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IGCSE RS Paper 2 Supplementary Materials 2011-19

Section 1: Origins and their Impact on the Community

I) Jesus’ Life and ministry

2012 12 (b) Explain why the baptism of Jesus is important for Christians today. (10)

Level 4 answers are likely to use two such reasons as:

 the baptism of Jesus confirms Jesus’ status as the Son of God/Messiah, who
has been sent by the Father, and demonstrates that Christians’ faith in him
as saviour is justified;
 it marks the beginning of Jesus’ ministry of preaching, teaching and healing,
with its offer of salvation to all who repent and accept the good news of
God’s Kingdom;
 it shows the humility of Jesus in allowing John to baptize him, and his
courage in accepting his vocation, with all its hardships and suffering, thus
indicating the qualities Christians need to develop to become true disciples

2015 13 c) ‘The life of Jesus shows Christians exactly how to live their lives’ Do you agree?
Give reasons for your opinion, showing that you have considered another point of
view. In your answer, you should refer to Christianity. (5)

The issue is whether life of Jesus shows Christians exactly how to live their lives
Level 5 answers are likely to contrast the view(s) that:
• Jesus told people to follow his example
• Christians hope to go to heaven and can only achieve this by following his example

with the view(s) that

• he was perfect and is therefore an unrealistic ideal
• not everybody believes in Jesus as the Messiah and an example.

2018 13 (c) “A Christian needs no example other than Jesus.” Do you agree?
Give reasons for your opinion, showing that you have considered another point of
view. In your answer, you should refer to Christianity. (5)

The issue is whether A Christian needs no other example other than

Level 5 answers are likely to contrast the view(s) that:
• he is the only perfect person that has ever lived
• Jesus told his followers to take up their cross and follow him (Matthew
with the view(s) that:
• his example is out of most people’s reach
• there are other examples who exemplify Jesus’ characteristics who could
be followed
i) Temptation of Jesus

2011 12 (b) Explain why the temptations of Jesus are still significant for Christians. (10)

Level 4 answers are likely to use two such reasons as: the fact that Jesus
had to fight temptation, and struggle to decide the right thing to do, shows
his humanity; the temptations focus on the sort of ambitions and desires that
continue to tempt people, and lead them away from God and salvation; they
show that temptation is not a single event that can be overcome once and for
all, but a recurring feature of life, which we have to go on resisting; in
fighting and overcoming temptation, Jesus sets an example that Christians
today must follow.
Answers which describe, rather than explain, will not go beyond Level 1.
Other approaches are possible and must be rewarded according to the levels.

2017 13 (a) Outline the main features of the temptations of Jesus. (10)

Level 4 answers are likely to outline such activities as: • Jesus went into the
wilderness for 40 days • he was tempted to turn a stone into bread • he was
promised the riches of world if he worshipped Satan • he was tempted to jump off
the temple so the angels would catch him • Jesus withstood the temptations by
quoting scripture

ii) Healing Miracles

2014 13 (c) ‘Jesus’s healing miracles proves that he is the Son of God.’ Do you agree?
Give reasons for your opinion, showing that you have considered another point of
view. In your answer, you should refer to Christianity.

The issue is whether the healings of Jesus prove that he is the Son of God.
Level 5 answers are likely to contrast the view(s) that:

• John’s purpose in writing about the miracles (signs) was to show that Jesus is the
Son of God (John 20: 30-31).
• nobody but the Son of God could have done such things.

with the view(s) that

• the miracles cannot be verified today

• there are natural explanations for each of these events.

They will then come to a personal conclusion.

Other approaches are possible and must be rewarded accordingly.
2014 14 (a) Outline with examples the main features of Jesus’ ministry of healing. (10)
Level 4 answers will outline from examples such as Jesus healing the
paralyzed man and the raising of Jairus’ daughter:

• Jesus had compassion

• Jesus was able to heal
• Jesus had authority from God
• Jesus responded to people’s faith
• Jesus disregarded criticism of what he was doing

iii) Discipleship

2012 (a) Outline Jesus’ teaching about discipleship. (10)

Level 4 answers are likely to refer to at least two such teachings
as: Jesus’ disciples are expected to take up their cross, and to be
prepared to undergo the same hardship and suffering that he did;
they must be willing to renounce sin and be born again; they must
be prepared to give up seemingly important worldly things, in
order to put others first.

