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GayatriVidyaParishad College of Engineering


Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada

Accredited by NBA & NAAC with “A” Grade with a CGPA of

Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam-530048

Laboratory Manual
Microwave Circuits and Antenna Design Lab
(Course code: 20EC11S5)

Academic Year 2022-2023

B.Tech. V Semester

Skill oriented Course

Department of Electronics and Communication

The vision of Electronic and Communications Engineering Department is to be

in the lead to create and develop professional and intellectual human capital in
electronics and communication engineering and applications in order to foster
the technological, economic and social enrichment of the state and the nation
and to contribute to global village connectivity.


 To play professional role to create, develop, organize and manage complex

technologies and products, contribute to the betterment of society and
evolve better quality of living in a world increasingly influenced by
scientific and technological innovation.
 To provide students of Electronics and Communication Engineering an
environment of academic freedom that will insure the exchange of ideas
and the dissemination of knowledge in this discipline.
 To Recognize as a place that encourages research excellence and diversity
in thought and endeavor in multidisciplinary applications
PSO-Program Specific Outcomes
PSO1. Specify, analyze, design, prototype and test electronic systems that
perform analog and digital signal processing.

PSO2. Analyze and design wired and wireless/RF communication systems

PSO3. Specify, design and implement prototype HW/SW for VLSI and
Embedded Systems

PO-Program outcomes
PO1. Graduates will be able to apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals to solve complex electronics and communication
engineering problems.

PO2. Graduates will attain the capability to identify, formulate and analyse
problems related to electronics and communication engineering and
substantiate the conclusions using the first principles of sciences and

PO3. Graduates will be in a position to design solutions for electronics and

communication engineering problems and design system components and
processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for
public health and safety.

PO4. Graduates will be able to perform analysis and interpretation of data by

using research methods such as design of experiments to synthesize the
information and to provide valid conclusions.

PO5. Graduates will be able to select and apply appropriate techniques from the
available resources and modern electronics and communication engineering and
software tools, and will be able to predict and model complex engineering
activities with an understanding of the practical limitations.

PO6. Graduates will be able to carry out their professional practice in

electronics and communication engineering by appropriately considering and
weighing the issues related to society and culture and the consequent
PO7. Graduates will be able to understand the impact of the professional
engineering solutions on environmental safety and legal issues.

PO8. Graduates will transform into responsible citizens by resorting to

professional ethics and norms of the engineering practice.

PO9. Graduates will be able to function effectively in individual capacity as well

as a member in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary streams.

PO10. Graduates will be able to communicate fluently on complex engineering

activities with the engineering community and society, and will be able to
prepare reports and make presentations effectively.

PO11. Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of

the engineering and management principles and apply the same while managing
projects in multidisciplinary environments.

PO12. Graduates will engage themselves in independent and life-long learning

in the broadest context of technological change while continuing professional
practice in their specialized areas of electronics and communication

The main objective of this lab is to

CO Course outcomes Cognitive

Evaluate the parameters of the Analyze
CO1 transmission line for the given frequency

Analyse the parameters of different Analyze

antennas and arrays (L4)

Analyze microstrip patch antenna using Analyze

different feeding techniques(L4)

Analyze the characteristics of different Analyze

CO4 microstrip filters, Power dividers and

Interpret the field distributions in the Analyze

CO5 waveguide and Microwave TEE junctions
CO-PO-PSO Mapping


CO1 3 3 2 2 1 1 - - 1 1 1 2 2 2 -
CO2 3 2 2 2 1 1 - - 1 1 1 2 2 2 -
CO3 2 2 2 2 1 1 - - 1 1 1 2 2 2 -
CO4 2 2 2 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 2 2 2 -
CO5 2 2 2 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 2 2 2 -
Microwave Circuits and Antenna Design Lab

Course Code: 20EC11S5 LTPC

List of Experiments:

1. a.) Design of a microstrip transmission line with characteristic impedance

(Zo) 50 ohm using FR4 substrate of height 1.59mm.
b.) Calculation of transmission line parameters (R, L, C & G) and
characteristic impedance (Zo) of a flexible RG58 coaxial cable operating at a
frequency of 2.4 GHz.
2. Design of a half wave dipole antenna.
3. Design of Rectangular Microstrip Patch antenna with different feed
techniques viz., inset, coaxial probe, proximity coupled feed. Observe the
variation of input impedance with feed position of a rectangular microstrip
patch antenna (RMSA).
4. Design of a Frequency reconfigurable rectangular micro-strip slot patch
5. Design of circularly polarized Microstrip patch antenna.
6. Design of an array antenna.
7. Design of a Microstrip low pass filter.
8. Design of a Microstrip High pass filter.
9. Design of a Microstrip end coupled band pass filter.
10. Design of a Microstrip parallel coupled band pass filter.
11. Design of a Microstrip band reject filter.
12. Design of Wilkinson Power divider.
13. Design and Analyze quadrature hybrid coupler with tight coupling
14. Analyze the field distribution and propagation constant for various modes in
rectangular waveguide WR90.
15. Construct E-plane, H-plane and Magic Tee junctions and compare the field
16. Design a microstrip patch antenna operating at 2.4 GHz and verify the
scattering parameter characteristics using fabricated prototype and VNA

The examination for Skill Oriented Courses shall be conducted for 100 marks
with aduration of Three hours. The examination shall be conducted on par with
other Regular Labexamination with two examiners (both internal). The allocation
of marks shall be based on:

· Record of observations : Max. Marks: 25

· Methodology/ Program : Max. Marks: 30

· Results/ Output : Max. Marks: 25

· Viva-voce : Max. Marks: 20

· Total Marks : Max. Marks: 100

If any student fails in the examination of a course offered by the department, he

/ shecan appear in the Supplementary examination scheduled in forthcoming

If any student fails in the examination of a course offered by an external

agency, he /she can register for the same course or any other course as
approved by BoS.

Page no.

Experiment 1 Characteristic impedance of Transmission Line 9

Experiment 2 Design of a Dipole antenna 16

Experiment 3 Rectangular Microstrip patch antenna with different feed

Techniques 23

Experiment 4 a Frequency reconfigurable rectangular micro-strip slot patch

antenna 46

Experiment 5 circularly polarized Microstrip patch antenna. 55

Experiment 6 Microstrip Antenna Array 62

Experiment 7 Rectangular Waveguide 67

Experiment 8 E-plane, H-plane and Magic Tee junctions 72

Experiment 9 Microstrip low pass filter. 67

Experiment 10 Design and Analyze quadrature hybrid coupler 72

Experiment 11 Wilkinson Power divider

Experiment 12 Microstrip end coupled band pass filter.

Experiment 1
Characterstic Impedance Of transmission line

1A) Microstrip Transmission Line

To determine the characteristic impedance of microstrip line etched on PCB by
theoretical equations.

Software Used:
Spyder IDE for Python

The microstrip line is one of the most popular types of planar transmission
lines, because it can be fabricated by photolithographic processes and is easily
integrated with other passive and active microwave devices. The geometry of a
microstrip line is shown in figure 1.1. A conductor of width 'W' is printed on a
thin, grounded dielectric substrate of thickness 'h' and relative permittivity ‘εr’.

h Єr

Figure 1.1. Microstrip line configuration

Due to fringing field effects the characteristic impedance of microstrip line is not
directly calculated using R, L, G and C values. It can be calculated using the
dimensions of microstrip line.

𝜼 = √ = 𝟏𝟐𝟎𝝅
η 8h w w
𝑍0 = log ( + ) , for < 1
2π√ϵeff w 4h h

𝜖𝑟 +1 𝜖𝑟 −1 1 𝑤
Where 𝜖𝑒𝑓𝑓 = + [ + 0.04(1 − ℎ )2 ]
2 2 h

𝜂 w
𝑍0 = w 2 w , for h >1
[1.393+ + ∗log( +1.414)]√𝜖 𝑒𝑓𝑓
h 3 h

𝜖𝑟 +1 𝜖𝑟 −1 ℎ −1⁄2
Where 𝜖𝑒𝑓𝑓 = + [1 + 12 𝑤]
2 2

Python Code:


import numpy as np



er= 4.4










print(“Width of microstrip feed line in m”);

if m<=2:




import numpy as np



h=1.6*10**- 3;


if c<1:








Given ϵr=4.4,h=1.6mm,w=3mm

characteristic impedance ZO=50.86Ω

The characteristic impedance of microstrip line etched on PCB is calculated and
verified using Python.

1B) Coaxial Cable

Calculation of transmission line parameters (R, L, C & G) and characteristic
impedance (Zo) of a flexible RG58 coaxial cable operating at a frequency of 2.4

Software Used:
Spyder IDE for Python

Typically, the propagation of waves are carried in two types of media called
bounded andunbounded media. The propagation of waves in unbounded media
(media of infinite extent) can also be called as unguided, in that the uniform
plane wave exists throughout all space and EM energy associated with the wave
spreads over a wide area. Another means of transmitting power or information is
by guided structures. Guided structures serve to guide(or direct) the
propagation of energy from the source to the load. Typical examples of such
structures are transmission lines and waveguides. A transmission line basically
consists of two or more parallel conductors used to connect a source to load.
The source may be a transmitter or an oscillator; the load may be an antenna or
an oscilloscope, respectively. Typical transmission lines include coaxial cable, a
two-wire line, a parallel-plate or planar line and a micro strip line.Coaxial cable
is used for almost all cases of externally connected RF systems or measurement
equipment at frequencies of up to 40 GHz. A typical coaxial line as shown in the
Figure 1.2,consists of an inner cylindrical conductor of outer diameter ‘d’, outer
conductor of inner diameter ’D’ and a dielectric medium layered in between.

RG-58C/U cable is characterized by low losses of less than 1dB/100 ft at

100MHz.Even at frequencies of 1 GHz, the losses are relatively moderate at
about 20 dB/100 ft.

Figure 1.2. Coaxial cable transmission line.

Skin depth (𝛿) =
1 1 1
Resistance R(Ω⁄m) = ( + )
2𝜋𝜎𝑐 𝛿 𝑑 𝐷
Capacitance C(F⁄m) = 𝑙𝑛(𝐷
⁄𝑑 )

𝜇 𝐷
Inductance L(H⁄m) = 𝑙𝑛 ( )
2𝜋 𝑑
Conductance G(S⁄m) =

Characteristic impedance (𝑍0) = √
Specifications of RG58C/U

Python Code:

importnumpy as n

import math as m

f=(10**9); #1GHz

d=0.91*(10**(-3)); #outer diameter of inner conductor

D=2.95*(10**(-3)); #inner diameter of outer conductor

sigmaC=64.5*(10**(6));#conductivity of conductor(Tin plated copper)

sigmapoly=(10**(-14));#conductivity of dielectric(polyethylene)

er=2.1; #relative permitivity of dielectric(polyethylene)

eo=8.85*(10**(-12)); #permitivity of free space

mu=4*n.pi*(10**(-7)); #permeability of dielectric

print(“capacitance in F/m”)



print(“inductance in H/m”)



print(“skin depth”)



print(“resistance in ohm/m”)



print(“conductance in S/m”)



print(“characteristic impedance of coaxial cable in ohms” )





Skin depth ()=1.98m



Characteristic impedance (Z0)=48.7

The characteristic impedance of RG58C/U cable is50.

