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Chuyên Anh 8

Module 18: Conditionals mixed type & Inverted conditionals
Exercise 1: Complete using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If ………………………. (you/do) your homework last night, you’d know the answer to this
2. We ………………………. (not / stand) by the side of the road at the moment trying to get a lift
if ………………………. (we/bring) a spare tyre with us.
3. If I ………………………. (not/stay up) so late last night, I ………………………. (not/feel) so tired
this morning!
4. ………………………. (I/be) in terrible trouble right now if you ………………………. (not/help) me.
5. If I had a video recorder, ………………………. (I/record) the match last night.
6. ………………………. (I/ask) for Andy‟s phone number when I met him if I ……………………….
(not/already/have) a boyfriend!
7. If Cody ………………………. (not/live) so far away, he ………………………. (not/be) so late to the
barbecue yesterday.
8. Trace ………………………. (not/need) extra lessons last month if she ………………………. (be) as
good at maths as you are.
9. ………………………. (you/got) a job when you left school if the university ……………………….
(not/offer) you a place?
10. If you ………………………. (have) as much money as she does, ………………………. (you/retire)
by now?
Exercise 2: Complete the sentences so that the meaning remains the same.
1. If her condition should improve, we will inform you immediately.
Should .................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Jade will ask lots of difficult questions if she gets to interview a famous politician.
Should .................................................................................................................................................................................
3. If you were able to go abroad for the summer, where would you go?
Were ....................................................................................................................................................................................
4. If I was to become a vet, I would find putting animals down very difficult.
Were ....................................................................................................................................................................................
5. The world would be much better off if all environment pollution stopped today.
Were ....................................................................................................................................................................................
6. If the hole in the ozone layer had been discovered sooner, fewer people would have got skin
Had ....................................................................................................................................................................................
7. I wouldn't have become a teacher if I hadn't had such a good English teacher at school.
Had ....................................................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 3: Circle the correct word or phrase.
1. If we hadn't taken a wrong turn, we wouldn't be/have been in this mess now.
2. Should/Would you need any further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask.
Chuyên Anh 8
3. Had they not / Hadn't they warned people in time, a lot more lives could have been lost.
4. If you worked/had worked last weekend when the boss asked you, then you wouldn't
have to work this weekend.
5. Were all the members of staff to attend the conference, would the hotel have/have had
enough rooms for everyone?
6. Had the government acted sooner, the general public wouldn't be worrying/have worried
so much about the current situation.
7. Tom Cruise wouldn't be the star he is today had he not/should he not have made a good
impression in his early films.
8. Weren't we/Were we not to build more roads, the traffic system would collapse by 2020.
9. It would be hard enough to pass the exam tomorrow even if you went/had gone to all the
lectures this year.
10. You can contact the hotel manager on extension 142 should/could you need to.
11. Shouldn't you/Should you not receive confirmation of your flight by e-mail, please click
the link below.
12. I would have asked the person for ID before I let him in, if I were/have been you.
Exercise 4: Write one word in each gap.
Had (1).............. not been for the invention of CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) in the 1920s, at least
one environmental problem might have been avoided. In fact, (2)………… they to be invented
today, they (3)……… no doubt be immediately banned. For fifty years, though, if you bought
an air conditioner or a spray, there (4)………… a good chance that it contained CFCs - and those
CFCs are still around in the atmosphere.
If you (5)............... able to travel into the upper layers of the atmosphere, you (6)................ see
the chlorine and fluorine from CFCs breaking down the ozone (a form of oxygen). Ozone could
damage your lungs (7)................... you were to breathe it, but high in the atmosphere it
performs the function of blocking ultraviolet rays from the sun, rays which can cause skin
cancer if you (8)………… exposed to them. We might (9)……….. have known about the process
(10)……… it not been for the work of two American scientists, Frank Rowland and Mario
Molina. A number of industries fought against their conclusions, and might have won
(11)………… the evidence not been so clear.
Rowland and Molina received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1995 for their work on the
ozone layer, but (12) …………which we might today be facing an even greater problem.
Chuyên Anh 8
Module 18: Work & Study
Chuyên Anh 8
Chuyên Anh 8

Exercise 1: Replace all the uses of do or get in this paragraph with more interesting

Exercise 2: Choose the correct collocation.

Chuyên Anh 8
Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with work, job or career.

Exercise 4: What do the collocations in bold in the text below mean?

Exercise 5: Answer these questions about education.

