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The Israel-Palestine conflict is a long-standing and

complex issue involving historical, religious, and political
factors. The United Nations Security Council often
discusses this matter to find peaceful solutions and
address humanitarian concerns.
Russia-Ukraine Conflict: The conflict between Russia
and Ukraine, particularly in regions like Crimea and
Eastern Ukraine, has been a source of international
tension. The UN Security Council has been involved in
addressing this issue and seeking diplomatic solutions.
Model United Nations (MUN) and Japan: Model United
Nations is a simulation of UN proceedings where
students role-play as delegates representing different
countries. If you're simulating a UN Security Council
session focusing on the Middle East and the Russia-
Ukraine conflict, Japan's role might involve expressing
its views on these matters and contributing to potential
In a Model UN setting, the delegation representing
Japan would need to carefully consider its stance on
these issues, taking into account Japan's diplomatic
history, policy positions, and any regional alliances it
may have. Japan, as a non-permanent member of the
UN Security Council, would likely aim to contribute
constructively to the discussions and work towards
peaceful resolutions. Participants in the Model UN
should research Japan's foreign policy, historical
positions on similar issues, and current international
relations to effectively represent the country's
perspective during the simulation.
This involves understanding Japan's approach to conflict
resolution, humanitarian concerns, and its stance on the
sovereignty of nations. Remember that the dynamics of
global conflicts can change, so staying updated on the
latest developments is crucial for an accurate
representation in a Model United Nations simulation. as

Foreign Policy:

 Two-State Solution: Japan officially supports a two-state solution for the

Israel-Palestine conflict. During the debate, emphasize the importance of
dialogue, respecting international law, and upholding Palestinian rights to self-
determination. Urge both sides to refrain from violence and work towards a
viable, contiguous Palestinian state.
 International Law and Humanitarian Concerns: Advocate for compliance with
international law and UN resolutions in both conflicts. Raise concerns about
civilian casualties and humanitarian crises, calling for unimpeded access for
humanitarian aid.
 Peaceful Resolution: Japan traditionally prioritizes peaceful conflict resolution.
Advocate for diplomatic solutions and regional dialogue, offering Japan's
expertise in mediation and conflict resolution initiatives.
 Non-Permanent Member: As a non-permanent member, Japan can play a
bridging role, seeking common ground and fostering consensus among
Security Council members.

Specific Considerations:

 Middle East: Acknowledge Japan's strong economic ties with Israel while
expressing concern about settlements and the ongoing occupation.
Encourage Israel to take steps towards a two-state solution and address
Palestinian concerns.
 Russia-Ukraine: Condemn any violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity and
sovereignty. Support diplomatic efforts and international mediation to de-
escalate the conflict and reach a peaceful solution.
 Security Alliances: Consider Japan's alliances with the US and its position
within the Quad group. Balance these commitments with advocating for
independent analysis and seeking solutions that align with international law
and human rights.

Research and Preparation:

 Familiarize yourself with Japan's recent statements and actions on these

 Research Japan's historical role in the Middle East and its engagement with
 Understand the current dynamics of both conflicts and the positions of other
key players.

By presenting a well-informed and balanced perspective, you can effectively

represent Japan and contribute to constructive dialogue within the MUN Security
Council on these critical global issues. Remember, diplomacy and finding common
ground are key to promoting peaceful resolutions and a more stable international

I hope this helps! Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about specific
aspects of Japan's position or the broader context of the conflicts.

Japan's stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict can be

summarized as follows:
1. Support for a two-state solution: Japan supports a two-state solution
whereby Israel and a future independent Palestinian state live side by side in
peace and security
2. Humanitarian aid: Japan has provided humanitarian aid to both Israel and
Palestine during times of conflict. For example, on October 17, 2023, Japan
pledged $10 million in emergency humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza, and
on November 3, 2023, Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa met with her
Palestinian counterpart, expressing her "sincerest condolences" and
"sympathy" to victims of the hostilities in the Gaza Strip

3. Cautious balance: Japan has made efforts to stay detached by avoiding
outright support for either side, as it is deeply dependent on the Middle East
for crude oil, and the region accounts for more than 90% of Japan's oil
4. Calling for moderation: Japan has called for moderation on both sides and
to work toward a two-state solution that takes into account the international
system, especially in regard to international humanitarian law
5. Support for the Palestinian cause: Japan has historically shared closer ties to
Palestine than to Israel and has expressed support for the Palestinian cause
6.Calling out war crimes: Japan should explicitly call out war crimes for which
Israeli authorities are responsible, including cutting off water and electricity
supplies to Palestinian civilians

Japan's stance on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, particularly in a Model United Nations

(MUN) context, can be summarized as follows:
 Japan has condemned Russia's aggression towards Ukraine and has been
working closely with like-minded countries, including the G7, to respond to
the situation
 Japan has imposed sanctions on hundreds of Russian entities and individuals,
including financial measures such as asset freezes against banks and
restrictions on transactions with the Russian central bank
 Japan has supplied Kyiv with military equipment, including surveillance
drones, and provided humanitarian aid to Ukraine

 Japan has renewed its determination to exercise leadership to fully defend the
international order and has pledged "unwavering solidarity" with Ukraine
while condemning attempts anywhere to use force

 Japan has referred the situation in Ukraine to the International Criminal Court
(ICC) and has called for the truth about atrocities committed by Russian
forces to be uncovered and for Russia to be held strictly accountable for war
 Japan has provided financial support to Ukraine, including roughly 5.5 billion
U.S. dollars in financial support and 900 million dollars in humanitarian
 Japan has upgraded its bilateral relationship with Ukraine to a "special global
partnership" and has committed to providing additional 470 million dollars in
bilateral grant aid
 Japan has taken measures to reduce its reliance on Russia for energy,
including phasing out and banning Russian coal and oil imports

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