Experiment 2
Design of a half wave dipole antenna
To design Dipole antenna to operate at frequency=2.4GHz using ANSYS

Software Used:
ANSYS Electronic Desktop 2017


In radio and telecommunications, a dipoleantenna or doublet is the simplest

and most widely used class of antenna. The dipoleantenna is producing a
radiation pattern approximating that of an elementary electric dipole with a
radiating structure supporting a line current so energized that the current has
only one node at each end.A dipole antenna commonly consists of two identical
conductive elements such as metal wires or rods. The driving current from
the transmitter is applied, or for receiving antennas the output signal to
the receiver is taken, between the two halves of the antenna. Each side of
the feedline to the transmitter or receiver is connected to one of the conductors.
This contrasts with a monopole antenna, which consists of a single rod or
conductor with one side of the feedline connected to it, and the other side
connected to some type of ground. A common example of a dipole is the "rabbit
ears" television antenna found on broadcast television sets.

Dipoles are frequently used as resonant antennas. The most commonly used is
the center-fed half-wave dipole which is just under a half-wavelength long.
The radiation pattern of the half-wave dipole is maximum perpendicular to the
conductor, falling to zero in the axial direction, thus implementing
an omnidirectional antenna if installed vertically, or (more commonly) a weakly
directional antenna if horizontal.

Design Equations
𝑓 = 2.4𝐺𝐻𝑧, 𝜆 = 2.4∗109 = 122𝑚𝑚
𝜆 𝜆
𝑟𝑎𝑑 = 𝑔𝑎𝑝 = ≅ = 0.918𝑚𝑚
200 132
ℎ 𝜆
≅ = 27.091 + 𝑔𝑎𝑝/2
2 4

1. Insert HFSS design (Project manager → Insert HFSS Design)
2. Rename Project as Dipole antenna and save
3. Set Solution type as Modal (HFSS → Solution type → Modal → Network
analysis → OK)
4. Set units ( Modeller→ units → mm)
5. Draw 3D object cylinder (Draw → Cylinder)
6. Select the cylinder in Model tree and assign attributes to the cylinder
(Right click on the cylinder → Edit → Properties)
i. Name: Dipole
ii. Material: pec (In drop down list select edit → pec)
iii. Solve inside: ‘untick’
7. Set the position and size of the cylinder named as dipole.
i. Double Click on create cylinder→
ii. Center position : 0,0,gap/2 → enter → gap = 0.918mm
iii. Axis: Z
iv. Radius: rad → 0.918
v. Height: 27.091mm+gap/2 or (27.091+0.918/2
8. Duplicate another segment of the cylinder
9. Right click on dipole/cylinder in model tree → edit→ Duplicate→ around
axis→Select X-axis → 180o
10. Create excitation source
11. Draw rectangle by choosing 2 arbitrary positions in drawing
area(Draw→ Rectangle) in YZ plane (Select YZ plane in toolbar)
12. Rename the rectangle in model tree with feed.
13. The position and dimensions of rectangle/feed are chosen as
i. Position: 0,-rad,gap/2
ii. Ysize: 2*rad
iii. Zsize: -gap
14. Assign Excitation to feed(feed → Assign excitation → lumped port →
Full port impedance: 50 → Next →Integration line: New line)
15. Using mouse left click at the bottom center of the port to define origin
of E-field vector and again left click at top center of the port to terminate
E-field vector
16. Draw radiation box to extract far field information inside the
boundary.(HFSS→ model → Create open region → Operating frequency: 2.4

17. Boundary: Radiation → OK

18. Analysis(Project manager ->Analysis → Add solution setup.)
i. Frequency: 2.4
ii. Max. no. of passes: 6 (>4)
iii. OK
19. To observe frequency sweep, In project manager under Analysis right
click on setup → Add frequency sweep →
i. Sweep type: Interpolating
ii. Start: 1GHz
iii. End: 3 GHz
iv. Points: 50
v. OK
20. Check validation. ( HFSS → validation check)
21. Analyze all (HFSS → Analyze all).


(In project manager Right click on Results → Create Terminal solution data
report→ Rectangular →S-parameter →S(1,1) → dB →New report.

Figure 1.2. S-parameters

(In project manager Right click on Results → Create modal solution data
report → Rectangular → Press ctrl and select both Im and Re → New report
Right click on the drawing window → Marker → X-marker. ( Drag the line
which is at starting position to any desired position on the screen to display
impedance values at desired frequency)
Figure 1.3. Z-parameters

3D Pattern
(In project manager →Radiation→Double click on 3D
Ф: -180 to 180
θ: 0 to 180
(In project manager Right click on Results → Create far field report → 3D polar

Figure 1.4. 3D pattern

Antenna parameters at desired frequency
(In project manager → Radiation→ Right click on 3D →Compute antenna

Figure 1.5. Antenna parameters at desired frequency

Figure 1.6. E-Field surrounding to dipole

Figure 1.7. Animation of E-field

The Antenna resonates at the designed frequency of 2.4 GHz. This is evident
from the resonant peak in the S(1,1) Plot. The antenna has a toroid shaped
radiation pattern with the direction of radiation perpendicular to the axis of the
If the axis direction is changed the new radiation pattern will also be
perpendicular to the antenna axis.

The antenna is linearly polarized, as evident from the LHCP and RHCP
components in the antenna parameters being approximately equal.

The Dipole antenna is designed to operate at frequency=2.4GHz using ANSYS
Experiment 3

Rectangular Microstrip Patch antenna with different

feed techniques

 To DesignRectangular Microstrip Patch antenna with different feed
techniques viz., inset, coaxial probe, proximity coupled feed.
 To observe the variation of input impedance with feed position of a
rectangular microstrip patch antenna (RMSA).

Software Used:
ANSYS Electronic Desktop 2017

The most common type of microstrip antenna is the patch antenna. Antennas
using patches as constitutive elements in an array are also possible. A patch
antenna is a narrowband, wide-beam antenna fabricated by etching the antenna
element pattern in metal trace bonded to an insulating dielectric substrate,
such as a printed circuit board, with a continuous metal layer bonded to the
opposite side of the substrate which forms a ground plane.



Quarter wave

Figure 1.8.feed Edge fed microstrip antenna
Common microstrip antenna shapes are square, rectangular, circular and
elliptical, but any continuous shape is possible. Some patch antennas do not
use a dielectric substrate and instead are made of a metal patch mounted above
a ground plane using dielectric spacers; the resulting structure is less rugged
but has a wider bandwidth. Because such antennas have a very low profile, are
mechanically rugged and can be shaped to conform to the curving skin of a
vehicle, they are often mounted on the exterior of aircraft and spacecraft, or are
incorporated into mobile radio communications devices.

There are many methods of feeding a microstrip antenna. The most popular
methods are: 1. Microstrip Line. 2. Coaxial Probe (coplanar feed). 3. Proximity
Coupling. 4. Aperture Coupling. Because of the antenna is radiating from one
side of the substrate, so it is easy to feed it from the other side (the ground
plane), or from the side of the element. The most important thing to be
considered is the maximum transfer of power (matching of the feed line with the
input impedance of the antenna), Many good designs have been discarded
because of their bad feeding. The designer can build an antenna with good
characteristics and good radiation parameter and high efficiency but when
feeding is bad, the total efficiency could be reduced to a low level which makes
the whole system to be rejected.

A) Edge Fed Rectangular MicrostripAntenna

Design Equations
"Rogers Ultralam 2000 (tm)" Relative permittivity =2.5

The various parameters are:

𝜖𝑟 + 1 𝜖𝑟 − 1 ℎ −1
𝜖𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 = + [1 + 12 ]
2 2 𝑤
1 2
Width of patch W = 2f √ϵ
√μ0 ϵ0 r +1

L (𝜖𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 + 0.3) ( ℎ + 0.264)
= 0.412 𝑤
ℎ (𝜖 − 0.258) ( + 0.8)
𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 ℎ

Leff = L + 2ΔL
1.Insert HFSS design (Project manager → Insert HFSS Design)
2. Rename Project as Edge fed antenna and save(Project in project
manager→Rename )
3.Set Solution type as Terminal(HFSS → Solution type → Terminal → Network
analysis → OK)

4. Set units ( Modeller→ units → cm)

5. Draw substrate(Draw →Box)

Choose 3 arbitrary locations in drawing area to display box.

6. Select the Box in Model tree and assign attributes to the Box

(Right click on the box → Edit → Properties)

Name: substrate

Material: rogersultralam 2000 (In drop down list select edit →rogersultralam


7. Set the position and dimensions of the box named as substrate. Double Click
on create box→

Position : -subx/2,-suby/2,0 (enter value of subx = 10.3cm,suby=21.84cm)

Xsize: subx

Ysize: suby

Zsize: t (enter value of t=0.1524cm)


To edit values of any parameter (HFSS→ Design properties)

8. Draw Ground plane

(Draw →rectangle)

Choose 2 arbitrary locations in drawing area to display rectangle.

Rename it as GND

Assign position and dimensions to rectangle i.e., GND (Double click on create
rectangle in model tree

Position: -subx/2,-suby/2,0

Xsize: subx
Ysize: suby
9. Assign material to GND
(Right click on GND → Assign Boundary → Perfect E ) This makes GND behave
as perfect conductor

In project manager under boundaries, Perf E1 is displayed.

10. Draw patch

(Draw →rectangle)

Choose 2 arbitrary locations in drawing area to display rectangle.

Rename it as PATCH

Assign position and dimensions to rectangle i.e., PATCH

(Double click on create rectangle in model tree

Position: -patx/2,-paty/2,t (patx=6.3cm,paty=5.21cm)

Xsize: patx

Ysize: paty

11.Assign material to PATCH

(Right click on PATCH → Assign Boundary → Perfect E).

This makes PATCH behave as perfect conductor

In project manager under boundaries, Perf E2 is displayed.

12.Draw edge Feed

(Draw →rectangle

Choose 2 arbitrary locations in drawing area to display rectangle.

Rename it as EDGE

Assign position and dimensions to rectangle i.e., EDGE

(Double click on create rectangle in model tree

Position: -edgx/2,paty/2,t (edgx=0.155cm)

Xsize: edgx

Ysize: edgy (edgy=2.976cm)

13. Draw Feed line

(Draw →rectangle)

Choose 2 arbitrary locations in drawing area to display rectangle.

Rename it as FEED
Assign position and dimensions to rectangle i.e., FEED

(Double click on create rectangle in model tree

Position: -feedx/2,paty/2+edgy,t (feedx=0.426cm)

Xsize: feedx

Ysize: feedy (feedy=4.18cm)

14. Using ctrl first select PATCH, second EDGE and third FEED

Right click Edit → Boolean unite (then properties of first selected object i.e,
PATCH are assigned to entire object)

15. To provide excitation

In ZX plane draw rectangle Rename it as PORT

Assign position and dimensions to rectangle i.e., PORT

(Double click on create rectangle in model tree

Position: -feedx/2,paty/2+edgy+feedy,t

Xsize: feedx

Zsize: -t(t=0.1524cm)

(Right click on PORT in model tree → Assign excitation → lumped port → Place
tick mark at GND as reference conductor → OK

In project manager under Excitations port1is displayed

17. Draw radiation box to extract far field information inside the boundary.
(HFSS→ model → Create open region → Operating frequency: 1.8GHz

Boundary: Radiation → OK

18. Analysis

(In project manager right click on Analysis → Add solution setup.)

