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BURGOS, Ingrid Alexandra B.

BSCS 101 A

Learning about FITT has been like going on a journey to understand exercise

and how it affects our bodies. FITT stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time, and

Type, and it's all about keeping our bodies healthy. In class, we did different

activities to learn the basics of staying fit and using simple words to talk about

how our bodies move.

One day, we had a quiz, but it was hard to focus because of the noise on the

court. I think it affected my grade. But, our teacher, was good at explaining things.

She sent us notice sports clothes for an upcoming activity, and it was clear from

her instructions that she knew how to guide us. We started with a warm-up to

prevent injuries and get our bodies ready. Doing exercises like jumps, push-ups,

and a step test made me tired but also made me feel like I accomplished


After all the activity, my body felt different. My muscles, especially from doing

push-ups, were a bit sore, but in a good way. It was like feeling the results of a

workout for the first time. The next week, we had a task to take pictures of body

movements, but I missed the deadline because our teacher wasn't there, and I

didn't know we had to submit it that day. Later, Ma'am gave us another task to

make a video showing exercises like dead bug and rolling.

Thinking about FITT, it's not just about exercising in class. The warm-ups and

exercises we did can help us stay safe and healthy in everyday activities. Learning

the special words about how our bodies move also makes it easier to talk about
staying fit. It’s not just about the exercises; it's about making sense of how to be

healthy in our regular lives.

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