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On the one hand, specialized schools can bring many benefits to students.

Firstly, it can
easily be seen that pupils will receive better teaching quality when they attend this
school. The gifted school was founded with the aim of giving extensive knowledge to
people who want to use what they are taught to pursue their careers or apply those skills
to support their work. Gifted education can provide students with a particular curriculum
that facilitates them to utilize their potential in a specific area they want to focus on.
Secondly, the competitive learning environment also stimulates one to develop oneself
fully. Students have to advance themselves so they can keep up with their fellows
because observing other people's progress touches their fear of being left behind, and it
will give them the motivation to move forward. For instance, the ranking will be a way
for pupils to measure their learning ability compared to others and use it as
encouragement for them to study harder.

On the other hand, studying in an environment with many talented people can make
pupils feel pressured if they do not perform as well as others at school. Firstly, peer
pressure may create anxiety for students, leading to a decline in learning productivity.
The fear of being inferior will likely prevent them from delighting in studying as the
urgency to surpass others will make them stressed and occupy their minds. Consequently,
students learn to compete with their peers whenever they attend school. Secondly, intense
learning makes it difficult for people to spend time on other activities such as playing
sports, spending time with family, or giving them time to relax. Too much homework
causes students to prioritize those work instead of caring for what is close and vital to
them, like family or themselves. Neglecting hobbies to focus too much on studying will
also reduce students' quality of life and causing health problems such as insomnia or

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