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Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
1. Keep quiet! Jessica ______ a headache so she is sleeping in her bedroom.
A. does B. plays
C. studying D. has
2. Tiffany and Rosy usually help their mom ______ the chores at the weekend.
A. study B. Do
C. playing D. have
3. Williams always ______ breakfast with bread, egg and milk before coming to
A. has B. Plays
C. studies D. does
4. My brother ______ basketball with his friends three times a week
A. does B. Has
C. plays D. study
5. Helen rarely ______ a chat with her pen friend in American.
A. does B. has
C. studies D. plays
6. My brother doesn’t ______ badminton in the evening
A. play B. do
C. have D. study
7. James is ______ judo in the playground with his friends and he is very excited.
A. studying B. doing
C. playing D. have
8. I enjoy ____ tennis
A. playing B. going
C. doing D. having
9. To prevent ____, you should eat a lot of garlic and keep your body warm
A. cold B. mumps
C. flu D. headache
10. My stomach hurts a lot. I think I have_____
A. earache B. toothache C. stomachache D. headache
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
1. My grandfather ______ collecting stamps.

A. is loving B. are loving C. loves D. love

2. She ______ her friends at a bar right now.

A. waiting B. is waiting C. waits D. wait

3. Nguyen Nhat Anh is a writer. He ______ a short story about a dragon.

A. is writing B. writes C. are writing D. write

4. I never ______ home late.

A. come B. is coming C. am coming D. comes

5. My boss ______ high heels to work.

A. doesn’t wear B. aren’t wearing C. don’t wear D. didn’t wear

6. She usually ______ much.

A. doesn’t talk B. don’t talk C. isn’t talking D. talk

7. This spaghetti ______ awful.

A. tastes B. is tasting C. taste D. are tasting

8. I ______ he is a good man.

A. thinks B. think C. am thinking D. is thinking

9. As the ceremony ______ at 7∶30 a.m., we have to be there early.

A. is starting B. start C. starts D. are starting

10. Kate ______ a cup of coffee every morning.

A. is drinking B. drinks C. drink D. are drinking

Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
1. Tom: “How do you do?” – Jerry: “…………………. ”
A. yes, OK
B. Not too bad
C. How do you do?
D. I’m well
2. Mary: “Hi, how are you feeling today?” – Peter: “................”
A. I’m good
B. I’m feeling a bit sick actually
C. No problem. You can get it.
D. I’m happy
3. Jack: “Do you exercise regularly?” – Hana: “...........................”


A. No, not really. I’m not really into fitness.

B. Thank you

C. That’s a good idea. I can try that.

D. Never mind, I’m OK.

4. James: “ I think I caught a cold from my friend” – Mary: “.....................”

A. It’s very nice

B. You should go to see the doctor

C. No problem. You will be fine

D. Nevermind

5. Jill: “ You don’t have to spend hours at the gym. Just take a walk or ride your
bike for 30 minutes a day.” – Tom: “....................”

A. I don’t care

B. I don’t have the time or energy.

C. None of your business

D. That’s a good idea. I can try that.


1. Listen to Steve having a conversation with his doctor and answer the questions.

Question 1. Where is Steve feeling pain?

Question 2. How much weight does Steve lift?
Questions 3. What does Steve usually eat in the afternoon?
Questions 4. Where do Steve and his wife find recipes?
Questions 5. What is causing Steve’s pain?



Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet
to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 5.
Today we hear more and more about the importance of getting enough sleep. Sleep can
give energy to both our bodies and our brains. It can also affect our feelings, behaviour,
and memory.

Studies have shown that people in some countries spend less time sleeping and more
time working. But our bodies cannot work well without enough sleep. Losing just one or
two hours of sleep a night, over a long period of time, can badly affect our health. We
cannot work for many hours; we can get angry easily; and we can even lose our IQ
points. That explains why, without enough sleep, an intelligent person may have
difficulty doing daily tasks.

Studies have also shown that the time of year seems to affect how much sleep we need.
People usually sleep longer in the winter, sometimes as much as 14 hours a night.
However, in the summer, they sometimes sleep as little as six hours, without having any

(Adapted from Strategic Reading by Richards and Eckstut-Didier)

1. The word they in paragraph 3 refers to _______.

A. hours B. people C. problems D. studies

2. According to paragraph 2, which of the following can be a consequence of losing


A. Our health becomes worse. B. People have less time to work.

C. People can finish their daily tasks. D. Our bodies can work better.

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 1 as something that can

be affected by sleep?

A. memory B. feelings C. behavior D. diet

4. The word intelligent in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. clever B. ugly C. careful D. angry

5. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Benefits of getting up early B. Ways to sleep better

C. Causes of losing sleep D. The importance of sleep



Watch a video about the mental health benefits of getting outside and decide whether the
sentences are true (T) or false (F).
_____ 1. The average human is between 55-60% water (T)
_____ 2. Each day we lose five to six liters through our sweat, urine and bowel movements (F)
Two to three
_____ 3. The recommended daily intake varies from between 2.5-3.7 liters of water for men (T)
_____ 4. Fruits and vegetables like strawberries, cucumbers and even broccoli are over 80%
water (F)
_____ 5. Drinking well might also have various long-term benefits (T)

Write a paragraph (100 -120 words) What do you do to stay healthy?
Answer the following questions.
Possible answers
1. In what ways do you try to stay healthy?
I try to have a balanced diet as often as I can. I also exercise regularly.

2. Is it easy to keep fit where you live?


To be honest, no, it is not. Fast foods are always tempting. People around me can be bad
influence when it comes to being fit especially when choosing healthy foods and doing some

3. What part of your lifestyle would you most like to make healthier?
Well, I would say, my sleeping habits. I can hardly get enough rest at night. I usually lack sleep.

