawing?

( 参 考 答 案 ): Painting and drawing are different in material and

techniques. In terms of material, painting involves using colors like oil,

watercolor or acrylic on a surface, often a canvas. Drawing, on the

other hand, uses lines and shading techniques with materials like

pencils or charcoal. For techniques, painters use brushes and tools to

create intricate details and depth, while drawers focus on lines.

2. Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?

(参考答案):Many people hold onto paintings for extended periods

for various reasons. Firstly, sentimental value plays a significant role. A

painting may hold precious memories, reminding them of a special

place, person, or moment in their life. Secondly, aesthetic appreciation

is another reason. People may genuinely love the artwork, finding it

visually pleasing or thought-provoking. This admiration for the

painting’s beauty or message motivates them to keep it around and

enjoy it for years.

3. How does building style affect people’s lives?

(参考答案):Building style can have a significant impact on people’s

lives in various ways. Firstly, it can influence our sense of identity and

culture. Traditional or modern architectural styles can reflect the

history and values of a community, creating a connection to our roots.

Secondly, building style affects functionally and comfort. For example,

a well-designed building with good insulation can provide energy

efficiency and a comfortable living environment, positively impacting

our daily lives.

4. Should children learn to draw and paint? Why?

(参考答案):I believe that children should learn to draw and paint.

There are various reasons for this. First, learning to draw and paint

helps children develop imagination and expressive skills. Painting and

drawing are the most intuitive way to express the image in your mind.

Learning how to turn imagination into a painting can play an

important role in children's brain development. Moreover, learning

drawing helps to cultivate children's artistic quality and enhance their

aesthetic ability. In the process of learning to draw, children inevitably

learn to appreciate famous paintings, which has a lot of benefits for

children to broaden their knowledge and aesthetic accumulation.

5. How do young people share arts with others?

(参考答案):Young people can share arts with others through social

media or art classes. For a famous work of art, they can share it directly

with people around them by saying the name or sending pictures and

video links. For their own creation, students can share their work in art

classes or exhibitions.

6. Do you think the objects we use in our daily lives should be beautifully


(参考答案):Products can be beautified on the basis of maintaining

its usefulness. The objects we use every day, such as water bottles,

mobile phones and computers, must be designed to be easy to use,

given their high frequency of use. On the basis of ensuring practicality,

if you want to be more competitive, you must beautify the appearance.

Appearance is also an indispensable part of the product.

5. P2:想见的有趣的人

Describe an interesting person that you have not met in person and
would like to know more about.

You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew him/her

What interesting things he/she has done

And explain what you would like to know more about him/her


When it comes to the person I would like to know more about, I want

to talk about one of my pen friends from Japan.

We met on an English learning app and chatted with each other in

English to practice. We shared our daily routines with each other, such as

what we did every day, what interesting things we heard, etc. He is very

polite, well-spoken, and humor. I learned from the chat that he is a

financial major student. We discussed about the economic situation in

Japan and also how Japanese people do in their daily lives.

Also, he is an expert of Japanese cuisine so I learned about Japanese

food and many interesting Japanese attractions. Actually, he once lived

in China for three years and he knows all the authentic Japanese

restaurants in Beijing. I'm looking forward to him coming back to China

in the future so we can travel together and go to those Japanese

restaurants he talked about.

1. Are there any differences in the relationship between you and your

friends and between you and other people?

(参考答案):I think friends are super important to me so that I cherish

them very much. The relationship between me and others, such as

classmates or colleagues, is much more loosened since I don't really

want to have a deeper interaction with them. In other words, they are

just acquaintances to me. On the contrary, I have a much closer

relationship with my friends. We share everything about our lives all

the time and there is no secret between us.

2. Do people feel lonely in crowded cities?

(参考答案):I believe that people living in cities sometimes feel lonely.

Most of time, there are many recreational facilities in the city and it is

very easy for people to hang out with their friends. So theoretically,

people in cities rarely feel lonely. However, since everyone in a big city

is often very busy, almost all of them are tired of making a living and

everyone has their own worries. As a result, sometimes people also

feel that they are not understood and isolated and therefore feel


3. Where and how can people get to know new people?

(参考答案):There are various ways that people can get to know new

people. In real life, going to restaurants and bars is a great way to

meet new people and socialize. Having a meal together is the easiest
way to start a small talk that is not too formal and can avoid

embarrassment for both sides. For people who don’t want to go out,

social media is another choice. Now there are many dating and chat

software, people can share their preferences online, easily open the

topic, get to know each other anytime and anywhere.

4. Can clothing tell and reveal a person’s personality?

(参考答案):Clothing can tell and reveal a person’s personality partly.

Generally, people with different personalities tend to wear diversely.

People who have rebellious spirit show a great interest in eccentric

clothes like ripped jeans and oversized hoodies. On the contrary,

serious people often like to wear very formal clothes, such as suits.

Each person's personality affects their preferences and aesthetics,

which in turn affects how they dress.

5. Why do individuals from the same family have different personalities?

(参考答案):There are various reasons that people from one family

have different personalities. It’s connected to their parenting styles

and peer influence. For parenting styles, parents may employ different

parenting styles with each child, based on their own experiences and

the child’s unique needs. These parenting approaches can shape the

child’s personality differently. For peer influence, siblings may have

different friend groups and social circles, leading to exposure to

different influences and values that shape their personalities.

6. How does society influence a person’s personality?

(参考答案):There are tons of elements that influence a person’s

personality. One is media and technology. Mass media, including

television, the internet, and social media, can expose individuals to

various ideas and lifestyles, potentially influencing their personality

traits and beliefs.

6. P2:擅长说中文的外国人

Describe a foreigner who speaks Chinese very well.

You should say:

Who this person is

Where he/she is from

How he/she learns Chinese

And explain why he/she can speak Chinese well


When it comes to a foreigner who speaks Chinese very well, I’d like

to talk about my English teacher, Agnes. Agnes hails from America, a

country thousands of miles away from China. What’s astonishing is that

she not only learned to speak Chinese but also speaks it exceptionally


Her journey to mastering Chinese was truly inspiring. One of her

classmates in university was a Chinese girl. As an education major student,

she was very interested in learning different cultures and languages. She

started taking Chinese classes at a local language school and diligently

practiced her speaking skills with native Chinese speakers. After her

graduation, she came to China and took a job as English teacher in my

university. In class, she also likes to speak Chinese and discuss Chinese

culture and food with us. In fact, she was married to a Tibetan and now

she is living in Tibet, China. She can not only speak Mandarin Chinese

fluently, but also a little Tibetan.

Agnes is the foreigner I know who loves Chinese culture most and

speaks Chinese best. Her dedication, passion, and immersion in the

language and culture have made her an exceptional Chinese speaker.

That’s why I admire her so much.


1. What foreign languages do Chinese children learn?

(参考答案):Chinese kids mainly study English as a second language.

But there’s also a growing trend of interest in learning other

languages like Japanese, Spanish, French and so on. In China's national

college entrance examination, for example, students can choose six

languages, including Russian and German, to take the foreign

language test, not just English.

2. Why do Chinese children learn English?

(参考答案):Chinese kids learn English mainly because it’s required

in the school curriculum and job qualifications in the future. As the

most widely used language in the world, it is necessary for every

Chinese to learn English. Chinese people need to master English well

in order to adapt to today's international era. Therefore, when the

country makes educational goals, English is listed as a compulsory

course to urge every child to learn English. And in the workplace,

people with fluent English will be more competitive as multilingual


3. Why are so many people learning English?

(参考答案):English is learned by people all over the world because

it’s the main language for everything important now. It’s essential

for non-native English speakers to have English skill in every area, like

business, science, and technology so that they can communicate with

others and speak for themselves.

4. How can you help children learn English?

(参考答案):Generally, there are two ways to help children learn

English. First, it is important to use engaging and interactive teaching

methods. Stuff like games, songs, and role plays to make learning

super fun and enjoyable for kids. Second, it is useful to give them real-

life situations where they can actually speak English. For example,

having conversations, telling stories, or doing projects that require

them to look up info in English. This way, they will see how English is
practical in the world.

5. Do you think the way people learn English today is the same as in the


(参考答案):Nowadays, how people learn English is way different than

how it used to be. Back in the day, it was all about the boring stuff like

memorizing grammar rules, vocabulary and linguistics. However,

these days, there is like a big focus on being able to communicate well,

actually using the language in real life, and using technology to learn

languages. There are so many online resources, language exchange

programs, and immersive experience that are easier to access.

6. What are the benefits of the Internet for people’s learning?

(参考答案):The Internet is super helpful when it comes to learning a

language. There are all kinds of resources out there, like interactive

websites, language apps, and online courses. People can talk to

people who speak the language natively and learn about their culture

on language exchange websites or online communities. Also, the

Internet is jam-packed with cool movies, articles, and podcasts that

can help people fully immerse themselves in the language and culture.

However, we should make sure that we are careful and check that the

stuff we’re looking at is legit and reliable.

7. P2:聚会
Describe a party that you enjoyed.

You should say:

When and where the party was held

Who attended the party

What you did in the party

And explain why you enjoyed this party


Well, last winter, during a wedding party for my downstairs neighbor,

I learned about floral design.

The bride is a huge gardening enthusiast. She plants all kinds of

flowers in her front yard. At the party, she held a special event: she taught

us to arrange flowers. She gushed about flower arrangement for a while

and gave us tons of good tips. For example, she said a bouquet with some

buds and leaves looks way better than a bouquet with all blooming

flowers. And she also taught us that cutting more leaves can make the

flowers bloom longer. At the end, she gave each of us a bouquet of

flowers and asked us to try arranging them ourselves.

It was the most interesting and fruitful party I’ve ever been to. Not

only did we share the couple’s happiness, but we learn about one

meaningful skill.


1. Why do people like parties?

(参考答案):People enjoy parties because they offer a chance to

socialize, relax, and celebrate with friends and family. Parties create a

vibrant atmosphere, provide entertainment, and allow people to

escape from daily routines. There are also many opportunities at

parties to make new friends and get to know friends better.

2. Why do some people not like going to parties?

(参考答案):Some people may not like going to parties because they

are introverted, shy, or struggle with social skills. They usually enjoy

their own company and don’t participate much in social stuff. Large

gatherings can be overwhelming, and some people might find it

draining or uncomfortable to interact in such settings.

3. Do you think those who tend to stay at home are less healthy than

those who often attend parties?

(参考答案):I don't think a person's lifestyle is judged on whether they

like to go to parties or stay at home. I think both ways can be very

healthy, it's all about what they do. Some people may like to stay at

home and do sports, and like to read books to improve themselves in

their spare time. While others may like to make friends at parties and

socialize extensively. There is not a way that is better than the other.

4. Do you think music and dancing are a must at a party?

( 参 考 答 案 ): While music and dancing can enhance the party

atmosphere, they aren’t necessarily a must. Some parties focus on

conversations, food, and games. Music and dancing contribute to the

entertainment, but the type of party dictates the level of importance.

And not all kinds of party need music and dancing.

5. What would you do if you were disturbed by a neighbor’s party?

(参考答案):If I were disturbed by a neighbor’s party, I would initially

try to communicate politely with them, expressing my concern about

the noise. If the disturbance continues, I might consider contacting

local authorities or seeking mediation to find a peaceful resolution.

6. What are the differences between holding a party at home and in a

public place?

(参考答案):There are many differences between holding a private

party and a public one. First, hosting a party at home means that the

space is more private and partygoers tend to feel more chilled. There

is no need to worry too much about what others think, as long as they

control the noise. People go to outdoor party are more need to pay

attention to whether the venue is suitable and pay more attention to

their own behavior. Also, the type of party sometimes varies

depending on whether it is indoors or outdoors. For example,

barbecue parties tend to be outdoors, while board game parties tend

to be indoors.

8. P2:感觉累的活动
Describe an activity that made you feel tired.

You should say:

When and where it took place

Why you took part in it

What the activity was

And explain why it made you feel tired


I’d like to talk about an activity that left me feeling exhausted. It was

a vigorous workout session at the gym.

This happened last week on a sunny afternoon. I went to my local

gym, which is just a short drive from my home. The activity I’m talking

about is a Pilates class. Although it seemed very relaxing, and there was

little difference from yoga, in fact, it was physically demanding and

required a lot of energy. While doing some kind of floating motion, I

could feel my muscles working hard and my heart rate soaring. What’s

worse, the continuous cycle of intense exercises followed by brief

moments of rest left me feeling both exhausted and despairing. As the

workout progressed, I could feel the fatigue setting in, but I was

determined to complete the session.

While the workout was challenging, it was also incredibly rewarding.

I knew that pushing through the fatigue and completing each set was

helping me improve my fitness levels. By the end of the session, I was

sweaty, out of breath, and definitely tired, but I also felt a sense of

accomplishment and satisfaction.

Doing this kind of intense workout occasionally is a great way to

challenge myself physically, but I also make sure to listen to my body and

rest properly afterwards to avoid overexertion.


1. Does studying and learning make people tired today?

(参考答案):Definitely. Learning can be mentally taxing in today’s

fast-paced world. In today's era of information explosion, people can

easily obtain a variety of knowledge, but it also means that people's

learning tasks are heavier. Constant exposure to information, online

learning, and multitasking can lead to mental and physical fatigue.

2. When do people usually feel tired?

(参考答案):People often feel tired after prolonged periods of mental

or physical activity, lack of sleep, or when dealing with stress. Tiredness

is also seasonal, with studies showing that people are more likely to

feel sleepy on hot summer afternoons. In a day, late afternoons and

evenings are common times for fatigue to set in. In all, there are many

elements that influence the tiredness.

3. What do you think about striving for learning and striving for sports?

(参考答案):I believe that striving for both learning and sports is

commendable. Balancing mental growth with physical health

contributes to overall well-being. It is known to all that regular

exercise helps a lot in reducing the risks of many diseases, such as

obesity, heart attack and stroke. Engaging in active learning and

regular exercise can enhance cognitive abilities and physical fitness.

4. Do people have fewer holidays now than in the past?

(参考答案):Most people now have fewer holidays due to the fierce

competition for jobs. With the popularization and development of

science and technology and education, more and more people now

have bachelor's degree or even master's degree. People's

comprehensive literacy has become higher, so to get a good salary,

they need to work harder. Especially in China, many companies now

don't even have a weekend break, requiring people to work from

morning to night, which is also an important reason why people are

more likely to feel tired today.

5. What are the differences between feeling tired after studying and after


(参考答案):I think the main difference is in the state of mind. Hard

study is often accompanied by a certain degree of learning pressure,

which makes people exhausted. And exercise tends to help people

release dopamine, a hormone that relives stress. Therefore, although

people are physically tired after exercise, they are often mentally

happy and full of satisfaction.

6. How can people solve the problem that old people easily get tired?

(参考答案):People can allow the elderly to rest more and engage in

less energy-consuming activities to prevent them from getting tired.

It is very normal for the elderly to feel tired easily, and with the

increase of age, people's physical functions will gradually deteriorate

and their energy will be less abundant. At this time, it is very

dangerous to let the elderly carry out high-intensity activities.

Therefore, giving old people regular rest is good for their health.

9. P2:好的人生变化

Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways.

You should say:

When and where it happened

What happened

How you felt about it

And explain how it changed your life in good ways


I want to share a period of time that totally changed my life positively.

It was a few years ago when I decided to embark on a weight loss journey.

This significant period started in the summer of 2022. At that time, I

was surrounded by supportive friends and family who were encouraging

me to adopt a healthier lifestyle. During this time, I made a conscious

decision to change my eating habits and incorporate regular exercise in

to my routine. I started eating more balanced meals, cutting down on

unhealthy snacks, and focusing on portion control. Additionally, I began

working out at the gym and engaging in outdoor activities like hiking and


This period changed my life because it marked a transformation in

both my physical and mental well-being. The process of losing weight

was not just about shedding pounds, but also about gaining confidence,

discipline, and a healthier outlook on life. As the weight gradually came

off and my fitness improved, I felt a sense of accomplishment that

boosted my self-esteem.

Furthermore, this experience taught me valuable lessons about

determination, perseverance, and the importance of setting achievable

goals. I learned to overcome challenges and stay committed even when

faced with setbacks. The support of my loved ones and the positive

changes I saw in myself motivated me to continue on this path.

In essence, this period of time was a turning point that ignited a

positive change in my life. It taught me the significance of taking care of

my body, prioritizing my health, and believing in my ability to achieve my

goals. The habits I developed during this time continue to influence my

lifestyle choices, reminding me of the positive impact that small changes

can make on one’s life.


1. Do you like new things or changes in life?

(参考答案):Personally, I have mixed feelings about new things and

changes in life. While they can bring excitement and growth, they also

come with uncertainties and challenges. Besides, the positive and

negative changes are mixed, too. I believe a balance between routine

and novelty is important for a fulfilling life.

2. Why do some people quit and change jobs?

(参考答案):Well, reasons for a job change can vary from person to

person, but it comes down to the fact that the employee is not

satisfied with their current job. Maybe they feel unhappy at work, or

undervalued. I know some people change jos because they feel stuck

with no room for job growth. Besides, they might be making a change

for personal or family reasons. For example, they may be moving to a

new city so they have to quit their present job.

3. How do you adapt to changes in life?

(参考答案):Adapting to life changes requires a flexible mindset and

proactive approach. Embracing change, setting realistic expectations,

and focusing on personal growth can make transitions smoother.

Seeking support from friends, family, or professionals, and maintain a

healthy routine can aid in managing stress during uncertain times.

4. Who can adapt better to changes, children or adults?

(参考答案):I think adults are better able to adapt to change. First,

adults are more rational than children. In the face of changes in their

lives, they can analyze pros and cons more comprehensively and

rationally. On the contrary, children tend to be more emotional.

Second, adults can take more effective actions to cope with change

since they have richer experience and knowledge than children.

5. When things like getting married or moving home happen, what kinds

of things would you consider?

(参考答案):When it comes to important things that could change

my life, I would weigh the gains and losses more carefully. First, I will

analyze the advantages and disadvantages from all aspects, like

considering economic conditions and mental stress. Secondly, if I am

hesitant, I will turn to friends, family or professionals and listen to

them extensively.

6. What are the disadvantages when people keep making changes?

( 参 考 答 案 ): There are many disadvantages for keeping making

changes. First, people will easily get tired. Making a change means

weighing the pros and cons and changing some of your current

lifestyle every time. It costs much time to adapt to a new life while

frequent changes can be overwhelming. Second, consistently making

changes is often an economically costly thing to do. For example, if a

person changes jobs very often, he or she may face a chain reaction

like lower salaries, renting problems and social circle changes.

10. P2:学校/工作中的重要规则

Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work.

You should say:

What the rule is about

What happens when people break the rule

Why you think it is an important rule

And explain how you feel about the rule


I’d like to talk about an important rule at my school. It’s a rule

regarding punctuality and attendance.

This rule about the requirement for employees to arrive on time and

maintain regular attendance at school. It emphasizes the importance of

being punctual to ensure the complete curriculum knowledge can be

learned. When students break this rule and consistently arrive late or have

excessive absences, it can disrupt the progress of the course and create

delays in completing tasks. It not only affects the individual’s study but

also impacts the learning experience of the entire class.

I believe this rule is essential because it promotes a professional and

responsible study environment. Punctuality demonstrates respect for

teacher’s and classmate’s time the class’s goals. When everyone

adheres to this rule, it helps maintain a positive study atmosphere and

fosters a culture of discipline and commitment. I also appreciate the

accountability it brings, as it encourages individuals to be mindful of their

attendance and time management.

In conclusion, the punctuality and attendance rule is crucial for

maintaining an efficient and productive study environment.


1. What rules should children follow at home in your country?

(参考答案):In China, children are expected to follow basic rules at

home, such as respecting elders, completing chores, and maintaining

a clean living environment. They are also encouraged to communicate

openly with their parents and show consideration for family members.

2. On what occasions can children be forgiven if they don’t follow some


(参考答案):Children might be forgiven for not strictly following rules

on special occasions, like birthdays or holidays, when there’s more

room flexibility and celebration. However, this forgiveness is usually

within reason and doesn’t undermine their overall discipline.

3. What rules should people follow when using public transport?

(参考答案):People should follow etiquette and rules while using

public transport. This includes giving up seats to those in need,

keeping noise level down, not eating strong-smelling food, and

allowing passengers to exit before boarding. Respecting personal

space and maintaining cleanliness are also important.

4. What kinds of rules do people need to follow in public places?

(参考答案):People should follow etiquette and rules while in public

places. This includes respecting personal space, maintaining

cleanliness, and keeping noise level down. Besides, different public

places have different rules. For example, school classrooms often

require people to be quiet and no smoking. One needs to pay

attention to specific rules.

5. What are the reasons that cause people to break rules?

(参考答案):Breaking rules can have as much to do with people as

with the rules. People who do not follow the rules of public places,

such as people who disturb others on the subway by blaring their

mobile phones loudly, do so because they themselves are impolite

and bad-mannered. However, some rules may not be reasonable, so

people will fight back. For example, some companies require

employees to work overtime, then it is reasonable and necessary for

employees to break the rules.

6. When people break rules, how would they be punished in your


(参考答案):It depends on how serious the matter is and what the

corresponding punishments rules are. Those who violate the law, for

example, will be judged and punished accordingly by the court. For

those who violate the company's rules, the penalty is determined

according to the rules of each company. Some companies can be very

lenient, while others can be very strict.

11. P2:感兴趣的科学领域

Describe a science subject (Biology, Robotics, etc.) that you are

interested in.

You should say:

Which subject it is

When and where you came to know this subject

How you got information about this subject

And explain why you are interested in this subject


Well, I’d like talk about astronomy, which I first learned about when I

was around the age of 10. I remember looking up at the night sky and

being fascinated by the stars, planets, and the mysteries of the universe.

That’s when I knew I had a strong interest in astronomy.

What I like about astronomy is how it allows us to explore the

vastness of space and unravel the secrets of celestial bodies. It’s

incredible to think about the billions of galaxies, stars, and planets out

there, each with its own unique characteristics. Astronomy helps us

understand our place in the universe and sparks curiosity about the


I’ve learned about astronomy through various means. I read books,

watch documentaries, and follow updates from space agencies like NASA

and ESA. Online resources and astronomy clubs have also been valuable

in expanding my knowledge. I enjoy observing the night sky with a

telescope, identifying constellations, and learning about cosmic

phenomena like black holes and supernovae.

In conclusion, astronomy is a captivating scientific field that

captivates my imagination and curiosity. It reminds me of the vastness

and beauty of the universe and encourages me to keep exploring and

learning about the mysteries beyond our planet.


1. Why do some children not like learning Science at school?

(参考答案):I think there are three main reasons that children are not

interested in learning Science at school. One is that some children

might find Science challenging due to complex concepts and

unfamiliar terminology. Additionally, limited hands-on experiments or

engaging teaching methods could make the subject seem boring.

Lack of real-world application might also contribute to disinterest.

2. Is it important to study Science at school?

(参考答案):Yes, studying Science is crucial as it helps develop critical

thinking, problem-solving skills, and an understanding of the natural

world. Science education fosters curiosity and lays the foundation for

technological advancements and informed decision-making in various


3. Which science subject is the most important for children to learn?

(参考答案):Among various science subjects, I believe a foundational

understanding of biology is crucial for children. Biology teaches them

about life, ecosystems, and their own bodies. This knowledge is

applicable to health, environment, and personal well-being, making it

highly relevant in their lives.

4. Should people continue to study Science after graduating from school?

(参考答案):Absolutely, continuing to study Science after school is

valuable. Science drives innovation and understanding of the world.

Lifelong learning in science enhances critical thinking, keeps us

updated on advancements, and fosters a curious mindset.

5. How do you get to know about scientific news?

(参考答案):I stay informed about scientific news through various

channels. I follow reputable science websites, subscribe to science

magazines, and engage with science-related social media accounts.

Attending lectures, webinars, and reading research papers also helps

me stay updated.

6. Should scientists explain the research process to the public?

(参考答案):Yes, scientists should explain the research process to the

public for two reasons. First, sharing the research process fosters

transparency, allowing the public to see how scientific studies are

conducted, including methods, data collection, and analysis. This

transparency can help dispel misconceptions and recues skepticism.

Second, openly explaining research builds trust between scientists

and the public. When people understand how research is done, they

are more likely to trust the results and conclusions.

12. P2:钦佩的运动员

Describe a sportsperson you admire.

You should say:

Who he/she is

What you know about him/her

What he/she is like in real life

What achievement he/she has made

And explain why you admire him/her


Well, I’d like to talk about my favorite athlete, Su Bingtian.

I became familiar with Su Bingtian through news and sports coverage.

He is a Chinese sprinter who has achieved remarkable success in the field

of athletics.

Su Bingtian is known for his impressive achievements in the 100

meters sprint. He became the first Asian-born athlete to break the 10-

second barrier in the 100 meters, setting a national record for China. His

dedication and hard work have led him to win multiple gold medals in

various international competitions, including the Asian Games and the

Asian Athletics Championships.

Su Bingtian is famous not only for his exceptional speed but also for

his determination to excel in a highly competitive sport. His

accomplishments have brought him recognition on a global scale and

have inspired many young athletes in China and around the world. His

name is synonymous with excellence and perseverance in the realm of


In conclusion, Su Bingtian is a renowned athlete who has made a

significant impact in the world of sprinting. His exceptional achievements

and dedication have earned him a well-deserved place among the

world’s top athletes.


1. Should students have physical education and do sports at school?

(参考答案):Yes, I believe physical education and sports are essential

for students. They promote physical health, teamwork, and stress relief.

A balanced curriculum with PE classes and sports games can foster

well-rounded developments in students, addressing their physical and

mental needs.

2. What qualities make an athlete?

( 参 考 答 案 ): An athlete should possess qualities like discipline,

determination, perseverance, and a strong work ethic. Physical fitness,

mental toughness, and the ability to handle pressure are also crucial.

Additionally, team work, adaptability, and continuous improvement

are vital for success in sports.

3. Is talent important in sports?

(参考答案):Yes, sports talent is very important for an athlete. People

are born with different talents, and good athletes are often born with

better physical fitness than ordinary people. Especially for some

specific sports, such as basketball, height is very important, and this

cannot be changed by hard work. Therefore, in sports, talent is crucial

and essential.

4. Is it easy to identify children’s talents?

(参考答案):I'd say it's easier to identify a child's talent if you know

how. First of all, we need to let children try in many ways and practice

in various fields. Observing a child's behavior patterns is the best way

to identify talent. Secondly, we can promote children's self-confidence

by encouraging them. Some children may be too shy to show their

talents, and we need to give them moral support so that they can

boldly use their abilities.

5. What is the most popular sport in your country?

(参考答案):Although people’s favorite sports may vary depending

on factors such as age, gender, and cultural background, some sports

are generally popular among most people, such as soccer, basketball,

tennis, and swimming. Personally, I think that soccer is the most

popular sport in China. Soccer appeals to people of all ages and

genders, and it is fairly easy to learn the rules of the game. Many cities

in China have soccer teams that school-aged children can join, as well

as teams for adults.

6. Why are there so few top athletes?

(参考答案):There are various reasons why there are so few top

athletes. First, as in any industry, the top talent in each field is very

rare. Neither athletes nor successful entrepreneurs make up a small

percentage of the total. Secondly, athletes are often very competitive.

People with athletic talent are themselves a minority and people's

physical strength is limited, so even if the top athletes, their ability is

very close. Therefore, it's very difficult to make a breakthrough.

13. P2:电脑罢工
Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer.

You should say:

When it happened

Where it happened

What the problem was

And explain how you solved the problem at last


Well, I’d talk about a time when I had a problem with using the

computer. It happened last month when I was at home in my living room.

I was trying to browse the internet on my laptop, but I realized that I

couldn’t connect to the Wi-Fi network. It was quite frustrating,

especially because I needed to do some online research for a project.

I checked all the usual troubleshooting steps like restarting the router

and my laptop, but none of them seemed to work. I even tried

disconnecting and reconnecting to the Wi-Fi network multiple times, but

the issue persisted.

Feeling a bit helpless, I decided to call the internet service

provider’s customer support. The representative guided me through a

few additional troubleshooting steps, like checking the network settings

and clearing the cache on my laptop. It took some time, but eventually, I

was able to reconnect to the Wi-Fi network.

I learned that the problem was likely du to some settings on my lap

top conflicting with the Wi-Fi network. The customer support

representative helped me adjust those settings and provided some tips

to avoid similar issues in the future.

In the end, even though it was a bit frustrating, I was relieved to have

the problem resolved. It reminded me of the importance of seeking help

when encountering technical difficulties and not hesitating to reach out

to customer support for assistance.


1. Why do people often have problems when using new products?

(参考答案):People often encounter difficulties with new products

due to unfamiliarity. Learning to navigate features and interfaces takes

time. Additionally, unclear instructions or complex designs can

contribute to user frustration. Overcoming these challenges involves

patience and gradual familiarization.

2. How do people use digital devices to help them with their studies?

(参考答案):There are so many ways people use digital devices to

enhance their learning experience. For starters, they’ve got access to

a world of information right at their fingertips. They can use search

engines to find relevant articles, videos, and study materials. There are

also tons of educational apps and platforms that can help people with

everything from note-taking and organization to language learning

and math practice. In all, digital devices can provide rich learning
resources and platforms.

3. Do people spend too much time looking at digital screens? Why?

(参考答案):It’s true that many people spend a lot of time looking

at digital screens, and there are a few reasons why that happens. First,

technology has become an integral part of our lives. We use screens

for work, communication, entertainment, and even education, which

makes it hard to escape them. Second, screens are highly engaging.

Whether it’s scrolling through social media, binge-watching our

favorite shows, or playing video games, screens can be addictive. They

provide instant gratification and can be a way to escape from reality

for a while.

4. Do you think that parents should limit the time that their children

spend using the mobile phones?

(参考答案):Absolutely! Setting limits on screen time for children is

definitely a good idea. While digital devices can be educational and

entertaining, it’s important for kids to have a healthy balance

between screen time and other activities. Too much screen time can

interfere with important aspects of their development, such as social

skills, physical activity, and creativity. It’s important for children to

engage in face-to-face interactions, play outdoors, and explore their

surroundings. Setting limits on screen time can also help prevent

potential issues like sleep disturbances, eye strain, and even addiction
to screens.

5. What do people do with mobile phones?

(参考答案):People can do tons of things with their mobile phones

and it’s like having a mini-computer in your pocket. The most

obvious use is for communication. We use our phones to make calls,

send text messages, and stay connected with friends and family

through various messaging apps. It’s like having a personal

communication hub right at our fingertips. Furthermore, mobile

phones have become our go-to devices for accessing the internet. We

use them to browse websites, check social media, watch videos, and

even shop online. It’s like having the whole world in the palm of your


6. What do you think of people who are addicted to playing computers?

(参考答案):I think addiction to computer play is justifiable and

almost inevitable. Modern people live in an age surrounded by

electronics, and everyone spends a great deal of time each day using

computers, cell phones, tablets, and so on. As a result, using

computers has become almost habitual for people. And, computers

are really powerful and can provide a lot of entertainment for people.

