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Tarnizhni V
TPC Pguovislon - Publie Wuisomo 8heola Mam
Sedien IPC

A peon galty of° a^ puiie nu

pwblic nwsrnce who dD0A
amy act
Itenol omon whih
CQLse amy Commn
the pwblc Aho people in genekal whob
occupy paopty n ahe vicininy
mt necessasiy cause
njwuy, obtuctoh. dnqor
annyme posors ro may have OcCOb{ on
Wse any puble ighe.
vA men ruisamca
Cemnmen éxcus ed on tho q1ound
vHe shau be punished
wth ga whch may extond
te tuo humded gpes.
V Publc nuSan ce s an
wneasnable . unwassmtod
te ta Common
gencaat pusl'e
Obst ucting pubu
pusÁ acad opekating a house
Law Or Tontu
Tamizh°ní. vk

Bhol a Mans

betweU Prubic JJulsanco and Pirate

Wuisam ce
Nuisama revate Nuisome

* Affe cs pubtic at
Tnveves vioation a
determinate boy of
Omd Gc COn veniern ce p9Aers, Jt a viotati on
ef the peopie in qerexal %a peon' pessonat nigta
elatíng e hç tomd
onjeymant tharet
t É at e
both an ofemo amd onty
tou (cçri wong)
e * laintanable in a
Achon fer pbl nusan
net maintaiable 4 initated
Gsn mame

privat indiv iarae excap t

en prey opoial damage tegaited o ,
ouphn*con bo
* Cannot egalse pres |aquird by presoitien
An endiriual
* Jndiidal pesen cannot abate t
execse ext Ma
Puble nusane
Komedy fo public raane daumed privato
5gerealy- grant of injuncion

neism ce
0% a declaaton. Damages
can bo cdaimeA

* demetÉmes. priate and pblic neisn e may

-cncde eq Indt rlat polution, ottuction f

highuny etc
Jaus of Toat
Tarnizhini v.

Roo kes Vs
V Cae Laus
yor nerrplony farnoges
Uk Jabou Jaus
ornd Fngh to Jow
Case the
lont'ng Cose n Englh Laus
puntie damoge tuaning and oas
fn Pual avisn agairt
tade niors
VROoes w a tdraugh cnan. ernplged by
OverseaA ARawys Corporaton (POA
He raianod frorn ha
Enginaenlog and shipbuâ ding Drraughtam an
(AESD ), ayte a d~aqrearnent. OA
hat cosed agreornent, arnd AtSD
tontened a stko to rnake Rookes resiqn
frorn h prresent fob or to be fired
V BOAC alo swpen ded Rookos ofter Sorne
months th one
week's Salary
wh propos noico
unfon hiclasa -- MY arnad

branch chalrman. Rookes soud t i at he

tortiouu frtamdation that
Viicu m a

had sed
unlaul mo to indco BON C
tosmn ate ha COntact
Jud emort The fwy hed auardod a single
xemplauy damages
law Tor ta
Tamizbini, vk

Sheela Nam
Joclanahon the Rigbta
JA declau bn
In ich $ rghts a juAlal rorredy
foma amd
binding statenment 6e doclaan that
claoutd e Leqol ouhte amd obigatornu oy
the pa'es nvetvod în aa Legal dipute, wwhexe
ambíquity egasd îng
thee wncestinty
those righte Tt &staht ohote tice k leq ot
neod fe
detemenation wh aut the immedata
monotay Compensatíon
and rtainty:
cgtainty: To
Tb pacvene futwee diptos
is Claty Certainty egonng
md to psoridc claity
5e Legol selatfonshups
he invole e usasd
f does not
) Nem- Moretasy:
Costain actions
from To eolva Jegl diapues
n) Pxeventtie Neasre:

cerlt. tay Cowts ssue

Y) Common interpreB nd elayg
constrttt onal
aeclaati ons to
v) Jrneied Srorcorrord
not hoavo
muy hot havo irnmedate erkerorhert rnetharisu
vi) Use oin Non- Constituhiona Coue:
Cases Aso used in
proporty diqutaa ontra t

