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Unit 7

1) Choose the correct answers :

1. I go to work and look after my family, I am an (baby – adult -


2. I am learning to walk and lots of words, I am a (elderly person –

adult - toddler).

3. I go to school and I play with my friend. I am a (adult – baby -

4. He can drive a car, he is an (child – adult - baby).

5. He can’t eat alone or jump, he is a (baby – adult - child).

6. I am in grade three, I am a (child – toddler - baby).

2) Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: (A)

Fady: What do you usually do on Monday?
Ramy: …………………………………………………….....
Fady: ………………………………………………………….?
Ramy: I'm watching TV now.
Heba: ……………………………………………………?
Rania: Yes, I'm good at English.
Heba: what`s your favorite subject?
Rania: ………………………………………………………

3) Fill in the gaps with the following words:

A) baby _ toddler _ adult

Today we're with our family. We have lots of cousins! Tarek is a

…………He can't walk or talk. Amir is an ……………… he goes to
work. My sister Nada is a
…………….. she's learning a lot about the world.
B)child _ teenager _ elderly person

My name's Ali. I'm 13 years old. I'm a …………………. I go to school

with my brother Adam. Adam is 6 years old. He's a …………..... . We
visit our grandfather every week. He is 65 years old. He is an

4) Rearrange the following sentences:

1_ his brother _ Adam _ helping _ is .


2_ have _ cousins _ We _ lots of .


3_ on Mondays _ I _ the park _ go to _ usually .


4_ now _ are _ doing _ What _ you ?

5_ painting _She's _ picture _ a .


6_ is _ Nada _ homework _ her _ doing .


7_ They_ a new _ are building _ house.

Choose the correct answers :

1. I usually ( help_ am helping ) my parents.

2. What does she ( bought _ buy ) at the clothes store?

3. He doesn't ( eats _ eat ) in the class.

4. Ahmed ( helps _ help ) his friends.

5. Tamer and Ali never ( play _ plays ) football.

6. ( Do _ Does ) you like English?

7. Amira usually ( brushes _ brushing ) her teeth in the morning.

8. ( Do _ Does ) Hani help his mom?

Choose the correct answers :

1_ He ( go _ went ) to the museum last week.

2_ She ( rides _ rode ) her bike to the park yesterday.

3_ I ( visited _ visit ) my grandparents last weekend.

4_ My sister ( use _ used ) to help me.

5_Heba didn't ( go _ went ) to school because she was ill.

6_ Did you ( have_ had ) your lunch?

7_ What ( does _ did ) he do yesterday?

8_ They ( played _ play ) football after school yesterday.

9_ We ( walking _ walked ) to the park last week.

Choose the correct answers :

1_ We are ( learn _ learning ) English now.

2_ Look! She's ( climbs _ climbing ) a tree.

3_ ( Is _ Are ) Mona helping her mom?

4_ He ( paints _ is painting ) a picture now.

5_ ( Are _ Is ) you playing now?

6_ My mom is ( cooked _ cooking ) the food now.

7_ I ( do _ am doing ) my homework at the moment.

8_ We're ( gone _ going ) to school now.

9_ Listen! birds ( is singing _ are singing ) sweetly.

10_ Ahmed ( talked _ is talking ) on the phone now.

Choose the correct answers :

1_ She has ( painting _ painted ) a nice picture.

2_ They ( have _ has ) finished their homework.

3_ My dad ( has _ have ) mended my bike.

4_ ( Have _ Has ) you ever seen a tiger?

5_ Has your dad ever ( eating _ eaten ) Chinese food?

6_ What have you ( done _ did )?

7_ My mom ( didn't _ hasn't ) cooked lunch yet.

1)Choose the correct answer:

1-Sam (drinks - drinking) milk everynight.

2-I (doesn’t - didn’t) get up early yesterday.

3-She is (ate - eating) now.

4-They (have - has) gone to the club.

5-I (play - played) tennis two years ago.

6-They never (gets up –get up) early.

7-My sister (study - studied) math 2 hours ago.

8- (Is - am) she wearing a jacket?

9-Has he (finish - finished) his H.W?

10-They (could - can) go to party last week.

1-Sam drinks juice everyday. ( They)


2-Mai is watering the tree now. (We)


3-We go to the club every day. (went)


4-They have taken lots of photo. (has)

5-Have you eaten lunch? (Yes,…?)