2012 12 (c) “Christian discipleship is all about unquestioning faith and obedience.”
Do you agree?
Give reasons for your opinion, showing that you have considered another point of
view. In your answer, you should refer to Christianity.
Level 5 answers are likely to contrast the view(s) that, as in
Christianity, religious discipleship involves accepting teachings
about God and God’s purpose for human beings, for which there is
little or no empirical evidence, while religious leaders, such as
Jesus, expect their disciples to undergo hardship and suffering,
and to abide by a strict ethical code, suggesting unquestioning
faith and obedience, with the view(s) that, as in the case of
Jesus’ disciples, there may be (some) doubts, suggesting initial
questioning, but this is followed by complete trust in the religious
leader and what he promises; faith opens the eyes of those who
become disciples to religious truths, which are not accessible to
those who rely exclusively on empirical evidence; obedience is an
essential part of religious discipleship, which is justified by the
way discipleship transforms lives and offers the hope of future life.

iv) Suffering death and resurrection

2017 14 (b) Explain why the death and resurrection of Jesus are important for Christians. (10)
Level 4 answers are likely to develop such reasons as: • they repair the broken
relationship with God • the death of Jesus is the supreme act and example of love •
Jesus’ resurrection shows there is a life after death • the resurrection offers
everyone the hope that they will live again • through these events Jesus takes upon
himself the sins of all people

2017 14 (c) “Jesus is the only example that Christians need in their lives today.” Do you agree?
Give reasons for your opinion, showing that you have considered another point of
view. In your answer, you should refer to Christianity. (5)

The issue is whether Jesus is the only example that Christians need in their lives
today. Level 5 answers are likely to contrast the view(s) that:
• some Christians believe that he is the only sinless person that has ever lived
• Jesus told his followers to take up their cross and follow him (Matthew 10:38) with
the view(s) that: • his example is out of most people’s reach • there are other more
modern examples who exemplify Jesus’ characteristics who could be followed

2018 14 (a) Outline the main events in the death of Jesus. (10)
Level 4 answers will outline from examples such teachings as:
• Jesus was arrested by soldiers in the Garden of Gethsemane
• Jesus was tried at night by the Sanhedrin
• Jesus was questioned by Pilate
• Jesus was flogged 40 times
• Jesus was nailed to the cross on Calvary
• Jesus declared ‘it is finished’
• Jesus was stabbed in the side with a spear to make sure he was dead

2019 1(b) Explain why the death of Jesus is important for Christians. (6)

Students will develop responses using ideas/reasoning/arguments such

 Christians believe that Jesus was both God and man and they
understand his death as a demonstration that he was fully human
like them, and able to suffer and to understand suffering.
 Jesus willingly accepted his death, and many Christians understand
this as a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah
accepting suffering and death like a lamb being led to the slaughter.
 Jesus’ death is understood by Christians as an act of atonement;
that, by dying on the cross, he took upon himself the punishment for
the sins of the world and made salvation possible.

II) Sermon on the Mount & Ten Commandments

2011 13 (c) “Jesus’ teaching, in the Sermon of the Mount, about not being anxious is
impossible to follow today.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion, showing
that you have considered another point of view. In your answer, you should refer to
Christianity. (5)
The issue is whether it is possible to follow Jesus’ teaching, in
the Sermon on the Mount, about not being anxious today.
Level 5 answers are likely to contrast the view(s) that, on the face of
it, Jesus’ teaching does seem impossible to follow today, because the
nature of human life, with its many challenges, is such that it is very
difficult for people to avoid anxiety, particularly if they are going to carry
out their religious duties satisfactorily, and fulfil their responsibilities to
their families and society, with the view(s) that it is possible to follow
what Jesus says today, because he is telling his followers not to be
anxious about things they cannot control; that he is also saying there is
no need for such anxiety, because God, who made the world, loves and
cares for them as individuals; and that religious people have no need to
be anxious, because they have the hope of salvation/eternal life.

