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Clarifying Questions (2-3 mins)

This is a pretty tactical question type. Use these clarifying questions to make sure you’re talking
about the right scope.

Example questions:

● Are we talking about the whole product, or a specific feature set?

● Are we looking at all platforms (web, mobile, sdk) or a specific platform?
● Are we looking at all markets (global) or is there a specific market to focus on?
● Is the team trying to solve any specific problem?

Prep Time (1-2 mins)

Take this time to formulate an answer

Preview (1-2 mins)

Tell the interview how you’re going to solve the problem with an outline below: mission, goals,
actions metric and evaluation. Listen to an example.

Mission (2-3 min)

Everything flows from the mission and it’s important that the analytics rolls up to the mission.
Write the mission on a sticky note and put it right next to your camera and get it right - word for

Goals (5m)

For analytics questions I always use the same goals, and then cloak them in specific product
clothing. This is because every product in the world needs to acquire customers, engage with
them and ensure a high level of quality. The goals are some flavor of:


Example goals for a Dashboard on Google meet

● Goal 1: Measure acquisition of Google meet (companies and users)

● Goal 2: Measure engagement of Google meet (meetings and users)
● Goal 3: Measure key quality KPI’s for Google meet
Actions (5-10m) and Metrics (5-10m)
The job of actions is to list all the tasks a customer might do in a classic customer journey, and
the job of metrics is how you can measure each of those actions. At the end of this table you
should approach 20 metrics (or more!). Also make sure your metrics are aligned with your
goals: acquisition, engagement, quality.

Goals Actions Metrics (d/w/m), Filters (geo, segmentation)

Acquisition Signup Landing page view, # of signups, corporate, individual user

signup, 30-day retention, conversion rate, user attrition

Engagement Login Number of logins (user, company), login failures

Engagement Join a Number of meeting starts, 30-day retention, number of users

meeting joining a meeting

Engagement Start a Number of authentic meetings, number of user,

meeting retention rate, zoom spoof calls

Engagement Do a Number of surveys, number of users doing a survey


Engagement Have a Number of polls, number of users doing poll


Quality Quality Time to start a meeting, meeting latency, audio quality, video
quality, nps, customer reviews, support tickets, dropped calls

Classic acquisition metrics: page views, app installs, first time user, first time login, first sale,
conversion rate

Classic engagement metrics: page views, app usage, app opens, feature usage, feature count,
30-day retention, churn

Classic quality metrics: latency, crash rate, star ratings, NPS, CSAT, customer reviews, support

Evaluation (5-10m)

Now that you have done a thorough analysis of all the metrics to be measured, now go back
and bold 4-5 key items that should be on your dashboard or will be the core health metric of
your product.

Next you also want to talk about some counter metrics, like fraud, or spam, or basically actions
that are happening in your product which show the potential ill-health of the product. List 3 or 4
of these.
Finally, pick one metric from all of these which will be your North Star Metric - the one metric
that really encapsulates the health of the product.
Product Analytics Template

Clarifying Questions



Actions / Metrics


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