Investigating The Influence of Organizational Communication Patterns On Employee Engagement and Performance

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Amity University Jaipur,




Dr. Ritika Sehgal Name – Prabal Parashar
Sejal Gupta
MBA- 2 sem.
Title: Investigating the Influence of Organizational Communication
Patterns on Employee Engagement and Performance

This research paper looks at the complex relationship between organizational communication
patterns, employee engagement, and organizational performance. Effective communication
within an organization is widely recognized as a critical component of success; however, the
specific mechanisms by which communication patterns influence employee engagement and,
as a result, organizational performance remain unknown. This study seeks to close this gap by
conducting a thorough examination of the nature of organizational communication patterns and
their implications for employee engagement and performance outcomes.

Meanwhile, qualitative factors provide a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms

and nuances of organizational communication dynamics. The study's findings contribute to a
more nuanced understanding of how different communication patterns, such as hierarchical,
lateral, formal, and informal channels, influence employee engagement levels. Furthermore,
the study investigates the role of employee engagement in converting communication patterns
into organizational performance outcomes like productivity, innovation, and employee
retention. This study provides valuable insights for organizational leaders and practitioners
looking to optimise their communication strategies by shedding light on the complex interplay
between communication patterns, employee engagement, and organisational performance.
Understanding the specific communication patterns that promote employee engagement and
organizational success can help guide the development of targeted interventions and initiatives
to improve workplace communication effectiveness. Finally, this study hopes to contribute to
the development of more engaged, productive, and resilient organizations in today's dynamic
and competitive business environment.

Key words: Organisational Communication, employee engagement, Internal Communication,

Employee engagement, Communication channels, Corporate Communications.

The business environment is changing rapidly; it has evolved as an important component of
the managerial process and management analysis. When all these factors are considered, good
communication is critical to the success of any industry or corporation. Communication
consumes 70-80% of working time. We are writing, reading, and listening to our coworkers
while having monotonous conversations with our managers.
The two broad categories of organizational communication strategies are external and internal
communication strategies. An organization's members working together to gather data and
information and increase employee engagement is what is meant to be meant by the term
"internal communication.". Internal communication increases organisational trust, which is
typically associated with commercial success. Management's participation in worker
communication is demonstrated by internal communications. As a result, management must
devise a strategy for company-wide communication. Communication is at the heart of any
organisation. This research is necessary because internal communication obstacles and threats
in an organisation reduce employee engagement and efficiency.

There are five main sources of internal communication:

Management: Dispense information such as strategies, company results, internal and external
information, and other important general information.
Team: Between colleagues who work together to achieve the same end goal.
Face-To-face: Briefing individuals on tasks and situations.
Peer: Informal chats between colleagues to share information.
Resources: The intranet, email, social media, messaging, video calls, telephone.

Importance of Internal Communication:

Internal communications keep employees informed.
Gives employees a transparent view of the organization.
Helps build organization’s culture.
Gets employees engaged.
Helps keep employees calm in times of crisis.
Creates another dimension to your workplace.
Creates a channel for feedback, debate, and discussion.
Employee engagement refers to the emotional commitment employees have towards their
organization and its goals, leading them to invest discretionary effort in their work. It

encompasses aspects such as job satisfaction, motivation, loyalty, and enthusiasm for their
roles. High levels of employee engagement are associated with increased productivity, lower
turnover rates, and better organizational performance (Saks, 2016). In the United States, studies
indicate a mixed trend in employee engagement over the past decade. According to Gallup's
"State of the Global Workplace" report, only 36% of U.S. workers were engaged in their jobs
in 2020, showing a slight increase from previous years but still highlighting a significant
portion of the workforce disengaged (Gallup, 2020). Factors contributing to this trend may
include issues such as job insecurity, lack of career advancement opportunities, and challenges
in work-life balance.
In the United Kingdom, employee engagement has been a focus for many organizations,
recognizing its importance in driving productivity and performance. The Chartered Institute of
Personnel and Development (CIPD) conducts regular surveys to assess employee engagement
levels across various sectors. According to their 2021 report, employee engagement levels in
the UK have been relatively stable, with around two-thirds of employees reporting feeling
engaged at work (CIPD, 2021). However, the report also highlights disparities across different
demographics and industries, indicating areas where organizations need to focus their efforts
to improve engagement.
In Japan, the concept of employee engagement is deeply intertwined with the culture of loyalty
and dedication to one's company, known as "shūshin koyō" or lifetime employment. However,
with changing economic conditions and demographic shifts, there has been a growing
recognition of the need to foster more active engagement among employees. According to a
study published in the "Journal of Human Resource Management," Japanese companies are
increasingly implementing initiatives such as employee involvement programs, training and
development opportunities, and work-life balance policies to enhance engagement levels
(Hollenbeck & Jamieson, 2019).
In Brazil, employee engagement is gaining prominence as organizations seek to improve
performance and competitiveness in a challenging economic environment. A study published
in the "Brazilian Journal of Management" explored the relationship between employee
engagement and organizational performance in Brazilian companies. The research found a
positive correlation between engagement levels and key performance indicators such as
profitability, customer satisfaction, and employee retention (Silva, Ramalho & Gomes, 2018).
This suggests that investing in strategies to enhance employee engagement can yield tangible
benefits for organizations operating in Brazil.

