4044851543P-RMA Call Handling Guide v29.6

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FortiCareTM Global Customer Support Services Call handling

Call handling

V 29.6
1. UNDERSTAND P-RMA .............................................................................................................................................. 3
2. IDENTIFY A P-RMA CONTRACT ................................................................................................................................. 3
3. IDENTIFY A P-RMA REQUEST ................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 HOW TO DEAL WITH P-RMA REQUEST FOR PART ONLY ....................................................................................... 4
3.2 HOW TO DEAL WITH P-RMA REQUEST FOR SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................. 4
3.3 HOW TO HANDLE A P-RMA REQUEST TO HAVE PART DELIVERED AT A SPECIFIC TIME ........................................ 5
3.4 HOW TO HANDLE A PRMA EXCEPTION REQUESTS ............................................................................................... 6
4 HANDLE A P-RMA REQUEST ..................................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 TICKET HANDLING ........................................................................................................................................................6
4.1.1 PROCESS TO FOLLOW TO OBTAIN THE REPLACEMENT SERIAL NUMBER ....................................................................................13
4.1.2 HOW TO LOCATE AND UPDATE THE PRMA RETURN SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................13
4.2 P-RMA TICKET HANDLING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND HANDOVER ......................................................................................14
4.3 HOW TO LOG A TICKET ON SERVICENOW WEB PORTAL ......................................................................................................15
4.3.1 VIEWING SERVICENOW WORK ORDER TASKS (WOT) .................................................................................................24
4.4 HOW TO INQUIRE OR ADD NOTES TO AN EXISTING CALL......................................................................................................30
4.6 HOW TO CONTACT UNISYS BY PHONE ............................................................................................................................31
4.7 PRMA SERVICE AVAILABILITY ......................................................................................................................................31
4.8 CS PRMA HANDLING AND EGNYTE ..............................................................................................................................32
5 REVISION TRACKER ................................................................................................................................................ 32

1. Understand P-RMA
Premium RMA Service Description can be found on the Customer Support Portal at

This information is publically available and can be shared with our Customers and Partners.

Premium RMA Service Availability can be found on Fuse at https://fuse.fortinet.com/viewdocument/prma-


This information is internally available for Fortinet employees only.

If a customer has PRMA service availability questions, they can be referred to prma-availability@fortinet.com

2. Identify a P-RMA contract

P-RMA tickets can either result from:
• a Customer call to Customer Service
• a ticket hand-over email sent to the alias cs_global@fortinet.com and prma@fortinet.com

A unit is entitled for P-RMA service under the following circumstances:

• when its active Hardware Coverage is one of:
▪ 24x7x4 On Site HW
▪ 24x7x4 Courier HW
▪ 24x7 ND HW
• OR when the Customer VIP message mentions this coverage explicitly. For example:

Note: Units with Hardware Coverage showing 30 day setup incl Adv HW are not entitled for P-RMA.
These tickets should be handed over to the appropriate RMA team/queue to process as an Advanced

This is written in FortiCompanion to RMA Services; Page 7; Service Setup Phase

The Service includes a setup phase during which the Customer’s address details are verified to assure the
capability to provide the replacement within the service level purchased. This may involve provisioning of a local
Parts Depot. The progression of the service activation is visible via the Support Portal and within 30 days or less
the service will be operational.

3. Identify a P-RMA request
A P-RMA request is a request where:
• The unit has valid P-RMA coverage
• The Customer reports a hardware failure / ask for hardware replacement
Note: this is regardless of any troubleshooting performed / or to be performed. If the customer wishes
to troubleshoot the issue, forward ticket and attempt warm transfer to the appropriate TAC queue,
send them the following email after transferring the case to the appropriate TAC queue.
Update the ticket with this Notepad message
Active Premium RMA coverage.

Email cs_global@fortinet.com as soon as hardware defect is confirmed.

Update the ticket with this comment as external

<Customer Greeting>,

As per your request, engineer will assist you with this request before we trigger the hardware

As soon as you wish to initiate the hardware replacement, please call us with your ticket
number reference.

You can call us at 1 408-542-7780 (International) or use the following link for local contact
information https://www.fortinet.com/support-and-training/support/contact.html

<CS Signature>

3.1 How to deal with P-RMA request for PART ONLY

Hardware dysfunction can sometimes be due to only the power supply being faulty or a hard disk failure,
therefore, customer may require only the part to be shipped instead of whole unit.

