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Translation plays an important part in global communication, and creates opportunities for

people of different languages and cultures. With modern-day advancement of Artificial

Intelligence (AI), the translation profession has undergone significant transformations and the
translators has faced problems in dealing with a large of business documents, trade, industry,
politics and law. Therefore, the use of AI translation tools in the translation profession has
brought about several advantages and become more pressing than ever. In particular, features
like the "look" and "feel" of human translation have been changed by the " cost-saving" and
"speeding" of machine translation. However, the " accuracy" and "effectiveness" characteristics
is yet to be solved. On the side of advantages, according to Krasulia (2020) highlighted that the
potential of these tool can improve work efficiency and training quality. This view is also
supported by Huang (2023) that "Machine-assisted translation can help translator complete
translation work with high quality, efficiency, and ease". In order to further explore the benefits
of AI on translation, we compare and evaluate the differences and advantages between human
translation and artificial intelligence machine translation. To begin with, Lihua (2022) found that
in terms of the flexibility of translation, the convenience of machine translation is far more than
that of human translation. The reason is that machine translation can remove the limitation of
translators. Based on previous databases, machine translation can translate automatically without
requiring the user to know and master target language. Secondly, according to Wang (2023)
showed that machine translation is better than human translation in grasping language style.
Especially in term of business English translation and news types, which also demonstrates that
AI translations are superior in strict language style than human translations, due to avoiding
using colloquial terms (as cited in The Impacts and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence
Translation Tool on Translation Professionals, 2023). Next, It is clear that machine translation
can process in short time and faster than human translation does. Many languages can be
translated by only one tool (Lihua, 2022). According to Gambier (2019) supposed that
Computer-aided translation tools and Machine Translation are changing both conceptualization
of translation between producers and theorists and perception of translation amongst users. For
the general users, they believe that these AI translation tools create an impression due to
automatic translation whether they are available on online or on a smartphone. Therefore,
general users give a question that “Do I pay for a slightly better human translation when I can get
a reasonable one for free?" (Gambier, 2019, p.350). Overall, AI has revolutionized the
translation profession because of offering opportunities about efficiency, accessibility, speed
processing, time saving, and cost-effectiveness while also bringing about challenges that need to
be addressed.

1.Wang, L. (2023). The Impacts and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence Translation Tool on

translation Professionals. SHS Web of Conferences, 163, 02021.

2.Gambier, Y. (2019). Impact of technology on Translation and Translation Studies. Vestnik

Rossijskogo Universiteta Družby Narodov. Seriâ Lingvistika, 23(2), 344–361.


3.Lihua, Z. (2022). The Relationship between Machine Translation and Human Translation

under the Influence of Artificial Intelligence Machine Translation. Journal of Mobile

Information Systems, 2022, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/9121636

4.Kirov, V., & Malamin, B. (2022). Are translators afraid of artificial intelligence? Societies,

12(2), 70. https://doi.org/10.3390/soc12020070

5.Application of Artificial Intelligence in Machine-Assisted Translation Systems. (2023, October

20). IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore.


6.Красуля, А., & Turchyna, M. V. (2020). ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS


ANALYSIS. Lʹvìvsʹkij Fìlologìčnij Časopis, 8, 108–113. https://doi.org/10.32447/2663-


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