6-You get up on time for school. (never)


7-He runs every day. (now)

8-The cat ate meat yesterday. (didn’t)


9-My brother has eaten chicken. (have)


10-I am playing tennis at the moment. (not)


11-I go to school on foot. (How)


12-They are playing computer games at the moment. (He)


13-Omar goes to the cinema every month. (last Friday)


14-Have they finished their H.W? (she)

3)Fill in the gaps with the following:

A) went _ had _ saw

Last week we ……………… to the zoo. We ………….. a lot of

animals. We ……………… lunch there . It was a nice day.

B) goes _ has _ plays

Ali ………………. a kite .Every day he ………………. to the

park to play with it. He …………… there with his friend Omar.

Choose the correct answer:

1-She (used - uses) to go to a nursery .Now, she goes to


2-I (used - using) to ride a bike two years ago. Now, I drive a

3-Sam didn’t use to (have - has) long hair when he was a baby.

4-We used to (live - lives) in Cairo .Now, we live in October city.

5-Mona (didn’t - don’t) use to sleep early when she was three.

6-He used to (play - playing) football. Now, he plays tennis.

7-They didn’t (used - use) to drink coffee when they were


8-She used to (eat - eats) lots of fast food, but now she eats
healthy food.

9-Sally and John (used - use) to buy candy when they were
Choose the correct answer

1-Twins are the same in every way, they are (identical – triplets
- sibling).

2-Twins aren’t the same, they are (similar – same - different).

3- Twins are two (siblings – adults - triplets).

4- Twins are exactly the same, they are (identical – different -

non identical).

5-(Babies – Twins -Triplets) are two siblings who are born at

the same time.

6-A sibling is a sister or (mother – father - brother).

7- Identical twins are always (two sisters – different - a sister

and a brother).

Choose the correct answers:

1-(Trait – Inherit - Adapt) is a key characteristic, e.g.

camouflaged fur.

2- (Species – Newborn - Same) is a group of animals or plants

that are similar and share the same characteristic.

3-(Adapt – Newborn - Trait) rabbits don’t have fur.

4-The baby rabbits in a (organ – litter - trait) look similar but not

5-(Offspring – Newborn - Adapted) is a person's child, or an

animal's, or plant's baby.
6-All animals and plants are living (non-organisms – organisms
- persons).

7-Long ears are important for rabbits (survival – trait - species).

8-(Inherit – Newborn - Adapt) is a baby animal has just been


9-Bear has camouflaged fur to (offspring – litters - survive).

10-Any organism needs to (newborn – person - adapt) with the


2)Fill in the gaps with the following:

A) parents_ traits _ identical

The rabbits in a litter will look similar to each other, but not
offspring have inherited some ………………….. from their

B) characteristics _ adapt _ survive

All organisms have to ………………… to their environment. All
species of animals and plants have their own ……………………
and behave in ways that help them to………………….

4) Rearrange the following sentences:

1_ looks like _ She _ parents _ her


2_ a rabbit _ help _ Long ears _ survive _ to .

3_ beak _ a large _ has _ The bird .


4_ do _ have _ Why _ rabbits _ ears _ long?


5_ in the _ There are _ tall trees _ rainforests.


6_environment _ to their _ Plants _ adapt


7_ Newborn rabbits _ parents _ different _ look _ their _ from.


8_ many _ There _ kinds _ are _ of plants.

9_ day _ It's _ a foggy.


10_ to eat _ What_ you _ would_ like?

5) Punctuate the following :

1_ what do you usually do on weekend


2_ stop that road is dangerous


3_ tarek didn t use to speak english


4_ did dad use to walk to school


5_ that was an amazing game

Unit 9
1) Choose the correct answers :-

1 – A hospital is a place where people can go for

(treatment - medicine - scan)

2 – I think your leg is broken , you need an

(sore - X-ray - disease)

4- …………………………… happens when bacteria or viruses

enter your body. (Treatment - Infection - X-ray)
5- Sometimes you have an……………….. because of an
(injury - disease - sore)

6- Sometimes people have a disease or ……………………….

that makes them ill. (scan - infection - disease)
7- Do a…………………………, it helps doctors see inside your
body. (Treatment - Scan - infection)
8- A surgeon can do…………………….. to make a particular
part of your body
(surgery - scan - treatment)
9- …………………… is a liquid you drink or tablet you swallow
that you will take it if you feel sick .
(Medicine - Treatment - Scan)
10- Surgery is an …………………….. that a surgery can do this
to make you better if you are very sick.
(operation - infection - scan)
1_- Choose the correct answers :-
1 – If you ………………. blue paint and yellow paint, you get
green paint.
(mix - mixed)

2 – If it doesn’t ……………………, plants don`t grow.

