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Biomechanical aspects of new techniques in alpine skiing and ski-jumping

Article in Journal of Sports Sciences · October 2003

DOI: 10.1080/0264041031000140284 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

Erich Müller Hermann Schwameder

University of Salzburg University of Salzburg


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Journal of Sports Sciences, 2003, 21, 679–692

Biomechanical aspects of new techniques in alpine

skiing and ski-jumping
Institute of Sport Science, University of Salzburg, Akademiestr. 26, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria

Accepted 10 May 2003

There have been considerable changes in equipment design and movement patterns in the past few years both in
alpine skiing and ski-jumping. These developments have been matched by methods of analysing movements in
field conditions. They have yielded new insights into the skills of these specific winter sports. Analytical
techniques have included electromyography, kinetic and kinematic methods and computer simulations. Our
aim here is to review biomechanical research in alpine skiing and ski-jumping. We present in detail the
techniques currently used in alpine skiing (carving technique) and ski-jumping (V-technique), primarily using
data from the authors’ own research. Finally, we present a summary of the most important results in
biomechanical research both in alpine skiing and ski-jumping. This includes an analysis of specific conditions in
alpine skiing (type of turn, terrain, snow, speed, etc.) and the effects of equipment, materials and individual-
specific abilities on performance, safety and joint loading in ski-jumping.

Keywords: electromyography, equipment, hills, simulation, turns.

Introduction during data acquisition and often compromises had to

be made to arrive at the best possible solution. Within
Over the past few years, dramatic changes have taken the last few years, changes in measurement methods
place in alpine skiing and ski-jumping. In alpine skiing, have, especially in biomechanical field studies, made it
the skis have become much shorter, their side-cut has possible to gain new insights into the various perfor-
increased in size and binding plates are now fixed mance techniques.
between the ski and the binding. The stiffness of the ski This review presents examples of biomechanical field
has changed also. This evolution has, of course, studies using the new measurement methods. In
changed the movement patterns of ski turns to a great particular, we focus on the new carving technique in
extent, but it may also have affected the risk of alpine skiing and the new V-technique in ski-jumping.
sustaining an injury. In ski-jumping, the introduction
of the V-technique (V-position of the skis during the
flight phase) has affected almost all the characteristics Biomechanics of the new carving technique in
relevant to performance of a jump. This was followed alpine skiing
by new regulations concerning ski equipment to
Introduction to the biomechanics of alpine skiing
improve the ski-jumper’s safety.
Performance diagnostics are especially significant in The literature on the biomechanics of alpine skiing can
modern sport. The financial cost of biomechanical be characterized essentially by three phases of develop-
movement analyses is high, because of the measure- ment. Contributions to the first phase were qualitative
ment accuracy required on the one hand, and the need studies of the forces and resulting motion sequences
to limit the impact of measurement sensors on the during skiing. The early studies were those of Reuel
course of motion on the other. This means that the (1930), Brandenberger (1934) and Schuppe (1941). In
athlete should not be seriously affected by the measure- the 1960s, a series of contributions followed in the
ment system. In the past, it was not always possible to Viennese specialty journal Leibesübung-Leibeserziehung
achieve these partly contradictory aims simultaneously (‘Physical exercises–physical education’) (Gabler, 1959;
Schöck, 1963, 1965, 1966; Fetz, 1964; Nieke, 1964;
Hatze, 1966, 1967; Groll, 1969), which Groll summar-
* e-mail: ized for the most part in his book Zur Bewegungslehre des
Journal of Sports Sciences ISSN 0264-0414 print/ISSN 1466-447X online # 2003 Taylor & Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/0264041031000140284
680 Müller and Schwameder