Frequency: 1.8GHz

Max. no. of passes: 20

To observe frequency sweep, In project manager under Analysis right click on
setup → Add frequency sweep →

Sweep type: Interpolating

Start: 1GHz

End: 2 GHz
Points: 50


19. To check errors validation is required.

( HFSS→ validation check)

20. Analyze all


Figure 1.9. Edge fed RMSA

(In project manager Right click on Results →Create Terminal solution data
report→ Rectangular →S-parameter →S(1,1) → dB →New report.
Figure 1.10. S(1,1) Plot

3D Pattern
(In project manager →Radiation→Double click on 3D
Ф: -180 to 180
θ: 0 to 180
(In project manager Right click on Results → Create far field report → 3D polar

Figure 1.11. Gain (3d Polar Plot)

The quarter wave impedance transformer is responsible for impedance matching
between the feed and the patch. The feed has an impedance of 50 Ohms as
deigned. The patch edge however has higher impedance. Hence to ensure
maximum power transfer from the feed the quarter wave transformer matches
the impedances of the patch and feed. This leads to higher gain and efficiency.

The Rectangular microstrip patch antenna is designed to operate at
frequency=1.8 GHz using ANSYS ELECTRONICS DESKTOP.

 To Design Rectangular Microstrip Patch antenna with Inset Feed
 To observe the variation of input impedance with feed position of a
rectangular microstrip patch antenna (RMSA).

Software Used:
ANSYS Electronic Desktop 2017

1.Insert HFSS design

2.Rename Project as Inset fed antenna and save

3.Set Solution type as Terminal

4. Set units ( Modeller→ units →mm)

5. Draw substrate (Draw →Box)

6. Select the Box in Model tree and assign attributes to the Box

Name: substrate

Material: Rogers RT Duroid

7. Set the position and dimensions of the box named as substrate.

Position : -subx/2,-suby/2,0 (subx = 80mm, suby=80mm)

Xsize: subx Ysize: suby Zsize: t (enter value of t=1.6mm)

8. Draw Ground plane

Position: -subx/2,-suby/2,0
Xsize: subx Ysize: suby

9. Assign material to GND as Perfect E

10. Draw patch

Position: -patx/2,-paty/2,t (patx= 41.3 mm, paty=51.55mm)

Xsize: patx Ysize: paty

11.Assign material to PATCH as perfect E

12.Draw Feedline

Position: -subx/2,-feedy/2,t (feedy= 4.93 mm)

Xsize: -subx/2 + patx/6 Ysize: feedy

13. Draw Cutout

Position: patx/6 ,-feedy/2,t (feedy= 4.93 mm)

Xsize: 13.85mm Ysize: 1.5mm

14. Duplicate cutout along line

15.Unitepatch and feedline

16.Subtract Cutout 1 & 2 from from patch.

17. Create lumped port by drawing rectangle.

Draw port

Position: patx/2 ,feedy/2,t (feedy= 4.93 mm)

Xsize:feedy Ysize: -t

18.Assign excitation to port

19. Draw radiation box to extract far field information inside the boundary.


Frequency: 2.3 GHz

Max. no. of passes: 20

Add frequency sweep

Sweep type: Interpolating

Start: 2 GHz

End: 2.5 GHz

Points: 50
21. To check errors validation is required.

22. Analyze all


Figure 1.12. Inset Fed RMSA

Figure 1.13. S(1,1) Plot

Figure 1.14. Gain (3d Plot)

If the inset feed length is changed radiation efficiency and reflection cooficient
The Rectangular microstrip patch antenna is designed to operate at

 To Design Rectangular Microstrip Patch antenna with Coax Feed
 To observe the variation of input impedance with feed position of a
rectangular microstrip patch antenna (RMSA).

Software Used:
ANSYS Electronic Desktop 2017

Design Equations
"Rogers RT DUROID " Relative permeability =2.5

The various parameters are:

𝜖𝑟 + 1 𝜖𝑟 − 1 ℎ −1
𝜖𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 = + [1 + 12 ]
2 2 𝑤
1 2
Width of patch W = √ϵ
2f√μ0 ϵ0 r +1

L (𝜖𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 + 0.3) ( ℎ + 0.264)
= 0.412 𝑤
ℎ (𝜖 − 0.258) ( + 0.8)
𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 ℎ

Leff = L + 2ΔL

1.Insert HFSS design

2.Rename Project as Coax fed antenna and save

3.Set Solution type as Terminal

4. Set units ( Modeller→ units →mm)

5. Draw substrate (Draw →Box)

6. Select the Box in Model tree and assign attributes to the Box

Name: substrate

Material: Rogers RT Duroid

7. Set the position and dimensions of the box named as substrate.

Position : -subx/2,-suby/2,0 (subx = 80cm, suby=80mm)

Xsize: subx Ysize: suby Zsize: t (enter value of t=1.6mm)

8. Draw Ground plane

Position: -subx/2,-suby/2,0

Xsize: subx Ysize: suby

9. Assign material to GND as Perfect E

10. Draw patch

Position: -patx/2,-paty/2,t (patx= 41.3 mm, paty=51.55mm)

Xsize: patx Ysize: paty

11.Assign material to PATCH as perfect E

12.Draw Feedline

Position: -subx/2,-feedy/2,t (feedy= 4.93 mm)

Xsize: -subx/2 + patx/6 Ysize: feedy

13. Draw Coax probe inner pin (cyclinder) (PEC)

Position: patx/6 , 0 ,t

Radius = in_dia/2 (1.27 mm / 2) Height = -10 mm

14. Draw Coax probe out pin (cyclinder) (Teflon)

Position: patx/6 , 0 ,0

Radius = Out_dia/2 (4.1 mm / 2) Height = -10 mm

15.SubtractCoax_diel and inner_pin

16.Define outer surface of coax _dielectric as Perfect E.

17. Draw cutout (circle)

Position: patx/6 , 0 ,0

Radius = Out_dia/2

18.Draw port

Position: patx/2 ,feedy/2,t (feedy= 4.93 mm)

Xsize:feedy Ysize: -t

19. SubtractcutoutfromGround

19. Create wave port at bottom face of coax dielectric.

Assign excitation as wave port.

20. Draw Port Cap (cyclinder) (PEC)

Position: patx/6 , 0 ,0

Radius = Out_dia/2 Height = -0.1 mm

20. Draw radiation box to extract far field information inside the boundary.

21. Analysis

Frequency: 2.3 GHz

Max. no. of passes: 20

Add frequency sweep

Sweep type: Interpolating

Start: 2 GHz

End: 2.5 GHz

Points: 50

22. To check errors validation is required.

23. Analyze all


Figure 1.15. Coax Fed RMSA

Figure 1.16. S(1,1) Plot

The coaxial cable is connected to the patch at the point where characterstic
impedance is equal to characterstic impedance of the coax cable which is 50

If the position of the cable is changed then impedance matching does not occur
and maximum power transfer will not occur. This will result in reduction of
efficiency of the antenna.

The Rectangular microstrip patch antenna is designed to operate at

3d) Proximity Coupled

To Design Rectangular Microstrip Patch antenna with proximity coupled feed.

Software Used:
ANSYS Electronic Desktop 2017

Design Equations
"Rogers Ultralam 2000 (tm)" Relative permeability =2.5
The various parameters are:
𝜖𝑟 + 1 𝜖𝑟 − 1 ℎ −1
𝜖𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 = + [1 + 12 ]
2 2 𝑤
1 2
Width of patch W = 2f √ϵ
√μ0 ϵ0 r +1

L (𝜖𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 + 0.3) ( ℎ + 0.264)
= 0.412 𝑤
ℎ (𝜖 − 0.258) ( + 0.8)
𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 ℎ

Leff = L + 2ΔL

1.Insert HFSS design (Project manager → Insert HFSS Design)

2. Rename Project as Proximtiy Coupled fed antenna

3.Set Solution type as Modal

4. Set units ( Modeller→ units →mm)

5. Draw top and bottom substrate (Draw →Box)

6. Box 1 Name: Top substrate

Box 2 Name: Bottom substrate

Material: Rogers RT duroid

7. Dimensions:-

Top substrate

Position : -subx/2,-suby/2,0 (subx =80mm,suby=80mcm)

Xsize: subx Ysize: suby Zsize: t ( t= -1.6mm )

Bottom substrate

Position : -subx/2,-suby/2, t (subx =80mm, suby=80mcm)

Xsize: subx Ysize: suby Zsize: t ( t= -1.6mm )

8. Draw Ground plane by selecting bottom face of bottom substrate

9. Assign material to GND as PERF E1

10. Draw patch

Position: -patx/2,-paty/2,t (patx= 41.3mm ,paty= 51.55mm)

Xsize: patx Ysize: paty

11.Assign material to PATCH
(Right click on PATCH → Assign Boundary → Perfect E).

12.Draw Feed

(Draw →rectangle

Position: subx/2, -feedy/2,t (feedy=4.93 mm)

Xsize: feedx (feedx= 50mm) Ysize: feedy

13. Draw PORT (YZ plane)

Position: -subx/2, -2.465mm, 0

Ysize: feedy Zsize: -t

14. Assign excitation to port (lumped port, 50 ohms)

In project manager under Excitations port1is displayed

15. Draw radiation box to extract far field information inside the boundary.
(HFSS→ model → Create open region → Operating frequency: 2.3 GHz
Boundary: Radiation → OK

16. Analysis

(In project manager right click on Analysis → Add solution setup.)

Frequency: 2.3 GHz

Max. no. of passes: 20


To observe frequency sweep, In project manager under Analysis right click on

setup → Add frequency sweep →

Sweep type: Interpolating

Start: 2GHz

End: 2.5 GHz

Points: 50


17. To check errors validation is required.

( HFSS→ validation check)

18. Analyze all

(HFSS → Analyze all).

If warnings are there, clear all


Figure 1.17. Proximity Coupled RMSA

Figure 1.18. S(1,1) Plot

Figure 1.19. Gain (3D Plot)

The proximity coupled antenna doesn’t require aa quarter wave transformer or
other components. It is simple to construct and has very large bandwidth. It
also has larger scope for performance optimization due to the choice of material
of both substrates.