2013 14 (b) Explain why the two commandments of Jesus (the two Great Commandments)
are the basis of the Christian way of life. (10)
Level 4 answers are likely to use two such reasons as:
 the first/greatest commandment (‘you shall love...God with all your
heart...soul...mind... strength’ (Matthew 22:37-38) spells out the total
commitment required of the true Christian, who must have love of God at the
centre of his/her life, and make carrying out God’s will his/her absolute
 the two commandments make it clear that a Christian’s love of God and of
other human beings (‘neighbours’) are closely related: love of God is/should
be reflected in love/loving conduct towards others;
 Christian ethics are grounded in God’s love of human beings and their love
of God.

2013 14(a) Outline how Jesus interpreted the Ten Commandments in the Sermon on the
Mount. (10)
Level 4 answers are likely to outline that
 Jesus focused on people’s intention, and the emotions that underlie wrong actions, for
example the seventh Commandment ‘do not commit adultery’ is reinforced by saying that
even thinking about sexual acts is wrong.
 The sixth commandment ‘do not kill’ is also reinforced, with an instruction not even to
get angry.
 The Commandment to worship only one God is explained further in asking people to not
just pray to be seen by other people, but to pray in secret.

2015 13b) Explain how the Sermon on the Mount is applied in the lives of Christians today. (10)

Level 4 answers are likely to develop such ways as:

• they would not be angry with other people, let alone kill them.
• they would not have sexual thoughts about people let alone do anything about them.
• if anyone causes hurt in any way the victim would not retaliate.
• they would treat everybody lovingly, not just the people they like.
• a Christian would do good things, and when they accomplish anything they would
thank God so that other people will see the impact he has on their life.
• they would not judge others.

2017 14 (a) Outline how the principle of love is shown in the lives of Christians today. (10)

Level 4 answers will outline from examples such teachings as:

• a Christian will lose themselves in the service of God and others
• a Christian will speak kindly to all people
• a Christian will pray for all people
• a Christian will be full of charity towards others • a Christian must be prepared to
suffer for others.

2018 12 (b) Explain why the principle of love is important for Christians. (10)
Level 4 answers are likely to develop such reasons as:
• it enables Christians to lose themselves in the service of God and others
• it enables Christians to follow the example of Jesus
• by showing love a Christian believes they are expressing God’s grace
• Jesus promised a reward in heaven for those who show love
• by showing love to others they show their love of Christ

2018 12 (c) “It is too hard to follow the Sermon on the Mount.” Do you agree? Give reasons for
your opinion, showing that you have considered another point of view. In your
answer, you should refer to Christianity. (5)
The issue is whether it is too hard to follow the Sermon on the Mount.
Level 5 answers are likely to contrast the view(s) that:
• it is impossible to never get angry
• it is an ideal to aim for which some believe can only be lived imperfectly
with the view(s) that
• it is the words of Jesus and he would not give instruction that is too hard
• Jesus exemplified how to live the Sermon on the Mount

2017 12 (c) “The Ten Commandments are not important for Christians today.” Do you agree?
Give reasons for your opinion, showing that you have considered another point of view. In your
answer, you should refer to Christianity. (5)

The issue is whether the Ten Commandments are important today.

Level 5 answers are likely to contrast the view(s) that:
• they form the basis of the rule of law in a lot of countries
• Jesus strengthened them in his teachings in the Sermon on the Mount with the
view(s) that
• some of them, for example taking the Lord’s name in vain, are widely ignored
• they were given thousands of years ago for a specific community
III) Important Christians

201512 a) Outline the ways in which one Christian, other than Jesus, contributed to Christianity.

Level 4 answers are likely to outline, using a specific named person, such ways as:
• Paul is seen to be a very good example of a disciple.
• he spread Christianity to new and diverse places that would become strongholds of
the Christian faith.
• he established Church leadership in these areas setting the pattern for later
• he was responsible for a large amount of the writings that Christians find in the New
• he was able to bridge the gap between Romans and Jews, as he was both.

2014 13 b) Explain how a Christian other than Jesus, has contributed to Christianity. (10)

Level 4 answers are likely to develop such ways as (using Paul as an example):

• Paul was hugely responsible for the spread of Christianity to non Jews
• Paul undertook great missionary travels which spread Christianity through the
Roman Empire.
• Paul visited many places and encouraged the groups of believers they found in the
• they put into place leaders called elders who would help those younger in the faith
learn more about Jesus.

