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Many people in poor countries die from diseases that are curable because they cannot afford the

medication required.

Do you believe that drug companies should make their products available at reduced prices in these
Health problems is one of the most serious issues that need to improve as soon as possible especially
in poor countries. The local diseases played as a major role in death rate increasing of poor people since they
cannot afford medicines. For this reason, some people argue that drug companies should initiate the product at
low cost for poor countries. I would argue that there are numerous advantages for drug companies to initiate
this argument and will explain in the following paragraphs.
Firstly, the diseases that are the major causes of people death in each country are just one to three
diseases. Therefore, drug companies can solve this matter by make their products at low cost for only main
diseases which are cause of death. From my perspective, drug companies can help poor people while maintain
their profitability. For example, they can help a lot of people by solely provide low-cost medicines for
malarias in South Africa.
Secondly, drug companies can improve their identities by commence the social responsibilities
project. Drug companies not only help poor people to well being but also develop their image together with
increase social relations. Moreover, this project can make drug companies to become as part of social rather
than only commercial organizations that focus on make the highest profits from patients.
However, other departments should have responsibilities on this matter. To make a better world, not
only drug companies should help poor countries, but also social welfare and government should initiate the
projects or policies to solve this problem.
In conclusion, helping people is the best activity to improve this world. Drug companies should
support the medicines at reduced price for poor countries while maintain their company’s objectives.

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