The proximity coupledmicrostrip patch antenna is designed to operate at
3E) Aperture coupled Patch
 To Design Rectangular Microstrip Patch antenna with aperturecoupled

Software Used:
ANSYS Electronic Desktop 2017

1.Insert HFSS design (Project manager → Insert HFSS Design)

2. Rename Project as Proximtiy Coupled fed antenna

3.Set Solution type as Modal

4. Set units ( Modeller→ units →mm)

5. Draw top and bottom substrate (Draw →Box)

6. Box 1 Name: Top substrate

Box 2 Name: Bottom substrate

Material: Rogers RT duroid

7. Dimensions:-
Top substrate, Bottom substrate
Position : -subx/2,-suby/2,0 (subx =80mm,suby=80mcm)

Xsize: subx Ysize: suby Zsize: t ( t= -1.6mm )

Bottom substrate
Position : -subx/2,-suby/2, t (subx =80mm,suby=80mcm)

Xsize: subx Ysize: suby Zsize: t ( t= -1.6mm )

8. Draw Ground plane (Perfect E)

Position : -subx/2,-suby/2, t

Xsize: subx Ysize: suby Zsize: t

9. .Draw cutout

Position: -8mm,-5mm,t

Xsize: 5mm Ysize: 10mm

10. Draw patch (perfect E)

Position: -patx/2,-paty/2,t (patx= 41.3mm ,paty= 51.55mm)

Xsize: patx Ysize: paty

11. Subtract cutout from ground

12.Draw Feed

(Draw →rectangle

Position: subx/2, -feedy/2,t (feedy=4.93 mm)

Xsize: feedx (feedx= 50mm) Ysize: feedy

13. Draw PORT (YZ plane)

Position: -subx/2, -2.465mm, 0

Ysize: feedy Zsize: -t

14. Assign excitation to port (lumped port, 50 ohms)

In project manager under Excitations port1is displayed

15. Draw radiation box to extract far field information inside the boundary.
(HFSS→ model → Create open region → Operating frequency: 2.3 GHz Boundary:
Radiation → OK

16. Analysis

Frequency: 2.3 GHz

Max. no. of passes: 20

Sweep type: Interpolating

Start: 2 GHz

End: 2.5 GHz

Points: 51

17. To check errors validation is required.

( HFSS→ validation check)

18. Analyze all

(HFSS → Analyze all).

If warnings are there, clear all


Figure 1.20. Aperture Coupled Patch

Figure 1.21. S(1,1) Plot

Figure 1.22. Gain (3d Plot)

Aperture coupled antennas differ from the proximity coupled antennas in that
precise alignment of the substrates is not required. The aperture coupled
antenna has better performance due to lower reflections and increased Front to
Back Ratio.

The Non-contacting techniques(Proximity and Aperture coupled) are better than

the contacting techniques(coaxial, edge fed and inset fed) in terms Return loss,
VSWR, and Front to back ratio.

By comparing all the five methods, it is observed that Aperture coupled feed
method is the best method.

The Rectangular microstrip patch antenna is designed to operate at

Experiment 4
Frequency reconfigurable rectangular micro-strip slot
patch antenna
To design a Frequency reconfigurable rectangular micro-strip slot patch

Software Used:
ANSYS Electronic Desktop 2017

This antenna consists of a single layer patch antenna with two parallel slots
designed that can be controlled via two switches. These two parallel slots help in
perturbing the surface current path. Thus by adjusting the mode of the switches
ON or OFF, the resonant frequencies can be varied. The switch used here will be
a PIN Diode.

Figure 1.23. Edge fed microstrip antenna

Design Equations:
Effective Dielectric Constant:
𝜀𝑟 + 1 𝜀𝑟 − 1 1
𝜀𝑒 = +
2 2 √1 + 12 𝑑 ⁄𝑊

Width of the patch:

𝑊𝑝 = 𝑐 ⁄(2𝑓0 √((𝜀𝑟 + 1)/2))

Effective length of the patch:

𝐿𝑒 = 𝑐⁄(2𝑓0 √((𝜀𝑒 ))

Length Extension:

(𝜀𝑒 + 0.3)(𝑊⁄𝑑 + 0.264)

∆𝐿 = 0.412𝑑
(𝜀𝑒 − 0.258)(𝑊⁄𝑑 + 0.8)

Length of the Patch:

Lp = Le - 2∆𝐿
𝑐 4.65∗10−12
Notch Width (𝑊𝑓𝑔 ):𝑊𝑓𝑔 =
√2𝜀𝑒 𝑓0

Inset distance (𝐿𝑓𝑔 ):

𝑍0 = 𝑅𝑖𝑛 (cos 𝐿𝑓𝑔 )

where𝑅𝑖𝑛 is the resonant input resistance when the patch is fed at a radiating
edge, 𝑍0 being the feed line impedance.

PIN Diode Equivalent Circuit:

Figure 1.24. PIN Diodes equivalent circuit

Dimensions Used:

Lp = 28mm, Wp = 45mm, Lg = 50mm, Wg = 55mm

Lf = 8mm, Wf = 3mm

Wfg = 2mm, Lfg = 4mm

Length of Slot A (a)= 16mm, Length of Slot B (b) = 9mm, Width of both Slots (W)
= 1mm

1. Insert HFSS design
2. Rename Project as Reconfigurable antenna and save
3. Set Solution type as Terminal
4. Set units
( Modeller→ units → mm)
5. Draw substrate
(Draw →Box)
6. Select the Box in Model tree and assign attributes to the Box
Name: substrate
Material: FR4_epoxy (In drop down list select edit → FR4_epoxy)
7. Set the position and dimensions of the box named as substrate.
Position : 0,0,0
Xsize: Lg (enter value of Lg = 50mm)
Ysize: Wg (enter value of Wg = 55mm)
Zsize: t (enter value of t=1.6mm)
8. Draw Ground plane (perfect E)
(Draw →rectangle)
Position: 0,0,0
Xsize: Lg
Ysize: Wg
9. Draw patch (perfect E)
(Draw →rectangle)
Position: 0,0,t
Xsize: Lp (enter Lp=28mm)
Ysize: Wp (enter Wp=45mm)

10. To change the position of patch

To specify precise movement (Double click on Move in model tree → Move
vector: 0,5,0→ OK)
11. Draw a slot at feed location
(Draw →rectangle)
Position: 0,0,t
Xsize: Lfg (Lfg=4mm)
Ysize: Wf+2*Wfg (Wf=3mm,Wfg=2mm)
12. To change the position of SLOT
To specify precise movement (Double click on Move in model tree → Move
vector: 24,24,0 → OK)
13. Draw feed
(Draw →rectangle)
Position: 0,0,t
Xsize: Lf+Lfg (Lf=8mm)
Ysize: Wf
14. To change the position of FEED
To specify precise movement (Double click on Move in model tree → Move
vector: 24,24+2,0 → OK)
15. Using ctrl first select PATCH and FEED
Right click Edit → Boolean unite (then properties of first selected object i.e,
PATCH are assigned to entire object)
16. To change the position of entire PATCH
To specify precise movement (Double click on Move in model tree → Move
vector: 14,0,0→ OK)
17. To provide excitation
In ZY plane draw rectangle
Rename it as PORT
Assign position and dimensions to rectangle i.e., PORT
Position: 50mm,26mm,1.6mm
Ysize: Wf Zsize: -t
(Right click on PORT in model tree → Assign excitation → lumped port →
Place tick mark at GND as reference conductor→ OK
In project manager under Excitations port1is displayed.
18. Draw reconfigurable Slot
(Draw →rectangle) in XY plane
Rename it as SLOTA
Position: 20mm,10mm,t (note: x=20mm and y=10mm are arbitrarily
Xsize: a (a=16mm) Ysize: W (W=1mm)
19. Draw another reconfigurable Slot using copy+paste
Then SLOTA1 appears in model tree. Double click on SLOTA1 and rename it
Set the position and dimensions of SLOTB
Position: 20mm,40mm,t (note: x=20mm and y=40mm are arbitrarily
Xsize: b (b=9mm) Ysize: W (W=1mm)
20. Select PATCH, SLOTA and SLOTB using ctrl. Right click on selected
objects → Edit→ Boolean → Subtract
21. Insert PIN Diodes
(Draw →rectangle)
Position: 26mm,10mm,t
Xsize: W Ysize: W/2
 Draw another rectangle using copy+paste
 Then rectangle2 appears in model tree.
Position: 26mm,10.5mm,t
Xsize: W Ysize: W/2
Then two rectangles appear inside SLOTA
22. Select Rectangle 1 and rectangle2 in SLOTA using ctrl (Right click on
selected objects→ Edit →Copy
Click on drawing area
Right click on drawing area → Edit →Paste
Then rectangle3 and rectangle4 will appear in model tree.
Set the position and dimensions of rectancle3
(Double click on create rectangle in model tree
Position: 26mm,40mm,t
Xsize: W Ysize: W/2
Set the position and dimensions of rectancle4
(Double click on create rectangle in model tree
Position: 26mm,40.5mm,t
Xsize: W Ysize: W/2

Then two rectangles appear inside SLOTB

23. Assigning RLC circuits
Right click on rectangle1 → Assign boundary → Lumped RLC → Inductance
Current flow: New line
Draw current flow starting at center of rectangle1 from left pointing towards
24. Follow above step for rectangle3
25. Assigning RLC circuits
Right click on rectangle2 → Assign boundary → Lumped RLC → Resistance
Current flow: New line
Draw current flow starting at center of rectangle2 from left pointing towards
26. Follow above step for rectangle4
Here both pin diodes in SLOTA and SLOTB are in ON state
27. Draw radiation box to extract far field information inside the boundary.
(HFSS→ model → Create open region → Operating frequency: 3 GHz
Boundary: Radiation → OK
Press ctrl-D. In project manager under boundaries, ‘open 1’ is displayed.
28. Analysis
(In project manager right click on Analysis → Add solution setup.)
Frequency: 3
Max. no. of passes: 20
To observe frequency sweep, In project manager under Analysis right click on
setup → Add frequency sweep →
Sweep type:Discrete
Start: 1GHz
End: 7 GHz
Points: 200
Tick mark on Save fields(all freq’s)
29. Validate
30. Analyze all
31. Results S-parameters
(In project manager Right click on Results → Create Terminal solution data
report → Rectangular → S-parameter →S(1,1) → dB →New report.
32. Right click on results figure → Add note → Enter text as ON in the
display box.
Now if both pin diodes in SLOTA and SLOTB are OFF
33. Under Project manager Right click on HFSSdesign1 →copy and Right
click on the above folder → paste
Rename design as pinoff
Pinoff→ Boundaries → Double click on LumpedRLC2
Pinoff→ Boundaries → Double click on LumpedRLC4
Now both pin diodes are in OFF state
34. Validate
35. Analyze all
36. Results S-parameters
(In project manager Right click on Results → Create Terminal solution data
report → Rectangular → S-parameter →S(1,1) → dB →New report.
37. Right click on results figure → Add note → Enter text as OFF in the
display box.


Figure 1.25. Frequency Reconfigurable RMSA

Figure 1.26. S(1,1) Plot (Both diodes are on)

Figure 1.27. S(1,1) Plot (Both diodes are on)

The PIN diodes change the effective length of the patch by either conducting or
not conducting. When the diodes are off, the patch has a larger effective length
as compared to when the diodes conduct. This changes the frequency response
od the antenna as shown in the S(1,1) plot.

The Frequency reconfigurable rectangular micro-strip slot patch antenna is
designed for given parameters.
Experiment 5

Circularly Polarised Microstrip Antenna

To Design a circularly polarized Microstrip patch antenna.

Software Used:
ANSYS Electronic Desktop 2017

The most common type of microstrip antenna is the patch antenna. Antennas
using patches as constitutive elements in an array are also possible. A patch
antenna is a narrowband, wide-beam antenna fabricated by etching the antenna
element pattern in metal trace bonded to an insulating dielectric substrate,
such as a printed circuit board, with a continuous metal layer bonded to the
opposite side of the substrate which forms a ground plane.