Fortinet does not always stock and ship replacement products with all accessories (PSU, cables etc). Therefore,
for part only replacement, we must revert to our standard Advanced Hardware Replacement procedure.

3.2 How to deal with P-RMA request for Special Requirements

Unisys is just a box mover and the replacement part is placed at the location which is within close proximity to
the customer who purchases the PRMA service. Any special requirements on the hardware replacement as
listed below are to be handled through standard RMA process.
• Specific hardware generation/revision.
• Specific hardware part number.
• Specific version of BIOS.

Note: In the event if RMA/PMO team are able to provide the serial number of a device located at the Unisys
depot which matches the special requirement(s), CSR should proceed with P-RMA process and include this
info as special instruction to UNISYS in the “Detailed Description section, under the standard script:
Note: you must contact the RMA team or Fortinet PMO team for this information.

Note in both cases notes above (Part only and Special Requirement requests) should the customer be entitled
to an ONSITE Engineer, Unisys case for Engineer ONLY will be opened once Customer Confirms they have
received the part through Standard RMA shipment.

3.3 How to handle a P-RMA request to have part delivered at a specific

There are times where a customer will submit a ticket for a P-RMA replacement with a request to have the
part delivered at a specific time, such as the site will not open until 9am local time. For situations like this,
PMO asks that we submit the Unisys ticket 3hrs before the required time.
Note: scheduled delivery or engineer arrival is not part of the PRMA service, as such, set the customer
expectation to be aware that we will make best efforts to have the part/engineer delivered or arrive at their
requested time.

Example, Customer submits the PRMA case at 2am local time asking for Part replacement, but not until the
site is open at 9am. Rather than submit the Unisys case at 5am local time, we will submit the case at 6am
local time advising the customer we will make best efforts to have the part delivered for 9am

Note: if Special Notes are included ALWAYS follow up with SDC Team via email

If the Customer request for replacement part with specific Firmware OS to be loaded, please inform the
customer that this request cannot be fulfilled via P-RMA. Please refer to our FortiCompanion to RMA Service;
Page 4; “Requesting replacement hardware”:

“It is not possible to request the FortiOS version, which will be installed on the replacement unit.”

However, we can go ahead to ship the replacement part via P-RMA, customer can log a TAC ticket to obtain
assistance or guidance on how to update the required Firmware OS once the replacement part is received.

3.4 How to handle a PRMA Exception Requests
Occasionally, CS will be requested to process a PRMA exception, this is typically when a NON PRMA customer
requires a part to be delivered as soon as possible. Exceptions are to be considered on a case-by-case basis
with extreme caution to prevent impact to current PRMA customers. In this situation, the following is to be
considered and followed:

Exceptions to handle RMA replacement via the PRMA process MUST be escalated to CS Management by the
RMA Management Team (Mon – Fri). Approval can also be provided by Desiree Pigallo or Priscilla Levesque
(PMO Team) during their business hours.

Outside of core hours CS Management will use the following to determine if a PRMA exception is possible.
Criteria for PRMA Exceptions
1. Must be Critical Outage – System Down situation. Must be confirmed by TAC/TAM that replacement is
2. We must have enough stock available so that other customers are not impacted
• 1 to 2 Units available – NO GO – no exceptions
• 3 Units available – POSSIBLE
3. Escalation from RMA must be added to the ticket and via email to CS_mgmt.@fortinet.com &
4. PRMA Exceptions are to be submitted as Next Day Delivery unless SPECIFICALLY requested by VP to be
processed as 4 hr.

4 Handle a P-RMA request

4.1 Ticket handling
1. Assign ticket to yourself and reply to the notification email cs_global@fortinet.com and
prma@fortinet.com advising you are handling the call.

2. Increase the ticket priority to P1

3. Add ticket title with < P-RMA “Ship to Country”> ie: <P-RMA Ireland>

4. Set the ticket Request Type to RMA

5. Click on the RMA Form tab in the ticket

Note: if you do not see this tab, make sure the Request type was set to RMA.