IV) Authority of the Bible

2011 14 a) Describe two differing Christian views about the authority of the Bible. (10)

The question asks for a description of two differing Christian views

about the authority of the Bible, so Level 4 answers must refer to more
than one view, and are likely to describe the two differing Christian
attitudes below:
(a) the literalist view, which holds that, as the Bible is the revealed
word of God that stands for all time, what it teaches is invariably
correct and beyond dispute;
(b) the liberal view, which holds that, as the Bible reflects a
developing understanding of God, its message should be reinterpreted
in the light of experience and in order to apply to new
Other approaches are possible and must be rewarded according to the
2013 12 a) Outline ways in which Christians might from anyone denomination might
use the
Bible in worship. (10)
Level 4 answers are likely to outline such ways of using the Bible as:

• the Bible is used as a basis for personal prayer and worship

• the Bible can be used as part of all forms of instruction and education within the
• the Bible also forms an important part of congregational worship and will be
read in services
• the Bible may be read in family worship to teach the family and bring them

2015 14 c) ‘ The Bible was only written by human beings.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your
opinion, showing that you have considered another point of view. In your answer,
you should refer to Christianity. (5)
The issue is whether the Bible is only written by human beings.
Level 5 answers are likely to contrast the view(s) that:
• it is stated that it is written by identified authors such as Moses
• some people would say there are examples of imperfections and contradictory
with the view(s) that:
• it is claimed to be the word of God
• no human could have written the truths it contains

2017 12 (a) Outline the main Christian views about the authority of the Bible. (10)

Level 4 answers are likely to outline such teachings as:

• it is the direct word of God outlining his will
• it is the revealed word of God mediated by humans
• it should be used as the basis for all guidance and moral decision making
• it should be used in conjunction with the conscience and the words of Church
• it is fallible in that it was written by people in a different time with different needs

2019 1 (a) Outline two ways the Bible is used in Christian worship.(4)

Award one mark for providing a way. Award a second mark for development of the
way. Up to a maximum of four marks.
 The Bible is read aloud during Christian worship (1) so that believers can
become more familiar with their sacred texts. (1)
 Often a Christian will read the Bible at home (1) which allows Christians to
gain a deeper understanding of its meaning. (1)
 The Bible is often placed on a special stand during worship (1) which is a
mark of respect for what is believed to be the Word of God. (1)

V) Individual Conscience

2011 14(b) Explain why the individual conscience is important for Christians. (10)
Level 4 answers are likely to use two such reasons as:
 the individual conscience is important, because it reflects the individual’s
relationship with God, and is regarded by some as the voice of God within the
 it is a God-given faculty, which enables the individual to make ethical
decisions based on Bible reading, prayer and meditation;
 although the conscience needs to be guided by the Church’s teachings, to
prevent the individual losing sight of the wider context in which ethical
decisions need to be made, it enables him/her to respond to situations that are
not specifically mentioned in the Bible/Church’s teaching.

2011 14 (c) “People need a religion to tell them what is right or wrong.” Do you agree? Give
reasons for your opinion, showing that you have considered another point of view.
In your answer, you should refer to Christianity.
The issue is whether people need a religion to tell them what is
right or wrong.

Level 5 answers are likely to contrast the view(s) that

many religions, such as Christianity, have ethical rules/codes, which they believe
come from God and/or have been taught by religious founders/leaders (and they
may refer to such examples as the Ten Commandments or the Sermon on the
Mount), from which (many of) their followers derive their standards of right or
wrong, and which do in practice create the ethical framework of a civilized society,
with the view(s) that
human beings are capable of working out what is right or wrong for themselves, on
the basis of experience and observation, and so do not need their religion to do it
for them; morality is independent of religion, and, as rational beings, human beings
have a duty to choose their own ethical principles, and to take responsibility for
decisions based on them; even if people do need a religion to provide their major
ethical principles, they have to exercise their own judgement when deciding what is
right or wrong in particular situations.

2014 14b) Explain why the conscience is important for an individual Christian as a source of
guidance. (10)
Level 4 answers will develop such teachings as:

• the conscience can be thought of as a voice within that helps them to decide how to
• it will often tell a person to do the right thing when they want to do the wrong thing.
• Christians may say it is the Voice of God telling them what to do
• In some denominations the conscience might be seen to have a greater degree of
authority than in others where the authority is viewed in a much more external way.