Circular polarization is acheived by introducing a perturbation in the form of

truncating two opposite edges of a basic circular patch antenna. Truncated
edges have been used to achieve circular polarization in square, elliptical and
circular patch.

Single feeding techniques are commonly used because they are simple, easy to
manufacture, low in cost and compact in structure. Single fed circularly
polarized microstrip antennas are considered to be one of the simplest antennas
that can produce circular polarization. In order to achieve circular polarization
using only a single feed, two modes should be exited with equal amplitude and
90° out of phase. Perturbation segments are used to split the field into two
orthogonal modes with equal magnitude and 90° phase shift. Therefore the
circular polarization requirements are met.

Polarization describes the orientation of oscillations in the plane perpendicular

to a transverse wave's direction of travel. These wave planes could linearly
oscillate in the same direction or their direction and amplitude could change
such as to follow an elliptical contour. Polarization matching reduces the
transmission loss by aligning the orientation of these wave propagations in both
the transmitting and receiving antennas. To achieve this matching the
transmitter and the receiver should have the same axial ratio, spatial
orientation and the same sense of polarization. Achieving this match is
challenging in wireless technologies that require mobility and portability such as
WLAN, GPS and RFID. The use of circularly polarized antennas presents an
attractive solution to achieve this polarization match. When receiving a
circularly polarized wave, the antenna orientation is not important to be in the
direction perpendicular to the propagation direction, hence allowing for more

1.Insert HFSS design

2.Rename Project as Circ_Polantenna and save

3.Set Solution type as Terminal

4. Set units ( Modeller→ units →mm)

5. Draw substrate (Draw →Box)

6. Select the Box in Model tree and assign attributes to the Box

Name: substrate

Material: Rogers RT Duroid

7. Set the position and dimensions of the box named as substrate.

Position : -subx/2,-suby/2,0 (subx = 80cm, suby=80mm)

Xsize: subx Ysize: suby Zsize: t (enter value of t=1.6mm)

8. Draw Ground plane

Position: -subx/2,-suby/2,0

Xsize: subx Ysize: suby

9. Assign material to GND as Perfect E

10. Draw patch

Position: -patx/2,-paty/2,t (patx= 41.3 mm, paty=41.3mm)

Xsize: patx Ysize: paty

11.Assign material to PATCH as perfect E

12.Draw Feedline

Position: -subx/2,-feedy/2,t (feedy= 4.93 mm)

Xsize: -subx/2 + patx/6 Ysize: feedy

13. Draw Coax probe inner pin (cyclinder) (PEC)

Position: patx/6 , 0 ,t

Radius = in_dia/2 (1.27 mm / 2) Height = -10 mm

14. Draw Coax probe out pin (cyclinder) (Teflon)

Position: patx/6 , 0 ,0

Radius = Out_dia/2 (4.1 mm / 2) Height = -10 mm

15.SubtractCoax_diel and inner_pin

16.Define outer surface of coax _dielectric as Perfect E.

17. Draw cutout (circle)

Position: patx/6 , 0 ,0

Radius = Out_dia/2

18. Draw port

Position: patx/2 ,feedy/2,t (feedy= 4.93 mm)

Xsize:feedy Ysize: -t

19. SubtractcutoutfromGround

20. Create wave port at bottom face of coax dielectric.

Assign excitation as wave port.

21. Draw Port Cap (cyclinder) (PEC)

Position: patx/6 , 0 ,0

Radius = Out_dia/2 Height = -0.1 mm

22. Draw triangular cutout on patch. Use 3 poly lines


Point 1 (-patx/2, paty/2 , t)

Point 1 (-patx/2, (paty/2) -tr , t)

Line 2

Point 1 (-patx/2, (paty/2) – tr , t)

Point 1 (-patx/2 + tr ,paty/2 , t)

Line 3

Point 1 (-patx/2 + tr ,paty/2 , t)

Point 1 (-patx/2, paty/2 , t)

22. duplicate this polyline around axis by 180 degrees.

23. Draw radiation box to extract far field information inside the boundary.

24. Analysis

Frequency: 2.3 GHz , 2.33 GHz , 2.35GHz

Max. no. of passes: 20

Sweep type: Discrete

Start: 2 GHz End: 2.5 GHz Points: 51

25. To check errors validation is required.

26. Analyze all


Figure 1.28. Edge Cut RMSA

Figure 1.29. S(1,1) Plot

Figure 1.30. Gain ( 3d POLAR PLOT)

Figure 1.31. Antenna Parameters

The dimensions of the MSA are modified such that the resonance frequencies f1
and f2 of the two orthogonal modes are close to each other. The antenna is
excited at a frequency fo in between the resonance frequencies of these two
modes, such that the magnitude of the two excited modes are equal. The
condition ensures that circular polarization occurs in between this frequency
range f1 and f2. From the computed antenna parameters it is observed that
RHCP component dominates the LHCP component and this antenna is Right
Circular Polarized. If the cutouts in the patch were in the other diagonal then
the antenna will be Left Circularly Polarised.

The Right handed circularly polarized Microstrip antenna is simulated using
Experiment 6
Rectangular Microstrip Antenna Array
To Design aMicrostrip patch antenna array.

Software Used:
ANSYS Electronic Desktop 2017

The most common type of microstrip antenna is the patch antenna. Antennas
using patches as constitutive elements in an array are also possible. A patch
antenna is a narrowband, wide-beam antenna fabricated by etching the antenna
element pattern in metal trace bonded to an insulating dielectric substrate,
such as a printed circuit board, with a continuous metal layer bonded to the
opposite side of the substrate which forms a ground plane.

Microstrip antennas are used in arrays as well as single elements. By using

array in communication systems we enhance the performance of the antenna
like increasing gain, directivity scanning the beam of an antenna system, and
other functions which are difficult to do with the single element.

Theoretically, the space between the patches has to be more than the half the
wavelength to make it (the spacing region) not radiating region. If the spacing is
less than the half wavelength the patches will affect each other and this will
need new calculations to the parameters of the antenna like impedance, feed
location, be excited using uniform or non uniform excitation
sequences. Uniform sequences set the amplitude and phase of all ecitation
sources to be equal. One example of a non uniform sequence is a binomial
array. A binomial array is a non-uniform antenna array for which the elements
are equally spaced with unequal amplitude excitation using a specified current
excitation known as binomial excitation.

The uniform amplitude array yields the smallest half-power beam width. In
contrast, binomial arrays with element spacing equal or less thanλ/2 have no
side lobes.
1.Insert HFSS design

2.Rename Project as Circ_Polantenna and save

3.Select duplicate boundary/mesh with geometry (Tools->HFSS->boundary


4. Set units ( Modeller→ units →mm)

5. Draw substrate (Draw →Box)

6. Select the Box in Model tree and assign attributes to the Box

Name: substrate

Material: Rogers RT Duroid

7. Set the position and dimensions of the box named as substrate.

Position : -subx/2,-suby/2,0 (subx = 80cm, suby=80mm)

Xsize: subx Ysize: suby Zsize: t (enter value of t=1.6mm)

8. Draw Ground plane

Position: -subx/2,-suby/2,0

Xsize: subx Ysize: suby

9. Assign material to GND as Perfect E

10. Draw patch

Position: -patx/2,-paty/2,t (patx= 41.3 mm, paty=41.3mm)

Xsize: patx Ysize: paty

11.Assign material to PATCH as perfect E

12.Draw Feedline

Position: -subx/2,-feedy/2,t (feedy= 4.93 mm)

Xsize: -subx/2 + patx/6 Ysize: feedy

13. Draw Coax probe inner pin (cyclinder) (PEC)

Position: patx/6 , 0 ,t

Radius = in_dia/2 (1.27 mm / 2) Height = -10 mm

14. Draw Coax probe out pin (cyclinder) (Teflon)

Position: patx/6 , 0 ,0
Radius = Out_dia/2 (4.1 mm / 2) Height = -10 mm
15.SubtractCoax_diel and inner_pin

16.Define outer surface of coax _dielectric as Perfect E.

17. Draw cutout (circle)

Position: patx/6 , 0 ,0

Radius = Out_dia/2

18. Draw port

Position: patx/2 ,feedy/2,t (feedy= 4.93 mm)

Xsize:feedy Ysize: -t

19. SubtractcutoutfromGround

20. Create wave port at bottom face of coax dielectric.

Assign excitation as wave port.

21. Draw Port Cap (cyclinder) (PEC)

Position: patx/6 , 0 ,0

Radius = Out_dia/2 Height = -0.1 mm

22. Duplicate the whole antenna along line. Number of elements = 5.

23.Set the excitations of the 5 sources (excitation -> edit sources).

23. Draw radiation box to extract far field information inside the boundary.

24. Analysis

Frequency: 2.3 GHz

Max. no. of passes: 20

Add frequency sweep

Sweep type: Interpolating

Start: 2 GHz

End: 2.5 GHz

Points: 51

25. To check errors validation is required.

26. Analyze all


Figure 1.32. Array Antenna

Figure 1.33. S(1,1) Plot

Figure 1.34. 3D Plot (Gain)

The array antenna has a higher gain and directivity(narrower main lobe) as
compared to a single element antenna. However, a part of the output power is
present in the side lobes. When the array is excited using amplitudes of a
binomial sequence, the side lobes are drastically reduced in amplitude.

The Rectangular microstrip patch antenna is designed to operate at
Experiment 7 Rectangular Waveguide

To design a rectangular waveguide and report the field patterns and phase
constant vs frequency plot.

Software used
AnsysHigh Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS)

A hollow metallic tube of uniform cross section for transmitting
electromagneticwaves by successive reflections from the inner walls of the tube
is called a waveguide. In waveguides, the electric and magnetic fields are
confined to the space within the guides. Thus no power is lost through
radiation,and even the dielectric loss is negligible, since the guides are normally
air-filled. But there is some negligible amount of power which is present as heat
in the walls of the waveguide. There are two types of waveguides: rectangular
and circular.

Figure 1.35. Rectangular waveguide

A Rectangular Waveguide is a hollow metallic tube with a rectangular cross

section as shown in figure 7.1.

The conducting walls of the guide confine the electromagnetic fields and thereby
guide the EM wave. A number of distinct field configurations or modes can exist
in waveguides.When the waves travel longitudinally down the guide, the plane
waves are reflected from wall to wall.This process results in a component of
either electric or magnetic field in the direction of propagation of the resultant
wave;therefore the wave is no longer a transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave.

This process results in a component of either electric or magnetic field in the

direction of propagation of the resultant wave;therefore the wave is no longer a
transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave. A plane wave in a waveguide resolves
into two components: one standing wave in the direction normal to the reflecting
walls of the guide and one traveling wave in the direction parallel to the
reflecting walls. In lossless waveguides, the modes may be classified as either
transverse electric(TE) mode or transverse magnetic(TM) mode.In rectangular
waveguides the modes are designated as TEmn or TMmn. The integer m denotes
the number of half waves of electric or magnetic intensity in the xdirection,and
n is the number of half waves in the ydirection if the propagation of the wave is
assumed in the positive z direction.

1. Insert HFSS design

2. Rename Project as waveguide and save

3. Set Solution type as Modal

4. Set units

5.Draw 3D object box (Draw → box)

6. Select the Box in Model tree and assign attributes to the Box

Name: WG90 Material: vaccum.