1. At what age do children in your country sit their final school exams?
2. How long does it take in your country to do a degree in Medicine?
3. Give one advantage you think continuous assessment has over traditional exams.
4. What sort of feedback might a teacher give a student who has just given a presentation
in class?
5. Give one advantage for a learner of English of doing homework.
6. What advice about keeping a vocabulary notebook would you give to someone starting
to learn English?
7. What is the difference between further education and higher or tertiary education?
8. What would you expect to be the difference between the first draft of an essay and the
final draft ?
Chuyên Anh 8

You will hear a man called Martin talking about a sporting injury. For questions 1-7, choose the
best answer A, B, or C.

1. What does Marin blame his accident on?

A. bad luck
B. skill
C. the weather
2. What was Martin’s mood like on the day he was injured?
A. bad
B. indifferent
C. good
3. When was Martin injured?
A. during selection for a game
B. during an unimportant game
C. during a very important game
4. Why did Martin go to games when he was injured?
A. to support the team
B. to see if he could play
C. he didn’t ever go
5. Why did Martin stop playing football?
A. he decided it wasn’t for him
B. he wanted to make more money
C. he got injured again
6. When did Martin decide to get a car?
A. when he got more money
B. when was initially injured
C. when he passes his driving test
7. How does Martin say he got to know Sarah
A. because of his car
B. at a football match
C. at work
Chuyên Anh 8
I. Put each verb in brackets in the correct tense or form.
Johannes Gutenberg was a pioneer in the use of movable type. When he (1. begin)
_________________ building a printing press in 1436, he (2. be) _________________ unlikely (3. realize)
that he (4. give) _________________ birth to an art form that (5. take) _________________ center stage
in the social and industrial revolutions that followed.
Gutenberg was German, his press was wooden, and the most important aspect of his
invention was that it was the first form of printing to use movable type. Although Laurence
Koster of Harm also (6. lay) _________________ claim to the invention, scholars (7. generally /
accept) _________________ Gutenberg as the father of modern printing. Before Gutenberg, the
printing press (8. use) _________________ (9. reproduce) _________________ pictures, playing cards,
and designs on cloth. Designs (10. cut) _________________ in wood, stone, or metal and
transferred to parchment or vellum.
II. Give the correct form of words in brackets.
1. “What if” questions involving _____________________ are familiar in historical speculations.
2. He was definitely _____________________ when he scored that goal. (SIDE)
3. You won't persuade him to change his mind. His decision is _____________________. (REVOKE)
4. Are season-ticket _____________________ dealt here? (NEW)
5. The Ministry of Education and Training decided to organize a (an) _____________________
footballer championship to create a common playground for all students. (COLLEGE)
6. An alarm sounds when the temperature reaches a _____________________ level. (DETERMINE)
7. Scarlet, my new neighbor, tends to have intense, _____________________ friendships. (SPIRIT)
8. It is not surprising that the corporation has established total _____________________ over its
rivals. (SUPREME)
9. He examined the parcel _____________________ as he had no idea what it could be. (SUSPECT)
10. Each classroom in my school has been _____________________ with a high-quality projector.
III. There are 10 mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct them.


This week we celebrated Valentine's Day or rather incurable romances and those of us
who are a bit soft in the head did! The fourteenth of February always gives everyone who's
anyone a chance to cast a few pearls of wisdom before their fellow sufferers about the nature
of 'the universal migraine-love. Francis Farnsworth is the case in point. I'm sure the poor old
fellow has a heart of gold but he really does talk a load of rubbish sometimes! His appearance
last night on BBC 1's “Let's Talk It Over” was not exception. He started out by having what I
will politely call a difference of opinion with Tania Di Monte, author of “Tell me the Truth
about love”. Ms. Di Monte always expresses the most extraordinary views without any
Chuyên Anh 8
apparent fear of contradiction. Last night she was boldly set out her rules for a perfect
relationship when poor old Farnsworth accidentally called her Tina. Tina is of course the
name of her ex-husband Darren's second wife and we all know that any mention him - or her
- is like a red rag to a bull to Tania. Farnsworth kept apologizing and saying that it had been a
slip of the tongue brought about by a momentary loss of concentration, but it took all
presenter Greg Lazarre's skills to calm our Tania down again. Francis then started calling her
“darling”, which only succeeded in making her even more furious. “Term of endearing”, he
stammered as she glared at him. She had been vehemently denying that there was even a
grain of truth in rumors about her forthcoming engagement with football star Nick Pérez.
Nevertheless, I'm sure it is only a question of time before we see Tania and Nick on the cover
of “Hi There!” celebrating “the wedding of the century”. If marrying someone like Tania is
what happens to you if you're incredibly successful, like Pérez undoubtedly is, I shudder
thinking what the price of failure might be!


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