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richtige Antworten:

Frage Antwort(en)
And, OR and NOT are • Boolean Operators
What are students not expected to • That they are capable of nding the
demonstrate in academic papers proverbial needle in the haystack
How do I return books • Throw them in the book return bin
Which of the following statements is true • Some of the Google Scholar publications
are behind pay walls
Putting two or more keywords in quotation • narrow your search
marks can help to
Which icon denotes resource in the search • „e“ icon
What can I do if all copies of a book are • Press reserve and wait for an e mail
borrowed? noti cation
How many monographs can be found in the • 26.500
Learning Center
Who was the Steubing Center named after? • Wolfgang Steubing, Flunder of the Steubing
Which type of Database does the Learning • CLM-Database
Center not o er?
The opening hours of the Learning Center are? • 24 hours

According to German Copyright Law (UrhG), • obtain the original source text
the work of others must be identi ed in such a
way that readers are able to
Which e mail address does NOT belong to the •
learning center
Which of these methods helps to broaden my • Truncation symbols
Discovery Service search
How many group study rooms can be found in • There are 10 group study rooms
the Learning Center?
When using the library catalogue’s search • Keywords
function, it is recommended to search for?
Open Access models where authors pay a fee • Gold Open Access model
for a peer-review process are called
How do I get access to a group study room • Reservations are not possible
To which type of data belongs the OECD • It’s a literature database
falsche Antworten


What can you use to the check-out terminals NICHT:
for? Borrowing and returning books
To which type of data belongs the OECD NICHT:
Library? It’s a statistic database

It’s a factual database
What do you need to do rst before using the NICHT:
library printers? Charge your account with su cient funds
wahrscheinlich richtig:
Set a password in CLM
Which of the following statements is true? NICHT:
Content provided via the library databases can
be published as ist is covered by the study
The discovery service includes NICHT:
online journals and factual databases

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