(rains - rain)

3 – If you heat ice, it ……………………….

(melts - melted)

4 – If you ………………………… water, it evaporates.

(boil - boiled)

5 – If I …………………………. too much chocolate, I feel sick.

(eat - ate)

6 – If Sara ………………………. with fire, she gets burned.

(played - plays)

7 – If you ………………………. a glass on the floor, it breaks.

(dropped - drop)

8 – If you put water in the freezer, it ……………………. ice.

(becomes - became)

9 – If you boil water, it ………………………… to 100 c.

(heats - heated)

10 – If the sun goes down, it …………………. dark.

(gets - got)
Rewrite the following sentences :-
1 – I speak to John, he gets annoyed. (If)


2 –The river freezes, it is very cold. (if)


3 - You mix water and electricity, you get a shock.



4 – You touch the fire, you get burned.



5 –Babies are hungry, they cry .



Choose the correct answer:

1 – I ……………………….. go home now, it`s late.

(must - mustn`t)

2 – We …………………… make noise, be quiet!

(must - mustn`t)

3 – You………………………. go near that dog , it`s dangerous.

(must - mustn`t)
4 – You …………………………….. play with fire.

(must - mustn`t)

5 – You ………………………………. be home on time.

(must - mustn`t)

6 - You ……………………………… wear a lifejacket when you

go sailing.

choose the correct answers:-

1 - You should wear a …… to protect yourself from any virus,

like corona virus . ( bandage - face mask - stethoscope)
2- Doctors wear ………………………to listen to your heart and
your breathing . ( bandage - stethoscope - face mask)
3 – If you can’t walk after the accident , you might
(stethoscope - wheelchair - face mask)
4 – A doctor and a nurse can put medicine in your body with
(crutches - syringe - wheelchair)
5 – If you hurt your leg and you can’t walk well , you can use
…………to help you walk . (face mask - crutches -

6 – A doctor can put …………………… on you to help a cut or

injury get better . ( crutches - bandage - syringe)
7 - If there is an accident , you might need…………………. with

( face mask - a first- aid kit - crutches)

8 – You can check the health of the heart with …………………..

(blood pressure monitor - syringe - a first- aid kit)


1-Read the passage and answer the questions

Hello , my name is Mona and I am 8 years old , I am in 3 grade in
primary level .in our class there are 27 students , 15 girls and 12
boys .My classroom is big and nice . Our teacher is Miss Aliaa and
she likes decorating the walls of the class with posters and our
work. She is too smart. In our class there is a computer, and
whiteboard. I go to school by bus. I like my school. We play happily.
The teacher tell us we shouldn`t play loudly. The school is amazing
and my friends are great and funny.

A ) Answer the following questions :

1 - How many boys are there in her class?

2 - How does Mona go to school?


B ) Choose the correct answer :

3 - In her class there is a (computer - white board- both answers ) .
4 – pronoun she refer to (Omer - Mona – miss Aliaa).
C ) Find in the text :
1- 2Nouns…………………………………………………..,……………

2- 2Verbs……………………………,………………………………………

3- 2Adjectives…………………………………..,…………………………

4- 2Adverb……………………………..,……………………………………

5- The opposite of quietly……………………………………………

6- The meaning of loves………………………………………………..

1-Read the passage and answer the questions :-

My aunt Liza is a doctor. She’s 30 years old. She is very kind and
pretty .she has brown hair and blue eyes. She likes spending time
with me. We usually go to the park together .we sometimes ride
our bikes slowly in the park and have popcorn. It is crunchy. She
always bakes delicious cupcakes for me and we paint smile faces. I
love her very much.
A ) Answer the following questions :-

1 - Where do they usually go?


2 - What does she always bake?


B ) Choose the correct answer :

3 - My aunt Liza works in a (hospital – shopping center – garage ) .

