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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Sur


TOPIC: The Tiger’s Whiskers
SCHEDULE: 10:00-11:00, Tuesday 10th of January

At the end of this lesson, learners are expected to:
a. read and understand the story “The Tiger’s Whiskers,
b. share personal experiences where patience is exemplified and
c. employ accurate reading by pronouncing each word correctly, speaking clearly,
applying varying pitches, varying paces and varying volumes.


Topic The Tigers Whiskers
Materials chalk, board, picture, Canva presentation
References English for 21st Century Learning p. 137-139


Good morning, everybody.
Today is Tuesday page 10/365.
So, what do we need to do? Good morning, ma’am.
We need to make this day productive
Before we begin our lesson, let us
compose ourselves. Follow the
class rules we established.

Do I need to remind you of that

every time? You’re old enough to
discern what’s good and bad.
Therefore, what do you need to Behave ma’am.

You said that yourself, I’m hoping.

Okay, let’s check your attendance.
Where are the others? Are they
late or absent?
If I call your name say “Darna”
with a feeling.
(The teacher calls the students’
names one by one.)

I have here a jumbled quote, what
you need to do is to arrange it
okay? (The teacher displayed the
instructional material on the

(Patience to battle lose is to lose (The students actively participate and

the) successfully arrange the quote.)

All right, that’s a good job! Now To lose patience is to lose the battle.
please read everybody.

Do you know what that means? Yes, ma’am, it means that when you
lose, your patience you already lose the
battle. It’s also the same to the saying
that goes this way ma’am if you fail to
prepare you prepare to fail.

Indeed! Patience is waiting with a

good attitude. That’s why in life
you need to be patient to win

Now can you share your

experiences regarding patience or
thus events in your life that you
exemplify patience.

Yes, Rudan. You’re raising your Permission to speak, ma’am.


Okay go on. Nowadays ma’am, I’m exercising patience

there are times that I want to give up my
schooling. It’s not that I’m not immerse
in learning but its just that its so hard to
come out of your own shell.

For example; it started raining

outside heavily and you’re about
to be dismissed by your teacher.
The thing is you didn’t bring your
umbrella. It’s already 4: 50 pm
and yet the rain doesn’t have a
plan to stop. And now you’re
getting annoyed. You even cursed
the rain or say bad things like
when we need rain the rain won’t
come but when we don’t need
rain, it rains.

In this case, you should exercise

patience, remember that patience
is the ability to wait with a good
attitude. By that attitude of yours
who do you think wins the rain or
you? Although you endure waiting
for the rain to stop the thing is
you lose your mood so in the end
the rain wins because it makes
you ruin your mood.

Now notice how patience was

exercised in the folktale “The
Tigers Whiskers” as you read it.

By the way, do you know what’s a

folktale? Folktale is a story based
from the way of life of people
passed down from generation to
generation by word of mouth. It
was made up to teach moral

Okay, read the folktale in ten
minutes then afterwards let us
accurately read it. By pronouncing
each word correctly, speaking
clearly, and applying varying
pitches, varying paces and varying
volumes. That means that you
need to raise your pitch if it’s
appropriate lower your pitch to
express sorrow. Speak more Yes, ma’am, it is hairlike in the tiger’s
rapidly to convey excitement face.
speak more slowly when stating
important points and increase
volume and lower volume when

(After ten minutes the students

are done reading.)

Let’s read “The Tiger’s Whiskers”

loudly do you know what is a


Do you have a fur pet in your

house? These animals also have
whiskers, right?
If it’s a tiger it’s located on the
tiger’s muzzle. This one (showed a
picture of a tiger and called a
student to point out where’s the
whisker of the tiger.)

That’s right. Do you know that a

whisker is very important in a

Whisker helps the tiger catch

prey. Whiskers detect the slightest
changes in the direction of the
breeze just like how the hairs on
your arm can feel a soft breeze.
Whiskers on the tiger’s face send
messages about what is
happening around.
So, in the folktale let’s find out
why it is entitled the tiger’s

Now let us disseminate the

dialogue, first dialogue would be
read by girls second dialogue
would be read by boys. The
woman and the scene would be
read by me.

The Tiger’s Whiskers by Yao-wen

Yun Ok: (Talks to herself) What’s this?
Okay, setting: as the curtain My husband had always been a tender
opens, a typical Korean hut in the and loving soulmate before he left for the
war, but ever since he returned home, he
’60s is seen upstage left. has been unpredictable.
Downstage right is the hermit’s
hut. Down the stage is a tiger’s

Scene 1: Morning; in front of Yun

Ok’s hut
Yun Ok: (Looks squarely at the prying
neighbour and rushes inside the hut as
she talks to herself) That nosy neighbour!
(Thinks) No, not Yun Ok! I can heal my
Woman: (Passes by) Hey, Yun Ok, troubles. (Thinks again deeply and
are you bothered by your seriously) But this is different. And I’m
husband’s continued silence? I getting desperate. I think I need to see a
told you, you must go and ask a hermit.
hermit for a cure. I think your
husband was bewitched.

