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DT: NOVEMBER 25, 2023

Man in Ethics

As a multi-faceted being, man can be examined or comprehended from various

perspectives. His existence is composed of several components, each of which demands careful

consideration. A man must contemplate how he will live his life, taking into consideration his

rights and duties as a human being. He is also part of a society that is shaped by its culture, and

he has a religion that guides his beliefs and practices. Finally, he must have a destiny or a goal

that he must strive to achieve.

In the month of November, I gained a deeper understanding of the various elements that

make up a man's life. The concept of rights and duties fascinated me, as it highlighted the fact

that every individual has inherent rights from the moment of their conception until they pass

away. However, a man must also consider the rights of others while exercising his own. Duty is

another crucial aspect of a man's existence, as he must follow through on his obligations as long

as he is capable. This indicates that a man has rights and duties simply because he is a man.

Culture is another critical factor that influences a man's life. When a man is surrounded

by people who share his beliefs, values, and behaviors, he may find a sense of purpose or

belonging. Culture plays a crucial role in shaping an individual's personality and worldview.

Ethics also have a role to play in determining a man's destiny or point of reference for how he

should live his life.

Religion is a system of beliefs, laws, and practices that govern divine worship. It is

considered a duty to pay our natural debt to the One who created man. Religion gives us a sense

of connection to something beyond ourselves, and it is essential to the foundation of morality. It

provides us with a moral compass, which is necessary for establishing social order and ensuring

that we treat each other with respect and dignity. Without it, morality would be reduced to

relativism, and we would be unable to establish a set of universal ethical standards.

Ethics provide us with a sense of purpose and direction. They shape our mission and

vision, and we must use the right means to achieve them. For example, hedonism is an ethical

system that values pleasure above all else. It suggests that any action that brings us pleasure is

morally acceptable. However, this kind of ideology is becoming increasingly prevalent in our

society. The question arises: Is ethics subjective? Fortunately, I am confident in my religion and

have the right answer. Regardless of what people believe about their ethical principles, there is

an absolute truth that must be our standard of morality.

Lastly, man is in search of happiness, as Aristotle once said. He is driven to act according

to his idea of what happiness is. This may be why people are led to make erroneous ethical

choices. However, culture, society, and religion can help a man establish a preference for what

happiness means to him. These factors can assist him in exercising his free will while also

considering the well-being of those around him, indicating that he is exercising his rights while

allowing others to do the same.

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