For example, games and video. But I also recognize that people should

prevent excessive addiction to computers, after all, that is harmful to

people's health.
14. P2:美丽城市

Describe a beautiful city.

You should say:

Where the city is

How you knew the city

What buildings the city has

And explain what it is famous for


I’d like to share you a beautiful city with breathtaking scenes and

wonderful buildings, Weihai.

Many people think Weihai is one of the most beautiful and attractive

cities in China. It has a really good location because it’s surrounded by

the sea on three sides, and there are lots of terrific attractions in the city.

For example, Weihai International Beach is considered one of the best

beaches in Asia. I first learned about Weihai one year ago, in fact, it is my

boyfriend’s hometown and we went to there this summer. One of the

things that really caught my eye was a bike lane that was built alongside
the sea. My boyfriend and I rented bicycles to ride along the coast. We

could feel the soft sea breeze and even enjoyed the sparkling sun on the

water while riding, which was fantastic. We also went to the Yuehai

Lighthouse, the landmark building of Weihai. It is a great place for visitors

to observe the sea and gather for leisure. On top of the lighthouse, we

also saw the traditional houses of the local people on the beach, which

are made of seaweed that, miraculously, remained undamaged for


Weihai not only has beautiful sea views, but also amazing traditional

architecture. I think that's why Weihai has become a famous scenic spot

in China.


1. What are the differences between modern towns and modern cities?

(参考答案):The differences between modern towns and modern

cities are mainly about size and living pace. Cities tend to be larger

and more populated than towns. You’ll find more hustle and bustle

in cities with tall buildings, busy streets, and a wider range of

amenities and services. Towns, on the other hand, are usually smaller

and have a more relaxed vibe. They often have a sense of community

and a slower pace of life.

2. Why do some people like to visit historical sites?

(参考答案):People love visiting historical sites for a bunch of reasons.

For one, they offer a glimpse into the past and help us understand our

roots and the history of a place. It’s like stepping into a real-life

history book. Plus, historical sites often have beautiful architecture

and stunning craftsmanship that can be truly inspiring. What’s more,

each site has its own fascinating tales and legends that make the visit

even more captivating. Exploring historical sites can be a fun and

enriching experience.

3. How can people preserve historical buildings?

(参考答案):There are a few ways people can help preserve historical

buildings. One way is through restoration and maintenance. That

means fixing up any damage and keeping the building in good

condition. Another way is by promoting awareness and education

about the historical significance of the building, which can help people

appreciate its value and advocate for its preservation. Supporting

organizations and initiatives that work to protect and restore historical

buildings is always a great idea.

4. Is it the government’s responsibility to preserve historic cities and

historic buildings?

(参考答案):While it’s not solely the government’s responsibility,

they do play a significant role in preserving our cultural heritage.

Preservation can be a complex and costly endeavor and it often

requires specialized knowledge, resources, and ongoing maintenance.

That’s where the government can step in. They can provide funding,

create legislation and regulations to protect historic sites, and even

offer incentives for private individuals or organizations to participate

in preservation efforts. However, preservation is a collective effort that

requires the involvement of various stakeholders, including local

communities, businesses, and organizations. It’s important for

everyone to recognize the value of preserving our heritage and work

together towards that goal.

5. Does historic preservation contradict economic development?

(参考答案):While there may be some challenges and considerations,

historic preservation and economic development can actually go hand

in hand. Historic preservation can contribute to economic

development in several ways. First, historic cities and buildings often

attract tourists and visitors who are interested in experiencing the

unique charm and character of these places. This can bring in tourism

revenue, support local businesses, and create jobs in the hospitality

and service industries. Preserving historic areas can also enhance

property values and attract investment. Many people are drawn to the

authenticity and charm of historic neighborhoods, and this can lead

to increased demand for housing and commercial spaces.

6. What do you think will happen to historic places or buildings in the

future? Why?
(参考答案):While I can’t predict the future for historic places or

buildings with certainty, I can offer some possibilities based on current

trends and considerations. One possibility is that increased awareness

and appreciation for our cultural heritage will lead to continued

efforts in preserving historic places and buildings. As people

recognize the value of these sites and the stories they tell, there may

be a growing commitment to their protection and maintenance.

Advancements in technology may also play a role. With innovations

like 3D scanning and virtual reality, it’s becoming easier to digitally

preserve and recreate historic sites.

15. P2:成功商人

Describe a successful businessperson you know (e.g. running a family


You should say:

Who the person is

How you knew him/her

What business he/she does

And explain why he/she is successful


I’d like to talk about an amazing person named Sarah. I actually met

her through a mutual friend a few years ago. Sarah runs a family business
that specializes in handmade chocolates.

What makes Sarah so successful is her passion and dedication. She

truly loves what she does and it shows in every aspect of her business.

She puts so much care into selecting the finest ingredients and creating

unique flavor combinations. And her attention to detail is impeccable.

Not only is Sarah incredibly talented, but she also has a natural ability

to connect with people. She takes the time to get to know her customers

and create a personalized experience for each one. She’s built a loyal

customer base because of this.

But what really sets Sarah apart is her commitment to quality. She

never compromises on the taste and presentation of her chocolates.

She’s always striving to improve and innovate, which keeps her business

fresh and exciting.

Overall, Sarah’s success comes from her passion, dedication, and

commitment to quality. She’s turned her love for chocolate into a

thriving business, and I couldn’t be prouder of her.


1. What factors lead to success?

(参考答案):Success depends on the combination of many factors. I

believe there are two main reasons for success. First, having a clear

vision and setting goals is essential. When a person has a clear idea of

what he or she wants to achieve, it becomes easier to make decisions

and take actions that align with goals. Second, perseverance is crucial.

Success rarely happens overnight. It often involves facing challenges

and setbacks along the way. But those who persevere, who keep going

even when things get tough, are the ones who ultimately their goals.

2. What do people need to sacrifice for success?

(参考答案):People need to give up many things in pursuit of success.

One common sacrifice is time. Achieving success often means

dedicating a significant amount of time and energy to your goals. This

might mean sacrificing leisure activities, socializing, or even sleep.

Another sacrifice that people often make is comfort and security.

Pursuing success sometimes involves taking risks and stepping

outside of your comfort zone. It might mean leaving a stable job to

start your own business or taking on new challenges that push your

limits. But these sacrifices can lead to growth and new opportunities.

3. Which is more likely to be successful, family businesses or large


(参考答案):When it comes to the likelihood of success, it’s not so

much about the size of the business, but rather the factors contribute

to its success. Family businesses often have a strong sense of tradition,

a deep understanding of their customers, and a personal touch that

can create a loyal customer base. On the other hand, large

corporations have their own advantages. They often have more

resources, access to capital, and established networks. They can

leverage economics of scale and have the ability to reach a wider

market. Ultimately, the success of a business depends on a variety of

factors, such as the industry, market conditions, leadership, innovation,

and the ability to adapt to change. Both family businesses and large

corporations have their own unique strengths and challenges.

4. Is it easy for a business to be successful without affecting the


(参考答案):While it’s not always easy, it is definitely possible for a

business to be successful without negatively impacting the

environment. One key approach is adopting environmentally-friendly

practices throughout the entire supply chain. Another important

aspect is promoting sustainable consumption and educating

customers about the environmental impact of their choices. Of course,

balancing profitability with sustainability can be a complex task, and

there may be trade-offs that need to be considered. However,

businesses that prioritize the environment can not only contribute to

a healthier planet but also build a positive brand image and attract

environmentally-conscious customers.

5. Can you provide some examples of family businesses in your country?

(参考答案):In China, there are tons of famous family businesses. Here

are two examples. One is Powerlong, a Shanghai based hotel and

property company founded by Xu Jiankang 22 years ago. Xu’s son is

the CEO and his sister serves as a non-executive board member. And

Wahaha Group is one of China’s largest beverage companies,

founded by Zong Qinghou. It is a family-run business that has

achieved significant success in the beverage industry.

6. What qualities should be considered when recruiting employees?

(参考答案):When recruiting employees, there are several qualities

that can be considered to find the right fit for a company. First is skills

and qualifications, which includes both technical skills and relevant

experience that align with the job requirements. Second is cultural fit.

Employers should consider the candidate’s values, work ethic, and

personality to ensure they align with the company’s culture. A good

cultural fit can lead to better teamwork and employee satisfaction.

Others values are adaptability and flexibility, communication skills and

so on. It’s important to assess these qualities in combination with

the specific requirements of the job and the unique needs of the


16. P2:等待美好事情

Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing.

You should say:

When it happened
What the nice thing was

Why you waited for a long time

And explain how you felt about the experience


I’d like to talk about my experience about waiting for the release of

a video game called The Legend of Zelda.

A while back, I had been eagerly waiting for it that I had been

anticipating for months. The release date was set for a Friday, and I had

marked it on my calendar with a big red circle.

So, on that fateful Friday, I woke up with a mix of excitement and

anticipation. I had pre-ordered the game, and I knew that once I got my

hands on it, I would be in for hours of immersive gameplay and epic


But here’s the catch – I had to wait for the delivery. The shipping

estimate was a bit vague, so I found myself anxiously checking the

tracking updates every few hours. The hours seemed to stretch like elastic

as I waited for that knock on the door or the sound of the delivery

person’s footsteps.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the doorbell rang. I practically

flew down the stairs, flung open the door, and there it was – the long-

awaited package containing the video game I had been yearning for. I

quickly tore open the package, held the game in my hands, and felt a
surge of joy and satisfaction. The wait had been worth it.

The experience was a mix of relief, excitement, and a sense of

accomplishment. It made me appreciate the anticipation and the value of

delayed gratification. It reminded me that sometimes, good things are

worth waiting for.


1. On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?

(参考答案):There are countless occasions in life where waiting seems

to stretch on forever. Waiting in line can test our patience, waiting for

travel can sometimes feel like time is standing still, and waiting for

news about a job offer can be nerve-wracking. It is a part of life that

we need to wait patiently.

2. What do people do while waiting?

(参考答案):Everyone has their own preferences to make the waiting

time feel less tedious. There are a few common activities that people

engage in to pass the time. People-watching can be quite entertaining,

reading can be a great way to make waiting time fly by, and most

commonly, people now like to scroll through social media to kill time.

3. Are most people patient while waiting?

(参考答案):While some people naturally have more patience than

others, I would say that patience levels can vary greatly from person

to person and situation to situation. In some cases, people may find it

easier to be patient, especially when they have distractions or activities

to occupy their minds. On the other hand, waiting can be challenging

for those who are more prone to restlessness or have a strong desire

for instant gratification.

4. Do you like to wait for a long time? Why?

(参考答案):For me, waiting for a long time can be challenging,

frustrating, and even anxiety-inducing. Especially when it comes to

waiting in situations where there is little control or uncertainty, such

as waiting for important news or during unexpected delays, patience

can wear thin. I’m more prone to restlessness and have a stronger

desire for instant gratification than others.

5. Why do most children have difficulties waiting for a long time?

(参考答案):It’s quite common for children to have difficulties with

waiting for a long time, and there are a few reasons for this. First,

young children are still developing their cognitive and emotional skills,

including patience and impulse control, so waiting for a long time can

be challenging for them. Second, children may not have had many

opportunities to practice waiting for extended periods. They are used

to having their needs met quickly, so when they encounter situations

that require patience, it can be a new and unfamiliar experience for


6. Do people queue consciously while waiting for the subway train?

(参考答案):The level of consciousness and adherence to the queue

can vary from different people. In some cases, people queue

consciously, fully aware of the line and its purpose. They understand

the importance of waiting their turn and respect the order established.

These individuals are mindful of others around them and make an

effort to maintain the queue. On the other hand, there are instances

where people may not be as conscious of the queue or may

unintentionally disrupt it. This can happen due to distractions, lack of

awareness, or simply being in a hurry.

17. P2:糟糕服务

Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop.

You should say:

When and where it happened

What happened

How it was solved

And explain how you felt about the experience


I’d like to talk about a bad service I received in a restaurant called

“The Cozy Corner”.

It was a couple of months ago, I went to the restaurant with some

friends for a special occasion. Unfortunately, the service we received was

subpar. The waitstaff seemed disinterested and inattentive. They took a

long time to bring menus, forgot to refill our drinks, and our food took

forever to arrive. It was quite frustrating, especially since we were looking

forward to a pleasant dining experience.

Despite the disappointing service, we decided to address the issue

with the restaurant manager. We politely expressed our concerns and

dissatisfaction, explaining the specific instances where the service fell

short. The manager was apologetic and understanding, acknowledging

the shortcomings of their staff. They offered to comp our meal and

promised to address the issues with the waitstaff.

Initially, I felt disappointed and frustrated with the poor service. It can

be disheartening when you have high expectations for a dining

experience, only to be let down by lackluster service. However, I also

appreciated that the restaurant manager took our concerns seriously and

made an effort to rectify the situation. Their willingness to address the

issue and offer a resolution helped alleviate some of the negative feelings.


1. How do most people respond to bad services?

(参考答案):When faced with bad service, people’s responses can

vary depending on their personality, the severity of the situation, and

their overall customer service expectations. Many people choose to

address the problem directly with the service providers and leave
negative reviews to share their experiences. In cases of particularly

poor service, people may request refunds, discounts, or compensation

for their inconvenience.

2. Do you think services are better now than in the past?

(参考答案):It’s difficult to make a sweeping generalization about

whether services are better now than in the past, as it can vary

depending on the specific industry, location, and individual

experiences. I would say, generally, services now are better. With the

advancement of technology, businesses now have access to various

tools and platforms that can enhance their service delivery. As

consumers, our expectations for service have also evolved over time.

Customers now have higher expectations for quality, convenience,

and responsiveness. This has also pushed businesses to strive for

better service to meet these new demands.

3. What kind of services are bad services?

(参考答案):Bad services can come in different forms and can vary

depending on the industry or context. Generally, bad services share

these common characteristics. First, rudeness or lack of

professionalism. If the service provider is rude, dismissive, or

unprofessional in their interactions with customers, it can leave a

negative impression. Second, when a service takes longer than

expected or there are unnecessary delays, it can be frustrating for

customers. Last, lack of accountability or problem resolution. When

issues or complaints arise, it’s important for service providers to take

responsibility and address them promptly. If a service provider fails to

acknowledge and resolve problems, it can leave customers feeling

unheard and frustrated.

4. Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad


(参考答案):The choice to remain silent when receiving bad services

can stem from various reasons. Some people may choose to remain

silent because they want to avoid confrontation or conflict. They may

feel uncomfortable expressing their dissatisfaction or fear negative

repercussions. On the other hand, addressing a complaint or seeking

resolution can require time and effort. Some people may choose not

to invest their energy in pursuing the matter further, especially if they

feel that it won’t make a significant difference or if the issue seems

minor in the grand scheme of things.

5. Who should be responsible for bad services?

(参考答案):When it comes to bad services, responsibility can be

shared among different parties involved. The primary responsibility

for providing good services lies with the service providers themselves.

They should strive to deliver high-quality services, meet customer

expectations, and address any issues or complaints promptly and

effectively. Service providers have a duty to ensure their services are

delivered with professionalism. The management and leaderships of

an organization also play a crucial role in ensuring the delivery of

good services. They are responsible for setting the standards, creating

a positive work culture, and providing the necessary resources and

training to enable employees to deliver excellent services.

6. What can employers do to improve the service that their employees


(参考答案):To improve the service provided by their employees,

employers can take several steps. First, employers can invest in

comprehensive training programs to equip their employees with the

necessary skills and knowledge to provide excellent service. Second,

employers should establish clear expectations and service standards

for their employees. This includes defining the desired level of service,

response times, and specific behaviors or actions that align with the

organization’s values. Providing employees with a clear framework

helps them understand what is expected of them and enables them

to consistently deliver quality service.

18. P2:有用的广告

Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful.

You should say:

Where you can see it

What it shows

Why you think it is useful

And explain how you feel about it


I’d like to talk about an advertisement for a fitness app called

“Keep”. It features a short video showcasing different individuals

engaging in various workouts, such as yoga, strength training, and cardio

exercises. The video highlights the app’s user-friendly interface, a wide

range of workout options, and the ability to track progress. You can see

this advertisement on various social media platforms, such as Bilibili,

Wechat, or Tecent Video.

I find this advertisement useful because it effectively communicates

the key features and benefits of the fitness app. It shows the diversity of

workouts available, which can cater to different fitness preferences and

goals. The video also emphasizes the convenience of having a fitness app

on your phone, allowing uses to exercise anytime and anywhere. Overall,

it presents a compelling case for why the app would be beneficial for

someone looking to improve their fitness.

As someone who values fitness and convenience, I feel positively

about this advertisement. It grabs my attention with its visually appealing

and energetic video, and it effectively communicates the benefits of the

app in a concise manner. The advertisement’s focus on promoting a

healthy lifestyle aligns with my personal interests, and it leaves me feeling

motivated and inspired to tack care of my well-being.


1. What do you think of online advertising?

(参考答案):I think that online advertising is very cost-effective and

targeted. Based on customer’s interests, demographics, and online

behavior, online advertising has the ability to target specific audiences.

This allows businesses to tailor their messages and promotions to the

right people, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.

And it can be more cost-effective compared to traditional methods

like TV or print ads. With online platforms, businesses can set their

budget, track performance metrics, and optimize their campaigns in

real-time, making it easier to allocate resources efficiently.

2. Are there any great online advertisements?

(参考答案):Absolutely! There are so many creative and captivating

online advertisements out there and they all focus on telling a

compelling story that resonates with the audience and evokes strong

emotions. One that comes to mind is the Alibaba “To the Greatness

of Small” campaign. It celebrates the power of small businesses and

their impact on society. Great online advertisements often highlight

family values, personal growth, or cultural pride.

3. What do people usually buy?

(参考答案):People buy all sorts of things and it really depends on

their individual needs, preferences, and interests. Some common

purchases include everyday essentials like groceries, clothing, and

personal care products. Of course, people also buy experiences, like

concert tickets, vacations, or dining out at their favorite restaurants to

meet their mental needs.

4. Why does buying new things make people happy?

(参考答案):There are a few reasons why buying new things can bring

happiness to people. For one, it’s the thrill of anticipation and the

excitement of something new. Buying new things can also provide a

sense of fulfillment. It’s a way for people to reward themselves and

acknowledge their hard work or achievements. Additionally, buying

new things can provide a temporary boost in mind. It releases

dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward,

giving us a sense of happiness and satisfaction.

5. Do people watch useless advertising in this day and age?

(参考答案):Well, in this day and age, many people prefer to avoid

irrelevant or intrusive ads. With the rise of ad-blockers, skip buttons,

and the ability to fast-forward through commercials, people are

becoming more selective. Also, effective advertising can still capture

people’s attention and engage them. If an ad is creative, entertaining,

or provides value to the viewer, it has a higher chance of being

watched and appreciated.

6. Do you think there is too much advertising in our daily lives?

(参考答案):Absolutely! Advertising is everywhere we look these days.

It’s on billboards, in magazines, on TV, on our social media feeds,

and even popping up in our emails. While advertising plays an

important role in promoting products and services, the sheer volume

of ads can be overwhelming and intrusive. People now should be

mindful of the content we engage.

19. P2:好建议

Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to someone.

You should say:

Who you gave the advice to

What the advice was

Why you gave the advice

And explain how he/she followed your advice

I’d like to talk about giving some advice to my friend Lucy who was

feeling overwhelmed with her workload. She was juggling multiple

projects and struggling to manage her time effectively.

I could see Lucy was feeling stressed and overwhelmed, and I wanted

to help her find a way to regain control and reduce her stress levels. I

knew from personal experience that effective time management can

make a big difference in productivity and overall well-being. The advice I

gave her was to practice prioritization and time management techniques.

I suggested she make a to-do list and prioritize tasks based on urgency

and importance. I also encouraged her to break down big tasks into

smaller, more manageable chunks and to allocate specific time slots for

each task.

Lucy followed my advice and started implementing the strategies I

suggested. She began creating daily to-do lists and prioritizing her tasks.

She also started using time-blocking techniques to allocate dedicated

time for each task. Over time, Lucy found that she was able to work more

effectively. She felt less overwhelmed and more in control of her

workload. By breaking tasks down and focusing on one thing at a time,

she was able to complete her projects with less stress and better results.

I was really glad to see Lucy benefit from the advice I gave her. It’s

always rewarding to be able to offer guidance and support to friends

when they need it.


1. Do you think parents should give their children advice?

(参考答案):Absolutely! Parents have a unique and important role in

guiding and supporting their children, and giving advice is a natural

part of that role. Parents have a wealth of knowledge and life

experience that they can share with their children. Parents can offer

valuable perspectives and guidance based on their own experiences.

It is their aim and duty to be a source of support, encouragement, and

guidance for their children.

2. Should teachers give students advice?

(参考答案):Definitely! Teachers play a vital role in shaping the lives

of their students, and giving advice is an important part of that role.

Teacher can offer advice on various topics, such as study techniques,

time management, goal setting, problem-solving, and building

positive relationships. However, it’s important for teachers to strike

a balance when giving advice. They should also encourage critical

thinking and independent decision-making, empowering students to

learn from their own experiences.

3. Do you think it is necessary for us to listen to friends’ advice?

(参考答案):It is essential for us to listen to friends’ advice! Friends

often offer a unique perspective and can provide insights based on

their own experiences and knowledge. They know us well and can
offer advice that is tailored to our specific situation and needs. They

can also offer support, guidance, and encouragement when we’re

facing challenges or making important decisions. Listening to friends’

advice can be very beneficial.

4. How to give young people and old people advice?

(参考答案):There are many common approaches to give both young

people and old people advice. Drawing from our own experiences can

make your advice more relatable and meaningful. Young people can

people may appreciate insights from different perspectives. However,

we should also recognize that different age groups may have unique

needs and perspectives. We need to adjust advice to suit their specific

circumstances and consider their life experiences and goals.

5. Who are more willing to listen to advice? And who are less willing?

(参考答案):When it comes to listening to advice, it really depends

on the individual and their personal traits, mindset, and circumstances.

People who are open-minded, curious, and value personal growth

tend to be more willing to listen to advice. They understand that

seeking guidance and learning from others can lead to new

perspectives and insights. On the other hand, individuals who are

more closed-minded or set in their ways may be less willing to listen

to advice. They might have a strong belief in their own knowledge or

resist change, making it challenging for them to accept input from

others. Besides, factors such as age, life experiences, and cultural

background can also influence someone’s receptiveness to advice.

6. Have you ever received any advice from professional people, like a

doctor, a lawyer or a teacher?

( 参 考 答 案 ): Yes, I’ve received much advice from doctors and

teachers. Doctors offered medical advice to help me maintain my

health, manage illnesses, and make informed decisions about my well-

being. Teachers, on the other hand, offered guidance and advice in

academic and personal development areas. They provided insights on

my subjects, study techniques, and personal growth.

20. P2:想法有趣的人

Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions.

You should say:

Who this person is

What this person does

How you knew him/her

And explain why you think his/her ideas or opinions are interesting


I’d like to talk about one of my teachers in university, Alex. He is a

professor of philosophy and I met him a few years ago when I took one

of his classes as an elective.

What makes Alex’s ideas and opinions so interesting is that he

always challenges the status quo. He’s not afraid to question commonly

held beliefs and explore different perspectives. He has this incredible

ability to think outside the box and come up with unique insights on a

wide range of topics.

Whether we’re talking about ethics, politics, or even pop culture,

Alex always brings a fresh and thought-provoking perspective to the

table. He’s not afraid to dive deep into complex issues and engage in

meaningful discussions. I think what makes his ideas so interesting is his

genuine curiosity and open-mindedness. He’s always willing to listen to

others and consider different viewpoints, which leads to some really

fascinating conversations. Plus, he has this knack for connecting

seemingly unrelated ideas and finding common threads, which makes for

some truly mind-blowing discussions.

Whenever I hang out with Alex, I know I’m in for an intellectually

stimulating and enriching experience. He’s definitely someone who

keeps me on my toes and expands my horizons.


1. When do you think children start to have their own opinions?

(参考答案):Children actually start forming their own opinions at a

surprisingly young age. As the grow and gain more exposure to the

world around them, their thoughts and perspectives begin to take

shape. Initially, children may start expressing their preferences and

opinions on simple matters like their favorite toy or food. As they get

older and their cognitive abilities develop, they become more capable

of forming opinions on a wider range of topics.

2. Are children’s opinions influenced by their parents?

(参考答案):Absolutely! Parents play a significant role in shaping their

children’s opinions. Parents have a profound influence on their

children’s opinions through direct and indirect means. Directly,

parents may explicitly share their viewpoints, beliefs, and values with

their children, which can shape their understanding of the world.

Indirectly, children absorb their parents’ opinions through

observation and osmosis. They pick up on subtle cues, such as facial

expressions, tone of voice, and body language, which can shape their

own perspectives.

3. Who are smart children likely to be influenced by?

(参考答案):Smart children, like any other children, can be influenced

by a variety of factors and individuals, While their intelligence may

play a role in how they process and analyze information, the sources

of influence can vary depending on their interests, experiences, and

the people they interact with. Factors such as parental guidance,

cultural background, and social environment also contribute to

shaping a child’s perspectives and opinions.

4. How do inventors or philosophers come up with new ideas?

(参考答案):Inventor and philosophers prefer to combine common

approaches, along with their unique perspectives and experiences, to

come up with new ideas. Firstly, they tend to have a deep sense of

curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. They constantly seek out new

information, explore different fields, and engage in interdisciplinary

thinking. Secondly, inventors and philosophers often engage in critical

thinking and problem solving. They identify existing gaps or

challenges and actively seek solutions.

5. Do you think ideas from books or writers in the past are all outdated?

(参考答案):Absolutely not! Books and previous authors can covey

both old and new ideas. While some books may explore established

concepts and ideas, many authors also introduce fresh perspectives,

innovative theories, and groundbreaking insights. Authors have the

power to challenge conventional wisdom, question existing beliefs,

and offer new interpretations of the world. Some of the most

influential books throughout history have been catalysts for new ideas

and social changes. Books can introduce new concepts, sparked

debates, and reshaped our understanding of the world.

6. What kind of people have lots of great ideas in your country?

(参考答案):In my country, there are all kind of people who have lots

of great ideas. Generally, creativity and innovation can come from

individuals of various backgrounds and professions. For example,

business-minded individuals often come up with innovative ideas to

solve problems, create new products or services, and improve existing

processes. Scientists and researchers are constantly pushing the

boundaries of knowledge and coming up with groundbreaking ideas.

21. P2: 有趣的地方

Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting.

You should say:

Where it is

How you knew it

What special features it has

And explain why you think it is interesting


One place that I find fascinating is the Zhangjiajie National Forest

Park, located in the Hunan Province of China.

I first came across this remarkable place through photographs and

documentaries. The unique landscape and breathtaking scenery instantly

captured my attention. The park is famous for its towering quartzite

sandstone pillars, which are often shrouded in mist, creating a surreal and

otherworldly atmosphere.

One of the special features of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is the

towering pillar known as the “Avatar Hallelujah Mountain.” It gained

international fame after being featured in the movie “Avatar,” with its

resemblance to the floating mountains depicted in the film. The park also

boasts stunning natural wonders like deep ravines, lush forests, and

crystal-clear streams.

What makes Zhangjiajie National Forest Park particularly interesting

to me is its incredible natural beauty and the sense of awe it evokes. The

towering pillars, draped in greenery, create a sense of grandeur and

mystery. It feels like stepping into a fantasy world or a painting come to

life. Exploring the park offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature

and experience its majestic power. The park features numerous hiking

trails, cable cars, and observation points, allowing visitors to immerse

themselves in the stunning scenery from various perspectives.

Overall, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is a captivating destination

that combines natural wonders, cultural heritage, and a touch of

cinematic magic. It offers a chance to escape the ordinary and immerse

oneself in a truly extraordinary setting. It’s a place that sparks the

imagination and leaves a lasting impression on anyone fortunate enough

to visit.

P3: 有趣的地方

1. How can people access travel information?

(参考答案):People can access travel information through various

channels, both online and offline. Online, people can search

information on travel websites and apps. There are numerous travel

websites and mobile apps that provide comprehensive information on

destinations, flights, accommodations, attractions, and more. Offline,

people can go to travel agencies and tour operators for help. They can

provide personalized recommendations, and offer guided tours or


2. Do people have different personalities in different regions of your


(参考答案):Absolutely. People do have different personalities in

different regions of my country. Cultural, historical, and environmental

factors can shape the characteristics and behaviors of individuals in

specific regions. For example, people in northern China are often seen

as straightforward, direct, and assertive, while in southern China, there

is often a greater emphasis on collectivism, harmony, and

interpersonal relationships. These differences come from history and

climate of each region. Northern China has a long history of

agriculture and a harsher climate, which may have shaped the

resilience and practical mindset of the people.

3. What causes the differences between different regions of your country?

(参考答案):The differences between different regions of my country

can be attributed to a combination of historical, cultural, and

geographical factors. Historical events, such as colonization,

immigration, and the formation of different provinces, have played a

significant role in shaping regional differences. Cultural practices,

beliefs, and values can vary across regions due to factors like

migration, indigenous cultures, and interactions with neighboring

countries. The diverse landscapes and climate across regions can

impact the way people live, work, and interact with their environment.

4. Is it just youngsters who like to try new things, or do people of your

parents’ age also like to try new things?

(参考答案):I believe that people of all ages can enjoy trying new

things. Age doesn’t necessarily determine one’s willingness to

explore and embrace new experiences. In fact, many individuals in

their later years find great joy and fulfillment in trying new activities.

Some people may have more free time and resources as they reach

their later years, allowing them to explore interests they may have put

on hold earlier in life. Others may develop a newfound curiosity or

desire for personal growth and self-discovery.

5. Is a great tourist destination also a good place to live?

( 参 考 答 案 ): While a great tourist destination can offer unique

attractions and experiences, it doesn’t automatically mean that it’s

also a good place to live. In terms of cost living, popular tourist

destinations can often have a higher cost of living due to increased

demand for housing, services, and goods. There are also seasonal

fluctuations in tourist destinations, which can lead to challenges for

residents, such as overcrowding during peak tourist seasons and a lack

of economic stability during off-peak periods.

6. Why do people who go to live in small towns think these towns are

more interesting than the big cities?

(参考答案):People who choose to live in small towns often find them

more interesting than big cities for economic and mental reasons. In

terms of living cost, small towns tend to have a lower cost compared

to big cities. Housing, transportation, and daily expenses can be more

affordable, allowing people to stretch their budgets and enjoy a

higher quality of life. Mental reasons, for example, small towns often

have a strong sense of community, where people know their

neighbors and there’s a tight-knit social fabric. This can create a

sense of belonging and connection that may be harder to find in

larger cities where anonymity can be more common.

