To Write Love On Her Arms Part 1

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Just to make it clear, I hate Paul Lahote because he bullies me. Not the light teasing either.

I mean he pushes me into lockers, smacks my books out of my hands, makes fun of the raspy voice I have. Not a day passes where he doesn't insult me or hurt me. And I have no one to turn to. My eyes burned as a rough hand shoved me against my locker, my forehead smacking into the metal. I gasped aloud, my throat dry and tired as I heard Paul's voice. Where you going, Goth Girl? I spun, fist raised and I punched him hard. My dad just died you insensitive jerk! I screamed, tears running down my cheeks as I swung again. A crowd formed around us, chanting quietly, Fight! Fight! Paul stepped back, hands up in surrender but that cocky smirk was still in place. With a broken cry, I sank to the floor and curled up. Cmon, move it, move it, lemme through! My brother's voice made me relieved. Embry's worried face peered down at me, his dark eyes vicious on Paul's smug face. I sobbed harder. I stood up abruptly, took two steps forward, and got up in Paul face. "I hate you, you insensitive turd," I hissed. He smirked. Haven't we already established that?

Yeah, but I didn't do this. Without thinking, I grabbed the front of his tight black V-neck and pulled him into a kiss, although it more like a smash of my lips against his so hard that my teeth clicked against his. The kiss was hard and angry, upset, everything I'd been dealing with all week exploding from my mouth and into his. He growled softly, gripping my hair and I stepped away, breathless, tears running down my cheeks. I hate you, I said and slapped him hard. Paul That girl could slap. My cheek burned like fire as she sniffled, her watery blue eyes glowering finely at me as a slant of light cast across them and made them look silvery, her skin turning a pale, reminding me of the Cullens, of Bella and Nessie. I closed my eyes and focused on the good, like Bella was alive and not dead, and hissed through my teeth. Good, I told myself. Ari swallowed hard, squeezing her eyes shut, fighting another wave of tears, no doubt. Baby, I thought as she turned away, hurriedly packed up her backpack and slammed her locker, running down the hallway and disappearing down the bend that lead to the stairwell.

Dude, Embry hissed angrily and shook his head, kicking open his own beat-up, scratched-on, doodledonall by him of courselocker and began to shove his books into his backpack. Who does she think she is kissing me? I mean, I have a girlfriend, I all but yelled, slamming my fist into the locker. I heard the metal groan and pulled my fist back, looking at the dent with a low growl. I hated the whole super-strength thing that went along with the werewolf thing. With a low growl, I walked down the hall and followed in the direction Ari had gone. Hey! Stop it! Knock it off! Sharp laughter filled my ears and then I heard a sharp sound. Quil, I immediately thought, rounding the corner. But now, Leah and Lauren had Ari cornered against the wall, shoving her books out of her hands, picking at her hair and saying, Look at those split ends! Do you even try to look nice? Ari responded by sobbing, her jaw tight, her eyes glassy and red-rimmed, her hair wind tossed and a complete mess in the forest of snarls and tangles. No, she rasped in her raspy smokers voice, though I know from Embry that shes never smoked a day in her life, and turned her head away. Smack!

Laurens hand lashed out across Aris face, the sound making me grind my teeth in rage. Stiffly, I began to walk as heavily as I could towards them, completely upset and pissed with them bullying my girl. Hey! I barked in a sharp tone, making Lauren jump. She turned and shyly fluttered her eyelashes. Hey there, Paul, she cooed in a sickly sugary voice. I snarled in response, not coherent, and noticed Leah was looking rathersmug about something I obviously didnt know. Cmon, Goth Girl, lets go, I growled, stalking over and grabbing her arm. She yelped in panic, her voice shrill, and stumbled, her face meeting my chest. Her tiny hands, so delicate and matching my skin shade, clasped my bicep, not even big enough that with both hands couldnt even get around it. I watched her, mesmerized as her black tresses fell sloppily into her intensely, bright blue eyes. Cmon, I growled forcefully, gripping her tiny arm in my big hand and shooting Leah a death glare. Im going to hurt you so bad youll wish you were dead, Clearwater, I hissed at her. Oh, look at me! Im shaking in my Gucci sandals! She snickered back. I gritted my teeth to keep from phasing right then and there and exposing my secret to Ari.