4 – pronoun it refer to ( cupcakes - popcorn - park ) .
C ) Find in the text :
1- 2Nouns…………………………………………………..,……………

2- 2Verbs……………………………,………………………………………

3- 2Adjectives…………………………………..,…………………………

4- 2Adverb……………………………..,……………………………………

5- The opposite of never……………………………………………

6- The meaning of garden………………………………………………..

Read the passage and answer the questions:
Victor lives on farm with his family. They live in a little house. They
have got lots of beautiful animals likes rabbits, chickens, ducks,
lambs and cows. He always helps his parents with the work on the
farm. He sometimes feeds ducks and chickens. He also helps his
dad milks the cows quietly. He puts on gloves. His favorite thing
about the farm is riding horses. He likes to ride fast.

A ) Answer the following questions :

1 - Where does victor live ?

2 - What is victor’s favorite thing about the farm?


B ) choose the correct answer :

3- Victor wears ( hat - gloves – scarf )when he milks the cow .
4- pronoun He refer to ( victor - parents - sister ) .
C ) Find in the text :
1- 2Nouns…………………………………………………..,……………

2- 2Verbs……………………………,………………………………………

3- 2Adjectives…………………………………..,…………………………

4- 2Adverb……………………………..,……………………………………

5- The opposite of quietly ……………………………………………

6- The meaning of wear………………………………………………..

Read the passage and answer the questions:
I am George .I am at the circus with my friends. My father
bought us five tickets for the circus yesterday. We saw 3 clowns
had red nose and rabbits with fancy dresses. Then we saw a
monkey jumping and playing wore blue short and green shirt. It was
funny. We are enjoying our time there. It was a nice day. We left
happily. We ate candy floss and drank fizzy cola. My father smiley
arrived us.
A ) Answer the following questions :
1 - How many tickets did George’s father bring ?

2 - Who bought tickets for the circus ?


B ) Choose the correct answer :

3 – pronoun it refer to ? (clowns - lions - monkey )
4 - George went to the circus with ( parents - aunt - friends ).

C ) Find in the text :

1- 2Nouns…………………………………………………..,……………

2- 2Verbs……………………………,………………………………………

3- 2Adjectives…………………………………..,…………………………

4- 2Adverb……………………………..,……………………………………

5- The opposite of sadly ……………………………………………

6- The meaning of cotton candy………………………………

Complete the dialogue between Talia and Ali :
Talia : hi Ali !
Ali : …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Talia : where did you go yesterday ?
Ali : ………………………………………………………………………………
Talia : what did you see at the zoo ?
Ali : ………………………………………………………………………………
Talia : nice , Did you enjoy there ?
Ali : ……………………………………………………………………………..

Complete the dialogue between Ahmed and Tamer :

Ahmed : Hi ! How are you ?
Tamer : ……………………………………………………………………………….
Ahmed : which school are you in ?
Tamer : ………………………………………………
Ahmed : which grade are you in ?
Tamer : ………………………………………………………………………..
Ahmed : How many siblings do you have ?
Tamer : ………………………………………………………………………

Complete the dialogue between Omar and Ali :

Omar : ……………………………………………………?
Ali : I went to the museum .
Omar : what did you see there ?
Ali : ……………………………………………………
Omar : Did you have a nice time there ?
Ali : …………………………………………………………..
Complete the dialogue between doctor and Hany :
Doctor : what’s ………………………. with you ?
Hany : I …………………………my elbow .
Doctor : ok . you need an ……………………….……
Hany : I don’t want to wear a …………………………………
Doctor : Don’t worry , you ‘ll be fine .
you don’t need to wear the cast for a long
time .
Write a paragraph of 24 words about your daily routine
Guiding words

Write a paragraph of 24 words about healthy and unhealthy habits.

Guiding words
Eat vegetables-wash your hands -read books-eat sweets-wakeup
early- play computer games.
Write a paragraph of 24 words about the important of water
Guiding words
Humans-plants-animals-hydrated-drink-take shower-cook.

Write a paragraph of 24 words about your family

Guiding words
Grad 3-sister-job-siblings-baby-toddeler.

Write a paragraph of 24 words about what do you want to be when

you grow up and why?
Guiding words
Want-to be-because-in the future-people-help-useful.

Write a letter to your friend Tom about your next sport camp.
Your name is Kim you live in 93 sun road, London. Post code

Write a script at the first day at school. Between you and your friends
Write a review about your favorite TV program.

Write an email to your friend Emmy about festivals in Egypt.

Your email is and your friend email is

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