6. Verify if the Ship To information has been approved in the ticket:

7. a) If the Ship To was approved and you cannot reach the Customer, continue with step 8
b) If Ship To was not approved, send the following to the customer, AND THEN follow up with a call to
the customer (if they are not already on the phone) and request they confirm the following details:
• Update the ticket with below comment as external
<Customer Greeting>,

We require additional information in order to initiate your Premium RMA hardware

replacement. In order to begin the P-RMA process to replace the entire device, please provide
the following details (Note all 4 line items below are Mandatory):

1) Please provide the below shipping address below:

Post Code:

The shipping address we have on file is:

Company name: <enter data per listing in Forticare product location address>
Address: <enter data per listing in Forticare product location address>
City: <enter data per listing in Forticare product location address>
Postcode: <enter data per listing in Forticare product location address>
Country: <enter data per listing in Forticare product location address>

2) Primary & Secondary contact

Primary Local Contact name:
Primary Local Contact number: (country code "+" and Onsite Contact ONLY)

Secondary Local Contact name:

Secondary Local Contact number: (country code "+" )

Note: Secondary Contact is optional to be an Onsite contact (per PMO Team)

3) Any site restrictions (closed hours/opening hours) ; days of availability (ie: Monday to

4) Special requirements required to complete delivery (ie: access pass for driver or onsite
engineer to enter the premises etc)

NOTE: Step 5 to be included ONLY for INDIA requests

5) Please provide us the GST number. (GST Number has a total of 15 characters which can be
with a mix of digits and alphabets.) If you do not have GST Number, please provide the
attached Declaration Letter with your company letter head stating the reason in the attached
format; please send us the completed declaration letter in PDF format.

Declaration letter

You can call us at 1 408-542-7780 (International) or use the following link for local contact
information https://www.fortinet.com/support-and-training/support/contact.html

<CS Signature>

Note for CS: you will need to download this letter from FortiVision and send to customer

Points to Consider
• If the Ticket is for a 4 HR Courier HW contract, and the Customer advises they do not want the units
within 4 hours but for the next day:
▪ Ask them for their closing hours or restricted site access hours
▪ Respond that you would create the request ticket 4 hours before the expected delivery
time, to ensure smooth processing.
▪ Create the ticket only when it is 4 hours to the expected delivery time as given by customer.
For eg: If customer wants the device delivered at 12 noon, then ensure that ticket is raised
around 8 am local time or a little before that only. (Provided customer is available during
this 4 hour window for accepting the delivery)
▪ Open a 4 hr Courier call with Unisys, being sure to note the site access restrictions time(s)
▪ Never commit for a delivery at a given time, we can only guarantee a 4h window

• If the Ticket is for 4 HR Onsite, and the Customer advises they do not require an Engineer:
▪ Respond that you would create a ticket 4 hours before the expected delivery time, to ensure
smooth processing, and you will ensure to indicate the site access restrictions.
▪ Open a 4 HR Courier HW call with Unisys about 4 hours before the ETA, being sure to note the
site access restrictions time(s)
▪ Never commit for a delivery at a given time, we can only guarantee a 4h window

8. Verify that the delivery address confirmed by the Customer matches the Product Location address listed
in FortiCare:
a. If the addresses are the same, continue with PRMA process
b. If the addresses differ but the city is the same and within 50 miles or an hour of Forticare
address, continue with PRMA process. NOTE: Enter the requested delivery address in the
ServiceNow portal as per page 16 of this document.
c. If the address provided is in a different Country or over 50 miles or an hour, escalate to
rma_mgmt@fortinet.com and advise customer that due to address difference the case will

be handled on the best effort delivery via standard RMA process as an Advance
Replacement. Forward case to regional RMA team to continue with RMA
d. If you are not sure, please always check with our TL/Manager.

When creating Unisys case, the FO part number is very IMPORTANT, if the wrong FO part number is
used, Unisys will not be able to locate the part or wrong hardware GEN or revision will be order.

To locate the FO and GEN number, go to https://rmapo.frval.fortinet-emea.com/saml/control/?sso and login

using your LDAP credentials (This replaces both the Pending Contracts and FO Numbers files!)

Once logged in, you will see the following search bar:

Enter the Serial number of the device requiring replacement, for this example, we will use SN

A new Window/Browser Tab will open and you will see the following details:

It is important to note the SN’s listed are not of importance in most PRMA cases, this is simply the units that
have been stocked at that depot for this customer. DO NOT use this as a means to obtain the replacement

Also note that in some cases, the parts list will also show different GEN. ALWAYS grab the FO number listed
first at the top of the list, this will be the correct part for this replacement.

Once the FO number has been obtained from the PRMA Tool, make an internal comment in the case listing
the data for quick reference.

