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A remnant of joy

While the raindrops and the somber atmosphere were seizing the entire city, the
feeling of excitement to see my family was the only thing that kept me alive.
However, back then, I wouldn’t have thought that this day would turn into an

At 4 o’clock, I finished my job, and as I was getting closer, by car, to the main
road, I noticed an unusual traffic jam. At first, I didn’t offer it much importance,
but at one point, I heard the police sirens and the ambulances. After a little while,
out of curiosity, I got out of the car and approached the core of the traffic jam. I
couldn’t believe my eyes! My feet started shaking, and my heart stopped for a
second. Robert, my son, had an accident. Startled, I ran towards the broken car
and announced to the police that I was the mother’s victim. After I handed the
officers an identity card, they informed me that my son, was taken to the hospital
in stable condition. Then, I gave one of the officers my car keys and asked him to
take care of it because I couldn’t wait anymore for the traffic to resume. Gladly,
the officer accepted my request, and then, in a soul, I ran to the hospital. Arriving
there, one of the doctors took me to my son. Seeing Robert, I hugged him, and
then he told me everything that happened. A few hours passed by, and finally, the
doctor let us go home.

After we arrived, I tried to make every moment count because I couldn’t let the
excitement from earlier fade away.

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