22. P2: 克服困难而自豪

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you

felt proud of.

You should say:

What the task was

How you completed it

Why the task was difficult

Why you were proud of the completion of the task


One challenging task that I can think of is completing a complex

research project, which was to conduct an in-depth study on the effects

of climate change on marine ecosystems.

It involved collecting and analyzing a vast amount of data from

various sources, such as scientific studies, environmental reports, and

field research. The goal was to understand the impact of rising sea

temperatures, ocean acidification, and other climate-related factors on

marine life.

To complete the task, I followed a systematic approach. I started by

conducting a literature review to understand the existing research and

identify knowledge gaps. Then, I designed and implemented experiments

and field surveys to gather relevant data. I employed statistical analysis

and modeling techniques to analyze the data and draw meaningful

conclusions. The task was difficult because it required a deep

understanding of climate science, marine biology, and research

methodologies. It demanded meticulous data collection, critical thinking,

and the ability to synthesize complex information. Additionally, climate

change is a complex and multifaceted issue, making it challenging to

isolate and understand its specific effects on marine ecosystems.

I felt proud of completing the task because it allowed me to

contribute to the understanding of an important environmental issue. By

conducting a rigorous study, I was able to shed light on the specific

impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems, which could potentially

inform conservation efforts and policy-making. The completion of the

task represented a significant accomplishment in my academic journey

and a step towards addressing the urgent challenges of our changing


P3: 克服困难而自豪

1. What are the things that make people feel proud of?

(参考答案):People can feel proud of a wide range of things, as it

largely depends on their individual goals, values, and

accomplishments. Generally, achievements and helping others can

make most people feel proud. Accomplishing personal goals, such as

completing a challenging project, reaching a fitness milestone, or

learning a new skill, can evoke a sense of pride. Acts of kindness,

generosity, and making a positive difference can be incredibly fulfilling.

2. Do people often feel proud of themselves when they complete a

difficult task?

(参考答案):Yes, completing a difficult task can often evoke a sense

of pride in oneself. The feeling of pride comes from the recognition of

one’s own capabilities, perseverance, and hard work. It’s a

validation of one’s skills, determination, and ability to overcome

obstacles. This feeling of pride can be particularly strong when the

task was personally meaningful or aligned with their values and

aspirations. It can boost self-confidence, motivate further growth and

achievement, and provide a sense of fulfillment.

3. What challenges do young people face today?

(参考答案):Young people today face a variety of challenges that are

unique to their generation and the rapidly changing world we live in.

Generally, there are financial and mental challenges. Rising costs of

education, housing, and living expenses can put a significant financial

strain on young people. Student loans, limited job opportunities, and

the need to become financially independent can create stress and

financial insecurity. With so many financial problems, young people

today also face a higher prevalence of mental health challenges, such

as anxiety, depression, and stress.

4. How do young people handle difficult or challenging tasks?

(参考答案):Young people handle difficult or challenging tasks in

various ways, and it can depend on their individual personalities,

experiences, and support systems. First, they can break down a

challenging task into smaller, more manageable goals. During dealing

with it, they reach out for support and seek guidance from mentors,

teachers, or trusted adults. What’s more, young people understand

that failure is a natural part of the learning process. They may reflect

on their mistakes, identify areas for improvement, and use setbacks as

opportunities to learn, adapt, and grow.

5. What kinds of rewards do people receive from work?

(参考答案):People can receive various rewards from their work, and

these rewards can have both intrinsic and extrinsic components.

Intrinsic rewards include personal growth and sense of fulfillment.

Many people find reward in the opportunity for personal growth and

development that comes with their work. For extrinsic components,

people can receive financial rewards and appreciation from others.

Monetary benefits provide individuals with a sense of security, stability,

and the ability to meet their financial needs and goals, while feeling

valued for one’s contributions can boost their self-esteem,

motivation, and job satisfaction.

6. What are the most difficult jobs that people do?

(参考答案):There are many jobs that can be considered difficult, and

the level of difficulty can vary depending on various factors such as

physical demands, mental stress, emotional toll, and the level of

responsibility involved. Considering all these requirements, jobs like

emergency service workers and healthcare professionals are the most

challenging ones. These professionals often face high-pressure

situations, physical risks, and the need to make split-second decisions

that can have life-or-death consequences.

23. P2: 一起学习/工作的成功人士

Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with.

You should say:

Who this person is

When you studied/worked with this person

What you did together

What this person did to become successful

And explain how you felt about studying or working with this person


I’d like to talk about an amazing girl I once studied with. Her name

is Kate, and we were classmates in college. We studied engineering


Kate was always one step ahead of everyone else. She was constantly

pushing herself to excel in her studies and always went the extra mile to

understand complex concepts. I remember countless late nights in the

library, and there she was, diligently working away. But what really set
Kate apart was her ability to apply her knowledge in a practical way. She

was always coming up with innovative solutions to engineering problems,

and her projects were always top-notch.

To become successful, Kate put in a lot of hard work and dedication.

She never settled for mediocrity and always sought to improve herself.

She attended workshops, took on internships, and even worked on

personal projects to enhance her skills. She was never afraid to step out

of her comfort zone and take on new challenges, which I think played a

significant role in her success.

Studying and working with Kate made me realize the importance of

hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude. She taught me that success

doesn’t come easy, but with perseverance and a passion for what you

do, anything is possible. I felt lucky to have her as a classmate and friend,

and I’m grateful for the valuable lessons she taught me.

Kate is a true example of what it means to be successful, and I’m

sure she’s making waves in the engineering world wherever she is now.

P3: 一起学习/工作的成功人士

1. Is money the only measure of success in your country?

(参考答案):Definitely not. Money is just one aspect of success, but

there are many other measures that people in my country value.

Personal fulfillment, happiness, and overall well-being are also highly

regarded. For some, success might mean having a fulfilling career or

making a positive impact in their community. Others might find

success in maintaining strong relationships with family and friends or

pursuing their passions and hobbies. We value a holistic approach to

success, where personal growth and meaningful connections hold

equal importance.

2. How do you define whether one is a successful person?

(参考答案):In general, I believe that a successful person is someone

who has achieved their goals and is living a fulfilling life. I think it’s

important to note that success is not just about the end result, but

also about the journey. It’s about setting meaningful goals, working

hard, and persevering through challenges. It’s about learning from

failures and using them as stepping stones towards growth. Success

is not a destination; it’s a continuous process of growth and


3. What is the standard of success in your country?

( 参 考 答 案 ): In my country, the standard of success can vary

depending on cultural, societal, and individual factors. Education is

highly valued, and obtaining a higher education degree is often seen

as a significant achievement. Career achievements and professional

recognition are also important indicators of success in my country.

Climbing the corporate ladder, starting a successful business, or

making a significant impact in one’s field are often seen as

accomplishments worthy of admiration.

4. Is there a controversy between success and happiness?

(参考答案):I believe that the relationship between success and

happiness is highly individual and can vary from person to person.

Some argue that success and happiness go hand in hand. They believe

that achieving success in various areas of life, such as career,

relationships, and personal goals, can bring a sense of

accomplishment and fulfillment, ultimately leading to happiness. On

the other hand, there are those who believe that success and

happiness can sometimes be in conflict. They argue that the pursuit

of success, particularly when driven by external factors such as societal

expectations or materialistic desires, can actually detract from one’s


5. Is it easy to succeed in the national tests in your country?

(参考答案):National tests can be quite challenging in China. They

are typically designed to assess a student’s knowledge and skills in

specific subjects, such as mathematics, science, language, or social

studies. They often require a solid understanding of the curriculum

and the ability to apply that knowledge to solve problems or answer

questions. Preparing for national tests can require significant effort

and dedication. Many students engage in additional study and

practice to ensure they are well-prepared. Some may attend tutoring

or coaching classes, while others may rely on self-study or online


6. What are the factors that influence students’ grades at school?

(参考答案):There are several common factors that can influence

students’grades at school. Effective study habits, such as time

management, organization, and regular review of material, can greatly

impact a student’s grades. Regular attendance and active

participation in class are crucial for understanding the material and

engaging with the learning process. Completing assignments and

homework in a timely manner is essential for reinforcing learning and

practicing skills. However, these factors can vary from student to

student and can be influenced by various external circumstances.


Part 1

1. P1: Work or studies 工作或学习

1. What technology do you use at work?

(参考答案):At work, I will use some searching engines and translation

applications. By using searching engines, I can search something I don’t know

to assist me. Sometimes, we will be bewildered by many problems and find no
one can help us solve them. At this time, we can use searching engines to help
us. It is like an intimate friend and a good teacher that can always offer useful
advice for us. Besides, as a person whose work related to language translation
and writing, we will use translation applications to look up for some rare-seen
English vocabulary, which benefit us when we are working.

2. What technology do you use when you study?

(参考答案):When I study, I will use my computer or mobile phone to help me.

These two technologies have versatile advantages, guiding us to solve

problems and asking questions for teachers online. Via computers or mobile
phones, I can complete my work more efficiently, instead of vexing my mind to
deal with some tough work by myself.

3.What subjects are you studying?

(参考答案):The subjects I am studying are English and Chinese. As a student
of English major, it is necessity for me to study English every day. Looking up
English words in dictionaries, reading foreign publications, and listening to
English audios, I have already acquired the ability to speak and write English
freely. On the other hand, language acquisition also needs us to have an
encyclopedic knowledge, so studying Chinses is also important. After being
imbued with the vigor to study Chinese, we can have profound culture
disposition, which helps us to study English better. Moreover, being bilingual,
we can also become more competitive in hunting for a job.

4. Why did you choose to study that subject?

(参考答案):Because I love this subject. When I was in middle school, I saw a

TV drama called Dear Translators, stimulating my interests to be an

outstanding interpreter. Then, for I am good at studying English, I always get
good grades in this subject, so I choose to study this subject in my college.
After watching many English movies, my resolution to study this subject well
becomes more adamant, hoping one day I can go to some European countries
to study and have a holiday, so as to enjoy different life experiences.

5. Do you like your subject?

(参考答案):Yes, I do. Enthusiasm is the best teacher for me to study my

subject well, which can spur me to study hard. As movie lines in The Reader
say: “The more I love, the more I suffer.” Therefore, the more I love this subject,
the more I am absorbed in it. On the contrary, if I show no preference for this
subject, I will be reluctant to choose this subject.

6. Is it very interesting?
(参考答案):Yes, it is. As for me, it is very interesting actually. When I

remember English words, I will set some examples by using some vocabulary.
Lots of words will make be redolent of some beautiful scenes in life, and I will
connect these together to depict a story in my mind eye, during which it is so
interesting that make me love this subject more.

7. Are you looking forward to working?

(参考答案):Yes, I am. Just imagine, if we can find a good job and receive high

salary, we can buy everything we want without asking money from our parents.
Besides, after we work for a long time and then stow much money, we can go
to other countries or places to have a holiday in our spare time. Enjoying the
best time in our life and capturing some fleeting moments in life when our
money can afford us to relax and appease ourselves, we will forget lots of
troubles in life.
8. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?
(参考答案):I prefer to study in the afternoons. There are several reasons can

be concluded below. Firstly, afternoons are longer than mornings. In the

afternoons, I can have more time provided for me to do study, work or relax.
For example, after 12:00 pm, I can have a break by resting myself on a cozy
bed, and then study or work for a long time without any interruption. On the
contrary, as for someone like me who gets up lately in the morning, they have
less time to do something they want and will feel anxious for having no time to
complete their plans.

9. Why did you choose to do that type of work (or that job)?
(参考答案):Well, there are two reasons about why I choose to do this job.

Firstly, the competitive job market forces me to do this job. As we all know,
people are fiercely vying for a job, which make many people have no choice
but to do some jobs they don’t like. Someone are just poor surrenders of this
brutal circumstance. Therefore, I choose this job, just because there are not
enough posts provided me to choose. Secondly, I have some interests in this
job, for it is related to my major in college to some extent, so it is not bad to do
this work.

10. Do you like your job?

(参考答案):Yes, I am. When I am work, I can write many English essays and

do many Chinese-English translations, which can benefit my

language-expression. Moreover, the job is relaxing unlike many jobs which
require employees to sell their products on streets. Therefore, this job, I think,
suits me very much.

11. Is it very interesting?

(参考答案):No, it isn’t. It requires you to do your job by sitting on your desk all

day and always sit before your computers to write essays and complete
assignments of leaders. We must do this kind of work every day, so our life is
colorless and monotonous. Boring as it is, the cozy working environment make
me feel not so tired physically, so this job is palatable, notwithstanding it
lacking interests.

12. Do you miss being a student?

(参考答案):Yes, I am. Being a student means we can live in the ivory tower

and forget many burdens and worries imposed by the world. In working days,
we can study in college and learn lots of knowledge in class. In Saturdays and
Sundays, we can hang out with friends, or read extracurricular books in library,
without thinking many unhappiness and undertaking much burden. Excluding
someone who were marginalized in their school years, no one, I think, will not
miss being a student.

13. What work do you do?

(参考答案):Now, I am a student and audit. Every day, the things I need to do is

to complete my homework assigned by my teachers, remember English words,

and do some translations. Then, as an audit, I will also write many English
essays and check English materials. These are the work I need to do.
Although it is common for many people for many students and audits, doing
this kind of work well also need us to pay efforts unceasingly.

14. Who helps you the most? And how?

(参考答案):When it comes to which one helps me the most, the person

appearing in my mind eye is my father. He helps me to receive good education

and access the opportunity to have a better life. Throughout my life, he works
hard to earn money and afford expense tuitions in order to help attend
prestigious universities. Without asking any reward, he paid this unrequited
love to me, paving a bed of roses for my pathway to the future. Some people
who help you will ask reward from you, be they emotional values or other ones.
However, my father just wants to be become better by his utmost efforts,
without seeking any other values from me.

2. P1:Teachers 老师
1.Do you want to be a teacher in the future?
(参考答案): Yes, I am eager to be a teacher over the next few years. I enjoy the
process of teaching very much and when I teach students, I will also be
exposed to some new knowledge even in a familiar field. Moreover, I will be
very proud if my students are extremely outstanding in the future.

2. Do you remember one of your teachers?

(参考答案): Yes, I still remember my English teacher during my senior high
school time. Compared with numerous teachers, she had a unique and
entertaining method of teaching, which is through games. We students in her
class always learn much more knowledge naturally and we feel quite relaxed
during her classes.

3.What were your primary school teachers like?

When it comes to my primary school teachers, the passing years have blurred
my memory of them. In primary school, my math teacher was a strict man and
always paid much attention to some students who were good at math. My
Chinese teacher was a woman. She had a sweet voice and told us some
interesting stories in class. My English teacher was a young woman who
always dressed beautiful skirts, always attracting our eyesight at that time.

4.Do you have a favorite teacher?

(参考答案): Yes, my favorite teacher is my translation professor. He is very
generous and professional. When I have some questions, he always replies to
me promptly, and at the end of last term, he sent me a meaningful book. To
some degree, he is one of my motivations to continue pursuing my translation
3. P1: The city you live in 你生活的城市
1.What city do you live in?
(参考答案):I live in Dazhou, a city located at the northeast of Sichuan
province. It is my hometown, where I spent 20 years of my life. The weather
here is subtropical climate that will bring rains in summer and cold wind in

2.Do you like this city? Why?

(参考答案):Yes, I do. It is a city home to many enthusiastic people and
featuring hospitable weather. There are also many specialties and spicy food
attracting people from all walks of life. The scenery here is also gorgeous.
Many scenic spots are famous around Sichuan Province.

3.How long have you lived in this city?

(参考答案): I lived in this city for 22 years. Since I was born, I lived in this city
where I counted celestial bliss with my families. The weather here was
hospitable and warm, which makes the city livable. I love this city, and want to
stay in this city when I am old. Just living in this quiet and slow-paced city, we
can enjoy the pace of life.

4.Are there big changes in this city?

(参考答案):No, there aren't. In this city, big changes didn't take place here.
There are some small changes. For example, many new architectures were
built up, roads were broadened, and some policies were promoted to build this
city more beautiful. However, the general situation and appearance were not

5.Is this city your permanent residence?

(参考答案):Yes, it is. I lived in this city for long, so I am reluctant to leave this
city and then moved to other strange cities. In this city, I have my best friends
and my beloved family. Already having adapted to this environment, I want to
live in this city permanently. The cozy and comfortable residence makes me
indulge in the peaceful life here.

4. P1: The area you live in 你生活的区域

1. Do you like the area that you live in?
(参考答案):Yes, I do. I am fond of the area I live, for I love its warm weather,

hospitable people, and unique folk customs. I live in a city where I spent 22
years, having deep affection for it. I, with my beloved families, will climb
mountains, celebrate festive spring festivals, and count our domestic bliss
together in the area we live, making me like that place more deeply. Like the
gentle spring breeze wafting over and the warm light flashing onto my face, the
city leaving profound memory into my mind, which make me enshrine it in the
sea of tumultuous crowd and can’t be erased from my heart by the torn and
worn of passing years.

2. Where do you like to go in that area?

(参考答案):I like to go Tingzi, a small town in that area in which my

grandparents live. As a beautiful small town, it is very busy with the hustle and
bustle of people every day. Not like some towns which are sleepy and
deserted by urbanization, the town still follows the trend to develop itself and
will be built as a city in the future. Every summer, I will accompany my
grandparents to wander through some beautiful pathways to have a break and
chat with each other leisurely. Not distant from Dazhou, a city near this town, it
also has convenient transportation, by which people commute from here and
there and make the town more prosperous.

3. Do you know any famous people in your area?

(参考答案):Yes, I do. In my area in which I live, there was a famous singer

called Huang Ying. The famous song she sang was Yingshanhong which was
popular in Super Girl of 2009. It is an old song in 1980s when people extoled
virtues of some brave men joining army. In addition to knowing her, I don’t
know any famous people in my area.

4. What are some changes in the area recently?

(参考答案):There are many changes in my area recently. Some high

buildings, schools, roads, and bridges were built in recent years. As some
policies were promulgated to promote the reformation in this area, lots of
architect came here to build new-style houses, and investors put money into
some big projects to build college here. Then, seeing the bright prospect of
this town, some businessmen chose to run their company and employ many
local people to work for them. During ten years, this small town bud into a
small city in the northeast of Sichuan province.

5. Do you know any of your neighbors?

(参考答案):Yes, I do. In my childhood, I have lots of neighbors who are

adorable and enthusiastic. From time to time, I would go to my neighbors’

homes to play with their children who are of the same age with me. We threw
sand bags, played cute dolls, and did rope skipping together. Spending our
happy childhood with each other, we are still good friends now and will chat
freely when I go to their homes. As my neighbors, they would also send some
dainty food to me and I will also send something to them as reciprocity in turn.

6. Are the people in your neighborhood nice and friendly?

(参考答案):Yes, they are. Once upon a time, my parents left me at home and

not prepared any food for me to have lunch. So hungry was I at that time, I was
very anxious for having a lunch in my neighborhood’s home. What a
coincidence, a nice and friendly person in my neighborhood sent food to me.
With delicious chicken soup in the bowl, I can’t stand eating all the food in it
and felt so yummy, appetizing the soup is, I still can’t forget the delicious smell
of it.
5. P1:Library 图书馆
1.What do you usually do in the library?
(参考答案) : F o r the most part, I check out the books I need and flick
through the papers in the reading area. By the way, I probably spend the
whole afternoon in the library cramming for the exam. It’s very helpful to be
absorbed in the work itself with my earphones on.

2. Do you often go to library?

( 参 考答案 ) Yes, I go to the library at least once a week. This is probably
the best way possible to save money, if you enjoy reading. Books have
gotten to be so expensive, even paperbacks. And usually, you read them
once and then put them on a shelf. With the library, I can get any book I
want - if they don't have it, they have an inter-library loan system in place so
they can get it from another library. I don't have to worry about whether I'm
going to like the book or not - since it's free, I read the first chapter or so and
if it doesn't catch my attention, I just set it aside and move on to the next one.
There are times when I read 3-4 books a week - there's no way I could do
this if I had to pay for them. I don't why anyone would NOT use the library.

3. Did you go to library when you were a kid?

( 参 考 答 案 ) When I was in elementary school, I would always use the
library to borrow books because we had this contest called a read-a-thon, in
which we were assigned a list of books and we had to read as many as we
can and take a test for it. The more books read, and tests taken that had a
passing mark, the more points we get and eventually we get a medal for it.
In college I used it for research purposes and reading journals for reports
and case studies. It is still useful nowadays, but I don’t go usually anymore,
maybe this year that I am getting back to school again that I will be a
frequent visitor of the library again.

4. Do Chinese kids often go to library?

(参考答案)Yeah. I think so. Some kids I know go to the public library about
once a week to check out books on weekends. They also go to book related
events at the library and participate every summer in the summer reading
program. The children will set their own goals and read and record the
books toward that goal. There are also fun games and such.

6. P1:Ice Cream 冰淇淋

1. Do you like ice cream?
(参考答案)Yes, I do. Ice cream is so sweet and delicious. It’s wonderful
refresher in summer. Being cooled by ice cream, I will feel very delighted and
want to have one more. Moreover, there are a variety of flavors I can choose
when I buy it. The taste of banana, strawberry, blueberry, and so on can
stimulate our taste bud, so having ice cream in hot summer is a good choice.

2.Do you eat ice cream a lot?

(参考答案):No, I don't. In my childhood, I am addicted to eat ice cream. The
sweetness reminds me of the best days in summer. However, when I grow up,
I don't like to eat them anymore. I don't know the reasons behind it. Maybe the
taste of ice cream is not like before, or perhaps my taste bud changed a lot.
Nowadays, ice cream can't excite my appetite any more.

3. Did you eat ice cream as a child?

(参考答案)Yes, I do. Eating ice cream was an enjoyable thing when I was a
child. After I had one, the sweetness make me feel the best time was summer
time. I believe every child would like to have an ice cream, for it was really
delicious. Besides, I will make ice cream at home when I want to eat and
preserve them in the refrigerators to have them next time.

4.Are there shops selling ice cream near where you live?
(参考答案)Yes,there are. Every shop will sell ice cream in summer days.
Near the place where I live, many refrigerators in small stores will sell ice
cream and the stores all ran a booming business, which attract more children
to go there to buy them. Shops selling them will make considerable profit in the
neighborhood I live. The ice creams they sell are not at a high price as well.
Children can easily afford them.

5. Would you like to make your own ice cream ?

(参考答案)No, I don't. Making ice cream entails lots of tools and a pair of
dexterous hands. It is a pity that I don't own them, so making them myself is
difficult for me. Moreover, I don't have any experience of making ice cream, so
the food I make is not so delicious more often than not. And I may waste lots of
materials as well. Thus, making ice cream is impossible.

7. P1:Dream 梦想
1.What was your childhood dream?
(参考答案):In my childhood, I dream to be a teacher. Being a teacher means
I can have an encyclopedic knowledge base and be respected by people.
What's more, I can impart knowledge to my students and help many children
living in underprivileged families to receive 9-year compulsory education,
which, I suppose, is a great achievement. Therefore, I dream to being a
teacher at that time and want to strive to accomplish my dream.

2. Are you the kind of person who sticks to dreams?

(参考答案):Yes, I am. In order to achieve my dream, I will be relentlessly
determined to go for it. Although the dream is elusive for me, but I will set goals
to realize it step by step. For example, if I dream to be an interpreter, I will keep
studying every day, reading foreign publications, and listening to English audio
to practice my pronunciation. By my unceasing persistence, I will stick to my
dreams to achieve them one day.

3.What is your dream job?

(参考答案):My dream job is to be a teacher or an interpreter. Being a teacher
means that I can impart knowledge to many students, especially some
students in some poor regions. Then, If I can be an interpreter, I have
opportunities to attend some big conferences so as to meet some major
celebrities and broaden my horizon. These are my ideal jobs that I dream to
pursuing in the future.

4.Do you think you are an ambitious person?

(参考答案)Yes, I am. Being ambitious means you have a strong
determination and are embedded with vitality to strive for something
unceasingly. Aiming high and bold to venture on new settings, I am an
ambitious person as I think. In the darkest times, the ambition lurking in my
heart will cheer myself up and enable me to smile and face the rugged roads

8. P1:Weekends 周末
1.Do you like weekends ?
(参考答案) :Absolutely, Yes, the main factor is that after five-day of hard
work, I really need some leisure time to let off steam, or travel around to
experience the stunning natural scenery.

2. What did you do last weekends?

(参考答案) :On Saturday, I went shopping with my sister. We bought some
clothes and had lunch at a sushi restaurant in the mall. It was a lot of fun. On
Sunday, I just stayed at home doing housework and watching TV.

3. What do you usually do on weekends? Do you study or work?

(参考答案) :Normally I’ll go out to some stunning natural sceneries to let off
steam with my family or friends on weekends; but if it’s not sunny, I’ll stay at
home for the whole weekend. Mostly I just use the internet to kill time and I
seldom work or study during the weekends.

4. Do you make plans for your weekends?

(参考答案) :O h yeah! Weekends are precious and I want to make the most
of them. So I gotta decide during the week exactly what it is I am aiming to
do at the weekend. Jot everything down so I know what my weekend plan is
well in advance. This doesn’t mean I can’t allow myself for a bit of
spontaneity here and there, of course, but in the main I should know what it
is I want to get out of my weekend. If I don’t have any plans, I will very often
end up doing nothing!

9. P1:Rain 雨
1. Do you like rainy days? Why?
(参考答案): No, I don't like rainy days in that it often alters my daily plans.
When I stay with my friends, we always prefer to go outside in the scenic park
ti appreciate the nature and have picnics together. Rainy days force us to keep
indoors and it is really monotonous. You know, indoor activities are generally
not as chill as outdoor ones.

2. Does it rain much in your city?

(参考答案): It depends on the situation. Chengdu has a lot of rainy days in the
summer. That's why I hate summer the most and when it rains, the weather is
sultry and humid, which makes me uncomfortable throughout the whole day.
Moreover, it changes my trip plans a lot because when it is a raining day, I
should keep indoors. However, in other seasons, the raining days are not

3.Would you like to live in a dry or wet place?

(参考答案):Neither do I prefer. As for a dry place, I stayed in Zhengzhou for
a while and that was a summer. I was eager to drink water throughout the
whole day so I should bring a bottle of water. Chengdu is an example of a wet
place and I feel uncomfortable when the weather is too humid. Instead, I prefer
medium, which is between dry and wet.

4.Would you change your plan if it rained?

(参考答案):If rained, I won't change my plans, because it is so anti-climax.
For example, when we dated with our friends to go shopping on weekends,
then we changed our plans for it is rainy outside, which will dampen our spirits.
However, if we want to have a picnic, we will check the weather before we
make plans, so there is impossible to have picnics when it is rainy. Thus, we
will make preparations to set plans and we won't change our plans easily.

10. P1:Wild Animals 野生动物

1. Are there wild animals in your country?
(参考答案)Yes. There’s a considerable number of wild animals in our country
are miscellaneous. Tigers, lions, snakes, and bears are typical wild animals in
our country. Some of them are fierce, forming a threat to people's lives, while
others, such as cats, rabbits, and dogs, are mild and meek enough and many
people love them and sometimes keep them as pets. All kind of animals in the
wild are essential to our ecosystem and lacking one of them will break the
balance of our ecology.

2. Have you ever been to a zoo or a safari park?

(参考答案)Yes, of course. I went to a zoo when I was a child. As I can recall,
together with my parents, I went to a zoo in my hometown, during which I saw
various wild animals, such as snakes, lions, tigers, and ostriches, and so on.
Enjoying our time with my parents, we spent a happy and exciting day in that
zoo and still enshrine that period of memory in our hearts. I have to say that it
is an interesting and unforgettable trip of the one-day visit to the zoo.

3.What is the animal you would like to see in the wild?

(参考答案)I'd like to see rabbits, because they are so cute and are not
threating at all, especially compared with other wild animals, such as tigers or
lions which are so fierce that they will put me into danger. In the wild, rabbits, I
suppose, are the cutest animals that most people like to see as I think. The
wild is elusive and mysterious, so I don't know how many animals there are
actually, but I like to see rabbits and want to caress them, if I am in the wild or
in other places.

4. Are there TV programs about wild animals in your country?

(参考答案)Yes, there are so many TV programs about wild animals, such as,
animals' world and Natural Legend. They are brilliant programs documenting
the daily life of wild animals, which are fantastic and attract many audiences.
These programs provide a wonderful exposure for us to learn about the life in
the wild. Some people even go to the wild to experience the life there after they
watch these TV programs.

11. P1:Fixing things 修理东西

1. Can you fix things?
(参考答案)Yes, I can. Fixing things isn't difficult. When some used things are
broken, we can fix them, so we can use them longer. Fixing pens, clothes, and
shoes are easy for most people. By our mere dexterous hands, we can turn
our broken things into new ones and use them again, which is a way of saving
money and of protecting our environment.

2. Did anybody teach you to fix things when you were a child?
(参考答案)Yes. When I was a child, my grandmother taught me to fix things.
She taught me to repair clothes and gave me some suggestions to do that.
Thanks to her patient teaching, I learned to fix things and realized that we must
be earnest and down-to-earth, so we can apply the same principle to our daily
3.Do you think it is necessary for people to learn to fix things?
(参考答案)Yes. It is necessary to learn to fix things, because we should learn
to tighten our budget. Fixing broken or used things can save lots of money.
Moreover, while fixing things, we can indulge ourselves in this process and
enjoy the time comfortably. Moreover, learning to fix things will add more
pleasure and interest into our arid life.

4. What do you do when a thing is broken and cannot be fixed?

(参考答案)I will throw them into rubbish bins, for it is meaningless to use
them again and preserve them in our home. Throwing them can always relieve
our pressure to fix things. In addition, I will use broken things to do other things.
For example, some people will cut some broken clothes to make shoes. In this
way, broken items are assigned brand new function. Therefore, there are
many things can be done by using broken rags or clothes

12. P1:Health
1.How do you keep healthy?
(参考答案)Well, I will maintain a balanced diet of three meals and eat food
which is nutritious to keep healthy. Meanwhile, I will maintain a good mindset
and have a positive attitude to life. Strained by much pressure, I will listen to
some soft music and have a rest to relax myself. In my spare time, I will
exercise more as well. By these ways, I can keep healthy physically and

2. What is your favorite sport?

(参考答案)I like to play table tennis. Playing this kind of sport can keep me in
a good relationship with friends when they ask me to play this sport in my free
time after class. I, together with my friends, play ping-pong and enjoy this time
competing with each other.