Skilaufs (‘Concerning the theory of motion in skiing’). most important publications are those by Nachbauer
Since the 1970s and 1980s, contributions of this type and Kaps (1995), Niessen and Müller (1999), Nigg
have appeared and been widely distributed internation- (1997), Quinn and Mote (1992), Read and Herzog
ally (Brehm, 1982; Göhner, 1982). The monographs of (1992) and Senner et al. (2000).
Brandenberger (1974), Howe (1983) and Lind and Of particular significance for the biomechanics of
Sanders (1997) are especially significant. skiing is the international ‘Science and Skiing’ move-
The second phase is characterized by specific ment, established in 1996. The communications to
quantitative descriptions of motion processes in alpine congresses convened in 1996 and 2000 have been
skiing using biomechanical methods. The first compre- published as proceedings (Müller et al., 1997, 2001).
hensive description was that of Möser (1957). He
developed a dynamograph in the form of a ski-mounted
A description of the new carving technique
mechanical lever gear. Using this device, the ground
reaction forces acting on the ski during the run could be With the introduction of carving skis, alpine skiing has
registered on paper strips. experienced a tremendous boom. Carving skis are
Since the 1970s, several studies have been published essentially more strongly waisted and markedly shorter
in which various methods for analysing skiing techni- than conventional skis. Additionally, a binding plate is
ques were described. Most worthy of note are the mounted between the ski and binding whereby the
contributions of Fukuoka (1971), Nigg et al. (1977), standing height of the skier is increased by 1–2 cm.
Kassat (1985), Müller (1986, 1991, 1994) and Rasch- In carving, the ‘curved turn’ is important. Using this
ner et al. (2001), who were concerned with the sport technique, steering takes place along the ski edges
skiing techniques of ski instruction. Most recently, without any lateral skid component. The navigable
biomechanical descriptions of the run techniques of curve radius during carved turns is a function of the
international elite ski racers have been published in the following variables: ski waist, on-edge angle and ski
disciplines of slalom and giant slalom. Especially flexion (Fig. 1). The more strongly waisted the ski and
important are the studies of Müller et al. (1991), the greater the on-edge angle, the more strongly the ski
Raschner (1997) and Raschner et al. (1999), in which must flex to maintain contact with the slope along the
the three-dimensional kinematic and kinetic character- total length of the edge. The curve cut into the snow
istics of slalom and giant slalom techniques are under full contact with the slope is designated the turn
outlined. radius. Figure 2 shows the ideal cut curve radius as a
In the third phase of development, which began in function of the on-edge angle with variously waisted skis
the 1980s, key variables have been measured using (Niessen and Müller, 1999).
biomechanical methods. On the one hand, these inform In the ski methodology literature, it is often stated
the quality of the technique of motion and, on the other, that the run technique, in comparison with traditional
they provide information about factors that may cause parallel turns, has been strongly modified. In a recent
typical skiing injuries. Fetz (1977, 1991) considered the study, Schiefermüller et al. (in press) used a combina-
key variables for finishing techniques and developed the tion of kinematic, kinetic and electromyographic
Vorlagetechnik, which is still practised today in the methods. To allow a comparison with the conventional
slalom and giant slalom when skiers are passing the technique of the parallel turn, the same participants
finishing line of the race. Many studies were concerned performed parallel and carved turns with conventional
with the optimization of the course run line. Nachbauer and carving skis, respectively, under otherwise identical
and Rauch (1991) assessed the influence of the run line boundary conditions. On a well-prepared, moderately
on race time in the slalom and giant slalom. Nachbauer steep slope (158), the test skiers had the task of making
and Kaps (1991) discussed the aerodynamic aspects of six runs each with eight turns per run with differently
the standing position of the skier and their influence on waisted skis (carving: r = 14 m; parallel technique:
running time in ski racing. Due to current develop- r = 32 m). The runs were filmed with three video
ments in ski construction, studies of the relationship cameras and the data evaluated three-dimensionally
between ski geometry and run line are especially using the SIMI software package (Munich, Germany).
significant (Casolo et al., 1997; Mössner et al., 1997; The ground reaction forces and the pressure distribu-
Margane et al., 1998; Niessen, 1999; Niessen and tion in the ski boot were measured by two pressure
Müller, 1999). The studies of Scharfenberg (1992) and measurement sole inserts (Novel, Munich, Germany).
Mester (1997) focused on motion regulation during Simultaneously, it was possible using electromyography
skiing. to observe the activities of the gluteus maximus, vastus
The loading of the musculoskeletal system during medialis, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, biceps femoris,
skiing and the possible consequent causes of injury have tibialis anterior and peroneus longus muscles (Biovision
been examined by several working groups. Among the system, Frankfurt, Germany).
Biomechanics of alpine skiing and ski-jumping 681

Fig. 1. Side cut (ski waist), on-edge angle and ski flexion of carving skis.

Fig. 2. Turn radius as a function of on-edge angle for variously waisted skis.