2017 13 (c) “Christians must always follow their conscience.” Do you agree? Give reasons for
your opinion, showing that you have considered another point of view. In your
answer, you should refer to Christianity.(5)

The issue is whether Christians must always follow their conscience

Level 5 answers are likely to contrast the view(s) that:
• it is seen as the voice of God guiding people
• it is a very individual source of authority; the others are more general with the
view(s) that
• it can be influenced by society and so the Bible is the only reliable source of
• Church leaders are able to give God’s guidance for today without bias or influence

2019 1. (c) “The individual conscience is the only moral guide a Christian needs.”
Discuss this statement considering the arguments for and against.
In your answer you should include:
• reference to teachings
• other (divergent) points of view – either within the religion or from other
• your opinion/point of view using reasoned arguments
• a balanced conclusion. (10)

The student must underpin their analysis and evaluation with knowledge and
understanding. The student will be required to demonstrate thorough knowledge
and understanding as well as accuracy of religion and belief when responding to
the question and in meeting AO2 descriptors described below.
The student will develop responses using ideas/reasoning/arguments such as:
 Christians believe that the conscience is the voice of God guiding their
actions and helping them to make the right choices in life.
 On the Day of Judgement, Christians believe they will have to answer for
their own conduct, and so it is important for them always to do what they
believe to be right.
 Many Christian leaders have taught the primacy of conscience, because this
is the way in which individuals can stand up for moral conduct in the face of
corrupt authority.
 Christians believe that the Bible contains God’s law, and that it must be
followed to remain faithful to God’s will.
 Some Christians believe in Natural Law, and that some actions are always
wrong and must be avoided, no matter the good intentions of the individual.
 Catholic teaching stresses the need for an ‘informed conscience’ and states
that unless it is guided by the teaching of the Church, the conscience may be
in error and lead Christians into sin.
VI) Christian Ministry (Ordained Ministry-Pope, Cardinal, Bishop, Priest, Deacon +

2016 12 c) “The clergy are essential in the life of a Christian.” Do you agree? Give reasons for
your opinion, showing that you have considered another point of view. In your
answer, you should refer to Christianity. (5)

The issue is whether religious leaders are essential in the local Christian
Level 5 answers are likely to contrast the view(s) that:
• they perform rites of passage for members of the Christian community
• they provide spiritual guidance
with the view(s) that
• an individual’s personal relationship with God is the most important
aspect of life
• some Christian communities don’t have leadership roles

2018 14 (c) “Religious leaders are essential in the local Christian community.” Do you agree?
Give reasons for your opinion, showing that you have considered another point of
view. In your answer, you should refer to Christianity.(5)
The issue is whether religious leaders are essential in the local Christian
Level 5 answers are likely to contrast the view(s) that:
• they perform rites of passage for members of the Christian community
• they provide spiritual guidance
with the view(s) that
• an individual’s personal relationship with God is the most important
aspect of life
• some Christian communities don’t have leadership roles

2013 12 (b) Explain why Christians have differing attitudes towards the role of the laity.
In your answer, you should explain at least two differing attitudes. (10)
The question refers to differing attitudes, and Level 4 answers should explain at least
two differing attitudes, eg any two of (a), (b) or (c):
(a) traditionally, the Roman Catholic church assigns a more limited role to the laity,
because they believe that the clergy have the key role of interpreting the word of
God and administering the sacraments;
(b) Protestant churches tend to assign a (much) greater role to the laity, as they
emphasise the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers and the relationship
between God and the individual believer, with (in some cases) ministers being
regarded as subordinate to the communities they serve;
(c) within many Christian denominations, including the Roman Catholic Church,
there is continuing debate about, and therefore differing attitudes to, the role of the
laity, and what the relationship between the ordained clergy and laity should be,
reflecting a desire to encourage full lay participation in the life of the church,
while ensuring that order and discipline are maintained.