3. Are there health classes in your school?

(参考答案)No. In my school, we have lots of classes that help us to get good
grades in test-oriented exams. Just having tests or exercising some difficult
problems in mathematics, we are tired of this kind of academic and
knowledge-condense classes, but we must adapt to this boredom and can't
have any health classes at all. Maybe in some health-oriented schools, they
have tailor-made health classes, but in my school near my hometown, we don't
have these classes.

4.What sports help people stay healthy?

(参考答案):To stay healthy, people can play basketball, tennis ball, and
volleyball. These sports require students to exert their energy to the limits,
helping them to wield their strength to exercise. Some students in college or in
middle schools like to play these sports and their PE teachers require them to
do these or out of pure affection. Shedding sweat on the playground, they are
experiencing a variety of cardio-exercise, benefiting their physical health.

5.Is it easy for people to exercise in your country?

(参考答案):Yes, it is. No matter where people are, they can exercise. At
home, they can do yoga with a mere yoga mat. In terms of outdoor activities,
they can climb mountains, jog on some tranquil pathways, and play sports in
some playgrounds. In my country, many communities built some amenities to
meet people's requirements of daily exercises.

13. P1:Bags 包
1.Do you usually carry a bag?
(参考答案)Yes, I do. I usually carry a bag, such as single shoulder bags,
schoolbags, and handbags. Carrying them is so convenient that I will put stuff
into them when I go shopping or have classes. Moreover, it can enhance
temperament and confidence. Bags are a symbol of taste and temperament,
especially for it-girls. When paired with a bag with decent texture and fashion,
even wearing simple T-shirts and jeans can instantly enhance temperament
and confidence.

2. What kinds of bags do you like to carry?

(参考答案)I like to carry schoolbags. In college, I need to carry many books,
so schoolbags are more convenient for me. They are easy to carry and to use.
Besides, with their diverse styles and convenience for daily life, they cater for
many people's preferences.

3. Do you change your bags often?

(参考答案)No, I don't. I like to use bags until they are out of style or worn out
eventually. By buying bags of classic styles, I am reluctant to throw them away
and carry other bags. Changing bags too often also waste money, so I usually
use a bag in a longer time. Besides, for there aren't many bags that I love so
much, I won't buy a bag which doesn't meet my satisfaction easily at all.

4.What kind of bags would you use when traveling?

(参考答案):When traveling, I'd like to use messenger bags and knapsacks.
Carrying a messenger bag, it can enhance our confidence considerably and
function as a decoration, making us our clothes more fit for us. Then,
knapsacks can hold up more stuff, which is more convenient for us when we
go outside to go on vacation far from home. Using them to take something
useful can benefit our traveling.
5.Is a bag an ideal gift?
(参考答案):Yes, it is. Bags often serve as gift to send to others. Some
expensive bags are hard to come by in some countries, so some bags are
valuable as many people think nowadays. For example, when some people
have birthdays, their friends will purchase bags as birthday presents, and they
will happy enough to receive the gifts.

6.Did you use a backpack when you were a child?

(参考答案):Yes, I do. When I was a child, I often go to school, carrying a
backpack. With many books in it, I can feel more relaxed to carry things.
Moreover, some other stuffs, such as pens, rulers, and pencils are also in the
backpack, which can be better protected by using it. Besides, as a child, I can't
always use some other bags, because we must use backpacks to go to school
when I was a student, which is a school rule that we have to obey.


1. Do you know many small businesses where you live?
(参考答案) : Yeah, a lot, actually. Sandwich shops, hot dog stands, and
other small-scale eateries, coffee shops, bookstores, sidewalk cafes, etc.

I enjoy my time in one sidewalk cafe, where they provide high-quality drinks
and play R & B music that is really soothing.

2. Do you prefer buying things from big companies or small businesses?

(参考答案) : Personally, I prefer purchasing stuff from a small business.

On the one hand, smaller businesses can provide you with a price
advantage at times if they have lower overhead and might underprice to
gain market share.

On the other hand, a large company that doesn't care about losing small
accounts may provide you with little customer service. However, smaller
companies often want to keep any business they can secure, providing
excellent customer service. Conversely, they might need to be bigger to
take time away from sales activities to provide customer service.

3.Have you ever worked in small businesses?

(参考答案):No, I haven’t in that I am still a college student. However, my
sister shared me with some stories about her work experience in a small
business. It was useful to train your ability. The scale of employers was small
and everyone got along well with others, which formed a good environment
for cooperation.

4.Have you ever thought about starting your own business?

(参考答案):Yes, of course. Though my major is translation, I use my spare
time to study economics and finance. It is my hope that I can open a
small-scale translation studio and recruit some professional translators from
different domains in languages. So splendid that I can work with a group of
people, who have a same passion with me.

15. P1:Concentration 专心
1. Did you stay focused in class when you were a child?
(参考答案)No,I didn't. As a child, I was distracted by some trivial things and
can't control my attention on something. For me, staying fully engaged in class
is not easy, but we can train ourselves intentionally so as to adjust to the
situation. When I can't stay focused as a child, I would be fidget and practiced
listening to what teacher said in class carefully.

2. Are you a focused person?

(参考答案)No. Frankly speaking, I am not a focused person. Although some
people think that I can always stay focused on something, but actually I can’t
help thinking other things while I am doing one thing. In my daily life, when I
read electronic books on my phone, I will be distracted by some information
popping up on the screen and then browsing them. Absorbed by something
interesting, I usually tend to forget what I should do. Therefore, I can't focus on
something in a long time, so I can't be called as a focused person honestly.

3.How do you stay focused?

(参考答案)I just compel myself to focus on one thing in a long time. When I
am distracted by other things, I will blame myself and tell myself to stay
focused now and then. In addition, I will train myself to stay focused, so I won't
be distracted by other things easily. For example, I will turn off my phones and
stay in a quiet place to put my attention on the things I should do.

4. Is it easy to stay focused in a noisy environment?

(参考答案)No, it isn't. In a noisy environment, we will inevitably hear and see
a variety of things, which will make us can't fix on something. For example, if
we do our homework while watching television, our attention will be diverted to
TV dramas rather than the academic work. Moreover, some other things which
are interesting as you think will allure you into some reverie, during which you
can't stay focused.
16. P1:School 学校
1. Do you go to a good school?
(参考答案) :I think so. Rank-wise, the university I attend isn’t a top-tier one.
However, all my teachers are academically excellent, super supportive, and
always available to help me with my problems.

2. Is there anything you want to change about your school?

(参考答案) : Overall, my university is excellent for me. But it still has
something to be fixed. To begin with, the school could allow students to
choose the specialized courses they find interesting and want to develop
further interest in instead of being forced to study every course.

Also, the faculty can modify their teaching style, encouraging students to
take the initiative, construct and lead the class lessons instead of passively
consuming information.

Last but not least, I want schools to utilize more technology in teaching,
which will make classes more engaging. In this way, students are also more
willing to take courses, which helps with attendance.

3.Where do you go to school?

( 参 考 答 案 ) : I’m studying at a comprehensive university located in
Chengdu city which is quite far away from my hometown. Studying in such a
big city allowed me to have greater access to resources and opportunities
and exposure to different cultures. I’m enjoying every moment here!

4.Do you like your teachers?

(参考答案) :Most of the time, I like my teachers/professors. You can really
tell when they care about teaching, about their work, and about their
students, which in turn, motivates me to participate and excel in the class.
My pet peeve is when teachers don’t seem like they care.

5.Do you like your current learning atmosphere?

(参考答案) : Yes. The connection and integration between students and
teachers are quite strong. The teachers always welcome any academic
questions from students and help students solve them in the clearest way
possible. Besides the final period, where all students bury themselves in the
books of the sea in the library, I can also notice students reading books,
conducting seminars, and learning new skills at every corner of the campus
on any normal school day. Seeing people around me work really hard is
pretty uplifting and encouraging.

6.What are the differences between your school and other schools?
( 参 考 答 案 ) : Compared with most high schools, we have two English
teachers in one class and the whole class is divided into two groups- A and B.
Each group is led by one English teacher. This teaching method is quite
efficient and intriguing. Moreover, there is a retail section, which facilitates
every resident student.

17. P1:Chocolate 巧克力

1. Do you like eating chocolate? Why or why not?
(参考答案) :Well, chocolate is my all-time favorite. After working my butt off
all day long, I usually destress myself with a chocolate bar.

2. What’s your favorite flavor of chocolate?

(参考答案) : To be honest, I’m addicted to chocolate. I do have my all-time
favorite flavor, which is white chocolate. Since I have a sweet tooth, dark
chocolate would be too bitter for me. Meanwhile, milk chocolate just isn’t
sweet enough. So white chocolate is just a perfect fit.

3. Do you think it is good to use chocolate as gifts to others?

(参考答案) : Yes. The sweetness of chocolate also makes it a common
present that people choose to give their beloved ones on special days,
especially Valentine’s Day or International Women’s Day.

4. How often do you eat chocolate?

(参考答案) : Well, although it’s quite pricey, I usually buy myself a box of
hand-made dark Belgian chocolates when I receive my wages.

5. Did you often eat chocolate when they were a kid?

(参考答案) :To the best of my recollection, it was 20 years ago when I ate
chocolate for the first time. The 7-year-old me was over the moon/on cloud
nine/deliriously happy when eating something that moreish. Now that my
taste changed though, still I enjoy having some dark chocolate after working
hard all day long.

6. Why do you think chocolate is popular around the world?

(参考答案) : Of course! Chocolate is one of the most popular food items
in the modern world. There are affordable (they can be cheap and of high
quality as well, depending on the brands and where they are made),
accessible (you can literally find chocolates of various brands and flavors in
every convenience store), and above all, absolutely delicious. For me, a bite
of milk chocolate can help with my pressure and boost my mood

18. P1:Music 音乐
1. Do you like listening to music?
(参考答案) : Yes, of course, I’ve always been a big fan of music since I
was a little girl. Sometimes I also listen to music before sleeping at night for
one hour and when riding my motorbike, which helps me relax and feel
more energetic when I hear the tune.

2. What kinds of music do you like to listen to?

(参考答案) : My music taste varies widely from West to East and from the
90s to modern EDM. But if Korean pop is considered a kind of music, then
yeah, that’s my favorite of all time. More than half of my playlists are Korean
songs, and I always keep myself updated with the news related to Korean

3.What music do you like?

( 参考答案) :I love every type of music that is pleasing to the ear. Actually,
it can be light music, powerful ballads and the one with fast rhythm, you
name it. Listening to music is like the thing I do every day, which always
puts me in a good mood.

4. What music do you dislike?

(参考答案) :Well, perhaps rock and roll is the one that I don’t like so much.
Don’t get me wrong! I’m not saying it’s not good. The point is, I just lack the
ability to appreciate it. And to be honest with you, feeling the strong beat
after work even sets my nerves on edge.

5. Do you often listen to one type of music?

(参考答案) : No , I’d like different kinds of music after work, actually. If I’m
doing the aerobic exercise, I definitely choose the pop music with fast tempo.
On the other hand, before I go bed, I’m gonna listen to some soothing

6. What music do your friends like? Do you enjoy the same type of music?
(参考答案) :I really have a thing for pop music and the same goes for most
of my friends. By the way, some of them are crazy about rap music, which I
had no special feelings about. Things changed after I had watched the live
performance with my friends. It was awesome and I was totally taken by

7. What’s the most popular type of music where you live?

(参考答案) :Well, nowadays the music that wins people’s heart is more or
less the same in different regions because of the Internet and the hit TV
shows you know. The music online or the soundtrack itself is just like the
brain worm. Then many people can hum quietly to themselves.

8. Which singer or musician would you like to see in person?

(参考答案) : I look forward to seeing Dan Truong in the future coz I’ve
been a big fan of him since his debut. He is really charismatic, and
down-to-earth in the interview. I’m going to be psyched to meet him in

19. P1: Hometown 家乡

1. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?
(参考答案):Yes, I will keep living in the original place if I stay in Chengdu. So
tranquil the environment is that I can throw myself in working on one significant
item. The house is large enough to contain my family members and I and it is
wonderful for us to make some barbeque in our large garden.

2. Please describe your hometown a little.

(参考答案): My hometown-Chengdu is a modern city, which is located in the
southeast part of China. It is a stunning city, with a lot of famous landmarks,
such as Jinli and Temple of Marquis. Citizens have the ability to eat numerous
spicy food, such as hotpot and spicy incense pot.

3. How long have you been living there?

(参考答案):I have lived in Chengdu for nineteen years since I was born. All
of my family members are local to here thus we have dense emotional
connections with this land. The habits of local citizens have carved into our
minds and I can’t imagine the life living out of my hometown.

4. Do you like your hometown?

(参考答案):Yes, of course I do. My hometown is Chengdu, which is located
in the southeast part of China. It has a long history with many historical sites
left, such as the Temple of Marquis. One of the cuisines- braised chicken with
taro is so zesty that I will never be tired of eating it.

5. Do you like living there?

(参考答案): Yes, I am keen on living in Chengdu, which is located in the

southeast part of China. It has a long history with many historical sites left,
such as the Temple of Marquis. One of the cuisines- braised chicken with taro
is so zesty that I will never be tired of eating it. People in Chengdu are fairly
amicable and neighborly.

6. What do you like (most) about your hometown?

(参考答案): Palatable foods win my heart. In Chengdu, we eat all kinds of spicy

foods, such as spicy rabbit heads and hot pot. After having these foods, I feel
very cool and refreshed. In our eyes, pungent cuisines recharge ourselves
after the whole day of tiresome working.

7. Is there anything you dislike about it?

(参考答案): Yes, there is. There are numerous raining days in summer in

Chengdu, which disturbs my plans for many times. I hate rains in that it will get
my shoes and clothes dirty. Feeling uncomfortable through the whole body is
very unpleasing.

8. Where is your hometown?

(参考答案): My hometown is Chengdu, a stunning city which is located in the

southeast part of China. It is just near another amusing city Zi Gong and both
of them belong to the Sichuan province. There are two airports settled in
Chengdu so it is convenient to travel everywhere.

9. Is that a big city or a small place?

(参考答案): It is a fairly large city with millions of dwellers. High-rise buildings

and large-scale supermarkets can be seen everywhere, while hundreds of villa

are offered for citizens to live in. Besides these, basic facilities are extremely
advanced and the abundant resources attract citizens from all over the world.

10. What's your hometown famous for?

(参考答案): My hometown- Chengdu is famous for its spicy foods. Almost all

well-known snacks are pungent and even some ice cream contains peppers.
Without chili, citizens will lose their appetites to eat and almost all of the
restaurants have spicy cuisines.

11. Did you learn about the history of your hometown at school?
(参考答案): Yes, as a local citizen in Chengdu, we are required to learn some

histories about hometown since we are primary school students. Our teachers
once brought us to one embroidery museum and some of our homework
requires us to go to museums.

20. P1:Art 艺术
1.Do you like art?
(参考答案)I love art! I love going to museums and seeing all the different
pieces that have been created throughout history. I also enjoy going to art
galleries and seeing the work of contemporary artists. I think art is a great
way to express yourself and to communicate your ideas to others.

2.Do you like visiting art galleries?

( 参考答案)Definitely! Art galleries are a place that everyone should visit at

least once in their life. Visiting an art gallery is not just for those who have a
passion for the arts, it can be enjoyed by anyone and everyone. Whether
you love to create your own works of art or you've never picked up a
paintbrush before, visiting an art gallery can be very enjoyable!

3.Do you want to be an artist?

(参考答案)I do. I think it is quite natural for anyone to want to be able to
draw. It makes one feel like he/she possesses a ‘gifted’ skill that not many
To be able to draw, sing, dance etc. is the secret pursuit of many. Imagine
being born with an such inherent talent and be able to flaunt that unique
skillset while others struggle to draw a simple line! It would make one
blushingly euphoric, I’d imagine.

4. Do you like modern art or traditional art?

Modern art. Modern Art is a form of art with endless opportunities for
creativity just like any other form of art. The infinity of modern art however, is
even larger than that of many other art forms. In Modern Art, boundaries can
be pushed to a whole new level.
With Modern Art, people often ask something along the lines of, “How could
this be considered art? Anyone could make this”. These questions are the
exact reason why people like Modern Art. It forces a person to think and
realize that anything can be art if it’s looked at from a certain point of view.
Modern Art encourages people to take a step back, be observant, and
appreciate the small things in this wonderful thing we call life. It’s
thought-provoking even if those thoughts are negative.

Part 2&3

1. P2: 受欢迎的人

Describe a popular person

You should say:

Who this person is

What he or she is like

Why you think this person is popular

How this person influences the public


As for a well-known individual, the first one popping into my head is Yuan
Longping, who is a splendid agronomist. In my eyes, he is an extremely smart
but fairly modest person. Though he earned a lot of wealth, he never showed it
off, and possesses quite a concise and frugal living style. Never has he spent
money on luxuries and villas.

The only thing he cared about most is whether the citizens have enough food,
more precisely, enough grain to eat There are many reasons why his name is
so household. First, he is famous for hybrid rice which guarantees the quality
and quantity of food for dwellers all over the world. Everyone shows supreme
adoration for him.

Moreover, despite a lot of dedication he has made, he never showed it off and
no matter what difficulties and dilemmas he encountered, he never complain.
He is a person who is fairly strict with himself but very gentle with other people.
Due to his dedication, billions of people can eat enough and the students
following him all show great strictness with science. Thus, more contributions
to agriculture have appeared over the past few years. That's all about what I
want to say about a famous person.

P3: 受欢迎的人

1. What kinds of people are more popular at school?

(参考答案):There are numerous genres of individuals who are going to be

more popular at school. Firstly, the students who are good at studying may be
famous at school. Many schools often set honor boards for students to
encourage them to work hard. On the opposite, individuals who often violate
the school regulations may also be well known in that there are still school
bulletins to criticize students' misbehavior.

2. Why are some people less famous?

(参考答案):Many potential reasons exist for people to be less well known.

Firstly, people are extremely modest so they don't want others to know what
they have done. For example, Yuan Longping is this kind of person. Though he
has done great distributions to society, he never mentioned it. Secondly,
people don't have enough capability to make themselves famous. For example,
there are millions of individuals who intend to be internet celebrities but finally
fail because of inadequate skills.

2. P2: 多次阅读的书

Describe a book that you have read many times

You should say:

What the book is

What is in this book

How often you read this book

Why you read it

And explain what effect the book has on you

(参考答案):The book I have read many times is the Little Prince. This book
reminds adults of some valuable things in their hearts. It is a famous children's
literature short story written by French author Antoine de Saint Exupery in

The protagonist of this book is a little prince from another planet. The book
uses a pilot as the narrator and tells the story of the various adventures that
the little prince experienced during his journey from his own planet to the earth.
The author uses the childlike perspective of the Little Prince, illustrating the
emptiness, blindness, foolishness, and rigid dogma of adults, and uses simple
and innocent language to write about the lonely and rootless fate of humans
wandering in the wind.

At the same time, it also expresses the author's criticism towards money and
praises truth, goodness, and beauty. I like to read this book because it makes
me feel peaceful in heart. Many characters in this book reflect some
phenomena in this society, making me have a self-introspection.

Although the fairy tale 'The Little Prince' was only a work completed by the
author within three months, it is the accumulation of the author's life and
profound feelings of his life experiences over several years. It is not only a fairy
tale for children to read, but also a "crystallization" of philosophy and thinking,
full of incisive insights into life.

P3: 多次阅读的书

1. What kinds of books do children like to read? Why?

(参考答案):Children like to read Andersen's Fairy Tales and Grimm's Fairy

Tales, because the stories inside are bizarre and imaginative, and many of
them are still very attractive for adults who have experienced ups and downs of
life. Besides, their languages are easy to understand, full of childlike charm,
and in line with the psychological characteristics and needs of children. Then,
children's world is relatively naive, and children tend to believe that small
animals can speak. When they read fairy tales which will spur their imagination,
they will be immersed in their beautiful and imaginary world, which is beneficial
to their growth.

2. What can kids learn from books?

(参考答案): Kids can learn language-expression abilities from books.

Reading can sharpen children’s language skills. Children who like to read
books often have stronger language expression abilities, and a child who is
good at language expression will also have more opportunities in life. If a
person wants to achieve success, only professional skills are far from enough.
They also need to collaborate with others in order to make utilization of their
talents. If one has stronger language expression skills, they can better
communicate with others and make their strengths visible to more people.

3. Do people prefer to read e-books or print books in your country?(小问待补


(参考答案):Yes, they do. In my country, people prefer to read e-books on

subways. As we can see, when people stand in lines to wait buses or take
subways, they like to read books on their mobile phones, for it is more
convenient. When they stay at home or sit in libraries, they will hold a print
book to read, indulging in their own world. Reading e-books or print books is a
common phenomenon that we can see everywhere.

4.Do you think people need to develop the habit of reading? Why?

(参考答案):Yes, I do. Reading can broaden people's horizons, cultivate their

temperament, expand the scope of knowledge, and reduce restless emotions.
From books, we can learn skills to negotiate, cooperate, and curb our
emotions. More importantly, reading can help people free from fidgeted
feelings to stay away from the hustle and bustle, experience the taste of life,
and filter out impetuous mentality in the sea of books, which is undoubtedly a
joyful and beautiful experience to indulge ourselves in books.

5.Do you think reading books can make people happier?

(参考答案):Yes, I do. Reading can help people reduce stress. The pressure
in life often makes people exhausted and books can help them to feel relieved.
By reading books, people absorb themselves in the world of books, forgetting
trivial things in life and enjoying the stories inside. Moreover, during this
process, brains will secrete dopamine, which makes people feel relaxed and
comfortable, reducing the burden and anxiety under the strain of life.

6.Do you think e-books will make people read more? Why?

(参考答案): Yes, I do. Nowadays, people are busy with their work and have
no time to read a book deeply. Commuting from their homes to companies,
they spent lots of time on their way, finding no time to read more by holding
printed books. However, e-books provide a means of reading, by which they
can read on subways or buses. For example, many people in France and
South Korea like to read e-books via kindle, thereby reading more by using
their spare time.

3. P2: 传统节日

Describe a traditional festival in your country

You should say:

What it is

What you do to celebrate it

Who you celebrate it with

And explain why you enjoy it


In my country, there are so many traditional festivals. In the Mid-Autumn

Festival, people will eat mooncakes, enjoy the beautiful moonlight, and
express feelings to family and friends about how much they miss them.
Besides, some people will make mooncakes and lighten some lanterns,
adding more significance and interest to this day.

I celebrate this day with my beloved families. For it brings a reunion to people
I enjoy this day and hope everyone love it as well. By according my best
wishes to friends far from home and eating mooncakes, I celebrate this day
and feel the atmosphere of it to the fullest. Regarding the origin of the
Mid-Autumn Festival, it dated back to ancient times, popularized in the Han
Dynasty, and shaped in the Tang Dynasty.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a combination of seasonal customs in autumn.

Most of the festival customs have ancient origins. The Festival, together with
the Spring Festival, the Tomb sweeping Day and the Dragon Boat Festival, is
known as China's four major traditional festivals. Influenced by Chinese culture,
the Mid-Autumn Festival is also a conventional festival for overseas Chinese in
East and Southeast Asia, especially local Chinese.

On May 20, 2006, the State Council included it in the first batch of national
intangible cultural heritage lists. Since 2008, the Mid-Autumn Festival has
been listed as a national legal holiday. For most people, their favorite festival is
the Mid-Autumn Festival, so this day is still celebrated by people at home and

P3: 传统节日

1. Is it important for children to learn traditional festivals at school?

(参考答案):Yes, it is. Learning traditional festivals at school is essential for

children, so our customs can be remembered by our younger generation. If
children are reluctant to learn traditional festivals at school, they will forget the
historical heritage of our country, which will do no good to the preservation of
our culture.

2.Do children like to learn about traditional festivals?

(参考答案):Yes, they do. In school, they are enthusiastic to learn about

traditional festivals, for these festivals are more interesting than boring
mathematics and attract children's attention easily. During the period they
learn the festivals, they will not be distracted by other things.

3.Why do people hold events to celebrate?

(参考答案):Because holding events can bring a sense of satisfaction, people

can be in a good mood to enjoy festivals. It is also a kind of art that people can
feel the atmosphere of this da. Moreover, by holding events to celebrate,
people can enhance their relationship with others and broaden their social
community. All in all, holding events can elevate people's spirits and bring joy
to them.

4. Are traditional festivals disappearing?

(参考答案):Yes, they certainly are. With time flying, people forget many
festivals, so their descendants almost don't know some traditional festivals at
all. Besides, even we still celebrate some traditional festivals, but the
atmosphere isn't as strong as the one decades ago. Year after year, the
traditional festivals are disappearing.

5. Is music important in traditional festivals?

(参考答案):Yes, it is. Music plays an important role in celebrating festivals.

It can lighten strained atmosphere, convey cultural information, enhance social
interaction, and elevate people's spirits. For example, traditional songs and
music played during Christmas can make people feel the specific festival

6.Do you think good food and drinks are important for celebrations?

(参考答案):Yes, I do. Delicious food and drinks can add more festive
atmosphere to our celebrations. For example, people will prepare turkeys and
beer during Thanksgiving Day. Just sitting around tables to have these tasty
food and drinks, people can bring more happiness to their celebrations.
Moreover, preparing good food and drinks are also important customs in many

4. P2: 获得错误信息

Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information

You should say

:When you got it

How you got it

How you found it was incorrect

And how you felt about it

As we know, incorrect information will twist the truth. Several months ago, I
misunderstood the information of enrollment. Actually, I found the information
online and discussed the details about this piece of information.

On the website, I was told to enroll offline on March 23, 2023. However, when I
raised the detailed time in a QQ group, someone said that the information may
be false. Realized the truth, I believed what the person said, and didn't buy any
tickets to enroll offline eventually. On the evening of March 22, 2023, my tutor
reminded me of the exact enrolling time, then I realized that I just
misunderstood it.

So anxious was I at that time, so I bought the tickets to that place without
second thought, hoping I could catch up the time successfully. Incorrect
information will hinder us to do something smoothly and make us lose some
opportunities. In life, we are exposed to misleading information, for example,
advertising photos are sometimes inconsistent with facts, misguiding people to
buy the products.

Although incorrect information is promoted everywhere, we can be

sober-minded to identify some of them. I learned a lesson that it is necessary
to find out the truth behind some information which may mislead you and trust
what you learn from official or reliable channels.

P3: 获得错误信息

1. Why don't people trust information on the Internet?


Much information is offered online. However, people don't believe it because of

many reasons. Firstly, some messages have obscure origins and users don't
know the authors so they may doubt the reliability. If they are from people who
have never received any education, the information is more likely to be
incorrect. Secondly, people have different standpoints and some messages
are quite subjective. Thus, individuals may have their own opinions and
disagree with those online messages. Thirdly, individuals who have ulterior
motives may use social media to cheat users in many ways and even cheat
them to get their money.

2.What jobs provide information to others?

(参考答案):Editors and reporters can provide information to others. Editors

can compile the latest information together and then convey them to the public
via newspapers, radios, and other forms of mass media. Reporters can survey
important incidents in some regions to expose them to the public. By
objectively, timely, and effectively conveying first-hand information to people,
they played a guiding role in public opinion and spreading positive energy.

3.What's the difference between e-mail and phone in terms of providing


(参考答案):E-mails are not as effective and efficient as phones. For example,

if we send E-mails to others, people who don't get used to checking their
mailbox can't receive the information efficiently. On the contrary, just calling
the person you want to share your information with can keep him informed
directly. Thus, the main difference between the two means is the efficiency.

4.Which do you think is the better way to provide information , by phone or by

email ?

(参考答案):To provide information, the better way is by phone, for it can

provide information more directly and rapidly. Via phones, we can call others at
any spots, free from some constraints, such as having no pens to write a letter
and having no time to wait for others to receive the information, etc. However,
if we use email, we must spend time writing the message and reminding others
to receive it on time, which bring inconvenience to us. Therefore, many people
choose to provide information by phone rather than by email.

5.How do people judge the accuracy of information ?

(参考答案):We need to approach information with a skeptical perspective, and

question the problems with a pragmatic manner in order to verify the accuracy
of this information. Then, we should trace the origin of information, because in
the process of translation and transliteration, the accuracy will be
compromised. Last but not least, we need to verify the accuracy from many
channels and observe how others view the information. These three ways can
help people judge the accuracy of information.

6.How do people make sure they're getting the right information?

(参考答案):Firstly, they should be aware of the source, for example, some

official channels or reliable third-party institutions. Then, detailed factual
verification must be conducted to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the
information. At last, they can check the authenticity with corporate efforts. By
analyzing it together, they can identifying the information accurately.

5. P2: 人多的地方

Describe a place you have been to where there were lots of people

You should say:

Where it is

Who you were with

What people were doing there

And explain why there were lots of people


On March 26th, I went to the concert of JJ Lin, who is one of the most famous
singers all over the world. It was near the sea in Central Harbourfront Event
Space, which is an open playground, in Hong Kong. My friends and I
successfully got concert tickets so we went together. All of us were so
anticipated this concert that we started off three hours early in that we were
afraid of streams of people and what's more, our hearts couldn't wait for a
while to meet our idol.

Due to the open area, people who failed to get tickets could just stand outside
the field and clearly hear the fair-sounding songs. JJ Lin engages in the youth
of so many people and when we heard the rhythm of Practice Love, all those
present followed JJ to sing out. All individuals, no matter whether people in or
out of the field got a glow stick with the symbol "JJ20 World Tour Concert" on it.
We sang together and waved the glow stick in rhyme. He was so famous that
thousands of people come and even fans from other cities bought expensive
air tickets to Hong Kong.

This opportunity was quite precious. Moreover, I believed it was JJ's diligence
and responsibility that attracted numerous people.

P3: 人多的地方

1. Where do young people like to go?


Young people tend to go somewhere entertaining, full of energy and passion.

Firstly, live house, nowadays, is a common topic among youth. Many
individuals, which include some young celebrities, gather together and sing
songs, and dance together. They are not only fond of those famous people but
also are crazy about the atmosphere that is created by all young people. Some
couples even make a propose under this circumstance. Secondly, they like to
go to entertainment parks, such as Disneyland and Happy Valley. Some
groups of individuals are immersed in the joy made by cartoon characters
while others want to challenge themselves by some exciting entertainment

2. Are people happy living in crowded apartments?


This question depends on the situation. Some people hate crowded places
because they prefer a tranquil environment, which will make their work
efficiency high and can sleep well. Moreover, they are afraid of the potential
bad guys and lack of safety. The environment is relatively worse in this kind of
house. Thus, they would rather spend more money to live in high-end houses.
However, those who are poor, feel extremely fortunate to find a place for living.
They would be overjoyed and pay less attention to whether it is crowded or not.
Some dwellers are fond of making friends so crowded apartments are just to
their satisfaction.