During the steering phase, the greatest load is on edges are shifted and turned towards the direction of
the outer ski. The load is increased continuously the new turn (Fig. 3).
while steering into the fall line and reaches a During the steering phase, the knee angle of the outer
maximum of about 180% during steering out of the leg is greater throughout than that of the inner leg. With
fall line. During both steering phases, the force–time relatively small fluctuations, it remains relatively con-
courses are very uneven. This can be attributed to the stant at 120–1308 (Fig. 4). The knee angle of the inner
repeated lateral skid phases, as continuous steering leg at the onset of the first steering phase is about 1208.
along the slightly waisted edges is very difficult. The However, it is reduced in the course of the turning
initiation phases are characterized by a load change phase and reaches its minimum of about 958 at the
from the outer to the inner ski and a relatively beginning of the initiation phase (the skier changes the
intensive increase in load on the inner ski. With the ski–snow contact from the uphill edge to the downhill
introduction of the up-unweighting phase, the skis’ edge of the skis and initiates the turning of the skis into
682 Müller and Schwameder

Fig. 3. Ground reaction forces and knee angles during two turns with the traditional parallel technique (mean values of six runs).
Reproduced with permission from Schiefermüller et al. (in press).

Fig. 4. Ground reaction forces and knee angles during two turns with the carving technique (mean values of six runs).
Reproduced with permission from Schiefermüller et al. (in press).
Biomechanics of alpine skiing and ski-jumping 683

Fig. 5. Comparison of EMG of the vastus medialis and rectus femoris during two turns with the parallel (PT) and the carving
(CT) technique. Reproduced with permission from Schiefermüller et al. (in press).

the new direction). The steep increase in knee angle in does not occur as quickly as in the traditional parallel
the first part of the initiation phase reflects the up- turn. The temporal percentage of the initiation phase
unweighting movement and the large contribution of relative to the total turn is essentially greater with the
the inner leg to the total unloading. carving technique.
The carving turn can be distinguished from the In the steering phases, the knee angle of the outer
conventional parallel turn by the strongly pronounced leg is relatively constant at 125–1358, whereas that of
co-loading of the inner leg in all turn phases. Another the inner leg is continuously reduced and, at the
distinguishing characteristic is the relatively short beginning of the initiation phase, is only about 958.
second steering phase and the comparatively long turn During the initiation phase, there is a strongly
phase of initiation. pronounced extension of the inner leg by about 408.
The initial steering phase is characterized by a This extension motion, which leads to a very
continuous increase in load on both legs, with the load pronounced unloading of the skis, is completed
distribution being approximately equal. In the second relatively slowly within 0.75 s.
turning phase, the outer ski is again more strongly By a direct comparison of the activity of the
loaded, whereby the following initiation phase is quadriceps femoris in both techniques, the essential
introduced very quickly. The turn initiation phase is difference between the traditional parallel turn and
very similar in structure to that of the traditional parallel the carving turn becomes clear (Fig. 5). During the
turn. The up-unloading is first introduced by the outer carving turn the inner leg is strongly co-loaded,
and then by the inner leg, whereby the increase in force whereas in the traditional parallel turn the activity of
684 Müller and Schwameder