Communication and management scholars have identified the positive impact of employee
engagement on organizations that look for long-term business success and growth (Jiang &
Luo, 2018). Park, Lee, Lee, and Truex (2012) describe effective communication as an “ultimate
independent construct” (p. 461) that is “key to all antecedents” (Sharma & Patterson, 1999, p.
151) driving employee engagement. For the purposes of this paper, we define effective
communication through the quality of feedback, which goes beyond yearly performance
appraisals. It deals with day-to-day supervisor-employee and even co-worker-to coworker
feedback consistency and is consistent through time and situations. The timeliness and
usefulness of information received allow for a greater sense of support by the organization,
thus professing higher engagement levels (Steelman, Levy, & Snell, 2004). For the purposes
of this study, we will be focusing on the quality of feedback from the supervisor to the
employee that allows for clear communication of specific job-related information as well as
feedback of personal performance.

Internal Communication has been defined as, “the communication flow among people within
the boundaries of an organization” (Mazzei, 2010). Internal communication is an enabler of
providing support to employees and is one of the primary factors for engaging them within
organisations. Adonis (2006) recognises transparency as the key to communication, and
suggests that communication should be regular, open, and verbal to increase trust between
employees and management as well as making employees feel important and reducing the
chances of the employees not knowing what is going on in the organisation.
According to Frank and Brownell (1989), internal communication refers to “Communication
transactions between individuals and/or groups at various levels and in different areas of
specializations that are intended to design and redesign organizations, to implement designs,
and to co-ordinate day-to-day activities.”
However, internal communication can be defined as “the planned role of communication
actions to systematically influence the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours of the existing
employees” (Stauss & Hoffmann (2000) quoted in ‘Exploring Public Relations’, Tench R.,
Yeomans L.). According to Yeomans (2006) ‘Exploring Public Relations’, internal
communication can be referred to as “an organization’s managed communication system”
where employees are regarded as a public or stakeholder group.

Changing Role of Internal Communication

Internal communication is one of the most important activities in organizations (Harris &
Nelson, 2008). Primarily, relationships grow out of communication and the survival and
functioning of organizations is largely dependent on effective relationships among groups and
individuals. It helps for activity coordination, socialization, problem solving and decision-
making. (Jones et al., 2004) It acts as an enabler of trust, motivation, shared trust and
engagement, thereby catering to the hopes, emotions, accomplishments, and ambitions of
employees in the organization; thereby facilitating them to make sense of their respective
organizations and what they stand for (Harris & Nelson, 2008). In recent years, the approach
towards internal communication is transforming based on several changes taking place in the
workplace. Argenti (1998) elaborates on how the overall workplace environment is becoming
more globally competitive and interdependent on several other organizations, which is leading
to a need for more engaging and systematic internal communication. A seminal component of
the functioning of organisations is organisational communication. Communication drives

relationships and frames behaviours of people in the workplace and is a significant factor in
the effectiveness of organisations (Pettinger, 2000 and Vecchio, Hearn & Southey, 1994).