Hermit: (His back turned, not looking at

the doorway) I heard you. What’s your
Scene 2: Hermit’s hut in the
woods Yun Ok: I came for my husband who has
(Yun Ok approaches the hermit’s been across and angry and silent all this
hut and sees that the door is open. time. I’m almost afraid to live with him.
She stands by the open doorway
for a while. When she is about to Hermit: (His back to her) Ah yes, it’s often
knock, she hears a voice from like that when soldiers return from the
inside the hut.) war. What do you want me to do about

Yun Ok: (Cries) Make me a potion! Or an

amulet, a drink, whatever it may take to
have my husband back the way he used
to be.

Hermit: (Turns around) Young woman,

your request doesn’t exactly fall into the
same category as a broken bone or an
ear infection.

Yun Ok: I know.

Hermit: It will take three days before I

can even look into it. Come back then.
(After three days, Yun Ok, I have good
news. There is a potion that will restore
your husband to his old self, but you
should know that it requires an unusual
ingredient. You must bring me a whisker
from a tiger.

Yun Ok: (Gasp) What? Such a thing is

Hermit: (Shouts back) I cannot make the
potion without it! (He turns his back)
There is nothing more to say. As you can
see, I’m very busy.

Yun Ok: (Leaves without a word but

wonders as she leaves.)

Yun Ok: (Tosses and turns in bed. Then

she finally gets up and goes out of the
hut. Talks to herself) How can I ever get a
whisker from a live tiger? That old man,
he’s impossible.

Yun Ok: (Creeps out of the house as she

talks to herself.) Well, then, Yun Ok. You
Scene 4: Nighttime: Yun Ok in bed must bring a bowl of rice covered with
meat sauce. (Walks towards the tiger’s
Scene 5: Early morning the next cover with the bowl of rice and meat.)
Yun Ok: (Clicks her tongue softly and
carefully.) Tsk… tsk… tsk… (Continue to
click her tongue very softly as she creeps
up the cave. Her heart pounding, as she
Scene 6: Near the entrance of the creeps into the cave. Her heart pounding,
tiger’s cave located near a she carefully sets the bowl on the grass
mountain but tries to make as little noise as she
could, and then she backs away.)

Scene 7: The next day before

dawn; at the tiger’s cave entrance
(Yun Ok takes another bowl of rice
covered with meat sauce to the Yun Ok: (Yun Ok talks to herself) Why do
cave. She goes to the same spot I never see the tiger? Oh, but thank
and clicks softly with her tongue. goodness for that! But I see its footprints
She sees that the bowl was empty, on the ground. And the way I see it, it is
replaces the bowl with a fresh one, not a small mountain creature! (Leaves)
and again leaves, clicking softly
and trying not to break twigs or
rustle leaves, or do anything else
to startle and unsettle the wild Yun Ok: (Glances down steps very
beast. Yun Ok goes day after day carefully to the same spot with as little
for several months.) noise as she could, sets down the fresh
bowl and, her heart pounding, picks up
the empty one. This goes on every time
Yun Ok comes day after day. The tiger
comes out of its cave as it hears her
Scene 8: One morning, at the tiger footsteps, though it stays at a distance.)
entrance. The tiger pokes his head (Whispers to herself) Whew, terrible!
out. Thank goodness! (Another month goes by
and the tiger waits by the empty food
bowl every time it hears her approaching.
As she picks up the old bowl and
replaces it with a fresh one, she can smell
its scent.)

Yun Ok: (Whispers to herself as she sets

the fresh bowl) This tiger looks almost
kittenish. It’s rather a friendly creature
when you get to know it. On my next
visit, I will try to glance at it briefly.

Yun Ok: (Speaks in a very careful voice)

Good morning, Tiger. What a lovely
Scene 9: One morning at the downturn of reddish fur you have. They
tiger’s cave entrance cover your lovely eyebrows to the next.
Please allow me to gently rub your head.
(Rubs the tiger’s head gently and it purrs
and stretches like a house cat. Yun OK
smiles in amazement.) Oh, thank you,
Scene 10: Morning at the tiger’s tiger. Now, the time has come. I know
cave entrance what I will do this morning.

(Brings with her a small knife in her

pocket. She sets down the fresh bowl and
the tiger allows her to pet its head as she
says in a low voice) Oh, my tiger, may I
please have just one of your whiskers?
(Yun Ok’s one hand pets the tiger; while
her other hand carves the tiger’s whisker
Scene 11: Very early the next off in one quick stroke.) There, I got it!
morning at the tiger’s cave (She stands up and speaks softly.) Thank
entrance you, my dear tiger. Goodbye. (Leaves for
the last time)

Yun Ok: (Clutches the precious whisker

in her first; bursts and cries) I have it! I
have the tiger’s whisker!

Hermit: (On his back) You don’t say …

(turns around) … from a live tiger?

Yun Ok: Yes! Yes!

Scene 12: Morning at the hermit’s
hut Hermit: Tell me how did you do it?

Yun Ok: well, for the last six months, I

had earned the trust of the creature and
it had finally permitted me to cut off one
of its whiskers. (With pride she hands
him the whiskers.)

