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Sure, let’s go through these instructions one by one:

1. CMP AL, FFH; Assume AL initially contains FFh.

The CMP instruction compares two operands by subtracting the second operand
from the first operand and sets the flags according to the result, but does not store
the result of the subtraction. In this case, since AL is FFh and we are comparing it
with FFh, the result is zero. Therefore, the flags will be set as follows:

CF (Carry Flag): The carry flag is set if there is a carry out of the most
significant bit during addition or a borrow into the most significant bit during
subtraction. Since there is no carry or borrow in this case, CF will be 0.
PF (Parity Flag): The parity flag is set if the number of set bits in the least
significant byte of the result is even. Since the result is zero and has an even
number of set bits (zero is even), PF will be 1.
ZF (Zero Flag): The zero flag is set if the result of the operation was zero.
Since the result is zero in this case, ZF will be 1.
DF (Direction Flag): The direction flag is not affected by the CMP

2. INC AL; Assume AL initially contains FFh.

The INC instruction increments the value of the operand by one. In this case, since
AL is FFh (255 in decimal), incrementing it will result in 00h (256 in decimal, but
only the lower 8 bits are kept, so it wraps around to 0). Therefore, the flags will be
set as follows:

CF (Carry Flag): The carry flag is not affected by the INC instruction.
PF (Parity Flag): Since the result is zero and has an even number of set bits,
PF will be 1.
ZF (Zero Flag): Since the result is zero, ZF will be 1.
DF (Direction Flag): The direction flag is not affected by the INC instruction.

So, after executing these instructions, the contents of the Flag register will be:

CF: 0 after CMP, remains 0 after INC.

PF: 1 after CMP, remains 1 after INC.
ZF: 1 after CMP, remains 1 after INC.
DF: Not affected by either instruction. Its value will be whatever it was before these
instructions were executed.

Please note that the actual values of the flags may vary depending on the initial state of the
flags and the specific implementation of the 8086 microprocessor. This explanation
assumes a typical implementation.

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