Create a ticket on the ServiceNow portal https://unisysmtfs.service-now.com/

NOTE: Login credentials are unique to each user

Password reset instructions located here:


NOTE: Step by Step instructions to create a ServiceNow Work Order is on page:

9. Once you have completed the ServiceNow Work Order creation, update the Notepad in the FortiCare
ticket with the SRMS and Work Order (WO) ticket reference. This allows us to easily locate and
reference the ServiceNow WO number

SPECIAL NOTE regarding 24x7x4 On Site HW for Hong Kong and Indonesia:
Please be aware that in Hong Kong and Indonesia, when an engineer ticket is created, the engineer will be
bringing the replacement equipment with them.
This is different from every other region, country, and depot in the world wherein the part is couriered
separately, and the engineer arrives onsite after the part arrives.

10. Update the FortiCare ticket right after the Work Order creation with Unisys.

3 possibilities of ticket updates based on coverage:

• 24x7x4 On Site HW
<Customer Greeting>,

We have logged a request for a part replacement with onsite engineer in 4 hours.

An engineer from Unisys will contact you on behalf of Fortinet in order to schedule the work and
ensure site access. The replacement part should arrive separately.

Within the next 2 hours, we will update you with an ETA for the part.

Please note, the engineer will arrive on-site within 4 hours to exchange defective hardware with
replacement hardware and restore firmware and any IP address information. The engineer is
not responsible for loading the configuration or transfer of any licenses.

If you have any question, please call us with your ticket number reference.
You can call us at 1 408-542-7780 (International) or use the following link for local contact
information https://www.fortinet.com/support-and-training/support/contact.html

<CS Signature>

• 24x7x4 Courier HW
<Customer Greeting>,

We have logged a request for a part replacement in 4 hours.

Within the next 2 hours, we will update you with an ETA for the part.

If you have any question, please call us with your ticket number reference.
You can call us at 1 408-542-7780 (International) or use the following link for local contact
information https://www.fortinet.com/support-and-training/support/contact.html

<CS Signature>

• 24x7x4 ND HW – For this coverage, downgrade the priority to P2

<Customer Greeting>,

We have logged a request for a Next Day part replacement.

Please note that the cut-off time for a next day delivery is 15:00 local time.

We will update you with an ETA for the part on the day of delivery.

If you have any question, please call us with your ticket number reference.
You can call us at 1 408-542-7780 (International) or use the following link for local contact
information https://www.fortinet.com/support-and-training/support/contact.html

<CS Signature>

11. Right after informing the customer the request has been submitted; start a countdown timer for 30min
and view the ServiceNow WO to verify the part was ordered.

If you do not see the part ordered, escalate to Unisys using the Escalation Matrix (see section 4.5)
always include Unisys@fortinet.com & FortinetSDC@unisys.com. (If no response after 15mins,
escalate to your TL/Manager.)

12. When your 30min countdown timer has expired, set a new countdown for 30min.
Review the ServiceNow WO and verify that Part ETA is listed and that Unisys has provided the ETA via

If you do not see the part ETA and no email from Unisys providing ETA, escalate to Unisys using the
Escalation Matrix (see section 4.5), always include Unisys@fortinet.com & FortinetSDC@unisys.com

NOTE: if call is for 4hr On-site, also request Unisys to provide the contact name and number of the Unisys
engineer who will be going to client site.

Once ETA (Estimated time of Arrival) is available, update the ticket with an external comment in order to
inform the Customer

Set yourself a reminder to follow up with Customer (has part been delivered) and Unisys (POD – proof of
delivery) within 30 minutes after the provided ETA.

• Call the Customer in order to verify the unit was delivered and obtain the replacement serial
• If the customer has not received the part, send email to Unisys via the Escalation Matrix (see
section 4.5), make sure always cc Unisys@fortinet.com & FortinetSDC@unisys.com
• If you cannot reach the Customer: leave a voice mail, update the ticket with an external update
asking for delivery confirmation, and set your countdown timer for another 30min.

Try calling the Customer again within the next 60 minutes.

Note: If you are not able to reach the customer to confirm delivery and obtain the replacement Serial
Number, hand ticket off to the next CS region at the end of your shift.

• Place ticket back into CS queue as Unassigned

• Send email to cs_global@fortinet.com and prma@fortinet.com to hand off to next region CS Region
with brief description on what the next region CS/RMA team expects to follow up.