7. Set the position and size of the Box named as WG90. Double Click on
create Box →Position: 0,0,0X Size: 18.5mm YSize: 2.286Z Size: 1.016

8. Select one face in the figure window and Right click on the
face→Boundaries→ Assign → Finite conductivity→ OK. Repeat step 9 for
remaining 3 faces excluding port1 and port2. (Assume Port1 and port 2 are in
YZ plane). Then in project manager under Boundaries 4 finite conductive layers
will be displayed.

9.Assign excitation

No. of modes: 4 → update ( 4 modes can be observed)

Integration line: New line

In second mode under integration line select ‘copy from mode1’. Repeat the
same for 3rd and 4th modes

10. Repeat step 9 for the second port.

11. Analysis

12. To check errors validation is required. ( HFSS→ validation check)

13. Analyze all (HFSS → Analyze all).

a.Under Project manager Click on Analysis →setup → Convergence. Then, select
Box->go to field overlays->Plot fields->E->Mag_E In Context select solution as
"Sweep" and in Intrinsic Variables select Freq. as the cut-off frequency for the
mode which is desired (excitation provided in previous step). Repeat step 18 for
other modes by selecting source and set magnitude as 1. In field overlays->E-
Field -> E-mag -> select animate ->OK

Figure 1.36. Animation of fields

b. Phase constant (β )vs Frequency for first 4 modes.Under Project manager-

>Analysis ->Setup1 Sweep->Sweep type : Interpolating Distribution: Least count
Start: 1GHz End: 20GHz Points 100 OK. Results → Create modal solution data
report → Rectangular → Category: Gamma Select Gamma(1:1),
Gamma(1:2),Gamma(1:3), Gamma(1:4) Click on New Report.
From the graph it is observed that cutoff frequencies are satisfying
1 𝑚𝜋 2 𝑛𝜋
𝑓𝑐 = √( ) + ( )2
2𝜋√𝜇𝜖 𝑎 𝑏
For TE10 mode =6.56GHz, For TE20 mode =13.12GHz, For TE01 mode =14.7GHz, For TE and
TM11 =16.15GHz.

c. Field patterns for E and H Fields. In project manager Click on Port Field
Display - > 1->mode1

In project manager Click on Port Field Display - > 1->mode2

In project manager Click on Port Field Display - > 1->mode3

In project manager Click on Port Field Display - > 1->mode4

d.Results → Create modal solution data report → Rectangular →

Category: S-parameter Select S(1:1,1:1) and S(1:1,2:1)

Rectangular waveguide is designe and the field patterns and phase
constant vs frequency plot are observed
Experiment 8


To design a H-Plane Tee Junction.

Software Used
High Frequency structure simulator from Analysis Systems (ANSYS).

An H-Plane Tee junction is formed by attaching a simple waveguide to a
rectangular waveguide which already has two ports. The arms of
rectangular waveguides make two ports called collinear ports i.e., ‘a’ and
‘c’, while the new one, ‘b’ is called as Side arm or H-arm. This H-plane
Tee is also called as Shunt Tee. The configuration of H plane Tee junction

.H plane Tee junction

It is called an H plane Tee junction because the long axis of the "b" arm
is parallel to the plane of the magnetic lines of force in the waveguide.
For simplicity, only the E lines are shown in figure 10.2. Each X indicates
an E line moving away from the observer. Each dot indicates an E line is
moving toward the observer.
Figure 1.37. E –fields for various inputs in H plane
Tee junction.

In view (1) of Fig. 10.2, the signal is fed into arm ‘b’ and in-phase outputs
are obtained from the ‘a’ and ‘c’ arms. In view (2), in-phase signals are fed
into arms ‘a’ and ‘c’ and the output signal is obtained from the ‘b’ arm
because the fields add at the junction and induce E lines into the ‘b’ arm.
If 180-degree-out-of-phase signals are fed into arms ‘a’ and ‘c’, as shown
in view (3), no output is obtained from the ‘b’ arm because the opposing
fields cancel at the junction. If a signal is fed into the ‘a’ arm, as shown
in view (4), outputs will be obtained from the ‘b’ and ‘c’ arms. The reverse
is also true. If a signal is fed into the ‘c’ arm, outputs will be obtained
from the ‘a’ and b arms.

1.Insert HFSS design

2.Rename Project as Tee and save

3.Set Solution type as Modal

4. Set units( Modeller→ units →in)

5. Draw →Box

6. Select the Box in Model tree and assign attributes to the Box

Name: Tee Material: Vaccum

7. Set the position and dimensions of the box named as Tee.

Position : 0,-0.45,0

Xsize: 2Ysize: 0.9Zsize: 0.4

8. Assign waveport to the Box

Select ‘New line’ from the integration line pull-down list. Select the
starting point of the vector (2,0,0), end point (2,0,0.4)

9. Duplicate the box twice along with boundaries and port settings to create
the second and third sections of Tee.

10.Repeat step 10 with Angle:-90

11. Unite the three sections

12. Create Septum (The septum is a 3D-box object that will be

subtractedfrom T-junction.) Draw->Box

Position: -0.45in,offset-0.05in,0in (offset value = 0in)

X Size: 0.45


Z Size:0.4

13.Subtract septum from the Tee-Junction.

14.Add solution setup such that HSS performs an adaptive analysis at

10GHz. (In project manager right click on Analysis → Add solution setup.)

15 To observe frequency sweep, setup → Add frequency sweep →

Sweep type: Interpolating Start: 8GHz End: 10 GHz

16. To check errors validation is required. ( HFSS→ validation check)

17. Analyze all (HFSS → Analyze all). If warnings are there, clear all


compare the S-parameter results at each port for the two septum

(In project manager Right click on Results → Create modal solution data
report →
Rectangular → S-parameter→ Press ctrl to select S(port1,port1),
S(port1,port2), S(port1,port3) → mag ->new report->close

Animation of E-fields
In field overlays->Edit sources->set port 1 power as 1W->ok

Select Tee junction under model tree

Go to field overlays->Plot fields->E->vector_E->done

In field overlays->E-Field -> vector_E1 -> select animate ->OK

It is observed that fields at port2 and port3 are in phase.

E-plane Tee Junction
To design a E-Plane Tee Junction.

Software Used

High Frequency structure simulator from Analysis Systems (ANSYS).

In E- plane Tee junction, the junction arm extends from the main
waveguide in the same direction as the E field in the waveguide as in Fig.
11.1 view (A).Fig. 11.1 view (B), illustrates cross-sectional views of the E-
type T junction with inputs fed into the various arms.

Figure 1.38. E fields in an E-type T junction

In view (K), the input is fed into arm b and the outputs are taken from
the a and c arms. When the E field arrives between points 1 and 2, point
1 becomes positive and point 2 becomes negative. The positive charge at
point 1 then induces a negative charge on the wall at point 3. The
negative charge at point 2 induces a positive charge at point 4. These
charges cause the fields to form 180 degrees out of phase in the main
waveguide; therefore, the outputs will be 180 degrees out of phase with
each other. In view (L), two in-phase inputs of equal amplitude are fed
into the a and c arms. The signals at points 1 and 2 have the same phase
and amplitude. No difference of potential exists across the entrance to
the b arm, and no energy will be coupled out. However, when the two
signals fed into the a and c arms are 180 degrees out of phase, as shown
in view (M), points 1 and 2 have a difference of potential. This difference
of potential induces an E field from point 1 to point 2 in the b arm, and
energy is coupled out of this arm. Views (N) and (P) illustrate two
methods of obtaining two outputs with only one input.

1. Insert HFSS design

(Right click on Project in project manager → Insert HFSS Design

2. Rename Project as Tee and save

(Right click on Project in project manager →Rename ) and Press (ctrl+s)

3. Set Solution type as Modal

(HFSS → Solution type → Modal → Network analysis → OK

4. Set units

( Modeller→ units →in)

5. Draw →Box

Choose 3 arbitrary locations in drawing area to display box.

6. Select the Box in Model tree and assign attributes to the Box

(Right click on the box → Edit → Properties)

Name: Tee Material: Vaccum

7. Set the position and dimensions of the box named as Tee.
Double Click on create box→

Position : -0.45,0,-0.2

Xsize: 0.9

Ysize: 2

Zsize: 0.4

8. Assign waveport to the Box

Right click on the figure window ->Select face->

Then click the face of the box parallel to XZ plane at y=2.

Again Right click on the figure window -> Assign Excitation ->Wave port .

Wave port dialog box appears.

Name: Port1

Select ‘New line’ from the integration line pull-down list. Then cursor
is accompanied with a dotted port line. In figure window, select the
starting point of the vector (0,2,-0.2), by clicking the edge center at the
bottom of the face. Select the end point (0,2,0.2) by clicking the edge
center at the top of the face.

Waveport dialog box reappears.

Click Next-> Finish

In project manager under excitations port1 will be displayed. When port1

is selected then figure window appears as

9. Duplicate the box twice along with boundaries and port settings to create
the second and third sections of Tee.

Go to Tools->options->General options-> HFSS ->Boundary Assignment

Panel -> Check Duplicate boundaries/mesh operations with geometry as

10. Select the box in Model tree.

Right click on the box -> Edit -> Duplicate -> around axis

Axis: X
Angle: 90

Total Number: 2

Verify that ‘Attach to original object’ is unchecked.

11.Repeat step 10 with Angle:-180

12. Unite the three sections

Tools-> Options-> General options-> Modeler options-> operation tab ->

Verify that the option Clone tool objects before uniting option is
unchecked as in figure click ok.

Select 3 boxes named as Tee, Tee_1 and Tee_2 by holding CTRL key.
Right click the 3D modeler menu-> Edit -> Boolean -> Unite.

13.Add solution setup such that HSS performs an adaptive analysis at

10GHz. (In project manager right click on Analysis → Add solution setup.)

Frequency: 10GHz

Max. no. of passes: 6

Delta s=0.02


14.To observe frequency sweep, In project manager under Analysis right

click on setup → Add frequency sweep →

Sweep type: Interpolating

Type: Linear step

Start: 8GHz

End: 10 GHz

Step size: 0.05GHz

Note: Before solution setup you must assign waveports, otherwise the
sweep dialog will not contain a menu item for interpolating Sweeps.
15.To check errors validation is required. ( HFSS→ validation check)

16. Analyze all (HFSS → Analyze all). If warnings are there, clear all
Once the simulation is completed HFSS informs you in the message

(In project manager Right click on Results → Create modal solution data
report →
Rectangular → S-parameter → Press ctrl to select S(port1,port2),
S(port2,port2), S(port3,port2) → mag ->new report->close

Figure 1.39. S(1,1) Plot

Animation of E-fields
In field overlays->Edit sources->set port 2 power as 1W->ok

Select Tee junction under model tree

Go to field overlays->Plot fields->E->vector_E->done

In field overlays->E-Field -> vector_E1 -> select animate ->OK

Figure 1.40. Field Animation

When power is enter port2 (E-plane port) fields at port1and port3 are out
of phase

Magic Tee Junction

To design Magic Tee Junction.

Software Used
High Frequency structure simulator from Analysis Systems (ANSYS).

The Magic-T shown in Fig. 12.1 is a combination of the H-type and E-
type T junctions. The most common application of this type of junction is
as the mixer section for microwave radar receivers.

