Pink Purple Cute Creative Group Project Presentation

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Made By: Angel Naresh & Selen Sameh

SCIENCE FAIR ‫مشروع معرض العلوم‬

PROJECT 2024 2024
TURNING MILK ‫تحويل الحليب إىل‬
TO PLASTIC! ‫ما هي الطريقة األفضل؟‬
Why have we chosen to make this project?
This project is perfect for the environment. I know
it looks small and not so useful but it is. Plastic is
awful for the environment but when we make this
project it makes plastic using milk which is not
harmful to the environment. We can make more
of the project to make bigger things such as your
own water bottle or box! And you could even use
it to gift a friend!
Process to make our project
When milk is heated and combined with
an acid, such as vinegar, the casein
molecules unfold and reorganize into a
long chain. Each casein molecule is a
monomer and the chain of casein
monomers is a polymer. The polymer
can be scooped up and molded, which is
why plastic made from milk is called
casein plastic.
As previously mentioned, transforming milk into plastic offers sustainability benefits
for various reasons. Here are the factors that contribute to its eco-friendliness:

Milk serves as a renewable source of casein, reducing waste in the dairy industry.
Casein plastics are biodegradable, aiding in the reduction of plastic pollution.
The use of casein instead of petrochemicals decreases dependency on non-
renewable resources and lowers energy consumption.
By incorporating by-products and supporting local production, sustainability is
further enhanced.
Casein plastics are well-suited for environmentally friendly applications,
particularly in biodegradable packaging.
This process exemplifies sustainability through resource renewal, waste reduction,
energy efficiency, and the utilization of eco-friendly materials.
Scientific Principle of this Project
The process of turning milk into plastic is based on a
scientific principle known as casein plasticization.
Casein, a protein present in milk, can be isolated and
treated to produce a specific type of plastic called
casein plastic.

The core scientific principle at play is the ability of

casein molecules to form strong bonds under heat and
pressure. This feature allows casein to be molded into a
durable material resembling plastic. Additionally, by
adding plasticizers, the flexibility and practicality of
casein are improved, expanding its versatility for
various applications.
Problem-solving: skills are Creativity and innovation:
Critical thinking: is crucial
crucial for project success, are essential for exploring
for assessing the feasibility
enabling process new methods and materials
of using milk for plastic
optimization, product in milk-based plastic
production, considering
improvement, and production. These skills
factors like resource
sustainability enhancement. drive sustainability and
availability, environmental
Effective problem-solving efficiency improvements,
impact, and product
leads to streamlined leading to unique eco-
viability. It helps evaluate
production, waste reduction, friendly products that
the process thoroughly to
and improved project support environmental
ensure project success and
results. conservation.
What works better to make this project
lemon or vinegar?
Lemon juice is a better option for extracting casein
from milk than vinegar for several reasons. Its
natural citrus scent and consistent citric acid
content coagulate milk proteins to separate casein
from whey. It's also more eco-friendly than vinegar,
it is readily available and versatile in culinary and
household applications. Thus, lemon juice is a more
favourable choice than vinegar for many projects.

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