The role of internal communication is undergoing several substantial changes (Baines, Egan
and Jefkins, 2004; Keenan and Hazelton, 2006; Therkelsen and Fiebich, 2003; Yeomans,
2006). Its various ‘eras’ (Harkness, 2004) have evolved from employee entertainment (1940s),
to informing (1950s), to persuading (1960s), to supporting industrial relations (1970s) to open
communication (1980s), to employee engagement (2010) (Tourish and Hargie, 1998; Smith
and Mounter, 2005; Tench and Yeomans, 2006). One of the most significant roles of internal
communication is now becoming employee engagement, involvement and commitment to
achieve organizational business goals, which highly relies on two-way participative
communication (Stroh & Jaatinen, 2002).

Effective Internal Communication and Channels

According to Welch and Jackson (2007), several researchers claim that two-way symmetrical
communication is an ideal characteristic in organizations primarily because it “attempts to
balance the interest of the organization and its public.” Grunig also asserts that internal
communication can be regarded as effective only if “content meets employees’ need to know
rather than the managements’ need to tell” (Welch and Jackson, 2007). While several
organizations realize and understand the significance of good internal communication, they
continue finding it difficult to strike a common ground between “what gets said and what gets
done” (Horn, 1999).
Effective internal communication is highly dependent on the suitability of the messages that
are relevant and suitable to employees (Welch, 2012). The advent of Web 2.0 (a collective
term for certain applications of the Interne, the World Wide Web and social media, which focus
on interactive sharing and participatory collaboration rather than simple content delivery) is
changing the way organizations are communicating with their employees. Crescenzo (2011)
discourse various communication channels including traditional print, phone calls,
interpersonal communication including digital and face-to-face communication, and internal
social networking sites. In addition, Friedl and Vercic (2011) have included traditional
communication channels such as magazines, corporate television, intranet news, emails, and
employee meetings; and social media communication channels such as micro-blogs, podcasts,
video, and photo sharing, and instant messaging platforms. The most common and reliable
internal communication forms are written and verbal communication, including newsletters,
videos, intranet, face-to face communication, blogs, emails, internet, and social media
platforms. (Stuart & Sarow, 2007).

Role of Employee Engagement

In the year 1982, D’Aprix called for certain amendments with respect to internal
communication within organizations. According to him there existed “a lack of definition,
limited professional staffing, inadequate budgets, and near-sighted vision.” In addition to this,
D’Aprix also mentioned that employees demand more than just a pay-check from them
With reference to a series of research studies conducted by Watson Wyatt Worldwide (2008,
2009, and 2010) surfaced the fact that in organizations, engaged employees are twice as likely
to be top performers, have lower turnover rates, and are more supportive and adaptive as
compared to those employees who are less engaged. According to the study report, employees
who are highly engaged receive communication from their senior managers more frequently
than employees who are engaged less. Further a study conducted by White, Vance and Stafford
(2010) highlighted that internal communication brought in a feeling of greater responsibility
and sense of community among organization employees, encouraging them to become
advocates at a personal level, for their organization.
Organizational communication plays a pivotal role in shaping employee engagement and
performance within a company. Drawing insights from the study titled "A Study on the Various
Channels of Internal Communication and Its Impact on Employee Engagement" by Dr.
Saikumari.V (2023), several key points can be highlighted to understand the impact of
communication patterns on organizational dynamics.

Employee Engagement: Key Factors

Engagement is “the harnessing of organizational member’ selves to their work roles” (Kahn,
1990). According to Haven et al. (2007), engagement refers to the level and extent of
interaction, influence, involvement, and intimacy that an individual has with an organization
over time. Engagement also refers to an individual employee’s positive affectivity,
characterized by participation, attention, dedication, excitement, absorption, pride and vigour
involved in performing an organizational role (Saks, 2006). Though, organizations are keen on
maximizing the contribution of every individual toward specific
metrics and imperatives; however, individual employees are required to find suitable intention,
purpose, and satisfaction in their respective work. More often, employee engagement has been

defined as intellectual and emotional commitment to the organization (Baumruk, 2004;
Richman, 2006; Shaw, 2005) or the amount of unrestricted effort that is exhibited by employees
in their respective jobs in an organization (Frank et al., 2004). The existence of several various
definitions makes it challenging and difficult to determine one single explanation of employee
engagement. Additionally, unless there is a universally accepted and implemented definition
of employee engagement and its measurement, it will not be effectively managed (Ferguson,
According to Peter R. Garber (2007), nine key factors of employee engagement enabled by
effective internal communication; namely: Commitment, Attitude, Alignment,
Communication, Goals, Customer Focus, Loyalty, Involvement and Ownership. Organizations
that have identified the drivers and factors of employee engagement have been able to allocate
their resources in a strategic manner, driving successful employee engagement.