4.1.1 Process to follow to obtain the replacement serial number

• CSR must send email to Unisys, (Unisys@fortinet.com & FortinetSDC@unisys.com) requesting the POD
if Unisys has not already provided that information.
• If POD has been provided by Unisys, send email to customer asking them to confirm and to also provide
the replacement Serial Number.
• If the customer confirms POD but is unable to provide the replacement SN at that time, downgrade the
case to P3 and set reminder to follow up the following day to send email to the customer requesting
the replacement SN.
• CS will follow the same 3 strike rule as we do for Registration Transfers in regards to sending a max of 3
emails (consecutive days) and making one phone call to obtain the replacement serial number from the
• For communication tracking purposes, before moving PRMA case to the RMA team for recovery, please
attach the last correspondence with Unisys related to the case into the Ticket as an internal
comment(ask Manager if not sure how)
• If the customer fails to provide the replacement SN after 3 emails and a phone call, downgrade ticket
to P4 and send to the RMA team for recovery.

Note: Only one follow up phone call per day to customer and CSR who already called the customer, it is
mandatory to update internal message to record this so the next region CSR who follow up the P-RMA will
not call customer again to ask the same thing.

Reminder: Attach the last communication with Unisys related to the PRMA case to the ticket as an
internal comment before moving to RMA for Recovery

13. Follow the steps below to provide the P-RMA return shipping instructions to the customer (note:
instructions are different based on country of return

4.1.2 How to locate and update the PRMA Return shipping instructions

NOTE: When the customer has PRMA and Secure RMA (SRMA) we do not send the return instructions.
FE is not required to return the defective to the depot. SRMA must be validated in Order Admin.

▪ Click on the RMA Form Tab in FortiCare ticket

▪ Scroll down until you see “Return Instructions” and select the appropriate “PRMA <Country>
instructions”. Click “Submit” to save the instructions to the ticket

▪ Save copy of instructions so that you can also provide a copy to the customer

1. Send Customer the RMA Service Transfer steps and attach the P-RMA return shipping instructions via
the ticket.

2. Move ticket to the Regional RMA Queue for defective product recovery.

• AMER/LATAM Region → RMA / Sunnyvale

• EMEA/UAE Region → RMA / Sophia

4.2 P-RMA Ticket handling Acknowledgement and Handover

The CS Global and RMA support alias cs_global@fortinet.com and prma@fortinet.com will receive the
notification email send from queuenotifier@fortinet.com where customer creates any request type of
support ticket using the SN which has active P-RMA contract.

The CSR/RMA who is scheduled to handle and follow the P-RMA should check the email send to
cs_global@fortinet.com and prma@fortinet.com every 10 to 15 mins to make sure we process the P-RMA
request within the SLA.

When receiving the notification:

1. Search the ticket number in Forticare to determine if customer looking for hardware replacement.
2. If yes, please send email to cs_global@fortinet.com and prma@fortinet.com to acknowledge that
you will handle the P-RMA ticket.
3. Transfer the ticket to CS queue (if the ticket is in TAC or RMA queue), assign or set yourself as ticket
owner and start the P-RMA process.
20 minutes before the end of your shift, if the ticket required follow up from next region CS team:

1. Place ticket back into CS queue as Unassigned

2. Send email to cs_global@fortinet.com and prma@fortinet.com to hand off to next region CS/RMA team
with brief description [MANDATORY] on what the next region CS/RMA team expects to follow up.

4.3 How to log a ticket on ServiceNow web portal
All Unisys tickets must be logged through the ServiceNow portal. If you run into any issues, please inform your
TL/Manager immediately.

Note: If you are unable to raise the Unisys case through the ServiceNow portal, you must call Unisys Helpdesk to
log the case.

The following details are required in order to begin the PRMA Process
1. Serial Number Defective Customer SN from the ticket
2. Customer name, site address Confirmed in the ticket
3. On-site contact name and Confirmed in the ticket – must have both Primary and Secondary
telephone contacts
4. CNPJ number (Brazil only) Can be found under Product Location address (Brazil only)
5. The opening / closing hours of Confirmed in the ticket
delivery location/ restrictions
6. Requested service level (4hr parts Read from the contract level
& engineer, 4hr parts only, ND
parts only)
7. Fortinet Product model for the Can be found under Customer Registration Info if you search on
defective SN the defective SN
8. FO number (Unisys part code) of Mapping Fortinet models with Unisys FO Number is on Wiki
the part to be replaced https://fortinet.egnyte.com/app/index.do#storage/files/1/Share

Log in to the ServiceNow portal (Please add bookmark for easy access):
NOTE: Login credentials are unique to each user

Password reset instructions located here:

New users, Register here: https://unisysmtfs.service-now.com/fieldservices?id=fieldservice_registration You
will need to enter the Client ID 6421951