3. Which scenic spots will have queues of people?


With the development of technology, nowadays, people will pay extra attention
to the internet reviews of one place before setting off. Thus, so-called internet
celebrity attractions always have a higher visitor flow rate. For example, Happy
Valley in Chengdu, Temple of Marquis, and Jinli Road will have a huge number
of visitors. Moreover, customers prefer to take fair pictures after visiting, so
they tend to those scenic spots with picturesque landscapes. Huangcuo Beach
in Xia Men and Xiling Snow Mountain are the best examples to explain. Most
people pay a visit because they have seen some beautiful photos on the

4. What are the advantages of living on a high floor?


A high floor has a number of virtues. Firstly, it has a broad sight because the
higher you live, the less sheltered architecture there is and when you look
down, you could see more landscapes compared with lower floors. Secondly, it
has good lighting and even the corridors outside your house will have sunlight
throughout the whole year. Besides these, better ventilation it has, and the air
quality is much better. Residents living on high floors also keep away from
noise a lot since it is a long distance from upstairs to downstairs.

5. What are the disadvantages of living on a lower floor?


Lower floors have many pros and cons. One of their disadvantages is poorer
lighting compared with higher floors in that there are many sheltered buildings
that keep the sunlight away from dwellers. Residents have lower privacy
because pedestrians can easily observe the situation indoors. Besides these
situations mentioned above, lower floors have a higher possibility to be
over-humid throughout the whole year. Due to the short distance from the
downstairs, the noise pollution is much more severe so they may have poorer
sleep quality.

6. What do you think of the phenomenon of people queuing in restaurants for

more than an hour?


It is an extremely common phenomenon in the present society in that the

appearance of internet reviews brings the result that customers will pay a visit
to those scoring higher. The length of queuing time can serve as one indicator
to judge whether restaurants are good or bad. However, long waiting times
consume the patience of consumers and will cause the loss of some
customers. Moreover, some restaurants even hire people to queue in order to
create the illusion that they are very hot. Apart from these, sometimes, the
reason for queuing is because of the low efficiency of restaurants. Thus, we
should consider rationally about this phenomenon and mustn't judge the
quality of restaurants only through queuing time.

6. P2: 演讲经历

Describe a speech experience that you give in public

You should say:

Who you gave the speech to

What the speech was about

Why you gave the speech

And explain how you felt about the speech


In college, I had a speech experience. At that time, I was selected by teachers

to take part in a speech contest. I gave the speech to the teachers in some
prestigious college and compete with other excellent players to strive for the
best award. It is the FLTRP National Talent Cup Speech Competition, in which
I got the third prize. The topic of this speech is about the battle against

Everyone around the world tried their best to fight off the epidemic and
struggled in some natural disasters. Trapped in the difficulties facing the world,
we must dust our shoulders off and brace ourselves to make preparations in
order to meet various challenges ahead.

The reasons why I gave the speech are that I want to become the winner in
that contest and practice my abilities to speak in public. It is an importance skill
that we must learn, for it can help us overcome some unwillingness to
communicate with others, enhance our courage, and improve our
language-expression abilities. Thus, I also became a member of players in the

After this speech, I realized that there are numerous brilliant people around me,
and I should learn some good quality from them. Maybe I should
be-down-to-earth, keep a positive attitude, and be in a good mood to study and
run my life better. This speech gave everyone an equal opportunity to show
themselves in public, making us study harder and learn from other excellent

P3: 演讲经历

1. What benefits does the internet bring to communication?

(参考答案):The internet makes us communicate more easily with others. On

the internet, we can polish the words we want to text to others, have a second
thought on the words we should say, and chat with others more care-freely.
Some introverts are reluctant to communicate with others. When they have a
communication with others face to face, they will feel conscious of the words
they should say and the reaction they should assume. Hovered with these
worries, it would be better for them to chat with others online. Moreover, some
applications, such as Wechat, QQ, and Weibo are social vehicles provided to
people via the internet.

2. Which one is better, being a communicator or a listener?

(参考答案):Being a listener is better, because we, as a listener, can hear the

happiness and sorrows of communicators and give our advice to help them.
Some psychological consultants are good listeners. By listening to other
people's sorrows, they can help them ease some pressure, resolve puzzles
vexing their minds, helping them rebuild confidence and start over to live their
life in a new way. Thus, being a listener is more difficult and can bestow more
kindness and love to others. In our life, we should learn to be a good listener,
which is better for us to become a benevolent person who is more sensitive
and tender.

3. What qualities does a person need to have to be a communicator?

(参考答案): To be a communicator, a person needs to be patient and

receptive to others' opinions as well. Communicating with others, he can't
always express his own ideas and make a fuss over other others opinions.
Being patient to communicate with others and accept others' ideas at the same
time is an importance quality that a good communicator should have.
Meanwhile, he should be sincere, kind, and respectful when communicating
with others. Nobody would like to communicate with a liar or a complacent
person who always show contempt to everything. Besides, he should be
diplomatic and master social skills to communicate with others well. All these
are essential qualities for a person who wants to be a good communicator.

4.What qualities do people need to speak in public?

(参考答案):Well, to speak in public, people should have several qualities.

Firstly, they should be confident and keep self-composure. Then, they should
have decent appearance, for it is a must to leave a good impression to
audiences. What's more, eye-contact is also an essential quality for speakers.
Not always directing their eyesight towards ceilings, windows, and floors, they
should maintain eye contact with their audiences. At last, they should be
articulate. When speaking in public, people should speak fluently and express
the content in one breath without any interruption, so as to stimulate the
atmosphere on the spot.

5.What kinds of people often give speeches?

(参考答案):Salesman, teachers, statesman, headmasters, leaders often

give speeches in public. Out of their occupational demands,they must stand
on stages to speak confidently and then preach their policies or opinions.
Among the public, someone who are outgoing and want to expand their social
communities also like to give speeches. Individuals who are naturally talkative
and adept at expressing their thoughts and viewpoints can gain a sense of
satisfaction and achievement when giving a speech.

6.How important it is to be a good listener in communication?

(参考答案): To be a good listener is essential in our lives, for it can

contribute to the harmony of family life, win friends' trust and attention when we
want to get along with others. In this society where people are constantly
engaged in various forms of communication, listening is a very important
communication skill. If you want to understand someone, you need to learn to
listen to their opinions. If you want to become someone else's friend, you need
to listen to their troubles and happiness; If you want to collaborate with others,
you need to listen to their ideas. To some degree, the character and wisdom of
a person can be discovered by listening attentively.

7. P2: 理想房子/公寓

Describe the ideal house you would like to have

You should say :

Where it would be

What it is like

What special features it has

And explain why it would be your ideal house


My ideal house or apartment is Sinan Residence in Shanghai. Located in the

core area of Puxi City of Shanghai, covering a total area of 50,000 square
meters, it is surrounded by the elegant Fuxing Park, with convenient traffic
south Chongqing Road to the east, quiet Sinan Road running through it, and
the former residence of Sun Yat-sen to the north.

This apartment is the only project in the center of Shanghai that aims to
preserve and protect a cluster of garden houses, having 51 historic garden
houses, and gathering a variety of architectural styles, such as independent
garden houses, vertical garden houses, independent garden houses with inner
courtyard, terraced buildings, verandah buildings, new lane houses, garden
lanes and modern apartments.

It is the concentration of modern residential buildings in Shanghai. The reason

why I want to live in this house is that it can bring some complex of nostalgia,
bringing me into the period of 1919 and 1949. Moreover, Sinan Residence has
a long history and rich historical deposits.

As the former residence of many historical figures, it not only is a symbol of

status, but also has the cultural deposits left by historical celebrities. Living in
this house, I can experience the ambience of old Shanghai and relive the
beautiful past time.

P3: 理想房子/公寓

1.What are the most common architectural styles in Chinese cities?

There are several common architectural styles in Chinese cities. The most
common architectural styles are European style, characterized by ancient
Greek and Roman art symbols, including Aquarius or flowered balustrade
elements. Then, it is the neoclassical style, bringing relaxed and fresh feeling.

2. What's the difference between an apartment and a house?

Apartments are common in Europe and America. In the United States it means
a flat, but in Britain it is usually a room in an apartment for rent. The general
floor is higher, each floor has several units, while the bottom generally has a
parking lot, a swimming pool and other public facilities. The basic meaning of
house is residence, which refers to a whole building used for people to live in.
It always has two or three floors.

3.What are the advantages of the facilities of the apartment and the facilities of
the house?

In some apartments and houses, there are several facilities for people to use,
such as, event space, gym, small cinema, study room, meeting room and
dining room. People can use them to enjoy themselves after they get off work.
The facilities in apartments or houses can attract more people to live in,
making an apartment a mecca that everyone wants to go.

4.What difficulties do people have living in the city?

People will have many difficulties if they want to live in the city. Due to the large
population in big cities and the fast pace of work, living in big cities can make
people feel very tired every day. Then, for the consumption in big cities is
relatively high, people must tighten their budget to adapt to the life in a city.
Moreover, traffic congestions always vex people's mind. These are the
difficulties people have to face if they want to live in the hustle and bustle of the

5.What's the difference between living in the countryside and living in the

The main differences can be concluded into three points. Firstly, the
environment in the countryside is far different from that in the cities. In the
suburban area, the air is more refreshing while the high-rise buildings are less
common. In cities, though lots of skyscrapers appear, environmental pollution
is quite severe. Secondly, people can gain different quantities of resources in
two places. They can always gain more excellent resources in cities than in the
countryside. Thirdly, transportation in the countryside sometimes cannot hold a
candle to cities'. Trams and bicycles are more common in villages, while
subways and buses are more often used in cities.

6.What can be done to reduce the stress of city life?


Though living in cities is stressful, many methods can be used to solve this
problem. Arranging some entertainment, such as listening to music, watching
movies, and so on, can be one of the solutions. In addition, doing sports before
or after work is beneficial not only to your physical health but also to your
mental health. It can also relieve your stress to a great extent. What's more,
relationships with people, surrounding you can also do a big favor. Neighbors
can be good listeners when you need to share your pressure and they can
even offer you some helpful advice. If you are in a foreign land, connect with
your parents and phone them every week to share your stories.

8. P2: 喜欢穿的衣服

Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing

You should say:

What it is like

When and where you got it

How often you wear it

And explain why you enjoy wearing it


Though there are numerous pretty clothes in my wardrobe, my favorite one is a

simple slip dress with a golden hemline. It is white-colored with images of small
green flowers on it. It is not thin and not thick so I can wear it during four
seasons other than summer.

It was given by my friend as an 18-year-old birthday gift. I invited all my best

friends to come to my home and ate delicious cakes. When my best friend
gave me this wonderful dress, I was so excited that I thanked to and hugged
her. I said I would wear it when the weather was not cold.

Moreover, when I need to attend some dance parties, I would put on it since it
is much more stunning when the hemline sways. The dress is quite
comfortable and it is very loose so I won't feel tightened. The shape of the
dress is extremely slim so the meat on the belly is perfectly covered. In
addition, so convenient it is that I can take it as a nightdress when I sleep.

P3: 喜欢穿的衣服

1. Do you like buying clothes?


No, I am not fond of buying clothes. The first reason is that most clothes today
are so expensive and I intend to save money to do other things I am captivated
for, for example, buying useful books. I believe that as long as my previous
clothes fit, I don't need any new clothes. Second, staying at home is the best
lifestyle for me so I am not a shopaholic. During the weekends, rather than
going to the markets, I would prefer to stay at home. You may say I can buy
clothes online but it is easy to buy clothes with the wrong sizes or some poor
quality dresses. Thus, all of my family members lessen the time for online

2. What kind of clothes do most people wear in your country?

In my country-China, it is quite open for the styles of dressing. The most
popular style is leisure clothes, such as jeans. No matter whether young or old,
the Chinese prefer to wear this kind of clothes when there aren't any significant
activities because these clothes are comfortable and cheap. Some girls also
like to wear Han Chinese Clothing, which is a traditional and stunning style of
clothes. They wear traditional clothing of Han Dynasty to take beautiful
pictures and post them online. Moreover, some businessmen, they would wear
business suits to make themselves seem much more formal and professional.

3. Under what circumstances would people in your country wear formal



Formal clothes are worn under many different circumstances. The most
common situation is when businessmen intend to make a deal with customers.
Both of them would wear formal to show their respect to each other and make
themselves much more formal and professional. When some insurance
salesmen introduce products to their clients, they would wear them formally to
show their degree of reliability. As well as in some informal situations, when
they want to take professional identification photos, they would wear a formal
style according to some requirements.

4. What is the difference between the clothing of the elderly and the young in


Well, tastes in clothing will change with age. The elderly would prefer to wear
some loose clothes with small flowers. Grandfathers would prefer to wear old
sweaters in summer in that it is very cool and fashionable. In Winter, apart
from down jackets, they would dress in thick coats. The dressing styles of the
young in China are quite distinguished and various. They prefer something
very cool and unique so they wear clothes like slip dresses and jeans.
Moreover, due to abundant wealth, they start to purchase some luxury clothes,
like GUCCI and Coach. For girls, traditional clothing of Han Dynasty is also
their most frequent dressing choice.

5. When do people in your country wear traditional clothes?

Traditional clothes in China are various. For traditional clothing of Han Dynasty,
fewer people will wear nowadays except when they intend to take beauteous
photos or attend some activities. In addition, some groups of people who are
crazy about this kind of clothes would even dress during their shopping time.
Some minority groups also have their traditional clothes, however, they put on
these clothes almost every day because they have gotten used to these
genres of clothing and clothes are the representatives of their distinguished

6. Does the climate affect what people wear?


Yes, of course, individuals decide what to wear based on the climate. In

summer, the weather is burning hot and girls prefer to put on fascinating
dresses or skirts. For boys, T-shirts with cool images and pants will be their
first choice. On the opposite, in winter, when the weather is freezing cold, thick
clothes are put on, and almost nobody would wear short sleeve clothes.
Raining days are more likely to smudge clothes so some dark-colored clothes
will be chosen because they are dirt-proof. If ones wear something that doesn't
suit the climate, he or she, they may get ill.

9. P2: 童年游戏

Describe a game that you enjoyed playing when you were younger

You should say:

What the game was

When you played it

Where you played it

Who you played it with

And explain how you felt about the game

And explain how you enjoyed playing the game

In my childhood, there were a lot of endearing buddies who grew up with me.
We often played hide-and-seek in the large garden. In the game, we often
arranged two individuals as the ones who were in charge of finding others.

These two were teammates and if they found all the people, they would win.
Winners can request some delicious but cheap snacks from losers. It was the
most intriguing game to us so we often played it after all of us finished our
homework every day on the weekdays. On the weekends, we even played it
during the daytime. I often played it with my buddies and our parents on the
weekends and on the weekdays, because all of our parents had their own work,
so we just played it ourselves.

When I took up different roles, I had different feelings. So excited, curious, and
ambitious I was when I was seeking other people. However, I felt quite nervous
and fearful when I hid. Every time we played, we felt refreshed from stressed
study time and went back to school energetically.

P3: 童年游戏

1. What games do kids like to play now?


The games that kids are fond of now are both online and physical. As for
physical games, the previous ones like hide-and-seek, and hopscotch are still
very popular among children. There are also some new genres of games, like
Musical Chairs and so on. With the development of technology, children also
have some online games to play. For example, Honor of Kings, which has
been launched in recent years, is very well-known among kids because they
will get satisfied when they win. All in all, time flies, the games that kids love to
play are no longer merely physical but can also be online.

2. Is it good for a kid to be ambitious?


It depends on situations and plenty of parameters should be considered. Firstly,

ambitious kids are more privileged when they are going to attend some
individual tests or competitions. They often have a clear goal to gain some
repetitions and rewards. However, in a teamwork, the children who are too
ambitious may cause damage to the cooperation between teammates.
Children, who are too ambitious, may ignore others' feelings which may cause
conflicts. Moreover, in the daily life, if children are too ambitious, other kids
may find difficulties in making friends with them.

3. Is outdoor sports important for kids?

Yes, it is definitely significant for kids. Firstly, going outdoors can mitigate their
stress and refresh their mind through breathing the fresh air and doing sports
They have broader places so that they have less chance to get injured. For
example, when they run indoors, they may run into some sharp corners but on
the outdoor playgrounds, they have a bigger scale of conducting activities.
What's more, outdoor sports often consume more energy and do a greater
help to their bodies.

4. Why do people like to play different games now than before?


There are several reasons why individuals love to play different games now.
Firstly, it is because of the technology, people can play some fun online games
during their spare time. Online games are very convenient in that they can play
it anywhere all the time. Secondly, the pandemic in recent years makes people
forced to stay home rather than go outdoors to party with friends. Thus, in
order to kill their leisure time, they prefer to play games. They can also keep
their relationships with their friends through online games in that most online
games are cooperative.

5. Is winning important in games?


No, winning is less significant in games. Firstly, we often play games with
friends so rather than winning, we should treasure our precious relationships
with friends. This is the main aim of games. Some people say disrespectful
words to their friends after losing and finally, they lose both friends and games.
Secondly, if we are too ambitious in games, we may feel terribly dissatisfied,
which causes damage to our mental health. Lastly, great results cannot be
without careful progress. So rather than focusing on the results, we pay
attention to the progress. Even if you get lost, you have tried your best and it is
the most important thing during a game.

6. Which is better, individual games or team-based games?


Though individual games have many advantages, team-based games are

more interesting on the whole. Firstly, in team-based games, individuals
should not only consider themselves but also their groupmates. Ideally, they
should have smooth cooperation within teams. Secondly, when one of the
players is not familiar with the rules, they can ask their teammates, so they can
have assistance from partners. But in individual games, you can only learn it
by yourself and there is more stress. Thirdly, through team-based games, you
can also make a lot of friends and improve your communication skills, which is
better than individual ones.

7.Do boys and girls play different games?

(参考答案):Yes,they do. Boys like to play competitive games, such as

Honor of Kings, Game for peace, and League of Legends, etc. Thrilling and
exciting as they are, many boys can feel the ambience if they absorb
themselves in these games. On the contrary, girls like to play games of
nurturing, dressing beauties, and doing business, such as Game of Orange
Light, Love and Producer, Dream Home, and Love Between Night and Light.
For most nuturing games, there is no requirement for technical skills and the
operation is simple.

10. P2: 新开的店

Describe a new shop that recently opened in your city/town

You should say:

Where the shop is

What it sells

Who goes to this shop

And explain how successful you think it will be in the future


As for the new shop that opened just a few days ago in Hong Kong, it is a spicy
hot pot restaurant. It is located in the Yuen Long district and it is just near a
milk tea shop. As a Sichuaner, I am crazy about pungent cuisines and hot pot
is one of them. It is extremely significant for me to find out a tasty hot pot
restaurant, especially when I am away from my hometown-Chengdu.

This new shop caters to my taste and it sells not only hot pot but also some
desserts and delicious milk tea. When my friends and I first went to that shop,
almost all the people around us said Sichuaneses. Moreover, local senior high
school students also like to go to this shop after a whole day of studying. They
may think eating spicy food can refresh their mind and charge much energy to
them. Once this shop has opened, all of our students rush to have a try and
they have all given a full 5-star rating after tasting.

What's more, many kinds of cuisines are sold so it is wonderful for plenty of
customers to select their favorite food. Those who cannot eat very spicy can
order more desserts, which are still very popular among eaters. All in all,
because of the diversified food choices and savory tastes, I believe that they
will get fairly popular among not only the local people but also non-locals.

P3: 新开的店

1. What kinds of shops are popular in your city?


In Hong Kong, a modern and historic city, diversified shops are open to the
public. There are numerous Sichuaners, so many Sichuan restaurants are
well-known and at mealtime, there are always lots of customers. No matter
whether local or non-local, many of them are fond of Sichuan cuisine.
Secondly, locals have the habit of drinking Cantonese morning tea. So
Cantonese restaurants are also household and a lot of people are in line in the
morning only for breakfast. Thirdly, Hong Kong is a free trade port and tax-free.
So it will be cheaper to buy some luxury goods. On weekends, many visitors
will pay a visit to shops like Gucci, Coach, and so on to buy something for
themselves or their friends.

2. Why do young people enjoy going to some boutiques?

There are several reasons why youth like to go to boutiques. Firslyt, boutiques
always have captivating decorations, and elaborate settings always have the
magic to be eye-catching. For example, they will use charming colors to make
customers comfortable and then have the desire to buy something. Secondly
with the rapid development of society, nowadays, the public is extremely
abundant. Most individuals have enough money to live in an extravagant life.
Thus, they have the opportunity to reach out to a high-end consumption
experience. Boutiques can always satisfy their requirement.

3. Do you think location is the key factor that attracts customers?


Yes, location is of great significance to catch customers' eyes. Firstly, it is

about the visitor flow rate. Compared with a shop in the suburban area, the
store in the city center has more opportunities to come into view. Unless the
shop is extremely excellent, customers would prefer to go to relatively close
and prosperous areas rather than distant places considering the traveling
expenses. Moreover, good locations leave good first impressions to buyers
and when dwellers go outside, they will first take out their phones and search
for shops near one place. They will tend to believe in the quality of stores,
which are located in prosperous areas, such as CBD in tier cities.

4.What is the difference between a small shop and a large shop?

(参考答案):A small shop refers to a store with small coverage,fewer facilities,

and narrower business scope, and smaller sales volume, while a large shop
refers to a store with comprehensive business, large coverage, more facilities,
and larger sales volume. Besides, a small shop is sometimes located at county
towns, but a large shop is always situated in a downtown of big cities.
Moreover, the management methods and customers between a small shop
and a large shop are also different. For example, small shops pay much
attention to manage their business, while large shops must attend their
logistics and staffs.

5.How important are price and quality in influencing consumer behaviour?

(参考答案):Price and quality determine a customer's inclination to buy

products or not. Some people with low income would buy products labelling
low price, not obsessively caring their quality to some extent. On the contrary,
people who earn higher salary pay much attention to their life quality, so they
would like to buy some good-quality merchandises at the cost of much money.
As we can see, quality also plays a vital role in influencing their behaviors to
buy a product or not. All in all, price and quality are two noteworthy factors that
influence their willingness to consume.
6.Why is cheap fashion so popular?

(参考答案):Cheap fashion sometimes refers to products which are of good

appearance and can be affordable by lots of people. By following cheap
fashion, they can climb on the bandwagon to follow suit with popular dressings.
For example, Taobao, an e-commerce platform in China, sells all kinds of
stuffs which are of cheap fashion sometimes. Xiao hongshu, a platform on
which people can share everything, also subsidizes the atmosphere of
pursuing cheap fashion. By these two platforms, it went viral on the Internet,
thus attracting more people to follow the trend.

11. P2: 感兴趣的名人

Describe a famous person you are interested in

You should say:

Who he/she is

How you knew about him/her

What he/she was like before he/she became famous

And explain why you are interested in him/her


One of the well-known people that I am interested in is Wang Yibo, who is a

famous singer in China. He is a handsome, versatile, and modest person, and
other than his singing and acting career, he also makes great contributions to
the charitable sector in China. If my memory serves me right, he attended the
rescue team at the Rainstorm event in Zhengzhou and saves many people
without any deliberate publicity on social media.

Before he became famous, much dancing and singing practice he did. He got
up early and come back late because he was so determined that one day he
would become successful. The first time I saw him was in a variety show called
Produce 101 in China. I became a fan of him since I was a senior high school
student and my first impression of him is his handsome appearance and nice

Then, I found that he was such a diligent celebrity who could give me
consistent motivation to imitate and encourage me to give my best. Many
shining points he has for me to learn so I admire him with relish.
P3: 感兴趣的名人

1.Do you think media is putting too much attention on famous people?


Yes, too much attention, nowadays, is put on celebrities. First,ly the

occurrence rate of well-known people is indeed high. For example, on Weibo,
every day a lot of celebrities are listed in the most searched hashtags for some
reason. When a celebrity couple gets a divorce or recombines, they will
become hot shots of the whole day. Secondly, many entertainment media exist
that are in charge of tailing after and taking pictures of celebrities. Many
messages about famous individuals are exposed by these media. However, I
think it is not a good atmosphere for citizens. What social media should care
about most is state affairs and common people's affairs, rather than these

2. Do you think famous people are necessarily good in their fields?


It is certain that they should be skilled in their domains. Gaining the attention of
other individuals gives them enough support to work hard in their careers and
they should restrain themselves to be excellent to report back on what citizens
have done. Moreover, these well-known people have great impacts on whole
industries, which means they are the pioneers in those areas. If they are not
professional, they will be criticized by companions, and on the other hand,
giving opportunities to those with fewer skills will discourage those who work
hard and are adept at their domains. That's why those who have a big
influence in one industry must specialize in their own area.

3. What are the differences between famous people today and those in the


When changes in time are dramatic, the characteristics of well-known people

also alter a lot. Firstly, in the past, the variety of celebrities is much more
onefold than today. In mainland China, Hong Kong-style stars, such as Leslie
Cheung and Anita Mui, were more popular, while some scholars in the
mainland, like Liang Qichao, were famous. Nowadays, more mainland singers
and actors appear and they can create more genres of songs and movies.
Secondly, famous people have changed their publicity methods. With the
development of technology, nowadays, social media appears and supports the
development of celebrities. They depended on printed posters over the past
years while most media platforms are used at present. The progress of
celebrities is followed by the speed of society's changes and there are many
differences between famous people in the previous and modern times.

4. What kinds of famous people are there in your country?


Plenty of genres of well-known people are in China. People, like Tan Qiao,
who dedicate to serving citizens, are famous for their generosity and
duteousness. Liangshan Prefecture Fire Brigade become famous in that they
exert all their strength to extinguish the hill fire. Successful actors and singers,
such as Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan, are under the spotlight because they
specialize in their areas and create good works for individuals to appreciate.
Third, the state leaders are famous in that they devote themselves to the
development of society, as well as some scholars, like Zhong Nanshan and Li
Wenliang. They give clear guidance to common people during the pandemic,
which consoles citizens and assists them to avoid being infected.

5. Why are some kids popular at school?


Students becoming well-known at school must have some concrete and

special reasons. Firstly, their grades are splendid and are at the top of their
school. After each examination, people who get good grades become a
common topic among students in that they may be astonished by the excellent
scores they gain. Secondly, students who always run counter to the standards
of schools are famous. In the school bulletin, students who have gone against
the rules will be criticized and their teachers will also criticize them in public,
making them aware of their mistakes. Third, they may make some great
contributions to the society. On Weibo, the names of some students are
exposed because they have done some generous things for citizens, such as
returning the money found. Teachers even the principals will praise them

6. Why do some people become famous but not successful?

For people who are famous, they are supposed to be not necessarily
successful. Those common people who devote themselves to assisting others
can also be under the spotlight. On social media, we can often see those
jumping into the river to save people or returning the money found. It is
because of the generosity that makes they become well-known. Moreover,
many internet celebrities depend on prepared live streaming to gain fans. They
used a lot of skills to keep people stay in the broadcasting room, such as
handing out red envelopes. Some of them may have superior appearances or
fair-sounding sounds. That's all for my discussion about the reasons why some
individuals become famous but not successful.

12. P2: 水上运动

Part 2

Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future

You should say:

What it is

Where you would like to try it

Whether it is difficult

And explain why you would like to try it


In the years ahead, I plan to learn surfing with the instructions of a professional
coach. It is one of the Extreme Sports, which is very popular all over the world.
Players ride the waves by standing on a surfboard or a kneeboard. I have seen
a lot of videos about surfing in Hawaii, a beautiful land located in America.
Though I am eager to go to this place at first, it is too far away from my
hometown so I finally decide to go to Hainan, which is situated in my home
country-China. Extremely cool though surfing is, it has a high degree of
difficulty to master. Some people suggest that before learning surfing,
sportsmen should be good at swimming and have good body balance force.
When a celebrity learned to surf, she fell down 15 times. What's more, plenty
of skills are included so much time and patience are needed.

One of the reasons why I intend to try it is that surfing can strengthen all parts
of the body so it is beneficial for my physical health. Keeping the figure is also
a merit and you will seem to be very cool when surfing.

P3: 水上运动

1. What are the advantages of water transportation?


Numerous merits exist for water transportation. First and foremost, the costs of
water transportation are relatively low, and larger volumes of goods can be
delivered at one time. Thus, some bulk commodities, such as crude oil and
steel, are adapted to this transportation. If customers are not in a haste, then
they can select this delivery method. Moreover, the navigation capacity is not
restricted in that it depends on rivers, lakes, and seas these natural waterways.
Last but not least, there is a low demand for labor and high labor productivity.

2. Why do people like to live near water?


Many parameters are considered when people choose to live near water. First,
the environment near water is usually better than that in the city center.
Dwellers can get rid of environmental pollution and breath fresh air, which will
benefit their physical and mental health. Moreover, the climate near water is
warm in winter and rather cool in summer. Thus, residents feel comfortable to
live. What's more, living near water can get away from the noise of the city and
the environment is more tranquil.

3. What kinds of water sports are popular nowadays?


Well, the first water sports which pops up in coming to my mind is water
scooters. It is very easy to operate and meanwhile can exercise people's
physical fitness. Second, surfing. Many young people are fond of this sport
because it is challenging and cool. To command this sport, you should have a
good sense of balance. Third, diving is a charismatic sport in that when you
dive into the sea, a fantastic view of the bottom of the sea is observed.
However, what needs to be noticed is that the divers should be trained to avoid
some emergencies happening.

4. Do you think it is good to teach swimming in schools?


No, I don't think it is appropriate to teach swimming in schools. In the very first
place, it is expensive for schools to construct swimming pools for all the
students and teachers. From the economic aspect, it is not plausible. Second,
students have their own preferences and some may be fond of swimming
while some not. It is not sane behaviors to let all students to learn swim.
Moreover, from the hygiene aspect, public swimming pools are difficult to keep
healthful so schools will pay much extra attention and spend lots of money.

5. What do you think of the people who waste water?


Wasting water is not an eco-friendly behavior, thus those who don't save water
are supposed to have less awareness of environmental protections. They must
live in a cozy family that they don't cherish the things they have owned now.
Though using water costs money, they never care about it because they have
enough. To correct this wrong behavior, some basic education is needed for
this group of people to learn how important water is and more videos about
places that are severely lacking in water.

6. What are the characteristics of goods transported by water?


Different goods may adapt to different ways of transportation. As for the goods
of water transportation, they are always heavier and longer, such as timber. If
the wood is transported by road transportation, many parameters of cars
should be considered, such as the length and load capacity. Some staple
commodities can also be transported by water and the costs are really
inexpensive. Moreover, when customers have lower requirements for
timeliness, goods can be transported through water transportation.

13. P2:收到的礼物
Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted
You should say:
What it was
When you received it
Who gave it to you
And explain why you wanted it so much

I have received numerous gifts in my life and among them, the most exciting
one was the Laptop my father gave to me when I was 15 years old. When I
was 10, I found that many of my friends had their own computers and I was
profoundly fascinated by this wonderful machine and dreamt about owning
one someday.