Figure 1.41. Magic Tee

If a signal is fed into the 4th arm of the magic- T, it will divide into two
out-of-phase components. As shown in Fig. 12.2, these two components
will move into the 1 and 2 arms. The signal entering the 4tharm will not
enter the 3rdarm because of the zero potential existing at the entrance of
the 3rdarm. The potential must be zero at this point to satisfy the
boundary conditions of the 4tharm. This absence of potential is
illustrated in Fig. 12.2.Since the E lines are at maximum in the center of
the 4tharm and minimum at the edge where the 3rdarm entrance is
located, no potential difference exists across the mouth of the 3rd arm.

Figure 1.42. Magic Tee with input to arm 4. (a) Front

view (b) Top view of Magic Tee.

The action that occurs when a signal is fed into the 3rdarm of the magic-
Tee is illustrated in Fig2.3.

Figure 1.43. Magic Tee with input to arm 3.

The signal entering the 3rdarm divides and moves down the 1 and 2
arms as outputs which are in phase with each other and with the input.
The shape of the E fields in motion is shown by the numbered curved
slices. As the E field moves down the 3rdarm, points 2 and 3 are at an
equal potential. The energy divides equally into arms 1 and 2, and the E
fields in both arms become identical in shape. Since the potentials on
both sides of the 4tharm are equal, no potential difference exists at the
entrance to the 4tharm, resulting in no output.When an input signal is
fed into the arm 1 as shown in Fig.12.4.

Figure 1.44. Magic Tee with input to arm 1

A portion of the energy is coupled into the 4tharm as it would be in an E-

type T junction. An equal portion of the signal is coupled through the
3rdarm because of the action of the H-type junction. The 2ndarm has two
fields across it that are out of phase with each other. Therefore the fields
cancel, resulting in no output at the 2nd arm. The reverse of this action
takes place if a signal is fed into the 2ndarm, resulting in outputs at the
3rd and 4tharms and no output at the 1starm.

1.Right click on Project in project manager → Insert HFSS Design)

2.Rename Project as MagicTee and save

3. Set Solution type as Modal

4. Set units ( Modeller→ units →in)

5. Draw → Box

6. Assign attributes to the Box Material: Vaccum

7. Set the position and dimensions of the box named as Tee.

Position : 0,-0.45,-0.2

Xsize: 2 Ysize: 0.9 Zsize: 0.4

8. Assign waveport to the Box

Then click the face of the box parallel to YZ plane at x=2.

Select the starting point of the vector (2,0,0), end point (2,0,0.4)

9. Duplicate the box twice along with boundaries and port settings to
create the second and third sections of Tee.

10. Repeat step 9 with Angle:-90

11. Repeat step 10 with Angle:+90 around Axis: X

12. Unite the four sections

13. Add solution setup such that HFSS performs an adaptive analysis at 10GHz.

14.To check errors validation is required. ( HFSS→ validation check)

15. Analyze all (HFSS → Analyze all).

Animation of fields at the junction:

In field overlays->Edit sources->set port 1 power as 1W->ok

Select Magic Tee junction under model tree
Go to field overlays->Plot fields->E->vector_E->done
In field overlays->E-Field -> vector_E1 -> select animate ->OK

Figure 1.45. Field Animation

Observation: When port 1 (H-plane port) is excited , fields at port 2 and

port3 are In phase

Repeat step 1 by setting port4 as 1W

Figure 1.46. Field Animation

Observation: When port 4 (E-plane port) is excited, fields at port 2 and

port3 are out of phase

Repeat step 1 with port 3 as 1W

Figure 1.47. Field Animation

When port 3 is excited , power available at port2 is less when compared
to power at port 1 and 4.

Sweep type: Interpolating

Type: Linear step

Start: 8GHz

End: 10 GHz
Step size: 0.05GHz


(In project manager Right click on Results → Create modal solution data
report → Rectangular → S-parameter → Press ctrl to select S(port1,port3),
S(port2,port3), S(port3,port3), S(port4,port3) → dB

Figure 1.48. S(1,1) Plot

At 10GHz frequency, Transmission coefficient S23 is -6.09 dB.
Transmission coefficient S13 is -3.8 dB. Transmission coefficient S43 is -
4.8 dB. It is observed that power at port2 is less when compared to power
at port 1 and 4.
Experiment 9 Microstrip low pass filter

1.1. Insertion Loss Method:

The generalized procedure for designing microwave filters using insertion
loss method is as follows,

■ First, the required filter specifications such as, cut off frequency,
the stopband attenuation, the passband behavior, must be
■ A low pass prototype circuit, in which source resistance (R)=1ohm
and cut-off angular frequency(Ω𝑐 )= 1rad/sec, must be designed.
■ Transformations are then applied, to convert the prototype designs
to the desired frequency range, impedance level and required
■ Finally, the scaled and converted circuit can be realized using step
impedance or stub method.

1.2. Lumped Element Filter:

It serves as a prototype for designing any practical filters. The lumped
element filter consists of series inductors and shunt capacitors. The
inductance of a series inductor or the capacitance of a shunt capacitor is
denoted by 𝑔𝑖 , for i=1 to n,where n is the number of reactive elements.
Using this prototype filter we can realize Butterworth and Chebyshev

If 𝑔0 is considered as a source resistance,𝑔1 is considered as series

inductance or shunt capacitance. Similarly if 𝑔𝑛 is considered as a shunt
capacitance or series inductance then 𝑔𝑛+1 becomes load resistance as
shown in the figure below.
Figure 1.1. The ladder structure network and its dual for low pass
filter prototype.


Microwave filter responses include Chebyshev, Butterworth, Gaussian,
Bessel Thomson and elliptic response. In this experiment, we will be
focusing on Chebyshev filter response.

Chebyshev filter is most popular filter response type it provides greatest

stopband attenuation. By allowing some ripple in the pass band or stop
band magnitude response it can achieve a steeper roll off. The Chebyshev
response that exhibits the equal-ripple passband and maximally flat

|𝑆21 (𝑗Ω)|2 =
1+ 𝜖 2 𝑇 2 (Ω)

Where the ripple constant 𝜖 is related to a given passband ripple 𝐿𝐴𝑅 in

dB by
𝜖 = √10 10 − 1

The element values for the two-port network with cutoff frequency Ω𝑐 = 1

Using the above Equations, some typical element values for Chebyshev
filter aretabulated in for passband ripples LAr= 0.1dB and for the filter
degree of n = 1 to 9.

TABLE 1.1. Element values for Chebyshev lowpass prototype filters (g0 = 1.0, Ω𝑐 = 1) and passband
ripple LAr= 0.1dB
n 𝒈𝟏 𝒈𝟐 𝒈𝟑 𝒈𝟒 𝒈𝟓 𝒈𝟔 𝒈𝟕 𝒈𝟖 𝒈𝟗 𝒈𝟏𝟎
1 0.3052 1.0

2 0.8431 0.3220 1.3554

3 1.0316 1.1474 1.0316 1.0

4 1.1088 1.3062 1.7704 0.8181 1.3554

5 1.1468 1.3712 1.9750 1.3712 1.1468 1.0

6 1.1681 1.440 2.0562 1.5171 1.9029 0.8618 1.3554

7 1.1812 1.4228 2.0967 1.5734 2.0967 1.4228 1.1812 1.0

8 1.1898 1.4346 2.1199 1.6010 2.1700 1.5641 1.9445 0.8778 1.3554

9 1.1957 1.4426 2.1346 1.6167 2.2054 1.6167 2.1346 1.4426 1.1957 1.0

The design of LPF using Step impedance method comprises two main

 Selecting an appropriate low pass prototype.

 Approximating the lumped element filter .
In this experiment, using Step impedance method, we are going to design
a third order LPF with Chebyshev approximation, in microstrip
configuration with the following specifications.

Dielectric constant,𝜀𝑟 = 10.8(RT/duroid 6010)

Cut off frequency, fc =1GHz

Substrate thickness, h= 1.27mm

Passband ripple = 0.1 dB

Assume Lowest line impedance for capacitor, 𝑍0𝐶 = 24 Ω

Characteristic impedance, 𝑍0 = 50 Ω

Assume Highest line impedance for inductor, 𝑍0𝐿 =93 Ω

The serial inductor of a lowpass model can be replaced with high

impedance transmission line sections and parallel capacitor with low
impedance transmission line section. The size of low impedance
component usually is in the form of very broad transmission line.

1.4. Design of lumped element low pass filter:

With pass band ripple characteristic being 0.1dB ripple, N =3, Ω𝑐 = 1 ,the
prototype element valuesare obtained from the Table1.1

𝑔0 = 𝑔4 = 1,
𝑔1 = 𝑔3 = 1.0316,

𝑔2 = 1.1474.

The inductor and capacitor values can be calculated by using the below
formulas respectively,

𝑍0 Ω
𝐿1 = × 2𝛱𝑓𝑐 × 𝑔1 ….. (1)
𝑔0 𝑐

Ω𝑐 𝑔
𝐶2 = × 𝑍0 × 𝑔2 ……(2)
2𝛱𝑓𝑐 0

𝑍0 Ω
𝐿3 = × 2𝛱𝑓𝑐 × 𝑔3 ….. (3)
𝑔0 𝑐

The lumped element network is as shown in figure below.

Calculated values for lumped element network from equation 1 and 2 are
as given in given in Table 1.2

TABLE 1.2. lumped parameter values

Prototype element value Correspond L and C value

g1=1.0316 L1= 8.209 nH

g2=1.1474 C2=3.652 pF

g3=1.0316 L3=8.209 nH
The filter is to be fabricated on a substrate with a relative dielectric
constant of 10.8 and a thickness of 1.27 mm. Following the above-
mentioned considerations, the characteristic impedances of the high- and
low-impedance lines are chosen as Z0L = 93 ohms and Z0C = 24 ohms.

The microstrip line width and guided wavelengths are calculated using
following equations and shown in Table 1.3.

Microstrip line width W:

Effective dielectric constant:

Guided wavelength:
Where 𝜆0 = 𝑐/𝑓

TABLE 1.3. Design parameters of microstrip lines

The physical lengths of the high and low-impedance lines may be found
by using the following set of equations with 𝜔𝑐 = 2𝜋𝑓𝑐

𝜆𝑔𝐿 𝜔 𝐿
𝑙𝐿 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛−1 ( 𝑍𝑐 ) = 11.04mm …. (4)
2𝜋 0𝐿

𝑙𝑐 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛−1 (𝜔𝑐 𝐶𝑍0𝑐 ) = 9.75 mm …. (5)

The results of above equations do not take into account series reactance
of the low-impedance line and shunt susceptance of the high-impedance
lines. To include these effects, the lengths of the high and low-impedance
lines should be adjusted to satisfy

2𝜋𝑙𝐿 𝜋𝑙
𝜔𝑐 𝐿 = 𝑍0𝐿 𝑠𝑖𝑛 ( ) + 𝑍0𝐶 tan(𝜆 𝐶 ) …. (6)
𝜆𝑔𝐿 𝑔𝐶

1 2𝜋𝑙𝐶 1 𝜋𝑙𝐿
𝜔𝑐 𝐶= 𝑠𝑖𝑛 ( ) + 2 × 𝑍 𝑡𝑎𝑛 ( ). . .(7)
𝑍0𝐶 𝜆𝑔𝐶 0𝐿 𝜆𝑔𝐿

This set of equations is solved for 𝑙𝐿 and 𝑙𝐶 , resulting in 𝑙𝐿 = 9.81 mm

and𝑙𝐶 = 7.11 mm.