➢ Internal Communication and Employee Engagement:

Internal communication is defined as the flow of communication among individuals within
an organization, crucial for fostering employee support and maintaining engagement levels.
Effective internal communication is linked to increased trust between employees and
management, making employees feel valued and informed about organizational activities
(Dr. Saikumari.V, 2023).
➢ Channels of Internal Communication:
Various channels are utilized by organizations to communicate internally, such as face-to-
face interactions, peer discussions, email, intranet, social media, and more. These channels
serve to keep employees informed, engaged, and connected with the organization's culture.
➢ Impact of Communication Channels on Engagement:

Research indicates that the choice of communication channel significantly influences

employee engagement. Channels like email, magazines, intranet, events & programs, and
campaigns are commonly used in organizations. The effectiveness of these channels varies,
with email being rated as the most efficient mode of communication that keeps employees
engaged due to its frequency and accessibility.

➢ Barriers to Effective Communication:

Several barriers hinder effective employee communication, including information

overload, lack of credibility, choice of communication channel, language barriers, among
others. Overcoming these barriers is essential to ensure that internal communication
positively impacts overall efficiency, motivation, transparency, performance, and
engagement within the organization.

➢ Research Findings and Observations:

The study conducted by Dr. Saikumari.V (2023) involved surveying working professionals
in the IT and Corporate sector around Chennai. The results highlighted a significant
relationship between internal communication channels and employee engagement. The
research model proposed four key factors - frequency, content, quality, and channel - that
influence employee engagement.

In conclusion, understanding how organizational communication patterns affect employee

engagement and performance is crucial for enhancing organizational effectiveness. By
analysing internal communication strategies and their impact on employee engagement,
businesses can optimize their communication practices to foster a more engaged and productive

Therefore, from the findings of literature review of several cited research papers and studies,
several scholars and practitioners are identifying the role and importance of internal
communication, and stating how it has benefitted several organizations in the long run.
Although the term “employee engagement” has been gaining popularity since the last two
decades. And, various scholars and organizations are beginning to identify internal
communication as one of the primary factors that is influencing and encouraging employee
engagement and its importance. Thus, this research aims to further study the importance and
role of internal communication and reduce the existing gap between internal communication
and its impact on employee engagement in organizations.

H0: Internal communication impacts employee engagement in organisations.

H1: Internal communication does not impact employee engagement in organisations.

The study adopted a desktop research methodology. Desk research refers to secondary data or
that which can be collected without fieldwork. Desk research is basically involved in collecting
data from existing resources hence it is often considered a low cost technique as compared to
field research, as the main cost is involved in executive’s time, telephone charges and
directories. Thus, the study relied on already published studies, reports and statistics. This
secondary data was easily accessed through the online journals and library.

This study presented both a contextual and methodological gap. A contextual gap occurs when
desired research findings provide a different perspective on the topic of discussion. For
instance, Wang &Liu (2020) investigated the role of leadership communication in fostering
employee engagement in Chinese manufacturing firms. The researchers conducted a
quantitative survey of employees from various manufacturing companies, measuring their
perceptions of leadership communication practices and their level of engagement. They also
collected organizational performance data. The study found a strong positive relationship
between leadership communication effectiveness and employee engagement. Companies with
supportive and communicative leaders reported higher levels of engagement among
employees. Wang and Liu suggested that manufacturing firms invest in leadership

development programs, provide regular communication training for managers, and establish
feedback mechanisms to enhance employee engagement. On the other hand, the current study
focused on internal communication strategies and employee engagement.
Secondly, a methodological gap also presents itself, for example, Wang &Liu (2020), in their
study on the role of leadership communication in fostering employee engagement in Chinese
manufacturing firms; they conducted a quantitative survey of employees from various
manufacturing companies, measuring their perceptions of leadership communication practices
and their level of engagement. They also collected organizational performance data.

