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Mahidol University International Demonstration School

Pre-Observation Form

Name: Kunakorn Poochinda Administrator: Dr. Stephen Coryelle

Date of Preconference: Feb 22, 2024 Date/Time of Observation: Feb 22, 2024; 8.30-9.25 am
Grade Level: 12 Subject Area: Accelerated Math
Observational How prior knowledge can help students learn new concept.

Directions: To the teacher: Write the area of instruction that will be the focus of the observation on the line
above. Be prepared to answer the questions on this form when you attend the pre-conference with the
1. Briefly describe the students in this class. 6. How do you plan to engage students in the
There are 5 students, 1 boy and 4 girls, who have content? What will you do? What will the
chosen to learn Calculus concurrently this year. students do?
I will make some cold-call during the lecture. I also
plan to make all students participate, including
opening group activity and practice solving
problems. Finally, I will ask students to work on an
exit slip.
2. What are the goals for the lesson? What do 7. What difficulties do students typically
you want students to learn? experience in this topic, and how do you plan
Students will learn a type of probability to anticipate these difficulties?
distribution called binomial distribution. The If students have a good background in patterns
students will be able to calculate the probability of and probability, there should be no problem. I
doing the same experiment repetitively, given that would help them recall Pascal’s triangle and
there are 2 different outcomes. combinations using the opening activity.
3. Why are these goals suitable for this group of 8. What instructional materials or other
students? resources will you use? (Attach any sample
In order to make a good decision, students need materials you will use in the lesson.)
to know the chance they have for a particular PowerPoint slides: posted it on Google Classroom
situation. Binomial distributions are quite common
in daily life, for example tossing a coin repetitively.
4. How do these goals support the school’s 9. How do you plan to assess student
ESLOs, standards and benchmarks? achievement of the lesson outcomes? What
The goal should help students progress towards procedures will you use? (Attach any tests or
being innovative thinkers, as binomial distribution performance tasks with rubrics or scoring
can help them make connections to other content guides)
area/subject. In terms of standards, students will I plan to observe student’s work during
be able to understand probability and put the classwork/homework and check their exit slip.
knowledge into practice. Regarding benchmark,
students can determine probability of events with
random variables that have binomial distributions.
5. How do these goals relate to broader 10. How do you plan to use the results of the
curriculum goals in the subject area as a whole assessment?
or in other subject areas? They will be used to evaluate which part most
To the broader math curriculum goals, this class students lack an understanding. Some
should give students the ability to distinguish clarifications or re-teaching may be needed if less
different types of probability distribution. than 60% of the students get the correct answers.

To the teacher: List any items below that you wish to call to the attention of the Administrator. Share your
lesson plan at least a day prior to the observation.

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