Emergency Response - Clause 8.2

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Emergency preparedness and response

Section Release/Amendment summary Issue Date

All Initial issue 1.0 dd/mm/


Top Management

Note: Within this manual template, red italic text should be replaced by ENTER COMPANY NAME specific
information and any guidance in ‘text boxes’ should be implemented.




This procedure describes the processes to identify potential emergency situations and potential accidents that can have an
impact on the environment, and how COMPANY NAME responds to such events.

1 Scope

This procedure contains the following sections:

5.1 Identification of potential emergency situations and accidents

5.2 Response to emergencies and mitigation of adverse environmental impacts
5.3 Test and review of emergency preparedness and response procedures

2 Definitions and glossary

MD - Managing Director
MR - Management Representative
OM - Operations Manager
H&S - Health & Safety

3 Responsibility

The MD and MR / H and S Manager are responsible for the implementation of this procedure.

The MD and MR are responsible for identifying potential emergency situations and potential accidents and determining
those potential situations / accidents that may have a significant environmental impact. The OM and MR are responsible for
the review and periodic testing of elements of the emergency preparedness and response procedures.

The MD, OM and MR are responsible for the implementation of corrective and preventative action resulting from an
emergency situation / accident.

4 Procedure

4.1 Identification of potential emergency situations and accidents

Identification of potential emergency situations and accidents will be carried out through the Risk Assessment process for
all new contracts / introduction of new working methods. The purpose of risk assessment is to identify the significant risks
in the workplace and then control those risks at an acceptable level and to comply with the Management of Health & Safety
at Work Regulations.

Emergency Response activities include spillage / contamination control measures etc. If an emergency situation or accident
occurs in relation to enter the activities by COMPANY NAME, emergency response activities will be implemented

The identification of potential emergency situations and accidents that could have an adverse environmental impact is
supported by the Environmental Aspect and Impact Register which has identified any significant impact – this includes
those that may occur under emergency conditions.

With regard to ENTER COMPANY NAME office environmental emergencies and accidents, the risk in relation to the
activities carried out by ENTER COMPANY NAME is relatively low (office activities). The identification of potential office-
based emergency situations and accidents that could have an adverse environmental impact is also supported by the
Environmental Aspect and Impact Register.

The potential for emergency situations or accidents at near by facilities has also been assessed and recorded where
appropriate. No significant external risk that requires additional operational controls or procedures has been identified.

4.2 Response to emergencies and mitigation of adverse environmental impacts

ENTER COMPANY NAME activities that are higher risk may include:

● Fire.


In the event of a head office emergency situation, the appropriate elements of the ENTER COMPANY NAME will be followed
and overseen by the H&S representative (Emergency Controller) and the MR. This will include:

● Evacuation of building / affected areas.

● Liaison with emergency services.

● Instigation of communication plan.

● Review of environmental implications.

● Implementation of mitigation and response actions.

Post-accident evaluation will also be carried out and appropriate corrective and preventive action documented.

4.3 Test and review of emergency preparedness and response procedures

COMPANY NAME is tested through periodic (at least annual) exercises overseen by the MD / MR. Results of these
exercises are recorded and any improvement opportunities identified.

The evacuation of the office facility is also tested annually.

All office computers are appropriately backed up.

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