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Universidade Católica de Moçambique

Faculdade de Engenhara
Avenida da liberdade, Nossa senhora da Conceição C.P – 261
Chimoio – Moçambique
Tel: (+258) 25122945 Fax: (+258) 25122945

Academic Recommendation Letter

Dear Selection Committee, Selection Committee for foreign students for admission to the LION

Dear Mr./Ms. For registration to the Master's program for the academic year 2024-2025.

Domingos Pedro Farnela, coordinator of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Catholic

University of Mozambique – Faculty of Engineering, I make use of this to recommend INÁCIO
PEDRO ALMEIDA LUÍS, Degree in Mechanical Engineering in this Faculty, as a candidate for
the Master's program at your faculty, I recommend the student INACIO PEDRO ALMEIDA
LUIS to continue with his studies at master's level in the ROBOTICS course.

On the occasion of his teacher, I had the pleasure of spending time with the aforementioned
student who always proved to be a good student, attending the degree course assiduously and
punctually, participative, respectful and with excellent academic performance, qualities that
make me recommend it to your selection without any reservations.

Another extremely important aspect regarding this student is that he stood out as the best

student at the science fair of the year 2022 and which culminated in 2nd position at the college
level engineering, where he discussed important issues relating to research carried out on the
topic: Reduction of Industrial Machines Polluting the Atmosphere, also bringing discussions for
future researches.

It is worth noting that INÁCIO PEDRO ALMEIDA LUÍS was a highly dedicated and
determined in his objectives and goals the fact of having finished college in his period
determined 5 years and completed his course without failing any academic subject. I say who is a
student with academic confidence in what his studies are about.

Therefore, I recommend that INÁCIO PEDRO ALMEIDA LUÍS is an excellent candidate for
the selection of a scholarship at master's level, and is an excellent candidate for any higher
education institution.

If you would like to know more about the experience I had working with Inácio Pedro Almeida
Luís, I provide my address below and I am available to answer any questions.

Course coordinator:

Name: Domingos Pedro Farnela


Contact: +258848617564



Tel: (+258) 25122945

Fax: (+258) 25122945

Chimoio on March 14, 2024

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