Stosprelatcn, nequatony iveuos

vis Tost abl'sh ieq cç Raha arnd cbl'gatbns For
|pseyenting he Jagd ighu orn d toga) obl'aotíons
Jaw of Toa

Caso SUmmay Shoolo tlorn

Hughe% V. l0d Advocate:

7he wokmen employed by the deyondont hod

beon wovhing n &ewoy holo CoN 09 arn d
then toek a baeak, Leawing the hole enasesd
fn tent with ghts eqt nenby to aaka the
atea nAibe to n- oming veh les. An 8yea
Gtd bDy. the cdamant encontoed the uncovood
and wnatterdod &ewo hoo amd clinbed douon
to se fnside it boitng ing with thern to c
the Jamps legt Gut by the employees The lamp
subseqvenuig dgpod amd CaUs a
gniiant explasfon. whîch lugi both the boys
wn Beious in'uoes fsem The

dagendarnu Submted that such om action

woud hane Cased ths oLut cono to bo deermad
tugoeonble Tha ia an apent ty the plainif
agafna t5he Lowe cout Which hel d deisibn
tvoor he Aogendnta deem fng
atheugh {he bvns foreseoble The
arnd eolbafon
Vapetikanen f keosene
wOto not

Judgemeot: The coo had that tfe deterdori

líable F&t aL hfrg that ercottogh
foreseeabk bt the înjuay
cuucd untquely manho ohi
tohich cod ntt
have been foeseh.
A shfv Kaa Motasing v. RamnaOh Musising
TAIR 1478 Gu
rThe plainr fled the s t agafnst he
detndamts for Tecovesing a
Oefen damta ae the
teahers in
the Munfcipal &choe uhere
whee Jagpa singh
was s dyng def was
4he headmast
Sagpad îngh oas a 2 yean
old bos oho
one am engst +he Go cho Consttbhed
picni paty The pinic pnty Lwas mdont e
suavallunce f det land 5.The picnic ca
Buppoaed to be in Sabomah Rves,Ahmedabad.
he paty mached the spot at a 30AM.
The pinfe panty bek food,nd while both
commt on n the food they hend
uhed to Se0 two oys iverbonhu when hey
fishesnan LDere esued by the
md the dert edy of
ioum Thexajore ogoal hagh
arn arfon n tot
tot uas
taken argainst the deen dorn te
Judgement : the cot held tha degerdant
LO Ceee hot \iablo s both the deten dan z had
tahen s e n t cate
cae o e piníe poty
by givlng pseper înstavchen to be paty
amd toooso tfene Was nD negl gence en
patt af he defen damta
otalmo% VAEC I+d a53]
gafnstosrn cawsed the t'lbor
aacth : A heavy the
-flooded wth wnta
a fhetmy employea ?n the factory
plainbif ovent ual)y Yemoved but
The ciater the syace
oily veythin 3
behnd an
dejendamte did
the floor and amd mtegate the
get rfa AQudat
sfng sawdust The plaintyi
amd fell while he was perfming hç
dutt os he <ved
hu omployes -for neglqence
cowt held Pee dejendants
Jdgement The
had t aken eery
not llable OU the Company
step that an ondíny poudent employer
CUowld have the crcurstamcos to
t ahen
the soqety of he coorkers
Tamiahini. VK

Svestiars Shoola Narm

1 Waie aa note n
Res Ipsa lbquiter
Analyse the maxim 'Res Ipsa JcqutuT
3 The CEndutei allowed C and sther te
tsavel on top ot the ve TSWded bus The oveahamqing
banch at Auck the people sitnq on the top of the blus
dueing the jousney amd c fcll from the bus md
Buccumbed to death due to serios injuouy. Seide the

4 P 4&ies to catch a b hich has just stat ed and

heids the
speed . P hetds the handle but fas to put
aáning the feot boans ? ails deuÛn and
actien against t6e Lis doie? Je cde
injuxed .He beinqs

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