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2023/5/23 09:40 测试: Agricultural/Neolithic revolution | Quizlet

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17 个配对题
A form of social organization in which males dominate 1-17/17
A. Agrarian/Agricultur
females e

B. Irrigation
The spread of a cultural through trade, migration, and
words C. Surplus

D. Sedentary lifestyle

The old stone age (from 10,000 to 2.5 million years

E. Social stratification
ago); humans could use stone, use fire, make cave
paintings, and live in a nomadic hunting and gathering F. Egalitarian
G. Paleolithic Era

H. Nomadic
The process of supplying water to areas of land to
make them suitable for growing crops. I. Domestication

J. Out of Africa
A life style in Paleolithic age to move from place to
place to hunt and forage
K. Pastoralism

A way of life that requires little moving in Neolithic Age L. Patriarchy

M. Division of labor
Concerning farms, farmers, or the use of land
N. Agricultural
The division of society into different classes of people Revolution
in a social hierarchy
O. Hierarchy

P. Migration
Each worker specializes in a particular task or job.
Q. Cultural diffusion

A situation in which supply of food supplies is greater

than demand of food

A type of agricultural activity based on the 1/2
2023/5/23 09:40 测试: Agricultural/Neolithic revolution | Quizlet

domestication and raising of livestock(animals) to

provide food, clothing, and shelter.

The taming of animals for human use, such as work or

as food

Theory that humans(homo-sapiens) migrated from

Africa towards other areas of the world around 1.5
million years ago.

A system or organization in which people or groups

are ranked one above the other according to status or

The time when human beings first domesticated plants

and animals, creating a stable food sources allowing
people to no longer relied entirely on hunting and
gathering and in turn have higher survival rates.

Movement of people from one place to another

Social and economic equality of all people 2/2

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