the inner leg takes on a significantly subordinate before take-off (Schwameder et al., 1997), the effect of
role. jumping boots on muscle activation and performance
In summary, the following were identified in the (Schwameder et al., 1997; Virmavirta, 2000) and the
comparison of the traditional parallel and the new effect of headwind on dynamic parameters (Virmavirta,
carving turn: 2000). The main purposes of computer simulations of
the flight phase are to optimize the flight position of the
. In the traditional parallel turn during the steering ski-jumper/ski system and to provide basic information
phases, the predominant load is on the outer ski, for the construction of hills for jumping. Many scientific
whereas intensive co-loading of the inner leg is found articles have been published on these aspects (Tani and
in all turning phases with the carving technique. Iuchi, 1971; Remizov, 1984; Hubbard et al., 1989;
. The carving technique has a relatively short second Müller et al., 1996; Müller, 1997). In most of these
steering phase (steering the skis out of the fall line) studies, results from wind tunnel measurements and/or
and a comparatively long initiation phase. analytical calculations served as input data for the
. The turn initiation phase of the carving technique is simulations.
in structure very similar to that of the traditional The main biomechanical methods used in these
parallel turn. Up-unweighting in combination with a studies are (1) kinematics, (2) kinetics, (3) electromyo-
changing edge is seen with both techniques. graphy (EMG) and (4) computer simulation. Our aim
. Turns with carving skis demand better sagittal here is to provide a review of the most important
balance as well as an improved edge steering ability biomechanical studies of ski-jumping, differentiated
to remain centrally positioned over the ski. according to the methods used.
. The more waisted and more flexible skis, together
with the greater on-edge angles during the steering
phase, make the much smaller turning radii with the Kinematic methods and results
new carving technique possible.
Hill jumps
The two main aims of kinematic field studies of hill
Biomechanics of ski-jumping jumps are the description of motion characteristics
during ski-jumping and the determination of kinematic
Introduction to the biomechanics of ski-jumping
parameters related to performance. Results have been
Biomechanical research in ski-jumping has a fairly long provided both for the jump as a whole and for the in-
tradition, going back to the 1920s. Straumann (1926, run, take-off, flight and landing separately. While early
1927) was the first to use biomechanical methods in ski- studies concentrated on two-dimensional methods (e.g
jumping for research purposes. He attempted to Hochmuth, 1964; Komi et al., 1974; Baumann, 1979),
determine the most aerodynamically advantageous describing the motion in the sagittal plane, more
body position during flight using flight path calculations recent studies have also provided three-dimensional
and wind tunnel measurements. Many different and data (Arndt et al., 1995; Schwameder and Müller,
very specific methods have been developed to study 1995).
locomotion in ski-jumping from the biomechanical From a kinematic perspective, the take-off has
point of view. The main research areas include: (1) received most attention. As optimal conditions for
field studies of hill jumps; (2) laboratory investigations flight are created during the take-off, this phase is
of simulation jumps (take-offs in dry-land exercises); deemed crucial by many investigators (Komi et al.,
and (3) computer simulations of the flight phase 1974; Baumann, 1979; Arndt et al., 1995; Schwameder
(Schwameder and Müller, 2001b). Most field studies and Müller, 1995). In this phase, the ski-jumper has to
of hill jumps have used standardized research and perform the transition from an aerodynamically con-
training conditions; few studies have been conducted venient squat position to optimal flight position within
under competitive conditions (Komi et al., 1974; about 300 ms and at a speed of about 25 m × s71. It has
Virmavirta and Komi, 1989, 1993a,b; Arndt et al., been comprehensively discussed whether ballistic vari-
1995; Yamanobe and Watanabe, 1999). Simulation ables (those referring exclusively to the state of motion
jumps are commonly used for the technique training of of the centre of gravity, such as magnitude and direction
ski-jumpers. From the scientific point of view, simula- of release velocity, flight path, etc.) can be used to
tion jumps are of interest because of: (1) performance explain the quality of the jump and jump distance.
diagnostics and their connection to hill jumps; (2) the Although several authors indicate such a connection
comparison that can be made between hill and (Komi et al., 1974; Schwameder and Müller, 1995),
simulation jumps; and (3) specific aspects, such as others have suggested that the ballistic parameters play
joint power distribution (Sasaki et al., 1997), position a minor role compared with the aerodynamic char-
Biomechanics of alpine skiing and ski-jumping 685