Hermit: (Examines the whisker) It is

indeed a whisker from a live tiger! I’m
satisfied. (Walks to the stove then flicks it
into the fire where it sizzles and burns in
an instant.)

Yun Ok: (Cries with anger) What have

you done? Do you know how I risked my
life for that?

Hermit: (Speaks softly) Yun Ok, you no

longer need the whisker. Tell me; is a
man more vicious than a tiger? If a
dangerous wild beast will respond to
your gradual and patient care, do you
think a man will respond any less

Yun Ok: (Just stands speechless. Then

she turns and steps down the trail
(Silence. Still thinks and recalls the image
of the tiger and her husband.) The hermit
is right. He’s right. Now, I know what to
So that’s the end of the story


Do you understand it? Let us

check your understanding. By
answering the following questions. Ma’am, there are four characters in the
story Yun Ok, Woman, Hermit and the
Who are the characters in the husband.
Ma’am is the wife and the protagonist in
the story.
Exactly! Now, who is Yun Ok can
you describe her? Who is she?
Ma’am the woman is the nosy neighbour
of Yun Ok.
How about the woman? Who is
she? What was her role in the
story or what did she say? Ma’am, he is the one whom Yun Ok
asked for help he requested the tiger’s
What about the Hermit? Who is whisker.
he, and what did he do?
She’s having a problem with her
Very Good! Now, what was the husband because her husband changes
conflict that Yun Ok face? Or what after going through the war.
was the problem she
encountered? At first, a potion made with a live tiger’s
Excellent! So, what was the
solution for that problem of Yun
Ok? Ah yes ma’am, the solution is, to bring
back her husband to his old self she
Great! But is that the solution? must have patience she must show love
Refer to your answer from what or affection to his husband just like how
the hermit said to Yun Ok in the he tamed the tiger.
last part of the story.

Ma’am the moral lesson of the story is

nothing is impossible.
Intelligent! Now let us identify the
moral lesson of the story what was
it? Ma’am, it’s because it is so impossible to
get a live tiger’s whisker but in the story
Yeah, but why did you say so? after days and even months of effort by
What was your basis? the wife, she successfully plucks one
whisker of the tiger.

Never forget to show affection, ma’am,

because maybe that’s what the husband
Yes, what else do you have in needs just like how Yun Ok brings food
mind? to the tiger every day, she must also
show affection just like for example a
simple act of a hug.

Yes ma’am.

Brilliant! Don’t you know that

modern research encourages us to
show affection? Because we need
it and satisfying these needs
brings physical and emotional
benefits. Especially since in the
story the soldier had just gone
through war maybe he was Ma’am, I learned that patience is the key.
traumatized, right?

How about the others what is the

lesson in life you gain after Yes ma’am.
reading the story?

Yes, that’s the main moral lesson

of the story. If we say patience, it
is the ability to wait with a good
attitude. And that was portrayed
by Yun Ok in the story while
taming the tiger. In life we also
need to be like that do you agree?

Yup, you should agree, the world

has changed since 1914. Stop
nagging and complaining because
it will just ruin your mood in the
end you’ll lose. Instead, the key is
it’s how you treat the bad

Instruction: Record yourself accurately reading the dialogue in the folktale the Tiger’s
Whisker. By three’s

Baliling, Aldritz Troy Cantoria, Estiven Dome

Tolentino, Rhian Audrey Hasan Rudan
Kitong, Kent Bryan Amgao, Alexa

Ciriaco, Glenbert Dalapus, Zoren

Pacleb, Melissa Dang-alan, Gean
Compra, Meneses Paetan, Chrislyn
Lomiteng, Jerson Miguel Laohiang, Rayver John
Sagubat, John Patrick Dang-alan, Laurie Mae
Cardenas, Rhihana Lyran Polides, Vivian

Tio-anen, Jasper Cliff Pangos, Freddie

Venancio, Lorenzo Jake, Lorenzo
Mangawit, Jhoanah Maog, Tricia Fe
Wacan, Elmer
Balao, Nove Lyka
Guising, Erica Mae

5 4 3 2
Pronunciation All the words There are two There are four There are six
are correctly or three words or five words or seven words
pronounced. that are not that are not that are not
correctly correctly correctly
pronounced. pronounced. pronounced.
Speaking All the words There are two There are four There are six
are enunciated or three words or five words or seven words
carefully and that are not that are not that are not
had put an carefully carefully carefully
effort to enunciated. enunciated. enunciated.
each syllable.
Modulation There is There are two There are four There are six
modulation, or three lines or five lines or or seven lines
ideas are being or dialogues dialogues that or dialogues
conveyed that are not are not that are not
clearly and it modulated. modulated. modulated.
stirred emotion
by varying
volume, pitch
and pace.

Think about the play and discuss your answers to the following questions.
1. Why did Yun Ok’s husband become cross and unpredictable? (Minimum of three
2. Yun Ok risk her life to pursue her goal. Why was Yun Ok willing to pursue her goal
even if it meant her life? Was she successful? (Minimum of five sentences)



Prepared by: Vanessa R. Abad

BSE English
Checked by: Nora Ahmed L. Alneaimi
Critic Teacher

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