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$y 17 GYROSCOPE 17.1. ANGULAR VELOCITY Angular ‘Magnitude of the velocit Direction of axis of the velocity. Sense of rotation of the rotor is denoted by taking the direction of the e general rule is that of a right-handed screw, in the clockwise direction, it goes away from shows a rotor which rotates in the clockwise i ‘A. Its angular motion has been shown vectorially in Fig. 17.1b. The vector has been taken to a suitable scale parallel to the axis of the rotor. The sense of direction of the vector is from a to b eS c ee eel = ay (ce) (b) (a) Fig. 17.1 according to the screw rule. However, if is reversed, it would be from b tom Gig. rection of rotation of the rotor 17.2 ANGULAR ACCELERATION Leta rotor spin (rotate) about the horizontal axis ox at a speed of @ rad/s in ‘as shown in Fig. 17.28. Let oa Tepresent its angular velocity (Fig, reeirhaemeein nde ‘ester vlc te so Pasion Jen abwhich represents teehee inthe agul fe vector ab can be resolved into tee © ge ropresenting angular velocity change in « plane normal to ac or GO sh ropresenting angular velocity change in «plane normal to eb or z wt bw (b) Change of angular velocity, ae = (a + 60) cos 88 — oy Rate of change of angular velocity = (© + 50) c08 20 ~ & Angular acceleration = r+ © * 80) cos 86 ~ @ ano 8 Asdt~0, 69-0 and cosdg>1 : otbo-w do * Angular asceleraton = Eg 29" 8 Change of angular velocity, ch = (w+ dw) sin 39 do) sit Rate of change of angular vloiy = © * 90) in 62 (~ sit + Angular acceleration = Lt ete) doe Asdt->0,, 89-0 and sin 0-088 ; fone rp (2480)09_ do * Angular acceleration = Lz, O79 do do Total angular acceleration, = 57 +o? an This shows that the total angular acceleration of the rotoris the sum of, (© do/dt, representing change in the magnitude ofthe angular velocity of the rotor, ~ 3500 = 6.94 m/s T= mk = 2200 x (0.329% = 225.8 kgm? 22x 1800 =, = 1885 maya 2 69 r= Bo Faq = 00278 rad/s ® 6, = 225.8 x 1885 x 0.0278 = 1180 Nun The effect is to lower the Peshptomsrgh tng reg) m2 Me tet at) whe %, = 08 md/s Gi) C= Toa, = 225.3 x 1885 x 0.8 = 33972 Nm 1 Teaction couple when the bow is risi tor towards starboard. ©, = 0.1 rad/s ing, is totum the C= 2253 x 1885 x 0.1 = 4046.5 Nm always parallel to the axis of processi ¥roseopic effect on the ship, ono all Positions, Gyroscope 577 Example 17.5 The rotor of the turbine ofa ship has a mass of 2500 kg and rotates at a speed of 3200 rpm counter-clockwise when viewed from stern. The rotor has radius of gyration of 0.4 m. Determine the gyroscopic couple and its effect when @ the ship steors to the left in a curve of 80 m radius at a speed of 15 ‘knots (1 knot = 1860 m/h) Gi) the ship pitches 6 degrees above and 5 degrees below the normal position and the be it «iy Also find the maximum angular acceleration during pitching. Solution: m = 2500kg N= 8200 rpm k= 04m oo Ries 2507s 2a x 3 T= mi? = 2500 x (0.4)" oa = 885 rad/s = 400 kgm? @ R-om, v7 @, = 2 = x 9007 = A Gy = 0.087 rad/s C= 400 x 835 x 0.097 = 12981 Num ‘The effect is to lower the bow and raise the stern (Figs. 17.8 and b). i) p= 5° =5 x = 0,087: G) pao = 5x = 00878 rad T=40s 2x ay = = 0.187 rad/s 0, = 9 a = 0.0873 x 0.157 = 0.0197 rad/s C= Te a, = 400 x 395 x 0.0137 = 1837.5 N.m As the bow descends during pitching, the ship would turn towards right or starbcard side (Figs. 17.8 a and c) ©, = 0.04 rad/s C= 400 x 335 x 0.04 = 5360N.m ‘No gyroscopic effect is there as discussed eatlier. Maximum Angular Acceleration during