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Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CESD)

Below is a list of the ways you might have felt or behaved. Please tell me how often you have

felt this way during the past week.

1 = Rarely or None of the Time (Less than 1 Day)

2 = Some or a Little of the Time (1-2 Days)
3 = Occasionally or a Moderate Amount of Time (3-4 Days)
4 = Most or All of the Time (5-7 Days)

During the past week:

Rarely or Some or a Occasionally Most or all
none of the little of the or a of the
time time moderate time
(less than 1 (1‐2 days) amount of (5‐7 days)
day) time
(3‐4 days)
1. I was bothered by things that □ □ □ □
usually don't bother me.
2. I did not feel like eating; my □ □ □ □
appetite was poor.
3. I felt that I could not shake □ □ □ □
off the blues even with help
from my family or friends.
4. I felt that I was just as good □ □ □ □
as other people.
5. I had trouble keeping my □ □ □ □
mind on what I was doing.
6. I felt depressed. □ □ □ □
7. I felt that everything I did □ □ □ □
was an effort.
8. I felt hopeful about the □ □ □ □
9. I thought my life had been a □ □ □ □
10. I felt fearful. □ □ □ □
11. My sleep was restless. □ □ □ □
12. I was happy. □ □ □ □
13. I talked less than usual. □ □ □ □
14. I felt lonely. □ □ □ □
15. People were unfriendly. □ □ □ □
16. I enjoyed life. □ □ □ □
17. I had crying spells. □ □ □ □
18. I felt sad. □ □ □ □
19. I felt that people dislike me. □ □ □ □
20. I could not get “going”. □ □ □ □
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale Revised

About: This scale is a self-report measure of depression. Questions measure 8 different subscales,
Sadness (Dysphoria): (Q. 2, 4, 6),
Loss of Interest (Anhedonia): (Q. 8, 10),
Appetite: (Q. 1, 18), Sleep: (Q. 5, 11, 19),
Thinking / concentration: (Q. 3, 20),
Guilt (Worthlessness): (Q. 9, 17),
Tired (Fatigue): (Q. 7, 16),
Movement (Agitation): (Q. 12, 13),
Suicidal Ideation: (Q. 14, 15)

Not at all or less 1-2 days = 1 3-4 days = 2 5-7 days = 3 Nearly every day
than one day = 0 for 2 weeks = 4
Questions 4, 8, 4 3 2 1 0
12, & 16
All other 0 1 2 3 4
The total score is calculated by finding the sum of 20 items. Scores range from 0-60. A score equal
to or above 16 indicates a person at risk for clinical depression.

Important: Please note that this self-assessment tool is for reference and screening purpose only, it is not
for diagnostic purpose.

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