NOTE: Each member of the CS team will have their own personal login (email address) and password.
It is your responsibility to ensure you have this saved/recorded where you can quickly access the
ServiceNow portal when required.
➔ Your account will be locked if you make 3 failed attempts to login, you will need to use “Forgot
Password” to have an email sent to reset
➔ Password must be changed every 3 months (email notification will be sent to each user when
➔ If you are unable to login, even after resetting your password, you MUST contact Unisys Helpdesk
(NAECHelpdesk@unisys.com) ALWAYS Call for immediate assistance

Country Phone
+1 877 810 3260 Prompt 1 / +1 866 690
US / Canada 6541
Brazil +55 11 3249 2901
Columbia +57 1 638 1041
Latin America +44 20 3027 3757
Hungary +36 1 298 9393
Spain +34 91 353 5852
Europe/Africa & Middle East, Sydney +61 2 9647 6111
Shanghai + 86 21 2893 6437
India / Asia Pacific +91 080 41596502, Prompt 1

Once logged in, you will be presented with this screen.

To create a new Work Order (Incident), select “Create Work Order”

The next page will show as follows, please note that the Requestor Information is yourself, your Name and Email
address will be populated here when you being creating the ticket.

*Search service location by* -> Select Location Identifier

You can then look up the customer using the Product Location Address from the FortiCare Ticket > Product
Address and Order Admin > Customer Account Management; In the Location Identifier field, begin typing the
product address, in the example below, 46100 Schoenherr Rd, and you can see it is automatically populated by
the portal, select the correct address that is displayed

System will populate all customer data for that address:

NOTE: If Customer requests a different address for part to be delivered, if within guidelines on Page 7; item 8,
select “Special Address” and manually enter new address

Once the address has been entered, enter the contact information

NOTE: The system will automatically input the details of the person opening the case, this MUST be updated
to the Customer’s contact details.
NOTE: Ensure you enter Primary AND Secondary contact details

You will now be required to complete the Service Description section

Style -> Indicate what PRMA service level is required

Urgency Code -> C4 – 4 hr Courier, OS – Onsite 4 hour etc

Service Type -> IN_Install

Customer Reference -> FortiCare Ticket Number

Short Description -> Title of PRMA Service Request, such as “4 hr Part & Engineer required” or “4 hour Parts
Only” or “Next Day Parts Only”

Detailed Description -> See below verbiage


NOTE FOR BRAZIL ONLY: Brazil is a unique country for PRMA Handling, whereby the very latest generation of
hardware must be shipped, but will always be referenced as the original FO number that was created.

Example, FG1500D Gen 1 is FO 100307-00, if GEN 2 is required, still select FO 100307-00 for part to be
ordered. Follow what is presented in the PRMA TOOL

You will now be required to order the necessary part(s). In this section you will have the option to select the
Quantity of Parts (different FO numbers) and then the Quantity required of each FO.

Note: you can select the part required using the FO number or the Fortinet Model number – remember to
verify the correct GEN and FO number by entering the defective SN in the new PRMA Tool

Shipping Location

Work Order Location -> Registered product address location

Special Address -> Different address than the registered product address location

Field Engineer Location -> If Onsite engineer is required to go to different address than part.

Required by will be the date and time the part is required to be at the client site

Click on the Calendar icon

Select the Date and then select the Clock icon at the bottom of the Date table

Select the time the part is required to be onsite

NOTE: You MUST select the required delivery time. After you have specified the time required, you are now
able to enter in any site restrictions if applicable – (closed site hours)
An error here will affect delivery time

Select Submit. Once you have submitted the Work Order, the Work Order number will be displayed at the top
of the page. In this example it is WO0212424

Once you have recorded the Work Order number in the ticket, as per the example above WO0212424, select
“click here to view” on the right. You will now see the following:

Record the Work Order Task (WOT) number in the ticket, for this example WOT0307366.

Please be sure to ALWAYS follow up with an email and phone call to the Unisys team if exceptions, updates,
or cancellation is required. When calling/emailing, use the SRMS number AND the FortiCare ticket as

Selecting Home at the top of the page will bring you to main page

4.3.1 Viewing ServiceNow Work Order Tasks (WOT)

From the Home page, you will see the Work Order (WO) you created (My Work Orders) as well as the Work
Order Task (My Work Order Tasks)
NOTE: Work Order Task (WOT) will also show the FortiCare ticket number and the SMRS Number.

NOTE: When communicating with the Unisys team, please reference the FortiCare ticket number AND the
SMRS Number, in the example below, the SMRS Number is 70227273.

Selecting the WOT Number will provide updates from the Unisys team showing what stage the order is in,
including if parts have been ordered etc.