Pitching max = 2 = 0.0873 x (0.157)? = 0.002 15 rad/s? b f tr, outer side Inner side (co) 175 STABILITY OF AN AUTOMOBILE Rear (back) Jn cise of four-whesled vechidl itis essential that no wheel ia lifted off the ground while the vehicle takes a turn, The condition ef vee ation ofthe ground on any of the wheels ponies upwards). a Fié.17.9 shows a four-wheeled vehicle having a aeons Assuming that ‘he weight is equally divided among the four whee Weight on each wheel = - = 7 (downwards) w Reaction of ground on each wheel, R, = 77 cupwanas) Effect of Gyroscopic couple x 19 Goroseopi couple du to four whedls,C, = 47, n 04 = 42, a Fig ’ A ; the vehicle. ‘Where /, = mass moment of inertia ofeach wheel eae mena ee es Rec pe ere aN angular velocity of wheels = 8 he reaction couple is provided by equal and oppoa w= angular ve =; = vehicle » the inner wheels ofthe vehi +> angle ly of reen = 2 a Ce gene, Y= linear velocity ofthe vehicle ‘ig Ce R = radius of curvature Forces on the two inner wheels = >? : rare Sroscopic couple due to engine rotating parts, Forces on each of the outer wheels = 32 (downwards) 5 Ce A= Lo, 0, * Forces on each of the inner wheels = £2 (upwards) ‘Thos the foree on cach ofthe outer whesa is similar tothe weight. On the {nner wheels itis in the opposite direction. Thus, a Reaction of ground on each outer wheel, tg = 5° (upward: where Gis the gear ratio = Total gyroscopic couple, Cp = C+ C. | Positive sign is used when the engine parts rotate in the same directicn as ‘he wheels and the negative sign when they rotea the opposite. . is Gs turn, the reaction Reaction of ground on each inner wheel, Ra = 2 (downwards) SStuning that cis positive andthe vehile takes ale een the i | vow rimury Etfect of Centrifugal Couple As the vehicle moves on a eurved path, a centrifugal force also acts on the ‘ohicle in the outward direction at the centre of mass of the vehicle, | a vy cotinine mugen (2) anf “This force would tend to overturn the vehicle outwards and the overturn- ing couple will be a = mRapxh = mo C= mab xh = moh ‘This is equivalent toa couple due to equal and opposite forces on outer and inner wheels. C Force on each outer wheel = * (downwards) a Foreo on each inner wheel = = (upwards) ‘Again, the force on each ofthe outer wheels is similar to the weight and opposite. g, nuter wheel, R, = 5* (upwards) Bw c. Feaetion of ground on each inner wheel, R, = © downwards) : WG 6, Vertcl reaction on each outer wheel = + £2 + + apvani) i Wo Vertical reaction on each inner wheel = 7 — 2 Fe (upwards) {ican be observed that there are chances thatthe reaction of the ground Gn theinnor wheels may not be upwards and thus the wheels arelitiea fra, the ground, For positive reaction, the condition will be Wats G,. a 2m =° or W C+, a* ah - R, = Ro + R ann imple 17.6 Each wheél of four-whesled, rear engine automobile has a nt of interti of 24 kg.” and an effective diameter of 660 mm. ‘The Sense as the road wheels, of the massis 550 mm above icleis 1.5 m, Determine the limiting Gyroscope 581 ‘speed of the vehicle around a curve with 80 m radius so that all the four wheels maintain contact with the road surface, Solution: 1, = 24 kgm? m = 2200 kg r= 033m = 055m T= 12kgmt w= 1.5m antag R=80m Reaction due to weight mg _ 2200 x 9.81 aire i) Reaction due to gyroscopic couple = 8895.5 N (upwards) =41,0 = ogee? Orn AL R= 4X 24x =O. ot =1.Go,0, = = 0.1360" G=1G ogo, = 123 x7 = 0.196 Co=C, + C, = 0.36407 + 0.196 v8 = 0.57 Co_ 05" ; ' Reaction on each outer wheel, Ro, = 