After being promoted to grade six in my school, I signed up for a computer

training course and learned some basic computing. Whenever I visited a
friend or a classmate who had a computer, I felt fascinated being there,
especially when I could play games, learn how to operate a new software,
browse the Internet, edit a picture and so on. I sometimes visited some of
my friends’ houses more often than usual only because they had computers.
Thus this phenomenon machine became the only dream of my life. As I
knew my father was not in a financial condition to buy me a brand new
computer, I did not ask for one. I made a dummy computer using papers,
boards and other materials and played with it, which was something unusual
for a girl at my age! One day I bought a piggy bank and started saving coins
and notes with the sole intention to buy a computer someday. After one
month or so, I found that I saved only ten dollars in total and that was
somewhat frustrating!

With time, and I would say with a little maturity, I got busy with other stuff
and could hardly find time to visit friends’ houses to use their computers, but
at a hidden corner of my heart, I felt the same fascination for owning a
computer. On my 15th birthday, my father told me that he wants to take me
to the computer shop and purchase a brand new computer for me. I could
not believe what I heard! That night it was tough for me to sleep. In the
morning I wake up earlier than usual and went to a computer shop with my
father. He bought a Dell Laptop that was a Pentium 4 machine. While
returning home, I found myself on cloud nine. I opened the box after
returning home and showed it to my mother and other relatives.

As a young child, that was a long-expected gift that my father gave to me,
and till now it’s the best present -materialistically speaking, someone gave to
me. You know how passionate we can sometimes become, especially in our
childhood, when we long for something. I know it was not easy for my father
to buy me this computer from his financial condition but still, he sacrificed
his other joys to make me happy. That was something truly special.

1. Should employees have their own goals?


It can be beneficial for employees to have their own goals, as it can align
their personal and professional development with that of the organization,
and it can also increase employee motivation, engagement, and job
satisfaction. Having their own goals also allows employees to take
ownership of their work and progress, and it can help them to stay focused
and motivated. However, it is also important for employees' goals to align
with the company's overall objectives and for the employer to provide the
necessary support and resources for their employees to achieve their goals.

2. How should bosses reward employees?

Bosses should reward employees in a way that is meaningful to them and
aligns with their values and priorities. This may include a combination of
financial bonuses, promotions, recognition, opportunities for growth and
development, and a positive work-life balance. Bosses should also consider
the employee's individual preferences and circumstances.

3. What kinds of gifts do young people like to receive as rewards?


Young people may have different preferences for rewards, but some
examples of gifts that may be appreciated include monetary bonuses, gift
cards, experiences such as trips or tickets to events, and technology such
as smartphones or laptops. They may also appreciate non-material rewards
such as time off, flexible work schedule, or opportunities for learning and

4. How should children spend their allowance money?


How children spend their allowance money is a personal decision that

should be based on their individual needs, wants, and interests. However,
teaching children financial literacy, budgeting and saving principles, and
encouraging them to think about the long-term value of their purchases can
be helpful.

5. Why do people like shopping more now than in the past?


Shopping has become more popular now than in the past due to a variety of
factors such as an increase in disposable income, the availability of goods,
and the convenience and accessibility of online shopping. Additionally, with
the proliferation of social media and e-commerce, people are able to easily
access information and reviews of products, which can influence their
purchasing decisions.

6. Do you think shopping is good for a country’s economy?

Shopping can be good for a country's economy as it can lead to increased
economic activity and job creation. However, it can also lead to
overconsumption and waste, and can have negative effects on the
environment. Additionally, it is important to consider whether the economic
benefits of shopping are distributed fairly and whether they contribute to
sustainable long-term economic growth.

1 4 . P2: 未来想去的遥远地方

Describe a place you plan to travel to that is far away from your home in
the future

You should say:

Where it would be

Where you would like to go

How you would like to go there

When you would like to go

What you would do there

Who you would go with

And explain why you would like to visit the place

Over the next few years, I am planning to pay a visit to Xiamen. It is a modern
and beautiful coastal city, located in the southeast part of the Fujian province.
In my college, the summer vacation is very long so I plan to go there this
August. I would like to go to the beaches so summer would be my first choice.

After having lunches, I can lie on the beach and enjoy the freshness of air and
sea breeze. My sister will also be on vacation at that time so I prefer to travel
with her since my parents have their own work to do.

As for the reasons why I have the intention to travel to Xiamen, firstly, I have
heard of the scenic Gulangyu Island almost thousands of times but never had
an opportunity to visit there. Moreover, my friend is a student at Xiamen
University so I often see her beautiful picture about Xiamen on WeChat.
Thirdly, I am extremely obsessed with savory food and Xiamen has a lot of
mouth-watering dishes. After having dinner, I can eat some seafood as a
midnight snack. That's all about the city that I am crazy about and want to visit
in the future.

P3: 未来想去的遥远地方

1. Where do people usually travel on holidays?

(参考答案):People travel to Lijiang, Xizang, Chongqing, Xian, and Chengdu,

because they are cities that can relieve people's pressure under the strain of
fast-paced life. For example, Lijiang is famous for its beautiful scenery and
hospitable folk customs. For most tourists, Lijiang is a city healing people's
heart, with gentle breeze swirling around, a beam of sunlight flashing to your
face , and people from all walks of life coming here to confess their mixed
feelings in work. People who have strong affection for someplace in which they
can relax will go to these cities. Living into homestays, and making friends
along the way, enjoying appealing scenery unfolding before their eyesight,
people can definitely feel comfortable and forget unseen pressure.

2. Why do some people think it is enjoyable to stay at home on holidays?

(参考答案): They are not outgoing and not willing to make friends outside.
It frets their mind to book hotels, set detailed routes, and know where to go.
Moreover, just taking a binge on shopping while people have a holiday will trap
them into the swirl of remorse. On holidays, instead of going outside, they can
do what they want to do freely and have a relax by meditation. Monotonous as
staying at home on holidays is, they don't need to vex their mind about
worrying trivial things happening in the journey. Thus, from what I said above,
some people may think it is enjoyable to stay at home on holidays.

3. How do students who have taken a gap year differ from other students?

(参考答案):Students who have taken a gap year can improve their GPA by
taking advantage of this period to study attentively, can increase their
experience by having a travel or working in some enterprises, and can glorify
their backgrounds by applying some projects conducted with foreign countries.
Obama once said: "a gap year allows students to qcquire deeper
understanding of the world, their life-orientations, and their outlook on our
society, thus empowering them to have a clear perspective on how to live their
next school years and making their college life more colorful". On the contrary,
people who don't have a gap year will feel weary of the mundane life. Without
incisive perspective on their life, society, and the world, they will drone away
the precious years of youth more easily.
4. Do teenagers usually travel with friends or alone?

(参考答案):Yes, they do. Together with friends, they can share something
interesting along the way, adding more happiness to their journey. If travelling
alone, they can also enjoy some amazing scenery with a peaceful heart and
make new friends. In a TV drama, Go to Windy Places, Xu Hongdou (played
by Liu Yifei) fell into a slump due to losing heart in her life and work, and then
went alone to Dali,Yunnan to have a rest. She was alone, but not lonely.
Nowadays, teenagers all like to have a travel with their friends or by
themselves, so as to meet their true self and relax in the turmoil world.

5. What do you think is the most desirable place for people to visit during the

(参考答案):During the holiday, the most desirable place for people to visit is
Otaru, Japan, a place where a movie called Love Letter was filmed. In winter,
snowflakes will dance around you, and bring you into a wonderland of ice and
snow. Otaru will make you associate it with romantic fairy tales, which not only
offers delicious food and beautiful scenery, but also some fantastic activities in
snow. Encountering the beautiful scenery of snowflakes in winter can be
described as a wonderful experience intertwined with dreams and passion.

6. What does tourism have to do with cultural exchange?

(参考答案): Tourism is conducive to cultural exchanges, and vice versa. The

former can attract more people to conduct cultural exchanges and the latter
are conducive to the development of tourism. For example, the Old Palace,
also called the Forbidden City, attract many tourists at home and abroad, to
appreciate the imperial charm of the majestic building in the ancient times.
Then, some cultural treasures preserved in the Old Palace Museum will make
tourists want to learn more about our culture in the past, which, to some extent,
enhances the cultural exchanges among countries. In short, tourism and
cultural exchanges are compatible and reciprocal with each other. These kind
of symbiotic relationship benefits each side.

15. P2: 和小孩共度时光

Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child

You should say:

Who this child was

When you spent time with this child

What you did together

And how you felt about it

Spending time with a young child is the happiest thing which leaves a deep
impression on me. Once upon a time, I accompanied a young child to spend
his summer time. This child was my friend's younger brother. In 2020, I met
him the first time and had a good time with him. Staying together, we talked
earth to heaven, played sports, and took a walk after dinner.

He was more outgoing than me. Telling jokes to please me, asking questions
about this world, sharing something interesting in his school, he was the most
adorable boy I’ve ever met. After this experience, I felt I was so fortunate to
meet him. The child, cute, lovely, and lively, enriched my life and brought color
to my monotonous day-to-day life, making me enshrine this memory. His smile,
laugh, voice were still in my mind.

This young child was innocent, free of worries, and warmed people a lot. Some
young child was so naughty that made people don't want to stay with him in a
long time, because we have to care for his feelings even he was in a huff.
However, this young child I met was as meek as a sheep and as warm as the
light in spring.

I want to spend my time with him once again, but we don't have any
connection after that summer. He will grow up with time passing by, and then
forget me. However, the time I spent with him is still engraved in my mind.

P3: 和小孩共度时光

1. Do you think children should have a lot of toys?

Yes, I do. Children should have an appropriate number of toys. Owning a lot of
toys, children will be distracted by them and don't want to study. Moreover, too
many toys will curb their imagination. According to a series of studies
conducted by academics at the University of Virginia, if children have more
than five toys, they will not play each toy. On the contrary, the toys will limit
their imagination.

2. Where do children usually play?

Children usually play in parks, beaches, zoos, and playgrounds. Taken by their
parents to parks and zoos, they can absorb animals closely and appreciate the
beauty of nature. After they grow older, they can go to beaches to have a
sunbath, which is also pleasant. Playgrounds are also places children usually
go, on which children can play care-freely and release their nature.

3. Do you think there are too many rules for children to follow, whether at
school or at home?

Yes. At school, children have to conform to rules set by class or school. For
example, when entering school, they must dress neatly, maintain good
appearance, and arrive on time. Moreover, they need to say hello to teachers
and greet each other politely. When having class, they can't eat food and talk
with others, etc. Thus, as we can see, children need to follow many rules,
whether at school or at home.

4. Do you think children should follow all the rules?

No, I don't. Some rules are irrational. For example, children can't watch TV
after school, which will make them bored and feel unhappy at home. They are
born with lively nature and want to be carefree to do something, so we must
allow them to have a free and happy childhood. In our society, there are
numerous irrational rules set by teachers or parents, stifling children's nature.

5. Do you think it's necessary for parents to make decisions for their children?

Yes, I do. Children are naive and don't know the root cause behind some
phenomenon, so it is necessary for parents to make decisions for them. Then,
children's decision-making abilities have not yet been fully developed and
cultivated. They lack the life experience, knowledge, and maturity necessary to
make wise decisions on their own. Therefore, parents have a responsibility to
guide their children and make decisions for them until they have the ability to
do so themselves.

6. Do you think it is good for parents to help their children choose friends?

No, I don't. It is unrealistic to help children choose friends, but parents can help
them stay away from "bad friends". Choosing who to be friends with is the
child's own business. We should express our opinions in the correct way while
respecting the child's choices, rather than directly interfering or obstructing
them. Parents need to recognize the reality that we can't help their children
choose friends.

16. P2: 冒险

Describe an exciting adventure you would like to take in the future

You should say:

What the adventure is

Where you would go

Who you would go with

And explain why you would like to take the adventure

(参考答案):In the future, an adventure I would like to take is skydiving. It is

exhilarating to have this experience. The place I would go is Empuria Brava
Parachuting Area. Located at 40 miles northeast of Barcelona, it is situated
between the Mediterranean and the Pyrenees Mountains, where people can
enjoy stunning views, so it is considered as one of the top skydiving
destinations in Europe.

The person I want to go with is my friend who also wants to take this adventure.
Although it is dangerous as lots of people think, it can give us different life
experience. The thrilling process of skydiving satisfies young people's thirst for
unknown things and freedom. Nowadays, young people want to pursue
freedom and the joy of exploring the unknown. Having strong curiosity rather
than stability, they yearn for excitement and adventure.

There is a saying in Forrest Gump: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never
know what you are going to get next. The unknown mystery always makes
people yearn for it. For those who have not experienced skydiving yet, they
want to take an adventure. For those who have already experienced it,
skydiving is irresistible and attracts them to do it once again.

Moreover, skydiving is a wonderful approach to achieve self-transcendence.

When a person decides to take this adventure, they have already surpassed
their hesitance at a certain moment in the past, because they are willing to
challenge the unknown, forget their fears, and face the consequences brought
by this experience.

P3: 冒险

1. Who likes to read adventure books?

(参考答案):Children, especially boys, like to read adventure books. They

yearn for freedom and explore something unknown. In particular, for boys, they
like to challenge difficulties, which make them excited. The adventure books
they read will also stimulate their imagination and curiosity as well, benefiting
them a lot. Moreover, since they prefer the adventurous and exciting part of life,
adventure books can meet their satisfaction.

2. Do people prefer adventure novels or adventure movies?

(参考答案):Yes, they do. At home and abroad, people like to read adventure
books or watch adventure movies. As we can see, Robinson Crusoe, a classic
adventure novel, is still borne in many people's mind. Robinson are bold to
take adventure, pursue a freewheeling life, and endure the endless loneliness,
making him a hero people want to become. Adventure movies like Interstellar
and 127 Hours are popular among people, which demonstrate that people
prefer adventure movies as well.

3. Why do people like to read adventure books rather than take an adventure?

(参考答案):Because only reading adventure books can satisfy their curiosity

to take an adventure and will not sacrifice their lives or get injured. Taking an
adventure in the wild, such as, climbing, skydiving, and voyage are so
dangerous that people are reluctant to take such risk. Thus, if they want to take
an adventure, reading adventure books can suffice.

4. Who doesn't like to take adventures?

(参考答案):Someone who doesn't want to change, take risks, and pursue

thrilling experience refuses to take adventures. These people are introverted,
timid and don't want to change. Just living in their comfort zones and lying flat,
they feel life should as smooth as a placid lake. Taking adventures in life will
make them nervous, afraid of losing their lives, injured and undertaking risks,

5. What kind of personality should people have in order to experience a lot of


(参考答案):In order to experience adventures, people should have these

personalities: Firstly, they should have strong desire to explore: adventurers
usually like to experience new things, environments, and challenges. Secondly,
they are brave and fearless. They dare to face fear, challenges, and dangers,
and won't give up easily. Thirdly, they are creative and able to explore new
possibilities and opportunities from ordinary things. At last, they possess
strong self-control abilities to maintain composure when taking adventures.

6. Will experiencing adventures broaden people's horizons?

(参考答案):Yes, it will. When taking adventures, people can learn new things,
and experience difference, which will broaden our horizon. For example,
people who like to take adventures will go abroad to have a trip, take a gamble
on some competitions or businesses, and meet all kinds of challenges, during
which they can sharpen abilities and broaden horizon.

17. P2: 运动节目

Describe a sports program you like to watch

You should say:

What it is

(参考答案)There are numerous sports program broadcasted every day,

among which I like to watch basketball games. No matter where we are, such
as, watching the games before televisions or sitting in the sports ground to
watch them on the spot, we can feel the exciting atmosphere there, which get
people into ecstasy and enable people to indulge themselves.

The most famous basketball players are Yao Ming, Michael Jordan, Kobe
Bryant, and Dir Nowitzki. They are popular around the world and the idols in
many people's hearts. The highest organization of basketball is the
International Basketball Federation, established in 1932 and headquartered in
Geneva, Switzerland. The highest organization in China is the Chinese
Basketball Association, which was established in October 1956.

The most famous association is NBA. Composed of 30 teams, it is one of the

four major professional sports leagues in the United States. The NBA was
found in 1946, with only 11 teams, of which three survived till today namely the
Warriors, Knicks, and Celtics, while the other eight teams have been
disbanded. Basketballs bring people together and strengthen interpersonal

P3: 运动节目

1.Which sport do you think most people like to do? And why?

I think most people like to play table tennis, because it is easy to play. People
can just stand before tables, without running here and there and exerting their
strength and energy to limits, to enjoy themselves well. Besides, table tennis
can cater to a large amount of people's preference. As we can see, many
students, be they girls or boys, like to play Ping-Pong after class. Thus, from
my perspective, most people like to play table tennis.
2.Do children need exercise?

Yes, they do. Exercise can make people vigorous and physically healthy. In
China, children sit in a long time to strive for good grades and thus have no
time to exercise. Therefore, it is necessary for children to exercise themselves.
Swimming, jogging, and playing sports all do good to people's physical health
and strengthen their metabolism, thereby making them have enough energy to
study again, in case of their lacking vigor to absorb themselves in studying

3.What are the benefits of exercise?

There are lots of benefits of exercise. It can help us to lose weight, enhance
blood cycling, strengthen metabolism, and infuse vigor to us, which make us
more robust. In addition to these physical benefits, it’s conducive to our
psychological health, helping us to have a sound mood and a peaceful heart,
and sleep well, for having an exercise can stimulate the release of chemicals in
our brains, making people feel happy, relaxed, and confident.

18. P2: 发明

Describe an invention

You should say:

What the invention was

What it can do

How you use this invention

How popular it is

And explain whether it is difficult or easy to use

Paper making is one of the four inventions in China. Dating back to the
Western Han Dynasty, people have already mastered the basic methods of
paper making. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cailun summed up the experience
of his predecessors, improved the papermaking process, and used plant fibers
such as bark, hemp head, rags and old fish net as raw materials to make

The quality of paper was greatly improved. This paper material is easy to find,
cheap and easy to promote. Since then, the use of paper has become more
and more common. Paper gradually replaced silk and became a widely used
writing material, which also facilitated the circulation of classical books. Most of
the papermaking techniques in the world were handed down from China.

The invention of paper making is one of China's great contributions to world

civilization. I almost use this invention everyday, such as, writing essays and
listing somethings. Just placing paper on the table, I can use it to assist me to
complete my work. However, there also remains some difficulties for us to use
it, because it is not convenient to carry when we want to deal with our work on
subways or buses, compared with paperless work.

Notwithstanding these difficulties, paper accelerated the spread of characters,

expanded cultural exchanges, and improved production efficiency. At the
same time, it was conducive to cultural inheritance, thus becoming
increasingly important in people's life. As we can see, paper is indispensable in
our daily life and universally popular.

P3: 发明

1. Are there inventions that have changed the world? How?

Yes, they are. The inventions, such as, paper, cars, televisions, and mobile
phones, bring us closer and enhance cultural exchanges among countries.
Cars make people's transportation more convenient. Televisions and mobile
phones enhance people's communication and exchanges. Thanks to these
inventions, our world has been changed a lot, benefiting our daily life.

2. What are the qualities of a scientist?

A scientist must be curious about everything around. Faced with strange

phenomena, he wants to explore facts behind them and keep asking questions.
Perseverance is also essential for a scientist. As everything comes off not
easily, a scientist must endure loneliness and be persistent to achieve his
goals. In addition to these, self-confidence is also an indispensable element to
be a scientist. Excellent scientists are confident about and adhere to their own
judgement, so other people can't change his resolution.

3. Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?

No, they don't. Not all inventions bring benefits to our world. Some inventions
are useless for us. In the past, lots of inventions doesn't facilitate our life and
are discarded by people over time. People just take advantage of the law of
nature to invent something which can serve our purpose and is good to our
daily life. After these creations are out of mode and can't follow the rapid
development of this world, they will be abandoned.
4. Do you think people who have not been educated in school can invent

Yes, they are. Inventing things, people should be gifted with innovative ability
and ingenuity. Some people who have not been educated in school also invent
things, contributing to the development of our world. In 1859, Dean Lenoir from
Belgium invented the world's first internal combustion engine, and as a refiner
of the internal combustion engine, Nicolas Auguste Otto became the world's
recognized father of the engine.

5. Who should support and sponsor inventors, governments or private


They all should support and sponsor inventors. It is governments’

responsibilities to take a lead and appeal to everyone to help inventors, by
which we can own more inventions, thus driving the development of high-tech.
Private companies should invest more money to inventors. The fund given to
inventors can motivate them to invent more and help some unpriviledged
inventors by easing their economic pressure.

6. What inventions do you think should be improved?

I think remote controls should be improved. In our daily life, a remote control
only serves one appliance. If improved, the remote control can be more
convenient for us, so we can only use one remote unit to control every
appliance at home. However, nowadays, we must have several different
peaces to control the appliances, so it is inevitable that we are confused about
what remote controls suit for our appliances.

7.What qualities do inventors have?

(参考答案):To be an inventor, he should be diligent. With his relentless

perseverance, he needs to devote their time and energy to developing his
products. Creativity is also an essential quality for inventors, for he should be
ingenious to imagine or create new ideas and then put them into practice.
Moreover, he should have a sense of responsibility to make his products come
into good effect.

8.Do you think only scientists can invent new things?

(参考答案):No, I don't. Ordinary people can also invent new things. For
example, in the process of work, many people will try new methods and ideas
to improve their efficiency and quality. Moreover, some ancient people took
advantage of the law of nature to invent new things, such as, hoes, windmills,
and, abacuses, etc. Thus, not only scientists can invent new things. Ordinary
people who are ingenious can also have inventions.

9.Are there any other inventions that make the world better?

(参考答案):Yes, there are. Many inventions made the world better. For
example, phones invented by Bell completely overturned the
telecommunication of the entire world. People at home and abroad can
communicate with each other, enhancing interpersonal relationships and
shortening the distance between each other. There are some inventions such
as penicillin saving lots of people infected with contagious diseases.

19. P2 和别人一起做的事情

Describe something that you did with someone/a

group of people
You should say:
What it was
Who you did it with
How long it took you to do this
And explain why you did it together
I've participated in numerous group activities, but I'd like to focus on one that I
particularly enjoyed three years ago at the college level. I participated in
a competition. It was a competition based on teams, in which three of us
participated. The competition was based on science technologies which we
can use to create our presentations.

I did this project with my 4 friends. We all decided to make a social media
website where people can interact and enjoy their free time.

We were only given two weeks to prepare. The task is therefore divided into
three parts. We gathered all information regarding the user interface's
design, content, and algorithm in preparation for its creation. Everyone
learned and contributed to the project.

I have worked on the backend, which includes the photo and video
uploading module, as well as the login and registration module. Aside from
that, we were required to create and submit this report to the class, so we
each composed a speech.
We were finally able to complete our project and received high scores.
Moreover, I felt extremely proud of myself because despite having a limited
amount of time, we all remained a team and completed the assignment
before the deadline. Also, I realised that we could accomplish anything if we
all worked together.

I cannot forget that day because it has served as an inspiration ever since.

P3 和别人一起做的事情
1. How do you get along with your neighbors?


Communication within your homeowners’ association community is key. It's

often the best way to prevent and resolve most of these complaints and
avoid the legal system. I have several tips, allowing me to be a good

First, I say hello to my neighbors. At the mailbox, while walking the dog or
when you see a moving van arrive, I will introduce myself and learn my
neighbor's names and regularly offer a friendly greeting.

Then, I appreciate them. If my neighbors do something I like, I’ll let them

know. And they'll be pleased I noticed, and it'll be easier to talk later if they
do something I don't like.
Also, I try to be respectful when talking directly to neighbors if there's a
problem. And I avoid gossiping with others within the homeowner’s
association, which can damage relationships and create trouble.

2. How do neighbors help each other?


Like any relationships, trust, loyalty, honesty. Communicate, ability to

recognise when the other may need assistance or ask for help. Example
would be if there was a snowstorm and you got out there quicker to shovel. If
your able to help them with snow removal. Such things will not be overlooked
nor taken for granite.

Other small things helpful would be lending to and borrowing from each
other and notice when strangers are on your property.

3. Do you think neighbors help each other more often in the countryside than
in the city?


Yes. Country people are more hospitable and polite and accommodating,
not to mention less selfish than city folks. In an emergency or a crisis, the
community comes together, whether on an individual or a larger basis. Rural
and small-town people were neighborly and respectful of other people’s
rights and property. At least, that used to be the case. I like the time when a
neighbor would show up on your doorstep or you would show up on theirs
and ask to borrow a cup of sugar or some flour or whatever you just ran out

Now, how in the world do we borrow a cup of sugar from a neighbor that we
don’t even smile at, let alone speak to? How true it is that many of us don’t
even know our neighbors and sadly to say, don’t even want to know them.
4. How do children learn to cooperate with each other?


Cooperation is a skill that must be learned and Kids can learn the art of
cooperation in many ways.

Take taking turns as an example. Babies as young as six to nine months

can begin learning to take turns. Start by playing games with a baby where
you do something, then ask her to do the same thing. You drop a block in a
bucket, and then give her a block to put in the bucket. As the baby gets a
little older, try rolling a ball to her and have her roll it back to you. For
toddlers and preschool-age children, taking turns is a good way to help two
children who want to play with the same toy at the same time.

5. Do you think parents should teach children how to cooperate with others?


Definitely. I have two tips on helping young kids to cooperate.

First, do chores together starting at an early age. Let children grow up
experiencing the benefits of cooperation. Together you can set the table,
clean up toys, or wash the car. Point out the advantages of cooperating.
“Look how fast we set the table. Now we have time to read a book before
dinner.” “Boy was it fun to wash the car with you. You are a great scrubber!
Look how bright and shiny you made our car!”

Second, give specific praise for cooperative efforts. Point out why and how
their contribution was important. This helps them recognize and value their
skills. For example, “You picked out all the white socks and put them together.
That helped me finish the laundry quicker. Now we have more time to play.”

6. Do you think it's important for children to learn about cooperation?


Be it a toddler or preschooler, encouraging children to cooperate from an

early age is an essential social skill. Teaching children the art of cooperation
makes them realize the importance and value of teamwork, develop trust
with others, enhance empathy, and imbibe social skills. It teaches them the
value of listening to others and showing patience during a conflict.
A child can learn about cooperation and its importance through their family
members. For example, when they see parents help each other while
cleaning the house or doing dishes. Or when they notice how one family
member takes turns when more than one person wants the same thing.
They watch, listen, and learn cooperation skills by imitating the actions and
words of the parents. When your child watches you experience the joy of
cooperating with others, it inspires them imitate and re-create meaningful
experiences for themselves.

20. P2:有趣的老人

Describe an interesting old person you met

You should say:
Who this person is
When / where you met this person
What you did
And explain why you think this person

Well…off the top of my head, the first person that comes to mind is my friend
Lily’s grandpa. I live practically within spitting distance of her house and I
hang out with her a lot, so I often see her grandpa at her home. He’s literally
the most interesting senior I’ve ever known. Lily’s grandpa is about 70 years
old, give or take. According to Lisa, he was a history teacher at a secondary

I still remember the first time I met her grandpa. That was also the first time I
had lunch at Lisa’s home. At the time, we had lunch while watching a TV
show about an ancient war together. Lily’s grandpa was really hooked on
the program. He made a commentary for the show by going into detail about
some interesting historical stories we had never learned in our history class.
Lisa and I listened to him with relish. It was as fun as listening to some

Lily says her grandpa loves reading historical novels and really knows
history like the back of his hand. I’m blown away by how much he
memorizes in his head. After all, he is 70 years old now. And I guess it’s
pretty nice talking to a senior like him. Not only can I learn tons of history
knowledge from him, but I can definitely blow off some steam by talking to
an old wise person like him.

1. Do you think old people and young people can share interests?


Yes, old people and young people can share interests. People of all ages
can have a wide range of interests and hobbies, and there is no reason why
people of different ages cannot share and enjoy similar activities together.
For example, both old people and young people may be interested in music,
sports, travel, art, technology, and many other things. Furthermore, people
of all ages can learn from each other and find common ground through
shared experiences and interests.

2. What can old people teach young people?


Old people can teach young people many things, such as life skills, work
ethics, cultural and historical knowledge, as well as emotional maturity.
They can share their experiences, advice, and wisdom to help guide the
young people in their personal and professional lives. They can also serve
as positive role models, showing young people how to live a fulfilling life and
how to handle challenges and adversity.

3. Is it easy for young people and old people to make friends with each other?


It can be easy for young people and old people to make friends with each
other, but it can also depend on the individual and the context. Shared
interests and experiences can be a great way to build connections and
friendships across generations. However, age-related stereotypes, biases,
or lack of opportunities for interaction can make it harder for young and old
people to connect and make friends. Encouraging and creating
opportunities for interaction between different age groups, such as
mentorship programs, intergenerational activities, or community events, can
help to bridge the gap and foster friendships between young and old people.

4. Are there benefits when one person is interested in another person? Why?


Yes, there can be benefits when one person is interested in another person.
Interest in others can lead to deeper connections, understanding, and
empathy. When people take an interest in others, they are more likely to
listen actively, understand their perspectives, and build trust and respect.
Additionally, showing interest in others can also lead to personal growth and
learning as it can expose one to new ideas and ways of thinking.

5. Do you think people are more selfish or self-centered now than in the past?


It's difficult to make a definitive statement about whether people are more
selfish or self-centered now than in the past, as opinions on the topic can
vary. However, some people believe that the fast-paced and individualistic
nature of modern society may have led to an increase in self-centered
behavior. Social media and technology may also contribute to a perceived
increase in self-centered behavior as they allow people to present an
idealized version of themselves to others and to compare themselves to

6. What benefits can people get if they are self-centered?


Self-centered people can benefit by having a strong sense of self and

self-confidence, which can lead to better decision making and having a clear
idea of what they want. They may also be more successful in achieving their
goals and desires, as they are more likely to focus on their own needs and
interests. However, it's important to balance self-centeredness with
considering the needs and perspectives of others. Being too self-centered
can lead to negative consequences such as lack of empathy and
understanding for others, difficulty in building relationships, and lack of
cooperation and teamwork.

Describe another city you would like to stay for a short time. You should
Where the city is
Why you want to go there

Whom you
will go there

What you
will do there

And explain why you will stay there just for a short time
I’m going to talk about London, the capital of the United Kingdom. I’d love to
visit London with my parents.

I’m a huge Harry Potter fan, and London has strong ties to popular novels
and films, and locations related to the series are scattered throughout the
city, such as Shakespeare’s Globe and St. Paul’s Cathedral, etc.
Also I want to take my parents to see Buckingham Palace, one of the most
iconic buildings in London and the formal residence of the Queen of

London is a wonderful, flourishing city full of wealthy people and great job
opportunities. It’s also an affluent city with a healthy and vibrant economy
and a very high quality of life, which is very attractive to me.