Section 2: Celebration and Pilgrimage

i) Eucharist/ Mass

2012 13(b) Explain why celebration of the Eucharist (Communion/Mass/Lord’s Supper) is such
a key focus of Christian worship. (10)

Level 4 answers are likely to use two such reasons as:

 it is a sacrament, instituted by Jesus at the Last Supper, and he instructed
his followers to continue to celebrate it: ‘Do this in remembrance of
me’ (Luke 22:19);
 it commemorates Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and
his resurrection, which offer hope to Christians;
 it unites the congregation with God, and brings its members together in
 for Protestant Christians, the Communion service enables them to
remember, and to give thanks for the fact, that Jesus died for them;
 for Roman Catholic Christians, the consecrated bread and wine
become, during the Mass, in substance (but not appearance) the body
and blood of Jesus (transubstantiation).

201513 a) Outline the main activities which take place during the celebration of the Eucharist/
Communion/ Mass/ Lord’s Supper. (10)

Level 4 answers are likely to outline such activities as:

• the congregation confess their sins and receive absolution;
• they hear the word of God;
• they recall the events of the Last Supper;
• they share a sign of peace;
• they share the bread and wine/body and blood of Jesus.

2018 13 (a) Outline how Mass/Communion is celebrated by Christians in one denomination.(10)

Level 4 answers are likely to outline such activities as:

• in the Catholic Mass the congregation confess their sins and receive
• they hear the word of God
• they recall the events of the Last Supper
• they share a sign of peace
• they share the bread and wine/body and blood of Jesus

2017 13 (b) Explain why public worship is important for Christians. (10)

Level 4 answers are likely to develop such reasons as:

• it enables the community to come together
• it enables people to draw closer to God
• it enables people to partake of the eucharist and feel God’s presence in their lives
• it enables Christians to praise God in many different ways
• it was the tradition from the beginning for Christians to come together to worship

ii) Celebration and Festival

2014 12 c) ‘Easter is the most important Christian festival’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your
opinion, showing that you have considered another point of view. In your answer, you should
refer to Christianity. (5)

The issue is whether Easter is the most important Christian festival.

Level 5 answers are likely to contrast the view(s) that:

• Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus which is the most important event of his
• the events of the first Easter make it possible for humanity to be reconciled to God.

with the view(s) that

• Christmas celebrates the Incarnation and is therefore more important

• Christmas is celebrated more widely.

2019 2 (b) Explain why Easter is important for Christians. (6)

Students will develop responses using ideas/reasoning/arguments such

 Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, which Christians believe
was proof that Jesus had the power to conquer death and guarantee
the reality of eternal life.
 Easter celebrations allow Christians to recall and give thanks for the
salvation they believe Jesus achieved by his death and resurrection.
 The events of the first Easter are believed by many Christians to
mark the birth of the Christian faith, when the disciples came to
understand that Jesus was truly God, proven by his resurrection and
subsequent appearances.

2019 2 (c) “Christmas is the most important Christian festival.”

Discuss this statement considering the arguments for and against.
In your answer you should include:
• reference to teachings
• other (divergent) points of view – either within the religion or from other
• your opinion/point of view using reasoned arguments
• a balanced conclusion. (10)

The student must underpin their analysis and evaluation with knowledge and
understanding. The student will be required to demonstrate thorough knowledge
and understanding as well as accuracy of religion and belief when responding to
the question and in meeting AO2 descriptors described below.

The student will develop responses using ideas/reasoning/arguments such as:

 Christmas is important because it marks the birth of Jesus, when Christians
believe God took on human flesh.
 Christmas is the most widely celebrated Christian celebration, which focuses
on the faith of children and the Christian family.
 Christmas is an opportunity to show kindness to others by giving gifts in
memory of the gifts of the wise men to Jesus.
 Some Christians will argue that Holy Week is the most important festival
because it celebrates salvation from sin, which was the purpose of Jesus’
 Many people believe that Christmas has become too commercialized, and
celebrated by many people who have no interest in its true meaning.
 Some Christians argue that no single Christian celebration is more important
than any other, but that they are all part of the mission of Jesus as teacher
and saviour.

ii) Pilgrimage

201214 (a) Describe two of the activities of Christian pilgrims when they visit Jerusalem. (10)

Level 4 answers are likely to describe two such activities as:

 walking in procession along the Via Dolorosa, the route that Jesus
took from his trial before Pilate to the place where he was
 visiting the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, regarded as
the holiest Christian site in the world, as it is claimed to include
the sites of both Calvary (where Jesus was crucified) and the tomb
where he was buried;
 visiting the Garden Tomb, outside the City
walls, which many Protestants believe to be the actual site of
Jesus’ burial;
 visiting the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus
prayed and was arrested.
Other approaches are possible and must be rewarded according to
the levels.

