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Pointers Semi Final Test in Computer 5

Write the letter of the correct answer from the choices given on the space provided.

___________ 1. What do you the set of technological tools and resources you can use to share, communicate,
collaborate, manage and retrieve information?
___________ 2. What do you call the global network that connects, devices and facilities around the world?
___________ 3. What do you call the schemes used by thieves and deceive and take advantage of users?
A. Phishing B. Internet Scams C. Cyberstalking D. Cyberbullying
___________ 4. What do you call the form of blackmail that demand money from the victims in exchange of
keeping information or photos?
A. Internet Scams B. Cyberstalking C. Cyberbullying D. Extortion
___________ 5. What do you call a secret code used to access an account or document?
A. Password B. Lock C. Code D. Label
___________ 6. What do you call the form of bullying using electronic devices such as cell phones and
computers through communication tools such as instant messaging, social media?
A. Cyberstalking B. Cyberbullying C. Phishing D. Coding
___________ 7. What do you call the type of scam in which information thieves disguise themselves as other
people, friends, relatives or even yourself to obtain one’s personal information?
A. Phishing B. Internet Scams C. Cyberbullying D. Extortion
___________ 8. What do you call the project of the US Department of Defense which aims to connect several
super computers in the country?
___________ 9. What do you call the powerful tool that you use every day at home or in school?
___________ 10. What do you call when a user is being harassed or threatened by another user through
Instant messaging, social media or chat room?
A. Cyberstalking B. Stalking C. Extortion D. Phishing
___________ 11. What do you call the mechanical device with keys and numbers similar to the leys and
numbers of the keyboard?
A. Keyboard B. Computer C. Typewriter D. Writer
___________ 12. What do you call to the computer software that lets you create, edit, format and print
A. Excel B. Word Processor C. Paint D. Games
___________ 13. What do you call the form of blackmail that demand money from the victims in exchange of
keeping information or photos?
A. Internet Scams B. Cyberstalking C. Cyberbullying D. Extortion
___________ 14. What do you call a secret code used to access an account or document?
A. Password B. Lock C. Code D. Label
___________ 15. What do you call the form of bullying using electronic devices such as cell phones and
computers through communication tools such as instant messaging, social media?
A. Cyberstalking B. Cyberbullying C. Phishing D. Coding
___________ 16. What do you call the place on the internet where people can share thoughts and ideas by
posting messages?
A. IM B. E-mail C. Forum Discussion D. Blogging
___________ 17. What do you call a similar website to an online personal journal or diary and its regularly
A. E-mail B. Blogging C. Instant Messaging D. Social Networking
____________ 18. What do you call the virtual room where group of people can communicate and exchange
messages with each other in real time?
A. Chat Room B. Blogging C. Instant Messaging D. Social Networking
____________ 19. What do you call the worldwide network of computers in which the users can get
information from other computers?
A. E-mail B. Forum C. Blogging D. Internet
____________20. What do you the activity that allows friends, family and classmates to connect with each
other using the internet-based social networking application?
A. The Net B. IM C. Social Networking D. E-mail Exchange
____________ 21. What do you call the programs designed to infect and cause harm to a computer?
A. Malware B. Viruses C. Spyware D. Adware
____________ 22. What do you call the malicious programs that reproduce again and again?
A. Malware B. Worms C. Spyware D. Adware
____________ 23. What do you call the programs designed to damage or change your data?
A. Adware B. Worms C. Viruses D. Spyware
____________ 24. What do you call the programs that are designed to display advertisements on your
A. Adware B. Viruses C. Worms D. Spyware
____________ 25. What is ICT stands stand for?
A. Information and Communicate Technology C. Information Collect Technical
B. Information and Communication Technology D. Information and Commerce Teaching
____________26. What part of the Word Screen that contains all the commands you can use to work on a word
A. Ribbon B. Office Button C. Title Bar D. Screen Tip
____________ 27. What part of the Word Screen that indicate the current page number and the total number of
pages in the document?
A. Ribbon B. Title Bar C. Word Count D. Page Number
____________ 28. What part of the Word Screen that shows the number of words in the document?
A. Ribbon B. Title Bar C. Word Count D. Page Number
____________ 29. What part of the Word Screen that displays the Save, Undo and Redo?
A. File Tab B. Title Bar C. Status Bar D. Quick Access Toolbar
____________ 30. Which part would allow you to move up and down to see the rest of pages or move right and
left to see your work?
A. Task Bar B. Scroll Bars C. Status Bar D. Title Bar
____________ 31. Where would you find the name of your page and the name of the program you are using?
A. Menu Bar B. Text Alignment C. Status Bar D. Title Bar
____________ 32. What is the name of the horizontal bar that display the name of the document at the top of
active document?
A. File Tab B. Title Bar C. Groups D. Status Bar
____________ 33. What part of the Word Screen that changes the zooming level to view the document?
A. Scroll Bar B. Pager Number C. Zoom Slider D. Word Count

II Instruction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not on the space provided.

_______ Slides cannot be duplicated. TRUE or FALSE?

_______ The Ribbon contains tabs, scroll bars, and the status bar. TRUE or FALSE?
_______ Commands are located within a group. TRUE or FALSE?
_______ A command is a set of graphical choices arranged in a grid or in a list. TRUE or FALSE?
_______ A dialog box can remain open and visible while working on a presentation, but a task
pane must be closed before continuing to work. TRUE or FALSE?
_______ A shortcut menu appears when you right-click an object. TRUE or FALSE?
_______ The Increase Font Size button is available on the Mini toolbar. TRUE or FALSE?
_______ A saved presentation is not referred to as a file. TRUE or FALSE?
_______ PowerPoint was originally launched by Microsoft. TRUE or FALSE?
_______ PowerPoint was created for creating and delivering presentations. TRUE or FALSE?
_______ The Ribbon in PowerPoint contains tabs, scroll bars, and the status bar. TRUE or FALSE?
_______ The Increase Font Size button is available on the Mini toolbar in PowerPoint. TRUE or FALSE?
_______ A saved presentation in PowerPoint is referred to as a file. TRUE or FALSE?
_______ When a new slide is added to a presentation, PowerPoint keeps the same lay out TRUE or FALSE?
_______ PowerPoint users can insert artwork and multimedia effects, including pictures,
photos, sounds, and movies, into a presentation. TRUE or FALSE?

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