5% = 07° = 0.167 (upwards) Reaction on each inner wheel, Ra, = 0.167 »* (downwards) ii) Reaction due to centrifugal couple mu! 2200 x v2 eae X 0.55 = 15.125 v? c. x ee Ce 18.195 7 Tee aa oh iter ote Bm Reaction on each inner wheel, R,; = 5.042 v? (downwards) For maximum safe speed, the condition is Ry = Ro + Ra 5995.5 = (0.167 + 5.042) v* v= 1035.8 v = 32.18 m/s 82.18 x 3600 or Sr = 5.042 v? (upwards) = 115.9 km/h Example 17.7 A four-wheeled trolley car hes a total mass of 3000 kg. Bach ‘axle with its two wheels and gears has a total moment of inertia of 32 kg.m?. Solution: oe bo = = 16 kgm m = 3000 kg r= 045m h=im Jn = 16 kgm? w=14m R= 250m Ry =p = = 7887.5 N (upwards) (i) Reaction due to gyroscopic couple: C= 41,7 = 4x 16x . rR 0.5 x B50 ~ 05890" n= 2Iy Go, 01, * (as there are two motors) =2x16x3x—_" _ 0.45 x 250 = 0.853 y? Co=Cy-C, (Motors rotate in ‘opposite direction) = 0.569 v* — 0.853? = ~ 0.284 y2 3 Reaction on each outer ‘wheel, R= £0. 02847? Bas 7 Faciy = 1014 (downwards) Reaction on each inner wheel, Re, = 0.1014 v (upwards) (i) Reaction due to centrifugal couple: my ve C= OE hm 9000 cto Ta aan peeee _&_ eet Rao ray = 42860? (upwards) c Ra = 35 = 4.2860" (downwards) ‘Total reaction on outer wheels = 7357.5 — 0.1014 v? + 4.2860? = 7857.5 + 4.1846 v2 ‘Total reaction on inner wheels = 7857.5 + 0.1014 v* ~ 4.286 v* = 7857.5 ~ 4.1846 0" ‘Thus the reaction on the outer wheels is always positive (upwards). Ther are chances that the inner wheels leave the rails. For maximum speed, 7957.5 ~ 4.1846 v? = 0 v? = 1758.2 v= 41.93 m/s 1.98 x 8600 1000 or ma = 151 kmh or Example 17.8 A2.2 tonne racing car has a wheel base of 2.4 m and a track of 1.4 m, The centre of mass of the car lies at 0.6 m above the ground and 1.4 1m from the rear axle. Equivalent mass of engine parts is 140 kg with radius of gyration of 150 mm. The back axle ratio is 6. The engine shaft and flywhee] rotate clockwise when viewed from front, Each wheel has a diameter of 0.£ mand a moment of inertia of 0.7 kg.m?. Determine the load distribution on the wheels when the car is rounding © ‘curve of 100 m radius at a speed of 72 km/hr to the (i left Gi right. Solution: M = 2200kg m= 140kg w=l4m k= 0.15 m i Sistent 1, = 0.7 kgm? ia p= Bx 100 6 9 @ Car turning left Refer Fig. 17.10) (@) Reaction due to weight: ‘Total weight = 2200 x 9.81 = 21582 NN 14) 1 2a) X2 Rag (asa = 6295 N (upwards) fie) 8 Bagg = (21582 x SL) x 3 = 4496 N (upwards) (b) Reaction due to gyroscopic couples: ve (20/7 C241 Ga 4x07 x ee eee ‘or outor wheels Rony = 55 = 5374 7 10N (upwards) For inner wheels, Rj,3 = 10 N (downwards) CHL Gaye, = 3.15 x 5 x 20? daca = 1975N For front wheels, Rig = St 152.5 els, Roxy % ~ 2x24 828N (upwards) For rear wheels, Rin, = 82.8 N (dow, wards) 7 rm (©) Reaction due to centrifugal coupter Bs 2 C.= ME h = 2209 x 20) Eg h = 2200 “Too * 9-6 = 6280N.m For outer wheels, Ra, = 5280 “Sat 2x14 = 1886N (upwards) Teme wheels 5 = 1886 N (downwards 9 = a ‘Therefore, reactions on wheels, ™"*H) RR +R +R +R, = G15 10+ $2.8 — 1806 = s053.9 a= 9295 + 104 928 + 1886 = s2058 N Tas M2630 328 — 1888 sears Ny 754480 +10 525+ 15860 oan 4 yo (Car turning right: All the reactions due to gyn i MEE en Therein, I SHAS and centage cop i= €205 + 10— 328 + 1866 = 91552 N a= 6295 ~ 10 $9.8 — 1866 = 4360.9 N Ry = 4496 + 10 + 92.8 + 1886 = 6424.8 N Ry = 4496 — 10 + 32.8 ~ 1886 = 2699.8 N Example 17.9 The total mass of a four-whecled trolley ear is 1800 kg. The garruns on rails of1.6 m gauge and roundsa curve of 24 