Ari clung to me tightly, like a child, sobbing so quietly it was hard for me to hear. She buried her face in my arm as we walked away. I slammed open the double doors as her viola case smacked into my butt, making me turn and glower. I ImIm sorry! she blubbered, crying as I eased away, watching as she hugged the case to her chest, probably imagining it was me instead. Its okay, I murmured, leaning over and wiping away her tears with my thumb. Her pulse drummed sourly in my ears as her wide, baby eyes looked at me innocently. And I was so not having innocent thoughts right now. Ari Paul Lahote leaned over and wiped away my tears tenderly with his thumb, his dark eyes, once intense soulless black orbs, warm and soft like a puppys. Thank youfor helping m-me o-ou-out, I whispered, my throat tight, my lungs on fire, my face burning as he leaned in closer. He looked me square in the eye and responded, gently, Get in the car. I looked at the big black pickup with monster truck wheels and shied away. Suddenly, I was incased in warmth, a burning sensation that felt nice instead of painful, and found I could rest my forehead against Pauls Adams apple.

He had picked me up. Pl-please put me down, Paul, I whimpered. He set me down in the passenger seat and bucked me up. I sighed as he got in on the drivers side and put in the key, flipping on the engine, which roared to life immediately. Thank you, I told him as I drew my legs to my chest. He smiled at me, light catching his dark eyes and turning them golden brown, and his hair now a coffee brown instead of black. Dont worry bout it, youre my girl, no one picks on you cept me, Arrogant? Check. The ride was quiet except for the country music he was blasting. I didnt complain, afraid hed lash out at me like always, and sat quietly, curled up in the seat. When the house came into view, I could feel the tears burn my eyes. Paul I murmured, turning myself to face him once I unbuckled. He looked at me, with those eyes and his expression grew serious and grim, reminding me of the time my step dads face when he accidentally killed my dog by running it over. Why do you bully me? I cringed, expecting him to lash out but instead he locked the doors and snapped off the radio, cutting of some old man wailing about him drinking some

whiskey. Who says I bully you? he breathed, suddenly up-close-and-personal. I tried to shrink back but he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me. I briefly met his eyes before I looked down at my black Vans. Iyou hurt me, I protested, tears filling my eyes and sliding down my cheeks. IImIm sorry, he murmured quietly, his voice thick and strained as he looked away. I justI dont know how to deal with all these feelings I have towards you. I mean, I have a girlfriend, He shook his head and sighed, running his fingers through his hair. I dontI dont know what to do! He buried his face in his hands and groaned. Ever sinceever since I saw you, I got all these emotions when I see you with Jake or Quil. Hate, anger, jealousy, wishing it was my joke you were laughing at, he whispered. I leaned forward and touched his shoulder. His head snapped up and suddenly, he was on me in a second. His hands touched my shoulders and he was holding me in his lap, arms looped around my lower back, face buried in my shoulder. I just dont know! he yelled as he pushed himself away, eyes wide as he realized what hed done. II need to go, I croaked, my eyes burning with tears as I thought how stupid Id been to believe he was talking to me as a person.

I kicked open the door, ran inside and locked myself in the bathroom. Someone pounded on the front door, followed by Pauls familiar voice. Open up, Ari! Ive got your viola, he grumbled as I splashed warm water on my face. Blame it on the weather but Im a mess, I recalled the first line in Call It Karma by Silverstein as I opened the door. I took my case with mumbled thanks and looked up at him. And he leaned down and kissed me hard. Paul i had no intention on kissing her when she opened the door. My body reacted without my permission, making me lean down. Her lips were damp and her face was beaded with water, her eyes wide and red-rimmed, her cheeks red. She stumbled as I bore down, bringing my hands up to cup her face. She kissed back, shyly, tentative as I licked her lips. She jerked away, her eyes wide and glassy with tears. Im sorry, I whispered, backing away. And I turned on my heel and ran like the coward I was.

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