acteristics that describe the relative positions of body After the take-off, the early flight (about 25 m after
segments and skis (Baumann, 1979; Arndt et al., 1995). take-off) may be the most sensitive and significant
Many studies of the correlation between release velocity phase. Kinematic studies of this phase have been
and jump length can be found in the literature. Because published by Baumann (1979) for the parallel techni-
of the varying conditions, the results of these studies are que using a two-dimensional kinematic approach, as
not comparable and, therefore, inferences are incon- well as by Schwameder and Müller (1995) and Arndt et
sistent. The range of the correlation coefficients is al. (1995) for the V-technique using three-dimensional
surprisingly high [0.75–0.80 (Hochmuth, 1958/59), low kinematic analyses. Although Baumann restricted his
(Komi et al., 1974), 0.34 (Baumann, 1979), 0.40–0.67 study to a description of the position angles, Schwa-
(Vaverka, 1987), 0.68 (Virmavirta and Komi, 1993a), meder and Müller (1995) and Arndt et al. (1995)
not significant (Arndt et al., 1995) and 0.35 (Schwa- ascertained performance-determining variables using
meder and Müller, 1995)]. The reasons for these multi-variable approaches. Schwameder and Müller
inconsistent results are manifold. In summary, correla- (1995) found that jump distance correlated most
tions between the approach and release velocity to jump strongly (r = 0.89) with a combination of high vertical
distance tend to decrease with (1) increase in the velocity, high knee-angle velocity, high torque during
standard of performer, (2) increase in sample homo- the take-off and a small body–ski angle after 20 m of
geneity and (3) size of the jump hill. Based on kinematic flight. An investigation under competitive conditions
studies, the magnitude of the approach and release (Arndt et al., 1995) has shown that a combination of a
velocities observed during competition for reaching large forward lean of the upper body, the lower body
greater jump distances are of subordinate importance. and the skis after 17 m of flight, together with a large ski
For longer jump distances, the take-off and flight and leg opening angle after 17 m of flight, correlate
quality are more important than a high approach and most highly with jump distance (r = 0.92).
release velocity.
The vertical release velocity or, rather, the compo-
Simulation jumps
nent of release velocity perpendicular to the take-off
table, is another kinematic parameter that has been Simulation ski-jumps have not been analysed very
studied in relation to jump distance. Some of the intensively using kinematic methods. The main interest
correlations reported in the literature include 0.85–0.90 has been the kinematic comparison between hill and
(Hochmuth, 1959), 0.39 (Komi et al., 1974), 0.61 simulation jumps. Using a two-dimensional kinematic
(Schwameder and Müller, 1995) and 0.30 (Arndt et al., approach, Sasaki and Tsunoda (1988) reported a
1995). These results show that the correlation depends release direction perpendicular to the take-off table for
on the standard of performance and the homogeneity of hill jumps, whereas for simulation jumps a strongly
the athletes analysed, the conditions of the study forward-oriented movement was performed. This
(training vs competition), the size of the hill and the movement pattern results from the lack of wind
technique (parallel vs V-technique). resistance and high friction during simulation jumps.
In addition to these ballistic parameters, aerody- In another study, Sasaki et al. (1990) tried to clarify the
namic variables such as body angles, body positions technique-specific problems of the take-off in dry-land
and changes of body positions during take-off have training. They observed differences between hill and
been studied increasingly with respect to their effect simulation jumps with respect to kinematics. Addition-
on jump distance. Gisler et al. (1977) and Virmavirta ally, differences were noted in the spatial–temporal
and Komi (1993a) reported a strong relationship structure of movement for jumpers of varying standard.
between upper body position and jump distance.
Three parameters indicating changes in body position
during take-off are important for a long jump distance: Kinetic methods and results
(1) the generation of angular momentum during take-
Hill jumps
off (Gisler et al., 1977; Virmavirta and Komi, 1994;
Arndt et al., 1995; Schwameder and Müller, 1995); Force measurements in hill jumps are difficult techni-
(2) high leg-extension velocity (Baumann, 1979; cally, so the number of kinetic studies in ski-jumping is
Virmavirta and Komi, 1993a; Arndt et al., 1995; limited. The most frequent method used is to measure
Schwameder and Müller, 1995); and (3) the direction ground reaction forces using force plates installed in the
of the take-off movement (Virmavirta and Komi, take-off table (Segesser et al., 1981; Vaverka, 1987;
2000a; Schwameder and Müller, 2001a). In addition, Vaverka et al., 1993; Virmavirta and Komi, 1989, 1991,
the correct timing during take-off is important for 1993a,b). The advantage of this method is that the
length of distance jumped (Baumann, 1979; Camp- jumpers are not affected in any way by the measuring
bell, 1980; Segesser et al., 1981; Klauck, 1989). system and that it can also be used during competition.
686 Müller and Schwameder