Within 30 minutes of WO creation, looking at the WOT, you will find Part status (ordered/allocated), ETA, and
the SRMS Number. Record the SRMS number in the FortiCare ticket.

NOTE: Ctrl + F is your friend, use this to look up key words such as ETA & Allocated

Parts Ordered

Parts Allocated


You will also be able to track/view all Fortinet WOT’s from the Home page, simply select View All at the
bottom of the “My Work Order Tasks” section

You will see this screen

From here, you can select a WOT number from the list to see updates/status, which will bring you to the WOT
page similar to the image below, you can then use Ctrl +F to look for ETA and part status (per page 11).

From the Home Page, select My Dashboard,

You will see the following:

If you were to click on the number 103 in WOT’s, this will display ALL tasks including those closed or cancelled.

In the example above, you will see a column labelled Status. This will show the internal Unisys status and not
reflect Fortinet status at this time:
D – Delete O – Open T – Taken (Eng assigned) S - Scheduled

Please note the Unisys team is working to possibly have this updated to show the Status of Fortinet Parts
(Ordered/Allocated), currently pending update.

You will want to select the large number shown under “My Work Order Tasks”, from the example below we
can see there are 25 WOT’s:

You can use the Search field in the top right corner of the screen to look for a specific WOT using the WOT #,
Customer’s Company name and/or FortiCare Ticket number.

FC Ticket Number

Company Name

WOT Number

Things to Consider

- In case of 4h replacement with closing hours or site access restriction - Requested Date/Time should be set
to Customer current local time + 4 hours and populate restricted hours to reflect the closing hours.
Ie: Opening hours is 8:00 to 17:00 so the restricted hours will be 17:00 to 08:00 (24-hr clock)
- In case of 4h replacement but customer request for next day delivery – WO is to be submitted 4 hours
before customer requested time.
- In case of NDD replacement - Requested Date/Time should be set to Customer Next day at 8:00am
Restricted hours should reflect the closing hours of delivery site, if any
- Requests submitted for Germany will not be visible in the portal – contact Unisys team for status/update
- Fortinet does not have an “engineer only” contract with Unisys, therefore there is no SLA for Engineer
only. We cannot guarantee the Engineer will arrive on the client site at a specific time due to potential
issues such as traffic etc. Calls will be treated as 4 hour, and Engineer should arrive within 4 hours’ time –
if submitting a case for Engineer Only, please be sure to follow up with Unisys team via email/phone call

Special Notes for ND HW P-RMA Contracts

Next Day Delivery (NDD):

Cut-off time:
The last dispatch time for a next day delivery is 15:00 local time.

Special Note regarding NDD for Saturday/Sunday/Monday:

If a part is expected to be delivered on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, we should not be opening a NDD ticket,
and instead wait until the morning the day of delivery (around 5:00AM local time) and open a FOR1-SDC (SD-
Courier Same Day) ticket. The expectations for delivery will still be the same – that is, the part will be loaded
onto a truck and will be delivered sometime during the day (no scheduling deliveries).

At least 4 hours advance notice should be given to Unisys. i.e. If the requested date and time is 14-Sep-2016;
1300 local time. We should raise the request same day at least before 0900.

4.4 How to inquire or add notes to an existing call

1. Login to ServiceNow portal using your unique credentials

2. Select My Dashboard > My Work Order Tasks

Note: Number displayed will vary

3. Search for WOT you wish to review (see page 26).

4. Add comment in the comment field at the top of the page

4.5 Unisys Escalation Contact Matrix

The contact details below are to be used when escalation is required, such as:

1. Engineer requested originally but not wanted anymore, please email, make sure always cc
Unisys@fortinet.com & FortinetSDC@unisys.com and follow by calling escalation contact to ensure the
information is well relayed to Field operation.
2. Requesting POD, ETA, driver, engineer contact details, status updates etc. Make sure always cc
Unisys@fortinet.com & FortinetSDC@unisys.com
Please refer to the escalation matrix for Unisys per the link provided:

This is also posted in FortiVision: https://fortivision.fortinet.com/index.php?/topic/4348-p-rma-processes/

4.6 How to contact Unisys by phone

Use the Escalation Matrix in Engyte:

4.7 PRMA Service Availability

For Customers/Partners or internal Representatives asking if PRMA service is available in certain regions and/or
locations, please direct them to prma-availability@fortinet.com