London is well-known as a fantastic place to do business. Yes, it’s very

business-friendly, and as a result, it’s a thriving, fast-growing city. I’m a very
hard-working person, so I would like to experience that kind of productive

There are many entrepreneurs in London, and I’ve heard many

rags-to-riches stories about entrepreneurs in London. I think that’s really
cool. It would be wonderful to live in such a hale and hearty economic
landscape, which is quite different from my hometown, where few excellent
job opportunities exist.

But as for me, I don’t want to live there due to its high cost. Therefore, I
guess having a taste of the fancy aspect of London life is enough.

1. Why do people sometimes go to other cities or other countries to travel?


People like to travel to other cities or foreign countries because it offers them
the opportunity to experience something new and exciting.
It can be a great way for people to learn about different cultures, explore
new places, and try out different cuisines.

Additionally, traveling abroad often provides travelers with an escape from

their everyday lives; they get the chance to relax in a completely unfamiliar
environment and take part in activities that are not available at home.
Finally, many people find that visiting other countries helps them gain
perspective on their own culture by seeing how others live differently than
they do back home.

2. Why are historical cities popular?


Historical cities are popular due to their rich cultural heritage and unique
historical significance. These cities often have a wealth of historical
monuments, buildings, and artifacts that offer a window into the past,
providing a unique and immersive experience for visitors. They also often
have unique cultural and traditional celebrations, festivals, and cuisine that
are specific to that city and region. Additionally, historical cities often have a
lively atmosphere with bustling street life, markets, and squares, which can
provide a truly authentic and memorable experience. Furthermore, historical
cities are often surrounded by picturesque landscapes, making them
popular tourist destinations for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.

3. Why do places with historical sites develop tourism industry more actively?


Places with historical sites often develop tourism industries more actively as
these sites can be major draws for tourists. They can generate significant
revenue from admission fees, tours, and other related activities, which can
in turn benefit the local economy.

4. Do you think tourists may come across bad things in other cities?


Tourists may come across bad things in other cities such as crime, pollution,
or scams. It is important for tourists to be aware of these risks and to take
precautions to protect themselves and their belongings.

5. Do most people like planned travelling?


It is difficult to say whether most people prefer planned or spontaneous

traveling as it can vary greatly depending on the individual. Some people
prefer to plan their trips in advance, making reservations and arrangements,
while others prefer to be more flexible and take a spontaneous approach. It
depends on personal preference, travel style, and what one wants to get out
of the trip. Some people like to have everything planned in advance and
others like to have more flexibility and go with the flow.

6. Why is the noise pollution worse in tourism cities than in other cities?


Noise pollution can be worse in tourism cities because they often have a
higher concentration of people and vehicles. Also, tourism activities such as
street performers, traffic or traffic noise, and the presence of large groups of
tourists can contribute to the noise pollution.

Describe a noisy place you have been to
You should say:
What it is
When you went there
What you did there
And explain why you feel it' s a noisy place


I traveled to Hong Kong three years ago and visited some noisy places
there. I went shopping at a local street market after knowing about the
features but experienced extreme noise that I failed to tolerate to some
extent. And I had never had this type of experience before. I went to Stanley
Market in the city to get some items I forgot to bring from my home in China.
This is an excellent cue card task for me. I will love to answer the remaining

I went to Hong Kong for holiday relaxation and shopping, of course. The trip
was exciting, and I learned about numerous matters I did not know about
before. Someone from the hotel told me to visit the street markets to get the
necessary things. Accordingly, I paid the visit and experienced the noise.
But luckily, I got my stuff at a lower price.
The place was noisy for several reasons. First of all, it was a street market,
and thus it was crowded. People from around the city gathered there to get
their things. A lot of street shops were there laden with various types of
goods. All the people at the market were talking, and the sounds were
intolerable to some extent. The people who have not been to the market will
not understand the noise.

Initially, I was uncomfortable amid the noise. The sellers and buyers were
trying to convince each other, and some of the sellers were shouting across
the market after the search for potential customers. But after spending
about one hour in the market, I tried to adjust to the situation.

1. Do you think it is good for children to make noise?
Yes, it is good for children to make noise, to a certain extent. Making noise
is a natural and normal part of childhood development and helps children
express themselves and communicate with others. Children can learn to
communicate effectively, develop their vocal skills, and explore the sounds
and music around them through making noise.

However, it is important to teach children to be mindful of their noise levels

and to respect the needs and boundaries of others. For example, shouting
and making loud noises may be appropriate in a playground, but not in a
library or during quiet times in the home.

2. Should children not be allowed

to make noise? under any
It is not appropriate to completely restrict children from making noise, but it is
important for them to learn about appropriate levels and times for making

2. What kinds of noises are there in our life?

There are many different kinds of noises in life, such as sounds made by
animals, machinery, traffic, music, voices, and more.

Noises play an important role in our lives, as they can help us stay alert,
communicate with others, and even enjoy leisure activities. However,
excessive noise can also cause stress, interfere with communication, and
disrupt sleep patterns.

4. Which area is exposed to noise more, the city on the countryside?

Cities are generally considered to be more exposed to noise than the
countryside due to higher population density, increased traffic and industrial

5. How would people usually respond to noises in your country?

Responses to noise can vary depending on the context and the person, but
some common responses include annoyance, irritation, or distraction.

6. How can people consider others' feelings when chatting in public?

To consider others' feelings when chatting in public, it can be helpful to be
aware of the volume of your voice and to be respectful of other people who
may be nearby. It can also be a good idea to move to a private location if
you need to have a loud or intense conversation.


Part 1

1. P1:T-shirt T 恤
1.How often do you wear T-shirt?
( 参考答案) :I probably wear T-shirts every day in summer. The pure cotton
ones are my favorite coz they are comfortable to wear, and they don’t smell
awful after workout. I just wear Tees on my weekdays and also on my days

2.Would you buy T-shirt as souvenirs on vacation?

(参考答案) :Yeah , I’d like to buy the Tees as souvenirs coz they’re like the
reminders of the experiences. What’s more, some Tees are co-branded or
designed by some doodle artists. I just feel like I can’t miss them.
Sometimes, the slogans and paints on the Tees really have a calming effect.

3. Do you like wearing T-shirts?

(参考答案)I typically wear casual clothes like T-shirts, shirts in general
because they are most comfortable for me. Even when I have to go out, I
prefer casual outfits like jeans and a t-shirt. Though I like wearing
comfortable clothing, I like to dress up formally if I have to attend an event or
a function.

4.Do you like T-shirts with pictures or prints?

( 参 考 答 案 ) Prints, for sure. You can buy a high-quality blank t-shirt for
cotton-based printing and take direct-to-garment prints. If you have time
and energy, you also can create custom t-shirt designs from casual to formal
yourself. Besides, some stores out there can offer a variety of polyester
t-shirts that will give you stunning all-over sublimation prints.

5. Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable?

( 参考答案)Absolutely, but there a style tip that worths paying attention to
so as to make those older people with T-shirt on more stylish. When it
comes to fashion, there are a few t-shirt rules that older men should follow.
One of the most important is to always prefer a standard fit. This means
choosing shirts that flatter your figure rather than trying to squeeze into
something that is trendier but doesn’t fit well.

2. P1: Home & Accommodation 房子与住宿

1. What kind of house or flat do you want to live in in the future?
(参考答案): I would like to live in a 2-floor house with a large garden. It is my
hope that all of my family members can live together and during weekends,
there is one place in house for us to barbecue. Creating a spacious place for
my pets, such as a small-scale entertainment house, can also be achieved
through a fairly large house.

2. Are the transport facilities to your home very good?

(参考答案): Yes. The transport facilities around my home are advanced
enough to support me to go anywhere. At the gate of the community, there is a
subway and a bus stop. I take either of the transport to go traveling and daily
working. The advanced road system permits the free flow of traffic so it allows
me to take taxi with a little traffic congestion.

3. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

(参考答案): House will be my all-time first choice in that it is fairly spacious to
arrange all facilities I want. For example, I am crazy about running so a
treadmill is necessary for me. House is always with a big garden so I can plant
some stunning flowers as I wish.

4. Please describe the room you live in.

(参考答案): My warm room in my eyes is fairly fragrant, with flowers in season

on the window ledge. There is a customized desk just located opposite my bed.
My room, a place for me to sleep well and study immersed, is always a cozy
harbor for me to shore when I am tiresome.

5. What part of your home do you like the most?

(参考答案): Living room always ranks first in my heart. There is a large-sized

sofa, which can be served as a bed. During my leisure time, lying on the sofa
and watching movies are the best choices to kill my time. A snack corner is set
in my living room. Thus, when I am hungry, a pack of snacks can fill me up.

6. How long have you lived there?

(参考答案): I have stayed here for three years. My family moved to this place

because of my school location. Moreover, it is fairly far away from the city
center so the tranquil environment enables me to study immersed. There is a
large supermarket just a few steps away from my house and it makes our life
7. Do you plan to live there for a long time?
(参考答案): Yes, as long as I stay in Chengdu, I intend to live in my original

place. Three years connections with enthusiastic neighbors prevent me from

moving out. My house is located in a fantastic site that a supermarket is very
near and the environment is fairly tranquil. Moreover, I feel fearful to adapt to a
novel environment.

8. What's the difference between where you are living now and where you
have lived in the past?
(参考答案): I lived in a small apartment in Wuhou district in Chengdu, while,

now, my living area is a villa. Though facilities in present house are more
advanced and novel than previous one, neighbors around me are more
indifferent so I feel less human interest. Moreover, my present house location
is too far away from large supermarkets, which keeps me away from going
9. Can you describe the place where you live?
(参考答案): The place I live now has a tranquil environment for me to study

while it is far away from the city center and supermarkets. Thus, as a
shopaholic, I cannot bear this point and I should travel fast to go shopping,
which is extremely inconvenient. However, my house is quite large so I can
build a small-scale fitness room and a private cinema.

10. What room does your family spend most of the time in?
(参考答案): Of course, the private cinema. Small though it is , we can watch all

genres of intriguing movies in it with some tasty snacks taken from the living
room. My mother and I are fond of singing so it can also be a Karaoke TV room.
In our eyes, it is a room full of entertainment and relaxation.

11. What's your favorite room in your apartment/house?

(参考答案):The best-loved room in my heart is the living room. There is a

large-screen television and a CD player. When I want to watch television, I just

press one button and a lot of CDs are given from my friends as gifts. Some of
them even have 3D effects so I can have the same experience in my living
room as that in cinema.

12. What makes you feel pleasant in your home?

(参考答案): Well, it must be the decorations and the environment in my

bedroom. My parents purchase some fragrant flowers for me to decorate my

room. Thus, whether I study or sleep, there is always fragrance entering my
nose. The girlish style of fittings makes me feel eased and in good humor
during the whole day.

13. Do you think it is important to live in a comfortable environment?

(参考答案): Yes, a cozy environment is significant in our physical health and

mental health. Nobody wants to live in a messy house with many specks of
dust, which may cause illness. Moreover, pleasing surroundings offer a
positive psychological hint to owners. Thus, they can be more immersed in
working or studying.

14. Do you live in a house or a flat?

(参考答案): I currently live in a house with a large garden, which has a small

pavilion for us to take a rest and drink tea. It is 2-floor and so spacious it is that
I can arrange the facilities I want, such as a treadmill and a fishpond. When I
enter my bedroom, a fragrant smell overwhelms and a girlish bed heaves in

15. Who do you live with?

(参考答案): I live with my parents and grandparents. They are my closest

family members and when I feel tired after studying or working, my

grandparents will wash some fruits and bring them to my room, which gives me
the motivation to keep energetic and attentive. We always cook together to
make some umami cuisines.

16. What do you usually do in your flat?

(参考答案): Much homework I have everyday, I spend most of my time in the

study room to write papers. Besides this, watching different genres of movies
gives me the motivation to keep working and refresh myself after a whole day
of business.

17. What kinds of accommodation do you live in?

(参考答案): My family members and I live in a four-bedroom house with a large

garden. There is a kitchen, which is just near a large living room. Moreover, a
utility room is set for us to put something unimportant, and we put our clothes
in the closet.

3. P1:Staying up 熬夜
1. Do you often stay up late?
(参考答案) : Oh yes, since I am a night owl, I usually sit up to do my
assignments. I feel like I can maximize my productivity if I work at night. So I
oftentimes stay up late.

2. Did you often stay up late when you were a kid?

(参考答案) : No, I don’t think so, when I was little, I was such a creature of
habit. I always went to bed at exactly 10pm. But now I always have to burn
the midnight oil to finish my work.

3. What do you do when you stay up late?

(参考答案) : I do many things. I would finish pending office work, read a
book that I find irresistible, or talk to a friend over the phone. But during the
holidays, I just mindlessly scroll through my social media at midnight.
4. What does it feel like the next morning if you stay up late?
( 参 考答案) : Well I usually feel a bit groggy and fatigued throughout the
day. However, a cup of coffee can always do me good. It really helps
re-energize my mind and stay focused much better.

4. P1:Outer space and stars 外太空和星星

1.Have you ever learnt about outer space and stars?
(参考答案) : Yes, I learned about it just a little while studying geography in
middle school. But outside of school, I read some astronomy books and got
to know things from the comets and planets in our own solar system to
distant galaxies to the echoes of the Big Bang.

By studying the cosmos beyond our own planet, I understood where we

came from, where we are going, and how physics works under conditions
that are impossible to recreate on Earth.

2. Do you like science fiction movies? Why?

(参考答案) : Yeah, absolutely.
When I was a kid, there were always some space-related picture books
brought by my mom in my bookshelf. Whenever I felt bored, I randomly
picked one and started to read, which later made me interested in anything
related to space, including movies and everything.
Also, space is an immensely interesting thing to learn about but also
beautiful to look at. Since I’m not an astronomer and cannot be one, yet with
the imagination of space exploration, why not sit comfortably on my sofa
under a blanket and binge-watch some space documentaries and sci-fi?

3. Do you want to go into outer space in the future?

(参考答案) : Yes, I would choose to visit space if I had the chance. I’ve
always wanted to see what the Earth looks like from far away, and very few
people have ever actually been able to witness it. Although it might be a bit
dangerous, it would truly be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

4.Do you want to know more about outer space?

( 参 考答 案 ) : Yes, I always stay curious about mysterious outer space.
Looking back on sci-fi movies I have watched, outer space is gorgeous,
dynamic and untouchable to common people. Things from space can always
make me jump out of the box.
5. P1:JEWELRY 珠宝
1. What type of jewelry do you like?
(参考答案) : I f I had to choose, I would choose a gold bracelet or necklace.
This is because they stand out and would make a girl look beautiful if they
were embellished. In my view, each piece of jewelry has a distinct beauty
that depends on the observer's perspective and the appropriateness of the

2.Do you often wear jewelry?

( 参 考 答 案 ): No, I seldom wear jewelry. For me, every day’s make-up is
already troublesome and expensive. I would rather save money to buy more
fulfilling books and besides, my allergy constitution keeps me away from
some jewelry. Except for some significant activities, I would wear jewelry to
show my formality and respect.

3. Do you usually buy jewelry?

( 参 考 答 案 ): Seldom do I purchase jewelry. I am a student who studied in
Hong Kong so the tuition fee is already a lot. At least one thousand yuan will
be the cost of buying jewelry. It seems better for me to purchase some more
valuable items, such as books about my major, or eat tasty foods. Though
terrific some jewelry is, I still hold the view that money should be spent on
needy things.

4.Why do you think some people wear a piece of jewelry for a long time?
(参考答案):There are many answers adapted to this question. First, they
may have a dense emotional connection with this jewelry. Some parents will
pass their heirlooms to children and then when kids see the jewelry, they can
feel the existence and power of parents. Second, a group of people are fond
of showing off their abundant wealth. If he has a piece of jewelry, which costs
millions of money, he would choose to wear it for a long time to attract
people’s eyeballs.
6. P1:Keys 钥匙
1. Do you always bring a lot of keys with you?
( 参 考 答 案 ) Oh yeah. House keys, car keys, work keys, gym locker
keys….…The list goes on and on. Before I know it, I have a bulky set of
metal that's weighing me down.

2. Have you ever lost your keys?

(参考答案) F o r sure. Two summers ago, I lost my keys for a full week. As a
hyper-organized person whom Freud would have labelled “anal retentive,”
this freaked me out. It was my then-9-year-old niece who finally found the
keys. I had slipped them into the pocket of her book bag while rushing
frantically between assorted appointments. The keys had a relaxing week
with Kelsea at pottery camp while I sweated and stewed over their absence.

3. Do you often forget the keys and lock yourself out?

(参考答案) : No, that rarely happened to me, but one of my best friends
experienced that kind of thing and shared it with me. She said she had
to call the police and let the locksmith deal with the problem. That really
caused her a lot of trouble.

4. Do you think it’s a good idea to leave your keys with a neighbor?
( 参 考 答 案 ):No, I don’t think so. In most cases, neighbors are sort of like
casual acquaintances, so it’s not very safe to leave my keys with any of
them, who can be unreliable. I probably keep them all by myself.

7. P1:Happy things 快乐的事情

1. What do you think will make you feel happy in the future?
(参考答案)That I, regardless of perceived barriers, can achieve with some
smarts and a lot of hard work and dedication the life I want to live. My future
is a blank canvas that I can create with. It just takes persistence and being
around the kind of people I aspire to be like or at least share my vision.

2. Is there anything that has made you feel happy lately?

(参考答案) :Me s s i finally got his World Cup Champion! Although I’m not a
super soccer fan, I do know he is one of the most talented players in the past
decade. I’m so happy he finally realized his dream and won all the big titles.
3. What made you happy when you were little?
(参考答案) : Oh, lots of things. Childhood is such a magical time that any
little things can make your day. To me, I really enjoy the time spent with
family during Vietnamese New Year holiday. My grandparents, my parents,
aunts, uncles, and cousins will get together and exchange gifts and red
pockets. Everyone is happy and have smile on their face.

4. When do you feel happy at work? Why?

(参考答案) : I’m certain that I feel so much happier at work when l’m
around with good colleagues! There are always works to do, but nowadays
teamwork is essential to get anything done. Good colleagues who are
competent, diligent, respectful, and humorous will make the work more

5. Do you think people are happy when buying new things?

( 参 考 答 案 ): I would say so. Material goods are still what most people
are chasing for. That’s just the reality. You can see how excited people are
when they have just bought a big-ticket item such as a new car, a house, or
maybe just a luxury bag. People are so happy because got what
they have worked hard for, and they feel
that they have achieved something.

6.Do you feel happy when buying new things?

(参考答案):Yes, I am even on cloud nine because my friends and I are all
shopaholics. Purchasing new things also means the companion of friends and
during weekends, we are fond of going shopping to different supermarkets,
among which our favorite one is the International Finance Square in Chunxi

8. P1: Doing Sports 做运动

1.What sports do you like?
(参考答案):I like play table tennis. When I was in childhood, I cultivate my

interests for this sport. At that time, together with my friends, I will play this
sport after class. For lots of benefits brought by it, like enhancing our physical
health and improve interpersonal relationship when we play it via competing
with each other, we can find lots of pleasure and like to play it day by day.

2. Where did you learn how to do it?

(参考答案):I learned how to do it in my middle school. My classmates help me

to learn it. In the school, there are several ping-pang tables provided for us to
play it. Just buying a pair of ping-pang pats and convening some of classmates,
we can go to the place behind the playground of my middle school to play it. I
still enshrine this period of memory, free from some worries, and for we are so
naïve and innocent at that time without any strain of pressure.

3.Did you do some sports when you were young?

(参考答案):Yes, I do. Now, I am in my prime of life. Being imbued with vitality,

I always do some sports. Playing badmintons or rope-skipping, I can relive the

precious years of my childhood. Although doing the sports makes me tired, I
am not weary at all. Maybe, we, I think, should treasure our time to play sports
indulgently when we are young.

4.Do you think students need more exercise?

(参考答案):Yes, I do. Nowadays, students are overburden by their schoolwork.

Sitting on their desks all day, they are absorbed in studying for test-oriented
examinations without doing any exercise at all. Day by day, they will in a poor
physical health and lack enough vigor or energy to immerse themselves in
study. Therefore, I think students need more exercise, which can make them
refresh and healthy physically.

5.Do you know any people who are good at sports?

(参考答案):Yes, I do. Some people who are good at sports like Yao Ming,

Chen Xiang, and Michael, Jordan. They are famous sportsmen around the
world and have made great contributions in Olympic Games, bringing glory to
their own countries and also setting good examples for many people who also
have profound affection for sports. They are excellent exemplars who deserve
our applause.

6.Do you think it is important for people to exercise?

(参考答案):Yes, it is. Being inched from this fast-paced society, many people

are frenetic about their work, thus being unwilling to do exercises. It is reported
that many Americans are obese and not healthy physically. If we don’t appeal
to people to exercise, this situation will be aggravated. Around the world,
people, be they from the east or the west, they should activate themselves to
9. P1: Weather 天气
1.What’s the weather like where you live?
(参考答案):At the place where I live, the weather here is subtropical monsoon

climate. With distinct monsoon characteristics, the four seasons have their
own unique features. The rainfall in summer is sufficient, accounting for 70% of
the year’s total precipitation, while the rainfall in winter is low, with hot and
rainy weather occurring simultaneously.

2.Do you prefer cold or hot weather?

(参考答案):I prefer hot weather. For example, in summer featuring hot weather,

I can eat watermelon indoors and have lots of beautiful skirts to wear.
Moreover, hot weather can bring lots of precipitation and expedite the growth
of plants, making this season more vigorous. On the contrary, in the late
autumn featuring cold weather, everywhere is bleak and lifeless, making me
stay indoors and be reluctant to feel the atmosphere of nature.

3.Do you prefer dry or wet weather?

(参考答案):I prefer wet weather, for it can provide more moisture in air, making

our face absorb more water. Besides, many beautiful cities like Seattle is of
wet weather, in which it is always rainy and people can be stay at home to
watch movies or have a sleep while listening the shatter of rains outside. So
pleasurable it is that make me fond of the wet weather more deeply.

4.Are you in the habit of checking the weather forecast? When/How often?
(参考答案):Yes, I am. When I go to a place far from home, I will check the

weather forecast in order to know whether I should take an umbrella or not. In

the past, I rarely check the forecast, for I just go to school in my local city.
Without being afraid of rainy days for my parents will send umbrellas to me, I
went to outside, not caring the weather at all. However, I live by myself in a
strange big city, I have to cultivate the habit of checking the weather forecast
when having a foreboding that it may rain next.

5.What do you think are the effects of climate change in recent years?
(参考答案):The climate change in recent years affect natural and biological

systems, such as, glacier retreat, permafrost melting, sea level rise, hurricanes,
floods, blizzards, droughts, forest fires, and species extinction, as well as the
extended growth season in mid to high latitudes, which affects species
distribution and ecosystem.

6.Would you like to visit other cities that have different climates from where you
(参考答案):Yes, I am. I want to go to Sydney, the city in Australia. The climate
is different from where I live, so I can see snow in June and large volume of
precipitation in February, which can’t be felt in cities located in the north of
earth. Moreover, it near the sea, so I can swim in the winter and dive under the
sea to appreciate the Great Barrier Reef here, which is a fantastic experience
that lots of people want to go here to enjoy.

Part 2&3

1. P2: 认识的人搬到新家
Describe someone you know who has recently moved to a new place
You should say:
Who he/she is
What the new place is like
Why he/she moved to a new place
And explain whether his or her move has a positive impact on you


My aunt has changed her job and she moved to a new place due to the change
of working place. Her home is just near mine now and last Sunday, I brought
some gifts to pay a visit to her new house.

It is a big 2-floor villa with a large garden and the environment is quite perfect
in that there is a river near the house so every day, the house owners can
breathe fresh air. She arranges a gym and a private cinema in her house in
that her hobbies are fitness and watching movies. Moreover, there is a pavilion
located in her garden so she can play mahjong when relatives come or drink
afternoon tea. A small pool is exhibited in that one of her favorite pets is

In addition, a swing is set in the garden and her children can play during their
leisure time. The reasons why she chooses this place are, first, the
environment is extremely superior and it is beneficial to her family's physical
health. Second, house prices are relatively close because it is not situated in
the city center. Seeing that her house is quite big and pretty, I am determined
to study harder and earn more money in the future, planning to buy one for my
P3: 认识的人搬到新家

1. Why do some young people keep moving?


Many reasons are adapted to explain why some young people keep moving.
Firstly, their workplace may change and for convenience, they move to a new
place that is just near their workplace. Secondly, some groups of people may
fail to get used to the environment. Thus, making a move to other areas can
change this situation and have positive impacts on their bodies. In addition,
wealthy people like some celebrities, the reason for them to change their place
of living because of their affection for one city or one area.

2. What's the difference between living alone and living with roommates?


Living alone requires a high level of independence while living with roommates
can make friends and turn to them for assistance when you are in a dilemma.
Some people prefer to live by themselves in that it is more carefree but with
mates, you should consider others' feelings when you do something. For
example, eating some smelly food and keeping a pet may disturb your
roommates so these behaviors are not suggested. While they live on their own,
the decorations of rooms and what they can do within rooms can be
determined by themselves.

3. Is it positive for young people to live by themselves?


Yes, living alone can have affirmative impacts on youth. As individuals who
just leave away from their home, more practices for independence are needed
to train their ability. They are required to take great care of themselves in the
future and settle some tricky problems on their own. In addition, more private
spaces and time are given to young people and they can use more time to
think about clearer plans and study more useful knowledge. It is economical
for them to live their dream life with less money.
4. Besides cooking, are there any other skills that people need to learn if they
live on their own?


When ones decide to live alone, skill from many aspects should be mastered.
To protect themselves when facing emergencies, they should learn some
self-defense skills so they can fight off the bad guys. General medical
knowledge can assist them in body adjustment and simple wound
management. In addition, some techniques to regulate their emotions should
be learned. They will face numerous difficulties and dilemmas during their
solitary life thus it is essential for them to cheer themselves up and keep in a
good mood by some useful methods. Discovering some hobbies is useful for
them to overcome loneliness. Moreover, it is a must for them to have the ability
to address questions by themselves.

5. What kinds of people tend to live by themselves?


It mainly depends on their personalities and living behaviors. Introverted

individuals are more likely to live on their own because they have a lower
desire to have connections with others and they don't need roommates.
People who are independent and adventurous tend to choose solitary life.
They have their inner peace and want to challenge themselves. Moreover,
dwellers who are eager to be free can have more private spaces and time.
When they are with roommates and parents, numerous regulations make them
uncomfortable so they move out to live by themselves.

6. How can parents and teachers help young people to live independently?


There are several things that can be done to guide children to be more
independent. First and foremost, when young people are faced with some
problems, rather than tell them what to do immediately, parents and teachers
should keep silent at first and let children bravely take the first step by
themselves. Apart from this, more encourages should be given to their kids to
overcome more challenges. At home, kids can be required to cook themselves,
and rather than teach them step by step, parents should let go of their hold.
Day-in and day-out companions should be avoided since it produces
dependency on children.
2. P2: 重要决定

Describe an important decision that you made

You should say:

What the decision was

How you made your decision

What the results of the decision were

And explain why it was important


When I graduated from middle school, I was faced with two choices. They are
to finish my college study either in Chengdu, which is my hometown or in Hong
Kong, which is far away from my home. In the beginning, I was afraid that I
would be extremely homesick and couldn't adapt to life without my family. So I
told my father about my concerns. However, he encouraged me to leave far
away to train my independence.

Moreover, Hong Kong has many excellent colleges with lots of foreigners.
Due to my major-translation, I should be exposed to numerous foreigners to
enhance my English skills. Finally, I agreed with my father and went to Hong
Kong individually. Now, my English skills indeed have great improvements and
after overcoming many difficulties on my own, I feel that my capacities get

The reasons why this decision is important are, first, it mainly determines
where I will work in the future and the main connections. Second, it is the first
decision that I would make after I become an adult and trains my ability to think
and live independently.
P3: 重要决定

1. Do you think children sometimes have to make important decisions?

Yes, it is a must for kids to make significant decisions. Their minds are still
immature and should be trained to think independently. They are doomed to
be adults in the future and the earlier they meet these essential events, the
better they will be in the future. Much experience can be absorbed through
plenty of decisions. Moreover, they are people who have the freedom to
determine their life, so if parents always make decisions for them, they will
gradually lose the freedom to be themselves.

2. What important decisions do teenagers need to make after graduation?

After graduation, teenagers will enter the real community and get exposed to
different decisions. First, the selection of their jobs will be a big decision. They
should carefully choose their occupations and consider the salaries, the
workplace and so on. Second, the choice of the couple is also of great
importance in that it will impact their whole life. Choosing an appropriate and
family-oriented couple can leave out numerous family conflicts. Third, they
should choose the insurance for their family members and themselves. Good
insurance can guarantee the livelihood and healthiness of the family.

3. Who can children turn to for help when making a decision?

Children, still having immature minds, need guidance from other people. They
can turn to their parents in that their parents are the most familiar with their
kids and they have many experiences. Moreover, teachers can be good
helpers in that they have learned lots of knowledge and can utilize it in real life.
Sometimes, some strangers can also give kids some useful guidance. For
instance, when children want to buy something, they can ask the shopping
guides and then decide which one to choose.
4. Do you think advertisements can influence our decisions when shopping?
Yes, I believe that advertisements can have an impact on our decisions. If the
same kinds of advertisements appear many times, people will have more
impressions of these goods and when they go to the supermarket, they may
tend to select these. In addition, elaborate decorations of advertisements can
optimize customers' impression of products. For the clothing industry,
good-looking advertisements will leave good impressions on customers and
even one common clothes can be sold out within a few days with the
assistance of advertisements. What's more, when the advertisements mention
the functions of the goods which just meet our desires, we will tend to buy
them immediately.

5. Do you think the influence of advertising is good?


To answer this question, well, I would say the impacts of advertisements are
double-edged. It can be good when we want to know more information about
one product, such as functions, advantages, and ways of use. Meanwhile,
companies can gain sufficient attention from customers and sell their products
successfully. However, some advertisements may exaggerate the effects and
publicize some wrong messages to catch people's eyeballs. It may cause the
impulse consumption of buyers. Customers are cheated and lose money,
while the reputation of these companies is destroyed.