The physical dimensions of the series inductors, shunt capacitors are

shown in the table below and the configuration is shown in figure below.

TABLE 1.4. Physical dimensions of the microstrip line

Sr Impedance (𝜴 ) Width (mm) Length (mm)


1 50(source resistance) 1.1 6.635

2 93(series inductance) 0.2 9.81

3 24(shunt capacitance) 4 7.11

4 93 (series inductance) 0.2 9.81

5 50(source resistance) 1.1 6.635

Figure 1.2. a three pole microstrip filter layout on a substrate with a

relative dielectric constant of 10.8 and a thickness of 1.27

1.5. Design of LOW pass filter using circuit design

1. Project →Insert circuit design
2. In menu bar, View→Component libraries.
3. Then component libraries will be displayed on right side. Select
‘Components’ which is appearing below in component library.
4. Select Capacitor and drag the component on the screen. Right
click on the capacitor →Rotate
5. Double click on the capacitor →edit the value as 3.652e-012
6. Similarly select inductor from component library and set value
as 8.209e-009

7. In menu bar, select interface port and connect to inductor

as shown in figure.

8. Similarly, connect second interface port to inductor on right side

9. Select Ground and connect to capacitor. Using wire connect
all components as shown in figure.

10. Right click on port1→ Flip vertical

11. Right click on port1→ Edit port→ select Microwave port
Then circuit appears as

12. Repeat the above process for port 2.

13. Under project manager, Right click on ‘Analysis’ →Add

Nexxim Solution setup →Linear Network Analysis→Add→Select
Linear count→start 0.1GHz, Stop→3GHz,Count→ 51 →OK
14. Under project manager, Right click on ‘Analysis’ → Linear
frequency → Analyze
Now simulation starts.
15. After simulation, Under project manager, Right click on
Results → Create standard report →Rectangular plot→ Select S
parameter→ select both S(Port1,Port1) and S(Port2,Port1) →New

The insertion loss is -3.0dB at 1.3GHz with 0.1dB pass band ripple.

1.6. Design of LOW pass filter using HFSS 3D layout

1. Project⟶ click Insert HFSS 3D Layout Design

2. On the toolbar, click the Layout dialog icon

The Edit Layers dialog opens.
3. Deselect the  Laminate mode option.
4. To Insert an infinite ground layer,
Select ‘Insert below’.
Enter g1 in the Name field.
Set Type to ‘signal’ and click OK to add the layer.
To make the Negative column visible, click the check-box in the
Negative column
5. To insert a dielectric layer,
select ‘Insert above’
Enter d1 in the Name field.
Set Type to ‘dielectric’ and click OK to add the layer.
6. To insert a trace layer,
select ‘Insert above’
Enter t1 in the Name field.
Set Type to ‘signal’ and click OK to add the layer.
Make sure the Negative option is turned off for t1

7. Next, create a new dielectric material and assign it to d1:

 In d1 row, click the Materials drop down menu and select
 Click Add Material.
 Enter Value for Relative Permittivity- 10.8. Click OK, then
Material1 is defined.
 Click OK
8. In d1 row, set thickness value as 1.27mm
Define roughness by selecting rough in both t1 and g1 layers. To
know the roughness, click on Huray roughness

These statements are optional
 Click on ‘Stackup’ that is present on Top left corner→Export XML
 File name: Test
 Save as: XML Control file (*.xml) on Desktop
 Click on ‘Save’
Click on ‘Test’ file available on Desktop. File opens in Notepad. You can
edit that file to change any material properties and later you can import
to HFSS 3D layout


9. Click ‘Apply and Close’

10. On the Layout toolbar, select “t1” from the list of layers to make
sure that the active layer is set to “t1”
11. On the Layout Draw toolbar, click the Draw Rectangle icon
 Then in the Layout grid, hold the left mouse button and drag
the cursor to create rectangle and left-click to finish.
 Double click on rectangle
Placement layer:t1
Pt A: 0,0
Pt B: 9.81mm,0.2mm
Click on ‘Apply’
 Again draw another rectangle with Pt A: 9.81mm,-2mm
Pt B: 16.92 mm, 2mm
 Select first rectangle, Copy using ctrl+C and paste at other
side of second rectangle using ctrl+V. set Pt A: 16.92mm,0mm
Pt B: 26.73mm,0.2mm.
 In menu bar, View →Reset Orientation

12. Next, fit the drawing to the Layout window by doing either of the
 Press CTRL +D.
 On the View menu, click Fit Drawing.
13. To create Port,
 Press E in the keyboard and select left edge.
 Right click on left edge→ Port → Create.
Note that ‘Port1’ appears in the layout editor. Also, in the ‘Project
Manager’, an icon labeled ‘Port1’ appears under ‘Excitations’
14. Repeat step 13 to create port2 on the right edge

15. Under Project manager, right-click Analysis, and then select

‘Add Planar EM Solution Setup’.
 Solution Frequency: 1GHz
 Click OK
16. In the Project Manager, expand the Analysis folder, right-click
Planar EM Setup1, and Set
Frequency: 1GHz
Sweep name: Sweep1
Sweep type: Interpolating
Distribution: Linear count
Start: 0.1GHz
End: 3GHz
Points: 51
Click OK

This is optional
You can export HFSS 3D layout into HFSS environment also.

 In project manager ,Right click on Analysis, Select Add HFSS

Solution Setup
 In the Project Manager, expand the Analysis folder, right-click
HFSS Solution Setup 1, and Set
Sweep name: Sweep1
Sweep type: Interpolating
Distribution: Linear count
Start: 0.1GHz
End: 3GHz
Points: 51
Click OK
 In project manager,Right click on HFSS Setup1→Export →HFSS
Then you can save HFSS imported file in desired location.

 Validate
 Analyze all


17. Right click on Excitations in Project manager→Port excitations

P1→ 1𝑉
P2→ 0𝑉

18. In the Project Manager, right click Analysis and then Click
Analyze. Then simulations starts.
19. After simulation,
In the Project Manager, right-click Results, and then click Create
Standard Report > Rectangular Plot.
20. select S Parameters, select S(port1, port1) S(port2, port1) and
Select dB.
Click New Report, then click Close.

In HFSS 3D layout:
If 50 ohm microstrip of width 6.635mm and length 1.1mm also
In HFSS design:
Chebyshevlowpass filter using circuit design (Simple
 Project→insert circuit design
 View→Component libraries
 Choose filters→Chebyshev lowpass filter (Drag & Drop). Later
press esc
 Press ctrl+D to fit to screen
 Double click on filter in figure window and set:
 Click on interface port. Place 2 ports one at input and other at
 Connect components

 Double click on Port1 . Simple impedance =50ohms

 Similarly check, second port to have simple impedance 50 ohms.
Right click on Analysis in Project manager→Add Nexxim Solution
setup→Linear network analysis→ 𝐴𝑑𝑑 → Linear count,
start:0.1GHz, stop:3GHz,Count:101→Add
 In menu bar, Project→Analyze all.
 Results→Create Standard report→rectangular plot
→Sparameters→ 𝑆𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑏𝑜𝑡ℎ 𝑆(𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡1, 𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡1) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑆(𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡2, 𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡1)
 New report.

Experiment:-10 Quadrature (90) Hybrid coupler

Aim: Design and simulation of a Quadrature (90) Hybrid coupler using

ANSYS Designer and Circuit Designer

Tools Required:
 ANSYS HFSS software
 PC


A quadrature Hybrid coupler is a four-port device that is used either to equally split an input
signal with a resultant 90° phase shift between output ports or to combine two signals while
maintaining high isolation between the ports.

Figure 1

The basic configuration of a hybrid coupler is shown in Figure 1 which illustrates two cross-
over transmission lines over a length of one-quarter wavelength, corresponding with the
center frequency of operation. When power is introduced at the IN port, half the power (3dB)
flows to the 0° port and the other half is coupled (in the opposite direction) to the 90° port.
Reflections from mismatches sent back to the output ports will flow directly to the ISO port
or cancel at the input. This is why hybrids are so widely used to split high power signals in
applications where unwanted reflections could easily damage the driver device.

3 dB, 90° degree hybrids are also known as quadrature hybrids because a signal applied to
any input, will result in two equal amplitude signals that are quadrant (90° apart). It also
makes no difference which port is the input because the relationship at the outputs remains
the same as these devices are electrically and mechanically symmetrical. This configuration
ensures a high degree of isolation between the two output ports and the two input ports
without unwanted interaction between them.
0 ⁄ −1⁄ 0
√2 √2
⌈ −𝑗 ⌉
⌈ ⁄ 0 0 −1⁄ ⌉
S=⌈ √2 √2 ⌉
⌈−1⁄ −𝑗
0 0 ⁄ ⌉
⌈ √2 √2 ⌉
⌈ 0 −𝑗
−1⁄ ⁄ 0 ⌉
⌈ √2 √2 ⌉

Problem Statement: To Design aMicrostrip 3dB quadrature hybrid power

coupler on a substrate having ε𝑟 =4.4 and with a hight of 60 Mils(1.524mm). The
operating frequency is 3.5GHz
Solution: Withε𝑟 =4.4, h=60Mils=1.524mm the quadrature hybrid coupler can be
designed as below.
The characteristic impedance 𝑍0 =50Ω
So 𝑍0 ′= 0⁄ =35.355Ω
𝒁𝟎 =50 Ω 𝒁𝟎 ′=35.355 Ω
A 1.529 1.1287
𝑊⁄ 1.913 3.263

B 7.985
W 2.915mm 4.974
ε𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 3.33 3.486
⋋𝑔 46.971mm 45.908
⋋𝑔 11.742mm 11.477

Design procedure:

Creating a new project

Filenew projectGive the name of Project.
ProjectInsert HFSS 3D layout Design
Defining layers
LayoutLayersInsert Patch (Type :signal) at the TopBelow Patch insert Substrate
(Type: Dielectric . Material: FR-4)Below the substrate insert Ground(Type :Negative
Drawing structure:
Draw Rectanglea pup of window showing ‘active layer has been changed to patch’
click on okDraw the rectangle by dragging on right click.
Giving dimension:
Double click on rectangle PT A(0,0)PT B(2.915,11.742)---------(1)
Make six copies of this rectangle.
In the same procedure draw another rectangle and give dimension as following
Double click on rectangle PT A(0,0)PT B(4.974,11.477)---------(2)
Make two copies of this rectangle.
As in figure join four first rectangle as four ports and two vertical arms. The two
horizontal arms will be the second rectangle.
Select the entire structureDrawMerge polygonsUnion
Solution setup:
Right click on AnalysisAdd Nexxium solution setupLinear network analysis.
Select F below sweep variablesclick on AddSelect linear stepgive start
frequency1GHzDecade count 7GHz step 0.01GHzclick on Addit will appear in
Sweep valuesOkOk
Now Validate and analyze the model.
Port1 Port2

Port4 Port3

Simulation Result:
To plot the S parameters right click on resultcreate standard reportRectangular
plot(select the S parameters you want to display)

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