4.8 CS PRMA Handling and Egnyte
All PRMA Documents are loaded in Egnyte:

CS requires access to Egnyte in order to view/use the latest files uploaded by the PMO for the PRMA documents.
You can also install the “Egnyte Desktop App” which will allow you to access the files from your Windows
Explorer folder, instructions located here: https://fortivision.fortinet.com/index.php?/topic/4348-p-rma-

5 Revision tracker
V3.2 cbontoux P5. Added Note1
P9. Keyword field will only contain company name
p10. Added FOR1-.. codes selection
p11. “Added In case of 4h replacement with closing hours or site access
restriction” section
V4.0 Janice P3. Added How to deal with P-RMA request for PART ONLY
V5.0 Janice P11,12 updated “In case of 4h replacement but customer request for next
day delivery” and Added NDD cut off time
V.8.0 Janice Updated page 9 &10
V.10 Priscilla/Janice Restructured for step by step details, added how to locate/order specific HW
gen, updated 4 hr Onsite no eng details.
V11 Janice Page 22
V12 Janice Page 9 Adding process to obtain replacement SN
V13 Janice Add on rmasupport@ alias and CC Unisys@ for all email send to Unisys
escalation team.
V14 Janice Updated page 6 to add P-RMA India require TIN number/declaration letter
V15 Janice Updated page 6 to add P-RMA India GST number/declaration letter
V16 Janice Updated page 6 to insist customer local contact only
V17 PLevesque Updated page 10 regarding ticket downgrading to P4.
V18 Sundari Updated pages 7, 15, 17 and 23 for Egnyte information and links to
escalation matrix.
V 19 Sundari Updated pages 8 and 16 to change the NDD cut off time to 1500 hours
(globally). There are no country specific cut off time anymore.
V 20 Sundari Updated pages 6 & 7 to change the ticket creation process for delayed
3/20/2019 delivery.
V 21 PLevesque Removed RMAsupport@ and added prma@ alias to Section 2 & 4.1.
3/28/2019 Updated Part only replacement (3.1), Pending Contracts File & adding
incident number to notepad (pg 8), corrected PRMA queue to RMA (sec
4.1.1/pg 11)
V 22 PLevesque Removed PRMA from item 2 on page 11
V 23 PLevesque Added note regarding where to enter new address on pg 7 (Section 8)
V 24 PLevesque Updated initial template and moved Note to call Unisys up to section 4.2
V 24.1 PLevesque Added 4.7 – PRMA Availability
V 24.2 PLevesque Added FortinetSDC@unisys.com to all pages referencing

V 25 PLevesque Pg 9 – added note regarding 24x7x4 Onsite for Hong Kong and Indonesia and
11/15/2019 Pg 17 regarding NDD on Sat/Sun/Mon
V 26 PLevesque Updated to reflect changes related to the new portal ServiceNow, removed
08/14/2020 redundant information
V 26.1 PLevesque Made minor corrections per PMO team on pages 3 – updated links to service descriptions, 5
08/20/2020 – updated page 5 to page 4, 6 – secondary contact being onsite is optional, 30 – corrected
PRMA availability alias.
V 26.2 PLevesque Removed old contact numbers from section 4.6 and updated to use Escalation Matrix per
08/24/2020 Egnyte

V 26.3 PLevesque Pg 10 step 14 updated – ETA to be displayed and provided by Unysis within 1 hour of ticket
10/14/2020 creation

V 27 PLevesque Pg 11 – Updated Obtaining the RMA Replacement SN section

V 28 PLevesque Pg 8 – removed FO/PendContracts file reference and replaced with new PRMA Tool details
04/28/2021 Pg 11 – New CSR’s register for ServiceNow access

V 28.1 Plevesque Added section 3.3 (pg 5) How to handle P-RMA request to have part delivered at a specific
10/26/2021 time

V 28.2 Plevesque Added “Note all 4 line items below are MANDATORY” pg 6
V 28.3 Plevesque Pg 12 – added requirement to attach final email communication with Unisys to ticket before
11/12/2021 moving to RMA for recovery

V 28.4 Plevesque Pg 19-20 Added note regarding FO number for Brazil

V 29 Plevesque Pg 10 – updated verbiage to customer regarding 4 hr onsite requests
V 29.1 Plevesque Pg 5 – note regarding part/special requirement requests while being entitled to Onsite
01/26/2021 engineer

V 29.2 Plevesque Pg 5 - section 3.4 PRMA Exceptions added

V 29.3 Ajonassen Section 3.4 updated PRMA Exceptions
V29.6 Ajonassen Added 5 hour SLA response for India


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