On the other hand, only a limited sequence (take-off Schwameder and Müller (1995) used a pair of insoles
phase) and the resulting ground reaction forces can be (Pedar, Novel), each with 85 capacitive sensors, to
measured. measure the pressure distribution under the foot in hill
Virmavirta and Komi (1993b) reported that their jumps. These data served to calculate the ground
measurement method is able to register differences in reaction forces for the entire foot or selected and
the forces of different jumpers and, therefore, indivi- defined regions (left–right, forefoot–heel, etc.). The
dual-specific jumping techniques. They used this advantages of this method are the registration of ground
method to compare the ground reaction forces of elite reaction forces for the entire sequence from in-run to
and juvenile jumpers during competition. The peak landing and the differentiation in separated insole areas.
ground reaction forces for the juvenile jumpers were The limitations of this study were the low sampling rate
significantly smaller and occurred significantly later of 40 Hz and the fact that the device cannot be used
than those of the elite performers (Virmavirta and during competition
Komi, 1993b). Using the same method, Virmavirta Schwameder and Müller (1995) presented a detailed
and Komi (1994) compared the maximal ground description of total and partial forces over the entire
reaction force of the contemporary top world ski sequence from in-run to landing of 22 hill jumps (four
jumper (also the winner of this competition) with elite and four juvenile jumpers). An example of the
those of the eight ski jumpers who finished second to ground reaction forces according to forefoot and heel
ninth under competitive conditions. The winner are presented in Fig. 6. During the straight part of the
proved to have a significantly lower peak force in the in-run, the distribution of force at the forefoot and the
early take-off phase and a significantly higher peak heel is balanced; in the in-run curve (mid-way between
force in the late take-off than the jumpers placed the straight in-run and take-off table) and during take-
second to ninth. The increasing force development off, a pronounced increase in force at the forefoot is
towards the end of the take-off phase may well observed (Fig. 6). The landing peak reaches values
characterize the main advantage of the winning around three times body weight. In the context of this
jumper’s profile. study also, discrete force parameters between elite and
Tveit and Pedersen (1981) were the first to introduce juvenile jumpers were compared. One of the results was
a device to measure forces between the boot and the ski; that the elite jumpers realized significantly higher forces
this device was only usable, however, under training during the take-off than the juvenile jumpers (Schwa-
conditions. Force data were collected separately using meder and Müller, 1995).
load cells mounted in the toe and heel of the right foot. Force distribution monitoring with 16 pressure
The authors used this method primarily to indicate sensors (Paromed) was introduced by Virmavirta and
differences in force production during hill, simulation Komi (2000b). This method of measurement is
and roller-skate take-offs. characterized by a substantially higher sampling rate

Fig. 6. Mean of the forces at the forefoot and heel over time during hill jumps (n = 22, t = 0: take-off). Reproduced with permission
from Schwameder and Müller (1995).
Biomechanics of alpine skiing and ski-jumping 687