6. How do people usually make an important decision?


It depends on personalities and different people have different characteristics

so when they face something significant, they may act quite differently. Firstly,
a group of cautious people will search for many data and ask their friends or
specialists to select the best decision. They pay much attention to the results
that decisions will bring. Secondly, as for budda-like humans, they may care
less about the results. They casually make decisions by the seat of their pants
and let nature take its course even. Without any doubt, all individuals will
subconsciously link to similar experiences they have before and adopt their
experience when making decisions.
3. P2: 汽车旅行

Describe a car journey you had

You should say:

Where you went

What you did

Who you had the car journey with

And explain how you felt about the journey


I had a car journey several years ago. At that time, together with my families,
we went to Qingdao to enjoy our vacation. Qingdao is a beautiful place where
we can see the vast expanse of sea, enjoy sunbath on the beach, and eat
barbecues near the sea. We drove several days to Qingdao.

Then we just selected places in which we can appreciate gorgeous sceneries.

The journey was unforgettable, during which we celebrated festivals together,
met new friends, and took photos. It was a rarity that we can have a car
journey far from where I live. My hometown is Sichuan, so I never spot sea
before, and never drink some beverage on the beach. However, this car
journey made me have a new experience.

In addition to seeing the beautiful scenery, we also drove car to local

restaurants to eat some specialties. So fantastic, delicious the food was that
we still drooled at them after we came back home. During our journey we went
home, we saw different geographies and landscapes, including plains, hills,
and mountainous regions, etc.

All in all, this car journey was unique, unlike taking trains, planes or other
transportations to destinations, for we can set our own routes to arrive at
someplace we wanted to go.
P3: 汽车旅行
1. What benefits does public transport bring to the world?

(参考答案): Developing public transportation is not only an effective

measure to alleviate urban traffic congestion, but also an inevitable
requirement to improve the urban living environment and promote sustainable
development of the city. It is an important means to improve the utilization rate
of transportation resources, alleviate traffic congestion, reduce traffic pollution,
and save land resources and energy. Besides, it also plays a very important
role in enhancing urban functions, coordinating urban-rural development, and
promoting common prosperity between urban and rural areas.

2. Is it too late for people to get the driver licence at the age of 18?
(参考答案):No, it isn't. Under the age of 18, people are not psychologically
mature. After getting the driver license, they will drive their cars to do
something crazy or irrational, such as, driving at the fastest speed regardless
of traffic laws, and drunk driving. Some teenagers even drive their cars to carry
their friends in order to take drugs in cars freely. These mentioned above don't
do good to building a harmonious society, which should be banned. However,
if people get the driver license at the age of 18, they can learn our laws better,
for they are more mature than before, so some law-offence actions can be

3. What qualities does a driver need to have?

(参考答案):To be a qualified driver, a person needs to master skilled abilities
to drive a car. Then, he needs to learn about some certain qualities of his car
to compare it with other vehicle models, and understand the disadvantages
and advantages of it, which help him make right decisions in emergency to
avoid some accidents. Meanwhile, he should also calm down when cars
became out of control. An irrational driver will get himself into danger when
meeting difficulties ahead.

4. Do you think the government should make it a rule for people to use public
(参考答案):No, I don't. The government shouldn't compel people to use
public transport, or people will rebel against the government. It depends on
people’s willingness to use public transport or not. The government can make
it a rule for public officials to use mass transit in order to call on more people to
take actions. On the contrary, forcing the masses to use public transport will
obstruct economic growth, for automotive industries will decline, thereby
scaling down job positions and then hindering economic prosperity. Moreover,
during the outbreak of the pandemic, using public transport will increase the
infection rate. Thus, it shouldn't be compulsory for people to use them.
5.Which jobs require people to be good at driving?
(参考答案):Deliverymen, couriers, drivers, and professional valets need to
be good at driving. Some civilian jobs do require driving skills, such as
positions in transportation departments, postal and express delivery industries.
Being good at driving can increase job opportunities and competitiveness,
especially in certain industries or enterprises.

6.Do you see driverless cars as the future of cars?

(参考答案):Yes, I do. As we can see, technology has already changed our

world, causing many industries to disappear. AI and Chatgpt can assist us to
complete a variety of tasks. It is inevitable that AI will take place of some labor
work. In the future, autonomous vehicles will have self-learning ability,
continuously adapting to the environment to improve their driving skills and
intelligence. Governments and researchers will then advocate driverless cars
as the future of cars, consequently fueling the development of more
innovations and changes. At that time, driverless cars will prevail in our
modern society, acting as an important way to improve urban planning and
traffic management. Therefore, most people will support unmanned cars as
the future of cars.

4. P2: 童年趣事

Describe a happy experience in your childhood

You should say:

What it is

When you had this experience

Where you had this experience

Who you were with

What you did

How you felt about it

And explain why you felt happy


One of the most enjoyable experiences happened at a spring festival when I

was merely 6 years old. My family and I went back to our hometown- Le Shan.
According to the customs, all families should go to the market and stock some
special purchases for the Spring Festival.

Thus, my old brother and I asked for money from our parents and went to the
market to buy some firecrackers and tasty food. After we finished, we ate the
savory jellied bean curd. At night, when adults were busy with cooking,
children stayed outside and played with firecrackers.

My old brother knew that I was eager to play but was afraid of the sounds so
he covered my ears with his hands. After a few years, although we can still go
to market, we are not allowed to play the firecrackers anymore because of
environment protection.

Thus, this experience is still very impressive to me. I was so joyful and excited
that I couldn't fall asleep at night. That's all for the most enjoyable experience
when I was a kid.

P3: 童年趣事

1. Why do you think some people have better memory than others?


Several reasons can be applied to this question. Firstly, they have better
memory inborn. It may be related to some genetic things. Secondly, some
training about their brains is utilized, such as keeping consistent studying and
repeating what they want to remember. So the capacity of their brains enlarges
in order to memorize more things than others. Thirdly, some parents also cook
some food, which is beneficial to their children's heads, before students'
examinations. For example, fish soup is fairly well-known as one of foods
which are conducive to brain.

2. What kinds of things do people prefer to remember nowadays?


The genres of things, that people want to memorize today, depend on several
parameters, such as age. As for the children, they prefer to memorize the most
interesting moments that they spend with their buddies. For example, they
would remember the period of hide-and-seek. Teenagers are more likely to
keep in mind school knowledge in that they have numerous assignments and
tests. When they aim to get higher grades, it is a must for them to memorize
more. Some trivial in family and work are more likely to be kept in adults' minds.
They should take care of their family and also their own careers at the same
3.What do you think we shouldn't forget?


Many things need to be memorized every day and there are several things that
we shouldn't forget. Firstly, they are essential keywords. For example, you
should remember the key to open the house door and in order to purchase,
you should remember the passwords for credit cards. Moreover, skills to bring
back people’s life whenever urgent can sometimes be utilized. Though they
are used not so frequently, it is important for you to learn and remember when
they come in handy, such as some first aid techniques. Thirdly, your family
members' information, such as their phones and birthdays in that they are your
most familiar and closest people who can assist you a lot.

4.Why do some people remember more of their childhood than others?


Individuals who can memorize more of their childhood may experience

something impressive, either miserable or joyful. Some children may be
tortured by their family members or abandoned. So these bad things have a
negative effect on their mental and physical health, leaving shadows to their
mentality and even committing suicide if they fail to walk out of the unlucky
shadows. On the opposite, those who have an extremely joyous childhood
may be positively affected and they cherish the memory of that period. For
instance, family members give extra and careful coddling to them.

5.What can people do to improve their memory?


Individuals can promote their memory through numerous methods. Firstly, they
can depend on themselves and do some brain training. People who keep
learning knowledge can have a better memory than others. Secondly, some
healthcare products are provided for those who want to improve their retention.
However, they are usually very expensive and sometimes have various side
effects. Moreover, taking care of eating habits can also maintain your memory
a lot. For instance, eggs and fish are said to enhance memory ability. Last but
not least, having physical exercises can not only promote blood circulation but
can also escalate memory.

6.What is your earliest memory that you can still remember now?

My earliest memory is about my 3-year-old experience. It is terrible but cozy.
When I tried to reach my hands for a toy, I fell from my bed and I fell on my
face so a big wound appeared, which worried my family members a lot. When I
cried loudly, my mother's tears also fell from her face and they fell on me. My
uncle rushed to the garage and put me in the car immediately. All of my family
members rushed to the hospital, afraid that this wound may suffer my head
and appearance. Though stitches were painful, the care from my family
member touched me a lot.

5. P2: 迷路

Describe an occasion when you got lost

You should say:

Where you were

What happened

How you felt

And explain how you found your way


Last month, I traveled to Cheung Chua Island, a scenic land which is located in
Hong Kong, with my friends. It was a fairly large land with numerous tortuous
alleys. We were heading towards a well-known restaurant, which is famous for
tasty red bean cakes. However, after a few minutes, we discovered that we
came back to where we started, recognizing that we got lost.

Due to the location, our phones all lost signal so we couldn't use any
navigation apps. We then decided to ask local dwellers because they are
supposedly very familiar with the roads. Fortunately, the fishermen on the
island are very generous. I asked a middle-aged woman in poor Cantonese
and then she recognized I must be from mainland China, so she replied in
standard Mandarin in patience. She thought the way to the restaurant was too
complex so she took a pen and draw a concise map for our reference.

I was so touched by these careful behaviors, and we showed our great

appreciation to this stranger. Finally, we followed her guidance and found the
correct way. On the road, we met so many local people who were willing to
show us the way patiently.
P3: 迷路

1. How do people react when they get lost?


Many genres of reactions may exist when individuals get lost. Firstly, some of
them may get impatient. As they are heading towards places for some
significant events, they will be wrought up because they are afraid of being late.
Secondly, staying calm may also be one of the reactions. Believing that they
can find roads by themselves or with strangers, they calm down and finally find
the right way. Thirdly, some girls will be fearful when they get lost at night and
they are afraid of some bad people suddenly appearing. All in all, these
reactions vary depending on numerous parameters, such as the situations you
are in, the time you get lost, and so on.

2. Why do some people have a good sense of direction?


Individuals' good sense of direction may be formed by nature or nurture. Some

groups of people are good at finding ways inborn so they have this skill even
without training. Moreover, people who have learned about geography show a
better sense of direction than those who haven't. They will remember some
specific features of terrains and can use their knowledge when they look for
the way. Other groups of individuals, such as drivers and adventurers, go to
plenty of places during the whole year. Thus, they are familiar with the roads
enough, and every time when they go back to the same place, they can seek
the right way easier.

3. Is a paper map still necessary?


From my perspective, a paper map should be sifted out. Firstly, with the
development of technology, nowadays, everyone has mobile phones with
precise navigation apps, such as Baidu, Gaode, and so on. This method is
more convenient and quicker than paper maps since when people want to go
to one place, they can take out their phones and search the destinations.
Within a few seconds, they can find the appropriate way. What's more, the
software also suggests the shortest way for them so they can get to the
destination within a shorter time. Secondly, many landmarks are clearly shown
on the road. People can find the way even merely through the noticeable
signals on the road. Moreover, paper map wastes lots of resources, causing
damage to the environment. Thus, they are not necessarily needed and should
be eliminated.

4.How can people find their way when they are lost?

(参考答案):There are several ways which can help people find their way.
Firstly, they can ask people for help and find their way according to the
directions passengers pointed out. Secondly, thanks to the rapid development
of this society, we can depend on electronic map to direct the way for us.
Some famous APPs like Apple map can assist us to find our way. Then, if
these two methods can't help when we lost our way in the wild, we should calm
down and bear in mind the way around us by making marks along the way.
These three methods can help people avoid being lost.

5.Do you think it is important to do some preparation before you travel to new

(参考答案):Yes, I do. it is undoubted that we should make preparations

before traveling to new places. As we are not familiar with a new place, we
should book a hotel in advance and search for routes online to arrive our
destinations successfully. Then, we should know the customs, weather, and
eating habits in new places in order to adapt to the environment easily.
However, not making preparations will turn us like a headless fly bumping
hither and thither, not only making it difficult for us to travel, but also bring
some troubles along the way.

6.Do you think it is important to be able to read a map?

(参考答案):Yes, it is. As for me who always lost my way when I go to a new

city, maps is of vital importance for me. Maps help people recognize their way,
analyze geographical environment, and broaden people's horizons to learn
about this globe better. Then, they can also spur children's imagination to
explore something unknown. By locating our destinations and providing
information related to geographies, maps are of vital importance in our daily
life. Therefore, it is necessary for people to be able to read them.

7.Why do some people get lost more easily than others?

(参考答案): Some people who have a poor sense of direction tend to get lost
more easily. However, if there is a problem with their attention, the chances of
getting lost will increase significantly. Besides, color blindness and deficiency
of memory may also lead to getting lost. In addition, different problems related
to sensory coordination may be another potential reason causing people to get
lost more easily than others.
6. P2: 有趣工作

Describe an interesting job that you want to have in the future

You should say:

What it is

How you knew it

How you can find this job

What skills it requires

And explain why you think it is an interesting job

(参考答案):I think being an actor is interesting. Doing this job means you
should have exquisite acting skills and a sensitive heart to feel characters'
emotions. Actor refers to a performer who plays a certain role, or a
professional who participates in performances such as traditional Chinese
operas, dramas, films, dances, and folk arts. At home and abroad, there are
numerous actors or actresses, such as Audrey Hepburn, Vivien Leigh, Aamir
Khan, and Chen Daoming, etc.

I know this job when I was a child. At that time, I liked to watch TV and films.
Seeing different vivid characters conveying their emotions and showing
different life experiences, I was absorbed in the plot of a drama. I would shed
tears when I saw the abject misery the characters must go through. Meanwhile,
when I saw happy endings, I would share my joy with classmates.

All in all, the characters which were played by some actors or actresses
enriched my childhood. The reason why I think it is interesting are that if a
person is able to experience multiple lives of different people through his life,
the possibilities in life are suddenly magnified, and it feels like life has been
extended. When immersed in one's own performance, it is like having a soul
attached, allowing one to feel the emotions and joys of a character, which is
very enjoyable. When trying to integrate oneself with the character and create
another character, one can be very satisfied. Among all walks of life, there are
also numerous jobs which are interesting. However, I think being an actor is
the most interesting so far.

However, finding this job as an actress or an actor is not easy. We must go to

some metropolis where opportunities can have an encounter with us by some
quirk of fate. Shooting to fame also needs an actor to devote enough energy to
feeling the souls of characters.

P3: 有趣工作

1. What are the most popular jobs for young people in your country?

(参考答案):Teachers, doctors, accountants, and we-media are the most

popular jobs for young generation in my country. Teachers and doctors are the
jobs that parents want their children to have, for they are the most stable and
permanent jobs. As for being accountants, some young people can find a job
in some companies, be they private or state-owned. Moreover, we-media is
popular as well. Nowadays, many young people use their own mobile phones
or cameras to capture the beautiful fleeting moments in life and the
eye-catching moments in some circumstances, making their videos or photos
go viral online. By this way, they can rake in lucrative profits and attract more
young people to follow their career.

2. What is the difference between high-income and low-income jobs in your


(参考答案): People who have high-income jobs will be busy in doing things
related to their occupation. A high paying job may require you to put in more
effort and time, while a relaxed low-paying job may be freer and more flexible.
Moreover, jobs which can earn much money will not stable and require people
to take a risk. For example, people who want to launch their own business
must gamble on some opportunities. On the contrary, people who have stable
jobs just have low income.

3. When is the right time for young people to start making serious plans for
their future?

(参考答案):Young people should make serious plans for their future when
they are in college. It is the right time for them to know what they want to do
after graduation. During this period, they have enough time to learn knowledge,
make plans for the future, and dabble in some unknown areas, by which they
can practice their skills and master some abilities to adapt to society. With the
help of lessons they learned in this period, they can make plans for their future
more seriously and wisely.

4.Which jobs have the highest salaries?

(参考答案):Lawyers and financial planners can earn the highest salaries.

Lawyers are highly paid professions. As an hourly job with annual income of
nearly 1 million yuan, it is mainly responsible for handling legal litigation and
consulting related issues. Due to the strong promotion of our national law, the
prospect of this industry is promising. As for financial planners, they are
required from household financial management and investment planning of
enterprises, earning the highest salaries.

5.Which jobs pay low wages but require a high level of skills?

(参考答案):Circuit maintenance workers, babysitters, and semiconductor

chip repairmen earn low salaries but need a high level of skills. As for some
semiconductor chip repairmen, they need to be equipped with sophisticated
skills and know delicate circuits. However, compared with some jobs with high
salaries, their wages are low to some extent.

6.Do you think it is important for secondary schools to offer careers advice to

(参考答案): Yes, I do. Students in secondary schools don't have a right

outlook on life and are easily susceptible to some external factors. Besides,
due to lack of reasonable guidance and supervision of their parents, students
can't have a sober mind to make right career decision for themselves. Thus, it
is necessary for secondary schools to offer career advice to students, thus
helping them chart their routes to the excellency of professions.

7. P2:爱豆的电影角色
Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you
You should say :
Who this actor/actress is
When you saw the film
What the character was like in this film
And explain why you admire this actor/actress


In May this year, the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 premiered in mainland
China. A famous actress in America, whose name is Zoe Saldana, has taken a
significant role in this film. This actress has played critical roles in many films,
such as Avatar and Pirates of the Caribbean.
This time she acted as Gamora, a beautiful woman who used to be a member
of the guardians of the galaxy. However, due to some accidents, she lost her
previous memory. I saw this film on May 21st with my friends, who are all fans
of the Marvel universe. It was Sunday, so all of us had time to go outside.

In this film, Gamora comes back to the guardians accidentally, and she helps
the guardians to get the item they want. However, she didn’t have previous
memories. How brave she still was that made me admire her a lot. Moreover,
she had a strange skin color, but it couldn’t cover up her stunning appearance.
Moreover, her voice was quite fair-sounding and with stories, which kept me

All in all, Zoe Saldana and the character she played-Gamora are both
successful and worth praise from the audience.
1. Are actors or actresses very interested in their work? Why?


Actors and actresses can have varying levels of interest in their work, just
like in any other profession. Some actors and actresses may be extremely
passionate about their craft and are highly dedicated to their work, while
others may be more focused on other aspects of their lives. Actors and
actresses may be interested in their work for different reasons, such as the
creative process, the opportunity to tell stories and bring characters to life,
the chance to entertain and connect with audiences, the challenge of
portraying different roles, and the potential for personal and professional

2. Is being a professional actor or actress a good career?


Being a professional actor or actress can be a challenging and competitive

career, but it can also be a rewarding and fulfilling one. It requires a great
deal of dedication, hard work, and training. It can also be a financially
unstable profession as many actors and actresses may have to take on
multiple jobs or work for long periods of time without steady employment.
However, for those who are passionate about it and are willing to put in the
effort, it can be a great career.
3. What can children learn from acting?


Being a professional actor or actress can be a challenging and competitive

career, but it can also be a rewarding and fulfilling one. It requires a great
deal of dedication, hard work, and training. It can also be a financially
unstable profession as many actors and actresses may have to take on
multiple jobs or work for long periods of time without steady employment.
However, for those who are passionate about it and are willing to put in the
effort, it can be a great career.

4. Why do children like special costumes?


Children may like special costumes because they can help them to imagine
and become someone else, and to take on different identities and
characters. Costumes can also be a way for children to express their
creativity and individuality, and to stand out from the crowd.

5. What are the differences between actors or actresses who earn much and
those who earn little?


Actors and actresses who earn much and those who earn little can differ in
many ways such as the popularity, reputation, experience, and the type of
projects they are involved in. They may also have different agents,
managers, or publicists, or may have different strategies for building and
promoting their careers. Actors and actresses who are more successful may
have more opportunities to work on high-profile projects and to earn higher

salaries, while those who are less successful may have to take on smaller or
less prominent roles or work more often in the independent or regional
6. What are the differences between acting in a theatre and that in a film?


Acting in a theatre and acting in a film are two different forms of the same
craft, but they have some key differences. Theatre acting is typically more
focused on live performance, while film acting is more focused on the
technical aspects of film production such as lighting and camera angles.
Theatre actors generally have more opportunities to perform in front of live
audiences and to develop an immediate connection with their audience,
while film actors have more opportunities to work with advanced technology,
special effects and to have more takes to perfect their performance.
Additionally, in theatre, the audience is usually seated in one place, while in
film, the camera can move around the set, so actors have to adjust their
performance accordingly.

Describe something you did that made you feel proud
You should say:
What it was
How you did it
How difficult it was
And explain why you felt proud of it


One of my proudest achievements was completing my undergraduate

degree with a distinction. The key moment that I remember was when I
received my final exam results; I was delighted to have passed with better
scores than I expected.

I graduated from university one year ago. As far as I recall, we received our
graduation thesis results in May and the graduation ceremony was in July.
Our exam scores for individual course modules were posted on the
noticeboard in the corridor of the university department, and I remember
getting into the lift in the department one morning, knowing that I would soon
see my results.
The particular moment when I really felt overjoyed and proud of what I had
achieved was when I saw my exam results on the department noticeboard.
This was the precise point in time when I realised that I had passed and that
my hard work had paid off. I was proud because I had overcome some
setbacks earlier in the course, and I had proved to myself that I could achieve
my goals.

As I approached the department noticeboard, I felt really nervous but also

excited; I knew that the moment of truth was just seconds away. And when I
saw my final exam results, I was surprised, thrilled and relieved all at the
same time. I didn't shout out with joy, but I think I probably clenched my fist
and said "yes" to myself. I certainly remember walking back down the
corridor with a spring in my step, feeling elated and knowing that four years
of study were finally over.

P3 让你骄傲的事
1. Which one is more important, personal goals or work goals?
Both personal goals and work goals are important and can influence each
other. Personal goals can provide direction and fulfillment in one's life, while
work goals can provide a sense of purpose and financial stability. It can
depend on the individual's priorities and circumstances.

2. Have your life goals changed since your childhood?

Oh wow, life changes so much at every phase. When I was an adolescent,
all I could think about was college, getting a degree and establishing a life
for myself. Those are perfectly reasonable goals, and I certainly want to
keep establishing a life for myself. I had unrealistic expectations of what
would happen and how, though. Once you gain experience, you realize a lot
of universal truths. You understand what is important and what can be left
behind. The world doesn’t seem as big as it did when you were young and
your priorities shift.

At now 30 with a decent job, I’m less concerned with being the ‘best’ at
something and rather, try to do my best. I want to continue to grow, change
and experience life - but I understand that takes time and patience, something
I likely didn’t have when I was younger. You can imagine a million different
ways in which your life will turn out, but you can never exactly predict how it
honestly will.
3. Does everyone set goals for themselves?
Goals differ from person to person depending based on their needs.
Different goals could include personal growth, satisfying basic biological
needs, reducing habits, etc. The first step to setting a goal is to identify what
you need to work towards. It is followed by gathering knowledge about the
respective area. After the ‘why’ and ‘what’ of your goal is identified, setting a
realistic expectation around the outcome of your goal is essential. Finding
ways in which we can measure our goals can prove to be helpful, for
example making to-do lists and canceling out each item upon its completion
helps us record our progress towards the goal. Breaking the goal into
smaller steps increases the chances of achieving the goal. This can be
followed by setting a reward system for oneself. Finding little things that
make you happy and rewarding yourself to them after successfully
completing the assigned tasks also helps remaining motivated towards

4. What kinds of rewards are important at work?

Different people may value different kinds of rewards at work. Some
examples include financial bonuses, promotions, recognition, opportunities
for growth and development, a positive work-life balance, and a sense of

5. Do you think material rewards are more important than other rewards at
Material rewards such as bonuses and perks can be important, but they may
not be the only or most important factor in job satisfaction. Other rewards
such as recognition, opportunities for growth and development, and a
positive work-life balance can also be important.

6. What makes people feel proud of themselves?

There are many things that can make people feel proud of themselves, and
it can vary depending on the individual.
People may feel proud of themselves when they achieve a goal or
accomplish something they have been working towards, such as getting a
promotion at work, graduating from school, or completing a personal project.
People may also feel proud of themselves when they overcome a personal
challenge or improve themselves in some way, such as quitting a bad habit
or learning a new skill. Additionally, people may feel proud of themselves
when they help others, such as volunteering, mentoring, or making a
positive impact in the community.

Describe a piece of technology you feel difficult to use.
You should say:
When you got it What you got it for
How often you use it
and explain how you feel about it

Well, these days we often buy the latest technological gadgets and
sometimes it takes a little time to get familiar with how they work. Something
similar happened to me when I received my first iPhone.

Actually, it was my longtime wish or dream to have a mobile phone from

Apple brand, and finally, it got fulfilled when I received the offer from my
ideal middle school. So my father gave me money to buy a new phone, but it
was not enough, so I added my savings to buy my first iPhone. I was
delighted to buy such a beautiful and expensive mobile device, and I was
desperate and eager to use it to connect with my friends and surf the
internet with 3G Wi-Fi.

Since I have been using Android phones all the time, and when I tried to use
the Apple phone, I faced lots of difficulties. I could not even make an ID on
this phone because I could not use it properly. I was not able to download
any application at the same time. I decided to contact customer care for
some help. Also though the phone wasn’t made in China but in America, the
customer care executive was polite and helpful, patiently guiding me and
introducing different features of this mobile phone. He even told me that
there is a user manual that I can follow for more details. But I still needed
some help with the connectivity of different smart devices at my home, for
example, my LED and sound system.

1.What technology do people currently use?


People currently use a wide range of technology, including smartphones,

laptops, tablets, smart TVs, smart home devices, and wearable technology.
Other common technologies include streaming devices, gaming consoles,
and e-readers. People also use various software and applications for tasks
such as communication, productivity, and entertainment.

1. Why do big companies introduce new products frequently?


Big companies introduce new products frequently to stay competitive in the

market, attract new customers, and increase revenue. New products can
also help companies differentiate themselves from their competitors, and by
introducing new products, companies can continue to meet the evolving
needs and wants of consumers.

2. Why are people so keen on buying iPhones even though they haven't
changed much from one iPhone to the next?


People may be keen on buying iPhones because of their reputation for

high-quality design, performance, and user experience. Additionally,
iPhones are known for their security and compatibility with other Apple
products and services.

3. Why do technology companies keep upgrading their products?

Technology companies keep upgrading their products to stay competitive in
the market, meet the changing needs of consumers, and take advantage of
new technologies and advancements. Upgraded products can also attract
new customers and increase revenue.

4. What changes has the development of technology brought about in our



The development of technology has brought about many changes in our

lives, including the way we communicate, work, and access information.
Technology has also made many tasks more convenient and efficient.
Additionally, technology has brought about changes in healthcare,
transportation, and entertainment.

5. Does the development of technology affect the way we study? How?


The development of technology has greatly affected the way we study.

Technology has made information and educational resources more
accessible, and has also enabled new forms of learning, such as online
courses, virtual and augmented reality. Technology has also made it easier
for students to collaborate and communicate with their peers and teachers.
Additionally, technology has made studying more interactive and engaging,
and has allowed for new forms of assessment, such as online tests and

Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted
You should say:
Where the place is
When you visited it
Why the air was not good
And explain how you felt about the place


Air pollution is a serious threat to the environment that our world is facing
today. In fact, there is hardly any place in this world that has not been
affected by air pollution in one way or another. Today, I would like to talk
about Chengdu, which I first visited five years ago and suffered from severe
air pollution.

Located in Sichuan Basin, Chengdu has long been considered “the land of
abundance” because of its rich natural resources and mesmerizing scenery.
But for the past decades, due to the growing number of factories pushed by
the city's rapid economic development, air pollution has increased

When I arrived in the downtown area, I was disappointed. The air we were
inhaling was brown may be due to the mix of ash powder in it, which
changed the entire image we possessed in this beautiful city.

The city has been seriously affected by air pollution, damaging not only the
environment but also the health of the residents. If people and the authority
don't act immediately, it will be far more devastating than we can imagine.

1. Is there more pollution now than in the past?


There is evidence that pollution has increased in many areas over time. The
industrialization and urbanization of societies, as well as the increasing use
of fossil fuels, has led to an increase in air and water pollution. Additionally,
the rise in consumerism and waste generation has contributed to an
increase in solid waste pollution. However, it is worth noting that pollution
levels can vary greatly depending on location, and some places may have
seen a decrease in pollution due to regulations and efforts to reduce
emissions and waste.

2. In what ways can air pollution be reduced effectively?


There are several ways to effectively reduce air pollution. First, reducing
emissions from power plants and factories. This can be done by
implementing stricter regulations on emissions and encouraging the use of
cleaner energy sources. Also, encouraging the use of public transportation,
walking and biking instead of driving. This can significantly reduce the
amount of pollution caused by cars and other vehicles. Another helpful way
can be promoting energy efficiency and conservation, which can reduce the
amount of energy needed, which in turn can reduce the amount of pollution
generated by power plants.

3. Do you think the city is cleaner or dirtier than the countryside? Why?


It depends on the specific city and countryside in question. Some cities have
implemented strict regulations and programs to reduce pollution and
promote sustainability, which can lead to cleaner air and environments.
However, other cities may have less stringent regulations or a higher
population density, which can lead to increased pollution levels. Similarly,
some rural areas may have less pollution due to less industrialization and
traffic, while other rural areas may have pollution from farming practices or
other sources.

In general, cities tend to have more pollution due to a higher population

density, more transportation and more industrial activities. But it's also true
that some cities have implemented various measures to reduce pollution
and improve air quality. On the other hand, rural areas have fewer people
and less industrial activities, which leads to less pollution. However, rural
areas can have pollution from farming practices, such as pesticides and
fertilizers, or from natural sources such as wildfires.
Overall, it's important to evaluate the specific city or countryside in question
to determine the pollution levels and the efforts being made to reduce it.

4. What can factories and power plants do to reduce pollutants?


Factories and power plants can take several steps to reduce pollutants:
First, implementing cleaner technologies, including using more efficient
equipment and processes, which can reduce the amount of pollutants
released into the air.
Then using cleaner energy sources, switching from fossil fuels to renewable
energy sources, such as wind or solar power, which can significantly reduce
the amount of pollutants released into the air.

5. Do you think many companies have been forced to reduce pollutants?


Many companies have been forced to reduce pollutants through

government regulations and laws. These regulations and laws set limits on
the amount of pollutants that companies are allowed to emit into the air and
water. Companies that exceed these limits can face fines or other penalties.
Additionally, some countries and regions have implemented
cap-and-trade systems or carbon taxes, which create economic incentives
for companies to reduce their emissions.

In addition to government regulations, some companies have also voluntarily

taken steps to reduce their pollutants as part of their Corporate Social
Responsibility or sustainability efforts. These companies may have
recognized the environmental and reputational benefits of reducing their
environmental impact.

6. Do you think the wind has any effect on pollution? How?


The wind can have an effect on pollution in several ways.

First, dispersion of pollutants. The wind can help to disperse pollutants,
spreading them out over a larger area and diluting their concentration. This
can help to reduce the local impact of the pollutants on the surrounding

The wind can also transport pollutants over long distances, which can lead
to the buildup of pollutants in certain areas. This is particularly true for
pollutants that are emitted at high altitude, such as sulfur dioxide from power
plants and factories.

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