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FEBRUARY 19, 2024


ACTIVITY 2: Identify the domain to which each given course learning outcome it belongs.

Course Learning Outcomes Competency Domain Rationalization

1. Explain ICT policies and Domain 1 Since Domain 1 is about
safety issues as they impact “Understanding ICT in Education”
on the teaching-learning it is stated here about the
process compliance of the pre-service
teachers to the ICT policies that
can affect teaching and learning.
Thus, this course learning outcome
is aligned to the competency
Domain 1.

2. Integrate media and Domain 2 To integrate media and technology

technology in various content in various content areas are aligned
areas to the competency Domain 2 as in
this domain, it states that pre-
service teachers should use ICT
tools to develop 21st century skills
in various content areas such as
information media and technology
skills, learning and innovation
skills, career skills and effective
communication skills.

3. Apply learning theories Domain 3 The competency Domain 3 is about

and principles in the design “Pedagogy”. Since pedagogy is the
and development of lessons act of teaching by taking into
through appropriate media consideration of the theories and
and technologies for teaching principles of learning, and this
learning domain states that pre-service
teachers should use relevant
technology and ICT tools for
teaching, it is apparent that this
course learning outcome aligns to
the Domain 3.

4. Formulate teaching- Domain 4 This course learning outcome is

learning experiences and aligned to the competency Domain
assessment tasks using 4 as this domain states that pre-
appropriate and innovative service teachers should use
technologies. technology tools to create new
learning opportunities to support
community of learners. This
domain is clear that with those
standards, pre-service teachers can
achieve to formulate or create
teaching-learning experiences and
assessment tasks using appropriate
and innovative technologies.

5. Demonstrate social, Domain 7 The competency Domain 7 is all

ethical, and legal about “Teacher Disposition”. Since
responsibility in this course learning outcome
the use of technology tools implies that pre-service teachers
and resources can achieve to demonstrate their
social, ethical, and legal
responsibility in the use of
technology tools and resources, it
is clear that this is aligned to the
competency Domain 7.

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