m radius at 36 km/hr. ‘The track is banked at 10°. The external diameter of the wheels is 600 mm and each pair with axle has a mass of 180 kg with radius of gyration of 240 ‘mum, The height of the centre of mass of the car above the wheel base is 950, mm, Determine the pressure on each rail allowing for centrifugal force and gyroscopic couple actions, Solution: M = 1800 kg. Cees Meee f= 095m ae r=03m ae b= 02m v = 36 kg/hr 38 x 1000 "3600 considering the effect of dead weight (W= Mg) of the car and that of the centrifugal force on it, determine the reactions R, and Ry at the wheels Aand B (Fig. 17.11). Be Fig. 17.11 Resolving the forces perpendicular to the track, Mv R + Re = Mg cond + sing f = 180 01x co 1+ IO OD as = 18692 N ‘Taking moments about B, R Xun Mg cos0 + sind 2 + Mp sind xh F.cosd xh A= (tess Me aig) (uesine Men) 8 1800 x (10)* a Ry (1900 981 x exo 104 sino) x4 2 oss xen) 88 2 + (1800 x 981 X sin 10° — 00x (0) = 9346 — 2565 = 6781 N. Ry = 18692 — 6781 = 11911. N Reaction due to gyroscopic couple Cu 2h, 0098 x a, = nb) x cosa = 2 5 G0? = 2x 180 x (0.24) % Ta gg X cos? = 283.6 Num Reaction on each outer wheel, Ry, = C* = 2836 _ 6N) wns Ras = oo Tag = SBON (upwards) Reaction on cach inner wheel, Ry = 886N (downwards) Therefore, Pressure on outer rails = Ry + Ra, = 11911 + 886 = 119996 N (downwards) Pressure on inner rails = Ry — Ro, = 6781 ~ 98.6 = 66924 N- (mpwarda) (Pressure is opposite to the reactions) 17-6 STABILITY OF A TWO-WHEEL VEHICLE The case of a two-wheel the overmnenns Mere ts easier fo tit suche vehise mea neutralise tne,cverturningoffeet and the vehicle can stay te auilibrium while taking a s tum, Fig. 17.128. The vehicle is inclined ‘angle ofinelinationof the vehicle Fig. 17.12 v= linear velocity of vehicle on the track r= radius ofthe wheel R= radius ofthe track I, = moment of inertia of each whee! : 1, = moment of inertia of rotating pats ofthe engine y= ll mas ofthe whide a the ider = angular velocity of the wheels : te aa ee iss ce a Sauce ican Vehicle and the rider 5 este ls eal eae Ch) cs Ag the ei of pins nt Roizntal but nied tothe eta ean angle @ and the axis of precession is vertical, it is necessary to take the component of the spin vector, Spin vector (horizontal) = Ie cs @ (Gee Fig. 17.128) = @l,w, + [,0,) 0088 and Gyroscopic couple = (21, 0 +, G0,) cos 90, = Cly+ G1) 2% e050 =0h+00% ae ‘The reaction couple b’ a’ is clockwise when ‘viewed from: ‘the rear (back) of ‘the vehicle and tends to overturn it in the outward direction, vy ovmcunigompsutosnting tae (m2) news ea e "Total overturning enuple = 21, + G1.) “=cos8-+ mi h cos Rightening (balancing) couple due to the weight of the vehicle a For equitnaaje:,, [ene fi ‘or equilib ium, — Tem aloo mg sing (17.8) From this rel the a acne ere 1 angle of heel @ can be determined to avoid - Each. TaTLof motoeyl is of 600 mm diameter and has chet ete ar 3s is. ‘mm aby sais ie a ont is upright, The: ‘moment: ofinertis of eee a eee tin ete pe ire hr rif wt Solution: : m= 180 kg = 12kgm? r203m L.