4. How important is a healthy lifestyle for you?

I think it is very important. It helps us to be more effective and productive with our everyday

5. Do you eat much junk food?

No. I rarely eat junk food. I just eat them when other people who are with me are eating them, and
I only eat a small amount.


1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B
6.A 7.B 8. A 9. A 10. C
1.C 2. B 3.A 4.A 5.A
6.A 7.A 8.B 9.C 10. B
1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.D
1. his shoulders
2. 5 kilograms
3. salad and chicken
4. on the Internet
5. sugar



Dr. Jones: Hello, Steve. How are you today?
Steve: Hi, Doctor Jones. I’m feeling okay today. I have a lot of energy, but my
shoulders hurt.
Dr. Jones: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Have you been exercising?
Steve: Yes. I’m doing aerobics every morning, and sometimes I lift weights.
Dr. Jones: And when you lift weights, how much are you lifting?
Steve: I just use the five-kilogram weights that you recommended.
Dr. Jones: Hmm. Your shoulders should feel okay if you do aerobics and only lift
five kilos. Do you rest?
Steve: Of course. My wife makes me relax on the weekends so that I won’t hurt
myself. Sometimes, we go for a walk in the evening.
Dr. Jones: Well, an evening walk should be okay. What have you been eating?
Steve: I always have eggs for breakfast. For lunch, my wife and I usually make a
salad and some chicken.
Dr. Jones: That sounds great. And dinner?
Steve: We have brown rice and vegetables for dinner with some fish. We find
healthy recipes on the internet. Sometimes, we’ll have steak, but only for special
Dr. Jones: That sounds pretty good. Is there anything else? Are you eating sugar?
Steve: Well, sometimes when my wife is busy, I go to the ice cream shop.
Dr. Jones: Ah ha. Sugar can cause pain in places like your knees and shoulders.
You have to stop eating ice cream.
Steve: My wife said the same thing.

1. B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.D

1. T 2. F 3.T 4.F 5.T

VIDEO SCRIPT: Water is virtually everywhere, from soil moisture and ice caps, to the cells inside our
own bodies. Depending on factors like location, fat index, age, and sex, the average human is between
55-60% water. At birth, human babies are even wetter. Being 75% water, they are swimmingly similar to
fish. But their water composition drops to 65% by their first birthday. So what role does water play in our
bodies, and how much do we actually need to drink to stay healthy? The H20 in our bodies works to
cushion and lubricate joints, regulate temperature, and to nourish the brain and spinal cord. Water isn't
only in our blood. An adult's brain and heart are almost three quarters water. That's roughly equivalent to
the amount of moisture in a banana. Lungs are more similar to an apple at 83%. And even seemingly dry
human bones are 31% water. If we are essentially made of water, and surrounded by water, why do we
still need to drink so much? Well, each day we lose two to three liters through our sweat, urine, and bowel
movements, and even just from breathing. While these functions are essential to our survival, we need to
compensate for the fluid loss. Maintaining a balanced water level is essential to avoid dehydration or over-
hydration, both of which can have devastating effects on overall health. At first detection of low water
levels, sensory receptors in the brain's hypothalamus signal the release of antidiuretic hormone. When it
reached the kidneys, it creates aquaporins, special channels that enable blood to absorb and retain more
water, leading to concentrated, dark urine. Increased dehydration can cause notable drops in
energy, mood, skin moisture, and blood pressure, as well as signs of cognitive impairment. A dehydrated
brain works harder to accomplish the same amount as a normal brain, and it even temporarily shrinks
because of its lack of water. Over-hydration, or hyponatremia, is usually caused by overconsumption of
water in a short amount of time. Athletes are often the victims of over-hydration because of complications
in regulating water levels in extreme physical conditions. Whereas the dehydrated brain amps up the
production of antidiuretic hormone, the over-hydrated brain slows, or even stops, releasing it into the
blood. Sodium electrolytes in the body become diluted, causing cells to swell. In severe cases, the kidneys
can't keep up with the resulting volumes of dilute urine. Water intoxication then occurs, possibly causing
headache, vomiting, and, in rare instances, seizures or death. But that's a pretty extreme situation. On a
normal, day-to-day basis, maintaining a well-hydrated system is easy to manage for those of us fortunate
enough to have access to clean drinking water. For a long time, conventional wisdom said that we should
drink eight glasses a day. That estimate has since been fine-tuned. Now, the consensus is that the amount
of water we need to imbibe depends largely on our weight and environment. The recommended daily
intake varies from between 2.5-3.7 liters of water for men, and about 2-2.7 liters for women, a range that is
pushed up or down if we are healthy, active, old, or overheating. While water is the healthiest
hydrator, other beverages, even those with caffeine like coffee or tea, replenish fluids as well. And water
within food makes up about a fifth of our daily H20 intake. Fruits and vegetables like
strawberries, cucumbers, and even broccoli are over 90% water, and can supplement liquid intake while
providing valuable nutrients and fiber. Drinking well might also have various long-term benefits. Studies
have shown that optimal hydration can lower the chance of stroke, help manage diabetes, and potentially
reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. No matter what, getting the right amount of liquid makes a world
of difference in how you'll feel, think, and function day to day.

Sample answer: (Answer) Well, I try to stay away from junk food, and I hit the gym on
the daily basis. (Reason) Doing excercises regularly does wonders for not only my
physical but also mental health and it really helps me to unwind after work.
VOCAB: Does wonders (for (Sb/St)) (v) : Tốt (cho ai/cái gì)
Unwind (v): Xả hơi (= Relax)
Junk food (n): Đồ ăn nhanh



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