201412 b) Explain why Jerusalem and Bethlehem are important places of pilgrimage for some
Christians. (10)
Level 4 answers are likely to develop such reasons as:

• Bethlehem is the place where Jesus was born,

• Jerusalem was the place where Jesus taught and died
• as a penance, sometimes people feel that to show remorse for sins, they might gain
special merit by visiting Bethlehem or Jerusalem
• it is important to follow literally the footsteps of Jesus, for example following the
steps of Jesus in the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem
• there are also churches in both places that celebrate the various events associated
with them.

2015 12b) Explain why a place, other than Jerusalem and Bethlehem, is an important place of
pilgrimage for some Christians. (10)

Level 4 answers are likely to name a place of pilgrimage and develop such reasons as:
• Rome is where Peter was crucified
• Rome is the centre of the Roman Catholic Church
• Rome is an important place to remember the martyrs of the Church
• the Pope lives and celebrates mass in Rome

2017 12 (b) Explain why pilgrimage to Jerusalem is important for some Christians today. (10)
Level 4 answers are likely to develop such reasons as:
• it enables Christians to remember important places and events associated with Jesus
• as a penance, sometimes people feel that to show remorse for sins, they might gain
special merit by going on pilgrimage
• it is important to follow literally in the footsteps of Jesus, for example following the
steps of Jesus in the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem
• there are also churches in the places of pilgrimage that celebrate the various events
associated with them
• it enables a worshipper to feel closer to God

201812 (a) Outline the main activities that a Christian will perform when visiting Bethlehem
and Jerusalem. (10)

Level 4 answers are likely to outline such teachings as:

• walking in procession along the Via Dolorosa (Jerusalem)
• visiting the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, regarded as the holiest Christian site in
the world (Jerusalem)
• visiting the Garden Tomb, outside the City walls, which many Protestants
believe to be the actual site of Jesus’ burial (Jerusalem)
• visiting the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed and was
arrested (Jerusalem)
• visiting the Church of the Nativity believed to be where Jesus was born
• walking the final part of the Pilgrimage Route through the Damascus
Gate (Bethlehem)

2019 2 (a) Outline two practices performed on a Christian pilgrimage to Bethlehem. (4)
Award one mark for providing a practice. Award a second mark for development of
the practice. Up to a maximum of four marks.
 Christians will visit the Church of the Nativity
(1) and venerate the place where Jesus was born. (1)
 They will visit the Chapel of the Manger (1) to see the place where Jesus was
visited by the shepherds and wise men. (1)
 Many Christians will join together in common prayers (1) to express their
worship of God made man. (1)

Section 3: Worship and Practice

i) Features and Design of the Church

2012 14 (b) Choose the place of worship of any one named Christian denomination. Explain
how three of its internal features are significant as symbols of Christian belief and
practice. (10)

Level 4 answers will take the place of worship of any one Christian
denomination, which must be named, and then explain how at least
three features of its internal design are significant as symbols of
Christian belief and practice.

For example, answers about an Anglican/Church of England place of

worship may explain such features as:
(a)a stone/wooden (high) altar, at the east end of the church
(chancel), before which confirmed members of the church
kneel/have knelt to receive the bread and wine at Holy
Communion/the Eucharist, the central act of Anglican worship,
symbolizing its status as a holy sacrament;

(b)a nave altar, probably dating from the 1970s or 1980s, used for
Sunday worship/family communion, and which enables
worshippers to focus on Holy Communion/the Eucharist as a
communal meal, symbolizing Jesus’ Last Supper with his

(c) a stone or wooden pulpit, at the east end of the nave/transepts,

from which the vicar/member of clergy delivers a sermon,
symbolizing the responsibility of Christian leaders to preach
God’s word and instruct members of their congregation in how
to lead a Christian life;
(d)a wooden or brass lectern (perhaps in the shape of an eagle),
at the east end of the nave/transepts, from which lessons from
the Old and New Testaments are read to the congregation,
symbolizing belief in the Bible as the revealed word of God and
the importance of hearing its message;

(e) a stone font, near the door of the church, in which, following
the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist, infants are baptized
with water, to mark their becoming members of the Church.
Answers which describe, rather than explain, or which do not refer to
a named Christian denomination, will not go beyond Level 1.