Firstly, it is evident that effective internal communication strategies play a crucial role in
fostering employee engagement. Studies have consistently shown that transparent
communication, two-way communication, leadership communication, and the use of multiple
communication channels are associated with higher levels of employee engagement.
Organizations that prioritize open dialogue, provide opportunities for feedback, and ensure
clarity and consistency in communication are more likely to have engaged and motivated
Furthermore, the findings highlight the importance of leadership communication in driving
employee engagement. Leaders who communicate openly, demonstrate empathy, and provide
direction and support to employees contribute significantly to fostering a positive work
environment and enhancing engagement levels. Leadership communication is particularly
critical in shaping organizational culture and values, which in turn influence employees'
perceptions of their role within the organization and their commitment to its goals.
However, despite the clear benefits of effective internal communication strategies, challenges
and barriers exist that hinder their implementation and impact on employee engagement. Issues
such as information overload, language barriers, cultural differences, and discrepancies in
communication effectiveness across different departments and branches have been identified
in the studies reviewed. Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach,
including training programs for managers and employees, investment in technology
infrastructure, and the establishment of clear communication protocols and feedback
Overall, the findings of this study underscore the importance of internal communication as a
strategic tool for enhancing employee engagement and driving organizational success.

By understanding the nuances of communication practices and their impact on engagement
levels, organizations can develop tailored strategies to cultivate a culture of transparency,
collaboration, and empowerment, ultimately leading to a more engaged and productive
workforce. However, it is essential for future research to delve deeper into specific
communication strategies and their effectiveness in different organizational contexts, as well
as to explore emerging trends and challenges in the ever-evolving landscape of internal
communication and employee engagement.

Firstly, it is imperative for organizations to prioritize transparency in their communication

strategies. This entails openly sharing information regarding organizational goals,
performance, and changes with employees. By fostering a culture of transparency,
organizations can build trust and credibility among employees, which is foundational to
enhancing engagement. Leaders should strive to communicate honestly and openly, addressing
both successes and challenges within the organization. Additionally, providing regular updates
and explanations for organizational decisions can help employees feel informed and included
in the decision-making process, thereby boosting their engagement levels.
Secondly, organizations should focus on promoting two-way communication channels that
facilitate dialogue and feedback between management and employees. Encouraging employees
to voice their opinions, concerns, and ideas fosters a sense of ownership and empowerment,
leading to higher levels of engagement. Implementing mechanisms such as suggestion boxes,
employee forums, and regular team meetings can provide avenues for employees to express
themselves and contribute to organizational improvement. Furthermore, managers should
actively listen to employee feedback, acknowledge their contributions, and take appropriate
action to address their concerns, demonstrating a commitment to fostering a culture of open
communication and collaboration.
Another crucial recommendation is for organizations to invest in leadership communication
development. Effective leadership communication plays a pivotal role in setting the tone for
internal communication practices and shaping employee engagement levels. Leaders should
undergo training programs to enhance their communication skills, including active listening,
empathy, and clarity in conveying messages. Furthermore, leaders should strive to
communicate the organization's vision, goals, and expectations clearly and consistently,
aligning communication efforts with employees' intrinsic motivations and psychological needs.
By serving as effective communicators and role models, leaders can inspire trust, confidence,
and commitment among employees, ultimately driving higher levels of engagement.
Moreover, organizations should leverage multiple communication channels to reach diverse
employee groups and ensure information accessibility. In today's digital age, organizations
have access to various communication platforms such as email, intranet, social media, and face-
to-face meetings. By utilizing a combination of these channels, organizations can cater to
different communication preferences and ensure that important messages reach employees in
a timely and effective manner. Furthermore, providing training and guidance on how to use
these communication tools effectively can empower employees to engage with organizational
communication efforts more actively, enhancing overall engagement levels.
Lastly, organizations should recognize and reward employee contributions to foster a culture
of appreciation and engagement. Implementing recognition programs, such as employee of the
month awards, peer-to-peer recognition systems, and performance bonuses, can motivate
employees to actively participate and contribute to organizational success. Additionally,
providing opportunities for career development, skill enhancement, and advancement can
demonstrate a commitment to employee growth and well-being, leading to increased
engagement and retention. By acknowledging and celebrating employee achievements,
organizations can cultivate a positive work environment where employees feel valued,
respected, and motivated to perform at their best.

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