compared with the Pedar insoles. The insoles, however, significantly compared with the neutral position,
have to be adjusted individually to the jumper to whereas with the deep position the relationship with
guarantee reliable pressure and force measurement. the neutral position was the reverse. Regarding release
Virmavirta and Komi (2000b) observed a balanced velocities, however, no differences between the three
pressure distribution between heel and forefoot in the positions were observed. Based on these results, the
straight part of the in-run for all three jumpers. During authors recommended individual-specific optimal in-
the in-run curve and during take-off, however, a run positions, adapted to anthropometric and sensor-
significant increase of force was noted in the toe and imotor pre-conditions as well as to the force capacities
forefoot (Fig. 6). of the jumpers.
In the same study, Schwameder et al. (1997)
addressed how footwear influences take-off parameters.
Simulation jumps
Compared with jumping boots, training shoes increased
The first scientific studies of simulation jumps were the release velocity significantly by 4–5%, due to the
those of Hochmuth (1958/59). He was the first to use limited plantar flexion in jumping boots. A comparative
force plates to analyse the take-off movement of ski- EMG analysis of the gastrocnemius supported this
jumpers. Simulation jumps on force plates have explanation. Based on these results, the authors
developed to become a very helpful and informative recommended increased training specificity by using
tool in the training process of ski-jumpers. They are jumping boots for simulation jumps. These results were
used in performance diagnostics, to analyse the confirmed by Virmavirta (2000).
differences between hill and simulation jumps and to Virmavirta (1999, 2000) studied the effect of head-
study special effects of techniques and equipment under wind on dynamic parameters in simulation jumps.
dry-land conditions. World-class jumpers performed simulation jumps in a
Vaverka (1987) studied the stability of time and force wind tunnel with headwinds of 27 and 33 m × s71,
parameters in simulation jumps using force plates. He respectively, and in no-wind conditions. Based on
observed that: (1) time and force parameters were ground reaction force measurements of take-off dura-
individual-specific; (2) force maxima were correlated tion, peak force and momentum were selected as
positively with jump height; (3) intra-individually, time parameters. In wind conditions, the take-off duration
and force parameters were very stable (r = 0.72 and was significantly reduced (by up to 14%), while peak
0.75); (4) the stability of the parameters investigated force and momentum did not change. The results were
correlated positively with the performance of the explained by the supporting lift in the wind conditions.
jumper; and (5) the characteristics in the late take-off Additionally, the explosive force and, subsequently, the
phase showed greater stability than in the initial phase. dynamic structure of simulation jumps were consider-
Pedotti and Rodano (1987) presented a method to ably changed in the wind conditions. Wind tunnel
quantify jump quality and biomechanical patterns. simulation jumps are more training-specific by taking
They used a two-component force plate to test three advantage of aerodynamic forces.
groups of jumpers of varying standard during three The first comparative analysis of hill and simulation
types of jumps. The jumps were characterized accord- jumps in terms of kinetics was made by Tveit and
ing to the resulting release velocity, the release angle Pedersen (1981). They used skis instrumented with
and force vector diagrams. As release velocity differed load cells under the ball and the heel and found higher
significantly among the three groups, the authors take-off forces for simulation jumps than for hill jumps.
assumed these parameters to be performance-related. The authors concluded that vertical acceleration during
In contrast, there was no significant difference in release take-off has been assigned too much importance.
angle among the three groups. The authors considered Vaverka et al. (1993) compared the dynamic structure
their method useful to improve jump performance and of hill and simulation jumps. They observed that, on
to develop helpful training equipment and support average, hill jumps reached 72% of the release velocity
devices. of simulation jumps. On the basis of this result and
Force plate measurements were also used to study based on the high correlation between release velocity
the effect of the initial position on dynamic character- under hill and laboratory conditions (r = 0.89), the
istics during take-off in simulation jumps (Schwameder authors considered simulation jumps to be a reliable
et al., 1997). Take-off duration, release velocity and test to determine the take-off abilities of ski-jumpers.
explosive force (peak force rate) from jumps out of a A differentiated and comparative analysis of the
deep (knee angle k = 788), neutral (k = 708) and high pressure distribution on the sole of the foot between
initial position (k = 918) were measured in world-class hill and simulation jumps was presented by Virmavirta
ski-jumpers. With the high position, the take-off (2000). The results were analysed for the in-run and for
duration decreased and the explosive force increased three take-off segments (100 ms each). In all phases,
688 Müller and Schwameder

the pressure distribution differed significantly between and ankle joint. The jumper has to counteract the
hill and simulation jumps and were caused by the additional load caused by the centrifugal force in the in-
differing boundary conditions (friction, lift, drag) of hill run curve. The gluteus maximus still remains inactive.
and simulation jumps. During the entire take-off, the vastus lateralis and
gastrocnemius increase their activities substantially.
The tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius are active,
Electromyographic methods and results although not more than during the in-run curve, to
stabilize the ankle joint. The flight phase is character-
Hill jumps
ized by high activities of the vastus lateralis, tibialis
There have been few studies on hill jumping in which anterior and gastrocnemius. During landing, the
electromyographic methods have been used. One of the activities of all muscles are high to control the large
most comprehensive and detailed studies was that of transient landing forces and to guarantee stabilization of
Komi and Virmavirta (1997), in which the activities of the body.
vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, gastrocnemius, tibialis Virmavirta (2000) also studied the activities of the
anterior and gluteus maximus were recorded over the tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, vastus lateralis and
entire sequence from in-run to landing. Virmavirta gluteus maximus in hill jumps during the in-run, the
(2000) studied the activity of the tibialis anterior, in-run curve and the take-off depending on size of the
gastrocnemius, vastus lateralis and gluteus maximus, hill (35 m, 65 m, 90 m). The differences were found to
together with the pressure under the heel and the toe for be very small. In some phases and for some muscles,
the entire jump (Fig. 7). During the in-run, the activity significant differences were observed (gastrocnemius:
of all muscles is very low. The entry into the in-run take-off; gluteus maximus: take-off; vastus lateralis: in-
curve increases the activity of the vastus lateralis, tibialis run, in-run curve). In all of these cases, the activities
anterior and gastrocnemius, thus stabilizing the knee decreased with the size of the hill.