2012 14(c) “Christian communities should not waste their money on expensive church
buildings.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion, showing that you have
considered another point of view. In your answer, you should refer to Christianity.

The issue is whether Christian communities should waste

their money on expensive church buildings.
Level 5 answers are likely to contrast the view(s) that

Christian communities should follow the example of Jesus, and use any
resources they have to help the poor/for charitable work, because
the quality of their community life will depend on how faithfully
members follow the Gospel, and that services and other activities
would still take place, even without a place of worship,

with the view(s) that,

although Christian communities should help the poor/support charities, their church
is the centre of a Christian community’s life, as it is where worship and other
activities, such as Sunday school and social functions, take place, making it hard to
do without.

2014 14c) ‘The design and appearance of a church should be as simple as possible.’ Do you
agree? Give reasons for your opinion, showing that you have considered another
point of
view. In your answer, you should refer to Christianity.

The issue is whether the design and appearance of a church should be as simple
as possible.
Level 5 answers are likely to contrast the view(s) that:

• it is place of worship and as such does not need to be ornate

• that money spent on churches could be better spent helping the poor
with the view(s) that:

• a church is to celebrate the majesty of God

• each of the adornments help a person learn more about God (eg stained glass

2018 13 (b) Explain why the design of a church is important for Christians today. (10)

Level 4 answers are likely to develop such ways as:

• the altar at the east end of the church (chancel) enables members of the
church to receive the bread and wine
• a pulpit, is used for the vicar/member of clergy to deliver a sermon,
showing the responsibility of Christian leaders to preach God’s word
• a lectern at the east end of the nave/transepts, from which lessons from
the Bible is read to show belief in the Bible as the revealed word of God
• a font near the door of the church, in which children are baptized with
water to mark their becoming members of the Church

2019 3(c) “The design of a church is not important for Christian worship.”
Discuss this statement considering the arguments for and against.
In your answer you should include:
• reference to teachings
• other (divergent) points of view – either within the religion or from other
• your opinion/point of view using reasoned arguments
• a balanced conclusion. (10)

The student must underpin their analysis and evaluation with knowledge and
understanding. The student will be required to demonstrate thorough knowledge
and understanding as well as accuracy of religion and belief when responding to
the question and in meeting AO2 descriptors described below.

The student will develop responses using ideas/reasoning/arguments such as:

 Christians believe it is possible to worship God anywhere and at any time,
and that this does not depend on any building or objects.
 Christians worship in a variety of different styles of church, which indicates
that no one particular style is essential to Christian faith and practice.
 Different styles of church can be better for different forms of worship, such
as a circular church stressing the unity of Christians in prayer.
 Some Christians believe it is important for churches to take the form of a
cross, which means that it symbolises the death of Jesus.
 Some Christians believe that the church should be a place that encourages a
spirit of devotion to God, and that some designs of church are more likely to
promote this.
 Some Christians, such as Quakers, believe churches should be simple, with
no features that distract from a spirit of inner prayer.

ii) Seven Sacraments

a) Baptism

2019 3 (b) Explain why baptism is important for most Christians. (6)

Students will develop responses using ideas/reasoning/arguments such as:

 Baptism is the Christian rite of initiation, by which the person becomes a member
of the Christian faith, which is believed to be the path to salvation.
 Baptism involves washing with water, which is for many Christians a sign that the
person is cleansed from original sin, and of their commitment to trying to live a
pure, sin-free life.
 Jesus was baptized by John at the start of his ministry, and Christians believe it is
important to follow Jesus’ example by being baptized and living according to his
example and teaching.

b) Marriage

2019 3 (a) Outline two parts of the Christian marriage ceremony. (4)
Award one mark for providing a part. Award a
second mark for development of the part. Up to a
maximum of four marks.

 The bride and groom exchange vows (1) which is a mark of their lifelong
commitment to each other. (1)
 The priest gives a blessing (1) which is a sign that the union has been welcomed
by God.(1)
 Some Christian marriages include a commitment to having children (1) which
expresses a purpose of marriage, to raise a family. (1)


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