=02kgm? : i Gs os 5 A= 058m Gyroscopic couple, Cg = (2 1, + G1) cso =@x12 sy? ( X12 + 5% 09) x SOO eos = 72.86 0089 Centrifugal couple, C, = m z hese = 805 0.58 x eas = 671.14 cos 0 ‘Total overturnin, ‘otal overturni 'S couple = (72.86 + 671.14) cos 0 = 744 cos 9 Gyroscope ‘se9 Rightening couple = mg h sin 9 = 180 x 9.81 x 0.58 sind = 1024 sin = 1024 sin @ = 744 cos 8 4 tand = «707 od 124 o=36 PROBLEMS 17.1 A flywheel having a mass of 20 kg and a radius of gyration of 300 mm is given ‘a spin of 500 rpm about its axis which is horizontal. The flywheel is suspended. at point 250 mm from the plano of rotation of the flywheel. Find the rate of precession of the wheel (052 rad/s) 17.2 A disc supported between two bearings on a shaft of negligible weight has a mass of 80 kg and a radius of gy 800 mm. The distances of the disc from the bearings are 300 mm to t from the left hand bearing and 450 mmm to theleft from theright hand ‘The bearings are supported by thin vertical cords. When the disc rotates at 100 rad/s in the clockwise direction looking from the left-hand bearing, the cord supporting the left hand side bearing breaks. Find the angular velocity of precession at the instant the cord is cut and discuss the motion of the disc. (0.327 rad/s) 17.3 The moment of inertia of an aeroplane air screw is 20 kg.m? and the speed of rotation 1000 rpm clockwise when seen from the front. The speed of the flight is 200 km per hour. Find the gyroscopic reaction of the air screw on the aeroplane when it makes a left handed turn on a path of 150 m radius, (75.5 Nm) 17.4 Therotor ofa marine turbine has a moment of inertia of 750 kg.m? and rotates at 3000 rpm clockwise when viewed from aft. Ifthe ship pitches with angular simple harmonic motion having aperiodic time of 16 seconds andan amplitude 0f 0.1 radian, find @ the maximum angular velocity of the rotor axis i) the maximum value of the gyroscopic couple i) the gyroscopic effect as the bow dips (0.0888 rad/s; 9261 Nm; Bow swings to port (eft) as it dips) 17.5 The turbine rotor of a soa vessel having a mass of 950 kg rotates at 1200 rpm dlockwise while looking from the stern, The vessel pitehes with an angular velocity of 1.2 rad/s. What will be the gyroscopic couple transmitted to the hull when the bow rises? The radius of gyration of rotor is 300 mm, 12.89 Nm) 17.6 A ship is propelled by aturbine rotor having a mass of 6 tonnes and speed of +2400 rpm. The direction of rotation of the rotor is clockwise when viewed from the stern, The radius of scopic effect when 17.8 The moment of inertia of produced and the rea iple harmonie motion, determine ction between the wheel and rail due to 1 gyration of the rotor is 450 mm. Determine the (450 km/s) Enea aan te ever vie ane and the diameter that the di roscopie couple his couple. (605 Nm; 315.8 N) ind has & moment of 18 VIBRATIONS to vibrate ifit has a to and fro motion. A pendulum swinging ‘of a mean position does so under of gravity, When swings through the midposition, of mass is at the and it possesses only kinetic energy. extremity of its nly potential energy. In the absence of. lfinitely, It can be shown that if the are very small, it approximates to body and is stored as strain energy. Now, if the body is released, forces cause the body to move towards its equilibrium position. If the motion is frictionless, the strain energy stored in the body is converted into kinetic energy during the period the body reaches the equilibrium position at which it has maximum kinetic energy. The body passes through the mean position, the kinetic energy is utilised to overcome the elastic forces and is stored in the form of strain energy, and so on. 19.2 DEFINITIONS ic vibrationsin which there are no friction release of the body are knowri as free or Forced Vibrations When a repeated foree continuously acts on asystem, the vibrations are said to be forced. The frequency of the vibrations is that of

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