Fig. 7. EMG and heel–toe pressure for a hill jump. Reproduced with permission from Virmavirta (2000).
Biomechanics of alpine skiing and ski-jumping 689

function. Hence, the path of this function depended

Simulation jumps
on individual aerodynamic parameters. On the basis of
A differentiated and comparative analysis of muscular these calculations, he claimed that there is only one
activity of the tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, vastus time-dependent combination of air forces to guarantee
lateralis, gluteus maximus and biceps femoris between maximal jumping distance.
hill and simulation jumps was presented by Virmavirta Hubbard et al. (1989) presented a four-segment
(2000). The activities of all muscles differed, in some model with time-dependent joint torques. With an
cases substantially, between hill and simulation jumps; increase in the number of degrees of freedom in the
the most distinct differences, however, were found for model, higher agreement with kinematic measurements
the tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius. The differences could have been achieved. In this context, the authors
were described in detail and were justified by the emphasized that the quality of experimental aerody-
differing boundary conditions (friction, air resistance namic data is important for high-quality computer
and lift) of hill and simulation. simulations.
Virmavirta (2000) also analysed the activity of the Watanabe and Watanabe (1993) measured aero-
same muscles for simulation jumps with training shoes dynamic forces and torques for the V-technique
and with jumping boots. While the differences for the using a 1:1 wood model in a wind tunnel study. The
vastus lateralis, gluteus maximus and biceps femoris positive influence of the V-technique on jumping
were small, substantial and significant differences were distance was confirmed through calculations derived
found for the tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius. from wind tunnel investigations. Furthermore, the
Wearing jumping boots resulted in a restricted plantar authors observed that jumping distance was increased
flexion of the foot with the effect of reducing the range by reductions in the body–ski angle caused by the
of motion and, subsequently, reducing the activity of reduced turbulences on the dorsal side of the
the tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius. These results, in jumper.
combination with the relevant force and pressure Müller et al. (1995, 1996; Muller, 1997) studied
distribution data described above, support the recom- aspects of loading as well as optimization of hill profiles
mendation of wearing jumping boots in simulation in ski-jumping. Their results can be summarized as
training to increase the training specificity. follows: (1) dangerous landing impacts do not result
from increased landing velocity at the end of long-
distance jumps, but primarily from the mismatch of the
Computer simulations of the flight phase
glide paths and existing hill profiles; (2) almost all
Most computer simulations of ski-jumping presented in existing hill profiles have a curvature after the K-point,
the literature were aimed at determining (1) the which causes a dramatic increase in the equivalent
dependence of flight position on jump distance or (2) landing height within a few metres; (3) due to the
the effect of the transition from take-off to flight on extremely difficult and dangerous landings in the upper
jump distance (Ward-Smith and Clements, 1982; part of the hill, particular care should be taken for the
Remizov, 1984; Denoth et al., 1987; Hubbard et al., design of the hill curvature adjacent to the ramp; (4)
1989). Only a few reports have focused on aspects of glide path modifications due to changes in equipment
safety and loading (Straumann, 1927; Müller et al., must correspond with regulations about the design of
1995, 1996; Müller, 1997). Kinematic data from field jumping hills.
studies (Baumann, 1979; Gasser, 1979) or results from
wind tunnel measurements (Straumann, 1927; Ward-
Smith and Clements, 1982; Watanabe, 1983; Müller, Summary
1997; Yamanobe and Watanabe, 1999; Sasaki et al.,
2000) have served as input data for the models or for Biomechanics play an important role in ski-jumping
validating the models. research. Both hill and simulation jumps have been
Because of the different kind of models used in the measured and analysed using the methods of kine-
simulations, the results for optimal flight positions matics, dynamics, electromyography and computer
differed quite substantially. The calculations of Ward- simulation. Limitations on biomechanical data collec-
Smith and Clements (1982) matched closely with real tion for hill jumps include the wide spatial range of
flight paths regarding the angle of attack and showed a motion and, subsequently, the time expenditure in field
negative correlation between the angle of attack and the studies. Under competitive conditions, only kinematic
distance jumped. parameters for the entire sequence from in-run to
Remizov (1984) demonstated that an increased landing and kinetic parameters during take-off can be
jumping distance could be achieved if the body’s angle determined. All other methods can only be used under
of attack was increased with respect to a convex training conditions. Based on the studies presented and
690 Müller and Schwameder

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